People power builds a
breakthrough brand
The Marketing Society is a not-for-profit organisation owned by its members, with over 2500 senior marketers. Over the
past 50 years it has emerged as one of the most influential drivers of marketing in the UK business community.
The Society challenges its members to think differently and to be bolder marketing leaders by supporting the development
of leading-edge thinking, and promoting the evidence of effective marketing. The Society does this through the Marketing
Society Awards for Excellence; its publications Market Leader, Our Week and rich online Knowledge Zone; a national
programme of world-class events; innovative professional development, such as the annual Marketing Leaders Pro-
gramme; and extensive on-and-offline networking opportunities.
Roisin Donnelly
Corporate Marketing
Director and Head of
Marketing at Procter &
Gamble UK and Ireland
By Roisin Donnelly
Marketing excellence can drive breakthrough
business results for the short and long
term. Marketing excellence requires great
strategic thinking, great creative thinking and
perfect execution.
But how do we assess marketing excellence?
First we choose brilliant industry judges who are
all experienced and successful practitioners of
excellence and we ask them to pick out the cases
which they see as remarkable. We ask them to
look for two key qualities from our winners:
creativity and effectiveness.
But marketing continuously changes and evolves,
as consumers become more sophisticated and
demanding and the media for communicating
with them ever more diverse. So the standards
for marketing excellence change and in turn
become more demanding.
We believe that The Marketing Society Awards
for Excellence in association with Marketing set the
standard of marketing excellence in the UK. They
have established this reputation over a period of
more than 25 years, and they have always been
based on the principle of searching out the best
examples of different marketing techniques in
action, that showcase great strategic thinking,
great creativity and perfect execution.
In order to be a winner of one of the Society’s
Awards, marketers have to demonstrate that what
they have done is outstanding in comparison with
marketing in all industries not just their own particu-
lar sector.
If a marketing story has been good enough to
impress our judges, then all marketers can learn
from it – however senior they have become. The
collection of case histories brought together in
this book is the best of the best from the past four
years of our Awards, and I am confident that it truly
demonstrates marketing excellence. I have been
truly inspired by these case studies and I hope you
will be too.
What is marketing excellence?
Foreword | Marketing Excellence 2
About The Marketing Society
Marketing Excellence 2 | About The Marketing Society
People power builds a breakthrough brand
Key insights
s A powerful mix of entrepreneurialism and digital
dexterity enabled mobile phone operator O
create a new brand to attract a sceptical but
influential group of customers.
s This interesting new brand worked on a collective
principle of incentivising its satisfied customers to
recruit new ones. This emulated the mutuality
embodied in social platforms such as Wikipedia to
provide real value for customers while keeping
operating costs as low as possible.
s Developing strong bonds with customers through
this strong focus on simplicity, transparency and
rewards has been a source of continuing insight
and brand advocacy.
In late 2009 O
created giffgaff, a SIM-only mobile
network, to attract an audience of digitally-savvy
consumers who avoided traditional networks. Its
defining characteristic was the application of the
community-powered model of social media sites such
as Wikipedia to the mobile sector. Based on
mutuality, giffgaff would not only offer great value,
but would reward consumers financially and
emotionally for their contribution.
Its journey began with a beta launch in November
2009 with a collection of weird and wonderful tools
to draw in these tech-loving individuals. They could
‘hire’ these tools for free and bring them to life by
making a video which they could then upload to
YouTube. They were also incentivised to take part
with the prize of a SIM card that offered free calls,
texts and data for a year, along with cash prizes for
sharing and creativity.
Following a successful debut, the public launch six
months later was aimed at a more mainstream
audience and focused on driving word-of-mouth
through a tightly-integrated campaign. It achieved
significant success despite its comparably small
share of voice in paid media. The brand has since
gone from strength to strength and boasts a base of
committed members who continue to act as brand
advocates by recruiting new customers.
People power builds a breakthrough brand | giffgaff | Launching New Brands | 5
created an iconoclastic new brand to capture a digitally-savvy
audience who rejected traditional network operators.
4 | Launching New Brands | giffgaff | People power builds a breakthrough brand
Breaking the corporate mould
When O
s head of brand strategy Gav Thompson
attended a social media conference in San Francisco,
he was struck by what would turn out to be a
game-changing idea for the business. Inspired by the
way that platforms like Wikipedia and Facebook were
enabling new, non-institutional ways of doing things,
he imagined a mobile network run on the principle of
mutuality: one that rewarded its community of
customers for doing much of the work normally done
by employees. He could see a gap in the market for
people who liked to get involved in different ways of
doing things.
Back at head office, the analysts concluded there just
might be a business in it. And so the idea of giffgaff
was conceived: a mobile virtual network operator
(MVNO) which would run on the O
network and be
owned by O
, but which would operate as a separate
business and target a group of consumers for whom
the O
brand had little appeal.
The first step was to hire creative agency Albion to
help transform what was still an embryonic idea and
a rather thin business plan into a fully-fledged and
profitable business.
Figure 1.Cost comparisons
The brief was dauntingly broad in scope:
s Define and name the brand.
s Identify and understand the target audience.
s Design and build the web interface.
s Help develop the business strategy and process.
s Create the launch communications.
Bringing the brand to life
The name chosen for the nascent brand encapsulated
its essence: giffgaff, which is an ancient Scottish
term meaning ‘mutual giving’, but which also sounds
like it is describing a conversation: an apt metaphor
for a social mobile network.
The big challenge was how to transform the loose
principle of mutuality into a fuctional business model.
giffgaff’s association with O
meant that emotional
rewards alone might be met with scepticism, so
fuctional benefit was also created: ‘Payback’,
giffgaff’s reward currency, which members could
convert into cash, credit or a charity donation. More
significantly, these pioneering members would
provide customer service by helping new members
with queries and problems. The goal was to deliver
better and more efficient service than that of the big
networks’ call centre model; one which could
therefore offer much better value (Figure 1).
Calls per minute Texts
T Mobile
T Mobile
21p 10p
People power builds a breakthrough brand | giffgaff | Launching New Brands | 76 | Launching New Brands | giffgaff | People power builds a breakthrough brand
The concept of member involvement was key to
creating a powerful value proposition. By removing
call centres and big-budget advertising campaigns,
costs would be kept low and savings passed back to
members. It would give the brand the ability to beat
the big networks on price and even match the budget
competitors, but with an interestingly differentiated
Key to giffgaff’s strategy is that it isn’t for everyone.
Freed from the need to try and attract a broad
audience, the brand could focus on creating an
experience that really connected to that substantial
niche of mobile users who weren’t being recognised
by any other operator.
Banking on people power
Accepted wisdom said that launching this type of
network would take two years. Because giffgaff
didn’t want to wait that long, it decided to adopt the
beta launch approach common with web start-ups to
get the operation up and running within six months.
But launching before the technology platform was
completely developed would only work if it could
attract enough users onto the network to give it a
good shakedown and create an embryonic
community. Moreover, a beta test requires a certain
sort of person: they need to be happy to put up with,
and accurately report, any bugs in the technology in
return for the ‘bragging’ rights of being first in. It was
felt that those traits would be found among students,
particularly at art colleges.
The result was a campaign which kicked off in
November 2009. It was centred around the power of
mutuality and participation with the introduction of
‘Tool Hire’. This involved a collection of offbeat tools
that people could ‘hire’ for free and bring to life by
making a video using them which could then be
uploaded to YouTube.
Consumers were incentivised to take part with the
offer of a VIG (very important giffgaffer) SIM card
that offered free calls, texts and data for a year. To
promote sharing and creativity there were five prizes
of £5,000 awarded to the community-nominated
winner of categories such as ‘most viewed’,
‘funniest’ and so on (Figure 2).
Although the barriers to entry were seemingly high
– asking the public to create and upload video
content had proved too great a stumbling block for
many a bigger brand with a large existing customer
base – the results after a scant three months were
s 156 videos.
s 615,116 video views on YouTube.
s 43,301 visits to the Tool Hire site.
s A reach of 1.2 million through primetime
TV pick-up.
More significantly, the campaign began to lay strong
foundations for the community-powered business
model, with members proving themselves to be
effective recruiters.
The first campaign made an impact in two
critical ways:
s It showed that a strong appetite existed for a brand
built on mutuality.
s It proved that the business model of community-
based support and acquisition worked as well in
practice as it had sketched on the back of a napkin
in San Francisco.
The community also proved to be a great source of
insight. The members loved the competitive prices as
well as the simplicity and transparency of the
offering. But they had also shown an interest in
additional products, particularly the bundled
packages of calls, texts and data. This led to the
development of ‘goodybags’, or bundles of texts,
minutes and containing everything the members liked
about other networks’ bundles without those
elements they disliked, such as ‘unlimited’ not really
meaning unlimited.
This emphasis on simple transparency proved to be a
hit and a major draw for smartphone users. But what
really created buzz and generated advocacy was the
level of consultation with members on the make-up
of the goodybags.
Moving towards the mainstream
After only six months, with the powerful combination
of a working business model, a solid base of
members poised to deal with queries and
competitively-priced products for all user types, the
time had come to leave beta.
Figure 2. ‘VIG’ SIM card campaign
To do that, a ‘hook’ was needed to win over a more
mainstream audience, particularly those who might
have been a bit baffled by the concept of Tool Hire.
The launch would aim at driving online word-of-
mouth about the brand to create activity through the
low-cost acquisition channels, such as search engine
optimisation, that the business model depended on.
8 | Launching New Brands | giffgaff | People power builds a breakthrough brand
For the first time, too, the brand was showcased
offline as well as online to help validate the service
in the eyes of this broader audience. The integrated
campaign ran across digital outdoor, national press,
online display and social media. It was based on the
concept of ‘The Man’, a representation of the
‘establishment’ way of doing the sort of things that
giffgaff and it customers were against. The caricature
tapped into the cultural rage against bankers and fat
cats in the wake of the recession and oil spills
(Figure 3).
Figure 3 ‘The Man’ integrated campaign
People power builds a breakthrough brand
| giffgaff | Launching New Brands | 9
Because the main objective was to use offline not to
drive acquisition but to create buzz, the campaign
was run for only two weeks. Despite such a
concentrated period, the results were strong.
Even more promisingly, it ignited traffic in the
non-traditional channels. Search traffic, for example,
was still increasing 20 days after the paid-for media
campaign ended.
Building on success
The ‘run by you’ community-powered model has
continued to flourish and its success can be seen in:
s Excellent customer service. By the end of 2010
there were 8,000 questions asked with an average
of five responses to each one. Questions were
answered within an average of three minutes
compared to the industry standard of 15 minutes.
s High levels of recruitment of members by members.
s Members creating new apps, holding events,
building a wiki and even launching (and had
upheld) an Advertising Standards Authority
complaint when rival network 3 claimed that “no
other network gives you more for £10”.
s Regular mobilisation for defence of the brand: for
example, forcing the community review site
Pownum to change its business model to allow free
right of reply.
The company has also continued to improve the
offering, for example by generating buzz and
exploring new ideas in its experimental goodybags.
In addition, each member has been provided with a
unique affiliate page through which their own
networks can order SIMs and which includes a
selection of banners and buttons they can use across
their online profiles.
The community has been well-rewarded for its efforts
as well. For instance, in the November 2010 payout
the top earner received over £900, with a further top
ten earners making £450 on average. One member
was even hired to join the giffgaff team.
All images appearing in this case study are reproduced by permission of giffgaff
Aviva - 300 Years of Insight
We’re the world’s sixth-largest insurance group and the biggest in the
UK, with 46,000 employees that everyday serve 53 million customers
We are committed to delivering one distinctive experience for our
customers. Wherever they are, we want them each to feel that “no
one recognises me like Aviva”. Our global consumer research reveals
that most of our competitors are particularly bad at recognising
people’s individual significance. This research also tells us that small
human touches can make a huge difference to a customer’s experi-
ence. Our aim is to make recognition the familiar quality that
distinguishes Aviva from our competitors - just as Apple means
user-friendliness and FedEx means reliability.
“We know insurance isn’t just about policies’ and pensions; it’s about
people. That’s why we’re making our customers the big picture, putting
a spotlight on them and our people. Putting customers at the heart of
everything not only makes sense for them, it makes good commercial
sense too.” (Amanda Mackenzie, Aviva’s chief marketing and communi-
cations officer)
We are working hard every day to build the company around what our
customers want from us. That’s why Aviva now ranks among the UK’s
top ten most valuable brands, according to the 2010 Brand Finance
Global 500 survey and that success is something we are looking to
replicate across the world.
BT operates in over 170 countries and is one of the world’s leading
communications services companies. BT is a major supplier of net-
worked IT services to government departments and multinational
companies. It’s the UK’s largest communications service provider to
consumer and business markets and is made up primarily of four
customer-facing lines of business: BT Retail, BT Global Services,
Openreach, and BT Wholesale.
BT operates in a thriving, multi-trillion pound industry that spans the
whole world. In recent years the global communications market has
been focused on convergence, whereby the boundaries between telcos,
IT companies, software businesses, hardware manufacturers and
broadcasters have become intertwined to create a new communications
BT has evolved from being a supplier of telephony services to become a
leading provider of innovative communications products, services,
solutions and entertainment products. BT’s business customers
range from multinational, multi-site corporations to SMEs and
More than 80 per cent of the FTSE 100 and 40 per cent of Fortune
500 companies rely on BT for networking, applications and system
integration. The National Health Service, Procter & Gamble,
PepsiCo, BMW, Emirates, Fiat, Microsoft, Philips, and Unilever are
just some of the organisations working with BT.
BT has been a driving force behind the success of ‘Broadband
Britain’. Thanks to the company’s investment, nearly every home in
Britain now has access to broadband and in September 2009, BT
announced plans to more than double the availability of its fastest
fibre broadband service.
To download further case studies
or purchase the book, Marketing
Excellence 2, please visit or
Phone 020 8973 1700
“A treasure trove of examples covering the whole waterfront, from launching new brands to revitalising, sustaining
and extending established ones, and from insights to advertising and sustainability. Whatever your business, it should
make you proud to be a marketer, shake up your thinking and inspire you to go the extra mile.”
Professor Patrick Barwise, London Business School, Chairman of Which?
“This exciting book demonstrates how great marketing can solve the most difficult problems, through analysis,
teamwork and creativity.
It contains 34 fascinating case studies, selected from hundreds of high quality entries to The Marketing Society
Awards for Excellence. Those involved had the determination to win, and the courage to think differently.
An inspiring read.”
Professor Hugh Davidson, Co-Founder, Oxford Strategic Marketing
“This is the textbook, the toolkit and the manual for marketing excellence.”
Cilla Snowball, Chairman, AMV BBDO
“These cases are a great source to stimulate your thinking. Some will stimulate new thoughts, some will unlock ideas
from the back of your memory. All of them however are great fuel for growth.”
Keith Weed, Chief Marketing and Communication Officer, Unilever
Featuring 34 award-winning case studies from some of the world’s leading brands:
Sky+ BT Business NHS Blood and Transplant Magners Change4Life alli O
2 Waitrose KFC McDonald’s Hovis
British Gas Audi Marks & Spencer Virgin Atlantic Dulux Sainsbury’s Pedigree Thinkbox Harlequins More Th>n
UPS Walkers Aviva ebookers Shell ICI Paints Channel 4 British Heart Foundation Keep Britain Tidy Ariel
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