Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from
the Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
Reform’s Interim Report
December 14, 2023
Department of Defense
SUMMARY. .............................................................................................................................. 1
STAKEHOLDERS. ...................................................................................................................... 1
OVERALL ASSESSMENT. ........................................................................................................... 1
List 1 - Near-term Recommendations..................................................................................... 2
IMPLEMENTATION PLANS ....................................................................................................... 3
K EY N EAR-TERM R ECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................ 4
Recommendation 1: Implement mid-year update briefing to defense committees. ...... 4
Recommendation 5: Systematically review and consolidate BLIs. ................................. 5
Recommendation 8: Continue, and if possible, accelerate consolidation of the OSD
programming and budgeting systems. ............................................................................... 7
Recommendation 11: Establish classified and unclassified enclaves for DoD-Congress-
DoD information sharing. ................................................................................................... 9
Recommendation 12: Continue the focus on improving recruiting and retention. ...... 12
O THER N EAR-TERM R ECOMMENDATIONS ................................................... 14
Recommendation 2: Restructure justification books. ...................................................... 14
Recommendation 3: Improve training for preparation of budget justification materials. 15
Recommendation 4: Improve training for DoD liaisons. ................................................... 16
Recommendation 6: Review and Update of PPBE-related guidance documents. ............ 18
Recommendation 7: Improve understanding of private sector practices. ....................... 19
Recommendation 9: Expand PPBE analytics via Advana. ................................................ 21
Recommendation 10: Provide annual report to Congress and briefing on DoD’s strategy
for consolidating, rationalizing, integrating, and modernizing DoD PPBE business systems
and all related tools to support the PPBE process. ........................................................... 23
Recommendation 13: Streamline processes and improve analytic capabilities to reduce
workload. ......................................................................................................................... 25
INTERIM REPORT OVERVIEW. ................................................................................................ 27
List 2 - Potential Recommendations ..................................................................................... 27
COMMISSION ON PPBE REFORM. .......................................................................................... 28
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 1
The Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting,
and Execution (PPBE) Reform (Commission), established in the Fiscal
Year (FY) 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), publicly
released a congressionally mandated interim report
on August 15,
2023. The Interim Report provided a total of 23 recommendations
(referred to as “actions”) for the Department of Defense (DoD) and
13 near-term recommendations. Of the 23 recommendations, the Commission deemed the 13
could be implemented in the immediate or near-term by the Department and the Congress. Five
of the 13 were identified as key recommendations.
10 potential recommendations. The remaining 10 were identified as potential recommendations
requiring additional stakeholder feedback and analysis before inclusion in the Final Report, which
is congressionally mandated to be released in March 2024. Seven of the 10 were identified as
key recommendations.
Implementation Plan. This Implementation Plan, led by the Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense (Comptroller)/CFO (OUSD(C)) in conjunction with stakeholders across the Department,
addresses the implementation of the 13 near-term recommendations.
. Many of the recommendations have key stakeholders both inside and outside
of the Department and include the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Congress.
The success of the implementation will be heavily dependent on stakeholder consensus.
Within the Department, each of the 13 recommendations was assigned a primary stakeholder
organization to lead the development and coordination of the implementation plan for their
recommendation including soliciting and incorporating input from the other stakeholders across
the Department.
. In accordance with Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks’
direction to the Department to adopt all actions that could be implemented now, as
recommended by the Commission and within its purview, each primary stakeholder decided on
next steps to implementing the recommendations.
Each recommendation was determined to be achievable although most may require additional
personnel and resources. Further, some of the recommendations made by the Commission
were the same or very similar to improvements already well underway in the Department.
Commission on PPBE Reform Interim Report. Released 15 August 2023.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 2
However, while each recommendation is achievable, it must be established that each individual
recommendation will improve the Department’s processes significantly enough to justify any
additional cost to taxpayers for implementation and sustainment.
PPBE-related DoD and Congress Relationships
1. Midyear update briefing to Congress
2. Improve training for DoD liaisons to Congress
3. Restructure budget justification books
4. Improve training for preparation of budget justification materials
Innovation and Adaptability
5. Systematic review and consolidation of budget line items
6. Systematically review and update PPBE-related Guidance Documents,
including the FMR
Alignment of Budgets to Strategy
7. Improve understanding of private sector practices
PPBE Business Systems and Data Analytics
8. Accelerate OSD Comptroller and CAPE IT system consolidation
9. Expand PPBE analytics via Advana
10. Annual report on the Department’s strategy for consolidation of DoD PPBE
business systems
11. Establish enclaves for DoD-Congress-DoD info sharing
DoD Programming and Budgeting Workforce
12. Improve recruiting and retention of PPBE personnel
13. Streamline processes and improve analytic capabilities to reduce workload
Key Recommendations
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 3
The 13 implementation plans are grouped into two sections.
The five key recommendations are addressed first then followed by the remaining
eight recommendations.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 4
Recommendation 1: Implement mid-year update briefing to defense
The Commission recommends the Department institutionalize a mid-year budget update briefing
with key staff on the congressional defense committees related to both the DoD budget proposal
and budget execution. The update would provide the defense and military construction
committees with information about new events (programmatic, budgeting, technological
developments, and geopolitical in nature) and program status changes that would affect their
review of the budget, perhaps including innovation opportunities.
Feasibility Assessment: In prior years, the Department provided the option for an Omnibus
briefing each year. However, briefings were conducted depending on the defense
committees’ professional staff members’ availability.
The Commission recommended focusing on the FY 2024 mid-year update on the execution
portion related to the Omnibus, and then in FY 2025, expanding the mid-year update to
include emerging changes to the budget submission is feasible. The Commission further
recommended the update not be designed to constitute a formal budget amendment and
that the update be led by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Comptroller and
Service Representatives.
1. Provide congressional defense committees with the Department’s coordinated position
on current-year execution challenges and the resulting realignment decisions presented
in the Omnibus and other reprogramming requests. Specifically,
- Present a strategy-linked explanation for emerging program changes;
- Present information evenly and efficiently across all defense committees enabling a
clear understanding of the contents of the reprogramming, thereby potentially
eliminating duplicative requests for information; and
- Enable all stakeholders’ views to be presented simultaneously, thereby providing a
stronger and more fulsome justifications for requested changes.
2. Provide coordinated input on potential changes to the Department’s budget during the
annual Midyear Execution Review. Specifically,
- Ensure proposals that alter the President’s Budget submission have OMB and DoD
leadership visibility;
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 5
- Focus on congressional actions that are linked to key administration priorities;
- Provide opportunities to promote innovation; and
- Address fact-of-life changes, particularly related to emerging contingencies and
personnel costs.
This plan supports the Department of Defense Financial Management Strategy (FY2022-
(DoD FM Strategy) Strategic Goal #2 to optimize taxpayer dollars for the highest value
Key Actions & Activities: Assemble a cross-functional team to develop the criteria, process,
and delivery method.
- April - June 2024: Assemble a DoD cross-functional team to develop the criteria, process,
and delivery method; in conjunction with the finalization of the Omnibus, and to ready
the mid-year update.
- July 2024: Conduct a mid-year discussion focused on the Omnibus reprogramming and
- August – September 2024: Solicit feedback from defense committees and DoD
Components to incorporate lessons learned in preparation for the FY 2025 update.
- Spring 2025: Work with the DoD cross-functional team, OMB, and the defense
committees, as necessary, to develop the criteria for the expanded mid-year to include
programmatic, budget, emerging technology, and geopolitical updates. In conjunction
with the finalization of the Omnibus, ready the mid-year update.
- July 2025: Conduct expanded mid-year.
- August 2025: Solicit feedback from defense committees and the Department to
incorporate lessons learned in preparation for the FY 2026 update.
Other items to note: The Commission acknowledges that the implementation of
recommended PPBE improvements may exacerbate the current the financial management
(FM) community’s workload challenges.
Recommendation 5: Systematically review and consolidate BLIs.
The DoD’s budget structure consists of numerous budget lines and accounts that the Commission
asserts sometimes make it difficult for DoD to manage defense programs and for Congress to
clearly track and understand them. The Commission recommended that Congress and DoD work
Department of Defense Financial Management Strategy (FY2022-2026).
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 6
together to review and restructure budget lines and accounts where appropriate. The
Commission further recommends that this effort be undertaken on a rolling basis over a period of
five to ten years.
Feasibility Assessment: The Department’s current budget structure is composed of Program,
Project, and Activity, which are reflected as Budget Line Items (BLIs) in the budget structure
of the defense budget materials.
BLIs provide the basic framework for effective funds
control and stratification of the President’s Budget request.
Over the past decade, the number of BLIs has increased due to the propensity to segregate
program content to retain transparency into specific projects for the Department and the
congressional defense committees.
1. Reduce the existing number of BLIs in order to increase the Department’s agility in
executing budgets while still retaining relationship linkage into programs and funding
2. Consolidate, where possible, non-Major Defense Acquisition Programs into aggregated
meaningful portfolio groupings.
3. Group technology projects to allow flexibility that would foster innovation and promote
4. Review of at least one appropriation title or portfolio annually.
5. Preserve congressional oversight for key defense program requirements.
6. Retain a fiscal structure that permits effective funds control and, where practical and
feasible, incorporates the Department’s Defense Performance Improvement Framework.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goals #2, 4, and 5 to optimize taxpayer
dollars for the highest value outcome, simplify and optimize the end-to-end business
environment, and empower data-driven, fiscally informed decision-makings.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Assemble a cross-functional team of key DoD stakeholders.
2. Assess the PPBE Reform Commission’s recommendations to consolidate BLIs:
- Address cases in which programs or systems have been subdivided into multiple BLIs
that make them more difficult to manage;
- Identify cases in which multiple programs or systems intended to provide a common
capability could be combined into a single BLI;
- Identify cases in which the consolidation of BLIs could result in improved
performance; and
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 7
- Take into consider the United States Special Operations Command’s best practices for
BLI consolidation, as recommended by the commission.
3. Solicit feedback from internal and external stakeholders.
4. Develop options for consolidating and reducing the number of BLIs while maintaining
sound funds control and preserving transparency for the congressional oversight
committee staff.
5. Coordinate proposed plan across stakeholders.
- Spring 2024: Kickoff meeting will be held with DoD stakeholders to begin the
Department’s assessment of the Commission’s recommendation for the consolidation of
- Spring - Fall 2024:
Establish a Cross-Functional Working Group (CFWG) with members from key DoD
stakeholders. Finalize the scope of the review, and target areas for BLI consolidation
in consultation with OMB.
Solicit feedback from the Department, OMB, and congressional defense committees
on the current budget structure across all appropriations. PB 2026’s review will focus
on science & technology funding across the 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 budget activities.
1. Develop options for incremental solutions to rationalize the BLI structure in
consultation with responsible acquisition and affected leaders.
2. Brief potential options to all stakeholders and collect feedback.
3. Modify recommended action plan, if needed, and socialize with key stakeholders
prior to any changes to the BLI structure.
Recommendation 8: Continue, and if possible, accelerate
consolidation of the OSD programming and budgeting systems.
The Commission recommends the OUSD(C) work with CAPE to consolidate IT efforts and
streamline existing Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) processes. The end
goal is a single authoritative resource management system that will be used by all DoD
Components for a single-source management tool that will increase efficiencies during program
and budget review, reduce duplication of efforts and inaccuracies of data, support better
capability trade-off analysis, and better inform DoD senior leader decision-making.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 8
Feasibility Assessment: The Next Generation Resource Management System (NGRMS)
consolidates program and budget data systems that support the Department’s ability to
formulate, justify, present, and defend the Department’s budget during the PPBE process.
1. Consolidate IT efforts to increase efficiencies across the Department, ensure consistent
messaging, and reduce duplicative efforts and inaccuracies across data.
2. Expand incrementally providing the flexibility and standardization to support a
streamlined and centralized PPBE process.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goals #2, 4, and 5 to optimize taxpayer
dollars for the highest value outcome, simplify and optimize the end-to-end business
environment, and empower data-driven, fiscally informed decision-makings.
Key Actions & Activities: Expand incrementally providing the flexibility and standardization
needed to support a streamlined and centralized PPBE process. As new lessons are learned,
continue to expand efforts to modernize the PPBE process.
Timeline: NGRMS may integrate new requirements as it progresses through the execution of
existing modernization efforts.
- FY 2024:
Source Execution Data from Advana – coordinate with Defense Finance and
Accounting Service for execution data (e.g., 1002s, SF133s).
New Single Sign-On/Users Management Module – begin integration efforts with
Defense Information Systems Agency for single sign-on for across user organizations.
Cloud Containerization – port modern web applications to container-based solutions
for deployment.
Assessment of Military Services, Defense Agencies, and Field Activities’ Budget
Formulation Systems Architecture – assess the Department-wide program and
budget systems to understand the current formulation capability and identify how
the Department should enhance the next-generation system.
- Beginning in FY 2025,
Budget Exhibit Reform/Updates – implement Department-wide solutions (auto
populate the Manpower Exhibits from the NGRMS Manpower module, enhance
manpower to dollar analysis capabilities, etc.).
Expand API Gateways – continue to automate interfaces through the Department to
facilitate data sharing with PPBE partners and beyond.
NGRMS Enterprise Architecture – consolidate budget formulation architecture across
the Department, beginning with one Military Service and one Defense Agency.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 9
- Beginning in FY 2026,
Integrate End-to-End PPBE – use capabilities of cloud solutions to sync fund controls,
budget formulation and other PPBE data.
Implement Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) Across Functions and
Processes – implement AI/ML technologies to increase productivity and deliver new
ways for end-users to interact with NGRMS data.
Recommendation 11: Establish classified and unclassified enclaves for
DoD-Congress-DoD information sharing.
The Commission recommends the CDAO, in coordination with the OUSD(C), will further develop
both classified and unclassified enclaves to share appropriate budgetary information with
Congress and for Congress to share information with DoD. The Commission’s recommendation is
to establish classified and unclassified enclaves for DoD-Congress-DoD information sharing in a
manner that makes them searchable, sortable, and able to be updated electronically by both the
Congress and DoD.
The Commission noted that most of the budget information transmitted by the Department to
Congress continues to be sent in static form. Similarly, congressional actions and requests for
information are generally transmitted in paper form or as static documents.
Feasibility Assessment: The Department has been testing multiple avenues for sharing
information with Congress, to include creating an enclave that includes the ability to host
and federate data products developed on the DoD Information Network. Additionally, a DoD-
Congress-DoD information sharing platform that provides access to select congressional staff
to instances of DoD applications is also currently in experimentation.
The Commission encouraged the Department to expand the information sharing platform
capabilities for the purposes of three PPBE applications for:
1. Delivery of annual presidential budget (PB) request and associated budget justification
2. Congressional delivery of data to DoD.
3. DoD delivery of reprogramming actions and execution reports to Congress.
Key Actions & Activities: Expand the information sharing capabilities to include three PPBE
1. Application 1 for delivery of the annual PB request and budget justification materials.
The Advana platform has the foundation to provide digital delivery of the PB request and
justification materials through a searchable, sortable database. The budget justification
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 10
book (J-book) data would feed from authoritative J-book writing systems into a singular
enclave that is searchable, sortable, and able to be updated.
The enclave would also support the Commission’s recommendations on standardization
of justification materials and mid-year budget updates, as discussed in Section IV. Of
note, this is a practice used by other federal agencies, such as the Department of
Homeland Security, where agencies and components build their J-Books in disparate
systems but aggregate into a single system.
Key Deliverables:
- Data sharing agreements with all DoD Components to automatically upload PB feeds
to Advana
- J-book Common Data Model (CDM)
- CDM review to support the Commission’s recommendations on standardization of
justification materials and mid-year budget updates as discussed in Section IV
- Outline and implement Advana dataops standards
- Dashboard support for iterative updates to standards
2. Application 2 for congressional delivery of data to DoD. A collaboration between the DoD
and Congress enabling information sharing from Congress to DoD the outcomes from the
legislative process, to include congressional marks to the annual PB submission, as well as
accompanying congressional report language. This application would either leverage or
be integrated with the above enclave and offer a digestible and ingestible data format.
This solution would significantly reduce work hours required to input, review, and analyze
data while also minimizing discrepancies for outcomes, including congressional marks,
reporting requirements, and legislative limitations.
As an interim solution, Congress could share with the Department outcomes, including
congressional marks and congressional reporting requirements, in a Microsoft Excel
format, or similar ingestible data format, in addition to the currently used PDF format
until a more robust and integrated capability is implemented.
Key Deliverables:
- Interface for DoD to receive taskings, generate records and reports, submit to
congressional committee(s) or user(s)
- Users able to annotate records and perform actions on the records
- User permissions management
- User task distribution capability similar to a detailed portfolio by user
- Data capture capability via spreadsheet upload similar to a bulk upload, forms
- Email alerts
- Data table, CDM review and update to consume CHARRTS data
- Data table generation for data discovery, searching, sorting, and export
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 11
3. Application 3 for reprogramming actions and execution reports. Above threshold
reprogramming requests are a time-consuming administrative process, requiring the
wide use of PDFs and email delivery to request DoD leadership, OMB, and Congressional
approvals. A common enterprise-wide coordination and tracking system for all
stakeholders would significantly reduce process time, highlight source and requirement
trends, and leverage automation to lessen errors, duplication, or misplacement.
As an interim step, DoD and Congress could make use of the information sharing
platform enclave. The Department could upload PDF submissions to Congress and then
Congress could upload approvals and denials to the Department until a more robust and
integrated capability is implemented.
Key Deliverables:
- User permissions management
- User request designation
- Email interface similar to a search application
- Data pipeline development
- Automatic metadata extraction via form upload
- Data table, CDM review and update to integrate schema
- Data table implementation for data discovery, searching, sorting, and export
Timeline: Delivery is estimated to be 12 months from minimum viable product (MVP)
through initial operating capability (IOC) to full operating capability (FOC). Once funding is
identified for these applications, delivery will begin.
- Application 1 for delivery of the PB request and budget justification materials. MVP, IOC,
FOC: All data feeds available in Advana and consumed by search and analytic apps; data
dashboard; test feeding data from original sources to the Advana cluster; adding,
removing, and clarifying dashboard capabilities and views after the MVP.
- Application 2 for delivery of Congressional data to DoD. MVP, IOC, FOC: Defense
committee data capture application with standardized spreadsheet upload formats,
deployed in information sharing platform with user permissions management; tasking
and capture tool (CHARRTS replacement) with permission-based user tasking capabilities;
form response; gold table integration and automated emails/alerts; fully integrate
replacement for CHARRTS on Advana information sharing platform.
- Application 3 for reprogramming actions and execution reports. MVP, IOC, FOC: PDF
upload application with data table interface and automated email notifications; request
and approval application with email interface and data support; fully integrate tool on
Advana information sharing platform.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 12
Recommendation 12: Continue the focus on improving recruiting and
The Commission states that both CAPE and OUSD(C) realize they need to recruit more personnel
with the right analytic skillsets. Both continue to recruit personnel from the Military Departments
and DoD Components who have the appropriate analytic skills and experience. However, that is
insufficient to support the recruiting requirements of CAPE and OUSD(C). The Commission
recommends continued efforts to recruit and retain personnel for both CAPE and OUSD(C),
including seeking approval for new approaches such as direct hires, incentives, and bonuses.
Feasibility Assessment (Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)): A similar
effort is currently underway within the Department. Known as the DoD FM Enterprise
Recruitment Pilot, it is focused on the FM community in the DoD Components that are
expending resources competing against each other within the same talent pools. At the
same time, the Department loses highly qualified talent when an office is not the first choice
for a position.
The desired outcome is increased recruitment and retention through better identification
and management of potential talent using coordinated engagement and information sharing.
The approach is a collaborative outreach strategy that highlights the breadth of FM
opportunities at DoD while also helping to funnel the right talent to the right positions across
the Department. The pilot is testing three concepts:
1. Enterprise Narrative – create a cohesive “DoD FM” branding and market strategy that
focuses on the FM breadth and opportunities across the Department throughout a
2. High-Touch Talent Cultivation – develop a model of continuous engagement with high-
caliber candidates (similar to industry) to educate and assist them throughout the hiring
3. Pooled Talent Management – Share candidates amongst DoD components and across
positions, ensuring DoD is best positioned to successfully capture exceptional talent to fill
priority vacancies.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goal #1 to Cultivate a skilled and inspired
FM workforce.
Feasibility Assessment (Office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation): CAPE has
strengthened strategic partnerships to grow a cadre of future federal employees through
internship and scholarship programs including the DoD Historically Black Colleges &
Universities and Minority Serving Institutions Science Program
, the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, the Presidential Management Fellowship
, John S. McCain
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 13
Strategic Defense Fellowship
, the Partnership for Public Service’s Harold W. Rosenthal
Fellowship, and the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation Scholarship-for-
Service Program. CAPE has also created a unified summer internship program to ensure all
interns had a meaningful experience while also recruiting qualified individuals into the
organization at the right time.
The desired outcome is increased recruitment and retention through better identification
and management of potential talent using coordinated engagement and information sharing.
Key Actions & Activities (Comptroller):
1. Phase 1 Design:
- Establish a working group to design the pilot;
- Complete analysis of both the current state of FM hiring and talent, as well as private
sector best practices for talent recruiting;
- Use available FM workforce data to identify the highest priorities and establish metrics
of success; and
- Draft pilot design that will:
Recommend tasks, positions, and roles for a talent acquisition team,
Propose a governance structure,
Identify targeted hiring priorities,
Establish a plan of action and milestones,
Design a metrics dashboard, and
Identify risks and determine potential mitigation plans.
2. Phase 2 Stand-Up:
- Establish support team and norms across the DoD Components to ensure delivery of
the pilot,
- Launch governance structure,
- Draft and obtain approval on enterprise branding and marketing strategy,
- Collect baseline data for metrics/measurement dashboards, and
- Build pilot calendar and schedule critical recruitment engagements.
3. Phase 3 Pilot Execution:
- Execute the pilot plan, facilitating a variety of recruitment engagements:
Collect and share candidate information for consideration with participating FM
offices, and
Deliver a high-touch talent cultivation model for candidates of interest; and
- Within 30 days of the conclusion of the pilot, complete a final report that compiles
metrics, reviews key findings, identifies best practices, and, if warranted, recommends
a path to operationalize the enterprise recruitment concept.
Timeline: 12 months that includes one month research/design, two months stand-up, and
nine months to execute pilot and provide final report.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 14
Recommendation 2: Restructure justification books.
The Commission recommends that the DoD should work with Congress to establish common
formats and content for the J-books to provide needed content in a common format. There should
be consistent language and depth of budgetary and programmatic content where there are
cross-cutting programs and activities, such as the RDT&E budget lines and the O&M readiness
accounts. Further, the current budget justification books vary widely in scope and content, with
some large program writeups providing limited information while some smaller programs provide
extensive detail.
Feasibility Assessment: The Department’s objective is to research and propose a new
justification book structure that:
1. Present a strategy-linked explanation of programs and funding that incorporates, where
appropriate, the Department’s Strategic Management Plan
(SMP) initiatives and
nomenclature, in particular, ones that strengthen the Department’s capabilities to report
on investments and programs against the NDS strategic priorities.
2. Provide content for cross-cutting programs and activities with consistency and
3. Streamline exhibits to evenly and efficiently present program details and requirements.
The Department will also explore methods of improving the quality and timeliness of the
justification books. To the greatest extent possible, the Department will work to incorporate
disparate congressional recommendations and preferences on justification book format,
content, etc.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goals #2, 4, and 5 to optimize taxpayer
dollars for the highest value outcomes, simplify policy to support productive change, and
improve data quality to make data easier to use for decision-making.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Assemble a cross-functional working group comprised of FM experts with a
representative from each Military Service and Defense Agency.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 15
2. Assess the PPBE Reform Commission’s recommendation to restructure justification
3. Develop a questionnaire to facilitate feedback from the DoD enterprise as well as the
congressional defense oversight committees.
4. Engage with the congressional defense oversight committees to solicit feedback on the
current justification book structure across all appropriations.
- Spring 2024: Hold a workshop with all DoD stakeholders to begin the Department’s
assessment of the Commission’s recommendation to restructure the justification books.
- Beginning in Spring 2024: Assemble a cross-functional group with representatives from
each Military Service and Defense Agency. The group will begin engaging with DoD
stakeholders and the congressional defense oversight committees to solicit feedback on
the current justification book structure across all appropriations.
- Late 2025: The working group will complete its work in about one year after its
Recommendation 3: Improve training for preparation of budget
justification materials.
The Commission recommends creation of training courses for various types of budget justification
materials, including J-books, data files, and staffer briefings. Course material for inclusion in
existing courses or individual courses should be created for financial management (FM) and
acquisition personnel and for other groups as needed. The training should also be offered to
Congressional staff and personnel on a voluntary basis.
Feasibility Assessment: Budget justification material provides the necessary information to
defend and justify the Department’s annual budget request to Congress. Currently, there are
no Department-wide trainings as part of the DoD Financial Management Certification
(DFMCP)that are specifically targeted to budget justification material creation.
There are some training courses in the Military Departments, Defense Agencies, and Field
Activities and on-the-job learning.
The objective is to establish standardized and structured training available Department-wide
beginning with a foundation in the basics of why the justification material is important and
progressing into developing and writing narratives and j-books, rollout briefings, talking
points, and other materials. Adding training classes to the DFMCP is possible.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 16
This curriculum review and subsequent content development will support DoD FM Strategic
Goal 1: Cultivate a skilled and inspired FM workforce and will initially focus on data analytic
skills and improving budget justification materials preparation.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Establish a DoD FM Curriculum Review Committee and approve charter and governance
2. Complete the three phases of the DoD FM Curriculum Review Process:
- Competencies Review – review the FM workforce’s competencies to determine where
the workforce’s knowledge, skills, and abilities need to be strengthened;
- Curriculum Review – review existing courses to determine if they provide sufficient
competencies to obtain certification and update and develop curriculum, where
necessary; and
- Composition Review - review program achievement and determine required
certification level, required years of required experience, required continuing
education training requirements, and reciprocity.
3. Final review by FM Senior Leadership Group (SLG) to approve and incorporate new and
revised training classes into the DFMCP.
- Beginning in the second quarter of 2024, establish a DoD FM Curriculum Review
Committee, including establishing a charter and a governance charter and appoint a
curriculum review committee. Begin FM Curriculum Review including a review of the
competencies, curriculum, and composition.
- Summer 2024: complete the DoD FM Curriculum Review Process, including
Competencies Review, Curriculum Review, and Composition Review.
- Fall 2024: add training classes to DFMCP after FM Senior Leadership Group review and
Recommendation 4: Improve training for DoD liaisons.
The report asserts there is a lack of standardized training across DoD for anyone who serves in a
liaison position, mentions best practices across the Services and DoD Components that should be
formalized, and identifies some key components such as “dos and don’ts”, a PPBE primer, and
Congressional timelines that should be included in training to better empower legislative liaisons.
The Commission recommends that OASD(LA) in coordination with OUSD(C)/BAA provide this
standardized and structured training.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 17
Feasibility Assessment: The current training program in the Military Services is the DoD
Congressional Fellowship Program and can be a three-plus-year program including graduate-
level study, one-year Hill fellowship, and two-to-three-year payback tour.
Providing additional Department-level training across DoD to congressional liaisons is
The objective would be to define the required knowledge and skills, identify or develop
training or education to provide the knowledge and skills, identify liaison positions, and
ensure individuals in these positions possess the required knowledge and skills. Completion
of required training and education before or shortly after assignment to a liaison position
would be expected.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goal #1 to Cultivate a skilled and inspired
FM workforce.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Identify current DoD Component liaison training and best practices.
2. Identify required knowledge and skills for liaisons, recognizing existing appropriations
3. Align existing training and education to required knowledge and skills and source or
develop training for any gaps.
4. Identify liaison positions and current liaisons within the Department.
5. Assess knowledge and skills of current and incoming liaisons.
6. Provide training/education to liaisons.
7. Maintain records of liaison positions, current and inbound liaisons, and training and
education to sustain effort.
8. Codify requirements in DoD guidance.
- Beginning in the second quarter of 2024,
Identify current DoD Component liaison training and best practices;
Identify required knowledge and skills for liaisons, recognizing existing appropriations
Align existing training and education to required knowledge and skills and source or
develop training for any gaps; and
Identify liaison positions and current liaisons within the Department.
- Summer of 2024, begin assessing knowledge and skills of current and incoming liaisons.
- Beginning in the Winter of 2024,
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 18
Provide training/education to liaisons;
Codify requirements in DoD guidance; and
Maintain records of liaison positions, current and inbound liaisons, and training and
Recommendation 6: Review and Update of PPBE-related guidance
The Commission states they heard repeatedly about the undue burden and confusion caused by
unclear guidance, which creates increased workloads and delays moving at the speed necessary
to support modern warfighting requirements. A key component in enabling the PPBE process is
providing clear, consistent, and current guidance that enables efficient and effective decision-
making at the lowest levels. This includes systematic updates and revisions at least every three
years of key finance, acquisition, and program guidance documents, such as the FMR, to provide
a more useful and timely resource to DoD managers. The Commission recommends a systematic
revision and update of the FMR, as well as an update to DoDD 7045.14, “The Planning,
Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Process,” which establishes policy and assigns
responsibilities for the PPBE process.
Feasibility Assessment: The DoD Financial Management Regulation
(FMR) consists of 333
chapters related to all phases of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
process. The Department mandates a comprehensive review and update of all DoD
publications within a maximum timeframe of 10 years from the last publication date.
However, the FMR undergoes a more rigorous biennial review. From January to December
of 2023, 118 chapters were updated or revised and published.
The Department of Defense
Directive (DoDD) 7045.14
was last issued in August 2017.
1. Review and update the FMR chapters that require revisions including reviewing for
language that causes confusion and undue burden in the Department.
- There are seven revision categories but only four categories are applicable for this
purpose review: Administrative, Rewrite, Nondiscretionary, and Discretionary.
Administrative revisions are restricted to corrections related to format,
spelling/grammar, hyperlinks, and a limited amount of clarifying language.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 19
Rewrite refers to a streamlining effort to improve readability with no change to
Nondiscretionary revisions are required to implement a statutory change or
regulatory change from an authoritative source.
Discretionary revisions establish sound financial management policy but are not
mandated by statute/regulation.
- Timeframes to update and coordinate across Department stakeholders and publish to
the public website are estimated to range from eight weeks to six months.
2. Update and reissue the DoDD 7045.14 with a revision focus on recent reforms to the
program review process and a review of assigned responsibilities for the PPBE process.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goals #1, 2, and 4 to Cultivate a skilled
and inspired FM workforce, optimize taxpayer dollars for the highest value outcomes, and
simplify policy to support productive change.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Identify FMR chapters that require revisions and assign a revision category, action officer,
and publication due date.
2. Update and reissue the DoDD 7045.14 with a focus on incorporating recent reforms to
the program review process and a review of assigned responsibilities for the PPBE
- Beginning in the second quarter of 2024, start the process of assessing and categorizing
FMR chapters for revision, and assign a revision category, action officer, and publication
due date.
By the end of 2024, update and publish 20 percent of chapters identified for revision.
By the end of 2025, update and publish 40 percent of chapters identified for revision.
By the end of 2026, update and publish the remaining 40 percent of chapters
identified for revision.
- The DoDD 7045.14 review and reissue will follow the standard procedures for processing
DoD Issuances, per Department of Defense Issuance (DoDI) 5025.01.
Recommendation 7: Improve understanding of private sector practices.
The Commission states that increasingly, DoD needs the assistance of the private sector, including
small business and venture capital firms, to provide the innovation needed to meet warfighter
requirements. The Commission believes that PPBE personnel should be better informed about
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 20
private sector firms and their incentive structures to increase DoD’s understanding about how
PPBE decisions impact private firms and make better decisions during the PPBE process.
Familiarization should include financial management in private sector companies including profit
and loss considerations, market analyses that private enterprises use to make decisions about
DoD projects, timelines faced by private sector firms, including the short timelines faced by some
small businesses, and differences in the overall culture between private firms and DoD.
Feasibility Assessment: Develop and implement initiatives to improve holistic understanding
of private sector practices to include industry (traditional and non-traditional defense) as
well as sources of capital.
The end state is a strategic, data-driven approach to engagements that enhance DoD
understanding of private sector structures, incentives, and practices, resulting in increased
DoD senior leader decision-making capability as well as strengthened industry partner
activity, transparency, and performance.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Establish a cadence for regular site visits and meetings with private sector entities,
including financial partners such as venture capital and private equity firms, to
understand business operating models, financial structures and incentives, and
differences in operating timelines.
2. Regular engagements with industry informed by subject matter expert research and
3. Conduct recurring analysis of the state of the industrial base, with in-depth assessments
of company financial data, capabilities, portfolio, capital structure, alignment to defense
priorities, opportunities, and challenges.
4. Increase the use of data and analytics, including researching publicly available
information (financials, market data, and capabilities) and internal DoD data (such as
Program Executive Office assessments).
5. Ensure that industry engagement in support of the National Defense Industrial Strategy
aligns to and informs the PBBE process and provides long-term plans and guidance for
investment in the industrial base.
6. Adopt a proactive, analytical approach to engaging industry that reflects National
Defense Strategy and National Defense Industrial Strategy priorities.
- Facilitate industry engagements across multiple sectors to solicit feedback, understand
key issues, incentivize partnerships with DoD, and inform how private sectors practices
can lead to better decisions during the PPBE cycle.
Increase visibility, thought leadership, and active participation in meetings,
conferences, roundtables, site visits, and other events to engage with industry, DoD
partners, and financial community partners.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 21
Operationalize understanding of best practices within private sector and promote
awareness among DoD stakeholders to enhance decision-making capability.
Recommendation 9: Expand PPBE analytics via Advana.
The Commission recommends the OUSD(C), in coordination with the CDAO and the Director of
CAPE, develop an implementation plan to expand the scope of analytics of the PPBE process
within Advana. Ensuring all organizations are leveraging the same authoritative, transaction-level
data will drive more meaningful data-informed decisions while maintaining appropriate controls.
The Advana platform offers over a hundred existing commercial solutions; open architectures to
bring in additional commercial solutions; development, security, and operations (DEVSECOPS)
practices; existing connections to authoritative accounting systems for continuous or near-
continuous data feeds; and analytic technologies.
Feasibility Assessment: Integrating Advana as a foundational tool in the PPBE process is well
underway across the Department. Developing it further is feasible. Continued iteration and
education on the reporting tools will further expand the Department’s use of Advana.
Dashboards for tracking metrics such as obligation rates, unobligated balances, execution
status, and trend analysis are currently in use in Advana. The data sources and Advana
reports to support PPBE reviews are available. The OUSD(C) offices overseeing Operation &
Maintenance, Military Personnel, and Investment appropriations use Advana to support Mid-
Year and other PPBE processes.
The Revolving Funds team within OUSD(C) EFT has been using Advana since 2020. In March
2022, the budget execution review processes and Mid-Year Review were moved into an
Advana application that automated the alignment of budget exhibit metrics with financial
statement execution data. This provided common views, analytics, and standardized views
for customers Department-wide, including views on Funds Balance with Treasury, Net
Operating Results, and new customer orders and obligations. Machine learning projects are
also in use to forecast Working Capital Funds collections and disbursements.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goals #2, 4, and 5 to optimize taxpayer
dollars for the highest value outcomes, simplify policy to support productive change, and
improve data quality to make data easier to use for decision-making.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Leverage Advana during execution reviews to enhance the Department’s ability to assess
program performance.
2. Maximize NGRMS and Advana integration for application across the full range of PPBE
activities and expand automated analytics capabilities.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 22
3. Further develop Advana’s tools for the Programming and Budgeting processes within the
PPBE cycle:
Evaluate access management and segmentation of the Advana platform to ensure it
is secure and complies with DoD security requirements and classification guidance
and enhance, as needed, for new development;
Incorporate new data sources and predictive modeling for programming, budgeting,
and execution datasets to expand existing reports in Advana for enhanced execution
Ingest budget justification books and congressional marks to accelerate the use of
Advana for analysis of robust programmatic data;
Ingest key budget execution files on the on a classified network to expand the full
picture of budget execution to include both unclassified and classified budgetary
Link transaction-level detail from the general ledger with budgetary information to
enhance data-driven resource planning and deliver detailed and closer-to-real-time
reporting of execution status instead of monthly execution reports; and
Initial AI/ML efforts for predictive modeling for enhanced near-term and long-term
financial planning and execution forecasting.
- Beginning in 2024,
Evaluate access management and segmentation of the Advana platform and enhance
access management and segmentation capabilities, as needed, for new development.
Ingest and stabilize budgetary data on the classified network.
Expand use of Advana more widely across the FY 2024 Mid-Year Review processes
and then expand use of Advana fully for the FY 2025 Mid-Year Review processes.
Investigate new data sources and predictive modeling for programming, budgeting,
and execution datasets.
Initial AI/ML efforts.
Expand NGRMS and Advana integration.
- In FY 2025,
Further integrate NGRMS data within Advana for use during the Program Budget
Review for FY 2026-2030.
Begin the ingestion of budget justification books and congressional marks.
- By the end of FY 2026, complete general ledger transactional data integration with
budgetary information.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 23
Recommendation 10: Provide annual report to Congress and briefing on
DoD’s strategy for consolidating, rationalizing, integrating, and
modernizing DoD PPBE business systems and all related tools to support
the PPBE process.
The Commission recommended the OUSD(C), in coordination with DoD Chief Information Officer
(CIO), CAPE, and CDAO, should provide the congressional defense committees an annual report
and briefing on the Department’s strategy for consolidating, rationalizing, integrating, and
modernizing DoD PPBE business systems, feeder systems, platforms, databases, and tools used to
support the PPBE process.
The report should address what has been accomplished in implementing the Department’s
strategy, the roadmap for future consolidation and modernization, the ongoing process for
assessing the PPBE business system environment, and efforts being made to provide training of
personnel on new systems and processes related to PPBE.
Feasibility Assessment: Much of the content in this recommendation is included in the
Defense Business Systems Audit Remediation Plan, which is already submitted annually to
Congress. Additionally, the Department’s Enterprise FM IT Roadmap includes PPBE systems
and assessment processes to date.
This roadmap is primarily focused on systems that may impact internal controls over financial
reporting (ICOFR), which align to DoD’s auditability goals. To address non-ICOFR relevant
PPBE systems, the roadmap’s currently used assessment criteria and processes would
require a review to determine what revisions are necessary. The goal is a report and briefing
that provides Congress with a progress update on the Department’s implementation of PPBE
system consolidation and modernization efforts, to include ongoing processes used to assess
and identify additional consolidation and modernization opportunities within a ‘living’
systems roadmap.
The Department would request Congressional reporting requirements be consolidated for
efficiency opportunities.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goals #3 and 4 to Increase the integrity of
financial results and simplify policy to support productive change.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Validate accuracy and completeness of PPBE system scope within the Enterprise FM IT
Roadmap, adding/removing systems as appropriate.
2. Implement and execute a recurring process that leverages the DoD Business
Architecture, the Financial Systems Database, DoD Information Technology Portfolio
Repository, and other authoritative sources to validate the accuracy and completeness of
PPBE systems inventory.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 24
- Assess current system rationalization and prioritization criteria to determine if
additional criteria or assessment processes should be designed and implemented to
identify consolidation and modernization opportunities of PPBE systems.
- Conduct Annual FM Systems Review to assess compliance with Financial
Management Improvement Act, leveraging results to require system improvement
plans, ensure critical funding is available to execute system changes, and/or directly
influence system consolidation / retirement plans.
- Improve data accuracy and completeness of DoD systems information in authoritative
systems; incorporate data and executive analytics from Pulse.
- Develop IT Portfolio Management dashboards, tools, and reporting mechanisms to:
Identify consolidation and modernization opportunities,
Expand and automate compliance assessments,
Provide a single source of truth for system compliance,
Improve accountability and oversight of system migration and retirement plans,
Improve system data quality,
Ensure new systems include appropriate system & process training, and
Capture estimated costs and funding availability to streamline PPBE systems and
implement improvement plans.
- Update instruction on business systems requirements and acquisition (DoDI
), including stakeholder responsibilities.
- Beginning in 2024,
Validate accuracy and completeness of PPBE system scope within the Enterprise FM
IT Roadmap, adding/removing systems as appropriate.
Implement and execute recurring process that leverages the DoD Business
Architecture, the Financial Systems Database, DoD Information Technology Portfolio
Repository, and other authoritative sources to validate the accuracy and
completeness of PPBE systems inventory.
- Three months prior to report and briefing due date:
Develop report outline, identify data source(s), and assign tasks.
Obtain latest consolidation and modernization plans from Components.
Complete draft and coordination and submit report to Congress.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 25
Recommendation 13: Streamline processes and improve analytic
capabilities to reduce workload.
The Commission recommends the DoD improve analytic capabilities to reduce the workload of
personnel involved in the PPBE process. It identifies several actions to achieve this goal, including
revising policy to delegate approval authority to senior staff members, leveraging the NGRMS for
data management, optimizing the use of the Advana for budgetary analytic capabilities, and
streamlining the organizational structure.
Feasibility Assessment: It is feasible that Recommendation 13 in conjunction with
Recommendation 9 would have a direct benefit in reducing workload, improving financial
transparency and data accuracy, and improving analytic capabilities and efficiency.
NGRMS replaced two legacy systems and current capabilities decreased workload by
reducing the need for data re-entry and correction. These capabilities combined with the
customized dashboards in Advana further reduce workload and increase automated analytics
through standardized and detailed reports that track budget data against actuals data from
the programming and budgeting phases through the execution phase.
Advana already has visualizations tracking budget and execution trends and visualization
dashboards with performance management information. Further, the Department has
deployed multiple Advana applications that reduce workload and increase automated
analytics, including the Revolving Funds Daily Cash Balance application that tracks daily
estimates of the Working Capital Funds’ Fund Balance with Treasury against budget
thresholds, and the Spend Plan Module identifies spend plan variances for the General
Funds. These tools decrease the frequency of manual data calls, provided standardized
reporting, and improve financial visibility.
In development in Advana is a protype that ties the direction from the programming phase to
the actuals from the execution phase and then feeds back into the programming phase for
the upcoming budget submission. The development of this tool will allow analysts to better
track compliance with prior years’ programming direction and provide more accessible data
from execution.
This plan supports the DoD FM Strategy’s Strategic Goals #2, 4, and 5 to optimize taxpayer
dollars for the highest value outcomes, simplify policy to support productive change, and
improve data quality to make data easier to use for decision-making.
Key Actions & Activities:
1. Enhance budgetary and execution trend analysis with Advana - leverage Advana for
advanced budgetary and compliance with programming decisions trend analysis,
enabling more informed decision-making and reducing inefficient workload.
2. Embed performance management executive analytics in Pulse – incorporate executive
analytics on the SMP strategic framework, performance goals measures, targets, and
results, as well as Performance Improvement Initiative data (milestones and
deliverables), providing performance data into resourcing decisions.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 26
3. Improve general ledger nomenclature alignment - align the nomenclature of general
ledger systems with NGRMS and standard financial information structure compliance to
enhance tracking capabilities between programming, budgeting, and execution processes
and improve data accuracy.
4. Streamline and automate data ingestion processes – continue to automate Advana data
ingestion processes, including transactional data.
5. Enhance Advana’s financial management segment’s data management – reduce manual
data calls and manual analysis; enhance capabilities for transaction type input web
application tools; continue to integrate the full PPBE process into Advana with
investment in master data management for appropriate segment and access
management to ingest PPBE planning, program, and other pre-decisional financial data.
6. Optimize NGRMS data integration – integrate NGRMS data in Advana; enhance visibility
for budget data; improve budget-to-execution reconciliation; make critical budget data
and information readily accessible for data-based decision-making processes in the
programming and budgeting phases of PPBE.
7. Invest in a change management program – educate the workforce on the technical
capabilities of Advana, instill confidence in the data, and increase workforce knowledge
and skill level to navigate Advana applications effectively.
- Beginning in 2024,
Enhance budgetary and execution trend analysis with Advana.
Invest in a change management program.
Embed performance management executive analytics in Pulse.
Streamline and automate data ingestion processes during new data and system
onboarding for FY 2025.
Optimize NGRMS data integration for FY 2025.
Enhance Advana’s financial management segment’s data management for FY 2025.
Improve general ledger nomenclature alignment for FY 2026.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 27
The Interim Report
was publicly released on August 15,
2023. The Commissioners and commission staff conducted over 560 interviews, 29 formal
Commission-led open mics, and 15 engagements with the professional staff of the congressional
defense committees. They heard from experts across the PPBE process and related fields
including current and former persons from Congress, DoD, industry, academia, other Federal
organizations, and research organizations. Within the Department, they interviewed well over
100 different offices including several hundred military and civilian employees and made several
hundred information requests.
The Interim Report outlined 13 recommendations that the Commission believed Congress and
DoD could act on now to improve the PPBE process and ten potential recommendations
requiring additional DoD and Congressional stakeholder feedback to inform the Commission’s
Final Report. The remaining ten were identified as potential recommendations for inclusion in
the Final Report, which is congressionally mandated to be released in March 2024. These
potential recommendations were noted as requiring additional stakeholder feedback and
analysis before inclusion in the Final Report. Seven of the ten were identified as potential key
Commission on PPBE Reform Interim Report. Released 15 August 2023.
List 2 - Potential Recommendations
PPBE-related DoD and Congress relationships
Innovation and Adaptability
Colors of money, a different approach
Modify thresholds for Below Threshold
Modify internal DoD reprogramming
Modify availability of appropriations
Mitigate problems caused by Continuing
• RDT&E Budget Activities consolidation
Alignment of Budgets to Strategy
Transform the budget structure
Strengthen the Defense Planning Guidance
• Create continuous planning, analysis, &
operational metrics to inform all PPBE phases
PPBE Business Systems and Data Analytics
DoD Programming and Budgeting Workforce
• Increase staffing levels for programming and
budgeting workforce
Key Recommendations
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 28
COMMISSION ON PPBE REFORM. The Congress established the Commission on PPBE
in Section 1004 of the FY 2022 NDAA to examine the effectiveness of the Defense
Department’s PPBE process.
The Commissioners and the Department’s Liaison. The Commission is comprised of 14
with experience across the congressional, defense, budgeting, acquisition, and
innovation ecosystems. The Secretary of Defense appointed two members to the Commission –
Honorable Lisa Disbrow and Honorable Peter Levin – and designated Ms. Julie Frisard to serve in
the congressionally mandated role as the liaison between the Department and the Commission.
The remaining 12 Commissioners were appointed by the Majority Leader and the Minority
Leader of the Senate, Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader, and Chair and Ranking
members of the four defense oversight committees.
The PPBE process. The PPBE system was first created in the early 1960s to allocate Department
resources to meet national security objectives. The Commission was established to make
recommendations on ways to improve the PPBE process, specifically to enhance the United
States’ ability to counter strategic competitors.
Commission purpose. The purpose of the Commission is to (1) examine the effectiveness of the
planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process and adjacent practices of the DoD,
particularly with respect to facilitating defense modernization; (2) consider potential alternatives
to such process and practices to maximize the ability of the DoD to respond in a timely manner
to current and future threats; and (3) make legislative and policy recommendations to improve
such process and practices in order to field the operational capabilities necessary to outpace
near-peer competitors, provide data and analytical insight, and support an integrated budget
that is aligned with strategic defense objectives.
Congressionally mandated duties. The Commission is congressionally mandated by the FY 2022
NDAA to perform the following duties:
(1) Compare the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process of the
Department of Defense, including the development and production of documents including
the Defense Planning Guidance (described in section 113(g) of title 10, United States Code),
the Program Objective Memorandum, and the Budget Estimate Submission, with similar
processes of private industry, other Federal agencies, and other countries.
(2) Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the efficacy and efficiency of all phases and
aspects of the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process, which shall include
an assessment of--
(A) the roles of Department officials and the timelines to complete each such phase or
Commission on PPBE Reform public website.
Commission on PPBE Reform Commissioners’ biographies.
Implementation Plan for the Recommendations from the Commission on PPBE Reform’s Interim Report Page 29
(B) the structure of the budget of Department of Defense, including the effectiveness of
categorizing the budget by program, appropriations account, major force program,
budget activity, and line item, and whether this structure supports modern warfighting
requirements for speed, agility, iterative development, testing, and fielding;
(C) a review of how the process supports joint efforts, capability and platform lifecycles,
and transitioning technologies to production;
(D) the timelines, mechanisms, and systems for presenting and justifying the budget of
Department of Defense, monitoring program execution and Department of Defense
budget execution, and developing requirements and performance metrics;
(E) a review of the financial management systems of the Department of Defense,
including policies, procedures, past and planned investments, and recommendations
related to replacing, modifying, and improving such systems to ensure that such systems
and related processes of the Department result in--
(i) effective internal controls;
(ii) the ability to achieve auditable financial statements; and
(iii) the ability to meet other financial management and operational needs; and
(F) a review of budgeting methodologies and strategies of near-peer competitors to
understand if and how such competitors can address current and future threats more or
less successfully than the United States.
(3) Develop and propose recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the planning,
programming, budgeting, and execution process.
Congressionally mandated reports. The Commission released a Status Update in March 2023.
The Commission is congressionally mandated to release an Interim Report, which was released
on August 15, 2023, and a Final Report, which is expected in March 2024.
Commission termination. The Commission will terminate 180 days after the date on which it
submits the Final Report.