Consulting Agreement
This Agreement is entered into effective as of __________________,
20__, between [COMPANY NAME and address] (hereinafter "COMPANY") and
[NAME and address] (hereinafter “CONSULTANT.”)
WHEREAS, the Company is engaged in research, development and
commercialization of certain technology and wished to engage CONSULTANT to
advise COMPANY on matters relating to the field of [Specify with detail the field
of research for the consulting services to be provide under the agreement.]
(hereinafter "Field") under the following terms and conditions:
1. Consulting and Advisory Activities. CONSULTANT's responsibilities shall
include, without limitation, the following activities (hereinafter collectively
referred to as "Services"):
[Describe consulting services in detail. Such services can be detailed for a
specific period of time, with provisions to update the services for ensuing time
periods. Services should not include directing or conducting research for or
on behalf of the Company without prior disclosure of such activity to the
department chair]
The Services may be performed via telephone and other forms of remote
correspondence, and may include meetings with personnel and other consultants
at times and locations to be mutually agreed upon. In each instance,
CONSULTANT shall perform the Services only upon COMPANY's request and
after the scope of the Services has been approved by COMPANY. The
COMPANY and CONSULTANT acknowledge and agree that such Service will
not exceed an average of one day per week.
CONSULTANT represents and warrants that at the time of execution of this
Agreement, the terms of this Agreement are not inconsistent with any other
contractual or legal obligations CONSULTANT may have or with the policies of
any institution or company with which CONSULTANT is associated.
2. Compensation. In consideration for CONSULTANT's services hereunder,
COMPANY shall pay CONSULTANT as follows: [Detail terms of
compensation: monthly, per hour? to include stock? Detail process of how
expenses will be reimbursed?]
Payment shall be made within thirty five (30) days after COMPANY’s receipt
of an invoice of services and expenses, along with the submission of appropriate
vouchers and receipts as may be reasonably necessary to substantiate
CONSULTANT's expenses. Any income taxes levied on payments to be made
to CONSULTANT hereunder shall be exclusively borne by CONSULTANT.
CONSULTANT shall not be paid vacation, holiday or sick time during the term
of Agreement. In the event of an early termination of the Agreement COMPANY
shall pay CONSULTANT for the Services performed and expenses incurred
through the date of termination.
3. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall be effective upon the date
set forth in the first paragraph of this Agreement and continue until
_______________[termination date].
This Agreement may be extended by written agreement signed by the parties.
Either party may terminate this Agreement with or without cause upon giving
thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party. Termination or expiration of
this Agreement shall not affect any rights or obligations which have accrued prior
thereto or in connection therewith.
4. CONSULTANT Obligations to the University of Rochester.
a. The parties acknowledge that the University of Rochester is not a
party to this Agreement and that this Agreement is a private
contract between CONSULTANT and COMPANY. UR will exercise
no authority or control over CONSULTANT in his/her performance
of his/her Services hereunder. As such, CONSULTANT and
COMPANY agree that the University of Rochester, it’s Schools,
Departments, Divisions and Centers, and Strong Memorial Hospital
and its affiliates (hereinafter individually and collectively “UR”) have
no liability or responsibility to either party under this Agreement.
The CONSULTANT’s contact information, including office address,
e-mail address and telephone number at UR may be identified in
this Agreement for the purpose of convenient communication
between COMPANY and CONSULTANT and does not in any way
alter the fact that this is a private agreement between COMPANY
primary duty as a full-time UR employee is to UR. COMPANY and
CONSULTANT also agree that UR policies and CONSULTANT's
obligations to UR shall control and be given priority in the event a
conflict arises between such policies and obligations and
CONSULTANT’S performance of Services under this Agreement.
Nothing in this Agreement shall in any way restrict CONSULTANT’s
ability to conduct academic research and other academic activities
at, through, or on behalf of UR during or at any time after the term
of this Agreement so long as such activities do not breach the
terms of this Agreement.
c. CONSULTANT shall not use the facilities, equipment, materials,
funds, or resources owned or administered by UR, or located on
any of the premises thereof; or engage or employ students, post-
doctoral fellows or similar researchers, or any other employee of
UR, to provide services under this Agreement. CONSULTANT
shall not disclose under this Agreement: (a) information that is
proprietary to UR and not generally available to the public other
than through formal institutional transactions; or (b) unpublished
results of, or data from, research or clinical activity conducted at,
by, or on behalf of UR.
d. With the limited exception of citing CONSULTANT's faculty title
(subject to the conditions outlined below), COMPANY and its
affiliates will not use the names, likenesses, or logos of UR in any
of their fund-raising or investment documents, publications,
websites, advertisements, press releases, or marketing and
promotional materials.
5. Confidential Information
a. CONSULTANT may disclose to COMPANY any information that
CONSULTANT would normally freely disclose to other members of
the scientific community at large; however, CONSULTANT shall not
disclose to COMPANY information that is proprietary to UR and is
not generally available to the public.
b. With respect to any technical or business information of the
COMPANY of a proprietary or confidential nature which is marked
or otherwise identified in writing as confidential, which
CONSULTANT may obtain from COMPANY in the performance of
the Services hereunder or which is developed by CONSULTANT as
a direct result of CONSULTANT's Services hereunder (all of such
technical and business information being referred to hereinafter as
"Company Information"), it is understood that unless disclosure or
use of Company Information is specifically permitted by the
COMPANY, CONSULTANT will for a period of three (3) years from
the date of disclosure hereunder (i) treat Company Information as
confidential; (ii) not use any Company Information except as and to
the extent necessary for the performance of the Services
hereunder; and (iii) not disclose any Company Information to any
third party. CONSULTANT retains the right to refuse to accept any
Company Information that he/she believes may adversely affect or
interfere with his/her work for UR.
c. Upon termination of this Agreement, COMPANY may request that
CONSULTANT return or destroy all Company Information.
d. Consultant’s obligations set forth in this Section 5 shall not apply
with respect to any portion of the Company Information that (i)
was in the public domain at the time it was communicated to
CONSULTANT under this Agreement; (ii) entered the public
domain through no breach of this Agreement by CONSULTANT,
subsequent to the time it was communicated to CONSULTANT
under this Agreement; (iii) was in CONSULTANT’s possession,
and, to the best of CONSULTANT’s knowledge, free of any
obligation of confidence at the time it was communicated to
CONSULTANT; (iv) was rightfully communicated to CONSULTANT
free of any obligation of confidence subsequent to the time it was
communicated to CONSULTANT under this Agreement; (v) was
developed by CONSULTANT independently of and without
reference to any information communicated to CONSULTANT
under this Agreement; and (vi) is required to be disclosed in
response to a valid order by a court or other governmental body, or
as otherwise required by law.
6. Publications.
CONSULTANT shall not publish, nor submit for publication,
any work directly arising out of the provision of the Services provided
hereunder without prior written approval from COMPANY. Nothing in this
agreement shall be construed as prohibiting or otherwise limiting
CONSULTANT's ability to publish, submit for publication, or otherwise
disclose the results of CONSULTANT's activities as a faculty member of
UR, during or at any time after the term of this Agreement, even if such
activities are related to the Field described, and Services provided,
7. Intellectual Property. ALTERNATIVE ONE (recommended for
consulting arrangements where the consulting work overlaps with or
is substantially related to the work Consultant is performing at the
University): Title to all inventions and discoveries made by
CONSULTANT resulting from Services performed hereunder shall reside
in UR; title to all inventions and discoveries made by COMPANY resulting
from the Services performed hereunder shall reside in COMPANY. Title
to all inventions and discoveries made jointly by CONSULTANT and
COMPANY resulting from the Services provided hereunder shall be
owned jointly by UR and COMPANY. Inventorship shall be determined in
accordance with U.S. Patent law. The COMPANY and CONSULTANT
acknowledge that CONSULTANT has an obligation to disclose to UR all
inventions created by him/her as more fully provided in UR’s Intellectual
Property policy. COMPANY shall have no rights by reason of this
Agreement in any publication, invention, discovery or other intellectual
property, which is conceived, developed or reduced to practice, in whole
or in part, using facilities, equipment or funds of UR or while
CONSULTANT was performing work for UR.
[ALTERNATIVE TWO (recommended for consulting arrangements
where the consulting work is sufficiently different or separate from
the work consulting is performing at the University): Subject to the
provisions of this Section 7, CONSULTANT agrees to assign to
COMPANY any right, title and interest he/she may have in any invention
or discovery which (i) CONSULTANT conceives, develops and reduces to
practice solely as a direct result of performing the SERVICES for the
COMPANY under this Agreement, and (ii) was not generated, in whole or
in part, in the course of CONSULTANT’s activities as a UR employee, and
is not owned by UR or assignable to UR pursuant to its Intellectual
Property policy. The COMPANY and CONSULTANT acknowledge that
CONSULTANT has an obligation to disclose to UR all inventions created
by him/her as more fully provided in UR’s Intellectual Property policy.
COMPANY shall have no rights by reason of this Agreement in any
publication, invention, discovery or other intellectual property, which is
conceived, developed or reduced to practice, in whole or in part, using
facilities, equipment or funds of UR or while CONSULTANT was
performing work for UR.]
8. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. In the performance of the
Services hereunder, CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable
federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines. CONSULTANT
shall also comply with COMPANY's polices when on COMPANY
9. Limitation of Liability; Indemnification. CONSULTANT shall not be liable
to COMPANY for any loss incurred in the performance of his/her Services
hereunder unless caused by CONSULTANT’s intentional misconduct.
COMPANY agrees, at its sole defense, to indemnify and defend
CONSULTANT from and against any damages, claims or suits by third
parties against CONSULTANT arising from the performance of
CONSULTANT’s Services hereunder unless caused by CONSULTANT’s
intentional misconduct.
10. Independent Contractor. CONSULTANT's status under this Agreement is
that of an independent contractor. CONSULTANT shall not be deemed an
employee, agent, partner or joint venturer of COMPANY for any purpose
whatsoever, and CONSULTANT shall have no authority to bind or act on
behalf of COMPANY. This Agreement shall not entitle CONSULTANT to
participate in any benefit plan or program of COMPANY. CONSULTANT
shall be responsible for, and agrees to comply with, obligations under
federal and state tax laws for payment of income and, if applicable, self-
employment tax.
11. Assignment. Neither party may assign this Agreement or any interest
herein, or delegate any of its duties hereunder, to any third party without
the other party’s prior written consent. Any attempted assignment or
delegation without such consent shall be null and void.
12. Debarment. CONSULTANT warrants and represents that CONSULTANT
has never been, is not currently, and, during the term of this Agreement,
will not become:
a. An individual who has been debarred by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration ("FDA") pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 335a (a) or (b)
("Debarred Individual") from providing services in any capacity to a
person that has an approved or pending drug product application,
or an employer, employee or partner of a Debarred Individual or
b. A corporation, partnership or association that has been debarred by
the FDA pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 335a (a) or (b) ("Debarred Entity")
from submitting or assisting in the submission of any abbreviated
drug application, or an employee, partner, shareholder, member,
subsidiary or affiliate of a Debarred Entity.
13. Successors and Assigns.
This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and
be binding upon the respective heirs, representatives, successors and
assigns of the parties.
14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of
the parties with respect to the matters herein contained and supersedes
all previous agreements and undertakings with respect thereto. This
agreement may be modified only by written agreement signed by the
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of New York without regard to its conflicts of laws rules.
By: _______________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
Date: _____________________________________