Office of Human Resources:
Student EDF Google Form Process Documentation
The Student EDF Google Form replaces the paper version of the form, allowing for a more
streamlined process for requesting and approving hourly, non-work study student hires.
*For Federal Work Study Funded positions, guidelines from the Center for Academic & Career
Success and the Office of Student Financial Assistance must be followed.
Additional, and up to date, information on Student Hiring at The Catholic University of America
is available on the Student Hiring Program Page.
Important Reminders:
The date used on the sEDF Google Form is the date that you would like for the student
to begin working. However, the student may not actually begin working until you receive
an authorization email from HR, confirming the student’s authorized start date. The
email itself is NOT the authorization to begin work upon receipt, but contains the date
that student is allowed to start work - please read each note carefully.
Student employees may work no more than an accumulated total of 19 hours/ week and
a maximum of 999 hours during the calendar year.
All hours that the student works must be submitted to Payroll on the department’s recap
timesheet by the deadline for the pay period in which the hours were worked. Hours that
are submitted on timesheets after the deadline for the current pay period will be paid at
the ‘next’ pay period. Departments asking to provide pay earlier than the ‘next’ pay
period will be charged a $100 processing fee for each and every off cycle check request.
Departments will be charged a $100 processing fee for each and every timesheet that
includes hours to be paid for any date prior to the student’s authorization date.
Supervisors will ultimately be held responsible and may be disciplined for repeat
Instructions for Requesters:
Please follow these steps to hire non-work study student employees to work for your area. All
paperwork must be completed and approved prior to the employee’s start date, and the
authorized start date is contingent upon fully completing the Form I-9 within the required
timeframe (section 1 must be completed on or before the employee's first day of work, and the
entire form must be fully completed within 3 business days after the employee’s start date).
Employees who are unable to complete the Form I-9 according to guidelines will be terminated.
1. Review your department’s nVision Budget report for information on the budget available
to hire student employees in your area.
a. If you have any questions about your budget, please contact the University’s
Budget office, or the Academic Budget Office for the Academic Area.
2. Once the student employee has been selected, complete and submit the Student
Employee Data Form for approval, using a requested start date. An assignment end
date must also be included on the form.
a. For assignments during the Academic Year, the end date should be no later than
5/15. If the student will continue working during the summer, a request to
reinstate the student must be submitted prior to the end of the assignment, via
the Student EDF Google Form.
3. The request will be reviewed in HR and Budget. Once approved, HR will notify the
department that the student is authorized to begin working, and will confirm the
approved start date. The email itself is NOT the authorization to begin work upon receipt,
but contains the date that student is allowed to start work - please read each note
4. The student must complete their Form I-9 (via a link that HR submits for the student via
TrueScreen, on or before their first day of work.
a. REMINDER: The Form I-9 must be fully completed within 3 days of start date,
with section 1 being completed on or before the employee’s first day of work.
Departments should align the requested start date to meet that deadline. If the
Form I-9 is not completed in the proper time frame, the position will be
5. Students must complete Payroll forms (Direct Deposit as well as Federal and State tax
forms), and submit to the Payroll office.
University Staff or Faculty must complete the Student EDF Google Form, a student may
not complete their own hire request form.
Hours must be submitted on your department’s recap time-sheet on time for each semi-
monthly pay period (ending on the 15th and last day of the month) in which the student
International Student employees should inform Payroll of their VISA Status and apply for
possible US Tax Treaty exemption status - on their first day/week of work to ensure they
have the proper taxation to begin their time with CUA. Every 1st week of January, all
need to submit new Tax Treaty forms.
Departments must not allow student employees to work without receiving authorization
from HR.
Departments that need "specialized" services from students such as photography, music
and so on for special events must "hire" them in advance via the HR process.
Google Form Request:
1. Open the Student EDF Google Form
a. NOTE: If this form is used for a grant-funded assignment, then it must be submitted
by the Principal Investigator (PI) of the grant. The form will require you to confirm
that you are the Principal Investigator in order to submit it. This step is important for
the approval process.
2. Enter all requested information, as applicable. Do not skip sections, unless they do not
apply. Click “Back” or “Next” as needed to move through the form.
a. Request Type:
b. Division/School
c. Department (available list is prompted by Division/School selected in the prior
d. Is the position Grant Funded?
i. If “Yes” is Selected, additional related questions will follow
e. Student Information (CUA ID#, Name, Remote or on Campus work, and Year)
f. Position Number (determined by the funding information)
g. Position Title
h. Supervisor Name
i. Brief description of the position
j. Requested Effective date
k. Assignment End date
l. Hours per week
m. Hourly Rate
n. Encumbrance total (Required for grant funded positions)
o. Position Funding (Fund, Org, Account, Distribution %, Is position split funded)
p. HR Business Operations/Talent Teams (Y/N)
q. Final Comments - Enter any final comments that are helpful to the hiring or
approval process here.
r. Submit
3. Once Submitted, the request will begin routing through the approval process, using
a. All information completed above will appear in a summary email to each
approver in the process, allowing for easy review of the request.
4. The Requester will receive a confirmation that the form has been submitted.
a. This email should be saved and will be a useful tool to tracking the progress of
the form through the approval process.
b. To track the progress of the form, click on the link to the request number in the
summary email.
Clicking on the link to the unique request number will bring up the following screen where
approval process progress can be tracked:
By clicking on an approval line and selecting the “Actions” box in the bottom right hand
corner, a list of applicable actions will be displayed:
For past approvers, “Approved”: no actions are available
For current approver, “Current”: Send reminder or amend recipient
* Only amend the recipient for approvers prior to step 5, unless previously
consulted with HR. Amend recipient can be used, for example, if an
approver is out of the office and has a designated alternate approver in
their absence.
Future approvers, “Waiting”: amend recipient (same as above, approvers should
only be amended in special circumstances.
5. When the submission has completed the approval process, the requester will be notified
by HR that the student has been authorized to work.
If the Form needs to be amended after it was submitted and is currently going through the
approval process:
1. Notify the current approver that an amendment is needed.
a. Depending on the stage of the approval process, the requester may need to
“Decline” the request
b. Once declined, the requester can “edit” their original response through the link in
their summary email.
Instructions for Approvers (Non-HR):
Chair/Dean/Department Head, VP approvals, ABO, OSA, UBO:
Once a hiring request has been submitted, it will be routed through the predefined approval
process using workflow.
1. Approvers can expect to receive an email to their CUA email address with the subject of:
Student Hire Request# (Unique Request Number) received for FIRST LAST NAME (CUA
2. Review the applicable information in the request summary, available in the body of the
a. The Comments section may be used for useful information, including to notify
UBO when a new position number has been assigned or if a funding update is
3. Once reviewed, Click the applicable box at the bottom of the summary:
a. “Approve” - will indicate your approval and move forward to the next approver
b. “Decline” - notification will be sent to the requester that the request was declined,
and will not move forward.
c. “Request More Info” - will notify the requester that additional information is
4. Approvers also have the ability to track the progress of the request through the approval
process by clicking on the link to the unique request number in the summary email.