Resume Book Policy: Terms and Conditions
By signing this policy, I agree to and understanding the following:
I understand that UIS Career Development Center reserves the right to use discretion as to whom it
will and will not approve to grant access to our resume books and to change the term of its policy at
any given time.
I may only use the information provided for the sole purpose of employment or internship
recruiting. I may not use it for other purposes not related to direct employment (i.e. personal use,
referrals for friends, solicitation, or for marketing use). The materials cannot contain anything that
is threatening, obscene, slanderous, intolerable, and offensive or cause embarrassment to the
individual. To do so, is deemed a violation of our policy and will result in termination of your access
to UIS Resume Books, Career Development Center services and possible legal action.
Third-party recruiters are not considered authorized users, and therefore will not be given access to
the resume books. Resume Book access will only be given to recruiters or organizations whom have
been approved by our organization and have agreed to abide by our terms and conditions.
I understand that UIS Career Development Center reserves the right to deny its services to any
company/organization for the following reasons, but not limited to:
Failing to comply with the CDC or university policies
Providing any misleading or misrepresentation of information or lack of information
pertaining to internships or employment opportunities
Failing to uphold private and protected information
Sending inappropriate messaging other forms of communication that the Career
Development Center deems inappropriate
Providing null or void email addresses
Any harassment of students, staff, alumni or faculty
If the department receives complaints made by students, staff, alumni or faculty
If there is a violation of federal, state or local laws
I understand that UIS is an equal opportunity employer and I may not discriminate against any one
based on: gender, religion, race, political view, age, sexual orientation, disabilities, national origin,
or other representatives protected by the law.
I understand that if I want to access CDC Resume Books, I must have a position available and a job
description developed. I will send the CDC the job description for a review in order to assist in
identifying potential candidates resumes to post in the Resume Book.
Signature_________________________________________ Date_____________
Fax/Scan back to UIS CDC: Fax (217) 206-7544 Email: careerservices@uis.edu