PhD in Health Services Research and Policy
Student Handbook
August 2022
Lindsay Sabik, PhD
PhD/MS Director
A610 Public Health
Jessica Dornin, MSL
Recruitment and Academic
Affairs Administrator
A631 Public Health
Table of Contents
Overview ..........................................................................................................................3
Mission .........................................................................................................................3
Objectives .....................................................................................................................3
Competencies ...............................................................................................................4
Goals .............................................................................................................................4
Application Procedures ....................................................................................................5
Program of Study .............................................................................................................7
Required Courses ..................................................................................................7
Electives & Area of Focus ......................................................................................9
Doctoral Research and Professional Development Seminar ............................................9
Teaching Requirement .........................................................................................9
Advising ...................................................................................................................... 10
Policies and Procedures ............................................................................................. 10
Milestones ...................................................................................................................... 12
Preliminary Examination (Years 1 and 2)
............................................................. 13
Comprehensive Examination (Year 2) ................................................................ 18
Dissertation Overview (Year 3 or 4) .................................................................... 20
Dissertation Defense ........................................................................................... 23
Governance .................................................................................................................... 26
Checklists and Forms .................................................................................................... 26
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
Launched in 2008, the Ph.D. Program in Health Services Research and Policy in the
Department of Health Policy and Management prepares individuals to enter a career in
Health Services Research. Health Services Research is a “Multi-disciplinary field of inquiry,
both basic and applied, that examines the use, costs, quality, accessibility, delivery,
organization, financing and outcomes of health care services to increase knowledge and
understanding of the structures, processes and effects of health services for individuals
and populations” (IOM, 1995). Graduates will be prepared to lead research programs in a
range of institutional settings including academia, not-for-profit research organizations
and think tanks, government agencies, health systems, managed care organizations,
health plans, consulting, and other sectors.
The mission of the Doctoral Program in Health Services Research & Policy is to
train students to contribute to health policy development and to the
improvement of public health and healthcare systems by designing and
conducting health services research and policy analysis; analyzing, formulating
and advocating for effective policy solutions; and teaching and mentoring current
and future cohorts of health services researchers and scholars.
Our PhD Program will be identified among the highest quality Doctoral programs
in health services research and policy in the nation.
Students undertake a rigorous program of study that encompasses skills in
research methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative analysis, and
provides a strong theoretical grounding in health policy, including health law and
regulation, economics, ethics, health behavior, and organizational theory and
behavior including leadership. The program integrates experiential and classroom
learning. Each student completes a teaching experience, typically by serving as a
teaching assistant for a Master’s-level course that includes the opportunity to
prepare and conduct at least one teaching module. Each student also completes a
manuscript as part of the preliminary exam (which can provide the starting point
for their doctoral dissertation). Professional development as a researcher is
encouraged through participation in the Doctoral Research and Professional
Development seminar series, attendance at relevant health services research
seminars throughout the University, and presentations at professional
conferences, nationally.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
The Program goals are linked to a set of competencies that include:
A. Analytical Ability
B. Research Design and Methods
C. Communication and Presentation Skills
D. Collaboration in Multidisciplinary Teams
E. U.S. Health Care System and Its Environment
F. Systems Thinking
G. Self-Development
H. Professionalism and Ethics
The primary competencies associated with each goal are indicated, though others may also be
Upon completion of the doctoral program, each student should be able to:
1. Apply appropriate research design and methods to conduct research in health services
and policy that expands the field of knowledge and/or best practices. (A, B)
2. Have gained teaching experience under the supervision of senior faculty (C, F)
3. Articulate how their research interests and productivity contribute to public health
theory and practice (C, E)
4. Demonstrate understanding of the health care system, its organization, processes and
relationships with factors in its environment (E)
5. Demonstrate effective academic writing and organization skills to prepare conference
presentations and publishable articles for submission to appropriate journals (C, D, F)
6. Identify the components of the policymaking process in the US, key actors and
institutions and enabling and constraining factors (E)
7. Articulate a likely career path based on their competencies, interests, and current
market opportunities (C, F, G)
8. Assess their aptitudes, interests, strengths, and areas for improvement based on
development and review with a faculty advisor of an Independent Development
Program (IDP) as required by the School (F, G)
9. Compete effectively for post-graduate employment in positions relevant to their
career path, talents, and interests (C, F, G)
10. Serve as an ambassador and advocate for the Doctoral program, HPM Department
and School of Public Health (F and G)
11. Demonstrate ability to contribute effectively to a team-based research study or
applied project (C, D, G)
12. Contribute to developing a competitive proposal for research funding as an early
career/emerging scholar (A-G)
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
Application Procedures
a. All applications must be submitted online through the Schools of Public
Health Application Service (SOPHAS) website:
b. Applicants are required to submit a supplemental writing sample that
accurately reflects their written communication skills, including logical
organization and clarity of writing, and previous academic and employment
experiences that demonstrate commitment to the health services research
c. Applicants whose credentials are reviewed favorably by the Doctoral Program
Committee will be asked to participate in an on-campus, online video, or
telephone interview. One or more representatives from the Committee and
at least one prospective faculty mentor will take part in the interviews.
d. The University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, Office of Student Affairs
makes final admission decisions based upon the Doctoral Program
Committee’s and Department Chair’s recommendation. Applicants will be
notified of the decision in writing by the School of Public Health, Office of
Student Affairs.
a. Minimum Requirements for Admission
a. Applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited University
or college, having shown academic promise by attaining a GPA of 3.3 or
higher based on a 4-point scale. Although a Master’s degree is not required,
attainment of a relevant advanced degree will be given consideration. Official
transcripts of all college-level study must be submitted.
b. College level coursework in calculus with a grade of 3.0 or higher is required.
Applicants will be required to indicate on SOPHAS which course on their
transcript meets this requirement, or else successfully complete a college-
level course during the summer prior to matriculation.
c. Undergraduate or graduate level coursework in statistics and economics is
strongly recommended. Familiarity with matrix algebra is also strongly
d. Applicants must demonstrate in their personal statement that they have a
clear understanding of how the program of study will benefit them in
achieving their career goals. The Doctoral Program Committee places
considerable weight on the quality of the written personal statement.
e. The application must be submitted with three letters of recommendation
from individuals who are in a position to judge the applicant’s professional
and/or academic abilities. At least one recommendation must be from an
individual who can comment on the applicant’s academic qualifications (e.g.,
former instructor or advisor).
f. Applicants who hold an international degree must submit their qualifications
to World Education Services (WES) for evaluation. They must hold a degree
equivalent to a US baccalaureate degree, as determined by WES.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
g. Applicants for whom English is not their first language must submit scores
from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International
English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. Students must score a
minimum of 90 on the internet based TOEFL (or 550 on the paper-based
version). The minimum score for the IELTS is 6.5.
h. GRE scores are not a required component for the PhD application. Applicants
who feel that their past academic performance and/or prior work history do
not adequately represent their skill set may submit GRE scores for
b. Transfer Students
a. Transfer credits are accepted pursuant to University of Pittsburgh and School
of Public Health policies.
b. Students who have completed the Master of Science in HSRP, Master of
Health Administration or the Master of Public Health in the Department of
Health Policy and Management can transfer up to 24 credits.
c. Where the same course is required for the doctoral program and the MPH or
MHA programs, the transfer credits will be accepted if this course has been
passed with a B grade or higher
d. Transfer students who have completed the Pitt Public Health core (or
equivalent at another institution) are not required to take PUBHLT 2011,
“Essentials of Public Health.”
e. Courses that are taught concurrently at the doctoral and masters level, e.g.,
Health Policy Analysis, that have two different course numbers include
additional material designed for Doctoral students that transfer students
must complete. At the discretion of their academic advisor and the course
instructors, the student can register for an independent study to complete
the doctoral level component of each course.
f. Courses that are not required can be counted toward the ‘area of focus’ (See
Section Program of Study’) only if they meet the requirements of defining an
area where the student is seeking advanced training. In most cases, it is not
likely that masters level coursework will meet this requirement.
g. Students who are enrolled in the Master of Science in HSRP, Master of Health
Administration, or the Master of Public Health in the Department of Health
Policy & Management may apply to the Ph.D. program and transfer credits
for courses already completed. In most cases, these students will need to
follow the recommended sequence of courses beginning with year 1;
however, they may be able to begin their ‘area of focus’ courses if they have
already completed courses that are required for both masters and doctoral
programs (e.g., Health Economics, and Health Policy Analysis).
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
c. Application Deadlines
The doctoral program only accepts applications for Fall (August) admission and follows
the School of Public Health’s application deadline, which is generally January 15
. Please
note deadlines are subject to change. Deadlines can be found by visiting the school or
program website : For more information please
direct all enquires to [email protected].
Program of Study
Required Courses
The program of study includes HPM (departmental) core courses, Pitt Public Health
school-wide courses, and electives offered in more than 15 schools (e.g. School of
Medicine, Swanson School of Engineering, School of Law, etc.). Additionally, as part of the
doctoral program, PhD students are expected to gain experience in the conduct of
research and teaching.
In addition to the list of required courses, all students are required to attend the Doctoral
Research and Professional Development Seminar every semester and register for at least
2 semesters. A detailed description of the seminar series is provided in section “c.
Doctoral Research and Professional Development Seminar.” Students without previous
experience in health care are expected to enroll in or audit HPM 2105: Introduction to
the US Healthcare Delivery System.
The minimum credit requirement for the PhD program is 72 credits of completed course
work and independent research. Twenty-four credits may be awarded for a previously
earned master’s degree in a similar field (e.g. MS, MPH or MHA) toward the 72-credit
total. PhD students must register for a minimum of 1 dissertation credit or Full Time
Dissertation Research (FTDR) during their time in the program.
The following table provides a checklist of requirements for the PhD in Health Services
Research and Policy.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
Electives & Area of Focus
Students must take at least 12 credit hours of electives that form a coherent area of
focus from any school or department of the University or from schools that are part of
the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) cross-registration agreement. The
area of focus is a tool for students and advisors to help articulate the student’s area of
expertise as it relates to their planned dissertation and future career goals. It is
intended to help students identify technical and subject matter coursework relevant to
their planned dissertation topic.
The area of focus must identify a goal or theme that will be met by completing the
listed courses. By the end of their second year, students must complete the area of
focus form (the program coordinator will distribute), have it approved by their
academic advisor, and submit for approval by the doctoral program director.
A list of suggested electives is available from the program coordinator (example areas
include decision science, health economics, and policy analysis). Students can select
from the listed electives or identify other courses to construct an area of focus that is
approved by their academic advisor.
Doctoral Research and Professional Development Seminar
Students are required to attend the seminar for at least 6 terms; they must register for
the course in two terms for a total of 3 credits. The purpose of the seminar is to
introduce students to the field of Health Services Research and Health Policy and to stay
current with issues and articles in the literature. The seminar consists of three related
components: research presentations by internal and external faculty of their own
research or a discussion of developments in her/his discipline and/or related policy
implications; a series of professional development workshops; and a journal club in
which students present a critique of one or more topical articles. Students must lead the
discussion at least once (typically multiple times) during their 6 terms. Grading is based
on attendance and active participation.
Teaching Requirement
It is required that students successfully complete a teaching experience before
graduation. The teaching requirement is typically met by serving as a teaching assistant
(TA) for at least one term. The student must design and teach at least one module
during the course. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to attend teaching
workshops offered through the University Center for Teaching and Learning and are
encouraged to register for FACDEV 2200: Practicum on University Teaching. More
information on the workshops and classes offered through the University Center for
Teaching and Learning can be found here:
Students can receive academic credit for this experience. Although the student will
typically be assigned as TA to a course within the department, external courses may
also be appropriate. Depending on the course and the student’s source of funding,
this experience may be paid or unpaid. The course assignment must have some
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
relevance to the field of health services research, health policy and/or the individual
student’s area of scholarly focus.
The student must obtain approval in advance from the program director(s) regarding
the course for which they will serve as the TA. Once approval has been given, the
student must notify the program coordinator who will track this requirement.
Each student admitted to the program will be matched to an academic advisor based
on interest areas identified during the application procedure. The academic advisor will
review course registrations and advise the student on important milestones. In
particular, the academic advisor will work with the student and program administrator
to ensure that the student is taking required courses in the proper sequence to be
prepared for the preliminary and comprehensive examinations. The academic advisor
will help the student select electives that best match the student’s interest and that
form a cohesive area of focus.
The academic advisor is not required to serve as the dissertation chair or as a member
of the Dissertation committee but is expected to continue to monitor the student’s
progress throughout her/his Doctoral studies.
Changing academic advisors can be done at the request of the student at any time. In
recognition that the student may be reluctant to breach the issue with their advisor or
with a new potential advisor, she/he may make the request of the doctoral program
director who must approve this change and assign a new advisor.
Policies and Procedures
Forms and Deadlines: All departmental forms and deadlines are posted on the Doctoral
Program web page or in the Doctoral Program Microsoft Teams folder.
Registration: Course registration for each term must be done in consultation with the
student’s academic advisor who must sign the registration form. Registration deadlines
are set by the University and it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of them.
The registration should list PPBHL as your school and HPM-PhD as your plan. Please use
your PeopleSoft identification number in lieu of your social security number.
Course Credit Requirements: Students must be registered for at least one credit in each
12-month interval to maintain active status. Students should not expect to receive
guidance or direction from members of the faculty, be able to use the library, online
services or other University resources unless they are registered. Students must be
registered in the term in which they take preliminary and comprehensive examinations,
conduct their overview and final defense of their dissertations. Students must be
registered for at least one credit of Full-Time Dissertation Research (FTDR) credits
during the semester in which they plan to graduate.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
Student Progress: The progress of each student will be reviewed at least annually by the
Doctoral Program Director(s). The Director(s) may place a student on inactive status
which may require a student to reapply to the program and take additional coursework
if adequate progress is not being made in the student’s academic program.
Residency Requirements: Doctoral students must meet the residency requirement of at
least one term of full-time doctoral study, excluding other employment except as
approved by the Doctoral Committee.
Grade Point Average: According to Pitt Public Health policy, any time a student’s GPA
falls below 3.0 she/he will be automatically placed on academic probation by the
Educational Performance and Curriculum Committee (EPCC). Students on probation will
be counseled by their advisor and be informed in writing of the procedures to remove
the probation in an appropriate period of time.
As noted below, students must maintain a 3.3 average in required courses to be eligible
to take the preliminary and comprehensive examinations.
Students Admitted Provisionally: Any student who has been admitted provisionally
must make sure that she/he has met the requirements for full status prior to applying
for graduation. A student admitted pending receipt of a final transcript from a post-
baccalaureate degree must submit the final transcript to the Office of Student Affairs
prior to taking the Preliminary Examination. A student will not be permitted to sit for
the Preliminary Examination until receipt of all transcripts has been confirmed.
Statute of Limitations (from the Graduate and Professional Bulletin): All requirements
must be completed within 10 years, or within 8 years if the student has received credit
for a master’s degree appropriate to the field of study. Under extraordinary
circumstances, a student may apply for an extension of the statute of limitations. The
request must be approved by the Doctoral Committee, the Department Chair and the
Credit Requirements: The doctoral program is a 72-credit program designed for full-
time study; however, students may be enrolled on a part-time basis. A minimum of 36
credits must be completed at the University of Pittsburgh. A full credit load is a
minimum of 9 and up to 15 credits per term.
Twenty-four credits are awarded for an earned, relevant master's or post-baccalaureate
degree that is the equivalent of a U.S. master’s degree. For students who have earned a
post baccalaureate degree internationally, the decision to award credit for that degree
will be made on a case by case basis. In all cases, application for Advanced Standing
credit must be submitted to and approved by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
Additionally, up to twelve transfer or advanced standing credits may be awarded for
relevant graduate work taken after the student has earned a master’s or post-
baccalaureate degree.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
Dissertation Credits & Graduation: Doctoral students must register for at least one
credit of Full Time Dissertation Research (FTDR) in the 12-month period preceding
defense of their dissertation and be registered for at least one credit of FTDR during the
term in which they graduate. Students may register for FTDR (the zero-credit full-time
doctoral dissertation course) only after they have earned a minimum of 48 credits
beyond the master’s degree, including advanced standing credits. To register for FTDR
or dissertation credits, students must also have passed the comprehensive
Cross Registration: Students may register for courses offered at institutions
participating in the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) cross-registration
agreement (Carnegie Mellon University, Duquesne University, the Pittsburgh
Theological Seminary and Robert Morris University). Such coursework must be
approved in advance by the academic advisor. Credits will not be counted as transfers
and will count toward the degree and GPA calculations.
Incompletes and Withdrawing from Class: In order to graduate, outstanding incomplete
grades of “G” or “I” must be changed to letter grades, N or W, and a memo must be
submitted from the Program Office to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs stating that
the incomplete course is not required for graduation. A “W” is given when students
complete a Monitored Withdrawal permission form to withdraw from the class.
(Contact the program coordinator for more information.) The class instructor’s
signature is required and the form must be completed by the Monitored Withdrawal
deadline specified in the academic calendar for the given term. Students must register
again for the class at a later time when it is offered if it is required for graduation.
Students may choose to audit any graduate course on a space available basis. After
obtaining the instructor's permission to audit a course, students should follow the same
procedures as registering for credit. Note that N or W grades result in zero credits.
Exemption from a Required Course: Students may apply for a course waiver if they have
already taken a course that may be equivalent to a required course in the doctoral
program. To do this, students must fill out a Course Exemption form and obtain
approval from their advisor and the program director. The appropriate form must be
accompanied by a transcript showing a passing grade and the course syllabus. If
students are requesting to waive a school core course, the designated instructor will
make the decision. If it is a departmental core class, the instructor for that course will
make the decision and the department chair must also sign off.
Two examinations are required to assess the student’s progress and achievement of
general knowledge and skills appropriate for a health services researcher with a
Doctorate in Health Services Research and Policy: The Preliminary Examination and the
Comprehensive Examination. Subsequent to successful completion of these two
examinations, the Dissertation Overview and the Dissertation Defense (Final Oral
Examination) are also required.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
For each milestone, the Program Coordinator will prepare the form, Report on
Requirements for a Doctoral Degree. This must be signed by the appropriate committee
and the Department Chair, and then submitted to the Office of Student Affairs for
official recording. The student should contact the Program Coordinator about obtaining
and completing this form.
Preliminary Examination (Years 1 and 2)
The purpose and timing of the Preliminary Examination is described in the University of
Pittsburgh Regulations Governing Graduate Study as follows:
The preliminary evaluation should be designed to assess the breadth of the
student's knowledge of the discipline, the student's achievement during the first
year of graduate study, and the potential to apply research methods
independently. The form and nature of the evaluation should be approved at the
school level and described in the school bulletin. It should be conducted at
approximately the end of the first year of full-time graduate study. The
evaluation is used to identify those students who may be expected to complete a
doctoral program successfully and also to reveal areas of weakness in the
student's preparation.
Evaluation results must be reported promptly to the dean's office, but no later
than the last day of the term in which the evaluation occurs.
To sit for the preliminary examination, students must have:
Full academic status (if the student was admitted with any provisions they must
be cleared before taking the preliminary examination).
Completed the IRB online modules related to human subjects research: At a
minimum, “Research Integrity” and “Human Subjects Research in Social and
Behavioral Sciences” ( and have submitted the
certificate of completion to the program coordinator.
Completed all designated courses (i.e. those required in year one) on the
Program of Study for the doctoral program.
o The required courses in Year One include: BIOST 2041, BIOST 2049,
EPIDEM 2110, HPM 2905, HPM 3000, HPM 3001, HPM 3064 and HPM
A 3.3 or higher grade point average.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
The Topic
For the Preliminary Examination, students will choose a topic related to Health Services
Research and Policy that is not necessarily related to the student’s eventual dissertation
topic. Students should keep in mind that for this exam they are expected to
demonstrate knowledge of the discipline and apply research methods, quantitative
and/or qualitative, while addressing their topic. Also, it is advisable that the topic be
sufficiently focused to allow the student to implement the proposed research design
and data analysis on their own.
Once students have selected a topic, they should contact the program director(s) to
discuss. The program director(s) will help the student determine the appropriateness of
her/his topic, recommend any revisions if needed and approve it. If the topic is not
appropriate, the faculty advisor or another appropriate faculty member will assist the
student in revising it. Students will have from March 1
of their first year to September
of their second year to complete the preliminary exam. Students must submit their
exam electronically to the program coordinator by close of business on September 1
Failure to do so, without prior approval for extenuating circumstances, will result in the
student having to redo the exam.
The Examination
The format of the preliminary exam will be a 4,000-6,000 word research paper, not
including references; the student is expected to provide a word count upon submission.
No more than five tables may be included in the paper. Please use a standard 12-point
font and standard one-inch margins. The paper should follow a standard format
including a structured abstract, introduction, data and methods, results, discussion and
conclusions. An acceptable approach would be to pick a well-respected journal (such as
Health Services Research [HSR]) and follow the article submission format. Example
sections are further detailed below.
Approximately one to two weeks after the paper is submitted to the program office,
students are required to give a 15-minute oral presentation of their work to the
Examination Committee. This can include a PowerPoint presentation of approximately
10 minutes in length with 5 minutes reserved for questions. Prior to presenting to the
exam committee, you must schedule a meeting with the program director(s) and
discuss your presentation with them first.
The committee members will then ask students questions about their paper and
presentation. Students should be mindful that questions may relate to different aspects
of the topic they are addressing. They also may relate to the research methods the
student employed or to alternative methods. After the question and answer session,
students will be asked to leave the room and the Committee will discuss the student’s
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
In assessing the student’s performance, no specific weights are assigned to each part of
the examination. Rather, the student’s work will be graded as a whole, based on the
overall quality and completeness of the paper, the clarity of the presentation, and the
student’s responses to questions. Finally, the Committee will discuss its evaluation
with each student at the conclusion of the session.
The Committee will also provide written comments to each student regarding their
performance. Students may pass the exam outright as presented, may be asked to
make revisions to the paper for subsequent review and approval, or may fail the
examination. If the student fails, the student can retake the Preliminary Examination
only once. After her/his presentation, the student may schedule a meeting with the
Program Director to receive feedback on her/his presentation.
Additionally, the research paper must be developed into a poster and presentation for
the Dean’s Day competition in the following spring semester.
The student is expected to take the Preliminary Examination after two semesters of full
time study or the equivalent amount of part time study. The student must complete
the Preliminary Exam by the end of the third semester of full time study or upon
completing no more than 30 credits in the program.
Format and Examination Details
Paper: The length of the paper should be within the range of 4,000 to 6,000 words,
double-spaced pages, excluding references, and should address all of the topics in the
attached outline. Papers should use a 12-point font and 1 inch margins. Parts I, II, and III
should be approximately of the same length. Part IV may be relatively shorter.
Oral presentation: The student should use the oral presentation as an opportunity to
emphasize the most important points of her/his paper. Since all committee members
should have read the paper prior to the presentation, the student you should not repeat
everything that is included and certainly should not read it verbatim. The presentation
should use Power Point or and equivalent graphic display. Equipment to enable the
Power Point presentation will be set up for your use. The presentation should not
exceed 15 minutes in length and at least five minutes should be anticipated for Q&A.
Recommended Format
In preparing her/his paper, the student should follow the following format addressing
the following components as relevant:
Background (4-6 pages)
A. Description of the Health Services/Health Policy Topic
Identify and describe the specific issue you are addressing and its significance. In what
ways is this issue, specifically, a health services or health policy problem, that can be
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
appropriately addressed by appropriate research design and methods?
B. Relevant Aspects of the Health Services/Health Policy (HS/HP) Topic
Discuss aspects of the HS/HP issue you have chosen as it relates to different levels and
components of its environment, e.g., individual, interpersonal, community,
organizational, national and/or global. Identify the primary stakeholders and/or
constituency groups involved in the issue and how they affect or are affected by this
C. Literature Review/Contribution to the Literature
Provide a synthesis of published literature that supports the scientific premise for your
paper and relates to your study question. Highlight the unique contributions that your
study makes to the extant literature in the area.
D. Conceptual Framework
All issues are constructed and embedded in fundamental sociocultural contexts. These
are often depicted as conceptual frameworks for research. Describe the social, cultural,
structural and economic factors that impact the issue you are addressing. If
appropriate, discuss the issue as it relates to the analyses conducted. State your major
research/evaluation question(s), or specific hypotheses to be tested
E. Conclusion
The student should end this section with a brief summary of how the conceptual
framework described informs the research/evaluation question(s) and research design.
Conclude by restating the primary research/evaluation question or hypothesis and
summarize the significance of this question.
Quantitative Research/Evaluation Study (4-6 pages)
In describing the research design, the student is expected to:
A. Identify the relevant construct(s) related to your research or evaluation
question(s) and/or hypotheses.
B. Describe the study population and indicate why this population is selected.
C. Describe your study design (e.g., cross-sectional, quasi-experimental, time
series, etc).
Discuss the methods used to collect data and justify why these methods
are appropriate. Describe each method in enough detail to inform the
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the methods chosen.
Explain how the constructs are made operational by defining the
variables and how they will be measured.
D. Describe and justify the sampling strategy, including the following:
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
Describing the sampling unit and sampling frame
Discussing what factors will influence the target sample size
How will the sampling strategy affect the generalizability of findings?
What steps should be taken to deal with sample bias?
E. Discuss the methods of analysis. Including:
The general goals, procedures, and principles of the data analysis.
The statistical tests to be used and why they are appropriate.
F. Address issues of validity and reliability in the research/evaluation study.
G. Identify and discuss the ethical issues associated with the research/evaluation
study and how they will be addressed. them in your design?
Qualitative Research/Evaluation Study (4-6 pages, if applicable)
In describing the design:
A. Conceptualize the major constructs related to the research or evaluation
B. Describe the research setting and indicate its relevance for this study.
C. Identify and describe the study design.
D. Discuss the methods used to collect data and justify using these
Describe the methodology in enough detail that the reader gains a clear
sense of your procedures.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the methods chosen given
the theoretical constructs grounding the study.
Discuss any barriers to accessing the data and/or other constraints in
maintaining relationships with collaborating institutions and key
E. Describe the target population and sampling strategy. Including:
Describe and justify the criteria for selecting study participants, or the
contexts for observation for each of your data collection methods.
Explain and justify your sample size and describe the characteristics of
the participants on relevant variables, e.g., age, gender, SES level,
health status, etc.
Describe and justify the time frame and setting for data collection.
Discuss any major issues, constraints, and concerns that affected the
selection of study participants.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
F. Discuss your methods of analysis. Including:
The rationale for the methods of data analysis employed.
The logic and procedures used to identify key themes, patterns, and
common threads, etc.
The role of triangulation in the analysis and findings.
G. Address issues of potential bias, validity, and reliability of the data and ability to
generalize the findings and conclusions.
H. Identify and discuss the ethical issues associated with your research/evaluation
study. How are you addressing them in your design?
Discussion Section (2-4 pages)
A. The discussion should be directly linked to the focus, design, objectives and
findings of the study and the following issues should be addressed:
In what ways did the findings address the research questions or
hypothesis posed?
How did the analysis and findings contribute to current knowledge
about the target issue or problem?
To what extent did the study contribute to theory, model-building,
and/or methodological development in this field?
B. Discuss dissemination and utilization of your results. Include the following:
Describe and justify your intended audience(s) and/or stakeholders.
Identify and discuss the ways you will disseminate your results.
Discuss the ways your research or evaluation results will be helpful to
your intended audience.
Comprehensive Examination (Year 2)
From the University of Pittsburgh Regulations Governing Graduate Study:
The Comprehensive Examination should be designed to assess the student's
mastery of the general field of doctoral study, the student's acquisition of both
depth and breadth in the area of specialization within the general field, and the
ability to use the research methods of the discipline. In some programs, the
comprehensive examination is combined with the overview or prospectus
meeting. It should be administered at approximately the time of the completion
of the formal course requirements and should be passed at least eight months
before the scheduling of the final oral examination and dissertation defense. In
no case may the comprehensive examination be taken in the same term in which
the student is graduated. Examination results must be reported promptly to the
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
dean's office but no later than the last day of the term in which the examination
is administered. A student who is unable to complete all degree requirements
within a five-year period after passing the comprehensive examination may be
re-examined at the discretion of the department or school. (Revised 2000)
The student must have passed the preliminary examination and completed all
the departmental and school required core courses before sitting for the
Comprehensive Examination.
Typically, students will take the comprehensive examination after four
semesters of full-time study or its equivalent of part-time study (approximately
48-52 credits).
The student must have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.3.
The student must be registered during the semester in which she/he takes the
comprehensive examination.
Preparing for Your Comprehensive Examination
To prepare for the comprehensive exam, students should meet with the instructors for
each of the five courses that make up the comprehensive exam. The courses are as
follows: Health Care Organizations and Environments, Intermediate Health Economics,
Longitudinal and Clustered Data Analysis, Health Policy Analysis, and Econometrics.
Students will be given a set of sample exam questions in the spring of their second year
to guide preparation for the Examination.
The objective of the exam is to assess the student’s mastery of content from numerous
disciplines in health services research and policy with emphasis on knowledge gained in
the following courses:
BIOST 2050: Longitudinal and Clustered Data Analysis
HPM 3010: Health Care Organizations and Environments
HPM 3064: Health Policy Analysis
HPM 3125: Intermediate Health Economics
HPM 3505: Advanced Empirical Microeconomics Methods with Applications for
Healthcare Research
The Examination
The Comprehensive Examination will be held in the summer following the second year
of study. The exam will be based on core classes that students have taken during the
first two years. The format will be a take-home, open-book, timed exam that will test
the students’ knowledge and analytical abilities. Students will complete the exam over a
week-long time period. They will have 2 (business) days to complete the first two
sections, 24 hour break, 2 days to complete the following two sections, 24 hour break,
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
and 1 day (12 hours) to complete the remaining section. A bibliography must be
included with each section. Students will be allowed to use a computer to type their
responses and may use any resource available electronically or in the library system.
Students are not allowed to consult or discuss the exam with other students, faculty
members, or outside sources. Each section of the exam must be submitted
electronically to the program coordinator by the given deadline. Failure to do so will
result in having to retake the exam.
The comprehensive exam committee, composed of the instructors for the courses listed
above, will judge the quality of your work. The committee may decide that you will
make modifications. The Committee will sign off on the Report on Requirements for a
Doctoral Degree once its members decide that you have satisfied the requirements.
A student who has not completed all degree requirements within 5 years of passing
the Comprehensive Examination will be required to re-take the exam based on
contemporary standards. This requirement is to assure that students graduate with
mastery of current knowledge in the field.
Dissertation Overview (Year 3 or 4)
The Dissertation Overview establishes a formal research plan for the doctoral
dissertation. The purposes of this milestone are for the student:
To develop a proposal for the dissertation;
To demonstrate understanding of how the dissertation will contribute
unique knowledge to the field of health services research and policy;
To show the ability to conduct the proposed research with input from
dissertation committee members.
At successful completion of the Dissertation Overview, the student is admitted into
candidacy for the Ph.D. Degree. Students must have completed all required coursework
and planned electives, and have passed both preliminary and comprehensive
examinations prior to scheduling the Dissertation Overview. Students should aim to
complete the overview by Spring of Year 3 or Fall of Year 4. The Dissertation Overview
has three components described in more detail below: a) committee formation, b)
development of a dissertation proposal, and c) presentation of the overview to
dissertation committee members. The Dissertation Overview process begins with the
student and Dissertation Advisor discussing potential areas of research focus.
a. Committee Formation
The doctoral dissertation committee must be formed in accordance with Pitt Public
Health guidelines. The student will identify a faculty member who agrees to be the
Dissertation Advisor and Chair. This faculty member may be their academic advisor, or
someone different, however, it is useful for the student to select a faculty member with
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
whom he or she has worked closely. Additional committee members should be selected
in close consultation with the Dissertation Advisor.
The Pitt Public Health guidelines for committee formation are as follows:
• The committee must consist of at least four University of Pittsburgh
faculty members.
• At least two members must be on the core list of some GSPH department.
• The majority of members must have graduate faculty status.
• One of the Pitt faculty on the committee must not be on the core list
from the student's department.
• If thesis work includes internship/practica experience, including data and
policies, from the Allegheny County Health Department the committee
must include a preceptor from the Allegheny County Health Department.
If the preceptor is an adjunct faculty member, they count as a faculty
member. If they do not hold an adjunct appointment, they must be added
in addition to all faculty on the committee.
In addition to these guidelines, students should consider several other factors when
forming a committee including but not limited to the following.
Development of a dissertation proposal – particularly the formation of the
specific research questions and selection of a committee should be
iterative. It is hard for a student to know who should be on his/her
committee until he/she knows the questions he/she is asking. Likewise, it
is hard to know if he/she is asking the right questions without the feedback
of committee members! It is best to start this process with 1-2 faculty
members until some progress is made on the dissertation prospectus.
The committee as a whole should contain the bulk of (though not
necessarily all) expertise needed to guide the student on his or her
dissertation papers.
The committee should be large enough to provide the student with the
requisite breadth of expertise but not so large as to be unwieldy and make
reaching consensus difficult, and scheduling impossible.
Committee members can often be helpful in coaching students to the next
phase of their career, and in particular, through the fellowship or job
search. As such, committee members may assist through writing
recommendation letters and facilitating introductions to others in the
field. Students may wish to consider these factors when forming a
The three papers that form the basis of the dissertation will often have
multiple co-authors. It is important to remember that not all co-authors
need to be members of the committee and that not all committee
members need to be co-authors on each paper. Authorship guidelines
should be followed independent of the dissertation process.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
b. Dissertation proposal
It is the responsibility of the student to prepare a written dissertation proposal that
outlines the conceptualization, rationale and methodology of the proposed doctoral
dissertation. In particular, the proposal must include a detailed plan for the three
manuscripts that form the written text of the final dissertation. The dissertation
proposal should cover the following. It should identify an overall theme (or themes);
propose specific research questions with hypotheses (although some papers without
testable hypotheses may be appropriate); present a brief and focused review of
relevant literature; identify the unique contributions the work will make to the field;
describe proposed analytic approaches to be used for each paper (including a
description of data sources, study design, quantitative and/or qualitative methods to be
used in analyses, descriptions of variables with rationale for their inclusion); discussion
of potential challenges or limitations to the approach; finally a discussion of the
implications of the potential findings and how they will inform policy or practice.
There is no required length for the dissertation overview and successful documents can
vary substantially (e.g., 20 to 60 pages). The dissertation overview should be developed
with substantial input from the dissertation advisor and from each committee member.
In practice, students typically will have their dissertation advisor review several drafts
while committee members may review only 1-2 drafts prior to the Overview
Presentation. Two weeks prior to the scheduled Overview Presentation, the student
should provide the committee members with a copy of the final draft of the
dissertation proposal.
c. Overview Presentation
The Overview Presentation is an in-person meeting between the student and his or her
Dissertation Committee. The Overview shall be scheduled through the program
coordinator. At the Overview, the student will make an oral presentation of the
proposed research and will be examined by the committee. The Overview is generally
scheduled for 2 hours. Students should plan on no more than a 30-45 minute
presentation of the key points from her or his Dissertation Proposal. The Dissertation
Committee has the responsibility of ensuring that the student meets appropriate
academic standards. This Committee has the authority to require that the student
revise his or her proposal. Committee approval does not imply acceptance of the
dissertation. In addition, the student may need to revise the methodology as the
research progresses, necessitating further meetings of the entire committee. In fact, the
majority of students make substantive changes between what is presented in the
Dissertation Proposal/Overview Presentation and the Dissertation Defense.
Doctoral dissertation research must have appropriate clearance from the University of
Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board (IRB). This clearance must be in place before
research commences but may not be required prior to the Dissertation Overview.
Other helpful hints for navigating the Dissertation Overview Milestone:
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
(And for more see this article
The period during which the student develops the Dissertation Overview is
often one of the most stressful, frustrating, and seemingly inefficient times in
a doctoral student’s course of study.
There are many sources of stress during this period. The student is
transitioning from the coursework phase which is highly structured and filled
with externally-imposed deadlines to the dissertation phase which requires
more self-motivation and self-imposed order. This is challenging even for the
most organized students.
Structure helps. Deadlines impose structure. Dissertation Advisors can help
set deadlines. Students should meet regularly during the period of
Dissertation Proposal development with her or his potential Dissertation
Advisor. Students should set clear agendas for these meetings and identify
follow-up tasks to complete before the next meeting.
The Dissertation Overview period is characterized by lots of dead endsideas
that start off with a bang and end with a whimper after encountering one of
several potential roadblocks. Students may discover that someone has
already written the brilliant paper they were going to write, or may realize
that no data source exists to answer the question they are posing. Students
will often cycle through several research ideas before landing on the three
papers that form the basis of the Dissertation Overview. This is normal and to
be expected. It is an inherent part of the research process.
Writing helps. If you have an idea for a dissertation paper write it down. Start
with a bullet point, then write a paragraph, then a one-pager, then a two-
pager. Ask someone (or many) to read it and give you feedback. Then repeat.
Dissertation Defense
The doctoral dissertation defense presents the background and significance of the
research, a synthesis of the appropriate literature, the research design and the results
of the research. The dissertation research should represent an original study that makes
a significant contribution or advancement in the area of investigation.
a. Process
During the preparation of the dissertation, the student should be in frequent contact with
the committee chair. The student is expected to meet regularly with each of the
committee members although the frequency is nearly always less than with the
committee chair and will often vary by committee member and by paper based on the
expertise and feedback needed by the student to complete the work. The student is
responsible for regularly communicating updates to his or her committee members on
the progress of the dissertation.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
The dissertation defense shall be scheduled through the Pitt Public Health Office of
Student Affairs. The scheduling of the defense should occur only with the approval of
the committee chair.
The dissertation is in the form of three thematically linked manuscripts with an
introduction that provides an overview to the body of work. Each component must be
clearly written with careful documentation. It involves a substantive piece of original
and independent research grounded in an appropriate body of literature and theory.
The written work must conform to the University of Pittsburgh style manual. All
dissertations must be submitted electronically using the Electronic Theses and
Dissertations (ETD).
Students may use a professional editor in the preparation of the dissertation. This
assistance must be limited to the use of language and not to subject matter or
interpretation. Students must describe and acknowledge all editorial assistance in the
text of the document.
Students must send several drafts of their dissertation to their committee members
throughout this process. A final draft of the dissertation must be given to each
committee member at least two weeks prior to the scheduled defense.
b. Defense
The dissertation defense is a public, oral presentation and examination of the student’s
research and is conducted by the doctoral dissertation committee. The student should
provide an overview of the three manuscripts that form the text of the dissertation and,
importantly, provide thematic linkage between them.
All members of the committee must attend the examination. Other individuals may
participate in the examination, however only members of the committee may be
present during the final deliberations and vote on the passage of the candidate. A
Report on Requirements for a Doctoral Degree form must be completed and signed by
the committee. This form must be submitted to the department chair then to the
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. The dissertation chair has the responsibility to
ensure that all modifications and revisions to the dissertation requested by the
committee are adequately completed as well as ensuring that the dissertation meets all
University formatting requirements before requesting signatures of the members of the
c. Unsatisfactory Performance
If the written text of the dissertation or performance at the defense does not meet the
expectations of the committee, the student will have one additional opportunity to
submit and defend a revised document.
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
A student may appeal the decision of the committee through discussion with the
doctoral program director(s), who may discuss the issue with the department chair. (If
the doctoral program director is on the committee, the appeal may go directly to the
department chair.) The program director(s) may uphold the committee decision,
attempt to mediate the differences, or recommend that a new committee be
constituted. Further consideration or resolution may be referred to the Dean or their
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
The Doctoral Program has a Program Director and a full time Program Coordinator. The
Doctoral Program Committee has responsibility for the curriculum, admissions, and
overseeing student progress. Membership on the committee is open to faculty at any
rank with primary or secondary appointments in the Department and who are members
of the Graduate Faculty. Persons outside the Department may be invited to participate
as needed.
To the extent feasible, the Doctoral Program Committee will work with the existing
Admissions and Curriculum committees in the Department to execute Committee
functions. Subcommittees may be formed as needed to execute Committee functions.
Curriculum. The Doctoral Program Committee will have responsibility for approving
changes to the Doctoral Degree. Proposed changes to the curriculum will be presented
to the Departmental curriculum committee for discussion and resolution of any conflict
with other degree programs. Changes to the Doctoral Degree curriculum may also
originate in the Departmental Curriculum Committee for approval by the Doctoral
Program Committee.
Admissions. The Doctoral Program Committee will set the standards for admission and
will review all applications in conformance with Pitt Public Health policy. Eligible
applicant files will be reviewed by the Doctoral Program Committee, which will make
recommendations on admission decisions.
Student Progress. The Doctoral Program director(s) will oversee all aspects of student
progress, including advising, preliminary and comprehensive examinations, and the
dissertation overview/dissertation defense. The director(s) will conduct an annual
review of all doctoral students.
Checklists and Forms
The following documents are available on the Program website or Teams folder:
a. Application Instructions
b. Program of Study
c. Elective Courses
d. Eligibility for Preliminary Examination
e. Eligibility for Comprehensive Examination
f. Area of Focus form
g. Certification of Teaching Requirement
h. Dissertation Overview Outline
i. Dissertation Progress Report (each semester while writing)
j. Graduation Checklist
HSRP Doctoral Program Handbook
From the Office of Disability Resources:
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an
accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and
Disability Resources and Services (address below) as early as possible in the
term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations
for this course:
140 William Pitt Union
412/648-7890 or
412/838-7355 (TTY)
PhD in Health Services Research and Policy
Department of Health Policy and Management
A631 Public Health
130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261