International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
Mahmoodul Hassan
Associate Professor
Ma'din Academy English Language Trainer, Ma'din English Village
Thanks to the advancement of information technology, the scenario of language teaching and
learning has got unprecedentedly and tremendously changed over the recent years.
Traditional classrooms are giving way for smart classrooms. Technological applications have
had enormous impact on the arena of education and knowledge sharing, particularly on
language learning and pedagogy. At this juncture, this paper attempts a study on the
application of Power Point Presentation software in the context of English language teaching
and learning. Today, PowerPoint, as an important part of Computer-Assisted Language
Leaning (CALL), is a much widely-used presentation software for it allows a language
teacher to present his/her lesson with coloured texts, images with simple animation, sound
and much more. As such, this study aims at bringing out the salient benefits of applying
PowerPoint Presentation both for English language teachers and learners, along with
shedding lights on its efficacies and classroom implications in the light of some literature
reviews and a classroom action research, questionnaire survey and post-test.
Following a literary review in this regard, a group of 40 English Language adult learners at
a spoken English centre in Malappuram, Kerala, India are selected as subjects of this study in
order to conduct the classroom action research and the questionnaire survey. The 40
subjects are divided into two groups of 20 each, one is the experimental group and the
other one is the control group. The experimental group is taught some particular grammar
lessons using PowerPoint Presentation and the control group is taught the same lessons in
the traditional method such as lecturing or just oral presentation. A likert scale
questionnaire method asking about the learning experience is applied to collect data from
the experimental group. Majority of the experimental group hold positive opinion about
the use of PowerPoint Presentation for teaching English. And a sample post-test is also
administered out for each group and the result shows that there is a big difference in the
means of the two groups and that the
subjects who are taught using PowerPoint
Presentation Software demonstrate better performance than the control group.
The paper concludes after a discussion on the results from the survey stressing the fact that
PowerPoint Presentation is a powerful pedagogical tool in English language classroom
and the language instructors are advised to try to apply this technology in effective manner
so that the actual learning takes place in the class, that's too in quite interesting way. The
paper does not suggest a complete shift from traditional method to PowerPoint
Presentation in a language classroom for traditional method has also its own advantages
International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
and benefits as first Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru rightly said: "Change is
essential but Continuity is also necessary" (Synthesis is Our Tradition, 1959)
Keywords: Technology, PowerPoint, Pedagogical, Classroom, Innovative, Efficacy
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic” Arthur C. Clarke (Author)
Advancement in Information and Communications Technology has brought about drastic
changes in the arena of language learning and pedagogy. This advancement has not only
smoothed the path to educate more effectively but allowed us to shift the paradigms of
traditional pedagogical practices with modern technologies. As a result, private and public
educational institutions are vying with one another to digitalize their classrooms so as to
enhance teaching and learning as well as to enthuse the stakeholders as whole. And thus,
technology plays a significant role in today’s language classrooms as well. Teachers
incorporate varied forms of technology to support their teaching and engage learners in
the learning process.
As for English language teaching and learning, technology is indeed an effective tool that can
support and transform language teaching and learning in many ways, ranging from making it
easier for teachers to prepare instructional materials to enabling innovative methods both for
teachers and learners in order that it builds up and fosters teaching and learning atmosphere in
quite fruitful and productive manner. Moreover, the application of technology can inculcate
considerable interest in learners by adding variety and innovation to the classroom. “There is
a great value in incorporating new technologies not as a bolt on or reward, but as an integral
part of the teaching and learning process. This allows the learners to foster the four C’s;
Communication, Creativity,
Collaboration and Critical Thinking” (Joe Dale, 2014 May,The Guardian). So, this study
attempts to show the efficacies of applying PowerPoint Presentation software, as an
example technology tool, in the context of English language teaching and learning.
Microsoft PowerPoint is a kind of presentation software created by Robert Gaskins and
Dennis Austin in 1984 for the American software company Forethought, Inc., initially named
Presenter, was released for the Apple Macintosh in 1987 and was acquired by Microsoft in
July of the same year (Encyclopaedia Britannica, November 25, 2013). Though PowerPoint
was initially developed for business use such as giving reports at meetings and presentations
to clients but has got wide acceptance today as a key professional pedagogical device for
improving teaching and learning both for teachers and students. Today, PowerPoint, as an
important part of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), is a much widely applied
presentation software in English language classrooms as well for it allows a teacher to present
his/her lessons with coloured texts, images with simple animations, audio-visual supports and
much more. PowerPoint presentation appeal learners’ diverse learning styles, such as visual,
auditory, kinesthetic, and creative by employing multimedia methods such as sounds, colour,
images, action, design and so on (Abraham Oommen, 2012). Conforming to those already
conducted studies and researches in applying this technology for English language teaching,
International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
this research paper mainly addresses two questions:
How far does the application of PowerPoint Presentation become effective in
English language teaching and learning?
How do learners respond to the use of PowerPoint in English language classroom?
Review of the Literature
There has been a number of researches carried out to investigate the effectiveness and
benefits of using PowerPoint Presentation technology in pedagogical contexts. Many
researchers have discussed both the pros and cons of the application of PowerPoint
presentations in language classrooms. Some researchers have explored the teachers’ skill
of using PowerPoint presentation software for language teaching as well.
Segundo and Salazar (2011) in their research paper hold the view that PowerPoint is a
complete presentation program that allows teachers to produce professional-looking
presentations in EFL classrooms. Szaboa and
Hastings (2000) hold that PowerPoint based
classroom instruction helps learners focus attention and reduce distraction and find that
learners want PowerPoint presentation to be adopted in English language classroom
instruction. Brock and Joglekar (2011) in “Empowering PowerPoint: Slides and Teaching
Effectiveness” have examined the linkage between PowerPoint and learners’ levels of
classroom engagement and explored the pedagogical efficacy of this presentation
software. A recent study by Zouar Abdellatif at Cardiff Metropolitan University,
Morocco (2015) has sought the impact of PowerPoint in enhancing learners’ participation
in EFL classroom and found that the learners’ level of participation augmented when
PowerPoint is applied.
A research conducted by Ozaslan and Maden (2013) on the use of PowerPoint
presentation in the department of foreign language education at Middle East Technical
University concluded in their study that learners learned better if the course material was
presented through some visual tools. And they also found that teachers themselves
believed that PowerPoint presentations made the lesson more appealing, thereby helping
them to draw the students’ attention to the class. The findings of Corbeil’s research (2007)
shows that the learners who are exposed to PowerPoint presentations prefer them over the
traditional textbook presentations and that they are learning better when their attention is
captured through highlighting, colour, different fonts, images, animations and visual
Researchers have analyzed various ways in which PowerPoint can be applied in an ESL or
EFL classroom. English language teachers can deliver PowerPoint-based presentations for
attracting and motivating learners towards the new lesson or topic to be taught, for initial
teaching introducing new lesson or topic, for providing practice and drilling in grammar and
pronunciation, for reviewing the topics or ideas which have already been taught, for testing
the learners’ understanding the lesson through quizzes or games displayed in presentation
slides and for integrating all these aspects into one single presentation (Fisher, 2003).
International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
In a communicative English classroom, the learners need to be well trained in all the five
language skills Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammaring (LSRW&G)
Grammaring is the ability to use grammatical structures accurately, meaningfully and
appropriately, which is considered the fifth skill alongside LSRW as claimed by Larsen-
Freeman (2001). A teacher can integrate all these language skills in his or her one single
presentation itself by means of PowerPoint presentation.
Some Key Benefits of PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)
PPT allows teacher to import graphics, audios, videos, and links to simulations
or web pages, thereby creating an enriching learning atmosphere.
Teachers can have face to face communication with learners in contrary to
the traditional blackboard teaching method where the teachers often face the
chalkboard with their back to the class while writing on the board (Lanius,
PowerPoint can be used as a multimedia and interactive tool as well. Pictures,
animations, music and sound effects can greatly enhance the presentation
quality (Miltenoff, 2003).
Teachers can integrate PPT to all stages of delivering a lesson or topic
Preparation, Presentation, Practice and Production.
Teachers can integrate all the language skills in one single PPT itself.
Teachers can modify their PPT lessons and use them over and over again for
other target audiences.
Instructors can save time on distributing instructional materials as handouts,
writing on blackboard or whiteboard and so on.
Purpose of the Study
Researchers, Educators and computer technology experts have perceived that the
application of PowerPoint presentation can augment the efficiency of English language
teaching. As such, the purpose of this study is to decide whether this study actually
conforms to this concept or not; and the author being an occasional user of PPT in
classroom, the study aims at bringing out the positive effects and benefits of applying this
technology in English language classroom.
Significance of the Study
In spite of a number of researches conducted in pursuit of the effectiveness of PowerPoint
presentation in English language classroom, the author here attempts such a study but in
a different context, that is, in a Spoken English classroom of a language learning centre
which is solely set up for adult learners who stay just 18 days at the centre and get back
home after acquiring sufficient
improvement in English communication. A study on the
International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
efficacy of PPT in such a learning atmosphere seems to be less researched. And the author
also believes that the present study would considerably contribute to the earlier findings
of researchers and academicians in this regard and to the practicality of using PowerPoint
in spoken English classes as well.
Method of the Study
Towards addressing the key questions of the study and accomplishing its objectives, a
classroom action research followed by a likert scale questionnaire survey was conducted.
Participants and the Procedure:
The participants of the study were one team of 40 adult learners between 20-35 years of
ages, at Ma’din English Village, a residential learning centre for Spoken English at
Malappuram district, Kerala, India. The 40 member team was divided into two separate
groups of 20 learners each, one is the experimental group and the other one is the control
group. The experimental group was taught particular grammar lessons (Present Perfect
Tense, Future Continuous Tense and Prepositions) for three sessions (each session is of
90 minutes) using PowerPoint presentation software; and the control group was taught the
same lessons in traditional conventional method through lecturing, handing out the
instructional materials, writing on the whiteboard, etc. Following this, a questionnaire of
ten statements based on a five-point likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree) was administered to the experimental group in order to understand the
learners' perceptions about the efficacy of using PPT in a spoken English classroom. A post-
teaching test after completing all the three sessions was also conducted for both the
experimental group and the control group in order to assess the performances of the
learners in each group and to confirm the positive impact of PowerPoint in English
Language classroom in comparison with the conventional oral lecturing method, with
teacher writing on the whiteboard using a marker pen.
Result of the Survey
The questionnaire survey based on five-point likert scale was administered to find out the
participants' feelings and perceptions about the efficay of PowerPoint Presentation in a
Spoken English classroom in terms of interest, concentration, helpfulness, curiosity,
enthusiasm, preference and so on. The participants' responses are rated in accordance with the
following the scale - Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Neutral (N), Agree (A) and
Strongly Agree (SA). The survey result clearly depict that most of the learners very positively
responded about the efficacy of PowerPoit in English classroom and liked the lessons with
PPT than the traditional lecturing method. All the participants felt that PPT is more beneficial
for English learning. Majority of the participants found the lessons with PPT very interesting
and enthusiastic helping them understanding the language elements better and they agreed
that the pictures, sounds, animations made the class more lively. No one prefers lessons
without PPT, instead, they prefer and recommend PPT use in English Language classroom
instruction. The results are gisted out in the Table 1 below.
Table - 1 (Total Number of Participants: 20)
International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
1. The lessons with
PPT was very
2. It helped me
throughout the class
3. It helped me
understand the language
elements better.
4. It aroused my
curiosity to learn
5. It is more
beneficial for English
6. It helped me
practice the grammar
7. Pictures, sounds
and animations made
the class lively.
8. I prefer lessons
without PowerPoint.
9. I prefer lessons
with PowerPoint.
10. I recommend
PPT in English
Result of the Post-teaching Test
The Post-teaching Test administered on both the experimental and the control groups shows
that the learners who were taught with PowerPoint demonstrated better performance than the
learners who were taught in traditional oral presentation with the teacher writing on the
whiteboard with marker pens. The result is depicted in Table 2 (i) & (ii) below.
International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
Table - 2 (i): It represents the result of the learners who were taught with PowerPoint
80 - 89
70 - 79
60 - 69
Below 60
Table - 2 (ii): It represents the result of the learners who were taught in traditional oral
presentation mode with teacher using the whiteboard and marker pen.
80 - 89
70 - 79
60 - 69
Below 60
From the Post-teaching Test results, it is very conspicuous that the learners who were taught
with PowerPoint outperformed the learners who were taught in conventional method of
whiteboard and marker pen.
It is very clear from the study results that the application of PowerPoint in English Language
classroom instruction will facilitate the teaching and learning of English in productive
manner and that PowerPoint can play as an effective pedagigical technology tool in
English language classroom. Both teachers and students alike can reap its benefits. But the
language instructors need to prepare their PPT lessons very appropriately keeping in mind
that it meets the learner- requirements helping them improve all the important language
skills. Hence, this study suggests the language instructors to try to apply this technology
in effective manner so that the actual learning takes place in the class, that's too in quite
interesting way. The paper does not suggest a complete shift from traditional method to
PowerPoint Presentation in a language classroom since traditional method has also its own
advantages and benefits as first Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru rightly said:
"Change is essential but Continuity is also necessary" (Synthesis is Our Tradition, 1959)
International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 4; ISSN : 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online)
Dale, Joe. (2014). Teaching languages with technology: tools that help students become
fluent, The Guardian, May 2014.
Britannica, Encyclopaedia (November 25, 2013). Microsoft PowerPoint Software, written by
its editors.
Oommen. Abraham (2012). Teaching English as a global language in smart classrooms with
PowerPoint presentation.
Segundo & Salazar (2011). The efficacy of using PowerPoint presentations to improve
grammar and vocabulary among students of the Intermediate II level
Brock & Joglekar (2011). Empowering PowerPoint: Slides and Teaching Effectiveness.
Szaboa, A., & Hastings, N. (2000). Using IT in the undergraduate classroom: Should we
replace the blackboard with PowerPoint?
Ozaslan, E. N., & Maden, Z. (2013). The use of PowerPoint presentations at in the
department of foreign language education at middleeast technical university. Middle
Eastern & African Journal of Educational Research, Issue 2
Corbeil, G. (2007). Can PowerPoint Presentations Effectively Replace Textbooks and
Blackboards for Teaching Grammar? Do Learners Find Them an Effective Learning Tool?
Lanius, C. (2004). Points of View: PowerPoint in the Classroom: PowerPoint, Not Your
Grandmother's Presentations, but Is it Evil?
Larsen-Freeman, D. (2001). Teaching Language: From Grammar to Grammaring.
Nehru, Jawaharlal (1959). Synthesis is Our Tradition. From India Today and Tomorrow,
Azad Memorial Lectures, New Delhi (February 1959).