Partitioning the relative fitness effects of diet and
trophic morphology in the threespine stickleback
Daniel I. Bolnick
and Márcio S. Araújo
Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas, USA and
Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências,
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
Background: Numerous models show that if morphology and diet are correlated, frequency-
dependent competition will lead to fitness differences among phenotypically dissimilar
individuals within a species.
Hypothesis: Selection acts primarily on diet, and only indirectly on morphology via its
correlation with diet.
Field sites and organism: British Columbia, Canada; 340 individual threespine stickleback
(Gasterosteus aculeatus) from McNair Lake and 430 individuals from First Lake.
Measurements: Stable isotopes (δ
C and δ
N; a proxy for diet); trophic morphology
(quantitative traits and geometric shape variables); and growth rates (RNA/DNA ratios; a
proxy for the component of fitness arising from competitive or foraging ability).
Analysis: Linear and quadratic regression of growth rate on stable isotopes and
morphological variables to calculate the relationship between growth (a fitness proxy) and diet
and/or morphology. When both morphology and isotopes affected growth rates, we used a path
analysis to separate their effects.
Conclusions: In the McNair Lake population, growth was dependent primarily on diet type
and only indirectly on trophic morphology. In a second population, path analysis found
that isotopes and body shape separately explain variation in growth rates. We infer that, in
stickleback, selection on trophic morphology is often a correlated side-effect of selection on diet
composition, rather than direct fitness effects of morphology per se.
Keywords: directional selection, frequency-dependent selection, fitness landscape,
function-valued trait, Gasterosteus aculeatus, stabilizing selection, stable isotopes,
trophic morphology.
A number of adaptive dynamic and quantitative genetic models suggest that frequency-
dependent competition for resources can generate stabilizing or disruptive selection
(Roughgarden, 1972; Rosenzweig, 1978; Slatkin, 1980, 1984; Taper and Case, 1985; Dieckmann and Doebeli, 1999; Doebeli and
Correspondence: D.I. Bolnick, Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin, One University
Station C0930, Austin, TX 78712, USA. e-mail: [email protected].edu
Consult the copyright statement on the inside front cover for non-commercial copying policies.
Evolutionary Ecology Research, 2011, 13: 439–459
© 2011 Daniel I. Bolnick
Dieckmann, 2003; Ackermann and Doebeli, 2004; Doebeli et al., 2007). Models of frequency-dependent
competition typically assume that diet has a one-to-one relationship with a measurable
morphological character (e.g. body size or gape width). In natural populations, morpho-
logical characters are indeed correlated with among-individual variation in resource use
(Smith, 1987; Robinson et al., 1996; Bolnick et al., 2003; Svanbäck and Eklöv, 2003, 2004; Martin and Pfennig, 2009).
For such normally distributed trophic traits, average phenotypes are more abundant and
thus likely to experience higher competition, but may be adapted to the most abundant
resources. The mode of selection (stabilizing or disruptive) therefore depends on the
distribution of the trophic trait, the resource diversity, and the strength of competition.
Strong intraspecific competition can generate disruptive selection on trophic morphology
by disproportionately reducing the abundance of resources for the most abundant
phenotypes in the population (Smith, 1987, 1993; Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick and Lau, 2008; Martin and Pfennig, 2009;
Svanbäck and Persson, 2009)
, particularly if resources are diverse (e.g. bimodal). In contrast,
stabilizing selection could arise if the phenotypic variance is greater than the optimal
variance determined by the resource distribution, for instance, if there is a single resource.
Models of competition-induced selection thus assume that selection acts directly on
individuals’ diets, and only indirectly generates selection on morphology. This indirect
action of selection on morphology is often overlooked, because models assume a one-to-one
relationship between diet and morphology. However, in most cases trophic morphology is
only moderately or weakly correlated with diet [typically <0.5 (Price, 1987; Robinson, 2000; Bolnick
and Paull, 2009)
]. Consequently, it may be more appropriate to measure selection or variation in
diet itself, rather than a morphological proxy (e.g. Bolnick et al., 2007). Following the terminology
introduced by Arnold (1983), we posit that there is a performance function in which
morphology influences diet, and a fitness function relating diet to fitness, which results in an
indirect morphology–fitness correlation. We thus view diet as an emergent trait that, much
like other ‘performance’ traits, is determined by a combination of underlying phenotypes
(e.g. morphology, behaviour, experience).
A weak correlation between diet and morphology should allow one to statistically
separate the effects of selection on diet and morphology to test the hypothesis that selection
acts directly on diet and indirectly on morphology. The alternative hypothesis, contrary
to existing models of selection resulting from frequency-dependent competition, is that
selection acts on morphology via some performance trait other than diet type. For instance,
phenotypically different individuals might adopt the same diet but have different rates of
prey capture or handling.
Here, we test these alternatives using quadratic regression and path analysis to evaluate
the partial correlations between each phenotypic metric (morphology or diet) and a proxy
for a component of selection that reflects competitive or foraging ability (hereafter,
‘fitness’). Based on models of competition-induced selection, we expect that diet is the
best predictor of our fitness proxy, with no additional contribution of morphology. If so,
measures of selection on diet and morphology should yield similar qualitative trends. For
instance, if diet is subject to disruptive selection, morphology should be under disruptive
selection as well, but have no separate partial correlation with fitness. Note that there are
reasonable scenarios under which these predictions can be falsified. While it may appear
obvious that diet affects fitness more directly than does morphology, if fitness variation
arises primarily via foraging efficiency rather than prey identity, then morphology is subject
to selection for reasons independent of diet composition. In other words, the performance
function relevant to selection may entail performance metrics other than diet.
Bolnick and Araújo440
We tested the above predictions by estimating selection gradients simultaneously for both
resource use and morphology, in the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, which
has previously been shown to experience selection arising from frequency-dependent
competition in some populations (Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick and Lau, 2008). Revisiting two populations
previously shown to experience disruptive selection, we instead found evidence for
stabilizing and directional selection. This selection acted on both resource use and
morphology, but in one lake the selection on morphology was simply a result of the
dietmorphology correlation as predicted.
Study system
Threespine stickleback is a suitable model organism to test the theoretical assumptions
regarding frequency-dependent competition. First, solitary natural populations show
substantial diet variation among co-occurring individuals, which tend to specialize on either
pelagic or benthic resources (Robinson, 2000; Nosil and Reimchen, 2005; Bolnick and Paull, 2009; Bolnick et al.,
2010; Matthews et al., 2010)
. Second, this diet variation is correlated with morphology (Robinson, 2000;
Bolnick et al., 2008; Snowberg and Bolnick, 2008; Bolnick and Paull, 2009; Matthews et al., 2010)
. As a result, within
a single lake population, diet similarity between individuals declines as a function of
morphological distance (Bolnick and Paull, 2009), as required for competition to be frequency-
dependent. Third, there is empirical evidence that stickleback trophic morphology is subject
to natural selection, ranging from disruptive in lakes with benthic/limnetic generalists, to
stabilizing in very large lakes, and directional in lakes with large migration load (Schluter, 1994,
1995, 2003; Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick and Lau, 2008; Bolnick et al., 2008)
. Finally, diet and morphology are only
moderately correlated (Robinson, 2000; Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick et al., 2008; Snowberg and Bolnick, 2008), making
it possible to statistically separate selection on diet and morphology, to test the predictions
listed above.
In May 2008, we collected adult stickleback from McNair Lake and First Lake (n = 340 and
430, respectively) on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The two lakes
contain solitary stickleback populations, morphologically intermediate between the
classic benthic and limnetic species pair forms. Within these solitary populations,
individuals utilize various combinations of littoral and pelagic prey. We chose these two
lakes because their stickleback populations were previously shown to be subject to natural
selection on trophic morphology (Bolnick and Lau, 2008).
In each lake, fish were collected using about 50 unbaited minnow traps placed for 4 h in
a variety of microhabitats along 0.5 km of shoreline in depths ranging from 0.1 to 10 m.
The sampling scheme was intended to capture a representative sample of the phenotypic
variation within lakes, since both benthic and pelagic phenotypes nest close to shore. The
vast majority (>90%) of morphological and dietary variance within a lake occurs within
small-scale samples [<10 m radius (L.K. Snowberg and D.I. Bolnick, unpublished results)], so we are
confident that our samples reflect the variance within each lake. Any sampling bias due to
selective trapping might affect trait means or variances, but should not bias our selection
Relative fitness effects of diet and trophic morphology 441
Collected specimens were euthanized in MS 222 and kept on ice in the field after a caudal
muscle tissue clip (0.5 mg) was removed and preserved in 0.5 mL of RNALater (Ambion).
Fish were quickly transferred to a 20C freezer and the RNALater-preserved samples to a
4C refrigerator for 5 weeks. All samples were stored at 80C thereafter. Collection
and euthanasia were carried out in accordance with University of Texas institutional guide-
lines for the care of vertebrate animals (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios are widely used in ecology as a measure of long-
term feeding history (Peterson and Fry, 1987; Post, 2002; Dalerum and Angerbjörn, 2005; Newsome et al.,
. Within a lacustrine population of stickleback, stable isotope values are moderately to
weakly correlated with individuals trophic morphology, use of benthic versus limnetic prey
(gut contents), and foraging microhabitat (Bolnick et al., 2008; Matthews et al., 2010). We dissected a
piece of caudal muscle tissue from each stickleback. Samples were dried at 60C for at least
48 h, ground with a mortar and pestle, and put into tin capsules (1 mg of material). These
were measured for δ
C and δ
N at the University of California at Davis Stable Isotope
Facility. We did not perform any lipid extraction/normalization techniques, because lipid
content in our samples was low, as indicated by the C:N ratios [MacNair Lake: 3.45 ± 0.88;
First Lake: 3.27 ± 0.08; mean ± .. (Post et al., 2007)], and not correlated with isotope
In stickleback, δ
C reflects the proportion of benthic versus pelagic carbon in their diet,
and δ
N reflects relative trophic position (Vander Zanden and Rasmussen, 2001; Post, 2002). These
interpretations can be made explicit by standardizing fish isotope ratios by the isotopes of
basal benthic and limnetic consumers [snails and mussels, respectively (Post, 2002)]. However,
in both lakes nearly half of stickleback had δ
C exceeding snail δ
C (maximum δ
C for
stickleback and snails was 19
C and 25
, respectively). This can occur if snails
consume phytoplankton detritus, making their isotopes less than fully benthic. The more
extreme values in fish leads to nonsensical estimates of percent benthic carbon (e.g. 250%
benthic carbon) and relative trophic position. Consequently, we report raw isotope values,
which we typically find are highly correlated with percent benthic carbon and trophic
position within a given population [r > 0.98 (L.K. Snowberg and D.I. Bolnick unpublished)].
We collected two types of morphological data, which were analysed separately. The first
dataset was composed of univariate measurements including body mass (blotted dry and
weighed to 0.001g), standard length, length of the lower jaw, body width at the pectoral fins,
length of the two largest gill rakers (GRL1 and GRL2), and gill raker number (GRN).
Body shape measurements were taken with a digital calliper accurate to 0.01 mm. Gill
rakers were measured with an ocular micrometer on a dissecting microscope. Sex was
determined by gonad inspection. Gill rakers were only measured on 244 of the 340 fish from
McNair Lake. All measurements were performed by M.S. Araújo.
A second dataset of geometric morphometric shape was obtained using tpsDig2 (Rohlf,
to digitize 23 homologous landmarks from the left side of each fish. We aligned the
landmarks in tpsRelw (Rohlf, 2005). To measure overall body shape variation, we calculated
Bolnick and Araújo442
relative warps from the 23 photograph landmarks, using tpsRelw. The first two relative
warps (RW
and RW
; see Fig. A1 at
were used as measures of body shape in subsequent analyses. In McNair Lake, RW
explained 34.2% and 16.3% of the variance in position, respectively, of the 23 aligned
landmarks (35.9% and 16.4%, respectively, in First Lake).
Selection estimate
Survivorship and lifetime fecundity are impossible to measure in natural populations of
stickleback. Moreover, we are more interested in the component of selection arising from
resource competition and foraging success, rather than total fitness variation. We therefore
use growth rate as a measure of foraging success and thus a proxy for the component of
fitness arising from competition. Growth rate is widely used as a fitness proxy in stickleback
(Schluter, 1994, 1995, 2003; Hatfield and Schluter, 1999; Hendry et al., 2002; Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick and Lau, 2008; but see
Taylor et al., 2011)
. Better foragers (or competitors) grow faster (Wootton, 1976, 1994), and
consequently are more fecund [number of eggs (Wootton, 1973, 1977; Ali and Wootton, 1999; Huntingford
et al., 2001; Bolnick, 2004a)
] and may survive better (Reimchen, 1991); although some studies argue to
the contrary (Bell and Haglund, 1978; Litvak and Leggett, 1992; Barber et al., 2001). We acknowledge that
measuring adult growth does not reveal selection on juveniles, measure other sources of
selection (e.g. predation, parasitism, sexual selection), and that selection may not always
favour the fastest growth rate.
To measure growth rate, we used the ratio of RNA to DNA concentration in muscle
tissue. The RNA/DNA ratio is highly correlated with growth rate in stickleback [r = 0.92
(Ali and Wootton, 2003)] and other fishes (Caldarone et al., 2001; Dahlhoff, 2004), because fish that grow
faster synthesize more protein and have higher RNA titre as a result (particularly ribosomal
RNA), whereas the amount of DNA remains constant in the cell. In a field experiment,
increased intraspecific competition depressed growth rate as measured by the RNA/DNA
ratio because of reduced prey availability (Svanbäck and Bolnick, 2007). This reduction in the
RNA/DNA ratio occurred over 2 weeks, whereas brief periods of starvation (e.g. 24 h) have
no effect on the ratio. Thus, it appears that the RNA/DNA ratio reveals growth variation
among individuals arising from differences in energy income over the preceding several days
to weeks. The RNA/DNA ratio has previously successfully revealed disruptive selection on
gill raker length and number in stickleback in the lakes studied here (Bolnick and Lau, 2008). We
followed Bolnick and Laus (2008) RNA/DNA quantitation protocol.
Statistical analyses
For each of the two lakes, we used the following analyses to test our hypothesis that
selection acts most directly on diet but is indirectly translated into selection on trophic
morphology. We estimated the fitness landscape within each lake using linear and quadratic
regression of our fitness proxy (ln-transformed RNA/DNA) against morphology
(quantitative traits and geometric shape variables) and diets (δ
C and δ
N) (Lande and Arnold,
. For the quantitative traits, we focused on size-corrected gill raker length and gill raker
number, which are most strongly correlated with diet here and in previous studies (Schluter,
1995; Robinson, 2000; Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick et al., 2008; Snowberg and Bolnick, 2008)
and which have previously
been implicated as a target of selection (Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick and Lau, 2008; Bolnick et al., 2008). For body
shape, we focused on RW
and RW
. For diet, we examined the separate effects of δ
C and
Relative fitness effects of diet and trophic morphology 443
N, which are only weakly correlated (First Lake: r =−0.14, P = 0.003; McNair: r =−0.27,
P < 0.001).
We regressed our fitness proxy (ln-transformed RNA/DNA) on three sets of variables:
(1) size-adjusted gill raker length and number; (2) body shape (RW
and RW
); and (3) diet
(measured as δ
C and δ
N). We size-corrected morphological traits by calculating the
residuals from regressions of the ln-transformed traits on an independent metric of overall
body size (centroid size computed from the 23 digitized landmarks). All independent and
dependent variables were transformed to have standard normal distributions (unit standard
deviation, mean of zero) to allow for comparison of selection gradients with other studies
(Lande and Arnold, 1983; Kingsolver et al., 2001).
Inspection of residual plots indicated linearity of the models and normal distribution of
errors in all cases. Applying a PCA-based size standardization yielded equivalent results
to our size-standardized measures. We therefore focus on the analyses of univariate size-
standardized traits. Several studies of selection on trophic morphology used the PCA
size standardization (Bolnick, 2004a; Bolnick and Lau, 2008; Bolnick et al., 2008), so for comparison with
those previous studies we also provide the results of selection gradient estimates for
PC axes, presented in the Appendix (Tables A1A4;
2657Appendix.pdf). Finally, we undertook cubic spline analysis for all quadratic regressions
to evaluate whether a quadratic model was appropriate (Schluter, 1988). In all cases where
quadratic regression terms were significant, cubic spline confirmed that a quadratic model
was an appropriate fit to the data.
We ran separate quadratic multiple regressions for each of the three sets of traits (gill
raker traits, body shape, and diet). For each multiple regression, we included sex as a factor
but excluded sex × trait interactions, which were never supported by F-tests or AIC. Sex was
removed from the models when non-significant (McNair Lake), but were retained when it
had a significant effect on growth (First Lake). Also, we found no significant selection on
correlations among morphological traits (consistent with Bolnick and Lau, 2008) or δ
C and δ
and so do not discuss those analyses here. To test for possible multicollinearity between
independent variables, we calculated variance inflation factors (VIFs) and found no
evidence of multicollinearity in any of the models (all VIFs < 2.5).
Whenever we found simultaneous significant selection gradients on diet and morphology
within a population, we used quadratic path analysis (Scheiner et al., 2000) to partition the linear
and quadratic effects of morphology (gill raker length) and diet on growth. The path model
is presented in the Results section. A more complex path model with gill raker number
and/or body shape yielded no additional significant path terms and did not change
the qualitative results, so we focus on gill raker length alone. A multiple regression model-
fitting approach using Akaikes Information Criterion yielded equivalent inferences as the
path analysis, so we focus our presentation on the conclusions arising from the path
Effects of diet or trait disparity on growth
Quadratic regression works well when disruptive selection acts along a single univariate trait
axis. Alternatively, frequency-dependent competition may favour any individual who
departs from the population mean regardless of the trait(s). To evaluate this possibility, we
took an alternative approach, in which we tested whether individuals distance (disparity)
from the population centroid (in any direction in multivariate trait space) conferred higher
fitness (RNA/DNA). First, we calculated the morphological (quantitative traits and relative
Bolnick and Araújo444
warps) and isotopic Mahalanobis distance between each individual and the population
centroid. With this metric, two individuals could differ from the population mean by the
same amount but along very different phenotypic axes. We then regressed standardized
ln(RNA/DNA) onto trait disparity (normalized to unit standard deviation), with sex
included where significant. We ran three separate disparity regressions, one for all
quantitative traits, one for the relative warps, and one for isotopes. A positive slope would
indicate that phenotypically peripheral individuals have higher growth rate, consistent with
disruptive selection, while a negative slope would indicate stabilizing selection. This
approach requires no a priori assumption as to which trait(s) or trait combinations are
subject to selection. As with the quadratic regressions described above, whenever both
morphology and isotopes showed significant fitness gradients, we used a path analysis
to partition the relative effects of morphological and dietary disparity on growth rates
(see Results for the model). All analyses were carried out in the R environment (R Development
Core Team, 2007.)
McNair Lake
There was no significant linear or quadratic relationship between growth rate and δ
C in
McNair Lake (Fig. 1A). In contrast, we found a negative linear relationship between growth
and δ
N (Table 1; Fig. 1B), suggesting there may be a directional component to selection
favouring individuals who feed on lower trophic position prey. There was no quadratic
relationship between growth and δ
N (Table 1) or correlation between growth and diet
disparity (Table 2).
We found evidence of directional selection on trophic morphology, paralleling the
selection on diet. Individuals with shorter gill rakers exhibited higher growth rates (Table 1;
Fig. 2A). Growth rates were also positively correlated with RW
(Fig. 2C), although the
relationship was only marginally significant (Table 1). Gill raker number and RW2 were
not correlated with growth rate (Fig. 2B, D). None of the morphological axes exhibited
quadratic relationships with growth. Consistent with the absence of quadratic selection
gradients, there was no relationship between growth rate and multivariate disparity in body
shape, morphology or stable isotopes (Fig. 3AC).
Gill raker length was positively correlated with trophic position (δ
N; see Table A5 at Consequently, the inferred directional
selection for lower trophic position is consistent with the directional selection for shorter gill
rakers. To isolate the relative contributions of morphology and diet to variation in growth
rates, we constructed a path analysis including the effect of gill raker length (linear and
quadratic) on diet (measured by linear and quadratic δ
N and δ
C), and the effects of gill
rakers and diet on growth (Fig. 4). The path analysis supports a model in which gill raker
length affects diet (both δ
N and δ
C, which are correlated with each other). However,
only relative trophic position (δ
N) influences growth rate. Thus, the directional selection
on gill raker length, noted above, is entirely explained by indirect selection in which gill
raker length affects trophic position, which affects growth rates. In the terminology of
Arnold (1983), there is a performance function relating morphology to diet, and a fitness
function relating diet to growth.
Relative fitness effects of diet and trophic morphology 445
First Lake
In First Lake, there was a negative quadratic relationship between growth and δ
C (Table 1;
Fig. 1C), implying a stabilizing component to selection. In this lake, growth rate was
maximized for individuals with average values of δ
C, representing a roughly intermediate
mixture of benthic and limnetic resources. Note that both quadratic regression (Fig. 1C)
and cubic spline indicate that the fitness maximum is within the observed range of trait
values. There was no significant association between growth and δ
N in First Lake
(Fig. 1D), unlike McNair. Finally, regression of growth on isotopic disparity revealed a
significant negative association, implying that individuals far from the isotopic centroid
Fig. 1. Relationships between growth rate (RNA/DNA ratio) and two weakly inter-correlated meas-
ures of diet (δ
C in panels A and C; δ
N in panels B and D) for McNair Lake (A, B) and First Lake
(C, D). Isotope ratios and the RNA/DNA ratio were transformed to a standard normal distribution.
Quadratic (or linear) regression results are plotted as a solid line with dashed lines representing
95% confidence intervals for the slope. Significant relationships are plotted as thick trend lines,
non-significant relationships as thin lines. Sexes are plotted with separate symbols (solid = male,
open = female). A single trend line is provided for both sexes because trends are the same with or
without sex.
Bolnick and Araújo446
Table 1. Linear and quadratic relationships between growth and morphology or isotopes, by lake.
Estimates of linear and quadratic selection gradients (β and 2γ) for size-standardized log gill raker
length (GRL), size-standardized gill raker number (GRN), geometric shape variables (relative warps;
and RW
), and δ
C and δ
N stable isotopes. All traits were transformed into standard normal
distributions to provide gradient estimates comparable to other studies of selection
Lake and trait β .. (β) tP 2 .. (γ) tP
McNair Lake
0.079 0.036
2.224 0.027 0.009 0.055 0.160 0.873
GRN 0.002 0.036 0.065 0.948 0.054 0.055 0.982 0.327
0.057 0.030 1.912 0.057 0.027 0.042 0.640 0.522
0.036 0.030 1.220 0.223 0.044 0.042 1.043 0.298
C 0.008 0.031 0.266 0.790 0.032 0.043 0.734 0.463
0.074 0.031
2.423 0.016 0.029 0.029 0.997 0.320
First Lake
GRL 0.095 0.029 3.240 0.001 0.011 0.041 0.278 0.781
GRN 0.001 0.025 0.045 0.964 0.037 0.031 1.180 0.239
0.027 0.025 1.089 0.277 0.560 0.037 1.516 0.130
0.024 0.025 0.931 0.352 0.041 0.037 1.128 0.260
C 0.029 0.028 1.021 0.308
0.099 0.038
2.589 0.010
N 0.006 0.025 0.255 0.799 0.011 0.027 0.392 0.695
Note: GRL is the standardized log transformed mean length of the two longest gill rakers. For each trait in each
lake we provide the least squares slope estimate, its standard error, and statistical significance. Values in bold
indicate regression terms that are significantly different from 0 at α = 0.05. Linear and quadratic gradients were
estimated from different linear models. A sex effect was included in each model initially, but was dropped when not
supported by AIC. Sex had no significant effect on growth rate in McNair Lake, so was not included in the models
presented here. In First Lake, sex had a significant effect on growth rate (P < 0.001) in all the regression models and
so were retained, but we only present the regression slopes for the traits putatively under directional selection.
Table 2. Linear correlations between growth rates and isotopic and morphological disparity, by lake.
Morphological disparity (Mahalanobis distance from population centroid) was based on quantitative
traits (Morphological disparity
) and geometric shape variables (Morphological disparity
Isotopic disparity was based on δ
C and δ
N stable isotopes. The P-value for the sex effect on growth
is listed in the final column
Lake and trait β .. (β) tPSex
McNair Lake
Morphological disparity
0.056 0.038 1.479 0.140 0.027
Morphological disparity
0.015 0.033 0.485 0.628 0.244
Isotopic disparity 0.010 0.032 0.313 0.754 0.210
First Lake
Morphological disparity
0.048 0.026 1.877 0.061 << 0.001
Morphological disparity
0.079 0.025 4.389 0.002 << 0.001
Isotopic disparity
0.076 0.025
3.024 0.003 << 0.001
Note: Quantitative traits were body mass, standard length, body width, lower jaw length, gill raker length, and gill
raker number. For each trait in each lake we provide the least squares slope estimate, its standard error, and
statistical significance. Values in bold indicate regression terms that are significantly different from 0 at α = 0.05.
Relative fitness effects of diet and trophic morphology 447
Fig. 2. Relationships between growth rate and four morphological traits (relative gill raker length in panels A and E; gill raker number in panels B and
F; and body shape relative warp 1 in panels C and G, relative warp 2 in panels D and H) for McNair Lake (AD) and First Lake (EH). Gill raker
length was log-transformed and standardized by body size. All traits and growth rate were transformed to standard normal distributions. Quadratic
(or linear) regression results are plotted as a solid line with dashed lines representing 95% confidence intervals for the slope. Significant linear and/or
quadratic relationships are plotted as thick trend lines, non-significant relationships as thin lines. Sexes are plotted with separate symbols (solid
= male, open = female). With one exception, a single trend line is provided for both sexes because quadratic and linear terms are similar whether sex is
included or excluded. The exception is panel E, where a linear effect is only detected when sex is included in the model. For panel E we therefore plot
the trends for the sexes separately; in females there is a positive but non-significant effect of gill raker length on growth (thin line), while in males there
is a positive significant effect of gill raker length on growth (bold line). The linear gradient does not differ significantly between the sexes (no
sex × raker length interaction).
Fig. 3. Correlations between growth rate and three measures of trait disparity (quantitative trait morphology in panels A and D; geometric shape in
panels B and E; isotope ratios in panels C and F) in McNair Lake (AC) and First Lake (DF). Linear regression trends are plotted as a solid line with
dashed lines representing 95% confidence intervals for the slope. Significant linear relationships are plotted as thick trend lines, non-significant
relationships as thin lines. Sexes are plotted with separate symbols (solid = male, open = female). A single trend line is provided for both sexes because
trends are the same with or without sex.
Fig. 4. The results of quadratic path analysis, for each of the two lakes, estimating the relationships
between trophic morphology (gill raker length), diet (δ
C and δ
N), and a measure of growth rate
(RNA/DNA ratio; a fitness proxy). Morphology (rectangles) is assumed to determine individuals
diets (a performance trait, indicated by ovals), which affect fitness (diamond). Quadratic terms are
symbolized by shapes with dashed-line margins. Significant partial regressions are indicated by solid
arrows, non-significant regressions by dashed arrows. Correlations (no direction of causation
assumed) are indicated by double-headed arrows. Correlation coefficients and P-values are presented
for each element of the path (except the trait variances, and correlations between linear and quadratic
terms for a given trait). Path models with gill raker number yield identical patterns, but with no
significant effects of gill raker number on diet or growth; consequently, we do not present those
components of the path analysis.
grew poorly (Table 2; Fig. 3F). Both the quadratic and disparity approaches suggest that
ecologically generalist intermediate individuals had highest growth.
We found no significant quadratic selection gradients on gill raker traits or geometric
shape variables (Table 1; Fig. 2EH). However, in a model omitting the quadratic effect
we did find a significant linear relationship between gill raker length and growth rate
(Table 1; Fig. 2E). Thus, the stabilizing selection acting on δ
C is not translated into
stabilizing selection on gill raker length, in spite of the correlation between gill raker length
and δ
Path analysis clarified the relationship between the stabilizing selection on diet and the
concurrent directional selection on gill raker length (Fig. 4B). Much like McNair Lake,
in First Lake there was a correlation between gill raker length and both δ
C and δ
However, in First Lake growth rate exhibited both a linear and quadratic relationship with
C, but had no independent relationship with gill raker length. The path analysis thus
reveals that the inferred directional selection on gill raker length is an artefact of the linear
association between gill raker length and diet, together with the linear component of the
relationship between diet and growth. As with McNair Lake, we therefore conclude that gill
raker morphology only indirectly affects growth via their shared relationship with diet.
Consistent with our inference of stabilizing selection on diet, multivariate disparity in
body shape was negatively related with growth rate (Table 2; Fig. 3E). Thus, there appears to
be a component of selection acting to reduce isotopic and body shape disparity in First
Lake. We observed no such effect on quantitative trophic morphology traits (Fig. 3D).
A multiple regression model including both isotopic and shape disparity suggested that
both terms are independently and significantly related to growth rate (isotopic disparity:
t =−2.825, P = 0.005; morphological disparity: t =−2.967, P = 0.003). A path analysis
further clarifies this simultaneous traitgrowth and dietgrowth association (Fig. 5). The
path analysis confirms that body shape disparity and isotopic disparity both have a
significant direct negative effect on growth rate. However, the path analysis also reveals that
shape and isotopic disparity are not significantly correlated with each other. Thus, in First
Lake body shape must be linked to growth rate via some other, unmeasured performance
function. In contrast, quantitative trait disparity is positively correlated with isotopic
disparity, and thereby indirectly associated with growth rate. However, that indirect
correlation between quantitative trait disparity and growth is too weak to reach significance
when measured in a simple regression (P = 0.061; Table 2).
Several models of quantitative genetics and adaptive dynamics assume that selection on
individuals resource use (a performance trait) leads to correlated selection on trophic
morphology (Roughgarden, 1972; Rosenzweig, 1978; Taper and Case, 1985; Abrams et al., 1993; Dieckmann and Doebeli,
1999; Bolnick and Doebeli, 2003; Ackermann and Doebeli, 2004)
. This indirect effect of morphology on
fitness can be tested by partitioning the effects of morphology and resource use on growth
(Arnold, 1983). In the present study, individuals with different diets exhibited different current
growth rates. In McNair Lake, individuals feeding at lower trophic position exhibited higher
growth rates; in First Lake, growth was higher for ecological generalists with an inter-
mediate carbon signature representing a mixture of benthic and limnetic prey. To the extent
that current growth is a proxy for fitness, we conclude that selection does act on
sticklebacks resource use.
Relative fitness effects of diet and trophic morphology 451
The selection on diet indirectly generates correlations between growth and morphology.
In McNair Lake, growth was highest for individuals who both feed at lower trophic levels
and have shorter gill rakers. In First Lake, both gill raker length and benthic/limnetic
carbon use were correlated with growth and with each other. In both cases, path analysis
revealed no independent morphologygrowth correlation. Instead, morphology was
correlated with diet, which was correlated with growth. Thus, selection on gill raker
morphology in these systems conforms to a model of traitperformancefitness mapping
(Arnold, 1983), in which diet is an emergent (performance) trait that is most relevant for
The exception to this pattern of indirect selection on morphology was seen for body
shape and isotopic disparity. Positive or negative relationships between growth and disparity
should generally conform to patterns of disruptive or stabilizing selection, respectively. The
difference in these approaches is that disparity measures multivariate differences between
individuals, and thus is not restricted to a pre-defined (or even a single) trait axis. Consistent
with our inference of stabilizing selection on δ
C, we found a negative relationship between
isotopic disparity and growth. Notably, we found a similar negative trend for body shape
disparity, even though the first two body shape axes (RW12) were not under stabilizing
selection. Given the simultaneous selection against shape and diet disparity, we might have
expected another case of indirect selection on morphology via diet. However, in this
Fig. 5. The results of path analysis, for each of the two lakes, estimating the relationships between
morphological disparity (in trophic morphology or body shape), isotopic disparity, and a measure of
growth rate (RNA/DNA ratio; a fitness proxy). The meanings of various line and box shapes are as
described for Fig. 4.
Bolnick and Araújo452
instance diet and shape disparity have independent effects on growth, and are not noticeably
correlated with each other.
It is not immediately clear why body shape and diet have separate effects on growth.
We speculate that body shape might affect growth primarily via locomotion (and associated
energetic costs), or prey-capture success rates, rather than diet composition. Another
possible explanation could be that body shape affects aspects of diet that are not effectively
measured using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes have
been very effectively used to identify basic benthic/pelagic differences within stickleback
(Snowberg and Bolnick, 2008; Bolnick and Paull, 2009; Matthews et al., 2010), but additional axes of diet
variation do occur and are correlated with morphology (Araújo et al., 2008). If these other
axes of diet variation entail isotopically similar prey, our measures would fail to detect that
diet variation. In this case, selection acting on undetected diet variation would appear to
directly affect morphology. Finally, there is a potential mismatch between the time-scale of
our fitness and diet metrics. The RNA/DNA ratios reveal growth rate variation that can
respond to adult feeding success within 2 weeks (Svanbäck and Bolnick, 2007). In contrast,
isotopes are retained in muscle tissue for months. Consequently, any recent diet switch could
generate variation in growth rate (our fitness metric) that has not yet had time to affect
muscle isotopes.
One important caveat regarding our results is our use of growth rate as a proxy for fitness.
The justification for this proxy is described in more detail in Bolnick and Lau (2008), but
comparisons of growth versus diet raise a few novel challenges. An obvious concern is that
different prey may inherently differ in energy content or capture rate, and thus confer
different growth rates. However, inasmuch as these differences in growth rate lead to differ-
ences in survival or reproductive success, it is still appropriate to view growth rate variation
as indicative of selection. That is, selection favours individuals that specialize on higher-
value resources and thus achieve higher growth rates. This scenario might explain the
directional selection in McNair Lake favouring individuals with lower trophic position,
although we cannot be sure without detailed analyses of prey energy content and
availability. Similarly, the stabilizing selection on δ
C observed in First Lake might reflect
a higher overall prey encounter rate for generalized individuals, because they consume both
benthic and limnetic invertebrates. It is not clear why the lakes differ in their selection
regimes, especially because in a 2005 sample they exhibited similar fitness landscapes
(see below).
We emphasize that our selection estimates only reflect variation in foraging success
additional selective sources (predators, parasites, mate choice) might generate additional
selection gradients that counterbalance or even overwhelm the partial selection observed
here. However, we were specifically interested in testing the often-modelled association
between morphology, diet, and the component of selection arising from variation in
foraging success. As a final caveat, we acknowledge that in certain environments there
may be selection against fast growth (Barber et al., 2001), contrary to the general trend that larger
stickleback have larger clutch sizes (Wootton, 1973, 1977; Ali and Wootton, 1999). For instance, fast
growth may coincide with a weakened immune system or greater visibility to predators.
Evolutionary implications
Direct selection on diet preferences may have important evolutionary implications for cor-
related phenotypic traits. In our study, gill raker length and number explained between 6%
Relative fitness effects of diet and trophic morphology 453
and 34% of variation in stable isotopes (see Table A4:
2657Appendix.pdf). While the unexplained variation may be noise, it is possible that
diet variation also depends on variation in unmeasured morphological, behavioural or
physiological traits. For example, among-individual variation in microhabitat use is not only
correlated with gill raker length but also with jaw lever ratios that are not typically measured
in stickleback (D.I. Bolnick, unpublished results). Direct selection on diet could thus drive evolution
not just of individual morphological structures such as gill rakers, but suites of traits that
might even include important but unmeasured behavioural or physiological traits for which
there is substantial genetic variation (Gibbons et al., 2005; Latshaw and Smith, 2005). Conversely, weak
correlations between diet and these various phenotypic traits may mean that strong
frequency-dependent selection is nevertheless ineffective at driving adaptive diversification
on commonly measured trophic phenotypes.
A second implication of our results is more specific to stickleback. Namely, a previous
study found that diet variation, as measured by isotopes, is subject to positive assortative
mating (Snowberg and Bolnick, 2008). We here show that the same diet metric is subject to natural
selection. Several models of sympatric speciation predict that, in sexual populations,
evolutionary divergence depends on a combination of ecological disruptive selection and
assortative mating (Dieckmann and Doebeli, 1999; Bolnick, 2004b; Doebeli et al., 2007). In these models,
speciation is greatly facilitated when selection and assortative mating act on the same trait
[magic traits (Gavrilets, 2004; Servedio et al., 2011)]. Our results, combined with those of Bolnick and
Lau (2008) and Snowberg and Bolnick (2008), suggest that in stickleback, diet may represent an
instance of a magic trait, as isotopic measures of diet are correlated with fitness proxies
(implying they are a target of natural selection), and are subject to assortative mating. Of
course, this does not guarantee that speciation will ensue, especially because (1) both
assortative mating and selection on diet are very weak in stickleback (Bolnick, 2011), and
(2) selection is not consistently disruptive.
The temporal dynamics of selection in stickleback
In a previous study on these two populations based on samples collected in 2005 (First
Lake) and 2006 (McNair), Bolnick and Lau (2008) found support for significant disruptive
selection on gill raker number in both lakes. Using the same phenotypes and fitness proxies,
the 2008 samples analysed here revealed no significant disruptive selection on this trait in
either lake [the tables in the Appendix present quadratic selection estimates on principal
component measures of diet and morphology that are directly comparable to Bolnick and
Lau (2008); see]. In the more recent
sample, we found significant directional selection on δ
N and gill raker length (McNair
Lake), and stabilizing selection on δ
C (First Lake). The selection gradients observed in
2008 differ significantly from those of 2006. For example, quadratic regression coefficients
of growth on gill raker number in McNair Lake differ significantly between years (t = 2.25,
P < 0.03; 2008: γ =−0.026 ± 0.0275; 2006: γ = 0.074 ± 0.035). We therefore conclude
that the fitness landscape in lake stickleback varies across years. Our results add to the
literature showing that fitness landscapes can be rather dynamic and change over short
time-scales in natural populations (Siepielski et al., 2009, 2011; Kingsolver and Diamond, 2011; Morrissey
and Hadfield, 2011)
. Some of the temporal heterogeneity in selection may simply be due to
sampling error, although here we find statistically significant differences in selection
between years.
Bolnick and Araújo454
Changes in the form and direction of selection can arise from a variety of sources, which
we cannot distinguish among at present. First, inter-annual or seasonal variation in
resource availability may give rise to fluctuating selection gradients (Reimchen and Nosil, 2004).
Second, selection landscapes may change as a function of population density and the
degree of intraspecific competition (Svanbäck and Bolnick, 2005; Abrams et al., 2008), a prediction
that has recently received observational support in Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis (Svanbäck
and Persson, 2009)
, and experimental support in stickleback (Bolnick, 2004a). Under low com-
petition, selection is either directional or stabilizing, favouring phenotypes functionally
associated with benthic resources; as population density increases and competition for these
preferred resources becomes stronger, the use of pelagic resources becomes increasingly
advantageous, and selection turns disruptive (Svanbäck and Persson, 2009). Although we do
not have rigorous population density estimates, natural stickleback populations do cycle in
a density-dependent fashion (Wootton et al., 2005; Wootton, 2008). We therefore speculate that
fluctuations in either stickleback and/or resource densities may lead to fluctuations in the
sticklebacks fitness landscape, varying between stabilizing and disruptive selection. Long-
term monitoring of fitness landscapes and lake ecology is required to test this prediction.
Such fluctuating selection would likely undermine any progress towards speciation arising
from the joint action of disruptive selection and assortative mating on a magic trait.
In the present study, we provide evidence for an implicit but largely untested assumption of
models of frequency-dependent competition, by showing that resource use may be a
primary target for natural selection that is indirectly transferred to trophic morphology. For
most (but not all) selection gradients found here, morphology had no independent effect on
growth rates except via a performance function relating morphology to diet. This finding
suggests that natural selection acting on diets may be an important evolutionary force on
traits correlated with foraging in natural populations. On the other hand, the same finding
suggests that weak correlations between diet and phenotypic traits may mean that strong
frequency-dependent selection is nevertheless ineffective at driving adaptive diversification
on commonly measured trophic phenotypes. Theoretical models, therefore, should be
re-evaluated in light of the general weak morphologydiet correlations in empirical systems
and relax the assumption of one-to-one mapping between morphology and diet. Models
of competition-induced disruptive selection would benefit from recognizing that trait
performancefitness mapping may be complex and noisy.
Financial support was provided by the David and Lucille Packard Foundation. M.S.A. thanks
CAPES, FAPESP, and NSF for additional support. W. Stutz, L.K. Snowberg, T. Ingram, O.L. Lau,
J. Paull, and R. Carlson provided invaluable help during field/lab work. We thank S.F. Reis, T. Ingram,
R. Carlson, and R. Svanbäck for useful comments on a previous version of the manuscript.
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