28 December 2012
2013 Command Advisory
Working Group
Reminder: End of Year
On the Horizon
Approved Resignations,
Separations, and Retirements
Director’s Message
On December 21, 2012, the NOAA Corps graduated the first class of
officers to be trained at the US Coast Guard Academy alongside the
USCG officer candidates. From the outside perspective the BOTC
transition to the USCGA was seamless, but there was a tremendous
amount work behind the scenes and I offer my thanks and kudos to
CDR Mark Miller, LT Chad Meckley, and LT Jonathan Heesch, as
well as CAPT Andrea Marcille and her staff at the USCGA Leadership
Development Center for all of their efforts in getting us to this point!
The members of BOTC 120 are the plankowners of our new training
course, and were honored to have Dr. David Titley, NOAA's Deputy
Undersecretary for Operations, provide the keynote address. Dr. Titley
spoke of the partnership with the USCG training our officers
alongside the USCG is just the next step in an ongoing relationship.
At the core of both our organizations are service, stewardship and the
sea. As uniformed services we exhibit similar core values honor,
respect, devotion to duty (USCG) and honor, respect, commitment
(NOAA Corps). Dr. Titley’s speech encouraged the class, focusing on
living these core values even when no one is watching; leadership
ABCs (accountable, bold, confident); commitment to a job with a
purpose; being brilliant at the basics; and leading change. He
congratulated them on their persistence, perseverance and
I’d like to add my congratulations to these officers…please join me in
wishing them well and welcoming them to our fleet!
ENS Roxanne M. Carter, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter
ENS Carmen R. DeFazio, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Nancy Foster
ENS Louis H. Hoock, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette
ENS Sean M. Luis Junior Officer NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer
ENS David A. McVay, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Ka'imimoana
ENS Stephen F. Moulton, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson
ENS Rachel L. Pryor, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Oregon II
ENS Andrew P. Reynaga, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Hi'ialakai
ENS James E. Rosenberg, Junior Officer NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown
ENS Kerryn K. Schneider, Initial Flight Training
CAPT Anne K. Lynch, NOAA
Director, Commissioned Personnel Center
2013 Command Advisory Working Group (CAWG)
This is a reminder to all officers currently within the next 6 months to 3 years out looking for an assignment
as a potential CO or XO to update your assignment preferences. For officers within 2 years of a sea
assignment make your preference list based on available vessels as those positions will be the priority to fill.
Officers within 3 years of a sea assignment make a preference list based on vessels in which you would like
to be CO/XO. (NOTE: you will probably not be given an assignment this far in advance, but the
Assignments Coordinator does pull up your preferences when requested.)
In the online OPF officers can only make selections of vessels within 6 months of your rotation time,
however, block 4 you can write freely. The Assignments Coordinator highly recommends that preferences be
updated by January 15, 2013. The 2013 CAWG will be held as 3 separate meetings during late
January/early February and the OAB will make final recommendations scheduled for February 21, 2013.
RADM Devany will approve or disapprove all recommended assignments.
Reminder: End of Year Package - Instructions and Guidance
The new End of Year Package is presented as a Google form, and provides step by step instructions for each
The link to the Google form is
here: https://docs.google.com/a/noaa.gov/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHpYSUZjTXprZ3ND
When working through the steps be sure to check the 'Send me a copy of my responses'. You may
click the "Submit" button at anytime while completing the form. An email will be sent to you with
a link to update/or edit your entries.
When updating your submission only use the link provided in the notification of submission email,
do not restart your form using the link above. Restarting the form with the link above will create
multiple entries for you and cause confusion.
All final submissions are due to CPC by COB February 15, 2013.
As instructed, all forms that require hard copy submission should be sent to: NOAA Commissioned
Personnel Center, Attn: End of Year Package, 8403 Colesville Rd, Ste 500. Silver Spring, MD,
20910. Medical forms can be sent in same mailing, but in a separate envelope labeled "Medical,
Update Addresses in HR Direct Access
Officers are reminded to go into HR Direct Access (PeopleSoft) and update their addresses in preparation
for tax season. 2012 W-2s will be sent out in January 2013. Note: W-2s are sent to your mailing address
NOT your home address. If this address is incorrect, refer to the Address update procedure in the Direct
Access Online Help.
On the Horizon
Mid-Grade Leadership Training
28 January- 8 February 2013
CAWG for CO/XO Assignments
January- February
CO Seminar
7-11 January 2013
BOTC 121 -Starts
10 January 2013
End of Year Package Submissions
15 February 2013
Officer Assignment Board
21 February 2013
CAWG for Operations Officers
August 2013
Approved Resignations, Separations, and Retirements
The following officers have approved retirements, resignations, or separations with in the next three
months. Be sure to thank them for their service to NOAA and nation.
LTJG Glen A. Rice
11 January 2013
CDR Karl F. Mangels
01 February 2013
BOTC 120 Graduation