(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023
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Legal Entity Extraction: An Experimental Study of
NER Approach for Legal Documents
Varsha Naik
, Purvang Patel
, Rajeswari Kannan
Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune, India
1, 3
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune, India
1, 2
AbstractIn legal domain Name Entity Recognition serves as
the basis for subsequent stages of legal artificial intelligence. In
this paper, the authors have developed a dataset for training
Name Entity Recognition (NER) in the Indian legal domain. As a
first step of the research methodology study is done to identify and
establish more legal entities than commonly used named entities
such as person, organization, location, and so on. The annotators
can make use of these entities to annotate different types of legal
documents. Variety of text annotation tools are in existence
finding the best one is a difficult task, so authors have
experimented with various tools before settling on the best one
for this research work. The resulting annotations from
unstructured text can be stored into a JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) format which improves data readability and
manipulation simple. After annotation, the resulting dataset
contains approximately 30 documents and approximately 5000
sentences. This data further used to train a spacy pre-trained
pipeline to predict accurate legal name entities. The accuracy of
legal names can be increased further if the pre-trained models
are fine-tuned using legal texts.
KeywordsNamed Entity Recognition; NER; legal domain; text
annotation; annotation tools
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve
both the efficiency and accessibility of numerous legal
processes [1]. In the current digital era, online document
collections are growing rapidly. Technology and automation
can help to extract information from these collections. As the
amount of data continuously increasing, it is more and more
necessary to access and process these data. The use of natural
language processing is significant. NER, one of Natural
Language Processing’s (NLP) fundamental building blocks, can
be used to develop AI applications in the legal domain [2].
Name entity recognition is a process of locating and classifying
named entities in an unstructured text into predefined
Name entity recognition is used to find a link to rigid
notations in text that are related to well-known semantic
classes like person, place, organization, etc. NER is used not
only as a standalone tool for information extraction (IE) [3],
but also in a variety of natural language processing (NLP)
applications such as text understanding, information retrieval,
automatic text summarization, question answering, machine
translation, and knowledge base construction, and many others.
Information retrieval, question-and-answer systems, machine
translation, and many more applications use NER as a crucial
pre-processing step [4].
To achieve high performance in NER, large amounts of
knowledge in the form of feature engineering and lexicons have
traditionally been required [5]. Also, there is great
advancement in machine learning algorithms and deep learning
algorithms in natural language processing and more
specifically name entity recognition and information extraction
[6]. Depending on the problem, such methods typically require
a large set of manually annotated data,[5] whereas some
machine learning algorithms rely on unsupervised techniques
that do not require a large set of annotated data. There is an
active learning-based clustering technique that is a subset of
the semi-supervised technique and is used to reduce manual
annotation time [7].
Annotation is a practice of adding linguistic and interpretive
information to an electronic corpus of spoken or written
linguistic data. Basically, annotation means adding a note to the
input data. Annotation of words and characters are quite
common for exactly distinctive medical specialty entities,
resembling genes, proteins, and diseases [8]. In previous work,
Jackson M.Steinkamp, Abhinav Sharma has annotated the
unstructured clinical notes to identify the symptoms within the
electronic health records. In another work related to the
medical name entity recognition have prepared their dataset by
annotating notes of pneumonia patients [2]. And, annotation
between two words or phrases are also done for syntactic
dependencies or identifying relation between two words in a
sentence. For new annotation project or for doing annotation
from scratch, typically includes a variety of activities including
defining annotation schemas [9], developing guideline for
annotations and defining entity type assembling appropriate
collections of documents, and properly pre-processing those
documents and create the final corpus [10].
One of the important tasks while annotation is selecting
appropriate annotation tool given the large number of tools
available and the lack of an up-to-date list of annotation tools
and their respective pros and cons [11]. Therefore, extensive
review of available tools must be done to avoid poor decision
of selecting tools. Weak decision can lead to the unnecessary
wastage of time of installing and converting document to the
specific format for tools.
In this task, an extensive review of annotation tools for
manual annotation of documents has been presented. The basic
requirements for selecting the annotation tools have been
defined. To gain a better understanding of name entity
recognition, an ER-system for the legal domain has been
created. The first step in creating a corpus of annotated
judgment papers is to define relevant entities, which can mainly
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Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023
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be categorized into two: domain-specific named entities like
legal terms, Act, legal institutes, etc., and general named
entities like person, location, date, etc. An ER-system built
with a spacy pre-trained model is then presented.
Following contributions were made in this paper:
An extensive review was conducted on manual
annotation tools for creating NER training corpus.
A corpus for legal name entity recognition was created,
consisting of 5000 judgment papers with 8 legal named
An Entity-Relation model was developed based on
spacy pretrained model.
NER is regarded as a crucial activity in the information
extraction process. While numerous studies on name entity
recognition have been conducted. Several datasets have been
offered over a long period of time. CoNLL’ 03 [12], which was
taken from a German newspaper and is regarded as a language
independent NER dataset, is one of the more well- known
datasets. Many datasets from many fields, including medical,
law, archaeology, and many more, are afterwards proposed
Early NER systems relied on rules that were created by
humans. A rule-based NER system is thought to take a long
time to design. Researchers have created a NER System based
on a machine learning algorithm to solve this issue. They used
a few learning techniques, including supervised learning, semi-
supervised learning, and unsupervised training. Alex Brandsen
et al. [9] have used machine learning approach for predicting
name entities from Dutch Excavation reports. Not only
machine learning algorithms, but also satisfactory research on
NER systems using deep learning algorithms and neural
networks, are being conducted. A study conducted by Franck
Dernoncourt et al. [14] successfully performs NER using ANN
and obtain satisfactory result out of it. Thomas AF Green et al.
[15] have included a benchmark CRF-based Entity recognition
model of a manually created corpus of job description and
achieve accuracy of approx. 60-65 %.
While many type of research on NER is carried out using
deep learning and machine learning approach. Very Few
studies have been done using pre-trained model like BERT
[16]. Mugisha et al. [2] have published a detailed comparison
of the neuro-linguistic modelling pipeline for predicting
outcomes from medical text notes using patients with
pneumonia. Li, Jianfu, et al. [17] in their study, they have fine-
tuned pre- trained contextual language models to support the
NER task on clinical trial eligibility criteria. They have
systematically explored four pre-trained contextual embedding
models for biomedical domain (i.e., BioBERT, BlueBERT,
PubMedBERT, and SciBERT).
Table I summarizes the literature survey conducted during
this study.
Domain of study
Symptom extraction
with unstructured
clinical notes
To create clinically useful
information extraction tools, a
task definition, dataset and simple
supervised NLP model were used.
Outcome Prediction
from medical notes
A deep comparison of natural
language modelling pipelines
from outcome prediction from
unstructured medical text notes.
NER in
Developed a training dataset for
name entity recognition in
archaeology domain, for which
Doccano tool was used for
Entity recognition in
job descriptions
Created a benchmark suite for
entity recognition in job
description which includes
annotation schema, baseline
model, and training of corpus.
Dataset for legal
name entity
A dataset created for NER in
German federal court decisions
NER on Indian
judgment paper
Created a training corpus of
Indian court judgment and
developed a transformer-based
legal NER baseline model.
A systematic review of literature on various annotation
tools used for NER was conducted. In this paper, the standard
SLR procedures as described by the authors Chitu Okoli and
Kira Schabram [20] were taken under consideration. This
methodology demonstrates a detailed examination of the NER
system across multiple domains, as well as a manual
annotation tool and various annotation methods.
A. Research Question
One of the crucial steps in a systematic review is the
research question. In order to maintain focus at the start of the
study, we write research questions (RQ) that will adhere to the
review procedure. Table II show the lists of research questions.
B. Search Method
1) Choose keyword: Table III shows a list of keywords
used in the search for the paper from the online library.
2) Inclusion and exclusion criteria: Only conference and
journal papers published in English language within the last
five years were considered, and any papers currently under
review were excluded. Table IV show the inclusion and
exclusion criteria.
The formal description of the text annotation problem and
annotation tools was presented, followed by a detailed
discussion of the selection criteria for annotation tools. Next,
an introduction was provided on the commonly used
annotation tools.
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A. Annotation Tools
Data annotation tools are software used to create high-
quality annotated machine learning training data such as text,
images, and videos. There are wide variety of annotation tools
from open-source tools that developers can modify accordingly
to freeware applications that are free to use. Let us first discuss
what is text annotation, what is the need of it and discuss some
type of text annotation.
B. Text Annotation: Needs and Type
1) Labelling procedures: Adding labels entails putting a
word in a sentence that explains its type. It can be explained
using emotions, technical terms, etc. For instance, the phrase
“I am satisfied with this product, it is amazing” could be
given a label like happy”.
2) Adding matadata: Similar to this, relevant information
can be added to the statement “Mahadevapura police have fled
charge sheet against the accused alleging that he has
committed an offence punishable under Section 354C of I.P.C
R/w sec.66(E) of Information Technology Act” to help the
learning algorithm priorities and concentrate on particular
terms. One might write something like, “Mahadevapura
(Location) police have fled charge sheet against the accused
alleging that he has committed an offence punishable under
Section 354C (Legal) of I.P.C. (Act) R/w sec.66(E) of
Information Technology Act (Act)”.
3) Now let us discuss in brief some of the types of data
annotation: Sentiment Annotation: Sentiment annotation is
nothing more than the assignment of labels to feelings like
sadness, happiness, anger, positivity, negativity, and neutrality.
Any activity involving sentiment analysis can benefit from
sentiment annotation. (For example, in retail, facial
expressions can be used to assess customer satisfaction.)
a) Intent annotation: The intent annotation also
identifies the sentences but emphasises the purpose or
motivation behind the statement. A message such as “I need to
talk to Sam” in a customer service situation, for example, may
direct the call to Sam by himself, or a message such as ”I have
a problem with the credit card” could direct the call to the
team handling credit card issues.
b) Named entity recognition: The goal of named entity
recognition (NER) is to find and categorise special
expressions or predefined named entities in a sentence [21]. It
is used to look up words based on what they mean, such as
names of people or places. Information can be extracted using
NER, together with information classification and
c) Semantic annotation: It can be also known as
meaningful annotation, semantic annotation is the addition of
metadata, supplementary data, or tags to text that contains
concepts and entities, such as persons, places, or themes.
C. Selection of Tools
Tools that are known and have been mentioned in previous
studies were listed. Google, Google Scholar, Scopus, and
other online databases were searched for tools mentioned in
annotation tool-related publications. There are a wide range of
annotation tools available, but for this survey, the tools selected
are the most widely used in any domain and meet the criteria.
There are a few requirements that have been studied and
presented for an
annotation tool. In this research, total 22
criteria are considered to evaluate annotating tools which are
further divided into different groups such as
publication, system criteria, and function. For these categories
important features of tools are considered such as accessibility,
usability, and cost. All these mention categories are listed in
Table V along with the associated criteria.
The input-output or data criteria address the input-output
format of document, schema for annotation, and input format
for multi-media file. Publication criteria include the year of last
publications, number of citations, and number of publications
in last five years. System criteria indicate installations
architecture and simplicity of installations, quality and quantity
of documents, license of tools and OS support. And the last set
of criteria is functional criteria which contains multimedia
annotation support, support of multiple language other than
English, automatic text annotation, pre-annotation support and
data security.
Sr. No.
Research Question
Domains where Name entity recognition is used?
Dataset related to Name entity recognition?
Which annotation tool is used for creating corpus?
What are challenges and issue faced wile manual annotating
dataset using tool?
What are various techniques used for annotating dataset for NER?
Sr. No.
No of
Inclusion criteria
Last five-year publication: 2017-2021
All Open Access
Only Conference Paper and Journal Paper
Only considered the ER system for text dataset
Exclusion Criteria
Unpublished paper
Literature other than English language
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The features with which the tools must comply are listed
It should be freely available.
It should be a web application that can be downloaded
or used online.
It should be able to installed easily.
It should be approachable.
It should support multiple file format and export
annotation in multiple formats.
To satisfy the availability criteria a tool must be instantly
accessible, either for direct online usage (via a web user
interface) or to download at the time of writing, without
requiring consumers to get in touch with the developers. The
availability also depends on whether the tool is free or
The tool must be a web application, which means that it
must either be easily accessible online or may be downloaded
and installed as a web application. The requirement that
annotations be web-based ensures that annotators can focus
completely on their annotation tasks without having to fight
with tool installation. Manual annotation is a labor-intensive
and difficult task in and of itself, and additional work may
annoy the annotators and jeopardise the annotation process.
The survey requires the tool to function properly, and it is a
requirement for practical experiments. A minimal set of
features, as described by the criteria (as defined in Table V),
should be accessible regardless of whether the tool is locally
installable or accessible online for use. Therefore, there is no
need to contact the developers for help because the tool should
be simple to use or the documentation should be thorough
Few more additional features are considered in this
research other than the functionalities listed above which
makes annotation process much easier such as the smallest unit
of annotation (character or token), built-in domain-specific
named entity extraction, and quick annotations such as
keyboard shortcuts, pre-annotations, or ontology.
Some additional feature which are not compulsory for the
annotation tools are listed below but they might be useful for
most of the NLP based task:
It can support multimedia.
It can support multiple language.
Integration with AI model for automatic annotation
Good and simple User Interface.
D. Selected Tools
In this section total eight tools are studied and selected for
the research work are listed in Table VI, detailed discussion is
done for the selected tools with respect to their features.
1) BRAT (Browser based rapid annotation tool): One of
the most well-liked tools for manually annotating documents,
it has been employed in the creation of numerous corpora.
BRAT is a browser-based free online annotation tool for
collaborative text annotation [22]. BRAT is not accessible
online and must be installed locally. Documents are imported
in the same format as the plain text file that contains the
schema configuration. It was designed for rich structured
annotation for a range of NLP activities. BRAT was created to
enhance manual curation efforts and boost annotator
productivity using NLP approaches. It is possible to highlight
entities and relations as well as normalize data to pre-
established terminology. It has a rich range of features such as
integration with external resources such as Wikipedia, support
for automatic text annotation tools, and built-in annotation
BRAT is more suitable for annotating expressions and the
relationship between them, because annotating longer texts like
paragraphs is really inconvenient. It only accepts text files as
input documents, and text files are not presented in their
original format in the user interface. Despite the fact that the
last version was issued in 2012, the product is still readily
accessible and well-liked in the industry. Recent upgrades
include, among other things, integrating with external TM tools
and embedding visualizations in HTML pages.
Criteria Categories
Input & Output (data)
Input format for document
Input for multi-format file
Format for annotation
Output format for annotation
Number of citations
System Criteria
Installation Design (Web, standalone, plugin)
Simplicity of installation
Quality and Quantity of documentation
Licence of Tool
Operating System Support
Availability (Free/ Paid)
Multimedia or Multimodal Support
Multilingual Support
Interactive UI
Support of Fast Annotation
Full Text Support
Inter-annotator agreement
Pre-annotation Support
Integration with external sources
Automatic text annotation
Annotation Relationship
Data Security
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Input Format
Output Format
brat standoff format
CC BY3.0
GATE teamware
Web/ SA
Label Studio
JSON, txt
JSON, Amazon Comprehend, Stanford CoreNLP
a) Doccano: Doccano is an open-source web-based
annotation tool for text files only [23]. It is an open-source
tool that supports a variety of job types, such as tasks
involving the annotation of text sequences or text
classification, which may be applied to a variety of problems,
such as the annotation of text for sentiment analysis, text
summarization, NER, etc. [9] It has a more modern and
attractive user interface, and all configuration is done in the
web user inter- face. It also generates a basic overview of
tagging statistics. All of these make Doccano more beginner-
friendly and user- friendly in general. It supports multiple
users, but there are no additional features for collaborative
b) GATE: Gate team-ware is a web-based open-source
collaborative annotation and curation tool [24] and is freely
available. Gate teamware is an extension of an annotation tool
GATE, which is an annotation management tool. GATE
teamware offers user automatic annotation which reduces the
manual annotation tool. It offers the interface which can be
used to create corpus, to define annotation schema, to load pre-
annotated data. As it is collaborative tool, it allows the users to
monitor the annotation process i.e., number of annotated
document and remaining document to be annotated. It is also
use to monitor statistics like time spent on a document, inter
annotator agreement.
c) Light tag: Another browser-based text labelling tool
is LightTag [25], however it’s not completely free. No local
installation is required for annotation using lighttag. It offers a
free edition with 5,000 annotations each month for its essential
features. It supports working with different languages (like
Arabic, Hebrew and CJK among others), document level,
multi-word, nesting, relationship annotations, etc. Addition-
ally, it uses machine learning to learn from active annotators
and suggest possible annotations for hidden text. It assigns
tasks to annotators and ensures that there is enough overlap
and duplication to maintain a high degree of accuracy and
d) Prodigy: It is a paid tool, and the only free version is
a demo. Prodigy is an active learning-based annotation tool
that is also connected with the Spacy library. This annotation
tool’s active learning feature allows you to only annotate cases
for which the model does not yet have an answer, greatly
accelerating the annotation process. By using transfer learning
technology and a more flexible approach to data gathering,
you can train models of production quality with a minimal
number of samples. Prodigy allows you to annotate images,
videos, and audio in addition to text. When exporting your
files, you can select among the JSONL, JSON, and txt
e) UBIAI: UBIAI is a powerful labelling platform for
training and deploying custom NLP models. UBIAI is a tool
for data labelling as a service category in the technology stack
[26] . It offers free and paid plans, OCR annotation tools,
document classification, auto-tagging for team collaboration,
and more. Widely used in the corporate world to convey
important information, this is a must, especially for businesses
and organizations that need to create high-quality annotations
to PDFs, but difficult to edit there is. With UBIAI you can
easily annotate native his PDF documents, scanned images,
images, invoices or contracts in over 20 languages including
Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Hebrew can be
attached. Per- form named entity recognition (NER),
relationship extraction, and document classification in the
same interface. Export annotations in multiple formats
including Spacy, IOB, and Amazon Comprehend. Supports
various input formats such as native PDF, TXT, CSV, PNG,
JPG, HTML, DOCX, JSON. It also offers team management
features that allow you to track progress. Measurement of text
annotations, performance of assigned projects, and agreement
among annotators.
f) Label studio: Label Studio is an open-source data
labeller that allows you to label and explore a variety of data
written in Python. You can make different entries with several
data formats. You can also integrate Label Studio with machine
learning models to provide label predictions (examples) or
perform continuous active learning. Label Studio is also
available in Enterprise and Cloud versions with additional
features. Simplicity of label studio is that it has no complicated
configurations, and ease of integration into Machine Learning
pipelines. Label Studio can be used in different places,
depending on different use-cases. It is quickly configurable for
many data types. The tool gets ready in a few minutes. There
is an easy way to switch between labelling texts, audios or
images, or even annotating all three types at the same time.
Many existing labelling frameworks accept only one data type,
and it becomes tedious to learn a new app each time whereas
Label Studio works with Texts, Images, Audios, HTML
documents and any imaginable combination of annotation
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tasks like classification, regression, tagging, spanning,
pairwise comparison, object detection, segmentation and so
on. After configuring what the labelling interfaces should look
like, you can import your data. The web import supports
multiple formats: JSON, CSV, TSV, and archives consisting of
A. Annotation of Dataset
The following section describes the premise for dataset
annotation, including the defining of annotation setups, various
entity types, and annotation method (Annotation guidelines).
1) Selecting suitable input documents for annotation: In
order to construct a robust dataset for legal named entity
recognition, a comprehensive effort was undertaken to collect
a diverse range of case documents from the Indian Supreme
Court and several High Courts throughout India. The
documents were sourced from a multitude of publicly
available repositories on the web, including the official
websites of these courts and prominent legal databases such as
https://www.indianka noon.org, as well as numerous other
legal repositories. The dataset was made sure to represent a
wide range of court cases accurately and thoroughly from
various jurisdictions through a long and complex process of
data collection.
2) Annotation setup: Open-source data labeller Label
Studio was used as an annotation tool. After comparing the
system to other tools (as previously indicated), it was
discovered that this was the most straightforward, user-
friendly, and effective tool for our experimentation. There are
several methods for installing label studio, including installing
with pip, installing with docker, and installing from source,
whether you are installing it locally or in the cloud. The only
need for label- studio is that Python 3.6 or later must be
installed on a machine running Linux, Windows, or MacOSX.
Port 8080 is expected to be open by default in Label Studio.
Label Studio installation needs SQLite 3.35 or later and
PostgreSQL version11.5 or above. After installing Label
Studio using pip, data was uploaded and entity types were
defined in the tool after the system was downloaded and
launched on a local machine.
3) Entity type: The targeted entities are listed in the
Table VII, along with a brief description and an example for
each category. After talking with legal experts on the pertinent
information that may be gleaned from court rulings, the entity
kinds were established.
Fig. 1 explain sample example of document to be
annotated. The highlighted part of the text indicates the name
entity to be annotated. The name entities that can be extracted
from above text are given in Table VIII.
Name Entity
Name of the person
Praveen Kumar Wadi, Guruanna Vedi, B.L. Gupta
Locations which include name of states, cities, villages
Pune, Haryana, Gujarat, Mumbai
Any Date mentioned in judgment
10 April, 2001
Name of organization mentioned in text apart from the court.
General Insurance Co. Ltd.
Name of the court which has delivered the judgment.
Supreme Court, Andhra Pradesh High Court, Bombay High Court
sections, Sub-sections, articles orders etc.
Section 110-A, Section 95(2)(d)
It includes Act name in constitution
Motor Vehicles Act, IT Act, Official Secret Act, IPC
It indicates the particular case no. of court judgments
C.C. No. 3286 / 2019
Fig. 1. Example of annotated document.
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Name Entity
CrPC, Information Technology Act, Official Secret Act, IPC
Section 482, Section 5, Section 43 and 66, Sections 378, 379,
463, 465, 470, 471 and 5050.
Smt. T. Malathi
Fast track court
4) Manual annotation process: The annotation for the
judgment text was done at the sentence level, therefore each
judgment sentence was given separately from the annota- tion
without document-level context. In the event that extra
background information is required for annotation, the whole
judgment text is also available. The indiankannon URL was
used to obtain the whole judgment text.
To Label and annotate data we have use the open-source
data labelling tool, i.e., Label Studio. After importing your
data, you can start labelling and annotating your data. Fig. 2
conceptualised name entity recognition using machine learning
algorithm and manual annotation.
a) Open a project in Label Studio and optionally.
b) Click Label All Tasks to start labelling.
c) Use keyboard shortcuts or your mouse to label the
data and submit your annotations.
d) Follow the project instructions for labelling and
deciding whether to skip tasks.
e) Click the project name to return to the data
5) Annotated corpus statistics: In this paper, a dataset of
annotated judgment text with seven entities has been created.
A dataset of almost 5000 Indian judicial judgment sentences
with seven entities has been created. The Table IX lists the
number of documents, sentences, and tokens in the annotated
corpus as well as other general statistics.
No. of Documents
No. of Sentences
Average no. of sentences per document
No. of tokens (without stop words)
Annotated tokens
B. NER Model
Several well-known NER model architectures were
explored to identify legal named entities in judgment papers.
Initially, spacy’s pre-trained NER model was used to
implement Legal NER. Two of spacy’s pre-trained pipelines,
namely en_core_web_trf and en_core_sci_sm, were integrated
with unique rules created specifically for the legal domain to
improve the accuracy of predictions.
During the training phase, the model’s predictions were
iteratively compared to the reference annotations to calculate
the gradient of the loss as shown in Fig. 3. Backpropagation
was then used to determine the gradient of the weights using
the gradient of the loss. This approach enabled us to determine
how to adjust the weight values so that the model’s predictions
gradually resembled the reference labels, hence enhancing the
model’s accuracy.
To make sure that our Legal NER model was optimized for
the needs of legal named entity identification, we used a strict
and systematic methodology. Our algorithm is capable of
accurately identifying many different types of legal entities,
such as court names and legal terms.
Fig. 2. Manual annotated data and NER system.
Fig. 3. Spacy pretrained pipeline.
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C. Results
Various evaluation matrices were used, such as the F1
score, recall, and precision, to evaluate the model’s efficiency.
These metrics provide important information about how well
the model can identify and categorize data points. The F1 score
represents the harmonic mean of accuracy and recall, where
recall represents the proportion of true positive values that the
model correctly identified and precision represents the
percentage of true positive values that the model correctly
recognized. A variety of measurements can be utilized to better
understand the model’s advantages and disadvantages, which
will help in deciding how to enhance its performance.
TP = True Positive FP = False Positive
TN = True Negative FN = False Negative
NER model’s aggregate F1 score of 0.62 indicates that the
quality of our training data is higher than average. Precision,
Recall, and F1scores on judgment sentences are used to assess
the model. Table X displays the results of various tests and
Spacy Trained Pipeline
F1 Score
Fig. 4. Analysis of results of trained spacy models.
The Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the performance of the
model on individual entities. Since the dataset is completely
unbalanced, precision, recall, and F1 score have been
calculated for comparison. Precision and recall are defined in
terms of true positive, false positive and false negatives,
whereas the F1 score is defined as the harmonic mean of
precision and recall. The weighted average of precision, recall,
and F1 score for spacy en_core_web_trf pipeline are 0.60,
0.41, and 0.48 respectively, and for spacy en_core_sci_sm are
0.51, 0.40, and 0.45 respectively. Good results have been
obtained from the experiments and evaluations, and the Legal
NER model can be a valuable tool for a variety of legal
applications such as legal information retrieval, document
summarization, and more.
In the legal domain, NER is typically used for tasks such as
document classification, contract analysis, and case law
research [27]. The accuracy of NER is crucial in the legal
domain, as incorrect recognition of entities can lead to incorrect
legal decisions [28].
There are several challenges in NER for the legal domain
compared to other domains [29]. Firstly, the language used in
legal documents is often complex and technical, which might
be difficult to identify with traditional NER models. Secondly,
legal named entities can have multiple forms and variations,
such as acronyms, abbreviations, and synonyms, requiring
NER systems to have a comprehensive understanding of legal
terminology. To solve this issue, NER models in the legal
domain are frequently fine-tuned using massive annotated legal
corpora, which can increase the accuracy of legal entity
recognition [30].
Another challenge in NER in the legal domain is the
presence of named entities with several mentions, such as the
names of legal parties. These entities may be referred to by
multiple names or titles in different places of the document,
making proper identification difficult. To overcome this
problem, NER models in the legal sector typically include
named entity disambiguation approaches, which assist in the
identification and resolution of ambiguity in named entities.
Despite these challenges, NER has proven to be a valuable
tool in the legal domain. By automating the process of
identifying named entities [31], NER can significantly reduce
the time and effort required for legal research and analysis.
This can result in increased efficiency and productivity for legal
professionals, as well as improved accuracy and consistency in
the analysis of legal data. Overall, NER in the legal domain is a
critical tool for facilitating legal research, analysis, and
decision-making. With advances in machine learning and NLP
techniques [32], NER models in the legal domain are
becoming more accurate and efficient, helping to make the
legal process faster and more effective.
Name Entity Recognition has great potential to improve the
process of legal research and analysis, but it faces significant
challenges in the legal domain due to the complexity and
technical nature of legal language [33]. Further development
and refinement of NER systems for the legal domain will likely
result in even greater benefits for legal professionals in the
future. Once these entities have been extracted and tagged, they
can be used for research and analysis of legal texts.
Furthermore, policy-making can be informed by the knowledge
gained by Legal NER. Overall, the use of LNER in legal
research and text analysis can enhance legal research, inform
policy decisions, and result in more efficient and fair legal
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023
783 | P a g e
In this paper, a corpus of Indian judgment papers is
presented that is annotated with 7 distinct types of entities and
can be used to identify legal named entities. In order to create
the annotated dataset, a variety of annotation tools were
reviewed. 30 court documents that are available publicly were
manually annotated. With the dataset, a spacy model was also
trained utilizing the trained NER pipelines en_core_sci_sm and
en_core_web_trf. The model displays an F1-score of almost
60%, indicating that the dataset has better quality. It is believed
that the dataset will be useful for additional NLP tasks on
Indian judicial material, such as relationship extraction,
knowledge graph modelling, extractive summarization, etc.
In terms of future work, the author will explore approaches
for extending and further optimizing the dataset. They will also
perform additional experiments with more recent state-of-the-
art approaches. The researchers plan to produce a CSV version
of the dataset, which will simplify the data format, enhance
compatibility, facilitate data pre-processing, and enable data
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