Cookies 101
A guide to the 2023 Girl Scout Cookie Program
for leaders and volunteers.
Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana
5000 E. Virginia St, Ste 2
Evansville, IN 47715
(812) 421-4970
Table of Contents
What’s New At-a-Glance......................................2
Meet the Cookies....................................................3
Cookie Resources....................................................4
Cookie Volunteer Job Description........................5
Prepare for the Cookie Program............................5
Family Cookie Meeting.......................................6-7
Smart Cookies.....................................................8-9
Entering Initial Orders........................................8
Entering Money Deposits...................................9
Cookie Delivery to Troop & Girls.........................10
Friday Cookies.......................................................11
Cookie Cupboards.................................................11
Cookie Booth Sales..........................................12-15
Recognitions and Cookie Dough.....................15-16
Banking Procedures..............................................17
Troop Proceeds.....................................................18
Troop Status Bonus..............................................18
Delinquent Accounts............................................19
Troop Final Reports ............................................19
Recognition Distribution......................................20
Reect and Celebrate..........................................20
My Council Ofce
Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana (GSSI)
5000 E. Virginia Street, Suite 2
Evansville, IN 47715
(812) 421-4970
GSSI Cookie Email
Smart Cookies
(Support available 24/7)
Direct Ship Questions:
Smart Cookies Questions:
Phone: 1-800-853-3730
Service Unit Cookie Chair (SUCC)
Name: _______________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Email: _______________________________
To our volunteers:
As a cookie volunteer, we know you work hard and
give so much during Girl Scout Cookie season to
ensure girls’ success. We genuinely appreciate your
lead-taking, logistics-crushing, mountain-moving,
make-it-happen-no-matter-what spirit. We know
we can’t do this without you.
When you support girls as they run their cookie
businesses (through the largest entrepreneurial
program for girls in the world!), you play a pivotal
role in powering unique experiences for them all
year. You’re also enabling them to learn essential
life skills that will set them up for a lifetime of
leadership, success, and adventure. The cookie
program would not be as effective as it is without
your undying passion, dedication, and hard work.
So when you feel tired, a little overwhelmed, or
even ready to quit, please know that we see you and
appreciate you; what you’re doing for the girls in our
community is meaningful and long-lasting. Mentors
like you make sure your girls’ pioneering spirit
continues to shine bright—not just during cookie
season but all year!
Welcome to the 2023 Girl Scout Cookie Program!
Thank you!
Two Online Exclusive Cookies
Introducing Raspberry Rally! This thin, crispy cookie is a “sister”
cookie to the beloved Thin Mint. Infused with raspberry avor
instead of mint and dipped in the same delicious chocolaty coating,
this cookie is sure to please. GSSI will also have the Caramel
Chocolate Chip Gluten Free cookie available for the 2023 season.
These two cookies will be ordered through the girls’ direct ship link
only. The online-only option will allow girls new opportunities to
enhance their entrepreneurial and e-commerce sales skills. These
two cookies are not on the order form and not available from the troop or cupboard. Note: Troops
MAY NOT order Raspberry Rally or Caramel Chocolate Chip cookies to resell to customers in
Same Cookie, New Name!
The classic favorite Shortbread has the same tasty recipe as before but is now known by a name
that matches its iconic shape, the Trefoil.
Higher Recognition Changes
Girls who reach the 750 package level and above will have choices for their recognitions. See page 16
for information on higher recognitions.
Program Highlights
Up to 50% Off Shipping for Orders of 9 or More Packages
Shipping is charged on all online direct ship orders, but GSSI will pay up to 50% of the shipping cost
for direct ship orders starting at 9+ packages.
Direct Ship Online Order Recognitions
Direct ship online sales soared last year, and we encourage all girls to participate in online sales
as another way to reach their goals! Girls who have online direct ship sales of 18-99 packages will
earn the Cookie Techie Patch; for 100-149 packages, girls will earn the dolphin clip plush, and girls
who sell 150+ packages will earn the sport bag. These recognitions are for orders placed online and
directly shipped to the customer. All online direct ship cookie purchases count toward the girls
total orders. Online orders placed by January 11 will count toward the pre-sale totals and early
recognitions. Note: Girls must register for a Smart Cookies account to sell online.
What’s New At-a-Glance
Meet The Cookies
Girl Scout Cookie Varieties 101
GSUSA partners with two different bakers to produce Girl Scout cookies; ABC Bakers and Little
Brownie Bakers (LBB). GSSI’s baker is ABC. The bakers’ recipes and ingredients may differ slightly
and some of the cookies have different names. As customers inquire about cookies, they may use
the other baker’s cookie names. Below is a guide of each baker’s cookies.
Cookies Available from Both Bakers
Girl Scout S’mores®
Gluten Free
ABC Bakers Exclusive Cookies
Little Brownie Bakers Exclusive Cookies
Peanut Butter Patties®
LBB: Tagalongs®
Thin Mint
LBB: Thin Mints®
Caramel deLites®
LBB: Samoas®
Peanut Butter Sandwich
LBB: Do-si-dos®
Adventurefuls™ Raspberry Rally™
Online Only
Toast-Yay!™ Lemonades®
Caramel Chocolate Chip
Gluten Free • Online Only
Cookie Resources
Each of the documents listed below are available on our website at under
Cookies->For Cookie Volunteers.
Cookie Permission & Responsibility Agreement: Must be signed by legal guardian of each girl
member participating. Note: If a girl has a split family, the form must be signed by a guardian
from each side if both households are going to participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Forms are due to GSSI by December 1. Forms may be scanned and emailed to Please keep the original copy for your les.
Mini Cookie Order Card: A printable version of the order card. Hard copies are included in
troop packet and additional forms are available from your SUCC and the council ofce.
T1 Troop Worksheet: Optional, may use to prep for Smart Cookies entry.
T5 Troop Rewards Worksheet: Optional, but may be required by your SUCC. Allows you to
gather individual girl recognition information.
C1 Council Owes Troop Form: Used by SUCC for troops that overpaid council.
D1 Delinquent Girl Cookie Account Form: Final Troop Report if applicable: Used by Troop if girl
is missing funds at the end of the program.
D2 Delinquent Troop Account Form: Used by SUCC for troops missing funds at the end of the
2023 Cookie Program At-a-Glance
Opt Out Form (for Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Troops ONLY)
Safety Activity Checkpoints (See pages 92-95, Cookie and Product Sales)
Raspberry Rally FAQ
GSSI Cookie Training
All Troop Cookie Volunteers must attend their service unit’s cookie training. Cookie training
documents and videos are available on GSSIs website under Cookies>For Cookie Volunteers.
Volunteer Essentials: Girl Scout Product Programs
The Girl Scout Product Programs section of GSUSAs Volunteer Essentials is another resource for the
Girl Scout Cookie program including the Five Essential Skills, cookie history, and best practices.
ABC Smart Cookies Training Resources
ABC Bakers offers a variety of Smart Cookies training videos for girls/families and
volunteers under the Safety & Training tab on the Smart Cookies homepage. A list of
training videos is also available on the GSSI website under
Cookies->For Cookie Volunteers-> Training Videos & Links.
GSSIs For Cookie Volunteers Webpage
Volunteer Essentials Product Program
The Troop Cookie Volunteer organizes and carries out the troops product sales. This volunteer will assist
with individual and troop goal setting, product ordering, pick-up and delivery, and the collecting monies to
submit to Council for payment. The Troop Cookie Volunteer reports to the Service Unit Cookie Chair (SUCC).
Registered and approved volunteer.
No outstanding debt to the council and approved to handle money.
Prior to receiving program materials, completes paperwork and training for the position.
Functioning email address, checked frequently.
Computer access to Smart Cookies.
Organized and attentive to deadlines.
What you’ll do:
Attend service unit training, review printed guide (Cookies 101), and use Smart Cookies to stay up-to-date
on program requirements and deadlines.
Present the opportunity to participate in the 2023 Girl Scout Cookie Program to all eligible girls.
Train families and girls on the cookie program and provide support to them as needed.
Collect completed and signed permission slips from all participating girls and turn them into Council
before distributing program materials.
Use Smart Cookies to manage girl orders and recognitions, schedule cookie booths, and track girl
payments and troop sales.
Submit troop initial cookie order, recognitions order, and choose delivery location and time in Smart
Manage the pick-up, storage, and distribution of troops cookie delivery.
Distribute cookies and recognitions to girls promptly.
Allocate cookies and submit annual recognitions order in Smart Cookies.
Keep and maintain accurate program records for the troop.
Financial Responsibility:
As the Troop Cookie Volunteer, you agree that all product and girl recognitions received during the cookie
program are your responsibility. You accept personally liability for all monies, products and girl recognitions
received by you or on your behalf, whether or not said monies, products and girl recogntions are lost or
stolen. You understand that if you cannot meet the above requirements, you will not be asked to return in
this volunteer capacity.
Cookie Program Preparation Checklist
Attend your service unit cookie training.
Watch ABC Smart Cookies videos as needed throughout the course of the sale.
Meet with SUCC to receive troop cookie materials and sample cookies. Supplies are typically distributed
at a monthly service unit meeting.
Set the dates you want initial orders and money turned into you and add those to each girls’ paperwork.
(Initial orders are due to troop by January 11 and money is due by March 8.)
Make sure all girls are registered members and have a Cookie Permission Form on le at the council.
Designate a spot for troop cookies to be delivered, sorted, and distributed from, plus store any cookie
booth product.
Set a troop cookie goal and decide what activities you will do with the proceeds.
Have each girl set an individual cookie goal and remind the girls about early recognitions and online
direct ship recognitions.
Hold a Family Cookie Meeting.
Troop Cookie Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities
What is a Family Cookie Meeting?
New and returning troops are encouraged to have a family meeting about the Girl Scout Cookie
Program before the program begins on Monday, December 5. Families who understand the program
can give it full support and help their girls succeed. As the Troop Cookie Volunteer, you are crucial
role in communicating the programs value and engaging the families. We recommend girls attend
the family meeting to share their thoughts and input.
Why hold a Family Cookie Meeting?
At your family meeting, sharing the benets of their girl
participating in the cookie program is essential.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program supports all girls in Girl Scouts
of Southwest Indianas council. It makes it possible to provide
girl programs, low-cost council events, training, resources,
and volunteer support.
The cookie program powers new and valuable experiences for
girls and teaches them these ve essential leadership skills:
1. Goal Setting: Girls set sales goals and make a plan to
reach them.
2. Decision Making: Girls decide how their troop will
spend program proceeds.
3. Money Management: Girls learn to run their own cookie
business by taking orders, handling money, and creating
4. People Skills: Every new customer a girl meets is an
opportunity to gain experience working with all kinds of people.
5. Business Ethics: Girls are encouraged to be responsible and honest at every step of their
cookie journey.
Target Outcomes of
a Family Meeting
Girls and families
understand the importance
of the Cookie Program.
They understand all the
program procedures.
You secure needed
You have your troop and
individual goals set.
You have completed
paperwork from all families,
and they have their cookie
program packet.
Family Cookie Meeting Information
Family Cookie Meeting Outline
The following is a guide for topics to cover during your meeting.
Introduce yourself and any other volunteers helping with the cookie program. Share contact
information and hours of availability.
Pass out paperwork to each family; each packet should
2023 Cookie Program At-a-Glance
Order Card
Recognition Sheet
Money Envelope
Cookie program start and end dates (December 5, 2022–March 5, 2023)
Cookie program due dates (Initial orders due by January 11, money due by March 8)
The Five Essential Leadership Skills achieved through the cookie program
Smart Cookies website (
Opt Out Option: Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops can choose to opt out of
receiving recognitions and Cookie Dough in order to earn additional troop proceeds. This
includes early recognitions. The girls WILL still receive any earned patches and if they reach the
500 packages level, they will earn their 2024 GSUSA membership. Graduating Seniors will earn
$25.00 towards their Lifetime Membership upon request. In order to qualify, the entire troop
must agree to opt out of the cookie recognition program and agree to receive additional troop
proceeds. Opt out forms must be submitted to GSSI by January 11.
Discuss the troop goals and individual girl goals.
COOKIE SELLING (Reference 2023 Cookie Program At-a-Glance)
How to use the order card, initial order dates, and early recognitions.
Remind families that girls continue selling even after their initial order is turned in to reach
higher goals.
Booth sales—when, where, and how families can help.
Online selling through Smart Cookies including:
How to register.
How to send eCards.
How to create your girls own marketing video.
Remind parents/guardians to include any online girl delivery orders on the order card!
Discuss the following up front so there are no surprises later.
Be clear when the money is due to the troop.
What payment will be accepted (credit/debit cards through Smart Cookies, checks written out
to GSSI, cash).
Discuss how you will distribute the cookies to each family and if you need help picking up or
sorting the orders.
Remind the group that money earned is troop money, not an individual girls money.
When picking up or paying for cookies, the Troop Cookie Volunteer must provide a receipt.
Families are responsible for counting their inventory before receiving it.
Cookies cannot be returned once they are signed for.
Any girls with outstanding funds as of March 18 will be turned into the council for collections.
Girl recognitions will be withheld until payment is received in full.
Store your cookies in a safe spot – you are still responsible for them even if they become
Family Cookie Meeting Information
Smart Cookies is a digital platform that allows girls, councils, and volunteers to seamlessly manage
every aspect of the cookie business from a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Sign in daily to monitor
progress, connect with the community, and nd helpful resources to support success.
GSSI will begin to upload girl members into Smart Cookies in November. Please check Smart
Cookies to ensure your entire troop is uploaded before the program begins on Monday, December 5.
NOTE: If a registered girl joins your troop after December 5, contact your SUCC, and they will see
that she gets added to your Smart Cookies Roster. Remember, only girls who are registered Girl
Scout members and have a Cookie Permission on le can be uploaded into Smart Cookies.
To get started in Smart Cookies, look for an email invitation from
and complete your registration for the troop account. Your username will be your email address,
and you may pick a password of your choice. Volunteers should access the website when using
Smart Cookies. The app is designed for girls to use. Volunteers will not be able to access all of
their options using the app. NOTE: Girl Smart Cookies accounts CANNOT use an email for their
Date Reminders: Initial pre-sale ends January 11, and initial orders are due to the troop on that
date. ALL initial orders and early recognitions should be uploaded into Smart Cookies no later than
January 14. NOTE: Girls’ shirt sizes are needed for recognitions; please be sure to enter them into
Smart Cookies. Smart Cookies will calculate early recognitions for you.
To enter initial orders:
1. Log into your Smart Cookies account at
2. Once on the main dashboard, hover your mouse over the ORDERS tab, and click TROOP INITIAL
3. Click on the GIRL icon on the far left next to each girl’s name or click the down arrow on the far
right, and each girls variety grid will appear.
4. Enter the total number of packages by variety ordered for each girl. Repeat this step for each
girl until all girl orders have been entered.
5. NOTE: Smart Cookies rounds up initial orders to case quantities. The EXTRA packages at the
bottom of the order grid are the packages automatically added to round up to the nearest case.
Extra cookies can be used at cookie booths or as extras for the girls to get from the troop during
the cookie program.
6. Booth Orders: You can enter your booth cookies on your initial order to ensure varieties
and totals. This is optional but helpful if you have a cookie booth the rst week cookies
are delivered. You will enter these cookies at the bottom of the initial order under BOOTH.
Remember, EXTRA cookies can be part of your booth cookies. After the last girls order, you
may enter your additional cookie booth order.
7. The total of the troops initial order is shown in dollar amount, in total packages, and in total
case quantity at the bottom of the initial order page.
8. Click the SAVE box to save your order.
9. Select the delivery station and click SAVE to complete the initial order process.
Continued next page
Smart Cookies
Entering Initial Orders, continued
10. IMPORTANT NOTE: You can edit any part of the order until the troop order due date,
January 14. The date is listed in red at the top of the initial order screen.
11. When your order is complete, you slide the READY FOR REVIEW button to the right. This will
alert your SUCC that your order is complete and ready for processing. IMPORTANT: Once you
place your order in “review status,” you cannot edit your order.
Any girl who sells 210+ packages by January 11 will earn the small dolphin plush. These will be
delivered with cookies in February. Smart Cookies will automatically include the early recognition if
a girl earns it.
Troop Cookie Volunteers can utilize the Smart Booth Divider in Smart Cookies to automatically
allocate cookie sales to each girl who participated in a booth sale. It can even allocate cookies based
on hour(s) worked.
The Financial Transactions Page will show all nancial transactions associated with a troop. All
deposits need to be entered into Smart Cookies.
1. Go to the main dashboard, click the FINANCES tab, and then FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS.
2. There are two ledger tabs listed at the top that the volunteer can use to document the nances
received, one for Troop Transactions and one for Girl Transactions.
3. The troop transactions are documented on the Troop Dashboard. The Financial Summary
section has the total troop deposits listed. When entering your troop deposit into the Council
account, select TROOP BANK DEPOSIT under type.
4. The girl transactions are documented on the Troop Dashboard. Leaders can view girls’ accounts
individually by scrolling down to the SOLD BY COOKIES section. There are 3 dots on the far
right side for each girl. Click VIEW GIRL and the individual girls information will appear. When
entering a girl payment to the troop, select PAYMENT under type.
Smart Cookies, Continued
Entering Initial Orders
Allocating Booth Cookies
Once you’ve picked up your troops initial cookie order, you must take it to a dry, safe, and
sanitary location. Sort each girls order according to her original order card. (If you kept the order
cards, ensure you return them to the girl during pickup.) Once sorted, you will need to schedule
convenient pickup times for your troop families.
During Cookie Pickup:
Ask the adult picking up to count the cookie order with you and verify it is correct.
Complete a receipt that details the varieties and quantity of cookies.
Each designated adult must sign the receipt when picking up the girls order. Retain the white
copy for your le and give the person picking up the order the yellow copy.
If the girl has additional cookies to pick up from orders taken AFTER she turned in her initial
order, don’t include these in the initial order count. Do her initial order count rst and have the
adult sign for the initial order.
If there are additional cookies to be picked up from the troops extra/booth cookies, count these
cookies afterward and make a separate receipt for them. Have the parent sign the receipt for
the additional cookies.
Give each family a money envelope with the date money must be submitted to the troop. If
girls’ order forms were collected, return their forms to them at this time.
Girls will receive their Early Recognition with their initial order
Remind the family of upcoming date expectations and any upcoming booth sale opportunities.
Cookies are delivered to the designated locations the week of
February 6–10.
This delivery will include the following:
Cookies from your initial order (if you have booth cookies
in your initial order, these will be included in the delivery as
Bank Deposit Slips
Receipt Books
Early Recognitions
Your SUCC will alert you of your cookie delivery location and times available for pickup. Before
pickup, ensure you have a dry, safe, and sanitary place to drop off and sort your troops cookie
orders. Consider what kind of vehicle(s) you may need to pick up your order; the ENTIRE ORDER
must be picked up during your designated time slot.
NOTE: Children are not permitted on/at the cookie loading dock for safety purposes. Children
must stay in the car while cookie loading is taking place. If bringing a trailer, it must be covered to
ensure the product is kept secure and dry.
Cookie Delivery
Estimated Number of Cases Vehicles Can Hold:
•Sedan: 30 •Minivan: 60 •SUV: 60 •Full-Size Van w/o seats: 200
Friday Cookies is a GSSI program that allows troops to check out additional cookies for booth sales
with the benet of returning them if unsold. Friday Cookie Orders may be returned only in full,
unopened cases. FRIDAY COOKIES DATES FOR 2023 ARE FEBRUARY 10, 17, & 24.
How to Order Friday Cookies:
You may order online or call the council ofce at (812) 421-4970. Orders must be in by 4:00 PM
CST on the Wednesday before the Friday date of choice.
Friday cookie orders are limited to a total of 40 cases. If you need more than 40 cases, contact
the Product Sales department at or (812) 421-4970.
When ordering, you must provide a pick up time between 8:00 AM–4:00 PM CST. Pickup times
are every 15 minutes.
How to Pick Up Friday Cookies:
Friday Cookie orders may only be picked up on the designated Friday at your appointed time.
NOTE: Pickup location is Shetler Moving and Storage, 1253 Diamond Ave, Evansville, IN
How to Return Unsold Friday Cookies:
Cookies must be in unopened, full cases and must be in the same condition and variety that
you checked out originally. (Cookies from initial troop order cannot be returned.)
Friday, February 10 cookies must be returned to the council ofce on Monday, February 13, by
5:30 PM CST.
Friday, February 17 cookies must be returned to the council ofce on Monday, February 20, by
5:30 PM CST.
Friday, February 24 cookies must be returned to the council ofce on Monday, February 27, by
5:30 PM CST.
NOTE: Return location is the council ofce at 5000 E Virginia St, Ste 2, Evansville, IN 47715.
GSSI provides cookie cupboards in Vanderburgh,
Daviess, Dubois, Knox, and Perry counties from
February 6–March 5. Cookie cupboards provide
additional cookies to troops for booth sales and/or
additional customer orders.
Cookie Cupboard Information:
Most varieties will be available at the cookie
cupboards for about two weeks after the initial
delivery. After that, certain varieties may be
Contact the cupboard before pickup to conrm
varieties and reserve your cookies.
Orders placed with the cookie cupboard must be picked up within 24 hours of the call.
Once cookies leave the cupboard, they cannot be returned or exchanged without prior approval
from the Product Sales Director.
Select your cookie cupboard for a link to complete information: Council Ofce, Daviess, Dubois,
Knox, Perry.
Cookie Delivery, continued
Council Cookie Cupboard:
GSSI Council Ofce
5000 E. Virginia Street, Suite 2
Evansville, IN 47715
(812) 421-4970
Hours of Operation: (all times CST)
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM–5:30 PM
Fridays: 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Saturdays February 11, 18, and 25:
9:00 AM12:00 PM
A cookie booth is a direct sale where your troop partners with a local business on a set day and time
to sell cookies to customers visiting the business. Cookie booths are an excellent way for a troop to
reach higher goals. Only troops conduct cookie booths, not individual girls and their families.
How to Plan for a Cookie Booth Sale:
Work with your troop to set a goal and plan what you’d like to do with the cookie proceeds.
Cookie booths can help your troop reach that goal.
Booth cookies can be ordered with the troops initial order in Smart Cookies under Extra or
Booth cookies. You can also call a cookie cupboard to reserve and pick up cookies for a booth.
Friday Cookies are another option to obtain booth cookies.
Determine dates, times, and locations that work best for your troop.
The council obtains, organizes, and schedules some booth locations, including Evansville and
Newburgh Walmarts, Sams Club, East Evansville Lowes, Eastland Mall, Schnucks, and Wesselman
Park. These council sponsored cookie booth sale times and locations will be awarded to troops via
a cookie booth lottery on Smart Cookies. There will be an allotted time frame to sign up for GSSIs
Booth Lotteries. There will be a cap on the number of booths reserved for each troop during the
lottery process.
How to Register for GSSIs Cookie Booth Lottery in Smart Cookies
1. Login to Smart Cookies.
2. The council pre-populates the time frame for when Booth Lottery requests. When the lottery
begins, select the desired location. Purple locations are available for the lottery.
3. Once a location is selected, click on the desired month and date. Repeat the same steps for all
desired locations. There is a maximum number of lottery selections that will be saved.
4. My Reservations will show all lottery requests. If you receive a booth assignment, notications
will be sent from Smart Cookies to the troops contact email address conrming the booth
assignment after the lottery has been completed. If a troop does not receive a booth
assignment, the lottery request will fall off My Reservations.
5. Smart Cookies will automatically show your lottery booth reservation on My Reservations.
6. If the lottery is not completely booked during the available time frame, the open slots become
rst come, rst served for all interested troops. There will be a cap on the number of booths a
troop may reserve.
7. Smart Cookies will automatically show your rst come, rst served booth reservations on “My
Reservations.” You do not need to enter lottery booths into Smart Cookies manually.
Cookie Booths
Cookie Booth Lottery
First Come, First Served Cookie Booths
Businesses not on the council sponsored booth list can be contacted by troops directly. Troops will
need to receive permission and conrm the date and time of their cookie booth with the business.
Consider grocery stores, salons, banks, tness clubs, retail stores, gas stations, churches, sporting
events, specialty stores, etc. NOTE: Cookie booths may not be set up in front of locations/
businesses that girls cannot legally enter/patronize. (Examples: liquor stores, bars, etc.)
All troop secured booth information must be entered into Smart Cookies for council approval.
Entering your booth into Smart Cookies allows your troop to utilize the credit card platform ABC
provides. It also will add your booth to the online Girl Scout Cookie Finder, a website and app that
enables customers to search for cookie sales near a specied location.
How to enter troop secured booth into Smart Cookies:
1. Click on the BOOTH tab and select TROOP SECURED BOOTHS.
2. Complete the booth information (required elds are marked with a red asterisk) and click save.
3. Select Request Appointment Time, choose your booths date and start/end times, and click
save. For multiple times, repeat these steps. This completes your request.
4. To check the status of your request: Click BOOTHS and select MY RESERVATIONS. Booth will
show pending status until the council approves. You will receive an email from Smart Cookies
once your booth is approved or denied. If not approved, the Product Sales Director will contact
More Information about Troop Secured Booths
Some businesses require proof of insurance. Contact or (812) 421-
4970 to request this information; please allow two (2) weeks for request processing.
NOTE: Do not call radio/TV stations or newspapers regarding your booths. GSSIs media team
submits press releases and schedules media appearances on multiple news outlets across the
council area throughout the cookie program.
Cookie Booth Safety Guidelines & Procedures
Ensure that all booth volunteers have reviewed the following safety guidelines before your booth
Ensure you have an updated troop roster on-site and off-site with emergency contacts.
There should be 2–4 girls and at least 2 adults present at a booth sale at all times. All girls and
at least one adult present must be registered for the 2022-2023 Girl Scout year to participate in
Girl Scout booth sales.
Never leave girls alone at a booth. There should ALWAYS be two adults present and engaged.
Locate and show the girls where the approved restrooms are in the facility. Some locations do
not have or do not allow public use of the restroom. Do not ask for exceptions.
Girls should always use the buddy system when leaving the booth during the sale.
Cookie Booths, continued
How to Share Your Booth on Social Media Using Smart Cookies
Cookie Booth Safety Guidelines & Procedures, continued
Only registered Girl Scouts and volunteers may be at the booth. No family, friends, or pets,
Only sell Girl Scout Cookies at cookie booths, do not bring any other items for sale.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere near a cookie booth.
If someone takes money or cookies, DO NOT attempt to physically retrieve the stolen items, and
DO NOT allow the girls to do so. Instead, get a good description of the offender(s), call 911, and
alert store security (if available). Make sure the girls know what to do in the case of theft. Keep
the girls in a safe location until parents/guardians pick them up.
In the case of an incident where you or your girls feel threatened or money/product is stolen,
call 911 immediately and then call the GSSI emergency number at (812) 484-6806. An Incident
Report must also be completed and submitted to the council ofce. Incident Reports are found
under the Resources tab at
Adults should not engage in debate if approached by an individual challenging the Cookie
Program or Girl Scouting in general. Refer the individual to GSSI’s Answering Difcult Questions
Sheet or ask them to contact the council ofce to discuss the matter further at (812) 421-4970
Girl Scouts should always behave in a manner appropriate to a public place. Adults are
responsible for their actions and the actions of the girls. Failure to do so may jeopardize the
troops ability to participate in future booth sales. Location managers have the right to ask
anyone participating in a booth sale to leave. Troops are to leave without comment if asked to
do so. Adults should immediately report the incident to their SUCC, who will contact GSSIs
Product Sales department.
Before the booth date, assign shifts and duties to girls and volunteers.
For larger troops, schedule girls to participate for shorter periods so that every girl has the
opportunity to participate.
If accepting credit cards, ensure that girls and volunteers have completed the Smart Cookies
Credit Card training and that a computer or mobile device with an internet connection is
Arrive no more than 10 minutes before your shift. If a troop is scheduled before you, they are
allowed to sell until the end of their time slot. Please do not begin selling before your time slot.
Bring cookies of all varieties and count your cookie inventory before the sale begins.
Girls should wear Girl Scout clothing or uniform to identify them as Girl Scouts.
Bring a cash box with one, ve, and ten dollar bills. Be mindful of the money box. Girls should
be encouraged to accept payments and make change, but an adult should carefully watch all
nancial transactions.
Be polite when asking customers to buy cookies—you represent the Girl Scout movement.
If a booth runs for an extended period or sees a high sales volume, GSSI recommends periodic
cash pick-ups by an off-site registered adult or troop leader to detour theft.
Thank the business before you leave. Girls can even send a thank you card to the business.
Be sure to clean up the area when you are nished. Do not leave cardboard cases or trash.
If two troops show up at the same location, please work it out as Girl Scout sisters. Do not
involve store management.
Cookie Booths, continued
Check out cookie costumes for girls to wear during the sale! Reserve costumes with the council
ofce by emailing or calling (812) 421-4970.
Work with girls to write and practice their cookie pitch so they are comfortable with
approaching customers and speaking to them about cookies.
Participate in the Bling Your Booth contest!
Cookie Booths
Give customers a convenient way to get their cookies by setting up in parking lots and offering a
drive thru service.
Work with local businesses to secure a safe location and collaborate on advertising your drive
thru, including on social media.
Share your drive thru location with your community and invite individuals to visit your drive
up location.
NOTE: Your Cookie Drive Thru should follow the same rules and expectations of a traditional
cookie booth.
Attract more customers
by creating a fun and eye-
catching cookie display! We
encourage girls to use their
imagination and creativity
to make their booths
unique with our Bling Your
Booth Contest. Troops enter
by submitting pictures
of their booth creation
which will be posted on
the GSSI Facebook page
with a voting link. Dates &
details for submissions will
be shared in January on
Facebook and in the On My
Honor e-newsletter.
Recognitions & Cookie Dough
Recognitions are items that girls can earn when they participate in the Cookie Program. Girls start
earning recognitions at 18 packages. Recognitions accrue cumulatively, so with each level a girl
reaches, the more awesome swag she can earn! If preferred, a girl can select Cookie Dough instead
of recognition items. Cookie Dough is not cumulative; she will receive only the amount for the
highest level she reaches. (See below for more on Cookie Dough.) Girl Scout Junior, Cadette, Senior,
and Ambassador troops may opt out of receiving individual recognitions to earn more troop per
package proceeds. Troops that opt out and girls who select Cookie Dough will still receive earned
patches plus their 2024 GSUSA membership if they reach the 500 level.
Cookie Dough is credit that girls may choose as a Cookie Program recognition. Registered Girl
Scouts can use Cookie Dough to pay for approved council activities and supplies associated with
Girl Scouting, including purchases in the GSSI council shop, service unit events, camps, or council-
sponsored events. Cookie Dough can also be used for troop approved events or trips.
For full information on accruing and using Cookie Dough, see the Cookie Dough page under For
Cookie Sellers on our website at
Girls will have the opportunity to select a choice at these recognition levels.
750-999 Packages: Girls can select a headlamp OR they can select a salt lamp.
1,000-1,249 Packages: Girls can select a Dee Berkley genuine gemstone quartz bracelet with
custom charm OR they can select a mystery bundle of LOL Surprise Dolls.
1,250-1,499 Packages: Girls can select a hydration backpack OR they can select an art bundle.
1,500-1,749 Packages: Girls can select a 3-month subscription box (see choices below) OR they
can select a Tablet Fire.
1,750+ Packages: Girls can select an inatable paddle board OR a Nintendo Switch Lite OR Apple
NOTE: Recognition item colors may vary from visual. Recognition items may be subject to
change due to availability.
Universal Yums: A snack-packed box of joy that brings you an assortment of goodies from
a different country. It’s like being a world traveler without leaving your house. You will also
receive information regarding that country and be able to go online and rate the goodies you
Strong Sele: This box inspires girls of ALL ages. There is a tween (7-12) and a teen (13-17) box
selection. These boxes are always positive and fun!
Kiwi Co: Inspire the next generation of explorers, artist, scientist, problem solvers, and
innovators. This box has multiple choices depending on your age and interest.
Cookie Dough Information
2023 Cookie Recognitions
Ask customers to make checks payable to “Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana” or “GSSI.
There will be a fee to the check writer for any returned checks.
GSSI will assume all non-sufcienct funds (NSF) fees for checks deposited into the GSSI
cookie bank account.
GSSI WILL NOT assume NSF fees for checks deposited into troop accounts.
Encourage families to turn in cash and checks weekly. You should make deposits often to help
eliminate potential loss, theft, and bounced checks due to the hold length.
Always give a receipt to the girl/family when cookie money is collected. Receipt should be
signed by the volunteer who receives the money and by the parent/guardian who turns in the
money. Put the girls deposit to the troop into Smart Cookies under FINANCES>FINANCIAL
TRANSACTIONS>GIRL TRANSACTIONS. Use the payment type for this transaction. The
transactions will be reected on the Girl Balance Summary Report.
You may deposit into GSSI cookie accounts at German American Bank, Fifth Third Bank, or
First Federal Savings Bank. The SUCC will provide GSSI cookie account deposit slips to you;
more are available at the council ofce.
Utilize the Troop Balance Summary Report in Smart Cookies for a running total of money due
to the council.
Keep all GSSI cookie account bank deposit receipts; these will be turned in to the council with
your nal paperwork. Write your troop number on all GSSI cookie account bank deposit tickets
and receipts.
NOTE: You must record all GSSI cookie bank account deposits into Smart Cookies. Use
the Troop Bank Deposit type when entering money that was deposited into the GSSI cookie
account. This will be reected on the Troop Balance Summary Report. See the Smart Cookies
section of this document for more details.
All money collected except Troop Proceeds should be deposited into the GSSI cookie bank
account. Deposit troop earned proceeds into your troop bank account. Run the Troop Balance
Summary Report to determine your troop proceeds. Check troop direct ship orders in Smart
Cookies. If you have any of these orders, this will be reected on what is owed to the council
on the Troop Balance Summary. Any troop direct ship orders should be divided amongst the
girls before the end of the program.
DATE REMINDER: All money is due to the troop no later than March 8. Money should be
deposited and nal paperwork is due to your SUCC by March 11.
Banking Procedures
Opt Out Option: Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops can choose to opt out of receiving
recognitions and cookie dough in order to earn additional troop proceeds. This includes early
recognitions. The girls WILL still receive any earned patches and if they reach the 500 cookie
level, they will earn their GSUSA membership. Graduating Seniors will earn $25.00 towards their
Lifetime Membership upon request. In order to qualify, the entire troop must agree to opt out of the
cookie recognition program and agree to receive additional troop proceeds. Opt out forms must be
submitted to GSSI by January 11.
Individual Girl Scouts: Individual sellers do not qualify for troop proceeds or bonuses due to IRS
regulations. Girls who plan to sell as individuals are encouraged to team up with a troop. If the girl
cannot nd a troop to join for the cookie program, the SUCC will help assign a troop.
How to determine your troop average?
Divide the total number of packages sold by the number of girls selling. Determine your troops per
package proceeds using the chart below:
Troop Status Average Packages Per Girl
Bonus Amount Per
Champion Troop 250 packages/per girl average $20.00 per girl
Trailblazer Troop 200 packages/per girl average $16.00 per girl
Pacer Troop 175 packages/per girl average $14.00 per girl
Pioneer Troop 150 packages/per girl average $12.00 per girl
Super Troop 125 packages/per girl average $10.00 per girl
Banner Troop 100 packages/per girl average $4.00 per girl
Troop Packages Sold Average
2023 Per Package
Opt out per package
proceeds increase
Opt out
Less than 100 packages $0.35 $0.02 $0.37
100-124 package $0.37 $0.02 $0.39
125-149 packages $0.43 $0.02 $0.45
150-174 packages $0.45 $0.03 $0.48
175-199 packages $0.46 $0.05 $0.51
200-249 packages $0.48 $0.07 $0.55
250 packages $0.49 $0.09 $0.58
Troops may be eligible for a troop status bonus. Do not withhold this bonus from what is owed to
the council to pay for cookies. A check will be mailed to the troop after nal paperwork is veried.
Please make sure the troop leader’s home address is current with the council ofce. Determine your
troops per package bonus using the chart below:
Troop Proceeds
GSSI will work with all troops and service units to collect outstanding debt to the troop and/or
If cookie money is not turned into the troop by the deadline:
First, make every effort to contact the family and remind them the money is due.
Before you close out your program in Smart Cookies, contact GSSI’s Product Sales Department
at (812) 421-4970 or to give notice of a delinquent girl.
GSSI will adjust Smart Cookies for the uncollected cookie funds; however, you will need to
adjust your nal paperwork before you turn it into your SUCC.
You or the troop do not need to take responsibility for the delinquent girls cookies.
GSSI will adjust the total number of girls selling in the troop to reect an accurate per girl
Fill out GSSIs D1 form, include a copy of the girls signed Cookie Permission Form, and submit
the documents with your troops nal paperwork to the SUCC.
You will receive a Troop Final Report Envelope from your SUCC with your cookie delivery. All nal
reports are due to your SUCC no later than March 11. Receiving recognitions and patches is not
guaranteed if your troops nal paperwork is submitted after March 11. Make sure all deposits
to GSSI have been entered into Smart Cookies. Your Troop Balance Summary should be at a zero
balance when you sign it.
Final Reports Directions:
Complete all information requested on the front of the envelope and enclose the following:
1. Troop Balance Summary Report from Smart Cookies. Go to REPORTS, click on CURRENT, in
REPORTS and complete the information needed.
2. D1 Form and copy of Cookie Permission Form, if applicable for delinquent girls.
NOTE: If there is a delinquent girl in your troop, the Balance Summary Report must be
run again after the delinquent cookies are removed from your troop. GSSI Product Sales
Department must be notied to remove the delinquent cookies.
3. All GSSI cookie account bank deposit receipts – this is the receipt received from the bank after
depositing to the GSSI cookie bank account. NOTE: Write your troop number on all bank
deposit tickets and bank receipts.
If you overpay GSSI, the council will refund you once the overpayment is veried. Fill out the C1
Form located on the FOR COOKIE VOLUNTEERS page on the GSSI website. You should also alert
your SUCC that you overpaid. Refunds are processed and mailed no later than mid-June.
End of Program
No cookies may be sold after March 5 without permission from GSSI. Contact the Director of
Product Sales at or (812) 421-4970 prior to the March 5 deadline.
A 2023 Cookie Program Survey will be emailed to all Troop Cookie Volunteers at the end of the
program. This is great opportunity to share your experience and offer feedback to the GSSI
Team. We appreciate your time and service to Girl Scouting!
Recognitions & Cookie Dough:
Recognitions are shipped directly to the SUCC, who will distribute troop recognitions in mid-
May to the Troop Cookie Volunteer.
Please check your order received against your records in Smart Cookies.
If you have any discrepancies, please notify the Product Sales Department at or call (812) 421-4970 by June 14. Due to ABC Bakers’ limited
supplies, no adjustments may be made after June 14.
Distribute recognitions to girls within one week of receipt unless you plan to give them out at a
special ceremony. Be sure to alert families of recognition receipt date.
Any undeliverable recognitions should be returned to the council ofce by June 6.
Cookie Dough will be delivered to the SUCC and will be distributed to troops with girl
Troop Status Bonus Check:
All earned troop status bonus checks will be sent to troop leaders from the council ofce no
later than mid-June. NOTE: Troops must be in good standing to receive a bonus check.
Don’t forget to take time to reect on the program with your girls while it’s still fresh in everyones
minds. What went well? What could be improved? Discuss what they each want to do differently
next year.
Work with your girls to plan a fun celebration to mark the end of the cookie program. A pajama or
pizza party where girls can relax and write thank you cards to those who helped them reach their
goals is the perfect way to wrap up the cookie season!
GSSI is always here to help; please contact us at or call
(812) 421-4970 if you need anything or have any questions.
End of Program
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Kickoff at Deep
Blue Indoor
Forms Due to
Due to SUCC
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13
Friday Cookies
due to council
by 5:30 PM
14 15 16 17 18
19 20
Friday Cookies
due to council
by 5:30 PM
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
23 27 28 29 30
National Girl Scout Cookie
*All times CST
Friday Cookies
Friday Cookies
Cupboard Open
Cupboard Open
Cupboard Open
Orders Due to
Opt Out forms
SU Orders
Due to
Payment to
Troop Due
Paperwork Due
to SU & Main
Order Due in
Smart Cookies
All SU
Due to Council
*if applicable