Eating sustainably
Emory University
an introduction to sustainable food
1. Defining sustainability and sustainable food
2. Food, foodshed, soil, and place
3. Identifying sustainable food: an introduction to marketing terms
4. Health benefits of eating sustainably
5. Nutrient content and sustainable food
6. Pesticides and organic foods
7. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
8. Food choices and environmental impact: meat and plant-based diets
9. Energy and food production
10. Animal welfare and factory farms
11. Grass-fed livestock
12. Sustainable seafood
13. Choosing local food
14. Sustainable food purchasing and the Georgia economy
15. Impact on farm workers
16. Fair Trade
Sustainable Food Committee, Emory University
December, 2011
Eating sustainably
Defining Sustainability Emory University
Defining sustainability and sustainable food
Definitions of sustainability often refer to aspects of enduring environmental, social and
economic well being. While the notion of sustainable food has evolved over time and continues
to change with new evidence, there is a consensus that sustainable agriculture must be
ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible.
Thus, a broad definition of
sustainable food links agricultural production that safeguards soil, water, and wildlife with a
nutritious diet that supports public health
, and sees food as part of a just and economically
sound society. In this view, a sustainable food and agricultural system is one in which:
The environment is protected. The health of the soil is maintained, water quality is
secured, the flow of energy and discharge of waste, including greenhouse gas emissions,
are within the capacity of the earth to absorb, and biodiversity is protected and promoted.
Food producers are treated well. Farmers and all other players in the production chain
have fair, livable incomes, and safe working conditions.
The food we eat is of good quality. Animal and human health is supported by a wide
variety of nutritious and delicious foods, and is affordable and accessible for all.
Agro-economies are supported. Rural communities are enhanced and supported, and are
linked to urban communities through small businesses.
Fresh, healthy food is available to all.
The industrial, corporate food production system prevalent today offers cheap food, but such low
cost does not reflect the true costs of agriculture, including loss of crop biodiversity through
monoculturing, soil erosion and depletion, contamination of water and air, antibiotic resistance,
and heavy dependence on non-renewable resources such as petroleum, creating a less resilient
and secure food system.
Centralized control over our agricultural system limits consumers’
ability to know how food is grown, how safe it is, and whether farm communities are enhanced
or harmed.
Local, community-based, participatory food systems are an alternative to the global corporate
models in which producers and consumers are separated from one another. A local food system
encourages the idea of the consumer as active participant, or co-producer.
This model focuses
on relationships among the food producers, processors, distributors, retailers and consumers and
increases knowledge about the characteristics of our food.
The development of local food
systems is not only about environmental impacts but also the social and economic benefits it
promotes, which include:
Diversity of many economically viable small family farms rather than huge factory farms
Environmental outcomes that enhance our natural resources for future generations
Robust economic links between urban and rural communities through networks of small
Preventive health of individuals rather than focusing solely on disease treatment
Equitable treatment for all participants in the food chain
Julie Shaffer for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Eating sustainably
Defining Sustainability Emory University
Ikerd, John. 2007. “On Defining Sustainable Agriculture.” North Carolina Sustainable Agriculture Research and
Education Program. <> (Accessed 4/9/10).
Hamm, Michael W. 2008. “Linking Sustainable Agriculture and Public Health: Opportunities for Realizing
Multiple Goals.” Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 3:169-185.
Kirschenmann, Frederick L. 2008. “Food as Relationship.” Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition
Barlett, Peggy F. 1989. “Industrial Agriculture” in Economic Anthropology, Stuart Plattner, ed. Pp. 253-291.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Hassanein, Neva. 2003. “Practicing Food Democracy: A Pragmatic Politics of Transformation.” Journal of Rural
Studies 19:77-86.
Petrini, Carlo. 2007. Slow Food Nation. NY: Columbia University Press. pp. 227-237
Eating sustainably
Food and Place Emory University
Food, foodshed, soil, and place
“Civilizations have destroyed themselves by destroying their farmland”
Wes Jackson and Wendell Berry
Food has the potential to strengthen our sense of place, intertwining meaning and identity.
Eating locally, learning about traditional foods, and attending to the seasons are ways to become
more conscious of food choices and their implications for the planet. Food invites other
languages of attachment, restoring our lived relationships with place. Tastes of fresh, local food,
together with traditional varieties of plants and animals that are well adapted to each locale, call
forth an appealing vision of people living well and also responsibly with one another and with
the land.
A revolution in transportation and communication since World War II, coupled with agricultural
research and abundant cheap oil, has allowed us to develop a global food system that is detached
in many ways from the soil.
Industrial food processing allowed new forms of food storage,
long-distance travel, and extended shelf life.
The average person has little appreciation of the
land or the farming practices suited to each locale.
Stories and memories are lost as well—and
sometimes, even the seeds and plant varieties eaten by our great-grandparents.
Lack of public
concern about farmland loss to urban sprawl, eroding topsoil, and declining rural communities
reveals a general disconnection from the land. Social indifference to the farmers and farm
workers who grow food echoes our disconnectedness to nature and season.
An alternative to the industrial, global food system is a locally or regionally based system, made
up of diversified farms using sustainable practices to supply fresher, more nutritious foodstuffs to
small-scale processors and consumers, to whom producers are linked by bonds of community as
well as economy.
Landscape is part of that community.
Consumer expectations are shifting towards such a system. In addition to acquiring healthy
food, many consumers want to know where their food comes from, how it is grown, and who are
the farmers.
They want to know if their own values, such as fair working conditions and
humane treatment of animals, have been upheld all along the food chain. And more consumers
are returning to seasonal food purchases, finding it tastier and cheaper to eat fruits and vegetables
in season.
The concept of foodshed echoes the image of water flowing downhill and draws our attention to
where our food comes from. What is Emory’s foodshed? If we buy bananas from Costa Rica
and coffee from Kenya, our foodshed is international. Foodshed activists seek to re-focus on the
origins of our food, and to encourage purchases within a bioregion and with attention to impacts
on the lands and cultures. Steps to help re-build an alternative food future are to:
Strengthen decisions that include non-economic values, such as pleasure, loyalty, justice,
friendship, and affection. Such decisions are made by individuals and institutions, such as
Eating sustainably
Food and Place Emory University
Rebuild habits of eating together and fostering a relationship with the land that supports
us. Celebrations can attend to seasons of strawberries, peaches, cantaloupes, tomatoes,
corn, and other crops.
Carve out “insulated spaces” where alternatives to conventional food can thrive, such as
Emory’s campus farmers market and new dining service commitments to sustainable
food purchases.
Emory’s efforts to increase sustainably-grown regional and Georgia-grown foods in dining halls
and hospitals are one way that we seek to strengthen our local food system.
Grassroots efforts lead the way
Local food efforts often highlight direct marketing, ways of building stronger ties between
consumers and farmers. Farmers markets, community-supported agriculture (CSAs or food
shares), roadside stands, and farm-to-school programs all put “the farmer’s face” on the food.
Local food systems can build trust in fresher food, grown with methods that support an ethic of
care for the land. Food cooperatives, restaurants that feature local produce and meats, and food
businesses such as bakeries provide another way to eat local food. Community gardens and
urban farming are important as well, building new, more intimate relationships with plants and
strengthening the social fabric.
Organizations that have promoted such food alternatives are the Community Food Security
Coalition (CFSC), a broad grassroots gathering of local food advocates who work for a
revitalized local food system. CFSC works not only on local issues such as community gardens
and farm-to-school programs, but also on farm bill legislation and reform of federal subsidies to
conventional agriculture. Improving access to high-quality, fresh food in underserved
neighborhoods—so-called “food deserts”—is central to food security work.
Where families
are constrained by poor transportation, stocking even a small grocery store with fresh vegetables
can increase dietary consumption of healthier foods.
Other groups seek to rebuild their local foodsheds. In the 1990s, Hartford, Connecticut followed
Toronto’s lead in creating a Local Food Project. Growing Power in Milwaukee and Chicago and
organizations such as the Practical Farmers of Iowa and the Pennsylvania Association for
Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) have led the way. The Food Routes coalition developed over a
dozen “Buy Fresh/Buy Local” campaigns around the country, supported by the Kellogg
Foundation. On-line directories that guide consumers to local farmers, chefs, stores, and pick-
your-own operations have been important information resources.
Here in Atlanta, Georgia Organics has been active in maintaining a Local Food Guide
( and has supported a range of activities to build a more sustainable
food system. The Atlanta Local Food Initiative ( has created a “Plan
for Atlanta’s Food Future” endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and President Jimmy
Carter. The plan calls for actions to redress Atlanta’s food deserts, support farm-to-school
programs and community gardens, increase commitments to buy local, and support other ways to
rebuild connections to place around food. Southern Seed Legacy (
and the Georgia chapters of Slow Food ( highlight biodiversity in
agriculture and preservation of traditional varieties (often hardy and disease resistant).
Eating sustainably
Food and Place Emory University
Terroir and regional cuisine
Regions are often known for distinctive food products, and labeling systems can help consumers
identify foods that support traditional foodways and growing practices. European labels-of-
origin are well known in wine and cheese and are based on a sense of “terroir” or the special
soils that produce tastes unique to a particular region. In the U.S., regional specialties are less
likely to emphasize uniformity of a particular taste and more likely to highlight individual
excellence of particular craft products. Faculty at the University of Missouri, together with many
partners, launched a Regional Cuisines Project in 2002.
Missouri is famous for its cured hams
and a particular pecan native to the state, and labeling these products allows them to gain value.
Ecoregions have been delineated and as farmers become organized and standards are set,
certification processes will highlight local products, allowing greater transparency for the
consumer. These kinds of efforts call attention to local producers, soils, and the importance of
preserving cultural traditions.
Sustainability calls for attention to how our food provisioning works with nature. The
connection between humans, land, and food is scientific, but also philosophical and spiritual. “If
a system of production has negative side-effects, and cares not about the resources on which it
relies, then we have taken a path leading ultimately to disaster,” says agricultural development
leader, Jules Pretty.
As we seek to live up to Emory’s sustainability vision (“Healthy Emory,
Healthy Planet”), a revitalized relationship with soils, climate, seeds, farmers, and foodways is a
deeply appealing vision, one that can guide us forward to honor the places we call home.
Peggy Barlett for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Jackson, Wes and Wendell Berry. 2008. “A 50-Year Farm Bill” New York Times, January 5.
Kirschenmann, Frederick L. 2008. Food as Relationship. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 3(2-
Friedmann, Harriet 1993. After Midas’s Feast: Alternative Food Regimes for the Future. In, Food for the Future.
Patricia Allen, ed. Pp. 213-33. NY: Wiley.
Jackson, Wes. 1994. “Becoming Native to this Place.” The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Agriculture. London:
Berry, Wendell. 1990. “The Pleasures of Eating” from What are People For? NY: North Point Press, Farrar,
Straus and Giroux.
Hinrichs, C.Clare and Thomas A Lyson. 2007. Remaking the North American Food System: Strategies for
Sustainability. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Hamm, Michael W. 2008. Linking Sustainable Agriculture and Public Health: Opportunities for Realizing
Multiple Goals. J. of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 3(2-3):169-185.
Kloppenburg, Jack, Jr., John Hendrickson, and G.W. Stephenson. 1996. Coming in to the Foodshed. In, Rooted in
the Land. William Vitek and Wes Jackson, eds. Pp. 113-123. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Barham, Elizabeth 2002. Toward a Theory of Values-Based Labeling. Agriculture and Human Values 19(4):349-
Gottlieb, Robert 2001. Environmentalism Unbound: Exploring New Pathways for Change. Cambridge, MA: MIT
National Research Council 2009. The Public Health Effects of Food Deserts. Washington, DC: National
Academies Press.
Bedford, Christopher B. 2006. Meeting the Challenge of Local Food. Business 28(1):17.
Barham, Elizabeth, David Lind, and Lewis Jett 2006 “The Missouri Regional Cuisines Project.” In Urban Place:
Reconnecting with the Natural World. Peggy F. Barlett, ed. Pp.141-72. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Pretty, Jules 2002. Agri-Culture: Reconnecting People, Land, and Nature. London: Earthscan
Eating sustainably
Marketing Terms Emory University
Identifying sustainable food: an introduction to marketing terms
Food products and packages are peppered with marketing claims and terms espousing qualities
that are designed to steer the consumer toward buying foods that are sustainable and healthy for
people and the environment. But with so many terms to keep straight, how does one decide
whether to buy the certified organic, vegetarian fed chicken or the free range certified humane
The first step is learning what makes a good eco-label. According to the Consumers Union
Guide to Environmental Claims, “the best eco-labels are seals or logos indicating that an
independent organization has verified that a product meets a set of meaningful and consistent
standards for environmental protection and/or social justice.
This would be considered a third
party label or claim because it is made by an entity other than the seller (first party) or the buyer
(second party).
Because it is important to be familiar with the more common food related claims and
certifications, below is a list of common marketing terms.
This list has been developed with the
aid of the Sustainable Food Policy Project which was a collaboration of the following
organizations: Food Alliance, Health Care Without Harm, Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education, Oregon Center for Environmental Health, and the Institute
for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
There are many more claims and certifications beyond this list, so it is important to know where
to go to find more information about specific eco-labels. The Consumers Union Guide to
Environmental Claims ( as well as
( are helpful resources for learning more about these terms.
Labels Certified by an Independent Organization
Certified Humane Raised & Handled
This label is designed to certify that animals raised for dairy, lamb, poultry and beef products are
treated in a humane manner. Under the program, growth hormones are prohibited and animals
are raised on a diet without antibiotics, though antibiotics can be used in the treatment of sick
animals. Access to clean and sufficient food and water and a safe and healthful living
environment are also required from birth through slaughter. Producers also must comply with
environmental standards. Processors must comply with the American Meat Institute Standards, a
higher standard for slaughtering farm animals than required by the Federal Humane Slaughter
Eating sustainably
Marketing Terms Emory University
Fair Trade Certified
Fair Trade standards aim to ensure that farmers in developing nations receive a fair price for their
product and have direct trade relations with buyers and access to credit. They encourage
sustainable farming practices and discourage the use of child labor and certain pesticides. To
bear the label, products must be grown by small-scale, democratically organized producers. Fair
Trade Certified products include coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, bananas and other tropical fruit,
rice and grains. TransFair USA is the thirdparty certifier of Fair Trade goods in the US. It is one
of twenty members of Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International, the umbrella organization
that sets certification standards.
Food Alliance Certified
To earn FA certification, farms and ranches must meet standards that provide safe and fair
working conditions; ensure healthy and humane care for livestock without adding hormones or
non-therapeutic antibiotics; use no genetically modified crops or livestock; reduce pesticide uses;
conserve soil and water resources; and protect wildlife habitat. Farmers are required to set goals
for continual improvement and sign an affidavit that genetically engineered crops are not used.
Marine Stewardship Council
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is a nonprofit organization that promotes responsible
fishing practices. The MSC label assures buyers that products come from a well-managed fishery
and have not contributed to overfishing. MSC certification standard includes these principles:
1) The condition of the fish stocks (examines if there are enough fish to ensure that
the fishery is sustainable).
2) The impact of the fishery on the marine environment (examines the effect that
fishing has on the immediate marine environment including other nontarget
fish species, marine mammals and seabirds).
3) The fishery management systems (evaluates the rules and procedures that are in
place, as well as how they are implemented, to maintain a sustainable fishery
and to ensure that the impact on the marine environment is minimized).
Eating sustainably
Marketing Terms Emory University
In order to be labeled “organic,” products must meet the federal organic standards as determined
by a USDAapproved certifying agency. Organic foods cannot be grown using synthetic
fertilizers, chemicals, or sewage sludge; cannot be genetically modified; and cannot be
irradiated. Organic meat and poultry must be fed only organicallygrown feed (without any
animal byproducts) and cannot be treated with hormones or antibiotics. In order to bear the
USDA “Certified Organic” seal, a product must contain 95 to 100% organic ingredients.
Products that contain 70% to 94% organic ingredients can be labeled “Made with Organic
Ingredients,” but cannot use the USDA “CertifiedOrganic” seal. Organic ingredients can be
listed on the packaging of products that are not entirely organic.
Rainforest Alliance Certified
The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by
transforming landuse practices, business practices, and consumer behavior. The Rainforest
Alliance Certified seal is found on coffee, cocoa, chocolate, bananas, orange juice, guava,
pineapple, passion fruit, plantains, macadamia nuts, and other tropical products. On certified
farms, rainforest is conserved, workers are treated fairly, soil and water quality are not
compromised, waste is managed efficiently, chemical use is dramatically reduced, and relations
with surrounding communities are strong.
Smithsonian Bird Friendly
The goal of the third party Bird Friendly certification program is to foster conditions on coffee
plantations that provide good bird habitats. Maintenance of the tree canopy, diversity in tree and
plant species, shade at specific times of the day, and establishment of plant borders around
streams or rivers are all included into the Bird Friendly label criteria. The Smithsonian Migratory
Bird Center (SMBC) only allows organic certifiers to issue the Bird Friendly label on organically
certified products. Organic inspectors must complete a “Shade Certification Check List” and sign
a certificate before the SMBC will allow the use of the Bird Friendly seal of approval.
Eating sustainably
Marketing Terms Emory University
Labels Not Certified by an Independent Organization
Antibiotic Claims
The USDA has prohibited use of the term “Antibiotic Free” as a label claim for meats and
poultry, but allows “Raised Without Antibiotics” or “No Antibiotics Administered.” These
claims imply that no antibiotics were administered to the animal at any point during its life. If an
animal becomes sick and requires treatment, it should be segregated from other animals and sold
as a conventional meat product. There is often no independent verification of these antibiotic
Cage Free
This is a first party claim that poultry were raised without cages. This does not guarantee that
birds were raised with access to the outdoors or on pasture. Birds may have been raised in large
flocks in commercial confinement facilities with open floor plans. There is often no independent
verification of “Cage Free” claims.
Free Range
Free range and related terms are popular label claims for poultry and eggs and are sometimes
seen on other meats. Free range is regulated by the USDA for use on poultry only (not eggs),
which requires that birds be given access to the outdoors for an undetermined period each day.
In practice, the “Free Range” claim does not guarantee that the animal actually spent any period
of time outdoors, only that access was available. Birds may have been raised in large flocks in
commercial confinement facilities with open floor plans. There is often no independent
verification of “Free Range” claims.
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Claims
With growing consumer concern for genetically modified crops and livestock entering the food
supply chain, a number of companies have begun to assert their food products are “GMO-Free.”
The US organic standards offer independent verification of the process of food production, but
there is no guarantee that the product is uncontaminated by GMOs. Some certification programs,
such as Organic and Food Alliance, prohibit genetically modified ingredients in certified foods
and have corresponding inspection protocols. However, laboratory tests may be necessary to
provide maximum surety there has been no cross-contamination of products.
As defined by the American Grassfed Association, this claim means that animals live on pasture,
consume a natural forage diet, and do not receive hormone or antibiotic treatments. However,
the USDA, in a standard published for comment in 2006, has defined “grassfed” to only mean
animals that consume a diet of grasses and silage. The USDA standard does not prohibit
confinement or hormone and antibiotic treatments. Suppliers should be clear which standard
they claim to meet. There is currently no independent verification of this claim under either
standard. Note that “Grassfed” claims are sometimes qualified with supplemental “Grain
Finished” claims. This combination describes the conventional industrial livestock feeding
model, and invalidates the “Grassfed” claim.
Eating sustainably
Marketing Terms Emory University
Hormone Claims
The USDA has prohibited use of the terms “Hormone Free,” but meats can be labeled “No
Hormones Administered,” meaning that the animals in question did not receive hormone
injections or feed supplements. Claims are also frequently asserted that milk products are
“rBGH-Free” and/or “rBST-Free.” (rBGH and rBST are hormone supplements given to dairy
cows to increase milk production.) Federal law prohibits the use of hormones in hogs and
poultry, so hormone claims for chicken or pork should be considered misleading. There is often
no independent verification of hormone claims.
USDA guidelines state that “Natural” meat and poultry products can only undergo minimal
processing and cannot contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, or other artificial
ingredients. “Natural” is used with similar meaning with other food products as well. Beyond
this limited definition, “natural” should be considered a meaningless claim. The term does not
offer any information about the social or environmental impact of the product. It does not
guarantee that livestock were humanely raised or provide information about use of hormones or
antibiotics. It does not guarantee that crops were raised according to any standard. There is
typically no independent verification of “natural” claims.
This label is a first-party claim seen on a wide variety of foods frommayonnaisetomargarine,
omegafattyacidsinfood:DHA(docosahexaenoic acid),EPA(eicosapentaenoic acid) andALA
(alpha-linolenic acid).EvidenceforDHAandEPAanddiseasepreventionissomewhat
Vegetarian Diet
This is a first-party claim that livestock were not fed any animal by-products. With the
appearance of “mad cow disease,” which is transmitted through animal by-products added to
cattle feed, vegetarian diets are increasing. The claim does not indicate that animals were fed a
natural forage diet. Animals may have been fed corn or other grains, agricultural by-products or
food processing wastes (such as potato peels). Animals may have received antibiotics or other
feed supplements. There is often no independent verification of this claim.
Kip Slaughter for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
A Guide to Developing a Sustainable Food Purchasing Policy.Available at:
Essential Fatty Acids. Linus Pauling Institute. Available at:
Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Eating sustainably
Health benefits Emory University
Health benefits of eating sustainably
There are 1 billion overweight and 300 million obese adults worldwide
300,000 deaths per year in the US can be attributed to obesity
Obese individuals are at a 50-100% higher risk of premature death
US Obesity Trends by State
Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) index of 30 or greater. BMI is calculated from a person’s
weight and height. The maps show the percent of US adults who are obese.
Why? Influences from the Toxic Environment
According to Wang and Brownell at Yale, “animals are adept at regulating a very steady body weight
until they are placed in a situation in which palatable, high-fat, high-sugar food is consistently accessible
to them. Under these conditions, laboratory animals overeat and become far heavier than their normal
body weight, even when nutritionally balanced food is available.” They further assert, “although
individuals have the ability to make choices, it is difficult to make healthy choices and to succeed when
the environment is stacked against them.”
Calorie-dense but nutrient-poor food
The past 60 years saw an increase in the consumption of energy-dense foods, high in saturated fats and
sugar. Energy-dense, nutrient-sparse alternatives replaced low calorie, nutrient-rich foods and drinks; for
example, soda replaced milk and salty snacks replaced fruits. One can of A&W Root Beer has 4
tablespoons of sugar and 170 calories. The same amount of skim milk has 120 calories and nutrients like
protein, calcium, and vitamin D. We now eat on the run and rely on a “quick fix” to satiate hunger. Fast
food is often highly processed and fried in oil with saturated fats. Eating out increased 89% from 1972 to
1995. Research shows that people consume almost 200 more calories per day eating outside the home.
Also, as Americans consume more energy, they expend fewer calories. One-fourth of Americans report
being completely sedentary. Half of children walked to school in 1950, but only 10% of children report
walking to school today.
Furthermore, most popular leisure activities, such as watching television,
require little to no physical activity.
Portion size
Eating sustainably
Health benefits Emory University
Portion sizes of some foods have increased two-fold since the 1950s -- bagels are twice the size and
candy bars come in “King Size.” A turkey sandwich may be a healthy choice for lunch, but may
contain enough meat and bread for two meals.
Some super-sized fast food meals pack the daily calorie
recommendations into a single meal.
Portion size: 1987 versus 2007
Cheeseburgers Soda
1987: 333 calories 2007: 590 calories 1987: 85 calories 2007: 250 calories
Spaghetti and meatballs
1987: 500 calories 2007: 1025 calories
Human health consequences of obesity
Coronary heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
Liver & gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
General guidelines
Eating sustainably
Health benefits Emory University
Eat more…
Fruits and vegetables
Fill half your plate
The more color variety, the more nutritious
“Whole Grain” carbohydrates (oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice)
Whole grains contain fiber which slows digestion and helps you feel full longer
Wheat bread is often highly processed. Don’t be fooled by the “wheat” title—look for “whole”!
Items labeled “multigrain” are not necessarily whole grain; check the label.
Protein from chicken, fish, grass-fed meats, and vegetable sources, such as beans and nuts
Unsaturated fats
Substitute omega 6 or omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids for dairy and animal fat
Fish, beans, almonds, olives, avocados and many seeds contain the essential fatty acids that are
beneficial to heart and skin health
Olive oil and canola oil are good sources of unsaturated fats
Eat less…
Trans and saturated fats
Choose lower fat dairy options and lean protein such as fish or skinless poultry
Substitute grass-fed meats for grain-fed
Stay away from fried food and large amounts of butter or baked goods
Soda and fruit juices
Red meat
Food in general; be aware of portion sizes for your weight and activity levels:
One serving of meat looks like a deck of cards: most Americans consume twice the daily
recommended value for protein. Other sources of protein such as beans, nuts, and tofu will help
round out strengthen your diet.
One serving of peanut butter or salad dressing is about the size of a golf ball
When eating out, take half your meal to go and stretch your dollars, not your waistline.
Try to …
Get 30 minutes of physical activity daily
Take the stairs instead of the elevator; ride your bike to class or work. (This also benefits the
Support parks, bike trails, and safe recreational spaces for all Atlanta residents. It is easy to forget that
outdoor recreation is dangerous in some parts of town, which limits exercise.
Promote efforts to make fresh foods available in all neighborhoods and schools.
Don’t forget…
Every person’s diet needs are different, but most researchers agree about certain basic principles of
healthful diets: variety in food intake, moderation in calories, largely plant-based, and minimally
Eating sustainably
Health benefits Emory University
Becca Gittelson and Brooke Mills for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Eating sustainably
Health benefits Emory University
“WHO | Obesity and overweight." October 2009.
Wang, S.S., & Brownell, K.D. 2005. “Public policy and obesity: The need to marry science with advocacy.”
Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 28:235-252.
United States Department of Agriculture. October 2009. <>.
"Why People Become Overweight - Harvard Health Publications." November 2009. Health Information and
Medical Information - Harvard Health Publications. <
National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity & Aging. April 2010.
"The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity." October 2009 Office of
the Surgeon General. <>
Willett, W. 2001. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating. New York:
Free Press..
Nestle, Marion. March 2010. “Confused about nutrition? Eat Food!” Food Politics.
Eating sustainably
Nutrient content Emory University
Nutrient content and sustainable food
There are a variety of reasons that people choose sustainably produced foods over conventional
foods. Though organic foods are just one category of foods under the sustainability umbrella, a
2006 survey by the consumer research firm, Hartman Group, found that health reasons and
nutritional needs are primary reasons that consumers choose to buy organic foods, but consumers
also want to avoid pesticides, chemicals, antibiotics and genetically modified organisms.
Is the
consumer correct in believing that organic and other sustainably produced foods offer a
nutritional edge over their conventionally produced counterparts?
As one might suspect, there is not a simple answer. How healthy a food is for a person depends
on their overall diet and state of health. The quality of a food’s nutrition depends on many factors
including how and for how long it is stored and whether it has been processed in any way.
Whether a food is fresh, whole, frozen, thawed, steamed, dried or combined with additional
ingredients (salt, fat, sugar, added vitamins and minerals) can all impact nutrition quality. In
short, whole, fresh, in season, unprocessed foods are generally more nutritious than packaged
and processed foods. Beyond that, the method by which the food is raised (local, organic, grass-
fed, etc) may also have some effect on nutrient content.
Plant Foods
When it comes to sustainable plant foods most of the debate about the nutritional value stems
from whether or not a plant food was organically grown. A number of studies have examined the
question of whether organic foods are healthier with conflicting results.
The researchers at the Organic Center (TOC)—an American nonprofit that conducts scientific
research on organic products—say that organically produced fruits and vegetables are on average
more nutritious than their conventionally produced counterparts. According to TOC’s 2008
review of the current literature there appear to be two mechanisms responsible for the difference.
1. Pest Pressure
- When plants are under stress from pests, they produce a diverse
array of natural chemicals called secondary plant metabolites (SPMs), many of which
are antioxidants. SPMs also are responsible for giving fruit and vegetables their bright
coloring and distinctive flavors. Plants on organic farms typically have to deal with
higher levels of pests than plants on conventional farms, where pesticides are routinely
applied. For this reason, plants on organic farms more fully engage their innate defense
mechanisms, and in doing so, elevate antioxidant concentrations.
2. Dilution Effect
- Antioxidant levels tend to be higher in organic fruit and vegetables
because plants on organic farms tend to grow slower and mature at a smaller size than
fast-growing, heavily fertilized conventional produce. This explanation has its roots in
the “dilution effect,” which is the tendency for vitamins, minerals and antioxidant levels
to be reduced – or diluted – in large, fast-growing and high-yielding crops.
Eating sustainably
Nutrient content Emory University
In contrast to TOC’s review, a 2009 study
funded by the United Kingdom's Food Standards
Agency (FSA) —a British government department—reviewed the same pool of literature as
TOC but used different methodology and came to markedly different conclusions. The FSA
study concluded that there are no significant differences in the nutritional quality of organic and
conventional food.
How is it that two groups of scientists can look at the same set of research and come to different
conclusions? TOC claims that one of the main differences is in antioxidants. Antioxidants are
substances that may protect cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are produced
normally in the body but also by exposures to things in the environment such as radiation or
tobacco. Free radicals can cause cell damage and may play a role in disease processes such as
While the TOC review included total polyphenols and total antioxidant content -- two measures
of the amount of antioxidants in foods -- the FSA chose not to include those measures. Do
varying antioxidant levels make all the difference in the debate over the nutrient content of
sustainable foods? More research is needed on the human health impacts of consuming products
with higher levels of plant antioxidants and on organic and conventionally raised foods before
that can be answered with certainty. For now many who do not find the current nutrient research
convincing still choose organically grown produce over conventional produce for other reasons
such as avoiding pesticides and genetically modified organisms, and protecting the environment.
Animal Foods
While there have been years of controversy surrounding nutrition and sustainable plant foods,
there tends to be much more consensus about the nutritional superiority of sustainably produced
animal foods.
The most comprehensive study to date on the nutritional benefits of grass fed beef was a 2009
collaboration of researchers at the USDA and Clemson University. Their study found that grass
fed beef is lower in total fat, higher in beta-carotene, higher in vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol),
higher in the B-vitamins thiamin and riboflavin, higher in the minerals calcium, magnesium, and
potassium, and higher in total omega-3s. Additionally, they found that grass fed beef contains a
healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and is lower in the saturated fats linked with
heart disease.
Eggs from chickens that have been raised on pasture have been found to contain 10% less fat,
34% less cholesterol, 40% more vitamin A, and four times more omega-3 fatty acids compared
to the standard values reported by the USDA for commercial eggs.
Additionally, Penn State
researcher Heather Karsten found that when she compared chickens raised on pasture to chickens
raised on an industrial diet that there was “about twice as much vitamin E and 40 percent more
vitamin A in the yolks of pasture-fed birds than in the caged birds. The longer the animals were
on pasture, the more vitamins they produced.”
Eating sustainably
Nutrient content Emory University
As with nutrient differences that have been observed in the meat of grass fed cows versus grain
fed cows, researchers have observed similar differences in their milk and dairy products. This is
due to the fact that living grass is far richer in vitamins E and A, and in the antioxidant beta-
carotene than the typical grain based diet of dairy cows.
It is important to note that not all
organic milk comes from grass fed cows. Requirements for organic milk state that cows must
have “access to pasture.” However, this standard does not require a specific length of time in
pasture. Thus a cow can graze in pasture for a limited time and still produce milk that is certified
organic. Also, like the dilution effect seen with nutrients in plant foods that are forced into high
yields, some researchers have found a similar effect with milk of cows treated with hormones to
increase their milk production. Thus, the more milk a cow produces, the more diluted the vitamin
content of her milk becomes.
When exploring the topic of nutrition content and sustainable foods it is important to remember
that levels of vitamins, minerals, fats, antioxidants and other nutrients should not be where the
conversation ends. Sustainable foods have benefits for the environment, for farmers and farm
workers, pesticide reduction, for fighting antibiotic resistance and for taste, all of which impact
our health and collective well-being.
Kip Slaughter for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
The Hartman Group, Organic 2006: Consumer Attitudes & Behavior, Five Years Later & Into the Future.
Brandt, K., Ejlerson, A., Norbaek, R., and Peterson, H. L. Effects of cultivation conditions for apples on growth
rates of fruit fly larvae and contents of phenolics. Organic E-Prints. 2002.
Daniel, O., Meier, M. S., Schlatter, J., and Frischknecht, P. Selected phenolic compounds in cultivated plants:
ecologic functions, health implications, and modulation by pesticides. Environ.Health Perspect. 107 Suppl 1, 109-
114. 1999.
Romero, C., Brenes, M., Yousfi , K., Garcia, P., Garcia, A., and Garrido, A. Effect of cultivar and
processing method on the contents of polyphenols in table olives. J Agric Food Chem. 52(3),
479-484. 2-11-2004a.
Wang, S. Y. and Lin, H. S. Antioxidant activity in fruits and leaves of blackberry, raspberry, and
strawberry varies with cultivar and developmental stage. J Agric Food Chem. 48(2), 140-146. 2000
Wang, S. Y., Zheng, W., and Galletta, G. J. Cultural system affects fruit quality and antioxidant capacity in
strawberries. J Agric Food Chem. 50(22), 6534-6542. 10-23-2002.
Davis, D. R., Epp, M. D., and Riordan, H. D. Changes in USDA Food Compostion Data for 43 Garden Crops,
1950 to 1999. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 23(6). 1-2-2004.
Farrell, E. Medical choices available for management of menopause. Best.Pract.Res.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab 17(1),
1-16. 2003
Dangour, et al. “Nutritional quality of organic foods: a systematic review”. Am J Clin Nutr Jul 2009.
S.K. Duckett et al, Journal of Animal Science, (published online) June 2009, “Effects of winter stocker growth
rate and finishing system on: III. Tissue proximate, fatty acid, vitamin and cholesterol content.
Gorski. “Pastured Poultry Products”. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. 1999. Available at:
Lott. “Pasture-ized Poultry”. Research Penn State. Available at:
Searles, SK et al, "Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and Carotene Contents of Alberta Butter." Journal of Diary Science,
53(2) 150-154.
Jensen, S. K. "Quantitative secretion and maximal secretion capacity of retinol, beta-carotene and alpha-
tocopherol into cows' milk." J Dairy Res 66, no. 4 (1999): 511-22.
Eating sustainably
Pesticides Emory University
Pesticides and organic foods
Should we worry about pesticides in food?
Pesticides are chemicals (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides) used to kill
agricultural and livestock pests. They can be found in many different types of foods, from fresh
fruits and vegetables to processed grain products. Insecticides are also used to kill mosquitoes
and other vectors of human disease. Because many insecticides can be toxic to the human brain,
we worry about pesticides in the food supply. Washing and peeling can help lower levels of
pesticides consumed, but not in all cases and more studies are needed.
Although pesticide levels in the U.S. food supply are generally below existing federal limits,
scientists and regulators are still concerned about exposure, especially during pregnancy and
early childhood. Many pesticides can be passed through the mother’s blood to the baby during
pregnancy. A growing body of evidence shows that exposures during this critical period of brain
development are associated with adverse health outcomes such as poor reflexes and poor
performance on cognitive tests. There is also some health concern over certain fungicides and
herbicides, although research on these is currently limited.
Several large studies are examining the effects of pesticide exposures during pregnancy and early
childhood in places like California and New York City where pesticides are used extensively for
agriculture or household pest control. These studies have produced several important discoveries
about pregnancy exposures and their effects. Findings show that children born to mothers with
high levels of certain insecticides in their blood or urine perform poorly on movement,
intelligence, and behavioral tests compared to children born to mothers with lower levels.
These findings persist even after other factors affecting children’s brain development, such as
maternal education, are taken into account.
Does “organic” mean the food is pesticide free?
An organic label does not guarantee a food is pesticide free. Many foods (and soils, animals, and
humans) around the world have measureable levels of organochlorine insecticides such as DDT,
hexachlorobenzene, and chlordane, even though they are banned in most countries, including the
U.S. These are called “persistent pesticides” because they take hundreds of years to degrade.
Some pesticides legally used in agriculture or household pest control have been detected in foods
labeled “organic.” Researchers at the Rollins School of Public Health measured low levels of
organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides in certified organic foods taken from Atlanta
residents’ homes.
Other U.S. studies have also found pesticides in organic foods, although
generally at lower levels than in conventional foods.
Food may be contaminated at the store,
when it is purchased and transported home, or at home when it is prepared for consumption.
Experimental studies show that pesticide residues from kitchen surfaces can also contaminate
Are there “organic” pesticides?
Production, marketing, and use of pesticides is controlled by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). EPA and USDA maintain a list of pesticides allowable under the National
Eating sustainably
Pesticides Emory University
Organic Program. These include naturally and microbially-derived pesticides (e.g. acetic acid)
and a limited number of low-toxicity synthetic substances (e.g. boric acid and elemental sulfur).
The pesticide of last resort for organic producers is Bt, which has been incorporated into
conventional crops through genetic engineering and may be losing its effectiveness due to
emerging insect resistance.
Is “organic” production safer for farm workers and their families?
Studies show that farm workers and their families can be more highly exposed to pesticides than
the general population.
The workers can be directly exposed in the workplace and they can
also bring pesticides home on their shoes, work clothes, or skin if they do not wash and change
first. Agricultural workers typically live, either temporarily or permanently, close to or actually
on the farms where they work. Studies show that levels of pesticides in house dust in their homes
can be higher than in non-agricultural homes.
13, 14
Although studies cannot say for sure yet
whether organic farming is safer for farm workers and their families, it is highly likely that
organic farming reduces pesticide exposures compared to conventional farming.
Anne Riederer for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Boulaid M, Aguilera A, Camacho F, Soussi M, Valverde A. 2005. Effect of household processing and unit-to-unit
variability of pyrifenox, pyridaben, and tralomethrin residues in tomatoes. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry. 53:4054-8.
Schattenberg HJ 3rd, Geno PW, Hsu JP, Fry WG, Parker RP. 1996. Effect of household preparation on levels of
pesticide residues in produce. Journal of the Association of Analytical Chemists International. 79:1447-53.
Rauh VA, Garfinkel R, Perera FP, Andrews HF, Hoepner L, Barr DB, Whitehead R, Tang D, Whyatt RW. 2006.
Impact of prenatal chlorpyrifos exposure on neurodevelopment in the first 3 years of life among innercity children.
Pediatrics 118:e1845-59.
Engel SM, Berkowitz G, Barr DB, Teitelbaum SL, Siskind J, Meisel SJ, Wetmur JG, Wolff MS. 2007. Prenatal
organophosphate metabolite and organochlorine levels and performance on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral
Assessment Scale in a multiethnic pregnancy cohort. American Journal of Epidemiology 165:1397-404.
Young JG, Eskenazi B, Gladstone EA, Bradman A, Pedersen L, Johnson C, Barr DB, Furlong CE, Holland NT.
2005. Association between in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure and abnormal reflexes in neonates.
Neurotoxicology 26:199-209.
Eskenazi B, Marks AR, Bradman A, Harley K, Barr DB, Johnson C, Morga N, Jewell NP. 2007. OP exposure and
neurodevelopment in Mexican-American children. Environmental Health Perspectives 115:792-98.
Berkowitz GS, irman-Deych E, Obel J, Lapinski RH, Godbold JH, Holzman IR, Wolff MS. 2004. In utero
pesticide exposure, PON1 activity, and head circumference. Environmental Health Perspectives 112:388-91.
Riederer AM, Hunter Jr. RE, Hayden SW, Ryan PB. 2010. Pyrethroid and organophosphorus pesticides in
composite diet samples from Atlanta, USA adults. Environmental Science and Technology. 44:483-490.
Baker BP, Benbrook CM, Groth E, Lutz Benbrook K. 2002. Pesticide residues in conventional, integrated pest
management (IPM)-grown and organic foods: insights from three US data sets. Food Additives and Contaminants.
Vonderheide AP, Bernard CE, Hieber TE, Kauffman PE, Morgan JN, Melnyk LJ. 2009. Surface-to-food pesticide
transfer as a function of moisture and fat content. J. Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
11 Rohrer CA, Hieber TE, Melnyk LJ, Berry MR.
Transfer efficiencies of pesticides from household flooring surfaces to foods.
Journal of Exposure
Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.
McCauley LA, Anger WK, Keifer M, Langley R, Robson MG, Rohlman D. 2006. Studying health outcomes in
farmworker populations exposed to pesticides. Environmental Health Perspectives 114:953-60.
Bradman A, Whitaker D, Quirós L, Castorina R, Henn BC, Nishioka M, Morgan J, Barr DB, Harnly M, Brisbin
JA, Sheldon LS, McKone TE, Eskenazi B. 2007. Pesticides and metabolites in the homes and urine of farmworker
children living in the Salinas Valley, CA. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.
McCauley LA, Travers R, Lasarev M, Muniz J, Nailon R.2006. Effectiveness of cleaning practices in removing
pesticides from home environments. Journal of Agromedicine. 11:81-8.
Eating sustainably
GMOs Emory University
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are defined as organisms, with the exception of human
beings, in which the genetic material has been directly manipulated in the lab. Genetically
modified organisms may alternately be referred to as GM, GEOs, or organisms/food produced
through bioengineering.
Corn, cotton, and soybeans are the three major agricultural crops that have relied most heavily on
the application of GMO technology. Since 1996, when genetically engineered crops were first
planted in the US, this technology has increased exponentially in the US with percent of acreage
rising to 85% of corn, 88% of cotton, and 91% of soybean crops planted in 2009.
corn and soybeans are now used in two-thirds of processed foods made by US food companies.
Two classes of engineered traits make up nearly all GMO acreage: herbicide tolerance and insect
resistance. Roundup Ready soybeans are one example of a crop engineered for herbicide
tolerance. Soybean plants containing the Roundup Ready gene (glyphosate tolerance), are not
harmed by the application of the herbicide Roundup which can then be sprayed on the field to
kill weeds. Bt corn is an example of a crop engineered for insect resistance. Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt) is a bacterium that produces a protein toxic to insects. Bt corn has been
engineered to contain that toxin in all parts of the plant, thereby killing insects that may consume
The application of GMOs to agriculture has allowed farmers to initially decrease use of
herbicides and insecticides and to increase profitability. Recent studies have confirmed that
Roundup- and Bt-resistant weeds and insects have emerged and overall chemical use has
.Significant long term risks associated with genetically engineered agriculture include
the transfer of chemical resistance to wild plants, loss of biodiversity, and the possible health
effects of these new genes and gene products on the human consumer. Considerable scientific
and public controversy exists around these issues.
To date, scientific study of the associated benefits and risks of biotechnology has been limited,
primarily industry-funded, and has sparked significant debate. Advocates of the Precautionary
Principle support regulatory decision makers to err on the side of caution when there is scientific
uncertainty. To that end, the Ecological Society of America supports the recommendation that
environmental release of GMOs should be prevented if scientific knowledge about possible risks
is clearly inadequate.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has repeatedly sided with biotechnology
companies, concluding that new gene-altered products are “substantially equivalent” or
“virtually” identical to their conventional counterparts. This position has been central for the
FDA’s decision to prevent labeling of foods containing gene-altered ingredients. Across the
Atlantic, European consumers have shunned GMO cropsand foods made from genetically-
altered ingredients. The Food Alliance and the USDA Organic certification programs have
followed suit in their stance against GMOs.
Eating sustainably
GMOs Emory University
Critics argue that since the 1996 harvest, the entire U.S. population has been part of an
uncontrolled experiment to demonstrate the long-term safety of gene-altered corn and
Without food labeling it is virtually impossible to do public health monitoring,
and individuals suffering unanticipated health effects are likewise unable to assign blame or
determine liability.
Controversy also exists around the patenting of genetically modified materials, a legal right that
emerged from a US Supreme Court decision in 1980 allowing biotechnology companies and
other researchers to experiment, change seeds, and patent the results
. Farmers who wish to use
patented seeds pay a "technology fee" to the patent holder. The potential for corporations to
patent traditional seeds, long in use by farmers in developing countries, presents a challenge to
seed availability and farmers' costs. Critics also express concern over the consolidation over the
last twenty years of dozens of seed companies into a very small number of corporations that hold
seed patents affecting major sectors of the international food supply
. Private control of widely-
used seeds has also inhibited scientific development of new varieties in public laboratories.
Recently, corporate mergers have restricted the availability of thousands of openly-pollinated
seed varieties, narrowing the base of agricultural biodiversity.
Bryce Carlson for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
U.S. Dept of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Acreage. June 30, 2009.
Hart K (2003) Eating in the Dark: America’s Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food. Vintage Books. New
Committee on the Impact of Biotechnology on Farm-level Economics and Sustainability (2010). Impact of
Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States. Washington, DC: National Research
Food Alliance:
USDA - National Organic Program:
Hart K (2003) Eating in the Dark: America’s Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food. Vintage Books. New
Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303 (1980). Available at: []
Howard, Paul H. 2009. Visualizing Consolidation in the Global Seed Industry: 1996-2008. Sustainability 1:1266-
Additional references
Gillam C (2008) U.S. organic food industry fears GMO contamination. Reuters. March 12, 2008
Hails RS (2000) Genetically modified plants – the debate continues. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 15(1): 14-18
Herring R (2008) Opposition to transgenic technologies: ideology, interests and collective action frames. Nature
Reviews: Genetics 9:458-463
Snow AA, Andow DA, Gepts P, Hallerman EM, Power A, Tiedje JM, Wolfenbarger LL (2005) Genetically
engineered organisms and the environment: Current Status and recommendations. Ecological Applications
15(2): 377-404
Welsh R, Ervin DE (2006) Precaution as an Approach to Technology Development: The case of Transgenic Crops.
Science, Technology, & Human Values 31(2): 153-172
Eating sustainably
Environmental Impact Emory University
Food choices and environmental impact: Meat and plant-based diets
People have many reasons for choosing what to eat. We may prefer the familiar foods we
were raised with (“comfort food”). Some of us are drawn to foods that are highly advertised in
the media and readily available. Or we may be drawn to trendy foods that are featured at
restaurants and that mark us as sophisticated eaters. Many vegetarians choose their diets out of
ethical concern for the lives of animals. Probably, most of us do not choose what we eat with an
awareness of how our choices affect the environment and, in particular, the climate crisis. While
food choices are a deeply individual matter, the collective impact of our decisions about what to
eat is greater than many people realize.
All food is ultimately “solar powered” in that its availability can be traced back to living
beings’ ability to make use of the sun’s energy. But whether a particular food is more closely or
more distantly related to the sun’s energy can make an enormous difference in how the
consumption of that food affects the environment. As a general rule, eating foods that are
produced directly through photosynthesis (plants) will require less total energy than will eating
foods that are produced by animals who eat plants (meat, milk, eggs). So, one common sense
rule of thumb would be that eating a plant-based diet has less of an impact on the environment
than eating a meat-based diet. While this rule of thumb is in general a good guide to lowering the
environmental impact of our eating choices, the environmental consequences of food choices are
actually more complicated than that. For both plant and animal foods it matters considerably
where and how the food is produced. Plant foods that are raised with heavy use of fossil-fuel
based fertilizers, cultivated with fossil-fuel run equipment, heavily processed, and transported
long distances can have a significantly negative impact on the environment, whereas local
pastured meat produced according to sustainable practices can enhance the environment through
improvements to soil and water quality.
Impact of Conventional Meat Production
• Currently, 1/3 of the world’s grain harvest (including 50% of corn and 90% of soybeans) are
not consumed directly by humans but are used for animal feed on factory farms.
• These grain crops are primarily grown on large scale, mono-crop farms, highly dependent on
fossil-fuel based fertilizers.
• On average, it takes 6 kilograms of plant protein to produce 1 kilogram of animal protein. For
beef the ratio is 40 to 1; for pork 14 to 1; for chicken 4 to 1.
• To produce 1 kilogram of animal protein requires about 100 times more water than to produce
1 kilogram of grain protein.
• The current system of livestock production accounts for 37% of methane and 65% of nitrous
oxide emissions, two of the most potent greenhouse gases.
• The manure holding pits (“lagoons”) of CAFOs (concentrated animal feedlot operations) break
down organic matter without oxygen, a process that speeds the entry of methane and carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere.
Eating sustainably
Environmental Impact Emory University
For consumers who want to lower the environmental impact of their food choices, several
strategies are possible:
• Reduce the amount of conventionally raised animal protein in your diet, substituting plant-
based protein.
• Choose grass-fed or pastured meats. Grass-fed beef requires half the energy input as grain-fed
beef and produces significantly less greenhouse gases.
Buying locally produced meats reduces
the carbon emissions used in transportation.
• Choose meats that are more efficiently produced in terms of energy inputs (for instance,
chicken rather than beef).
• For plant based diets, choose organic and sustainably grown foods, which are produced without
petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides.
Organic corn requires 1/3 less energy per acre to
• Choose local, organic, and sustainably grown fruits and vegetables to minimize emissions from
Carol A. Newsom for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Rajendra Pachauri, “Global Warning: The Impact of Meat Production and Consumption on Cimate Change” (paper,
Compassion in World Farming, London, September 8, 2008).
Anna Lappé, Diet for a Hot Planet, (New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2010), 14 and 208.
David Pimentel and Marcia Pimentel, “Sustainability of Meat-based and Plant-based Diets and the Environment,”
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003; 78 (suppl): 661S-662S.
Pimentel and Pimentel, 662S.
Henning Steinfeld et al., Livestock’s Long Shadow. (Http://, 112,
P. Smith et al., “Agriculture,” in O. R. Davidson et al., eds, Climate Change: Mitigation. Contribution of Working
Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press, 2007), 511.
Meredith Niles, “Sustainable Soils: Reducing, Mitigating, and Adapting to Climate Change with Organic
Agriculture,” Sustainable Development Law and Policy, 2008: 20. H. A. DeRamus et al., “Methane Emissions of
Beef Cattle on Forages: Efficiency of Grazing Management Systems,” Journal of Environmental Quality 32 (2003).
David Pimentel, Impacts of Organic Farming on the Efficiency of Energy Use in Agriculture (Ithaca, NY: Organic
Center, 2006), 9.
Eating sustainably
Environmental Impact Emory University
Energy and food production
The American food supply is driven almost entirely by non-renewable energy sources and
accounts for approximately 19% of the total use of fossil fuels in the United States. It takes
about 7.3 units of (primarily) fossil energy to produce one unit of food energy in the U.S. food
Source: University of Michigan, Center for Sustainable Systems (
This pie chart represents energy expenditures related to food production in the United States:
home refrigeration and preparation is responsible for about 30%; agricultural production, 20%;
transport, 13% percent; and packaging, 6%.
One tomato can travel over 2,500 miles to end up in the produce aisle at your nearest
grocery store. If you buy from local farmers that tomato may only travel about 60 miles.
By purchasing locally, you can reduce the energy required for transportation.
Fossil fuels and industrial farming
A 2002 study from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimated that, using
our current system, an average of three calories of energy were needed to create one calorie of
edible food. Some foods require far more, such as grain-fed beef, which requires 35 calories for
every calorie of beef produced.
However, the study did not include the energy used in
Eating sustainably
Environmental Impact Emory University
processing and transporting food. Studies that do include such factors estimate that it takes an
average of 7 to 10 calories of input energy to produce one calorie of food.
Accounting for most of this wasteful equation are the industrial practices upon which our food
system is built. These include inefficient growing practices, food processing and storage, as well
as our system of transporting food thousands of miles between the field and the end consumer.
Growing practices
The biggest culprit of fossil fuel usage in industrial farming is not transporting food or fueling
machinery; it is the production of chemicals for fertilizers. As much as 40% of energy used in
the food system goes towards the production of artificial fertilizers and pesticides.
Fertilizers are
synthesized from atmospheric nitrogen and natural gas, a process that takes a significant amount
of energy. Producing and distributing them requires an average of 5.5 gallons of fossil fuels per
Nitrogen-based fertilizers contribute directly to global warming. Making and transporting
one kilogram of nitrogen in a fertilizer releases 3.7 kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Packaging, processing, and storing food
Approximately 23% of the energy used in our food production system is allocated to processing
and packaging food.
Another 32% is burned in home refrigeration and cooking.
While no study
has quantified the potential energy savings of buying locally, the practice of eating whole foods
generally decreases the use of fossil fuels for processing, packaging, and storing foods. For
example, compare all the energy and packaging behind a can of tomato sauce to simply buying
some tomatoes, basil, and garlic, and making it oneself.
Food transportation
As a result of industrial farming, our food is increasingly grown in concentration in specific areas
of the country. This is so common that it has shaped much of our country’s geographic
identities—the western Plains are wheat country, the Midwest is the Corn Belt—but it has
reached extremes. For instance, approximately 90% of all the fresh vegetables consumed in the
United States are grown in California’s San Joaquin Valley.
This national-scale system is possible only because it uses large quantities of fossil fuels to
transport food products to the consumer. It is now common practice to ship food not just around
the country, but around the world. As a result, the average American food travels an estimated
1,500 miles before being consumed.
Energy inputs in the food production system
The three main purposes for which oil is used worldwide are food, transport, and heating.
Agriculture is almost entirely dependent on reliable supplies of oil for cultivation and for
pumping water, and on gas for its fertilizers. For every calorie of energy used by agriculture
itself, five more are used for processing, storage and distribution.
Oil refined for gasoline and diesel is critical to run the tractors, combines and other farm
vehicles and equipment that plant, spray the herbicides and pesticides, as well as harvest
and transport food and seed
Food processors rely on the just-in-time (gasoline-based) delivery of fresh or
refrigerated food
Eating sustainably
Environmental Impact Emory University
Food processors rely on the production and delivery of food additives, including
vitamins and minerals, emulsifiers, preservatives, coloring agents, etc. Many are oil-
based. Delivery is oil-based.
Food processors rely on the production and delivery of boxes, metal cans, printed paper
labels, plastic trays, cellophane for microwave/convenience foods, glass jars, plastic and
metal lids with sealing compounds. Many of these are essentially oil-based.
Delivery of finished food products to distribution centers in refrigerated trucks. Oil-
based, daily, just-in-time shipment of food to grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals,
schools, etc., all oil-based; customer drives to grocery store to shop for supplies, often
several times a week
What you can do
Buy foods grown locally. The equation is simple: the closer the farm is to you, the less fuel is
needed to transport its food to your table. You can find local foods through our Eat Well Guide,
by visiting a local farmers market, or by joining a food co-op or Community Supported
Agriculture (CSA) group. Ask your grocery store to supply locally grown produce.
Want to have lettuce that is truly local? Plant a garden and grow your own fresh produce!
Avoid purchasing processed foods. These foods take more energy to produce and have less
nutritional value than whole foods. In addition, choose foods with minimal packaging. This
reduces the energy used to produce the packaging and eliminates these materials from the waste
Cut back on meat. As much as Americans love to eat it, meat is the least fuel-efficient food we
have. Large quantities of energy are required to cultivate, harvest, and ship animal feed, house,
transport and slaughter animals, process and package their meat, and refrigerate it until it is
Daphne Norton for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Heller, Martin C., and Gregory A. Keoleian. Life Cycle-Based Sustainability Indicators for Assessment of the U.S.
Food System. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan, 2000: 42.
Horrigan, Leo, Robert S. Lawrence, and Polly Walker. "How Sustainable Agriculture Can Address the
Environmental and Human Health Harms of Industrial Agriculture." Environmental Health Perspectives 110, no. 5
(May 5, 2002) (accessed August 29, 2006).
Heeter, Chad, "The Oil in Your Oatmeal: A Lot of Fossil Fuel Goes into Producing, Packaging and Shipping Our
Breakfast," San Francisco Chronicle, March 26, 2006.
Murray, Danielle. Oil and Food: A Rising Security Challenge, May 9, 2005
Eating sustainably
Animal welfare Emory University
Animal welfare and factory farms
Animal welfare is an issue of ethical obligation as much as one of science. It is an ethical
concept to which science brings relevant data.
In the 1970s, the Farm Animal Welfare Council
(FAWC) of Britain stated that “the welfare of an animal includes its physical and mental state
and we consider good animal welfare implies both fitness and a sense of well being. Any animal
kept by man, must at least be protected from unnecessary suffering”.
Five Freedoms were
Five Freedoms
1. Freedom from hunger and thirst through access to fresh water and a diet to maintain
complete health and energy.
2. Freedom from discomfort through the provision of an appropriate environment including
shelter and a comfortable place to rest.
3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease through prevention, rapid diagnosis and treatment.
4. Freedom to express normal behavior through the provision of adequate space, proper
facilities and ability to be with animals of the same kind.
5. Freedom from fear and distress through conditions and treatment that avoid mental
Animal welfare has also been described in the context of three equally balanced, related
Emphasis on any one principle alone will lead to de-emphasis of the others.
Basic health and functioning – animals should have freedom from disease and
injury and should have food, water and shelter.
Affective states – refers to emotions and feelings experienced by the animal such as
pleasant or unpleasant.
Naturalness – animals should be able to perform their natural behaviors. There should be
natural elements in their environment as well as respect for the “nature” of the animals
In contrast, a report of the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST)
, first
published by US agricultural scientists in the 1980s, states that what animals are owed and the
extent to which we owe them is whatever it takes to get them to create profit. A productive
animal enjoys positive welfare and a non-productive animal enjoys poor welfare. Animals are
considered well off if they have food, water and shelter.
These opposing views of animal
welfare mirror the difference in the lives of animals on small family farms compared to the lives
of animals on today’s intensive factory farms.
Intensive Factory Farms vs. Small Family Farms
In response to increases in both the population and the consumption of meat products, the US
livestock industry has intensified according to a productionist model emphasizing efficiency.
Intensive factory farms have replaced small family farms, the relationship between the farmer
Eating sustainably
Animal welfare Emory University
and the animals has changed, and the emphasis has shifted from the five freedoms and balanced
principles outlined above to one of productivity.
Confinement of large numbers of animals indoors is one hallmark of the factory farm. Indoor
housing has eliminated some problems animals may experience when housed outdoors such as
extreme weather and attacks by predators, yet intense confinement has created animal welfare
problems. Inadequate ventilation, which leads to high levels of dust and the accumulation of
irritating gases from the build-up of manure make it difficult to breathe. If the electrical supply is
interrupted, the level of heat can build quickly. Concrete and metal flooring can cause slippery
conditions, uncomfortable resting places and put stress on hooves and joints causing lameness.
This paper reviews the conditions under which selected animals are raised and slaughtered as
part of the factory farm business of today.
Poultry production is the most highly intensified of all the agricultural industries.
The barnyard
hen that once provided both the eggs and the meat for the table does not exist on the factory
farm. Chickens are raised to be laying hens or broilers in close confinement.
Laying Hens and Confinement Cages
Factory egg farming consists of endless rows of cages (called battery cages) located in long
sheds where tens of thousands of hens may be housed in one shed in cages of 3 to 10 hens each.
“An egg laying hen requires 290 square inches to flap her wings, yet each bird is allocated an
average of only 52 square inches–smaller than a single sheet of paper-in which she sleeps, eats,
lays eggs, drinks and defecates.”
The cages are so small the hens cannot stretch their wings,
walk, peck, or scratch the ground. Under these conditions, the hens are prevented from
performing natural behaviors such as perching, dust bathing, and laying their eggs in a nest.
Inactivity causes claws to grow long and, in some cases, to become permanently entwined in the
wire mesh flooring. The slope of the cage floor, designed to allow eggs to roll into a trough for
collection, places pressure on the hen’s toes causing damage.
Feather loss is common from
hens rubbing against the sides of the cage.
The stress of crowding and confinement can lead hens to feather peck one another. To prevent
this situation, the front third of the beak is removed (called “debeaking” or “beak trimming”).
Part of the toes may also be removed so the hens cannot scratch one another. Both processes are
performed without anesthesia.
To increase egg production in individual hens, food is withheld for a period of 8 to 12 days after
the end of the first laying cycle to force molting.
This leads to another cycle of egg laying. Once
the hen is considered spent, she is killed.
About 1/3 of flocks in the US egg laying industry are affected by “caged layer fatigue.” The
condition is caused by the continuing demand for calcium for eggshell production, which leaves
bones brittle and muscles depleted of calcium. The result is that birds may be unable to stand
and reach food and water. This condition occurs in caged birds only and is caused by lack of
exercise and exacerbated by crowding.
Eating sustainably
Animal welfare Emory University
Male chicks hatched as part of the breeding process for laying hens are considered a by-product
of the industry and killed within 24 hours using gas or by placing them alive in a high speed
grinding machine.
The European Union Council of Agriculture Ministers has banned
conventional battery cages beginning in 2012 due to concern about the welfare of the hens.
Broiler chickens are raised in windowless sheds where as many as 50,000 birds are quickly
fattened over a period of 3 to 12 weeks and sent to slaughter when they reach a market weight of
4 pounds. With nowhere to rest, except on feces-laden litter, the birds may develop breast
blisters, hock burns or other skin problems.
Consumer preference for white meat has encouraged raising birds with large breasts. As a result,
the birds can become top heavy leading them to fall over and suddenly die (called “Acute Death
Syndrome” or “Flip-Over Syndrome”).
Fast growth in broilers can also be associated with
health problems such as ascites (pulmonary hypertension).
Veal production is considered by many to be the cruelest of all the confinement systems. Young
calves are separated from their mothers and placed in wooden crates (called confinement stalls)
where they spend 18 to 20 weeks before slaughter. The space is barely larger than the calf, who
is also tied at the neck or has his head positioned between parallel bars to further restrict
movement. The calf is fed a diet of “milk replacer,” a liquid mixture of dried milk products,
starch, fat, sugar, antibiotics and other additives. The diet is purposely iron deficient to induce a
subclinical anemia to make the flesh as white as possible. Roughage is not permitted in the diet
as it could darken the meat. The limited size of the crate assures the animal cannot lick his own
hair, urine or feces in an attempt to satisfy his desire for iron.
Sows (pregnant hogs) are kept in metal bar gestation stalls, known as crates for their entire 4-
month gestation period. The small size of the crate does not permit the sow to exercise or turn
around. Bedding material is not provided and the sow is forced to stand or lie on a floor made of
concrete or slats. The slats allow for manure to fall to the floor below, for easier removal. About
a week before the piglets are due, the sow is moved to a narrow “farrowing crate.” The crate
permits her to stand and lie down, but not turn around. The purpose is to allow her to eat and
drink only while keeping her teats exposed for the piglets to nurse.
In a natural environment, sows spend up to 75% of their time rooting in the dirt, foraging and
exploring, but confinement prevents these behaviors. The resulting stress leads some animals to
demonstrate meaningless repetitive motions, called stereotypies, such as moving their head from
side to side.
The diet of the sow is restricted to rations of concentrated feed that provide their nutritional
requirements, but lack the bulk required to satisfy hunger. Confinement eliminates the ability to
satisfy hunger by seeking additional food. The European Union has banned the use of gestation
stalls by 2013 as part of their commitment to animal welfare and sustainable agriculture. (7)
Eating sustainably
Animal welfare Emory University
Beef Cattle
Cattle raised for beef stay with their mothers and are pasture fed until the age of 3 to 4 months
when they are transported to a Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO). There they are fed
a high-energy grain diet for 4 to 6 months prior to being slaughtered. Stress from crowding and
an unnatural diet adversely affect health. Liver abscesses can occur because the digestive tract is
geared toward a diet of roughage and not a steady diet of grain and growth stimulants. Cattle
raised for beef may be subjected to de-horning, branding and castration without anesthesia.
Dairy Cows
Most milk produced in the US comes from cows in intensive confinement, commonly tethered to
a stall. Increasingly popular are dry lots composed of dirt or concrete lots, devoid of vegetation
and often without shade. Partial tail “docking” (amputation) is common practice. Ostensibly
performed for the purpose of cleanliness, docking is actually performed to make it easier for
workers to milk the cows.
Docking the tail eliminates the ability of the cow to switch away
flies and bugs.
In 1958, Congress passed the Humane Slaughter Act (HSA) and broadened it in 1978 to include
regulatory oversight by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). One of the most
important provisions of the Act is “the requirement that all animals be rendered unconscious with
just one application of an effective stunning device by a trained person before being shackled
and hoisted up on the line.” When inspectors observe violations, they are required to stop the line
until the violation is corrected. Because “down time” leads to loss of money, it is assumed the
slaughterhouse will comply. Penalties, however, do not exist for violations, thus the threat of
financial loss may supersede concern for animal welfare. Stories exist of violations uncorrected
and conditions such as the use of electrical prods, animals dragged through the race (chute) to
slaughter, inadequate stunning due to high production quotas, rapid line speeds and animals
shackled and hung on the line and skinned while conscious.
Auditing of slaughterhouse practices by some large restaurant chains has begun to lead to
change. One study has demonstrated that the degree of stress experienced by cattle can be
assessed by measuring the level of vocalization when moving through the chute to slaughter.
When cattle are stressed, vocalization increases. Cattle may vocalize and refuse to move forward
when they see people up ahead are moving into a dark area, have a sense they are going over a
cliff, feel air moving against their face or see shiny objects. When animals balk, workers use
electric prods to move them forward. Eliminating the environmental stimuli that cause the
animals to balk reduces the need for prods and reduces vocalization.
Alternatives to Factory Farming
The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is an excellent resource on animal
welfare issues and alternatives to factory farming.
Also available are standards for the raising
of broilers, laying hens, beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs and sheep.
General industry guidelines
are compared to standards for the following certifications:
Certified Organic (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Certified Humane (Humane Farm Animal Care)
Eating sustainably
Animal welfare Emory University
American Humane Certified (American Humane Association)
Animal Welfare Approved (Animal Welfare Institute) – this is the most stringent of
the certifications.
In summary, animal welfare is viewed by some as both a scientific and an ethical issue, while
others feel that animal welfare exists if only food, water and shelter are available and the animal
is productive. While debate exists about whether the conditions animals experience under
factory farming raise ethical or welfare concerns, Emory’s commitment to sustainability supports
the Five Freedoms.
Lynne Ometer for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Rollin, RE. Ethics and euthanasia. Can. Vet. J. 2009; 50: 1081-1086.
FAWC (Farm Animal Welfare Council). The Five Freedoms. 1979;
Fraser, D. Understanding animal welfare. Acta Veternaria Scan. 2008; 50:S1.
CAST (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology), Scientific Aspects of the Welfare of Food Animals.
Hinrichs, C.C. and Welsh, R. The effects of the industrialization of US livestock agriculture on promoting
sustainable production practices. Agriculture and Human Values. 2003; 20: 125-141.
Fraser, D., Mench, J. and Millman, S. Farm animals and their welfare in 2000. In: State of the Animals. 2001;
Druce, C. and Lymbery, P. Outlawed in Europe. In: Singer, P. (Ed) In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave.
Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing; 2006, pp.123-131.
Park, M. Opening cages, opening eyes. In: Singer, P. (Ed), In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave. Carlton,
Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing; 2006; pp. 174-180.
Mason, J. and Finelli, M. Brave new farm? In: Singer, P. (Ed) In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave. Carlton,
Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing; 2006; pp. 104-122.
Eisnitz, G.A. Slaughterhouse. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books; 1997.
Grandin, T. Cattle vocalizations are associated with handling and equipment problems at beef slaughter plants.
Applied Animal Behavior Science. 2001; 71(3): 191-201.
12 Accessed April 2010.
13 Last accessed April 2010.
Additional references
Niman, N.H. Righteous Porkchop. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2009.
Grandin, T. and Johnson, C. Animals Make Us Human. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 2010.
Eating sustainably
Grassfed livestock Emory University
Grass-fed livestock
The sustainability of grass-fed versus conventionally raised livestock may be compared across
three major domains:
1. Environmental impact
2. Human health
3. Cost
Environmental impact
Renewable vs. non-renewable energy inputs. Conventional production relies on heavy inputs of
fossil fuels in the production of fertilizer and use of machinery to maximize yields of grain,
which are in turn fed to livestock. Grass-based systems, in contrast, utilize solar energy to
produce grass with minimal input of fossil fuels. Total energy input (largely from fossil fuels)
for conventional systems are approximately 60% higher than for pastured livestock.
Agroecological balance. Conventional production often removes animals from the farm in favor
of confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Within this system, animals are raised on a
grain-based diet, producing manure at levels much greater than the surrounding land can absorb.
In grass-based systems, animals are raised on the farm in numbers supportable by the farm.
Additionally, pastured livestock often contribute to the overall health and balance of a farm by
consuming grass from land unfit for crops or by-products of harvested crops otherwise wasted.
Miscellaneous. The stomachs of livestock species have evolved to digest and absorb nutrition
from grass. However, when raised on a largely grain-based diet many livestock develop acid
reflux, abscesses within the gastrointestinal tract, and chronic infection.
In addition to
positively affecting the animal’s health relative to a conventional grain-based diet, livestock
raised on pasture provide the additional environmental benefit of decreased soil erosion and
increased soil fertility, and improved water quality as a result of decreased pollution.
Human health
Fatty acids. Grain-fed beef is fattier and more highly concentrated in the saturated fats most
often associated with heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer. In contrast, grass-fed beef is
leaner with a greater percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, those least associated with disease.
Antibiotics. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that over 70% of antibiotics produced
within the U.S. are used in animal production to minimize infectious disease and optimize rates
of growth.
The systematic administration of antibiotics is most common in the conventional
system where the spread of disease between confined animals is a constant danger. Many of
these drugs are similar to human antibiotics and their continued use within industrial animal
production fosters antibiotic resistance.
True costs. While conventionally raised meat and dairy products remain significantly cheaper
than grass-based products, the true costs remain hidden. Consumers pay for these products in
Eating sustainably
Grassfed livestock Emory University
several ways beyond the grocery store, including tax dollars that subsidize the production of
grain, increased health care costs, and ecological degradation and pollution, to name a few.
These are costs not associated with grass-based systems for the production of meat and dairy,
but are generated by the conventional production of livestock based on grain. These costs are
not borne by the industry and passed directly to the consumer. They are passed indirectly to
everyone as governmental agencies foot the bill for sewage, water treatment and environmental
cleanup. As a result, the choice to purchase or consume meat and dairy from grass-fed systems
shifts the market away from a system in which the true costs of production are hidden.
Bryce Carlson for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Pimentel D, Oltenacu PA, Nesheim MC, Krummel J, Allen MS, and Chick S (1980) The Potential for Grass-Fed
Livestock: Resource Constraints. Science 207:843-848
American Public Health Association (2003) 2003-7 Precautionary Moratorium on New Concentrated Animal
Feed Operations: Association News: American Public Health Association
Russell JB, Rychlik JL (2001) Factors That Alter Rumen Microbial Ecology. Science 282: 1119-1122
Walker P, Rhubart-Berg P, McKenzie S, Kelling K, and Lawrence RS (2005) Public health implications of meat
production and consumption. Public Health Nutrition 8:348-356
Clancy K (2006) Greener Pastures: How grass-fed beef and milk contribute to healthy eating. Cambridge, MA:
Union of Concerned Scientists
Walker P, Rhubart-Berg P, McKenzie S, Kelling K, and Lawrence RS (2005) Public health implications of meat
production and consumption. Public Health Nutrition 8:348-356
Additional references
American Public Health Association (2003) 2003-7 Precautionary Moratorium on New Concentrated Animal Feed
Operations: Association News: American Public Health Association.
Clancy K (2006) Greener Pastures: How grass-fed beef and milk contribute to healthy eating. Cambridge, MA:
Union of Concerned Scientists.
Pimentel D, Oltenacu PA, Nesheim MC, Krummel J, Allen MS, and Chick S (1980) The Potential for Grass-Fed
Livestock: Resource Constraints. Science 207:843-848.
Walker P, Rhubart-Berg P, McKenzie S, Kelling K, and Lawrence RS (2005) Public health implications of meat
production and consumption. Public Health Nutrition 8:348-356.
Eating sustainably
Sustainable Seafood Emory University
Sustainable seafood
Health of the Oceans
We are currently in the middle of, and responsible for, the largest mass extinction of species on
Earth since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs nearly 65 million years ago. Expert scientists
estimate that 50% of Earth’s species will have vanished within the next 100 years. Nowhere is
this trend more evident than in the oceans.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration statistics indicate that each quarter since
reporting began in 2005 our fisheries have become more overfished and less sustainable. Yet
regular fish consumption is recommended by medical and health practitioners to reduce risk for a
number of chronic diseases.
Growing concern over the health impact of mercury contamination in wild and farmed fish has
stimulated questions about the risks and benefits of consumption. It is the most toxic non-
radioactive material on Earth, and poisoning results in impairment of vision, touch sensations,
lack of coordination of movements, impairment of speech, hearing, and walking.
concentrations within wild and farmed fish differ by species and method of production or
harvest. Carnivorous species are most highly contaminated, while those species lowest on the
food chain are least concentrated in mercury. As a result, optimal health benefits accrue to those
individuals making choices that minimize intake of highly contaminated species and consume
lower on the aquatic food chain.
Health of the Consumers
Studies of the costs and benefits of fish consumption reveal that moderate intake of 1-2 servings
per week reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, coronary death and total mortality.
epidemiologic studies have also reported that fish consumption may protect against some
cancers, asthma, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, Alzheimer’s
disease, depression, and macular degeneration.
Seafood Watch: Monterey Bay Aquarium
The Monterey Bay Aquarium has targeted regional species whose fisheries generally fall in line
with sustainable practices.
Practices are assessed with reference to a number of factors
including -- but not limited to -- habitat damage, bycatch, overfishing, and impact of practices
upon the local environment. These reports are compiled to formulate recommendations for “best
choices”, “good alternatives”, and those items to “avoid”.
“Best choices” for Southeast consumers include: Pacific Cod (wild longlined), Pacific Halibut,
Salmon (Alaska, wild), Tilapia (US farmed), and Tuna: Albacore (US).
Species to “avoid” in the Southeast include: Caviar (Sturgeon, imported wild), Cod (Atlantic),
Mahi mahi, Orange Roughy, Salmon (farmed, including Atlantic), Shrimp (imported), and Tuna
(Bluefin, canned)
Eating sustainably
Sustainable Seafood Emory University
Marine Stewardship Council
The Marine Stewardship Council offers official certification for fisheries and producers of
sustainable seafood.
Consumers can be sure that seafood carrying the MSC label comes from
a certified sustainable fishery, that each business along the supply chain has undergone a
traceability audit, and meets best practice guidelines set forth in the MSC standards. Where the
Monterey Bay Aquarium offers general guidelines at the species level based on common
practices for each region of the United States, the Marine Stewardship Council certifies specific
fisheries in compliance with their standard for sustainable fishing and tracks each product from
harvest to consumer.
Bryce Carlson for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Bouzan C, Cohen JT, Connor WE, Kris-Etherton PM, Gray GM, Konig A, Lawrence RS, Savitz DA, Teutsch SM
(2005) A Quantitative Analysis of Fish Consumption and Stroke Risk. American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Mozaffarian D, Rimm EB (2006) Fish intake, contaminants, and human health. JAMA 296:1885-1899
Eating sustainably
Local food Emory University
Choosing local food
What is “local”?
There is no universal definition for “local” food. Many people use a 100-mile radius to define
Emory has defined local in two tiers to meet our sustainable food initiative goals for
purchasing: 1. Georgia, and 2. the eight-state Southern region including Florida, South Carolina,
North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi. When possible, food is
purchased from within Georgia, but the broader region recognizes the limits of the Georgia
growing season.
Benefits of local food
Buying local food keeps dollars circulating in the local community. Getting to know the farmers
who grow your food builds relationships based on understanding and trust, the foundation of
strong communities. Independent, family-owned farms supply more local jobs and contribute to
the local economy at higher rates than do large, corporate-owned farms. However, it is important
to remember that local food can be produced on farms of any scale.
Shopping at farmers markets and farm stands or joining a farm’s Community Supported
Agriculture (CSA) program are ways to purchase directly from the farmer. Consumers can
promote the local food economy by asking grocery store managers if they sell any local food
items and encourage them to do so if they do not already. Restaurant goers can patronize
restaurants that utilize local food and support local farmers.
Most fruit and vegetable varieties sold in supermarkets are chosen for their ability to withstand
industrial harvesting equipment and extended travel, not taste. Since local food does not have to
be transported long distances, local farmers can offer produce varieties bred for taste and
freshness rather than for shipping and long shelf life.
Knowing where food comes from and how it is grown or raised enables the consumer to choose
food from farmers who avoid or reduce their use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics,
or genetically modified seed in their operations.
However, not all local farmers avoid such
practices as pesticide use or supplementary hormones, so it is important to buy food from
farmers who produce food in a manner that is consistent with your values.
Local food does not have to travel far. This reduces carbon dioxide emissions and packing
materials. However, some food that is grown locally may be transported long distances for
processing. Buying local food also helps to make farming more profitable and selling farmland
for development less attractive. Consumers vote with their food dollar when they purchase local
food. This ensures that local farms will continue to thrive.
Eating sustainably
Local food Emory University
Where to find local food
Georgia Organics has several resources for consumers looking for locally grown food. Their
Organic Directory and Local Food Guide ( lists
Georgia farmers’ markets, CSAs, and businesses that promote local and sustainable food.
also have a Google Map of their Local Food Guide that easily provides driving directions to
farms and CSA locations, farmers’ markets, restaurants with local food, and grocers and specialty
Purchase and consumption of local food has numerous benefits. However, the production of
local food does not necessarily include sustainable farming practices or ethical treatment of farm
workers. Local food is not automatically fresher or better for the environment.
Local food can
be produced on large conventional farms, but building relationships with local farmers to learn
about their growing practices is the best way to ensure that your local food is grown in a
sustainable and ethical manner.
Emily Cumbie-Drake for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
DeWeerdt, Sarah. 2009. Is Local Food Better? World Watch 22(3): 6-10.
Emory University Office of Sustainability. <>
Buy Fresh Buy Local California.
Georgia Organics, Organic Directory. <>
Georgia Organics, Local Food Guide (Google Map).
DeWeerdt, Sarah. 2009. Local Food: The Economics. World Watch 22(4): 20-24.
Eating sustainably
Economic Impact Emory University
Sustainable food purchasing and the Georgia economy
Buying local food can contribute to local economies and Emory’s investment in Georgia-grown and –
raised foods has positive implications for job growth across the state.
Georgia’s agricultural economy
Between 1945-2007, the number of farms decreased by almost 80%. The average farm size in Georgia
doubled from 105 to 212 acres, though many commercial farms top 500 acres. Georgia farmers earned
$546 million less from food production in 2006 than they did in 1969 (dollars adjusted for inflation).
Currently, Georgia consumers purchase $19.9 billion of food each year, of which $16 billion is
purchased from out of state
, reflecting global changes and an increasingly centralized food production
and distribution. The number of egg and poultry farms has increased in Georgia
, while the number of
farms selling fresh vegetables has decreased.
Georgia farm income has declined approximately 6.4%
since 2002.
In summary, the decrease in the number of farms and the ability to purchase food more cheaply from
outside the state or from overseas has had a negative impact on Georgia’s agricultural economy.
Continued reliance on conventional agriculture does not present an optimistic scenario for state
economic health.
Trends and consequences to communities
The trend for many decades has been to replace human labor with machinery, to reduce labor costs, and
allow farm families to operate more acreage. Interest rates for land and equipment make farmers
vulnerable in price downturns, and economic challenges have led many viable large-scale family farms
to be unable to continue in farming in the next generation.
At present, the average age of Georgia
farmers is 58. The loss of commercial farms has consequences for the Georgia economy. For example,
when Georgia dairy farmers quit farming, Georgians begin to import milk from other states.
stores, local banks, and car dealerships all suffer when the farm economy contracts.
Small-scale farms are more likely to employ human labor and rely less on machinery. Small,
independent farms, shops and restaurants are more likely to sell locally-made products to the
Investing in local agriculture can be good news for rural development. A study by Ohio
State University of one county near Columbus, Ohio, found that with a 10% increase in purchases of
local foods in grocery stores and restaurants, the county could expect to see 243 new jobs, increased tax
revenues of over $300,000 and almost $4,000,000 added income to local residents.
Wages paid at
every stage, from production, to processing, to retail, benefit the workers and their local economy.
Economic barriers
The primary challenge Georgia’s smaller-scale farmers and food producers report facing is distribution.
Farmers are able to grow the food, but demand still outweighs supply due to logistical problems and
insufficient information among producers. Marketing and transportation are costly and difficult, small-
scale producers are rarely able to assume the cost of required liability insurance, and farmers are not
confident that they can sell what they grow when consumers can buy produce from Mexico more
Eating sustainably
Economic Impact Emory University
Georgia’s fishing industry also faces challenges in distributing product to buyers in the north and west
parts of the state. Many of Georgia’s small, independent, family-owned fishing businesses cannot afford
the cost of moving their product inland, when interstate commercial truckers are willing to come directly
to the docks.
If Emory, a major food service provider in Atlanta, demands local and fresh seafood and
other products from the rural counties, we can encourage specialized food distributors to supplement the
cost of liability and transportation.
How Emory can impact Georgia’s economy
Local food systems support small farmers, especially in rural communities where farmers have difficulty
connecting to customers. Emory understands the physical and economic barriers to moving Georgia
produce from rural farms and fisheries to our urban campus. Our commitment to purchasing Georgia-
grown and –raised foods 1) assures farmers, especially of small- and medium-scale farms, that their
produce has a market, and 2) encourages investment in processing, distribution, and retail of Georgia-
grown and –raised foods. The largest employer in Dekalb County, Emory served 1.1 million meals in
2009. As Emory partners with state and local entities to tackle and solve supply and distribution
problems, the entire state can benefit. As the number of small farms and farmers markets continues to
expand in metro Atlanta, access to fresher, local produce expands as well.
Stacy Bell for the Sustainable Food Committee at Emory University
Georgia Statistics System: Time Series Analysis
Bureau of Labor Statistics; Food Consumption Estimates;
US Census of Agriculture, GA, for 2007:
(source: US Census of Ag, 2009. Georgia State and County Data. Vol. 1 Part 10. US govt printing office.)
GA Ag Forecast: Financial Outlook for Georgia Farms, Cesar L. Escalante, UGA;
Barlett. “Industrial Agriculture.” Economic Anthropology. Ed. Stuart Plattner. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1989.
Flanders, Archie et al. “Economic Importance of the Georgia Dairy Industry.” Center for Agribusiness and Economic
Development. The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. July 2006.
Norberg-Hidge et al. Bringing the Food Economy Home. London: Zed Books, 2002.
Filipic, Martha. 2009. “Economic Analysis of Knox County Local Food System Offers Blueprint for Nation,” based on Jeff
Sharp, Howard Sacks, and Amalie Lipstreu, 2009, "Planting the Seeds of Sustainable Economic Development: Knox
County's Local Food System." Accessed 3-4-10.)
Christine McCauley, Morgan County Conservancy.
Welander, Suzanne. The Turbulent Waters of Georgia’s Sustainable Seafood. October
Eating sustainably
Farm Workers Emory University
Impact on Farm Workers
As we seek to support a more sustainable farming
system, the welfare of farm workers is an important
component. We focus here on issues related to crop
production including nursery and greenhouse
workers in the United States, although those
involved in animal production have similar issues.
Although we focus only on US farmworkers,
international farmworkers may have similar or more
severe issues.
An estimate of about 1.5 million crop farm workers in the US help plant, cultivate, harvest and
prepare crops for market or storage.
Migrant farm workers travel from place to place to work in
agriculture and move into temporary housing while working; seasonal farm workers work
primarily in agriculture, but live in one community year-round. Some farm workers are full-time
residents and have annual employment on one farm. Estimates of total farm workers are
historically difficult because they often work by season or may be hired through a third-party.
Up to three-quarters of all crop farm workers may be unauthorized immigrant workers, making
official estimates especially difficult.
Farm worker protection practices. Farm workers have historically been exempt from fair
worker practices such as minimum wage and child labor laws making them largely underpaid
for their labor. They are exempt from the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 which protects
workers acting collectively to form a union. The Fair Labor Standards Act initially excluded all
farm workers although in 1978 it was amended to include minimum wage standards for workers
on large farms only.
Most workers are typically not entitled to overtime benefits, regular rest,
or meal breaks. Data collected from 2005 to 2009 showed that about one-third of all farm
workers earned less than $7.25/hour with over three-quarters working less than nine months the
previous year.
One-quarter of all farm workers had total family incomes below the poverty
Child labor is rampant among farm workers; as many as 800,000 farm workers in the US are
under the age of 18 years.
Federal laws permit children as young as 12 years to provide farm
labor with some limited restrictions on activities and hours worked. However, enforcement of
these child labor laws is almost non-existent making it difficult to determine employer
compliance with these laws.
Farm labor contractors serve as intermediaries between growers and laborers and are
responsible for supplying up to 75% of the farm labor force.
Although regulated by the US
Department of Labor under the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, such
contractors’ practices are not transparent. Many operate illegally in the US with little threat of
interference. Furthermore, farmers use contractors as worker intermediaries to reduce their own
supervisory workload. The practice permits some farmers to plead ignorance as to the working
conditions and wages on their farms. Again, the lack of oversight prevents the collection of valid
data to evaluate these contractors’ roles in farm worker protection practices.
Figure 1. Farm worker exposure to pesticides
during application is common
Eating sustainably
Farm Workers Emory University
In addition to the lack of regulatory protection, many farm workers face daily physical hazards
such as sub-standard housing and unsafe transportation. The Agricultural Workers Protection
Act regulates housing and transportation practices for the few farmers that provide these to their
workers, however, unsafe practices are reportedly common partly because of weak enforcement.
Other issues facing farm workers include lack of unemployment insurance or worker
compensation protections, and lack of basic safety standards on farms. Almost 90% of farms are
not inspected for basic health and safety violations and almost one-third are not even subject to
protection under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards.
Because farm
workers have exclusivity contracts with some contractors or farm owners, there is the risk of
forced labor to avoid deportation. Recent public attention to labor trafficking has revealed
abuses in all regions across the country.
Physical and Social Stressors. Farm workers are a largely marginalized population because of
their mobility, and some lack fluency in English and official documentation. Recent research
suggests widespread sexual harassment is another danger to farm workers.
Another major
physical hazard that farm workers encounter is heat stress.
They work long hours during the
high heat of the day and year without adequate shading, cool resting areas and even adequate rest
Pesticide exposure among farm workers continues to be a major concern. A National Cancer
Institute Study found that farmers exposed to herbicides had a six-fold greater risk than non-
farmers of contracting various cancers. In California, reported pesticide poisonings among
traditional farm workers have risen an average of 14% a year since 1973 and doubled between
1975 and 1985.
Field workers suffer the highest risk of occupational illnesses in the state. An
estimated 1 million people are poisoned annually by pesticides, and many of these are farm
workers, whose poor access to healthcare makes recovery more difficult.
Pesticide exposure can affect brain and
cognitive development. Recent studies
have shown both neurodevelopment
problems associated with in utero or early
childhood exposures to some pesticides.
5, 6
In a 1998 publication, children living in
areas where pesticides were historically
used were shown to have trouble in simple
age-appropriate cognitive tasks like drawing
a person. Figure 2 compares five year-olds
in two areas of Mexico.
Similarly, a study
conducted in an agriculturally-dense area of
California found that farm worker children exposed to pesticides experienced decreased brain
6, 8, 9
Even more recent studies suggest that farm worker children have lower IQs.
Though insecticides are designed to be lethal and neurotoxic to pests, research demonstrating the
toxicity of these pesticides to humans is just beginning to be accepted.
Figure 2. Drawings by Yaqui tribal children in Sonora, Mexico
located in the foothill region where pesticides are not applied and
in the valley region where pesticides have been historically
applied. (Guilette et al. 1998)
Eating sustainably
Farm Workers Emory University
Future steps. Despite the unfavorable conditions facing farm workers today, progress is being
made in baby steps. For example, several states such as Washington, Oregon and California
have been proactive in providing better farm worker protection with special considerations given
to heat stress protection, better wages and working conditions, and frequent health monitoring.
Furthermore, the US EPA is currently evaluating ways to ensure better compliance with existing
standards. The cost of fair wages and improved working conditions has been shown by the
Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida to be only a few extra pennies a pound of the cost of
As eloquently stated in the newly-released Inventory of Farmworker Issues and
Protections in the United States: “We envision a day when the US public will relate to “fair and
safe farm labor” with the same familiarity as they now do to the phrases “organic,” “locally
grown,” “animal welfare,” “food safety” and “fair trade.”
Dana Boyd Barr for the Sustainable Food Committee, December 2011.
1. Ames, R.G., et al., Protecting agricultural applicators from over-exposure to cholinesterase-
inhibiting pesticides: perspectives from the California programme. J Soc Occup Med, 1989.
39(3): p. 85-92.
2. United Farmworkers. Inventory of Farmworker Issues and Protections in the United States. 2001
[cited 2011 9/8]; Available from: http:\\\page\114\farmworker-inventory.htm.
3. National Agricultural Worker Survey 2005-2009. Available from:
4. Davis, M., Farm Labor in California: Then and Now. 2001, Center for Comparative Immigration
Studies, San Diego, CA.
5. Rauh, V.A., et al., Impact of prenatal chlorpyrifos exposure on neurodevelopment in the first 3
years of life among inner-city children. Pediatrics, 2006. 118(6): p. e1845-59.
6. Young, J.G., et al., Association between in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure and
abnormal reflexes in neonates. Neurotoxicology, 2005. 26(2): p. 199-209.
7. Guillette, E.A., et al., An anthropological approach to the evaluation of preschool children
exposed to pesticides in Mexico. Environ Health Perspect, 1998. 106(6): p. 347-53.
8. Bouchard, M.F., et al., Prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and IQ in 7-year old
children. Environ Health Perspect, 2011.
9. Marks, A.R., et al., Organophosphate pesticide exposure and attention in young Mexican-
American children: the CHAMACOS study. Environ Health Perspect. 118(12): p. 1768-74.
10. Coalition of Immokalee Workers. 2011; Available from:
Eating sustainably
Fair Trade Emory University
Fair Trade: What is fair trade and why should we care about it?
The Fair Trade labeling system aims to connect producers with consumers in a relationship that
supports fair returns to farmers and local-level democracy, while responding to supply and
Fair Trade standards encourage sustainable farming practices, discourage the use of
child labor, and increase the share of revenue that flows to farmers. Fair Trade certified products
available in some Atlanta locations include coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, bananas and cut
flowers. When buying Fair Trade coffee, a consumer contributes to healthier ecosystems and
communities in faraway countries, for only pennies of additional cost. The cost of beans in a cup
of Café Campesino, for example, averages $.33 a cup, compared to an average of $.30 a cup for
conventional coffee.
The Fair Trade slogan, “trade not aid,” signals a desire to use the market to replace foreign aid to
achieve progress toward economic, social, and environmental sustainability in developing
countries. Fair Trade emerged in the U.S. and Europe in the 1940s to support economic
development among low-income producers through direct trade relations and combined higher
prices than the conventional market with producer loans and marketing help. The movement
began to pick up speed after the International Coffee Agreement collapsed in 1989 and the price
of coffee fell drastically. Fair Trade expanded in the United States in the 1990s with support
from religious groups and universities.
Because of the power of international traders, accords, and weather, prices of commodities in the
conventional market can drop below costs of production. Impoverished growers may then be
forced to sell land, move to cities in search of work, or migrate internationally. An important
component of the influx of Central American immigration to the U.S. has been the low price of
coffee since the collapse of the international agreement, as well as new plantings in Asia which
caused a glut of supply. Fair Trade seeks to rebalance the terms of trade to support both
producers and buyers in a system of mutual benefit.
Key Benefits to farmers: Because each crop is integrated into the Fair Trade system a little
differently, the description below will focus on coffee.
Higher Prices: Fair Trade coffee producers are guaranteed at least five cents per pound above
the conventional market price (and in some years as much as eighty cents), plus an additional
twenty cents for organic certification. Farmers must be organized into a democratically-elected
cooperative, and the cooperative also receives an additional “social premium” to be used for
community projects, such as building schools and clinics, improving roads, and developing new
craft industries that particularly benefit women. Removal of middle traders places more of the
crop’s value into the hands of farmers.
Research in many countries around the world has shown
that Fair Trade cooperatives secure a higher income for farming families, which in turn supports
more education, better housing, and a better diet.
Higher prices can support stable livelihoods,
safeguarding family land, farming traditions, and meaningful ways of life.
Access to Credit: Another benefit of Fair Trade is that roasters provide annual loans to each
cooperative to cover part of production costs up front. This much-needed credit prevents farmers
Eating sustainably
Fair Trade Emory University
from turning to local moneylenders and paying high interest rates to buy fertilizer or pay harvest
Environmental Standards: Fair Trade includes a number of environmental production standards,
including reduced use of pesticides. Many Fair Trade cooperatives also carry organic
Third-Party Certification: TransFair USA (recently renamed as “Fair Trade USA”) is one of
twenty international certifying agencies that set and certify Fair Trade standards (see and This seal provides a neutral third party verification of
Ethical Consumption: When buying Fair Trade products, consumers show support for producers
and for an ethically-organized system of trade that supports fair wages and working conditions.
Recent Issues
The international Fair Trade movement has experienced some struggles in recent years. In the
beginning of the movement, companies using the Fair Trade label offered 100% Fair Trade
product. With the decision in 2000 to allow Starbucks and other large corporations to use the
Fair Trade label, this requirement was relaxed, and Fair Trade may make up less than 10% of
their total coffee purchases. In addition, the price premium given to Fair Trade cooperatives has
not kept up with inflation over the last 15 years, nor have U.S. corporations been subject to
review of practices that producer cooperatives experience. In response, some small companies
have dropped Fair Trade certification and are trying other avenues of inserting ethical concerns
into trade relations. One example is “direct trade” which opts out of certification and avoids
middle traders, but cannot offer third party verification of claims. Recently, a group of
committed roasters was successful in gaining a small increase in the international Fair Trade
price premium and is pressing the certifying organizations to keep to their original principles. In
addition, Fair Trade standards are now being developed for domestic U.S. products, to extend
these concerns to a larger range of commodities. The Fair Trade label continues to provide one
of the few third-party-verified products that support a social justice component of sustainability.
Emory’s Commitment
Offering Fair Trade-certified foods is one of the ways Emory University’s Sustainable Food
Initiative seeks to meet its goal of serving 75% of the food on campus and in hospitals from
locally or sustainably grown sources by the year 2015. By 2010, all coffee and tea provided by
Emory Dining locations on campus became Fair Trade certified. Some Fair Trade sugar and
other products are also available on campus.
Shira Weintraub, Raghvi Anand, and Kylie McKenzie for the Sustainable Food Committee at
Emory University
Simon, Bryant. 2009. Everything but the Coffee: Learning about America from Starbucks. Berkeley: University of
California Press, p. 208.
Eating sustainably
Fair Trade Emory University
Based on an average of seven conventional coffee prices at Emory Kroger (four mid-range arabica and gourmet
brands and three low-price brands) and two Café Campesino prices, February, 2011. An ounce of ground coffee is
calculated to produce two eight-ounce cups of brewed coffee.
Luttinger, Nina, and Gregory Dicum. 2006. The Coffee Book: Anatomy of an Industry from Crop to the Last Drop.
New York: The New Press.
Jaffee, Daniel 2007. Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability, and Survival. Berkeley: University of
Grimes, Kimberly M. 2005. “Changing the Rules of Trade with Global Partnerships: The Fair Trade Movement.”
Movements: An Anthropological Reader. June Nash, ed. Pp.237-248. NY: Wiley-Blackwell. Jaffee (2007) and
Lyon, Sarah M. 2011 Coffee and Community: Maya Farmers and Fair Trade Markets. University Press of