General Terms and Conditions Governing Accounts
These General Terms and Conditions Governing Accounts
("Terms") of ICICI Bank Limited, Bahrain Branch ("Bank")
contain the terms and conditions applicable to the
establishment and operation of accounts with the Bank
which may be opened from time-to-time by the customer(s)
with the Bank. The Terms shall be read in conjunction with
the relevant account opening form(s) of the Bank, the terms
of which are incorporated herein by reference.
1. Establishing a Relationship
Applicant(s) desiring to open a Relationship with the Bank
need(s) to execute such agreements/ forms and provide
and furnish such documents as may be required by the
Bank. The documents listed in the application forms are not
an exhaustive list of requirements and the Bank reserves the
right to require submission of such other documents as may
be determined by the Bank on a case to case basis.
The Relationship shall be opened only when the documents
submitted to the Bank are complete in all respects to the
satisfaction of the Bank. Acceptance of documents by the
Bank does not confer any right to the applicant to open the
relationship. The applicant or the customer as the case may
be, is bound to furnish any further documents or
rectification of the documents already submitted to the Bank
as and when required by the Bank. The Bank is entitled to
hold back or suspend the relationship or part or whole of
the services offered / provided or to be offered or provided
to the applicant or customer till receipt of the documents or
rectification as sought by the Bank.
The Bank will review the documents submitted by you
periodically and in any event every 3 years or such other
period as may be decided by the Bank. At the end of the
review period, you are under an obligation to provide the
latest copy of your valid documents (e.g. the Residence
Permit, Identity Proof, Address Proof etc.) or updated
versions of such documents submitted by you earlier or any
other document as may be determined by the Bank from
time to time. The Bank reserves the right to freeze your
account, upon failure to submit the aforementioned
Please visit our Manama Branch with the relevant
documents to reactivate any frozen account.
Each Relationship with a customer is represented by a
Customer Identification No. ("Cust ID"). For e.g. a
Relationship in single name is different from a Relationship
in joint names. Each combination of
Relationship is distinct and unique and hence is identified
by a separate Cust ID.
2. Operating Accounts
Relationships can be opened in the names of:
a) An individual in his/ her own name;
b) A minor (person less than 21 years of age) under
c) Two persons in their joint names. More than two persons
may be permitted to open account(s) in their joint names
at the discretion of the Bank;
A company, partnership firm, trust, association or other
entity (registered or constituted inside Bahrain) as may be
permitted by the Bank in their respective names. The Bank
may permit fiduciary accounts in the name of a trust, firm of
solicitors or accountants or such other intermediaries as
may be determined by the Bank subject to satisfaction of
the ‘Know Your Customer’ (“KYC”) and Anti- Money
Laundering requirements.
All the accounts under a relationship (Cust ID) will be
compulsorily operated as per mode of operation as
specified in the account opening form.
In case of joint accounts, any change in operational
instructions/ signing conditions or any other information
with regard to the application form is to be given by all the
joint account holders irrespective of mode of operation.
Each of the Individuals constituting the customer hereby
authorizes and empowers the other to endorse for deposit
and deposit or withdraw with the Bank any or all cheques,
notes or other instruments for the payment of money,
payable and purporting to belong to both/all of them.
Should any such instruments be received by the Bank
without having been so endorsed, then the Bank is hereby
authorized to endorse any such instrument on behalf of the
customer and to credit the same to the account.
Any overdraft or other obligations incurred on the account
or otherwise shall be the joint and several liabilities of each
and every individual constituting the customer.
Accounts in the names of a company, partnership firm,
trust, association or other entity shall be operated by the
authorised signatory (ies) of the respective entities as
specified in the application form/resolution submitted by
such entity at the time of opening the account. Changes to
authorised signatories of such entities shall be recognized
only upon due submission of the requisite authorisations/
resolutions approving such changes to the satisfaction of
the Bank.
The Bank may send through courier or post from time to
time to the mailing address furnished by the customer,
statements of account, balance confirmation certificates,
and/or such other items relevant to the account. Hence, it is
incumbent upon the customer to inform the Bank of any
changes in mailing address immediately. The Bank will not
be responsible for any loss, damage or consequences for
wrong delivery of the above items arising out of the
customer not informing the Bank of its change in mailing
The Cust ID is common for all accounts opened in the same
name and capacity, in addition to unique account number
for each account. Cust ID, once allotted, needs to be quoted
when opening any further accounts in the same name and
capacity. The Cust ID and account number is to be quoted
in pay-in-slips issued by the customer and in all
The customer (or guardian, in case of minor accounts or the
trustee in case of trust accounts or the relevant intermediary
in case of any other fiduciary account or the authorised
signatories in case of corporate accounts) is expected to
examine the entries in any statement of account or balance
confirmation certificate that may be sent to it by the Bank
and within 14 days of receipt of the same, to draw the
attention of the Bank to any errors or omissions that might
be discovered. If no such notification is received by the Bank
after the expiration of the said 14day period, the details and
information contained in such statement of account or
balance confirmation certificate shall be conclusive
evidence of the correctness of the contents and entries
therein against the customer or any person claiming under
or through the customer without the requirement for any
further proof. The Bank does not accept any responsibility
for any loss arising out of failure on the part of the customer
to examine the entries in the statements and report, within
the fourteen-day period stated above, any errors or
omissions to the Bank.
A minimum deposit may be prescribed for opening any
account under a relationship. A minimum average balance
during a month may also be required to be maintained in
accounts. Failure to maintain the prescribed average
minimum balance will attract additional service charges as
may be stipulated by the Bank from time to time.
The Bank shall not be responsible for any unauthorised
interception of e-mail or any other communication through
whatever mode to or from ICICI Bank.
3. Conduct of Account
Operations in the account shall be permitted only after the
activation of the account and the customer who has opened
an account with the Bank should get a confirmation from the
Bank as to the activation of the account. An account shall
not be activated unless all procedural formalities in this
regard are completed. The Bank shall not be responsible or
liable for any consequences or losses suffered to the
customer on account of any operation or attempted
operation of the account prior to the activation of the
Transactions are entertained normally during banking hours
at the Bank.
If any payment instruction is required to be dishonoured for
insufficient balance in the account or for being in excess of
arrangements, a penalty/charge will be levied. Similarly, if
any cheque or other instrument deposited by the customer
is returned unpaid, a service charge will be imposed.
No overdrawing is permissible in accounts unless an
overdraft facility has been specifically sanctioned by the
Standing instructions are subject to service charges
stipulated by the Bank from time to time. Bank has authority
to debit the accounts to recover any amount credited
4. Collection Facility
Cheques, drafts, bills, dividend / interest warrants and other
instruments issued in favour of customers may be accepted
for collection to their account subject to service charges.
The Bank shall not accept A/C payee cheques of
nonaccount holders for collection. Collection services may
be provided by availing of similar services of other banks.
The Bank does not accept any responsibility for loss, delay,
mutilation or interception of the instruments in postal or
courier transit or by such other banks. The Bank does not
accept or share any responsibility for realisation of such
instruments or for the genuineness, validity or correctness
of the signatures or endorsements thereon. Withdrawals
against such instruments are permissible only on realisation
by the Bank. The Bank shall not accept for collection any
cheques made out to a payee who is not the customer, and
marked “A/c Payee” or words to similar effect.
The Bank has the authority to debit the accounts to recover
any amount credited erroneously.
Local cheques, etc., may be required to be tendered for
collection sufficiently early in the day as required vis-a-vis
the local clearing house timings. The clearing of cheques
and withdrawals against cleared cheques will be normally
permitted only against cleared balances as per the Bank's
prevailing practices.
5. Closure of Relationship or Account and Service
The Bank reserves the right to terminate the Relationship or
close the account(s) at any time and for any reason after at
least 15 days’ prior notice to the customer at its last known
address without assigning any reasons thereof and without
any liability.
However, the Bank reserves the right not to give any such
notice where in the opinion of the Bank there exist certain
exceptional circumstances which necessitate closure of
account (e.g. where the account is used for criminal,
terrorist or anti money laundering activities or where the
account is required to be terminated to comply with the
regulatory/statutory requirements etc.).
The Bank may discharge its entire liability with respect to an
account which it closes by deducting a service charge as
may be imposed by the Bank from time to time and mailing
to the customer's last known address a draft or cheque in
the currency (ies) of the account without recourse to the
Bank as drawer, payable to the customer's order in the
amount of the then credit balance in the account.
The Bank further reserves the right to close or freeze the
account(s), after due notice to the customers for reasons
which may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a) In case any of the documents furnished towards Identity
and address proof are found to be fake / forged / defective;
b) In case fraudulent / forged / fake bank drafts or any such
instruments are attempted to be cleared / cleared through
the account;
c) In case of frequent returns of inward / outward cheques
in the account;
d) In case a debit balance for reasons, including but not
limited to, non-repayment in case of facilities offered by
the Bank, where repayment is to be made through
customer’s account; reversal of wrong credit, etc., is
allowed to continue for more than 90 days in the account;
e) Improper conduct of the account in terms of volume /
type of transactions;
f) For unsatisfactory conduct of the account.
The customers shall be solely liable for return of cheques/
dishonouring of any instruments consequent to such
closure and all costs / charges arising out of such closure /
freezing of the account(s). Upon closure of the account(s)
for any of the reasons specified above or otherwise, the
customer shall take steps to collect the balance amount in
the account, if any, and till such time the customer collects
such amounts, the Bank reserves the right to keep such
amounts in a special office account without any interest
being payable on the same.
6. In event of Demise of a Customer and Deceased
In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central
Bank of Bahrain, in the event of demise of a customer who
holds a single/joint account with the Bank, the Bank will
freeze the accounts of that customer upon receipt of the
information regarding the death of any of the applicants to
the account the Bank shall stop all drawings from the
account until the legal successors of the deceased appoint
their representative in accordance with the Order (as
defined below). In the event of the death of any of the
individuals constituting the account holder in case of a joint
account, the surviving individual(s) shall notify the Bank of
the death of the deceased individual within 10 days from the
date thereof.
Such information can be received mostly in the following
a) Any person can approach the Bank with an information
about the death: The Bank will ask for a death certificate.
But in case the death certificate is not provided, a written
information to be obtained, along with copy of the CPR of
the person providing the information.
b) An information is received through any other source
News Paper, Television/media reports etc.
c) Claimant approaches the Bank with a death certificate
and a court order issued by the Ministry of Justice.
d) Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) or a local Court or authority
in Bahrain informs the Bank about the death of a customer.
The Bank shall not be under any obligation to release
monies standing to the credit of a deceased account
holder's account, save on production of the following
a) Valid death certificate of the relevant customer issued by
a government authority.
b) A duly certified and translated copy of an order or
judgment, etc. issued by the Ministry of Justice in the
Kingdom of Bahrain (the “Order”) in this regard. The Order
must (a) certify the demise of the account holder; (b) name
the exclusive legal successors of the deceased account
holder; (c) confirm that the person(s) seeking withdrawal of
the monies are entitled to do so; and (d) if applicable, state
the manner and proportion in which such monies may be
divided amongst the legal successors. In case, the Order
allows a certain individual to act collectively on behalf of the
certified legal successors, then the Order must also record
the consent of all the legal successors named therein that
such an individual may act on their collective behalf.
c) The duly filled and signed application Form can be
obtained from Bahrain Branch, requesting for settlement of
accounts and stating that there are no pending instructions
(Pending instructions are those which have been issued by
the deceased prior to their demise and are yet to be
executed by the Bank), signed by all the claimants.
d) Identity documents - CPR along with Passport or Driving
License of the claimant(s) named in the Order. A copy of all
such documents are to be provided to the Bank.
Once all the required documents are received, the Bank will
initiate the settlement process.
In case the Order is for multiple beneficiaries and the
claimant wants the funds / monies to be settled in the name
of single beneficiary, such requests will be declined and the
Bank will settle the deceased claim as per the Order.
If any debit instructions are received for any of the accounts
under the relationship, the Bank or any branch of ICICI Bank
Limited shall check whether the instructions were issued
before the date of demise (as per the Death Certificate /
Public Notice) or after the date of demise. Branch will
reserve the right to decline such instructions in absence of
satisfactory evidence.
Any instruction issued / received on or after the date of the
death will be rejected. The disposition of any credit balance,
security or property available under the account, and
provided that they are unencumbered, shall be governed by
and carried out in accordance with the Order after
recovering any outstanding loan/overdraft amount(s). In
case of joint account, the surviving holder/s is/are under an
obligation to clear the outstanding amount(s) as and when
specified by the Bank.
In cases where an inheritor is a minor, the disposition of the
credit amount will be done as per the instruction(s) specified
in the Order, provided that the Order specifically refers to
their inheritance.
The treatment of credits received for the account which is
frozen in event of death notification will be at the Bank or
any of ICICI Bank Limited branch’s discretion.
The Bank may decline any withdrawal from an account
(whether sole or joint) where the customer has died till the
Bank has received satisfactory evidence as to payment of
estate duty costs, fees, duties taxes (as applicable) and such
other matters as it may reasonably require, unless
otherwise specified in the Order.
Premature closure charges in case of deposits shall be
waived for deceased cases settlement. However, the
currency conversion charges, or any out-of-pocket
expenses as applicable when the settlement amount is
remitted to the executor / claimant/ administrator's account,
shall be borne (deducted out of settlement amount) by the
claimant/ executor / administrator.
7. Banker's Lien and Right of Set Off
The Bank shall have the right of lien, irrespective of any
other lien or charge, present as well as future on all the
deposits held/ balances lying in any all the accounts of the
customer, whether in single name or joint name(s), to the
extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a
result of any of the Bank's services extended to and/or used
by the customer or as a result of any other facilities that may
be granted by the Bank to the customers. The Bank is
entitled without any notice to the customer to settle any
indebtedness whatsoever owed by the customer to the
Bank, whether actual or contingent, or whether primary or
collateral, or whether joint and/or several, including without
limitation indebtedness under any indemnity given by the
customer to the Bank hereunder or under any other
document/ agreement, by adjusting any deposit(s) or
transferring monies lying to the balance of any account(s)
held by the customer with the Bank, notwithstanding that
the deposit(s)/ balances lying in such account(s) may not be
expressed in the same currency as such indebtedness. The
Bank's rights hereunder shall not be affected by the
customer's bankruptcy, death or winding up.
Further, the Bank is also entitled without notice to the
customer to sell any of the customer's securities or
properties held by the Bank on deposit or otherwise by way
of public or private sale without any judicial proceeding
whatsoever and retain from the proceeds derived therefrom
the total amounts outstanding to the Bank from the
customer, including costs and expenses in connection with
such sale.
In addition to the Bank's rights of set-off, combination and
consolidation of the customer's account(s), lien or any other
right which it may at any time be entitled whether by
operation of law, contract or otherwise, the customer
authorises the Bank to apply (without prior notice to the
customer) any credit balance (whether or not then due) to
which the customer is at any time beneficially entitled
(whether singly or jointly) on any account, in the customer's
name or jointly with any other person or persons, with any
branch or office of ICICI Bank Limited (whether in Bahrain or
elsewhere) towards the satisfaction of any or all of the
customer's liabilities (whether such liabilities be present or
future, actual or contingent, primary or collateral, or several
or joint) under the Terms or for the customer's account(s) or
under the terms of any other facilities that may be granted
by the Bank to the customers. For this purpose, the Bank is
authorised to use all or part of such credit balance to
purchase (at prevailing exchange rates quoted by the Bank)
other currencies as may be necessary to effect the
application, provided always that the Bank shall not be
under any liability to the customer whatsoever in respect of
any loss arising from any conversion of any amount from
one currency to another or fluctuations in the rate of
exchange for which any currency is for this purpose
converted into any other currency.
In respect of a joint account, the Bank shall be entitled to set
off any sums standing to the credit of such joint account
against the debit balance in other accounts which may be
held by one or more holders of such joint account.
The Bank shall not be under any obligation to exercise any
of its rights under this Clause.
The abovementioned rights of the Bank are without
prejudice to the obligations of the customer to pay to the
Bank when due all its indebtedness and without prejudice
to any other rights that the Bank may have against the
customer for recovery of outstandings from customer to the
The Bank shall be entitled to withhold payments out of the
customer's account or dishonour the customer's
instructions in case any amounts outstanding from the
customer to the Bank are not paid when due.
8. Electronic Instructions
The Bank does not normally act on fax and other electronic
instructions from its customers. However, the customer
may authorise the Bank to execute their instructions by
email, fax and/or other electronic means of communications
upon specifically indemnifying the Bank for carrying out fax
and/or other electronic instructions in a form and manner
acceptable to the Bank. Even with such indemnity, the Bank
reserves the right not to act on any fax or electronic
instructions in its sole discretion. In any case relationship
and account opening documents, KYC documents and
address change instructions given by fax or other electronic
form must be mailed in original hard copy to the Bank by
the customer on the same day of receipt by the Bank of such
fax or other electronic instruction. The Bank may, in its sole
discretion, insist for submission of documents in original
and in physical form for customers’ instructions on a case
to case basis.
9. Indemnity and Default Interest
The Bank shall not be liable for any failure to perform any
obligation contained in the Terms or for any loss or damage
whatsoever suffered or incurred by the customer
howsoever caused and whether such loss or damage is
attributable (directly or indirectly) to any dispute or any
other matter or circumstance whatsoever.
The customer shall indemnify the Bank as collecting banker
for any loss or damage the Bank may incur or suffer by
guaranteeing any endorsement or discharge on a cheque,
bill or other instrument presented for collection and such
guarantee as given by the Bank shall be deemed to have
been given in every case at the customer's express request.
In the event that the Bank agrees, at its sole discretion, to
collect/ purchase/ negotiate/ discount cheques (including
without limitation any USD cheque or cheques drawn on
American banks or other financial institutions in the United
States of America (“USA”)) drafts, bills, dividend / interest
warrants and other instruments issued in favour of the
customer ("Instruments"), in consideration of the Bank
agreeing as aforesaid and/or crediting or agreeing to credit
the proceeds thereof to the customer's account or any
account and/or purchasing, discounting, negotiating or
agreeing to purchase discount or negotiate Instruments
from the customer, the customer will indemnify the Bank
against all moneys, liabilities, losses, costs, damages,
demands, proceedings, claims and expenses of whatsoever
nature (whether actual or contingent) including legal costs
on a full indemnity basis paid incurred or suffered by the
Bank under or arising from or in connection with the
Instruments or the enforcement of the rights herein,
whether or not the same results from the commission of any
breach of contract or duty on the customer's part or the part
of any party to the Instruments and whether or not the Bank
shall have any legal right to claim or have availed itself of
the Bank's legal remedies against the customer or any party
to the Instruments and notwithstanding that the Bank may
have received the proceeds of the relevant Instrument
whether on collection or otherwise or paid the proceeds
thereof to the customer or that the customer has altered the
customer's position after receipt of the proceeds thereof.
The customer shall keep the Bank indemnified at all times
against, and save the Bank harmless from all actions,
proceedings claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses
(including legal costs) which may be brought against or
suffered or incurred by the Bank in resolving any dispute
relating to the customer's account with the Bank or in
enforcing the Bank's rights under or in connection with the
terms and conditions contained herein, or which may have
arisen either directly or indirectly out of or in connection
with the Bank performing its obligations hereunder or
accepting instructions, including but not limited to, fax and
other telecommunications or electronic instructions, and
acting or failing to act thereon.
If any sum due and payable by the customer is not paid on
the due date, including without limitation any moneys
claimed under this Clause 9, the customer shall be liable to
pay interest (both after as well as before any judgment) on
such unpaid sum at such rate or rates as the Bank may from
time to time stipulate from the date payment is due up to
the date of payment.
The customer shall solely be responsible for ensuring full
compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations in
any relevant jurisdiction in connection with establishment
of his/her/its relationship with the Bank and shall indemnify
and keep indemnified the Bank from all actions,
proceedings claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses
(including legal costs on a solicitor and client basis) which
may be brought against or suffered or incurred by the Bank
in connection with any failure to comply with any such
applicable laws/ regulations.
The indemnities as aforesaid shall continue notwithstanding
the termination of the account.
10. No Encumbrances
The customer shall not permit any encumbrance or third
party interest over or against any account(s) without the
Bank's express prior written consent.
11. Declaration
The products and services of the Bank entail only a
relationship between the customer and the Bank in Bahrain
and not with any other office or branch of ICICI Bank
Limited. The customers hereby waive any right of action
against any of the other offices or branches of ICICI Bank
Limited. The other offices of ICICI Bank Limited shall not in
any manner be liable for any delays, losses, damages,
claims or expenses of whatsoever nature arising in relation
to any customer’s relationship with the Bank. The
customers further waive any claims or actions that the
customers may have in any jurisdiction outside Bahrain.
With specific reference to customers in the United Arab
Emirates, the customers hereby agree and confirm that ICICI
Bank Representative Office, Dubai, UAE is only a marketing
office and shall not be liable or responsible for any delays,
losses, damages, claims or expenses of whatsoever nature
and the customers have no right of action against ICICI Bank
Representative Office, Dubai, UAE and the customers
expressly waive any claims or actions in the United Arab
The customers who are residents of the USA hereby
acknowledge that they are subject to the laws applicable for
the time being in the USA and undertake to make such
filings and reportings as are required under the applicable
laws of USA or other relevant jurisdiction in relation to the
deposit accounts with the Bank and/or any of the Indian or
offshore branches of ICICI Bank Limited, including, if
required, the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
to be submitted to the US Department of Treasury. The
customers confirm that the disclosure to the authorities of
any applicable jurisdiction, if required by any applicable law
or order, of any information pertaining to their relationship
with the Bank and/or the other branches of ICICI Bank
Limited, would not constitute a violation of any applicable
banking secrecy laws or practices and expressly release the
Bank and the other branches of ICICI Bank Limited from any
liability arising from such disclosure.
The non-resident Indian customers who are residents of
Bahrain hereby declare and confirm that they are Non
Resident Indians as defined in the Foreign Exchange
Management Act (Deposits) Regulations, 2000 of India. The
corporate customers (banks and financial institutions) who
are resident in Bahrain hereby declare and confirm that they
are licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain.
12. Account Dormancy
The Bank may classify accounts of the following types as
inactive for reasons mentioned hereinbelow:
a) Call and Current accounts: These shall be classified as
dormant if there are no customer-induced transactions in
these accounts for a period of 12 months.
b) Savings accounts of any type: These shall be classified
as dormant if there are no customer-induced transactions
(debit or credit) for a period of 24 months.
c) Fixed deposit accounts: These shall be classified as
dormant if there are no claims or renewal requests for a
period of 6 months from the maturity date of the deposits.
Customer-induced transactions shall mean any credit or
debit transactions done by the customer in the account
through the following modes:
a) Withdrawals using cash withdrawal slips
b) Cash or Cheque Deposit
c)Withdrawal through ATM/POS
d)Transaction through Internet
e) Application made by the customer in relation to standing
instruction, Money 2 India, or any other customer
instruction through a letter etc.
f) Clearing of Inward / Outward Bill
The Bank may in its sole discretion deny services and / or
transactions in the account of a customer, which has been
classified as dormant.
A dormant account will be closed within six months from
the date the account becomes dormant and its balance
become zero.
To activate dormant account please visit our Manama
Branch with your Central Population Register Identity
document (CPR ID) or valid identity and address proof.
13. Outward Remittances and International Trade
Related Transactions
While undertaking international transactions (trade or
remittance), the Bank:
a) Shall be bound by the laws, rules, regulations,
notifications, directions or orders of the Kingdom of
Bahrain as applicable from time to time, including but
not limited to the primary legislation (Amiri Decree Law
4 of 2001 with respect to the Prevention and
Prohibition of Laundering of Money) relevant to
AML/CFT and the rules and regulations issued by the
Central Bank of Bahrain as part of the Financial Crimes
module, which is updated from time to time.
b) Shall be deploying services of correspondent banks
who are bound and guided by the statutes, rules,
regulations, notifications, directions and guidelines
applicable to their respective jurisdictions;
c) Accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for
non-compliance with the laws of any country other
than that of Bahrain;
d) Will not be liable for any direct, indirect or
consequential loss/ liability that arises on account of
any action or inaction on the part of the correspondent
bank and/or from circumstances beyond the control of
the Bank
e) Shall have the discretion to return or refuse to accept
all or any part of a deposit or credit to an account or
process a transaction, at any time and will not be liable
for doing so or any consequences therefrom.
14. OFAC and other Sanctions
Neither the customer nor any other person benefiting in any
capacity in connection with or from the account(s) or these
Terms and/or any instruments and/or payments thereunder
is a Specially Designated National or otherwise sanctioned
under the sanctions promulgated by the Office of Foreign
Assets Control of the US Department of Treasury (OFAC),
India, United States, United Nations, European Union or any
similar restriction by any authority, agency or body having
similar powers (collectively, the "Sanctions").
The Bank may choose not to, or may be unable to, proceed
with any transaction and/or instructions if, in the Bank’s sole
discretion, they (or any intermediary through which any
payment may be made) are or maybe subject to, or may
attract in future, any Sanctions or restrictions and any
amount remitted or to be remitted (if any) by the Bank may
not be made available to the intended recipient if such
person or entity is subject to any Sanctions or restrictions.
The Bank will not be responsible for any losses or liabilities
which arise as a result of or in connection with any
Sanctions or restrictions, including, without limitation, any
act or refusal to act by the Bank as a consequence of any
Sanctions or restrictions, and any action or omission of any
correspondent or other intermediary bank and/or any delay
in the realisation of cheques deposited. Deposits shall only
be made if accompanied by proper supporting documents
as required by the Bank, and the Bank shall have such rights
as have been specified in these Terms.
15. Outsourcing
The Bank shall have the right to outsource or sub-contract
any part of the banking operations to such third party
(including but not limited to any party outside Bahrain on
such terms as the Bank deem fit in its sole discretion. Such
operations shall include but not be limited to, creation,
maintenance and archiving of documents and records.
16. Grievance Redressal Policy
It is ICICI Bank’s policy to ensure that:
a) All customers are treated fairly at all times.
b) All complaints, critical requests and issues raised by
customers are dealt with courtesy and resolved on
c) Customers are made completely aware of their rights
so that they can opt for alternative remedies if they are
not fully satisfied with our response or resolution to
their complaint.
For Private Banking Customers:
The Bank’s Grievance Redressal Policy for Private Banking
customers will be available to customers on request and is
available on the Bank’s website> About us
section > Grievance redressal.
At ICICI Bank, we strive to deliver a convenient and
hasslefree customer service experience in keeping with our
‘Khayaal Aapka’ philosophy. If you have a grievance, please
follow the below process to facilitate resolution of the issues
faced by our Private Banking customers.
Step One: In case your expectations are not met by
any of the products/services, we request you to
approach your Relationship Manager (RM)
immediately for required clarifications/solutions.
Step Two: In the unlikely event that you are
dissatisfied with the clarifications/ solutions
provided by your Relationship Manager or you
have not received it, you may write to us at
headprivatebankin[email protected].
Step Three: You are unsatisfied with the response
given by the Bank. In this unlikely event, you may
write to the respective Regulator/Banking
For further details please refer to the detailed policy
provided on the above link. A copy of this policy is also
provided separately along with this form for your reference.
For Retail Banking Customers:
The Bank’s Grievance Redressal Policy applicable for other
customers will be available to customers on request and is
available on the Bank’s website
A. Multi-channel customer service strategy: The Bank’s
customer service strategy is to enable customers to
avail of services through multiple channels. The
various channels available to customers for redressal
of issues are as follows:
Private Banking customers can write to their
Relationship Manager in case of any concern. In case
the concerns are not acknowledged, they can write to
headprivatebankin[email protected] with details of
their grievance.
Retail banking customers can contact on following
touch points:
I. Customer care: Customers can contact our
Customer Care officers at +973-17576161 over the
phone for redressal of issues.
II. Branch: Customers may send an e-mail to or send a letter to
P.O. Box 1494, Manama, Bahrain.
III. E-mails & letters: Customers may send an e-mail/
letter to the mail ids/addresses displayed in the posters
at the Bank and on the Bank’s website.
IV. Complaint Officer: If the customer’s issue is not
resolved even after contacting various complaint
resolution channels, he/she can write to the Complaint
Officer at:
The Complaint Officer,
ICICI Bank Limited, Bahrain Branch,
Manama Centre, Manama,
Kingdom of Bahrain
Or send e-mail addressing the same to Compliant
Officer at:
A detailed escalation matrix is available online at
B. Time frame for response: The Bank will respond to a
complaint within 4 weeks of acknowledging the
I. On receipt of customer complaints by any
channel, the Bank acknowledges in writing to the
customer within 5 working days of receipt of the same.
II. Customer Complaint Officer Bahrain will respond
suitably to the customer within 4 weeks post
acknowledgment in writing explaining our position
and how we propose to deal with the complaint of the
C. Escalation to regulator: If the customer is not happy
with the solution provided by the Bank and/or the
manner in which the Bank handled the complaint, the
customer can escalate the complaint to the Central
Bank of Bahrain. The details of Central Bank of Bahrain
are available at the Bank and on the Bank’s website.
17. Disclosure
The customer hereby irrevocably authorises and consents
to the Bank to disclose, as and when the Bank is required to
do so by applicable law or when the Bank regards such
disclosure as necessary or expedient (including but not
limited to disclosures for the purpose of credit review of any
account of the customer with the Bank or any branch or
subsidiary of ICICI Bank Limited whether singly or jointly
with others or otherwise), any information relating to the
customer, its account(s) or other assets held on the
customer's behalf to:-
A. its head office, affiliates or any other branches or
subsidiaries of ICICI Bank Limited;
B. its auditors, professional advisers and any other
person(s) under a duty of confidentiality to the Bank; C.
vendors, installers, maintainers or servicers of the Bank’s
computer systems;
D. any exchange, market, Courts, or other authority or
regulatory body having jurisdiction over the Bank, its head
office or any other branch or subsidiary of ICICI Bank
Limited or over any transactions effected by the customer
or for the customer's account;
E. any party entitled to make such demand or request; F.
any person with whom the Bank contracts or proposes to
contract with regard to the sale or transfer or sharing of any
of its rights, obligations or risks under the Terms; G. any
person (including any agent, contractor or third party
service provider) with whom the Bank contracts or
proposes to contract with regard to the provision of
services in respect of the customer's account(s) or in
connection with the operation of the Bank's business; H.
any person employed with, or engaged as an agent by, the
Bank or its head office or affiliates, including any
relationship officers, whether in Bahrain or elsewhere, for
the purposes of or in connection with interactions with the
customers or providing services to the customers or
processing transactions pertaining to the customers’
accounts; and
I. to enable the Bank to centralize or outsource its data
processing and other administrative operations) to the
Bank’s head office, its affiliates or third parties engaged by
the Bank (whether within or outside Bahrain) for any such
Any customer with an account with any branch of ICICI Bank
Limited located outside Bahrain hereby agrees to provide
on a voluntary basis all his/her/its personal and account
information and records to the Bank which, together with
any information generated or received by the Bank, may be:
a) collected and kept by the Bank (including any
agent or subcontractor appointed by the Bank) in any
country (as the Bank may consider appropriate) for the
purposes of the Bank maintaining its relationship with
the customer and offering or providing services on
accounts or investments made with or through the
Bank or other future services or products;
b) used by the Bank to carry out matching
procedures whether or not for the purpose of taking
adverse action against the customer(s) or maintain a
credit history (whether or not the relationship with the
Bank is terminated) for the Bank’s present or future
The customer hereby agrees and consents that the Bank
shall be entitled, in connection with the customer’s
application for any account, facilities or services provided
by the Bank, or during the course of the customer’s
relationship with the Bank, to obtain and procure
information pertaining to the customer or any of his/ her/ its
accounts, legal or financial position from whatever sources
available to the Bank.
18. Safe Keep of Passwords
The customer shall be solely responsible for the
safekeeping and the confidentiality of the statements of
account, balance confirmation certificate, user id and
passwords relating to internet banking (if applicable) and
such other items relevant or pertaining to the account.
19. General Provisions
The Terms as amended from time to time as aforesaid
together with other rules of the Bank pertaining to specific
products shall constitute a binding contract between the
customer and the Bank and the customer represents and
warrants that these Terms will be legal, valid, binding on
and enforceable against the customer, his/her/its executors,
administrators, successors and/or other legal
All credit balances in the name of or held for the account of
the customer with the Bahrain branch of ICICI Bank Limited
shall be repayable and collectible only at the Bahrain branch
of ICICI Bank Limited. Neither the head office of the Bank nor
any other office, branch or affiliate of ICICI Bank Limited
shall in any event assume liability for repayment of monies
or deposits placed with the Bank and the customer shall
have no claim or action outside Bahrain against such
persons. The customer shall have no right of recourse or
setoff against the assets of ICICI Bank Limited or any of its
branches outside of Bahrain and all such claims, actions and
rights of recourse or setoff shall be waived.
The Bank has been granted a Conventional Retail Banking
license by the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB). The CBB has
granted license to the Bank for establishing a Retail Banking
Unit (RBU) with a permission to provide banking services to
all nationalities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. As a RBU, the
Bank is expected deal with residents only to the extent
permitted by CBB. As part of the retail banking services the
Bank is permitted to offer banking services to individuals of
all national’s resident in Bahrain. The Bank is now part of the
clearing system of Bahrain and is subject to the terms on
which the Bank has been admitted as a member of the local
clearing system. For more information about the Bank, you
may approach any branch or office of ICICI Bank Limited.
Neither the Bank nor any of its agents, employees or
servants shall be responsible or liable in any way for any
direct or consequential loss suffered by the customer, its
agents, employees or servants in any of the following
situations: -
a) as a result of taking or omitting to take any action
pursuant to any orders or instructions given or
purported to be given by the customer or its duly
authorised representative(s) or any person whom the
Bank believes to be the customer or its duly authorised
representative(s), save in the case of wilful default or
gross negligence;
b) in respect of the authenticity, regularity, validity or
value of any documents handled by the Bank on the
customer's behalf or the correctness of any translation
or the interpretation of any terms appearing in any
such documents;
c) for any failure to take, or delay in taking, any
action required to be taken hereunder in the event that
and to the extent that the taking of such action is
prevented or delayed by war (whether declared or not
and including existing wars), revolution, insurrection,
fire, explosion, stoppage of labour, strikes or other
disputes with employees, laws, regulations, orders or
other acts of any governmental authority, or any other
cause whatsoever beyond the Bank's control;
d) for any loss or damage sustained by the customer
resulting directly or indirectly from its reliance on any
statement of account or balance confirmation
certificate which the customer has, or is deemed to
have, verified to be accurate pursuant to these Terms;
e) if, for any reason beyond the Bank's control, the
operation of the customer's account or the Bank's
ability to account to the customer for any monies in the
customer's account is restricted or otherwise affected;
f) if the value of the funds credited to the customer's
account shall diminish due to taxes, deductions,
withholdings, imposts or depreciation; and
g) if the customer is unable to obtain payment of
funds from its account(s) due to restrictions on
convertibility, involuntary transfers, foreign exchange
controls, distraints of any character, or any other
causes whatsoever which are beyond the Bank's
control whether arising in Bahrain or in any place in
which the Bank has deposited such funds.
The customer undertakes and agrees to indemnify the Bank
on a full indemnity basis against all present and future
stamp duties, taxes (but excluding taxation on the Bank's
profits), levies, losses (direct or consequential), costs,
charges, expenses (including legal fees on a full indemnity
basis) and other liabilities incurred by the Bank as a result of
or in connection with the execution, delivery, registration,
performance or enforcement of the Terms or losses and/or
damages which the Bank may incur in giving effect to the
customer's instructions, including but not limited to losses,
damages, costs, expenses and/or charges
arising from:-
a) the operation of the customer's account(s) or the
provision of services hereunder;
b) any breach of trust or other fiduciary obligation
binding on the customer;
c) acting on instructions or orders purportedly given
by the customer or of person or persons who purports
to have been authorised by the customer;
d) acting or not acting on the basis of any
information or instructions given by the customer
where, in either case, the Bank believes in good faith
the information or instructions to be given in breach of
any duty imposed on the customer or in excess of
powers vested in the customer; and
e) exercising the Bank's rights of setoff,
combination, consolidation, lien or any other right.
These indemnities constitute a separate and independent
obligation from the other obligations contained in the
Terms, shall give rise to a separate and independent cause
of action, shall apply irrespective of any indulgence granted
by the Bank and shall continue in full force and effect despite
any judgment, order, claim or proof for a liquidated amount
in respect of any sum due under the Terms, any judgment
or order. No proof or evidence of any actual loss may be
The invalidity, illegality and enforceability of any of the
provisions of the Terms shall not prejudice or affect in any
way the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining
provisions of the Terms. Any provision of the Terms that is
invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as
to such jurisdiction only, be ineffective to the extent of such
invalidity, illegality or unenforceability, without rendering
invalid, illegal or unenforceable the remaining provisions of
the Terms in such or any other jurisdiction
If any provision in the Terms shall conflict or become
inconsistent with any applicable laws or regulations for the
time being in force or the rules of any relevant authority or
body having jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
Terms or its application, then for such purposes (but not
further or otherwise) the Terms shall be construed as if such
provision shall have been modified in such manner as the
Bank may in its discretion deem necessary for the purpose
of giving the fullest possible legal effect to the Terms.
No failure or delay on the part of the Bank in exercising any
right, power or privilege under the Terms shall operate as a
waiver thereof or of any other right, power or privilege of
the Bank, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right,
power or privilege of the Bank preclude any other or further
exercise hereof or the exercise of any other right, power or
privilege of the Bank.
In the event of war, revolution, insurrection, military
disturbances, riot, civil commotion or other similar action,
strike, lockout, stoppage or restraint of labour, seizure or
confiscation of currency or other assets or other
governmental action, any imposition of currency exchange
control by any government, any act of God, any event
outside the control of the Bank, or any implementation of
any laws, by-laws, restrictions, regulations, orders or
directives imposed by any authority, regulatory body or
government, whether or not having the force of law, which
in the Bank’s opinion hinders or prevents the performance
by the Bank of its obligations under the Agreement (whether
of delivery or payment or otherwise) or any Contract (an
"event of force majeure"), then the Bank may elect either (I)
to postpone its performance until the event of force majeure
no longer has such effect or (ii) terminate the Terms by
giving 30 days' notice to the customer.
The customer may not assign any of its rights or transfer
any of its obligations hereunder. The Bank shall be entitled
to assign all or part of its rights and/or transfer all or part of
its obligations hereunder to such party as it may deem fit
without further reference to the customer.
Unless otherwise agreed, any notice or other
communication (other than statements of account and
balance confirmation certificates) to the customer may be
delivered to the customer personally or sent by post, telex
or fax at the address, telex or fax number given in the
relevant account opening form of the Bank signed by the
customer or as last notified in writing to the Bank and shall
be deemed to have been received by the customer two (2)
days after dispatch if sent by post to an address in Bahrain,
or seven (7) days after dispatch if sent by post to an address
outside Bahrain, or immediately upon completion of
transmission if sent by fax or telex and immediately upon
delivery if delivered personally.
The customer shall notify the Bank immediately of any
change of address or other information previously provided
to the Bank by the customer and deliver to the Bank the
relevant documents detailing such changes.
Any writ, summons or other process may be served on the
customer by mailing the same to the customer in
accordance with the above and shall be deemed to be good
service on the customer. The foregoing shall not however
preclude the Bank from effecting service of process in any
other manner permitted by law.
The Bank reserves to itself the right to alter, delete or add to
any of the Terms at any time in its discretion and such
alterations, deletions or additions shall be deemed to be
effective and binding on the customer 30 days after the
Bank's notice thereof to the customer.
The Terms shall be governed by, and construed in
accordance with Bahrain law. The customer hereby
irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the
Bahrain courts in connection with any action or proceeding
that may arise out of or in connection with the Terms. Such
submission shall not prejudice the Bank’s right to
commence action against the customer in any other court
of competent jurisdiction.