Class of 2021
End of Year
Activities Guide
Dress & Appearance
For Graduation
Fairfield Union High School
6675 Cincinnati-Zanesville Rd. NE Lancaster, OH 43130
Phone: 740-536-7306
Fax: 740-536-7911
Matt McPhail, Principal
Fairfield Union High School
Graduaon is a formal extra-curricular acvity,
which will be viewed by over one thousand
parents, relaves, and friends. This acvity
will also be video taped. We encourage you to
parcipate in the graduaon program; howev-
er, you are not required to do so. If you do
not wish to aend graduaon, you must sub-
mit a signed statement (with parent signa-
ture if under age 18) to the class adviser, Mrs.
Cupp, stang your intenons by Wednesday
May 19. In keeping with this formal seng,
the following guidelines must be followed in
order to parcipate in this extra-curricular
Dress Shirt (white if possible), Tie (preferred)
Dark Color Dress Slacks (no jean styles)
Dark Color Socks
Dark Color Dress Shoes (no athlec shoes, san-
dals, boots or ip ops)
No Sunglasses
Dress/Dress Slacks (no jean styles) and Top
Dress Shoes (no athlec shoes, boots or ip-
No Sunglasses
Caps may NOT be decorated
All school policies apply on the day of gradua-
on pracce. Your cooperaon will be appre-
ciated in order to best present the Class of
All seniors are required to complete the google
form tled Records Release and Future Plans
no later than May 7. Visit the Class of 2021 web
page for the required google form.
Important !!! Final Transcripts will be mailed
out in June based on the college listed on this
Handicapped Parking for
Graduation Day
Names of those persons requiring handicapped
parking on graduaon day should be turned into
Mrs. Cupp via google form no later than Friday,
May 28. Visit the Class of 2021 web page for re-
quired google forms to sign up.
Other Important Dates & Times
April 29Senior Photo for newspaper
publication7:20 a.m. at High School
May 19—Deadline for all senior fees to be
paid. (No checks will be accepted during the
month of May.)
May 21—Last day of aendance for seniors
and all fourth quarter assignments are due.
Remember, an incomplete grade will pre-
vent you from going through the graduaon
ceremony and receiving your diploma.
May 23—Senior Awards Night, by invitaon
TATION OF DIPLOMA Dave Saunders Pho-
tography will be here on the graduaon rehearsal
day to take a senior group picture in your cap and
gown. He will also take a presentaon of diploma
photo at graduaon for those graduates who order a
package. An order form from Dave Saunders is in-
cluded in this mailing; please return the order form
directly to Dave Saunders on May 24.
Graduation VideoInnerphase Video will
be recording this years graduaon. One DVD
copy of the ceremony will be available to all
seniors—free of charge. More details will be
available on graduaon pracce day.
The Principal’s Message
Dear Seniors,
Congratulaons on making it to the nish
line! Last March when we went to virtual status
for COVID 19, nobody ancipated the challenges
you would be forced to deal with! Now, you
have put those challenges behind you and its
me to celebrate all of your accomplishments
from the past 12 years and most importantly
your graduaon! You should be very proud of
your achievement, especially given the fact that
you did the last ve quarters during an historical
100-year Pandemic! You have handled all of this
with perspecve and grace and while you were
forced to manage many disappointments, in the
end your focus and determinaon put you in
posion to make the best of one of the biggest
challenges of your lives! We are excited to share
this moment with you and while I am certain you
are already looking forward to your next chapter,
I encourage you to slow down and reect on all
that you have done to get to this point. Please
allow me to be the rst to congratulate you on A
Good luck, and
Go Falcons!
Mr. McPhail, Principal
Senior Sunrise (New for class of 2021)
- May 24, 5:45am
The Senior Sunrise is a new acvity that we are
oering for our senior class to be able to enjoy
one last morning together and share in watching
the sunrise on campus on your last day with
us! We will oer this prior to the Senior appreci-
aon breakfast and graduaon pracce on May
24 starng at 5:45am. All seniors should park in
the visitor parking lot in front of the building
(adjacent to the soccer elds). The sunrise on
May 24 is at 6:08 a.m. so come out and enjoy
your last sunrise as a Senior at FUHS!
Senior Appreciation Breakfast
Monday, May 247:45 a.m.
A special "Senior Appreciaon Breakfast" will be
held on May 24 beginning at 7:45 a.m. in the high
school cafeteria. There is no cost involved for sen-
iors, but reservaons will be needed in order to
complete planning and proper ordering of food
items for this event. Visit the Class of 2021 web
page for required google forms to sign up.
Mandatory Graduation
Rehearsal will be held on Monday, May 24
from 8:30 a.m. unl approximately noon. IF YOU
to leave early or arrive late for pracce. If you have
a job, request that morning o early to avoid po-
tenal conicts.
Caps & Gowns Seniors will receive their caps
& gowns at pracce on May 24. The caps & gowns
were ordered by the senior adviser and paid for
from the senior class fund.
Career Center StudentsIf you are parcipang
in the FUHS ceremony, you will need to be at prac-
ce on May 24 with your cap, gown, tassel and
hood. If you are not parcipang in our ceremony
you will need to do the following:
Nofy Mrs. Cupp in wring by May 19 that you
are NOT parcipang.
Those parcipang in the Career Centers senior
ceremony, need to nofy Mrs. Cupp. Arrangements
will be made to deliver your cap and gown to the
career center in me for the ceremony.
Due to the indoor restricons imposed by the
Ohio Department of Health relave to COVID
19 (25% of xed seang capacity), we will
make every eort to hold Graduaon at Fal-
con Stadium this year. We intend to have the
Graduaon Ceremony at our tradional me
of 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 30. If there is a
possibility of inclement weather on May 30, it
is possible Graduaon could be moved to earli-
er in the day, so please try to reserve the enre
day for Graduaon. In a worst case scenario
where weather does not allow for an outdoor
Graduaon on May 30, our next opon will be
to hold Graduaon on Monday, May 31.
We feel it is crical to make every eort to
hold an outdoor Graduaon to allow for all
family members to aend this ceremo-
ny. Should we experience inclement weather
on May 30 and May 31, as a last resort, Gradu-
aon will be held in the gym at Faireld Union
High School on Monday, May 31 at 4:00 p.m. If
we are forced to move Graduaon to the gym,
each graduate will be permied two
guests. Seniors will receive their ckets on
Graduaon Pracce day.
The dates and mes will be priorized in the
following manner:
Regularly Scheduled Ceremony
Sunday, May 30 - 6:00 p.m.
Report me 5:20 p.m. Falcon Stadium
Inclement Weather Plans
Sunday, May 30 - 12:00 p.m.
Report me 11:20 a.m. Falcon Stadium
Monday, May 31 - 6:00 p.m.
Report me 5:20 p.m. Falcon Stadium
Monday, May 31 - 12:00 p.m.
Report me 11:20 a.m. Falcon Stadium
Monday, May 31 - 4:00 p.m.
Report me 3:20 p.m. FUHS Gym
No ckets will be issued for
the outdoor ceremony.