Version 10
By opening a Good To Go! account, you agree to the following terms and condions:
1.0 Toll Charges and Payment
1.1 Account Uses
Your Good To Go! account may be used to pay a toll either by Good To Go!
pass or P
ay By Plate where available.
1.2 Charges
Toll charges may vary based on payment opon and one or more of the
1) The number of vehicle axles detected;
2) Themeanddateoftravel;
3) The toll facility at which the charge occurred
4) Whetherthevehiclemeetsthedenionofacarpooland/or;
5) Whether the vehicle has a Good To Go! pass installed correctly.
1.3 Insucient Funds
If your account reaches a negave balance and Pay By Mail tolls are
assessed, a bill will be included on
your monthly statement, which will
be sent to the main Good To Go! account holder’s address on le. If the
toll charges remain unpaid, a Noce of Civil Penalty will be sent to the
registered owner of the vehicle. You may be charged addional fees and
penales based on the following condions:
1) IfyouchoosethePre-PaidpaymentopontofundyourGood To
will be billed at the Pay By Mail rate.
2) If you use Pay As You Go and your selected payment method
2.0 Account Information
2.1 Good S
To keep your account in good standing, you must:
1) M
2) Keep your payment method up to date;
3) Keepyourcontactinformaon,mailingaddress,email,andphone
number up to date with both Good To Go! and the Department of
Licensing,asGood To Go!isaseparateentyfromtheDepartment
of Licensing;
4) Keepyourvehicleinformaonincludingyear,make,model,license
5) Reviewyouraccountstatementandaccountinformaon
periodically to ensure everything is up to date.
2.2 Closure
You may request to close your account. Once all outstanding toll
es, fees, and/or civil penales are paid, any remaining account
balance will be refunded.
2.3 Refunds
Refunds will be made by the original method of payment when possible,
vided all outstanding toll charges, fees and/or civil penales have
been paid. Unregistered accounts are not eligible for refunds.
3.0 Payment Options
3.1 A
utomac Payment Opons
There are two payment opons for customers who wish to pay their tolls
1) Pre-Paid
Pre-pay a minimum of $30 when you open your account to cover
future tolls plus the cost of any passes you wish to purchase.
When your account balance gets low, it is automacally relled
via your preferred payment method. Or you can choose specic
days of the month to rell the account via electronic check. Please
be sure to choose a rell amount that will cover your toll usage
between payment dates to avoid Pay By Mail charges. If needed,
you may add funds manually to your account between rell dates.
2) Pay As You Go
No pre-paid balance required. Aer you drive, tolls will be charged
automacally to your credit card twice a month. Please be sure to
keep your payment method up to date in order to avoid Pay By
Mail charges.
3.2 Account Rell
The minimum amount required for auto rell is $30. Depending on your
toll usag
e, you may choose to select a higher auto pay amount. If you
arrange for auto pay, you agree to the following:
1) Payment Type
You will provide authorizaon and the necessary informaon
to establish auto pay by a credit, debit card, or electronic check
2) Payment Declined
If your nancial instuon declines your payment, your account
may be switched to manual replenishment. You may update your
payment informaon online to re-establish auto pay.
3) Chargebacks and dishonored payments
If the customer service center receives excessive nocaons of a
credit card dispute or electronic check (ACH) dispute that results
in chargebacks (the reversal of payments) or dishonored payments,
the account holder may be required to rell their account with
cered funds or cash for future transacons. If you dispute tolls
through your payment method, you are sll responsible to pay the
tolls. The only way to dispute the tolls is through the Good To Go!
dispute process as outlined in secon 4.0.
4) Non-sucientFunds(NSF)
If the bank returns a check due to insucient funds, a non-
sucient funds (NSF) fee of $30 will be charged to the account.
The account holder may be required to replenish the account with
cered funds or cash for future transacons.
3.3 Manual Account Rell
The minimum amount required for manual rell is $30. If you arrange for
manual pay
, you agree to the following:
1) Payment Type
You may use a credit or debit card, electronic check (ACH), check,
money order, or cash. Please do not send cash in the mail. The
customer service center reserves the right to refuse temporary
2) Chargebacks and dishonored payments
If the customer service center receives excessive nocaons of a
credit card dispute or electronic check (ACH) dispute that results
in chargebacks (the reversal of payments) or dishonored payments,
the account holder may be required to rell their account with
cered funds or cash for future transacons. If you dispute tolls
through your payment method, you are sll responsible to pay the
tolls. The only way to dispute the tolls is through the Good To Go!
dispute process as outlined in secon 4.0.
3) Non-sucientFunds(NSF)
If the bank returns a check due to insucient funds, a non-
sucient funds (NSF) fee of $30 will be charged to the account.
The account holder may be required to replenish the account with
cered funds or cash for future transacons.
4.0 Disputes
You may dispute tolls and fees applied to your account online at www.
my or by contacng the Good To Go! customer service center
within 60 days of the transacon date. If the toll or fee is removed or adjusted,
your account will be credited.
5.0 Good To Go! Pass Usage
You can use your acvated Good To Go! pass at any Good To Go! toll facility.
5.1 Installaon
You agree to correctly install, display, acvate and use the pass in
accordance with the package instrucons. Once the pass is installed, it
should not be removed to ensure it connues to funcon properly.
5.2 Receipts
You understand and agree that you will not receive a receipt for
individual pass transacons but ma
y see your transacons by logging in
to your account at
5.3 Replacement
If you need to replace your pass for any reason, you may be charged
a replac
ement fee. If the customer service center nds your pass
defecve, the pass may be replaced free of charge within three years
from the date of purchase. If your pass is lost or stolen, you must nofy
the customer service center immediately as you are responsible for all
charges incurred unl nocaon is received.
5.4 Motorcycle Pass
Motorcycle passes are only to be used on a motorcycle. Installaon and
use of a motorcycle pass on a vehicle other than a motorcycle will be
subject to pass deacvaon and/or a toll evasion ne as dened in RCW
6.0 Pass Returns
6.1 Passes Purchased From Good To Go!
Passes purchased directly from Good To Go! that meet the following
condions may be returned for credit within sixty (60) days of the
purchase date:
1) Passmustbereturnedinnew,unused,sellablecondion
2) Pass must not have been used at a toll facility
3) FlexPassesmustbereturnedwiththeholderandduallock
4) License Plate Passes must be returned in the original box including
hex wrench and screws.
6.2 Passes Purchased From Retailer
Passes purchased directly from a retailer may not be returned to Good
To Go! for credit and must be returned to the retailer in accordance with
their return policy.
7.0 Discounts and Exemptions
To receive toll discounts or exempons for a toll facility, your account
must be in good standing and you must meet the requirements as set by
the Washington State Transportaon Commission. You must also install a
designated pass for the discount or exempon (i.e. must have a Flex Pass
to receive a carpool exempon). Current exempon policies are available at
8.0 Pay By Plate
If you do not have a pass, or if your pass is not detected, our photo toll system
will capture images of your vehicle’s license plate. If the license plate number is
listed on your account, the transacon will be processed as Pay By Plate with
the appropriate toll deducted from your account. A nominal Pay By Plate fee of
25 cents will be assessed for each Pay By Plate toll transacon.
9.0 Termination
This Agreement may be terminated by WSDOT at any me and for any reason,
including, but not limited to account inacvity of 24 or more consecuve
months or a negave account balance. If your account is so terminated
any negave balance and/or outstanding tolls and fees must be paid in
full immediately or may be subject to penalty, collecon, procedures and
legal acon by the state of Washington. Addionally, If your account is so
terminated, the customer service center will refund any amount in your
account remaining aer tolls, costs, and fees have been paid, without interest.
No refunds will be provided for unregistered accounts.
10.0 Privacy Policy
10.1 Amendments
The Good To Go! privacy policy is subject to the requirements of state
and federal law and may be amended at any me in accordance with
applicable statutory requirements. Noce of any change to this Privacy
Policy will be available via email, on your account statement and/or at
the walk-in Customer Service Centers. Noces will also be posted on
10.2 Release of Informaon
Informaon collected by the customer service center related to your
account will not be released except under the following circumstances:
1) At your request as the individual account holder with proper
2) Asnecessarytocollectunpaidtolls,feesandpenales.
3) To law enforcement agencies for other purposes only if the
request is accompanied by a court order.
4) As otherwise required by law.
11.0 Administrative Fees
n administrave fee may be applied under the following circumstances:
11.1 Monthly Account Statement
Paper copies of your monthly statement can be mailed to you. There
is a prinng and postage charge of 50 cents per page for this service
(minimum charge of $1.50 per statement). Monthly Statements are also
available online or by email at no cost.
11.2 Statement Reprinng Fee
Paper Statements are also available at Good To Go! customer service
centers. There is a reprinng fee of 50 cents per page (minimum charge
of $1.50)
11.3 Pay By Plate
A Pay By Plate fee of 25 cents per transacon will be assessed for Pay
By Plate transacons and debited from your Good To Go! account.
11.4 Late Fee
A $5 fee will be assessed per statement if any toll transacons remain
unpaid by the due date.
11.5 Civil Penalty Fee
Any toll transacon that has not been paid within 80 days of the toll
transacon date becomes eligible for civil penalty fee. The civil penalty
fee is $40 per toll transacon.
11.6 Account Closure
If your account is inacve for 24 or more consecuve months and
WSDOT has terminated this Agreement as provided in Secon 9 herein,
a $5 fee may be charged and any remaining funds aer the account has
been closed will be refunded without interest.
11.7 Subject to Change
Fees are subject to change. Current fees and noce of fee changes will
be posted at the customer service centers, on your account statement,
and at
12.0 Amendments
The customer service center may periodically make changes or amendments
to the terms and condions of the Agreement. The Customer Service Center
may periodically make changes or amendments to the terms and condions of
the Agreement. Changes or amendments to the terms and condions will be
provided to you by email to the email address listed on your account, if any,
with your account statement, by posng at,
and by posng at the Customer Service Center.
13.0 Liability
Neither WSDOT nor the customer service center shall have any obligaon or
liability to the customer with respect to use or performance of the Good To Go!
pass or account.
Title VI Noce to Public It is the Washington State Department of Transportaon’s (WSDOT) policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or naonal origin, as provided by Title VI
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from parcipaon in, be denied the benets of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and acvies. Any person who
believes his/her Title VI protecon has been violated, may le a complaint with WSDOT’s Oce of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For addional informaon regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or
informaon regarding our non-discriminaon obligaons, please contact OEO’s Title VI Coordinator at (360) 705-7082.
Americans with Disabilies Act (ADA) Informaon This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing the WSDOT Diversity/ADA Aairs team at or by calling
toll free, 855-362-4ADA (4232). Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may make a request by calling the Washington State Relay at 711.