Fall 2018
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
Our Mission: Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools empowers our learning community to: Be responsible decision-makers and effective problem-solvers;
Persevere in the achievement of life goals; Contribute to communities locally and beyond; and Embrace learning as a lifelong process
Volume 42 Issue 1
ts official: The Ohio Department of
Education (ODE) released its 2018 state
report card results, and Bellbrook-
Sugarcreek Schools received an A!
Superintendent Dr. Douglas A. Cozad
said,We are extremely proud of Bellbrook-
Sugarcreek Schools’ recent accomplishment
on the state report card. We are thrilled that
we were one of only 28 school districts, out of
612 districts in Ohio, that earned an A on the
state report card!
The state report card grades schools and
districts on specific marks of performance
(measures), within broad categories (compo-
nents). The 2018 components are
Achievement, Progress, Graduation Rate, Gap
Closing, Improving At-Risk K-3 Readers and
Prepared for Success. You can visit our web-
site (www.sugarcreek.k12.oh.us) or ODEs
(reportcard.education.ohio.gov) for a complete
look at our district and school report cards.
The Achievement component represents
whether student performance on state tests
meets established thresholds and how well
students perform on tests overall.
The Progress component looks closely at
the growth that all students are making, based
on their past performance.
The Graduation Rate component measures
the percentage of students who are success-
fully completing high school with a diploma in
four or five years.
Gap Closing shows how well schools are
meeting performance expectations for sub-
groups in English language arts, English lan-
guage proficiency, math and graduation.
The component for Improving At-Risk K-3
Readers seems relatively self-explanatory;
however, any school or district with fewer than
5 percent of its kindergarteners reading below
grade level will not receive a letter grade for
this component.
The Prepared for Success component looks
at how well prepared students are for all future
opportunities, whether training in a technical
field or preparing for work or college.
Dr. Cozad said,This A puts us in the top 5
percent of all Ohio school districts. This
accomplishment is truly a team effort, thanks
to our great kids, supportive parents and com-
munity, dedicated faculty, Board of Education,
administrators and support staff!
2018-19 School Calendar Page 2 BMS Wins Governor’s Edison Award for 22nd Year in a Row Page 2
BHS high in U.S. News & World Report Rankings Page 3 Rivero OCTM Teacher of the Year Page 5
School District Earned Top
Grade on Report Card!
From The
It is a privilege to have
been selected as the new
Superintendent of
Schools! I was extremely
with the
start of the
new school
year, full of
for an out-
year. The teachers returned
from summer break
refreshed, excited and
ready to help our students
learn and grow.
It is my pleasure to
announce the hiring of
nine new staff members to
our school district. Joining
Stephen Bell Elementary
are Brienna Davidson (first
grade), Paige McRoberts
(second grade) and Jaime
Siler (first grade); joining
Bell Creek Intermediate
Dr. Doug
Continued on Page 3
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
2018-19 School Calendar
Oct. 12 - No school/teacher in-service
Nov. 19 - No school/P.T. Conference Trade Day
Nov. 20 - No school/P.T. Conference Trade Day
Nov. 21-23 - No school/Thanksgiving break
Dec. 5 - Two-hour early dismissal
Dec. 24 - No school/winter break begins
Jan. 7 - School resumes
Jan. 16 - Two-hour early dismissal
Jan. 21 - No school/Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Feb. 15 - No school/teacher in-service
Feb. 18 - No school/Presidents’ Day
Mar. 25 - No school/spring break begins
Apr. 1 - School resumes
Apr. 19 - No school
Apr. 26 - Two-hour early dismissal
Applications are now being accepted for building
custodians, special-needs assistants, substitute bus
drivers and transportation assistants (aides) for the
2018-19 school year. Individuals who qualify will
receive all necessary onboard training, as applicable.
Interested candidates should download a support-
staff application from
www.sugarcreek.oh.us/Employment.aspx and submit
the following to Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools, Attn:
Human Resources, 3757 Upper Bellbrook Rd.,
Bellbrook, OH 45305-8750:
1. District support-staff application
2. Resume
3. Cover letter
Following a review, qualified individuals will be con-
tacted to initiate additional employment procedures.
Bellbrook Middle School (BMS) has received the Governor’s
Thomas Edison Award for Excellence in STEM Education and stu-
dent research for the 2017-18 school year. This is the 22nd con-
secutive win for BMS!
This award recognizes schools and teachers who display excel-
lence in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics)-based teaching, specifically those who stimulate sci-
entific student research and technological design and extend
opportunities beyond traditional classroom activities. BMS teachers
acknowledged for the 2017-18 school year are Lisa Bakita, Allie
Bisignani, Emily Cline, Kyle Ferguson, Kim Lord, Cathy St.Pierre,
Jennifer St.Pierre and Debi Schwieterman.
BMS Science Teacher Miss Jennifer St.Pierre said, “This award is
recognition for the achievement of our students, along with the
tremendous support of our administration, parents and community
BMS earned the recognition by having students participate in
the Scanning Electron Microscope EDucatorS (SEMEDS) program at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base; attend the space program at the
Dayton Challenger Space Center; and participate in the National
Science League competition, Kids ’N Science Club and more.
The Ohio Academy of Science is one state agency that sponsors
the Governor’s Award. It is the leading organization in Ohio to fos-
ter curiosity, discovery, innovation and problem-solving skills. For
more information visit www.ohiosci.org.
BMS Wins Governors Thomas Edison
Award for Excellence 22nd Year in a Row
Substitute Support-Staff Opportunities
In September 2018, Bellbrook Middle School (BMS) held
Challenge Day for all eighth-grade students, for the fourth year in
a row.
Challenge Day, or Be the Change Movement, is a project about
service and giving back to the world. According to the Challenge
Day website, “We challenge you to do one intentional random act
of kindness daily (we call it an ‘Act of Change’) that will benefit
others. The movement is designed to inspire peace, create hope
and challenge everyone to find their affinity for all people.”
It takes three days to give every eighth-grader the Challenge
Day 6½-hour program experience. Over 70 volunteers are recruit-
ed from among school staff and the community. The program is
paid for by donations and community grants.
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Tobacco
Program provides outreach and education about
implementing policies to protect and promote the
health and well-being of all students and staff in
schools; and Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools scored an
A+ on our comprehensive tobacco policy.
The district has implemented a 100% tobacco-free
policy, to endorse a healthy lifestyle and prevent tobac-
co use. No student, staff member, volunteer or school
visitor is permitted to use tobacco products (including
e-cigarettes) at any time, including during non-school
hours, on any school grounds or at any school-spon-
sored event.
ODH believes this policy will provide positive role
models, reduce exposure to secondhand smoke, and
prepare students for smoke-free workplaces and
tobacco-free college campuses.
Tobacco-free policy earns A+
Challenge Day Continues at BMS
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
The Bridge
Fall 2018
Volume 42, Issue 1
Published Quarterly
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
3757 Upper Bellbrook Rd.
Bellbrook, Ohio 45305
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
Board of Education Office
3757 Upper Bellbrook Rd., Bellbrook, OH 45305
P: 848-6251/848-4800
Bellbrook High School
3737 Upper Bellbrook Rd., Bellbrook, OH 45305
P: 848-3737
Bellbrook Middle School
3600 Feedwire Rd., Bellbrook, OH 45305
P: 848-2141
Bell Creek Intermediate
3777 Upper Bellbrook Rd., Bellbrook, OH 45305
P: 848-3777
Stephen Bell Elementary
4122 N. Linda Dr., Bellbrook, OH 45305
P: 848-7831
District Super Number
848-5001 (to reach any school)
St. Pierre Education Center
3757 Upper Bellbrook Rd., Bellbrook, OH 45305
P: 848-3757
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools Honors
District Numbers
Where to Call
2007, 2008,
Ranked 39
in Ohio and
n the top 10% in the USA!
Middle School
BCI 2018
School are Sara Moore (Intervention
Specialist) and Adam Robert (Special
Needs Assistant); joining Bellbrook
Middle School are Kimberly Blaschak
(Nurse), Tracy Dawson (Special Needs
Assistant) and Allyson Geis (art); and
joining Bellbrook High School is Brian
Haley (math).
My staff and I are working to
expand the partnership among our
schools, parents and community.
Over the past year, the district
embarked on a strategic-planning
process. Committees – comprising of
parents, community members, teach-
ers, staff, Board of Education mem-
bers and administrators came togeth-
er with valuable ideas on how to
guide the district in areas of curricu-
lum, communication, facilities, tech-
nology and finance – were estab-
lished, to ensure future success.
One strategic-planning goal already
implemented pertains to communica-
tion. The district has already begun a
social-media campaign to increase
parent-community engagement and
awareness. You may follow us on
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
YouTube. You can also visit our new
website at
www.sugarcreek.k12.oh.us. You can
easily find our social-media sites at
diaPages.aspx or by scanning the QR
code included in this article (down-
load a QR code
reader app).
I would like to
take this opportuni-
ty to thank every-
one who has so
graciously taken the time to introduce
themselves during athletic games,
meetings, school visits, and while I
was out and about in the communi-
ty. I have to say that I’ve been
impressed by the outpouring of sup-
port as I stepped into my new role as
Superintendent of Schools.
Thank you to all of our citizens,
businesses, parents, students, teach-
ers and staff who have contributed to
our schools’ strong sense of commu-
nity! Now is the time for us to contin-
ue the legacy of excellence for our
district. I plan to honor the past, cele-
brate the present and embrace the
SUPERINTENDENT Continued from Cover
From time to time during the school
year, Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools may
close, experience delays or make changes
in school schedules and activities. We will
make every attempt to update the web-
site and use social media to notify you of
changes in a timely manner.
The Instant Connect call out system will
also be used to notify parents of school
cancellations, early dismissals and late
openings. Local TV and radio stations will
carry announcements and updates, as
Inclement Weather:
What to Do
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
VanBrackel Guest Speaker at AF Museum
Dee VanBrackel earned the honor of being the featured
guest speaker during Educator’s Night held at the National
Museum of the United States Air Force in October!
s. VanBrackel is the K-5 Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) teacher at Stephen Bell Elementary
and Bell Creek Intermediate schools. She is the first-ever winner
of The Big Hoopla STEM Teacher of the Year.
Ms. VanBrackel will be speaking about the dynamic and
innovative methods for STEM education. Congratulations Dee!
BHS Fall Play Set
Come see Bellbrook High School’s theatre in action
November 15, 16 and 17 (7 pm), as students perform “The
Curious Savage.” The play, written by John Patrick, is the story
of an elderly widow named Mrs. Ethel P. Savage, whose hus-
band has left her $10 million. The Curious Savage is a warm
comedy that compares the kindness and loyalty of psychiatric
patients with the greed and hostility of so-called “normal peo-
The play is under the direction of Kyle Castle and Marie
Jergens. Tickets are $10 each.
BCI’s 2nd Annual Great Pumpkin Auction
Set for October 25!
The second annual Great Pumpkin Auction will be held at
Bell Creek Intermediate (BCI) on Thursday, October 25 at 6:30
Last year, fifth grade students, their families and many BCI
staff members bought and decorated pumpkins to auction off
for a good cause … A Special Wish Foundation, Dayton
Chapter. The 2017 auction raised over $4,000 – enough to
grant an entire wish to a family; one week in Disney World!
oung’s Jersey Dairy food truck and the Funnel Vision food
truck will be on site during the live auction of an estimated 70
decorative pumpkins.
BHSs Tess Rivero OCTM Teacher of the Year
ongratulations to Tess Rivero for being selected as the Ohio
Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (OCTM’s) Secondary
Teacher of the Year for the Southwest District! Mrs. Rivero was
honored during OCTM’s 67th Annual Conference, held in
Each year OCTM recognizes outstanding teachers, profes-
sors, emerging leaders and friends of mathematics. OCTM is
committed to educating, engaging and inspiring…through the
power of mathematics! OCTM is an affiliate of the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Greene Giving Gifts BHS $1,000
Bellbrook High School Science Teacher Cindy Hasler (above)
was awarded a $1,000 Fair Investment Award/Grant by the
Greene County Community Foundation, dba Greene Giving.
Greene Giving’s purpose is to promote philanthropy and pro-
vide stewardship and leadership, to enhance the use of region-
al resources to meet charitable needs.
Did You Know
BHS Makes the Grade in U.S. News & World Report High-School Rankings
Bellbrook High School (BHS) received a state ranking of
96 out of over 800 high schools, earning silver-medal
recognition in Ohio, according to the annual list of Best
High Schools published by U.S. News & World Report.
The organization looks at “nearly all” public high schools
in the United States – more than 20,500 in all to sift out
the best, with an eye on college readiness. BHS ranked
#2,184 in the national rankings!
Nearly 6,000 schools received recognition from U.S.
News & World Report, which worked with global research
firm RTI International on a methodology that stressed that
schools “must serve all students” and yield measurable
outcomes tied to that criterion.
Top-performing high schools receive gold-, silver- and
bronze-medal recognition from U.S. News & World Report.
BHS Principal Chris Baker said, “This is the 12th straight
year that our school was recognized nationally as among
the top high schools in the United States. These independ-
ent groups confirm the good work that we, as well as the
entire district, are doing in preparing our students for their
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
Straight A Fund Helps Inspire Students and Teachers!
Several district
teachers and
recently experi-
enced Air Camp,
a once-in-a-life-
time aviation and
aerospace experi-
ence to inspire the
next generation.
According to
Air Camp is a
hands-on educa-
tional adventure in
aviation and aeronautics. It inspires stu-
dents at the intermediate- and middle-
school levels, as well as teachers and
educational leaders across all grades, to
learn more about Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
using aviation and aerospace as the
medium, while promoting the values of
scholarship, leadership and citizenship.
Bellbrook teachers were able to fly
unmanned aerial vehicles, attend
ground school and more.
Air Camp is the vision of Dayton-area
leaders who want to help young people
nationwide achieve their potential,
develop critical-thinking and problem-
solving skills, and pursue further educa-
tion and future careers in STEM-related
fields, aviation and aeronautics.
The Beavercreek City School District
received a $984,000 Straight A Fund
grant in 2017 for a project named
“Rethinking the Classroom: Learning
Takes Flight!” The grant was later modi-
fied to be a county-wide initiative on avi-
ation and STEM to allow all schools in
Greene County to benefit. The grant
provided opportunities in engineering
and aerospace career development and
instruction for students throughout the
districts grades K-12, including profes-
sional development and shared
resources for public schools within
Greene County. The Straight A Fund
grant was awarded by the Ohio
Department of Education (ODE).
In addition to Air Camp, another com-
ponent of the grant is allowing many
interested teachers in Greene County
schools to soon participate in a work-
shop to build a
wind tunnel. They
will learn how air
flows around
things and how the
tunnel simulates
flight conditions. A
model of this proj-
ect will be taken
back to the class-
room to teach stu-
Bellbrook Middle
School 7th grade
students were able to experience pro-
grams in the portable planetarium called
the Digital Star Lab! They learned about
the moon phases and eclipses, as well
as the tides and ocean currents from an
underwater video of a coral reef. The
8th grade Kids ‘N Science Club mem-
bers visited the Digital Star Lab during
one of their Eagle periods.
The purpose of the Straight A Fund is
to help Ohio schools launch creative
new ideas for improving education. The
intent is to transform Ohio’s education
system into one that meets the unique
needs of every student in every class-
room. ODE says that to help achieve
this purpose, the fund supports ideas
from local educators that promote aca-
demic achievement and economic effi-
ciencies within schools and districts.
Abigail Clack named OMLA’s 2018 Student of the Year!
nspired by last years Challenge Day at Bellbrook Middle
School (BMS), then eighth-grader Abigail (Abby) Clack
helped organize a Positivity Committee, whose purpose
was to continue the commitment that its members had
ade during Challenge Day.
The Ohio Middle Level Association’s (OMLAs) Student of
the Year Award is intended to recognize young people who
exemplify the best of our youth. Students are nominated by
a member of the OMLA. The individual nominating the stu-
dent may be a teacher, administrator or parent.
BMS Principal Jenness Sigman nominated Abby for the
According to Mrs. Sigman, the Positivity Committee’s
goal was to promote positivity to all students in BMS and
beyond, into the community. Abby led this campaign, which
included a quick dance party every Monday in the ellipse
the area in which all hallways come together) to start the
week off on a positive note. The committee also created
the High 5 Zone, encouraging students to “High 5” one
another when crossing through the ellipse.
bby and her committee didn’t stop there. They held a
VIPP (Very Important Positive People) lunch every month
for students selected by their teachers for their positive atti-
tudes and actions, created a Positivity MS Snapchat
account and organized a Fake Out assembly, as a reward
for the students’ hard work on their state assessments.
OMLA Vice President Kelli Cogan said that Abby exem-
plifies all of the characteristics of a student who embodies
citizenship and positive contributions to her school. Abby
will receive her award in October 2018, at the Kalahari
Resort & Conference Center in Sandusky. Abby will receive
a plaque and a check for $500.
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
During the June 14,
2018 Board of
Education meeting,
Steve Berryhill
received recognition
for the naming of
the high school
baseball field
“Berryhill Field.”
During the June 14, 2018
Board of Education meeting,
Dr. Keith St. Pierre and Cathy St. Pierre were recognized
for 24 and 22 years of service, respectively, to the
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools District.
Service Awards
BHS Wall of Fame
honors BHS gradu-
ates who have
served or are serving
our country!
Wall of Fame
Schools is participating in an
effort to identify and locate
all children from 3 to 21 years
of age who may have disabili-
ties. For more information
please contact Tonya Wilson,
Director of Special Education
and Preschool, at 848-6251.
Search for
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
Bell Creek Intermediate Future Chefs Competition to
Be Featured at OSBA Student Achievement Fair
Students from the
past Future Chef com-
petition at Bell Creek
Intermediate and
Jennifer Hoehn,
General Manager for
Sodexo, will attend
the Ohio School
Boards Association’s
(OSBA’s) Student
Achievement Fair at
the association’s Capital Conference in Columbus on
November 12, 2018.
Ms. Hoehn said, “Since the inception of the program in
2013, we have had nearly 100 students participate in
our annual Future Chef competition.”
Over the years Ms. Hoehn has helped students make
healthy substitutions in recipes and make overall better
food choices as they honed their skills in recipe develop-
ment and culinary talent for the competition.
The Future Chef program also inspires former partici-
pants to come back and coach younger contestants.
Hoehn said, “This
show of talent and
willingness to give
encouragement and
support to younger
students has really
allowed Future Chef
to expand from a
once in a lifetime
competition to a culi-
nary club where stu-
dents of all grades are welcome to come back.”
A slide show of the past five competitions is planned as
well as handing out recipes and free samples of a
healthy Future Chef snack.
There will be a raffle for Cookbooks from the 2018
competition. Future Chef students, in full chef attire, will
be there to talk about how the program has impacted
their lives.
Ms. Hoehn will be available to answer any questions
from other school districts about implementation of the
program and its successes.
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
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Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools
Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools’ Hall of Fame Accepting
Nominations for 2019 Induction
The Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools’ Hall of Fame is accepting
nominations for the 2019 induction. The deadline is Novem-
ber 1, 2018.
You can print the nomination form from
Forms areavailable in print and online format. They are also
available at the Board of Education office.
The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor
persons living or deceased who, through their leadership,
achievement and service, reflect credit upon the Bellbrook-
Sugarcreek Schools community.
Camp Invention
Bell Creek Intermediate (BCI) held Camp Invention, a national STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathemat-
ics) program for K-6 students, this past summer.
Camp Invention is led by experienced local educators; and new curriculum is introduced each year, inspired by the in-
ductees of the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
BCI STEM teacher Dee VanBrackel served as the director of Camp Invention in Bellbrook.
Stephen Bell Second-Grade Teacher Wins
Book-Club Giveaway
Rachel Barker, Stephen Bell Elementary Second-Grade
Teacher, was one of 4,000 teachers selected from
127,000 applicants to receive $500 and 500 bonus
points to provide books to her classroom library from the
James Patterson and Scholastic Book Clubs Giveaway!
According to scholastic.com,James Patterson and every-
one at Scholastic Book Clubs agree about the crucial im-
portance of getting books into the hands of as many kids
in as many places as possible. They also know that for
many children, access to quality books begins with (and
too often is limited to) what their teachers can offer them
in the classroom. This is why, for the fourth consecutive
year, James Patterson and Scholastic Book Clubs teamed
up to bring books into classroom libraries throughout the
Ms. Barker plans on choosing books focusing on kind-
ness and empathy to fill her classroom library. Congratu-