Subdivision 1. Manufacturing, sales, purchases, or installations of systems. No person shall
manufacture, sell, offer for sale, purchase, or install in this state an automatic garage door opening system
for residential buildings that does not comply with subdivision 3.
Subd. 1a. Service or repair of systems. No person shall service or repair an automatic garage door
opening system for residential buildings that does not comply with the automatic reversing requirement.
This paragraph does not prevent the servicing or repair of an automatic garage door opening system if the
system will be in compliance with the automatic reversing requirement after the repair or service.
The person servicing or repairing the automatic garage door opening system shall determine whether
or not the system complies with the automatic reversing requirement by conducting an on-site test of the
Subd. 1b. Warning label. If the automatic garage door opening system does not pass the on-site test
required by subdivision 1a, the person conducting the test shall complete and conspicuously attach to the
automatic garage door opening system, a red label that states the following:
This garage door opener was tested and does not meet the requirements for a working safety reverse
feature. This can be dangerous and may cause serious injury or death. You are advised to disconnect the
opener from the door immediately and operate the door manually until the opener has been repaired or
replaced with one that meets current safety standards relating to automatic reversal as provided for in
Minnesota Statutes, section 325F.83, subdivision 1a.
Name of TesterModel
Firm NameManufacturer
Firm Address/Phone NumberSerial Number
The firm of the agent or employee who attached the red label shall notify within ten working days in
writing the occupant of the residence that the system did not comply with subdivision 1a.
Subd. 2. Design and construction of residential buildings. No residential building shall be designed
or built in this state unless all automatic garage door opening systems comply with subdivision 3.
Subd. 3. Minimum standards. (a) No later than January 1, 1991, all automatic garage door opening
systems subject to subdivision 1, 1a, or 2 must conform to the applicable requirements of Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc., Standards for Safety-UL 325, third edition, as revised May 4, 1988.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes
(b) No later than January 1, 1993, all automatic garage door opening systems subject to subdivision 1
or 2 must include an attached edge sensor, safety beam, or similar device that when activated causes a closing
door to open and prevents an open door from closing. This device is to be designed and built so that a failure
of the device prevents the door from closing.
Subd. 4. Manufacturer's labeling requirements. On and after January 1, 1991, a manufacturer selling
or offering for sale automatic garage door opening systems in this state shall clearly identify on the container
and on the system, the month or week and year the system was manufactured, and its conformance with UL
325, as required under subdivision 3, paragraph (a). The display of the UL logo or listing mark and compliance
with the date marking requirements of UL 325 on both the container and the system fulfills the manufacturer's
labeling requirements specified under this subdivision.
Subd. 5. Occupant to inform owner. For all residential buildings where the occupant is not the owner,
the occupant has a duty to inform the owner of a nonfunctioning or malfunctioning reversing device or
mechanism in an automatic garage door opening system within 24 hours of discovery of the problem.
Subd. 6. Remedies and penalties. A person who is found to have violated this section is subject to the
penalties and remedies, including a private right of action, as provided in section 8.31.
Subd. 7. Local regulation. The governing body of a local unit of government may adopt, by ordinance,
rules for the installation and maintenance of automatic garage door opening systems that are more restrictive
than the standards imposed by this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this subdivision may be enforced
through a truth-in-housing inspection.
Subd. 8. Application of other law. For the purposes of section 541.051, an automatic garage door
opening device is not an improvement to real property.
History: 1990 c 414 s 3; 1991 c 10 s 3-5
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes