U.S. Department of Justice
United States Trustee Program
Generating a Trustee Final Report Generation
System (TFRGS) Form
Version 2.2
August 26, 2022
1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
2 Using TFRGS and Completing the Smart Form ..................................................2
2.1 Technical Requirements and Setup ................................................................... 2
2.2 Field Types in TFRGS Forms ............................................................................ 2
2.3 Navigation within TFRGS Forms ....................................................................... 2
2.4 Completing the Smart Form ........................................................................... 3
12790.002-D-3210 Instructions for Generating a TFRGS Form.doc
August 26, 2022
Generating a TFRGS Form
12790.002-D-3210 Instructions for Generating a TFRGS Form.doc
August 26, 2022
Pursuant to Section 602 of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of
2005 (BAPCPA), codified at 28 U.S.C. § 589b, uniform forms for final reports by trustees under
chapters 7, 12, and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code have been issued. The forms were developed
through the federal rulemaking process (73 Fed. Reg. 5843845 (Oct. 7, 2008)) and took effect
April 1, 2009.
Most private trustees have access to software that will produce these forms. To assist those that
do not, the U.S. Trustee Program (USTP) created the Trustee Final Report Generation System
(TFRGS). TFRGS is a Web site that contains fillable PDF versions of each of the seven applicable
uniform forms. Trustees can download these “smart” forms from the USTP Web site, enter data
into the data-enabled fields using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, save the files to PCs, and then file
them with the bankruptcy courts as PDF files containing embedded data.
A “smart” TFRGS uniform form is defined as a form that allows users to:
Enter data in a fillable PDF.
Add (and delete) recurring rows (a.k.a. “expandable fields”). Text and fields below the
recurring rows will shift up or down as recurring rows are deleted or added, respectively.
Save the form with the data they have entered.
To safeguard the privacy of individuals, fields containing personally identifiable information
(PII) cannot be embedded on the form that is filed with the court; nor can the data be saved to,
or stored on, the TFRGS Web site. Nevertheless, such PII information must appear on the
completed form that is filed with the court.
The TFRGS resolves this conflict by allowing the user to enter data into the report form and to
generate a file-able version of the final form, on which the PII is visible, but not embedded in the
1 Introduction
Generating a TFRGS Form
12790.002-D-3210 Instructions for Generating a TFRGS Form.doc
August 26, 2022
Technical Requirements and Setup
The following are the system requirements for completing the TFRGS forms:
Web Browser: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
(available for download from Adobe's Web site.)
Field Types in TFRGS Forms
Each of the TFRGS forms contains fillable fields. Depending on your Adobe Reader settings,
these fields may appear highlighted. Below are the different types of fields:
Field Type
Formatting Standard
Free text; up to available limit of field. Certain fields will
allow multiple lines of text.
Contains several options within a drop-down list.
Non-negative whole numbers up to available limit of field
Dollar amounts up to 10 digits, plus two decimal places.
Dates formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. Date fields also have an
associated Calendar tool, accessible by clicking the
downward arrow that appears in the active field.
Navigation within TFRGS Forms
Users may click directly in a field to begin entering data; or users may press <TAB> on their
keyboards to move forward through the fields or <SHIFT> + <TAB> to move backwards.
The tab order is set as top-down, then, left-right on the page.
2 Technical Requirements and Using Adobe Reader
Generating a TFRGS Form
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August 26, 2022
Completing the SMART Form
Use the Web Browser to navigate to
(TFRGS), click on the link for the desired form and save the file to your PC. Close the
Figure 1. TFRGS Final Reports and Instructions Page
Generating a TFRGS Form
12790.002-D-3210 Instructions for Generating a TFRGS Form.doc
August 26, 2022
Open the saved file with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
, This file contains a watermark, “Do Not File With
Figure 2. The Smart Form Displayed in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Do not use Adobe Acrobat Pro DC for this step. Using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC will result in the loss of embedded
data from the form.
Generating a TFRGS Form
12790.002-D-3210 Instructions for Generating a TFRGS Form.doc
August 26, 2022
Begin entering data into the fields. Some sections allow for multiple entries (e.g., multiple
claims by creditors). These sections have an Add button beneath the row and a Delete button
to the left of each row. Click Add to insert another row just below the previous row; click
Delete to remove the row to the right of the Delete button (one row will always remain). Save
the file at regular intervals to ensure that you do not lose your work.
Figure 3. Add and Delete Buttons for Sections that Allow Multiple Rows
Once you have entered all the data in the form, save the file again. Ensure you are
connected to the Internet. Click the <Generate PDF for Court Filing> button located
at the bottom of the form. You will be prompted to save the file.
Figure 4. Save and Generate PDF Buttons
Generating a TFRGS Form
12790.002-D-3210 Instructions for Generating a TFRGS Form.doc
August 26, 2022
Once you click the <Generate PDF for Court Filing> button and save the file, the system
will return the PDF file to you. This file will no longer have the “Do Not File With Court”
watermark. Save the file to your PC.
Figure 5. The Smart Form Displayed in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Without the Watermark
Save the file to your PC. You may also print the file. It is ready for filing with the court.
All data must be saved to your local PC (do so before generating a file-able form). Saving
the file periodically while working from your local PC ensures that you will not have to
complete the form in its entirety a second time should you wish to make further changes
after generating the form for court filing.
You must be connected to the Internet in order to generate a file-able form. You do not have
to be connected to the Internet to enter data into the form.
The file-able form generated by the system does not contain the “Do Not File With Court”
Some fields are validated for format. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC will warn you if you do
not enter the data correctly in these fields. However, you will be able to continue to the
next field, to save, and generate the files with these warnings.
Automated calculation functionality is present for some of the fields.
Due to the design of the forms, if you add enough recurring rows to require an additional
page, a page break will occur between the last recurring row and the next page of the