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Municipal Court Services
How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
Updated April 7, 2022
How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
Who Should Use This Packet?
If you have been found guilty and have been sentenced by a
Municipal Court judge and you
want to appeal, then this packet will show you how. Some reasons to file an appeal are
You believe the facts do not support the judge’s decision; or
You believe the judge’s decision does not follow the law.
Important Points to Remember:
The Municipal Court must
your Notice of Municipal Court Appeal form within 20 days
(including weekends and holidays) from the date you were found guilty (see Steps 1 and 3 on
There is a
$100 filing fee plus a transcript fee which you must pay in advance. Both of these
fees are non
-refundable (see Steps 2 and 6).
If you were represented by a court appointed
in your Municipal Court proceeding, please
consult with that person prior to filing your appeal. The assigned counsel can help you file your
Note: These materials have been prepared by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the
Courts for use by self
-represented litigants. The guides, instructions, and forms will be
periodically updated as necessary to reflect current New Jersey statutes and court rules. The
most recent version of the
forms will be available at the county courthouse, your local
icipal Court or on the Judiciary’s Internet site However, you are ultimately
responsible for the content of your appeal.
How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
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Things to Think About Before You Try to Represent Yourself in Court
Try to Get a Lawyer
The court system is often complicated and confusing. As a result, you may wish to consult with
a lawyer before deciding whether to represent yourself in court. If you cannot afford a lawyer
or do not know how to go about finding a lawyer, you can:
Call the New Jersey Attorney Referral Office in your county; or
Ask any of the State or County Bar Associations for the names of lawyers who may be able
to represent you at a reduced price.
Note: If you believe you qualify for a court-appointed lawyer, ask the court staff at either the
Municipal or Superior Court for more information. The court staff can give you the forms
needed to apply for a court-appointed lawyer.
What You Should Expect If You Represent Yourself
While you have the right to represent yourself in court, you should not expect special treatment,
help or attention from the court. The following is a list of some things court staff can and
cannot do for you. Please read it carefully before asking court staff for help.
We can explain and answer questions about how the court works.
We can tell you what the requirements are to have your case considered by the court.
We can give you some information from your case file.
We can provide you with samples of court forms that are available.
We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms.
We can usually answer questions about court deadlines.
We cannot give you legal advice. Only your lawyer can give you legal advice.
We cannot give you an opinion about what will happen if you bring your case to court.
We cannot recommend a lawyer, but we can provide you with the telephone number of a
local lawyer referral service.
We cannot talk to the judge for you about what will happen in your case.
We cannot let you talk to the judge outside of court.
We cannot change an order issued by a judge.
Court Rules About Municipal Court Appeals
You can get additional information on how to file a Municipal Court appeal by looking up Rule
3:23 in the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey. Although this packet will
walk you through the appeal process, you should consider reading this rule if you decide to file
your own Municipal Court appeal. A copy of the rule book is available at the State Library in
How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
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Trenton, law libraries, and at many of the county and municipal public libraries located
throughout the State.
Please feel free to use this Checklist as you complete each of the six steps discussed in the
following section. Please pay close attention to the time frames indicated in each Step.
Complete Form A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal) – See STEP 1
Complete Form B (Transcript Request Municipal Court) – See STEP 2
Contact the Municipal Court to determine what the estimated cost of the Transcript will
be See STEP 2
After completing Form B (Transcript Request Municipal Court), take it to the
Municipal Court to order the correct number of transcripts. Please remember to
bring/enclose a check to pay for the transcript See STEP 2
Mail or deliver Form A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal) to the Municipal Court See
Mail or deliver a copy of Form A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal) to the Prosecuting
Attorney(s) See STEP 4
Complete Form C (Certification of Timely Filing) – See STEP 5
Mail or deliver a copy of Form A and the completed Form C, along with the $100 filing
fee, to the Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court See STEP 6
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The numbered steps listed below tell you what forms you will need to fill out and what to do with them. Each
form should be typed or printed clearly on 8 ½ “x 11” white paper only. Forms cannot be filed on a different
size or color paper. Use only the forms included in this packet. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.
Steps for Filing an Appeal
STEP 1: Fill out the Notice of Municipal Court Appeal (Form A)
STEP 2: Fill out the Transcript Request Municipal Court (Form B)
As part of the appeal process, you must order an original and a copy of the written record, also
called a transcript, of your Municipal Court hearing. To order these transcripts, you must fill
out Form B - Transcript Request-Municipal Court and mail or deliver it to the Municipal Court
where your hearing took place.
NOTE: You will have to pay for the transcript in advance. This non-refundable fee depends on
the length of your trial. Before you send or deliver the Transcript Request-Municipal Court
form to the court, please call the court to get from them 1) the estimated cost of the transcript
and 2) who the check should be written to. If you cannot afford to pay for the transcript, ask
court staff at either the Municipal or Superior Court how you can apply to have the transcript
produced at court expense.
One of the two transcripts you are required to order is for the Prosecutor and the other is for the
Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court (see STEPS 4 and 6). If you want a transcript
for yourself, you should order a third copy when you place your original transcript order.
STEP 3: Mail or deliver Form A - Notice of Municipal Court Appeal to the Municipal
In order to let the Municipal Court Administrator of the Municipal Court in which you were
originally found guilty know that you are filing an appeal, you must mail or deliver Form A -
Notice of Municipal Court Appeal to that court. The Municipal Court must receive this form no
later than 20 calendar days (this includes weekends and holidays) after the date you were
found guilty. If the Municipal Court does not RECEIVE the appeal form by the 20-day
deadline, your appeal will not be heard.
Note: Before you deliver or mail the original of Form A to the Municipal Court, please make
some extra copies. The information contained in STEPS 4 and 6 will let you know how many
copies you will need. These additional copies are needed to help you complete the filing of
your appeal.
If you mail Form A instead of delivering it in person, you should send it certified mail, return
receipt requested. Your post office can tell you how to do this.
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STEP 4: Mail or deliver a copy of Form A - Notice of Municipal Court Appeal to the
You must send a copy of Form A to the Prosecutor no later than five (5) days after you mailed
or delivered the original copy of Form A to the Municipal Court. If you mail the form, instead
of delivering it in person, you should send it certified mail, return receipt requested.
In almost all cases the prosecuting attorney is the County Prosecutor. However, in some cases
the prosecuting attorney may be a different person. To determine if the prosecuting attorney for
your case may be someone other than the County Prosecutor, please refer to the sheet at the end
of this packet labeled Determining the Prosecuting Attorney.
STEP 5: Fill out Form C - Certification of Timely Filing
Fill out Form C - Certification of Timely Filing and attach it to a copy of Form A. Form C is
your certification telling the court that you mailed the necessary papers on time and to the
correct places.
Note: If you want the court to send you copies of the forms stamped “filed” include one extra
copy of each form along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
STEP 6: Mail or deliver a copy of Form A - Notice of Municipal Court Appeal and the
original of Form C - Certification of Timely Filing to the Criminal Division Manager at the
Superior Court
You must send a copy of Form A - Notice of Municipal Court Appeal and the original of Form
C - Certification of Timely Filing to the Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court. The
Superior Court must receive these forms no later than five (5) days after the original copy of
Form A - Notice of Municipal Court Appeal was received by the Municipal Court. If you mail
the forms, you should send them in one envelope certified mail, return receipt requested.
The copy of Form A and the original of Form C should be mailed or delivered to the Criminal
Division Manager at the County Courthouse in the county where the original Municipal Court
case was heard. This address can be found in the Directory of Superior Court Clerk’s Offices-
Law Division contained in this packet. If you are not sure which county you should file your
appeal in, ask someone at the Municipal Court for assistance.
Note: A filing fee of $100 is required to file your Notice of Appeal with the Criminal Division
Manager. Make the check or money order payable to the Treasurer, State of New Jersey.
However, if you cannot afford to pay for filing the appeal, ask the court staff at either the
Municipal or Superior Court how to apply for the waiver of the filing fee.
Form A
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New Jersey Judiciary
Notice of Municipal Court Appeal
Title of Action
Superior Court of
Municipal Court Ticket or Complaint Number (refer to ticket or complaint)
Your Information
Street Address
Lawyer’s Information (if applicable)
Street Address
If you were represented by a lawyer, was he/she appointed by the court?
Yes No
I, , am appealing to the Superior Court from a conviction
entered in the Municipal Court on .
On that date, I was convicted of the following offense(s):
The Municipal Court Judge found me guilty and ordered the following:
Fine (Specify Amount):
Restitution (Specify Type):
Jail Sentence (Length of Sentence):
Community Service (Describe):
Probation (Length):
Driver License Suspension (Length of Suspension):
Other Penalty (Specify):
Form A
Revised 04/07/2022, CN 10559 page 7 of 13
In connection with this outcome:
No Fine was Assessed or
A Fine was Assessed and:
has been paid
has not been paid
has been stayed pending appeal
No Jail Term was Imposed or
A Jail Term was Imposed:
however, I am not in jail
I am in jail confined at the following facility:
A Sound Recording was made in the above matter at the time of the trial, as required by
Rule 7:8-8.
Docket Number
(Superior Court Use Only)
Form B
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New Jersey Judiciary
Transcript Request-Municipal Court
Title of Action
Municipal Court of
Name of Municipal Court Judge
Date(s) of Hearing(s)
Complete This Section Only If You Are Filing an Appeal of a Municipal Court Judgment
To file a Municipal Court appeal, you must order and pay in advance for a minimum of two
(2) copies of your court case transcript. The Municipal Court Administrator will file the
original copy of the transcript with the Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court and a
certified copy with the Prosecuting Attorney. You may also order one or more copies of the
transcript for yourself if you choose, at an additional charge.
Number of transcripts requested:
Copy for the Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court (required)
Copy or copies for the Prosecuting Attorney or Attorneys
a minimum of one is required
Additional copies (optional)
Total Copies Ordered
Your Name
Street Address
I agree to pay for the preparation and all copies ordered of the transcript.
Type or Print Your Name
New Jersey Court Rule 3:23-8(a) requires that when an appeal is filed, the original
transcript must be filed with the Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court and a
certified copy with the Prosecuting Attorney.
Note: Before you send or deliver the Transcript Request-Municipal Court form to the court,
contact the court for the estimated cost of the transcript and who to make the check out to.
(Court Use Only)
Amount of Deposit: $
Form C
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Certification of Timely Filing
I certify that a copy of the Notice of Municipal Court Appeal form (Form A) has been mailed
or delivered to the Municipal Court Administrator of
Municipal Court, and also to the Prosecuting Attorney(s),
within the deadlines specified by the Rules of Court. In addition, I certify that I have
contacted the Municipal Court Administrator of the Municipal Court stated above, before
filing my Notice of Municipal Court Appeal, and I have ordered an original and a copy of
the transcript of my proceedings.
Additionally, if required, I have paid the transcript deposit specified by the Municipal
Court Administrator to have the transcript produced.
Appellant Signature
Type or Print Your Name
List the name(s) and address(es) of the Prosecuting Attorney(s) who has been provided with a
copy of Form A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal).
(City, State & Zip Code)
(City, State & Zip Code)
(City, State & Zip Code)
(City, State & Zip Code)
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Determining the Prosecuting Attorney
In order for you to file a copy of Form A (Municipal Court Appeal) with the Prosecuting
Attorney, you must first determine who the Prosecuting Attorney for your case will be when it
gets to the Superior Court. It may be an attorney representing the Municipality where your
matter was heard, the County Prosecutor or even an attorney from the office of the State
Attorney General. Who the Prosecuting Attorney will be is determined by the nature of the case
on which you are appealing. For example:
a) If one or more of the charges on which you were found guilty and are appealing is a
municipal ordinance violation, a copy of Form A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal) must
be mailed or delivered to the Municipal Attorney for the town where the Municipal Court is
located. Staff at the town’s main administrative building can provide you with the name and
address of the Municipal Attorney.
b) If your appeal is based on a claim that a State law, statute, rule, regulation, or an order by the
executive branch of government is unconstitutional, then a copy of Form A (Notice of
Municipal Court Appeal) must be mailed or delivered to the Office of the Attorney General,
at the following address:
Office of the Attorney General
R. J. Hughes Justice Complex
25 Market Street, P.O. Box 080
Trenton, NJ 08625
c) For all other matters, a copy of Form A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal) must be mailed
or delivered to the County Prosecutor. This includes most traffic offenses and driving while
intoxicated (DWI) violations. Please be aware that your case may require you to send a
copy of Form A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal) to more than one Prosecuting Attorney.
For example, if one of the charges is a municipal ordinance violation and another a speeding
offense, then you will need to send a copy of Form A to both the Municipal Attorney and the
County Prosecutor. The Municipal Prosecutor, the local police department or Municipal
Court staff can provide you with information on whether a particular charge is a municipal
ordinance violation or a State law violation. Finally, if you are still unsure who the
Prosecuting Attorney in your case will be, you may want to consider sending a copy of Form
A (Notice of Municipal Court Appeal) to the County Prosecutor, the Municipal Attorney,
and the State Attorney General. Please refer to the Summary Table below for information
on determining the Prosecuting Attorney(s).
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If you are appealing: You must send a notice to:
A Municipal Ordinance violation The Municipal Attorney for the town where the
Municipal Court is located
A violation of State law, (i.e., a traffic
violation, assault charge or most other
The County Prosecutor
The Constitutionality of the law, rule,
regulation, or an Executive Order
The Office of the Attorney General
If you are not sure who the Prosecuting
Attorney will be
Ask the Municipal Prosecutor or Municipal
Court staff for help
How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
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List Revised 03/10/2023
Directory of Superior Court Clerk’s Offices- Law Division
A copy of the Notice of Municipal Court Appeal (Form A) must be sent to the Criminal
Division at the Superior Court in the county where you are filing your Appeal.
Atlantic County
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Atlantic County Courts
4997 Unami Boulevard
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
609-402-0100 ext. 47340
Bergen County
Criminal Division Manager
Bergen County Courthouse
10 Main Street, Room 124
Hackensack, NJ 07601
201-221-0700 ext. 25020
Burlington County
Criminal Division Manager
Burlington Courts Facility
50 Rancocas Rd. -1st Fl.
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
609-288-9500 ext. 38125
Camden County
Camden Criminal Records
Camden County Hall of
101 South Fifth St.
Camden, NJ 08103
856-650-9100, ext. 43650
Cape May County
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Criminal Division
Cape May County Superior
4 Moore Rd.
Cape May Court House, NJ
609-402-0100 ext. 47433
Cumberland County
Criminal Division Records
60 West Broad Street
Bridgeton, N.J. 08302
856-878-5050 ext. 15640
Essex County
Criminal Division Manager
Essex County Veterans
50 West Market Street
Newark, NJ 07102
973-776-9300 ext. 55934
Gloucester County
Criminal Division Records
Gloucester County Justice
70 Hunter Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
856-878-5050 ext. 15430
Hudson County
Criminal Records Office
Hudson County Admin.
595 Newark Ave., Room 101
Jersey City, NJ 07306
201-748-4400 ext. 60138
Hunterdon County
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Hunterdon County Criminal
Hunterdon County Justice
65 Park Avenue
Flemington, NJ 08822
908-824-9750 ext. 13110
Mercer County
Criminal Division Records
Mercer County
400 S. Warren St.,
Room 109
Trenton, NJ 08650
609-571-4200 ext. 74074
Middlesex County
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Middlesex County
56 Paterson St.
P.O. Box 964
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
732-645-4300 ext. 88142
Monmouth County
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Monmouth County
71 Monument Park
Freehold, NJ 07728
732-358-8700 ext. 87360
Morris County
Criminal Division Manager
Morris Superior Courthouse
P.O. Box 910 Morristown,
NJ 07960 862-397-5700 ext.
Ocean County
Criminal Case Processing
Ocean County Justice
120 Hooper Ave., Room 221
Toms River, NJ 08753
732-504-0700 ext 64282
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List Revised 03/10/2023
Passaic County
Criminal Division Records
Passaic County Courthouse
77 Hamilton Street
Paterson, NJ 07505
973-653-2910 ext. 24397
Salem County
Criminal Division Records
Salem County Court House
92 Market Street
Salem, NJ 08079
856-878-5050 ext. 15780
Somerset County
Criminal Division Records
Somerset County Courthouse
- 2nd Fl.
20 North Bridge Street, P.O.
Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876
908-332-7700 ext. 13720
Sussex County
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Criminal Division
Sussex County Judicial
43-47 High Street
Newton, NJ 07860
862-397-5700 ext. 75316
Union County
Criminal Division Records
Union County Superior
2 Broad St., 5
Fl. Tower
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
908-787-1650 ext. 21150
Warren County
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Warren County Criminal
P.O. Box 900
Belvidere, NJ 07823
908-750-8100 ext. 13130
Servicios en el Tribunal Municipal
Cómo apelar una decisión de un juzgado municipal
Actualizado en noviembre de 2014
Este formulario puede llenarse en la pantalla de su
computadora, guardarse en su unidad de disco local e
imprimirse en su impresora local; o se puede imprimir en su
impresora local para llenarlo a mano o con una máquina de
La información que usted introduzca NO
se transmite electrónicamente.
Nota: Las demandas, los pedimentos y demás papeles presentados al tribunal deben estar en inglés.
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559- Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) página 1
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English (How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court) page 1
Cómo apelar una decisión de un juzgado municipal
¿Quién debe usar este paquete?
Si lo han encontrado culpable y un juez de un Juzgado Municipal le ha
dictado la pena y usted quiere apelar, entonces este paquete le indicará lo
que tiene que hacer. Algunas de las razones para presentar una apelación
Usted cree que los hechos no respaldan la decisión del juez; o
Usted cree que la decisión del juez no está de acuerdo con las leyes.
El Juzgado Municipal debe recibir su formulario de Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión de un
Juzgado Municipal dentro de los 20 días (que incluyen fines de semana y días feriados) a partir de la
fecha en que lo encontraron culpable (véanse los Pasos 1 y 3 en la página 3).
Hay una tasa judicial de $100 más el cargo de una transcripción que usted debe pagar por
adelantado. Estos dos cargos no son reembolsables (véanse los Pasos 2 y 6).
Si lo representó un abogado designado por el juzgado en su procedimiento en el Juzgado Municipal,
consulte con esa persona antes de presentar su apelación. El abogado de oficio le puede ayudar a
presentar su apelación.
Nota: La Oficina Administrativa de los Tribunales de Nueva Jersey ha preparado estos materiales para
el uso de los litigantes que se representan a sí mismos. Las guías, instrucciones y formularios se pondrán
al día periódicamente según sea necesario para reflejar los estatutos y las reglas judiciales actuales de
Nueva Jersey. La versión más reciente de los formularios estará disponible en los tribunales de los
condados, en su Juzgado Municipal local o en la página Internet del Poder Judicial (
Sin embargo, usted en definitiva se responsabiliza del contenido de su apelación.
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559- Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) página 2
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English (How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court)
page 2
El sistema judicial a menudo es complicado y confuso.
Como resultado de ello, es posible que usted quiera
consultar con un abogado antes de decidir si se va a
representar a sí mismo en el tribunal. Si usted no puede
pagar por los servicios de un abogado o no sabe cómo
encontrar un abogado, puede:
Llamar a la Oficina de Nueva Jersey de
Recomendación de Abogados de su condado; o
Pedir a cualquiera de los Colegios de Abogados del
Estado o del Condado los nombres de abogados que
tal vez lo podrán representar a un precio reducido.
NOTA: Si usted cree que reúne las condiciones necesarias
para un abogado designado por el juzgado, pida más
información al personal judicial o bien del Juzgado
Municipal o del Tribunal Superior. El personal judicial le
podrá dar los formularios necesarios para solicitar un
abogado designado por el tribunal.
Aunque usted tiene derecho a representarse a sí mismo en
el juzgado, no debe esperar del juzgado ningún
tratamiento, ayuda, ni atención especial. Lo que sigue es
una lista de algunas cosas que el personal del juzgado
puede hacer para usted y lo que no puede hacer. Por
favor léala detenidamente antes de pedirle ayuda al
personal del tribunal.
Podemos explicar y contestar preguntas acerca
del funcionamiento del juzgado.
Podemos indicarle los requisitos para que el juez
considere su causa.
Podemos darle algunos datos relativos al
expediente de su causa.
Podemos explicar y contestar preguntas sobre
cómo llenar los formularios.
Podemos darle muestras de los formularios del
juzgado que estén disponibles
Podemos darle asesoramiento sobre cómo llenar
los formularios
Podemos, por lo general, contestar preguntas
sobre los plazos máximos que hay en el juzgado.
No podemos darle consejos legales. Solamente
su abogado le puede dar consejos legales.
No podemos decirle si debe presentar su caso
ante el juez, o si no debe hacerlo.
No podemos darle una opinión sobre lo que
ocurrirá si usted le presenta su caso al juez.
No podemos recomendarle un abogado, pero
podemos darle el número de teléfono de un
servicio regional que recomienda abogados.
No podemos hablar con el juez en su nombre
sobre lo que irá a pasar en su causa.
No podemos permitirle hablar con el juez fuera
de la sala del juzgado.
No podemos cambiar ninguna orden emitida por
un juez.
Usted puede obtener información adicional sobre cómo presentar una apelación de una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal
buscando la Regla 3:23 en el Reglamento que Rige los Tribunales del Estado de Nueva Jersey (Rules Governing the
Courts of the State of New Jersey.) Aunque este paquete le enseñará paso por paso el proceso de una apelación, debe
considerar leer esa regla si decide presentar su propia apelación de una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal. Puede consultar
una copia del reglamento en la Biblioteca Estatal en Trenton, las bibliotecas de derecho, y en muchas de las bibliotecas
públicas de los condados y municipios en todo el Estado.
No vacile en utilizar esta Lista de Verificación mientras completa cada uno de los seis pasos tratados en la siguiente sección.
Preste mucha atención a los plazos indicados en cada Paso.
Complete el FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) Consulte el PASO 1
Complete el FORMULARIO B (Solicitud de una Transcripción – Juzgado Municipal) – Consulte el PASO 2
Contacte el Juzgado Municipal para determinar el costo estimado de la Transcripción – Consulte el PASO 2
Después de completar el FORMULARIO B (Solicitud de una Transcripción – Juzgado Municipal), llévelo al
Juzgado Municipal para pedir la cantidad correcta de transcripciones. Acuérdese de llevar/adjuntar un cheque para
pagar la transcripción – Consulte el PASO 2
Envíe por correo o entregue el FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) al
Juzgado Municipal - Consulte el PASO 3
Envíe por correo o entregue una copia del FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado
Municipal) al (a los) Fiscal(es) – Consulte el PASO 4
Complete el FORMULARIO C (Certificación de una Presentación Oportuna) – Consulte el PASO 5
Envíe por correo o entregue una copia del FORMULARIO A y del FORMULARIO C, completados, junto con la tasa
judicial de $100, al Administrador de la División Penal del Tribunal Superior - Consulte el PASO 6
Cómo apelar la decisión de un Juzgado Municipal
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559-Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) página 3
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English (How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court) page 3
PASO 1: Llene el FORMULARIO A (Aviso de
Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado
PASO 2: Llene el FORMULARIO B (Solicitud
de una Transcripción de un Juzgado Municipal)).
Como parte del proceso de apelación, usted debe ordenar
un original y una copia del acta escrita, que también se
llama una transcripción, de su audiencia en el Juzgado
Municipal. Para ordenar dichas transcripciones, usted
debe llenar el FORMULARIO B (Solicitud de una
Transcripción-Juzgado Municipal) y enviarlo por correo
o entregarlo al Juzgado Municipal donde tuvo lugar su
NOTA: Usted tendrá que pagar la transcripción por
adelantado. Este costo, no reembolsable, depende de la
duración de su juicio. Antes de enviar por correo o
entregar el formulario de Solicitud de una Transcripción-
Juzgado Municipal al juzgado, sírvase llamar al juzgado
para saber 1) el costo estimado de la transcripción y 2) la
persona a quien tiene que girar el cheque. Si no puede
pagar la transcripción, pregunte al personal del Juzgado
Municipal o del Tribunal Superior cómo puede solicitar
que el juzgado produzca la transcripción sin cobrársela.
Una de las dos transcripciones que se requiere que usted
ordene es para el Fiscal y la otra es para el Administrador
de la División Penal del Tribunal Superior (véanse los
PASOS 4 y 6). Si usted quiere una transcripción, debe
ordenar una tercera copia cuando haga su orden original
de una transcripción.
PASO 3: Envíe por correo o entregue el
FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una
Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) al Juzgado
A fin de hacer saber al Administrador del Juzgado
Municipal del Juzgado Municipal en que lo encontraron
culpable originalmente que usted va a presentar una
apelación, debe enviar por correo o entregar el
FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión
de un Juzgado Municipal) a ese juzgado. El Juzgado
Municipal tiene que recibir ese formulario a más tardar
para los 20 días calendarios (esto incluye fines de
semana y días feriados) subsiguientes a la fecha en que
lo encontraron culpable. Si el Juzgado Municipal no
RECIBE el formulario de apelación para la fecha
límite de 20 días, no se verá su apelación.
NOTA: Antes de entregar o enviar por correo el original
del FORMULARIO A al Juzgado Municipal, sírvase
hacer unas copias extras. La información contenida en los
PASOS 4 y 6 le dirá la cantidad de copias que necesitará.
Estas copias adicionales se necesitan para ayudarle a
completar la presentación de su apelación.
Si usted envía el FORMULARIO A por correo en lugar
de entregarlo personalmente, lo debe enviar por correo
certificado con acuse de recibo. Su oficina de correos le
puede decir cómo hacerlo.
PASO 4: Envíe por correo o entregue una copia
del FORMULARIO A (Aviso de la Apelación de
una Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) al Fiscal.
Usted tiene que enviar una copia del FORMULARIO A al
Fiscal a más tardar unos cinco días después que haya
enviado por correo o entregado la copia original del
FORMULARIO A al Juzgado Municipal. Si envía el
formulario por correo en lugar de entregarlo
personalmente, lo debe enviar por correo certificado con
acuse de recibo.
En casi todas las causas, el fiscal es el Fiscal del
Condado. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, el fiscal puede
ser otra persona. Para determinar si el fiscal de su causa
es otra persona distinta del Fiscal del Condado, rvase
referirse a la hoja al final de este paquete, titulada
Determinación del Fiscal.
(Certificación de una Presentación Oportuna)
Llene la Certificación de una Presentación Oportuna
(FORMULARIO C) y adjúntela a una copia del
certificación que le informa al tribunal que usted envió los
documentos necesarios oportunamente y a los lugares
PASO 6: Envíe por correo o entregue una copia
del FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una
Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) y el original
del FORMULARIO C (Certificación de una
Presentación Oportuna) al Administrador de la
División Penal del Tribunal Superior.
Usted debe enviar una copia del FORMULARIO A
(Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado
Municipal) y el original del FORMULARIO C
(Certificación de una Presentación Oportuna) al
Administrador de la División Penal del Tribunal Superior.
El Tribunal Superior debe recibir esos formularios, a
más tardar, 5 días después de que la copia original del
FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión
de un Juzgado Municipal) fue recibida por el Juzgado
Cómo apelar la decisión de un Juzgado Municipal
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559-Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) página 4
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English (How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court) page 4
Municipal. Si usted envía los formularios por correo,
debe enviarlos en un solo sobre por correo certificado con
acuse de recibo.
La copia del FORMULARIO A y el original del
FORMULARIO C se deben enviar por correo o entregar
al Administrador de la División Penal de los Tribunales
del Condado en el condado en que se vio la causa original
en el Juzgado Municipal. Esa dirección se puede
encontrar en la Guía de las Oficinas de los Secretarios de
los Tribunales Superiores-División de Derecho contenida
en este paquete. Si usted no está seguro del condado en
que debe presentar su apelación, pida ayuda a alguien del
Juzgado Municipal.
NOTA: Se requiere una tasa judicial de $100 para
presentar su Aviso de Apelación al Administrador de la
División Penal. Gire el cheque o giro bancario o postal
pagadero al Treasurer, State of New Jersey. Sin embargo,
si usted no puede pagar el costo de la presentación de la
apelación, pregunte al personal del tribunal del Juzgado
Municipal o del Tribunal Superior cómo solicitar una
exención de la tasa judicial.
Form A
v. Superior Court of
(Title of Action)
MunicipalCourt Ticket or Complaint #. (refer to ticket or complaint):
Your Name: Lawyer’s Name (If applicable):
Your Address: Lawyer’s Address (if appl):
Contact Phone #: ( ) - Lawyer’s # (if appl): ( ) -
If you were represented by a lawyer, was he/she appointed by the court? Yes or No (check one)
I, , am appealing to the Superior Court from a
conviction entered in the Municipal Court on .
On that date, I was convicted of the following offense(s):
The Municipal Court Judge found me guilty and ordered the following:
Fine (Specify Amount):
Restitution (Specify Type): Amount:
Jail Sentence (Length of Sentence):
Community Service (Describe):
Probation (Length):
Driver License Suspension (Length of Suspension):
Other Penalty (Please Specify):
In connection with this outcome:
__ No Fine was Assessed, or
A Fine was Assessed and:
__ has been paid
__ has not been paid
__ has been stayed pending appeal
In connection with this outcome:
__ No Jail Term was Imposed, or
A Jail Term was Imposed:
__ however, I am not in jail
__ I am in jail confined at the following facility:
A Sound Recording was made in the above matter at
the time of the trial, as required by Rule 7:8-8.
Docket # ____________________________
(Superior Court Use Only)
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559- Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal)
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English, How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
página 5
page 5
Print All Forms
Clear All Forms
Form B
Name of Municipal Court:
Title of Action: v.
Name of Municipal Court Judge:
Name of County:
Date(s) of Hearing(s):
Total Copies Ordered
Your name: Address:
Telephone #: ( ) -
I agree to pay for the preparation and all copies ordered of the transcript.
_______________________________________________ _______________________
(Your Signature) (Date)
(Type or Print your name)
Note: Before you send or deliver the Transcript Request-
Municipal Court form to the court, please call the court to
get from them 1) the estimated cost of the transcript and
2) who the check should be written to.
Amount of Deposit: $_____________
(Court Use Only)
To file a Municipal Court appeal you must order and pay in advance for a minimum of two (2) copies of your court case
transcript. The Municipal Court Administrator will file
the original copy of the transcript with the Criminal Division
Manager at the Superior Court and a certified copy with the Prosecuting Attorney. You may also order one or more
copies of the transcript for yourself if you choose, at an additional charge.
Number of transcripts requested:
1 Copy for the Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court (required)
Copy or copies for the Prosecuting Attorney or Attorneys (a minimum of one is required)
Additional copies (optional)
New Jersey Court Rule 3:23-8(a) requires that when an appeal is filed, the original transcript must be filed with
the Criminal Division Manager at the Superior Court and a certified copy with the Prosecuting Attorney.
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559- Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de Juzgado Municipal
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English, How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
página 6
page 6
Form C
I certify that a copy of the Notice of Municipal Court Appeal form (FORM A) has been mailed or delivered
to the Municipal Court Administrator of the Municipal
Court, and also to the Prosecuting Attorney(s), within the deadlines specified by the Rules of Court. In addition, I
certify that I have contacted the Municipal Court Administrator of the Municipal Court stated above, before filing my
Notice of Municipal Court Appeal, and I have ordered an original and a copy of the transcript of my proceedings.
Additionally, if required, I have paid the transcript deposit specified by the Municipal Court Administrator to have the
transcript produced.
I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of these statements made
by me are not true, I am subject to punishment.
_____________________________________________________ ________________________
(Your Signature) Appellant (Date)
(Type or print your name)
List the name(s) and address(es) of the Prosecuting Attorney(s) who has been provided with a copy of Form A
(Notice of Municipal Court Appeal).
(a) Name:
(b) Name:
(c) Name:
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559- Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal)
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English, How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court
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page 7
Cómo apelar la decisión de un Juzgado Municipal
Enmendado 11/2014, CN 10559-Español (Cómo apelar una decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) página 8
Revised 11/2014, CN 10559-English (How to Appeal a Decision of a Municipal Court) page 8
Determinación del Fiscal
Determinación del Fiscal – Para que usted pueda
presentar una copia del FORMULARIO A
(Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado
Municipal) al Fiscal, primero tiene que determinar
quién será el Fiscal de su causa cuando llegue al
Tribunal Superior. Puede ser un abogado que
representa al Municipio en que se vio su asunto, el
Fiscal del Condado o hasta un abogado de la oficina
del Procurador General del Estado. La naturaleza de
la causa cuya decisión usted va a apelar determina
quién será el Fiscal. Por ejemplo:
a) Si uno o más de los cargos de que lo encontraron
culpable y que usted va a apelar es la infracción de
una ordenanza municipal, usted tiene que enviar por
correo o entregar una copia del FORMULARIO A
(Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado
Municipal) al Abogado Municipal del pueblo en que
está ubicado el Juzgado Municipal. El personal del
edificio administrativo principal del pueblo le puede
dar el nombre y la dirección del Abogado Municipal.
b) Si su apelación se basa en la afirmación de que es
inconstitucional una ley, estatuto, regla, reglamento
estatal o una orden del poder ejecutivo del gobierno,
entonces debe enviar por correo o entregar una copia
del FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de una
Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) a la Oficina del
Procurador General a la siguiente dirección:
Office of the Attorney General
R. J. Hughes Justice Complex
25 Market Street, P.O. Box 080
Trenton, NJ 08625
c) Para todos los demás asuntos, debe enviar
por correo o entregar una copia del
FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de
una Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) al
Fiscal del Condado. Esto incluye la mayoría
de las infracciones de tránsito y delitos de
manejar mientras está embriagado (DWI).
Sepa que su causa puede requerir que usted
envíe una copia del FORMULARIO A
(Aviso de Apelación de una Decisión de un
Juzgado Municipal) a más de un Fiscal. Por
ejemplo, si uno de los cargos es la infracción
de una ordenanza municipal y otro es la
infracción de la velocidad máxima, entonces
tendrá que enviar una copia del
FORMULARIO A al Abogado Municipal y
otra al Fiscal del Condado. El Fiscal
Municipal, la jefatura de policía local o el
personal del Juzgado Municipal le puede dar
información sobre si un cargo en particular
es la infracción de una ordenanza municipal
o de una ley estatal. Finalmente, si usted
todavía no está seguro en cuanto a quien
será el Fiscal en su causa, puede querer
considerar el envío de una copia del
FORMULARIO A (Aviso de Apelación de
una Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal) al
Fiscal del Condado, al Fiscal Municipal y al
Procurador General del Estado. Sírvase
referirse a la Tabla de Resumen que sigue a
continuación para obtener información sobre
la determinación del (de los) Fiscal(es).
Si usted va a apelar:
Tiene que enviar un aviso de apelación a:
Una infracción de una ordenanza municipal
El abogado municipal del pueblo en que está
localizado el Juzgado Municipal
Una infracción de una ley estatal (es decir, una
infracción de tránsito, un cargo de agresión o la
mayoría de los demás asuntos)
El Fiscal del Condado
La constitucionalidad de la ley, regla, reglamento
o una Orden Ejecutiva
La Oficina del Procurador General
Si usted no está seguro de quién será el Fiscal
Pida ayuda al Fiscal Municipal o al personal del
Juzgado Municipal
Cómo apelar la decisn de un Juzgado Municipal
Enmendado 06/2015 gina 9
Revised: 06/2015 page 9
Guía de las Oficinas de los Secretarios de los Tribunales Superiores - División de Derecho
Se debe enviar una copia del Aviso de una Apelación de una Decisión de un Juzgado Municipal (Formulario A) a la
División Penal del Tribunal Superior del condado en que usted presenta su Apelación.
Condado de Atlantic
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Atlantic County Courts Complex
4997 Unami Boulevard
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
ondado de Bergen
Criminal Division Manager
Bergen County Courthouse
10 Main Street, Room 116
Hackensack, NJ 07601
201 - 527-2409
Condado de Burlington
Criminal Division Manager
Burlington Courts Facility
50 Rancocas Rd. -3rd Fl.
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
Condado de Camden
Criminal Division Manager
Camden County Hall of Justice
101 So. Fifth St., Rm 380
Camden, NJ 08103
Condado de Cape May
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Criminal Division
Cape May County Superior Court
4 Moore Rd.
Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
Condado de Cumberland
Assistant Criminal Division Manager
60 West Broad Street
Bridgeton, N.J. 08302
Condado de Essex
Criminal Division Manager
Essex County Veterans Courthouse
50 West Market Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Condado de Gloucester
Criminal Division Manager
Gloucester County Justice Complex
70 Hunter Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Condado de Hudson
Criminal Records Office
Hudson County Admin. Building
595 Newark Ave., Room 101
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Condado de Hunterdon
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Hunterdon County Criminal Division
Hunterdon County Justice Center
65 Park Avenue
Flemington, NJ 08822
Condado de Mercer
Criminal Division Manager
Mercer County Courthouse
209 So. Broad St.
Trenton, NJ 08650
Condado de Middlesex
Criminal Division Manager
Middlesex County Courthouse
56 Paterson St.
P.O. Box 964
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Condado de Monmouth
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Monmouth County Courthouse
Court St., East Wing, 1st Fl.
Freehold, NJ 07728
Condado de Morris
Criminal Division Manager
Morris County Courthouse
Washington St.
Morristown, NJ 07960
Condado de Ocean
Criminal Case Processing
Ocean County Justice Complex
120 Hooper Ave., Room 220
Toms River, NJ 08753
ondado de Passaic
Criminal Division Manager
Passaic County Courthouse
77 Hamilton Street
Paterson, NJ 07505
Condado de Salem
Assistant Criminal Division Manager
Salem County Court House
92 Market Street
Salem, NJ 08079
856-878-5050 x.15851
Condado de Somerset
Criminal Division Manager
Somerset County Courthouse - 2nd Fl.
20 North Bridge Street, P.O. Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876
Condado de Sussex
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Criminal Division
Sussex County Judicial Complex
43-47 High Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Condado de Union
Criminal Division Manager
Union County Courthouse
Tower Bldg., 7th Fl., 2 Broad St.
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Condado de Warren
Municipal Appeals Clerk
Warren County Criminal Division
P.O. Box 900
Belvidere, NJ 07823