MPP Online
Terms and Key Concepts
October 2013
For the exclusive use of US Foods customers and employees Page 2 of 7
Term or
Active Item List
a. Definition of term List of items used in recipes or menu items only. When replaced in or deleted from
all recipes and menu items, products will no longer appear as active items.
b. How it is used Allows the operator to identify and update all products used in recipes and menu items.
c. Where it appears USF Active Product List, Non-USF Product List.
a. Definition of term Allows the duplication of an existing recipe or menu item.
b. How it is used Used to copy and rename an existing recipe or menu item for the purpose of creating a
new recipe or menu item within the same account. Also used to copy a recipe or menu item from one
account to another.
c. Where it appears- Copy can be found by clicking the ‘Options’ button on the recipe list and recipe detail
screens, menu item list and menu item detail screens. Also available under ‘Manage Selected’ on the
recipe and menu item list screens.
Cost per Serving
a. Definition of term - Auto-calculated field showing the cost for each serving size based on servings per
b. How it is used Used to show cost of all ingredients contained in one recipe serving.
c. Where it appears - This number appears in recipe headers, recipe list and recipe reports.
Critical Control
Point (CCP)
a. Definition of term Critical Control Point a procedure or step in a food preparation process added so
as to reduce or eliminate food safety hazards.
b. How it is used Provides a standard and editable list of food handling procedures that can be added to
any recipe or menu item.
c. Where it appears CCP’s are available at the bottom of each recipe and menu item instructional step.
End Date
a. Definition of Term -The ending date of the POS sales period being examined.
b. How it is used Used to determine the ending date for a sales period
c. Where it is found Found on the POS Data list, as well as the POS data template.
Food Cost
a. Definition of term The cost, expressed in dollars and cents, of all ingredients used within a menu
b. How it is used Used to calculate food cost percentage and gross profit for menu items.
c. Where it appears Found in menu item detail header, menu item list and menu item reports.
Food Cost
a. Definition of term The food cost of the menu item divided by the selling price - expressed as a
percentage of the selling price
b. How it is used Used by operator to evaluate selling price of menu items.
c. Where it appears Found in menu item detail, menu item list, and menu item reports.
Gross Profit $
a. Definition of term The selling price of the menu item less the food cost in dollars and cents.
b. How it is used Used by operator to determine the profitability of each menu item.
c. Where it appears Found in menu item detail, menu item list, and menu item reports.
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a. Definition of term - Locking a recipe or menu item prevents other user logins from making changes or
deleting the recipe or menu item. Only the owner user login may change or delete a recipe or menu item
when checked. Default is OFF or unchecked.
b. How it is used Used to prevent unauthorized changes or deletion of recipes and menu items.
c. Where it Appears Displayed in recipe and menu item headers, recipe and menu item list, and recipe
and menu item reports.
Menu Engineering
a. Definition of Term - A four-quadrant matrix that displays menu items plotted based on popularity (units
sold) and gross profit $ (margin contribution) of each menu item.
b. How it is used Allows user to visually compare menu items relative to each other for strategic
analysis, pricing, positioning and promotion on menus.
c. Where it appears Found in the POS Data screen, as well as under reports on the menus tab from the
USfoods.com main menu bar.
Menu Item
a. Definition of term A menu item contains single serving of recipes and/or products (ingredients). It is
presented or sold as a single group or “plate”. Menu items allow you to set a “Menu Price” so that food
cost and gross profit can be automatically calculated based on the cost of ingredients.
b. How it is used Allows the user to combine cost for all ingredients to determine plate cost, sell price
and/or profitability.
c. Where it is found Created and edited in the ‘Menu Items’ section.
Menu Item Category
a. Definition of term A category assigned to similar menu items for the purpose of grouping i.e.
Appetizers, Entrees, Sandwiches, etc.
b. How it is used Used to analyze and group menu items and provide user the ability to define food cost
percentage and gross profit thresholds.
c. Where it appears Found in menu item list, menu item detail, and menu item reports.
Menu Item
a. Definition of term The optional description is the long or formal name of the menu item from the actual
printed menu i.e. Bacon Cheeseburger with side of French Fries and Pickle
b. How it is used Used to identify menu items by using a full description
c. Where it appears Appears in menu item list, menu item detail, and menu item reports
Menu Item Name
a. Definition of term A short name to describe each menu item i.e. Bacon Cheeseburger
b. How it is used Provides a searchable name and identifier for each menu item
c. Where it appears - This name appears in all menu item screens and reports
Menu Item Price
a. Definition of term The selling price for a menu item when sold
b. How it is used Menu Item Price is used by MPP to calculate gross profit dollars and food cost
percentage by comparing menu item cost versus menu item sell price.
c. Where it appears Found in menu item detail, and all menu item report
Non USF Product
a. Definition of term Any product used by the operator in recipes and menu items that is NOT
purchased from US Foods
b. How it is used Allows the operator to utilize products sourced from other vendors when costing and
analyzing recipes and menu items.
c. Where it appears Non-USF products may be utilized in all recipes and menu items. They are listed
and maintained in the Non-USF Product List.
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a. Definition of Term - An acronym for Point-of-Sale which generally refers to the computerized system
used by restaurants to enter, track and analyze customer orders.
b. How it is used MPP uses the sales data from the user’s POS system to formulate menu engineering
reports as well as overall food cost, gross profit and theoretical case usage from the product mix (PMIX)
c. Where it is found- Each menu item in MPP can be matched to a corresponding POS number from the
user’s POS system.
a. Definition of Term - Selling price the customer has programmed into their POS system for a particular
menu item.
b. How it is used MPP compares the POS selling price to what is entered in the menu item detail screen
to ensure accuracy and synchronization between MPP and the POS system.
c. Where it is found Found on the POS Data list, as well as the POS data upload template, and menu
engineering detail report.
a. Definition of term The Point of Sale system item identifier typically a 4, 5 or 6 digit code
b. How it is used Unique number used by POS system for each menu item, to record quantity sold. Used
by MPP to match sales data to menu item food cost , selling price and gross profit $ (via manual entry or
Excel template upload)
c. Where it appears Found in menu item detail, menu item list and menu item reports
a. Definition of term Displays how an ingredient is priced by the vendor e.g. by case or by the pound
b. How it is used Used to calculate the cost for an ingredient.
c. Where it appears The Price Unit is displayed in the product detail, and product list for USF and Non-
USF products.
a. Definition of term - Auto-calculated field showing the cost of all ingredients in a recipe.
b. How it is used Used to display the cost of a recipe.
c. Where it Appears - This number is viewable in the recipe detail screen (header) and the recipe list.
a. Definition of term - A unique number assigned by the system to each recipe (cannot be changed by
b. How it is used Establishes a unique identifier for each recipe. It is also used when a recipe appears
within a recipe or menu item. The number provides a hyperlink back to the recipe.
c. Where it appears - This number is viewable in the recipe detail screen and recipe list, as well as within
recipes and menu items where it is used as an ingredient.
a. Definition of term - The recipe yield label is a description that identifies how much product is produced
by the recipe. This field is not used in any calculations, it is simply a label. i.e. Five Gallons, Ten Pounds,
24 Each.
b. How it is used Used to describe the yield of a recipe in useful terms i.e. ten pounds, two dozen, four
gallons, twelve each etc.
c. Where it appears - This label is viewable in the recipe header, recipe list and recipe reports.
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a. Definition of Term - The number of times an individual menu item was sold in a given period
b. How it is used Used to calculate total revenue, total food cost, and total gross profit in a given period
also used to plot the relative popularity of a menu item.
c. Where it is found Found on the POS Data, POS data template, POS data screen, Menu Engineering
Detail, Menu Engineering Report
a. Definition of Term -The starting date of the POS sales period being examined.
b. How it is used Used to determine the starting date for a sales period
c. Where it is found Found on the POS Data list, as well as the POS data template
a. Definition of Term - An Excel spreadsheet template used to format POS sales data for importing POS
Sales data into Menu ProfitBuilder Pro.
b. How it is used Provides an MPP compatible document format used to copy and paste key sales data
from users POS system.
c. Where it is found Provided as a download on the POS Data screen in MPP
a. Definition of term - A numeric value used to designate the number of units in a serving of a recipe. For
example the numeral 4 in a 4 ounce serving is the serving size quantity.
b. How it is used Used to describe a standard serving size of a recipe (NOT used in any calculation)
c. Where it appears As part of the serving size description in the recipe detail (header), recipe list and
recipe reports.
a. Definition of term - A term used as part of a serving size description. For example, the termounce in a
4 ounce serving is the serving unit of measure.
b. How it is used Used to describe a standard serving size of a recipe (NOT used in any calculation)
c. Where it appears As part of the serving size description in the recipe detail (header), recipe list and
recipe reports.
a. Definition of term - The number of servings the full recipe will yield.
b. How it is used Used to calculate the cost per serving, the total recipe cost is divided by this number to
calculate cost per serving*
c. Where it appears - This number is viewable in the recipe detail (header) and recipe reports.
a. Definition of term - The number of servings the full recipe will yield.
b. How it is used Used to calculate the cost per serving, the total recipe cost is divided by this number to
calculate cost per serving.
c. Where it appears - This number is viewable in the recipe detail (header) and recipe reports.
a. Definition of term - Sharing a recipe or menu item allows other users connected to your account see
the recipe/menu item, and if the recipe/menu item is not locked, other users can modify it. Locked
recipes/menu items may still be viewed and copied by other users.
b. How it is used The recipe/menu item owner can select the share checkbox on any recipe/menu item
they create. When unchecked, only the owner can see the recipe/menu item. MPP default is checked.
c. Where it appears Displayed in recipe/menu item headers, recipe/menu item list, and recipe/menu item
detail reports.
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Key concepts
The following are some of the key concepts to understand when using MPP.
Menu Engineering The process of analyzing sales, cost, and profitability of menu items in relation to each other, to help re
design, price and/ or re-position items on the menu in order to maximize the profitability of the product mix.
Recipe/Menu Item Copying It is important to understand that MPP allows two types of Recipe and Menu Item copying
The first type of copy allows the user to duplicate a Recipe or Menu item for the purpose of altering and renaming it. e.g. Copy
the menu item Hamburger and then modify the Menu item into a Cheeseburger without the need to build the menu item again
from scratch.
Additionally - The copy function allows the user to copy a menu item from one account to another account and to re-calculate the
price of the same recipe and or menu item using the same ingredients attached to a separate account’s pricing for the same
In the second example, if the 2
account happens to be tied to a different distribution center, some of the items may need to be
replaced, with locally stocked items in order for products to accurately price the recipe or menu item.
Theoretical Case Usage A report that uses POS sales data to calculate the units of measure theoretically used within any menu
items and recipes tied to the menu items sold. The amount of each ingredient is expressed in case values in order to provide an
item-by-item theoretical case usage report based on analysis of the menu item sales mix during a particular timeframe.
Ingredient - Individual products that make up a recipe, or menu item. Items such as tomato sauce purchased in 6/# 10 cans would
be considered an ingredient.
Recipe (simple) - A recipe comprised of any combination of ingredients and quantities of ingredients purchased from US Foods
only. For example marinara sauce made with tomato sauce, garlic and olive oil all purchased from US Foods.
Recipe (complex) - A recipe that may include USF products, Non USF products and/or one or more recipes as ingredients. For
example, a lasagna recipe could include the recipe for marinara sauce, along with lasagna noodles, ricotta cheese etc. sourced from
US Foods and/or other vendors.
a. Definition of term The name of the supplier from whom the operator sources products.
b. How it is used Allows the operator to identify and categorize items by vendor.
c. Where it appears The vendor name is displayed in the product detail screen as well as the USF
Product List and Non USF Product List.
a. Definition of term A unique ID number for each item purchased from an Non USF vendor
b. How it is used Allows the operator to identify items purchased from Non USF vendors.
c. Where it appears The vendor Product Number is displayed in the product detail, and the Non USF
Product List.
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Product Yield Used to determine the amount of usable product after trimming or draining an ingredient for use in a recipe or
menu item . The default (“1”) indicates 100% yield); any amount less than 1 reflects the amount of usable product that comes from
the case, for example, 0.75 = 75% of the case is usable product in the case of raw broccoli you might trim and discard 25% of the
case weight before using the broccoli in recipes and menu items. The ingredient cost is adjusted to reflect the usable product cost.
Menu Item (Simple) a Plated serving or combination of plated items sold or served to customers at a set price. A simple
menu item includes quantities of ingredients purchased only from US Foods. For example, if a restaurant sells Lasagna Dinner with
garlic bread - The menu item may include a portion of a USF prepared lasagna product, and other USF ingredients for garlic bread.
This menu item might be sold at a price of $11.99 for example.
Menu Item (Complex) a Plated serving or combination of plated items sold or served to customers at a set price. A complex
menu item could include quantities of USF and Non-USF products as ingredients as well as portions of existing recipes. For
example, if a restaurant sells Lasagna Dinner with garlic bread - The menu item may include a portion of the recipe for house-made
lasagna, and USF and/or Non USF ingredients for garlic bread sold at a price of $11.99.