ED 272 975
EA 018 698
Jenkinson, Edward B.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement: 40 Questions lc
Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, Bloomington,
Publication Sales, Phi
Union Avenue, Box 789,
Information Analyses (070)
Delta Kappa, Eighth Street and
Bloomington, IN 47402
MF01/PC06 Plus Postage.
Academic Freedom; *Censorship; Court Litigation;
*Educational Environment; Elementary Secondary
Education; *Freedom of Information; Freedom of
Speech; Intellectual Freedom; Moral Values; Parent
Rights; Parent School Relationship; School Law;
Student Rights; *Textbooks; *Textbook Selection;
Value Judgment
*First Amendment; National Council of Teachers of
While in office, the 1976 chairman of the Committee
against Censorship of the National Council of Teachers of English
received reports of complaints about classroom and library materials;
debated with textbook protestors; and participated in over 100 radio
shows, at least half of which were call-in shows involving exchange
of views with schoolbook protesters. This book focuses on the 40
questions most frequently asked in his discussions with teachers,
librarians, administrators, school board members, students, and
parents. The following are among the topics discussed: (1) rights of
parents and students; (2) arguments used by book protesters and their
opponents; (3) legal background; (4) background of the schoolbook
protesters; and (5) guides for school systems in the materials
selection process and in how to respond to schoolbook protesters.
Footnotes at the end of the book pertain to 31 of the 40 questions.
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Edward B. Jenkinson
Indiana University
Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation
Bloomington, Indiana
cover design by Keiko Kasza
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 85-62729
ISBN 0-873674324
Copyright © 1986 by Edward B. Jenkinson
To the memory of my niece, Mary Kathryn Jenkinson
Dungan, who was a most inspiring young teacher
and to tE 2 memory of my friends, Bernarr Foka, Lawrence
Haddad, and Paul Jacobs
all great teachers, each in his
own way.
Nearly three ycars ago, Derek Burleson, editor of special
publications for Phi Delta Kappa, suggested that I write this
book. He has been patient, quietly persistent, and gently
persuasive ever since. I am very pleased that he requested
the book, and I am very relieved that it is now finished. So
are my wife, Ronna, and our children, Andrea, Mark, and
Nicholas. They endured during the writing, and they en-
couraged me after late nights and early mornings at the
word processor.
Bobbi Shank, Julie Bach, and Amy Foster searched
through filing cabinets and boxes filled with newspaper clip-
pings, magazine articles, and letters, sometimes vainly at-
tempting to find what I felt I needed at once. They, too,
offered encouragement when it was needed most, as did
J. Charles Park, professor of education at the University of
Whitewater. His kind words and his dedica-
tion to research were inspiring, as was the work of Barbara
Parker of People for the American Way, who has been tire-
less in her efforts to protect the freedom to learn in this
Parts of some of the answers in this book are based on
writing I did for other publications, including Censors in
the Classroom (Southern Illinois University Press, 1979).
My earlier words ::ind ideas in these articles served as aids
in writing some of the answers herein: "Protecting Holden
Caulfield and His Friends from the Censors," English Jour-
nal, January 1985; "Schoolbook Skirmishes Leave Long last-
ing Scars," The National Forum, to be published in late
1985; "The Tale of Tell City: An Anti-Censorship Saga," a
discussion paper published by People for the American
Way, 1983; "The Censorship Tale of Tell City," Indiana
English, Spring 1983; and "Is Secular Humanism Being
Taught in Our Public Schools?" Church & Sure, May 1983.
I wish to thank the Madison (Wisconsin) Metropolitan
School District and the Iowa Department of Public Instruc
tion for permission to reprint their instructional materials
policies, and the National Education Association for permis-
sion to reprint part of How Fair Are Your Children's
The First Amendment and the Schoolbook Protest Movement:
A Personal Assessment
Questions and Answers
1. What is the schoolbook protest movement?
2. When did the schoolbook protest movement begin?
. .
3. Is there evidence to ipport the claim that the number
of incidents of schoolbook protest is rising annually
4. Why do the schoolbook protesters maintain that they
are not censors?
5. What is censorship when that term is applied to school
6. What are some of the results of attempts to remove
teaching materials from public schools?
7. What is the difference between censorship and sel?.ction?
Between censorship and consciousness raising?
8. Can censorship of school materials ever be good?
9. Why do opponents of the schoolbook protest movement
invoke the First Amendment?
10. What are the students' rights to learn?
11. What is academic freedom? Does it apply to elementary
and secondary school teachers? And what have the
courts said about academic freedom for public school
12. How have the courts responded to the censorship of
school materials
13. What are the parents' rights if they wish to keep their
children from reading or learning something to which
they are opposed?
14. Who are the schoolbook protesters?
15. Do the schoolbook protesters live primarily in small
lb. What do the schoolbook protesters have in common?
17. What are some of the tactics of the schoolbook
18. What are the targets of the schoolbook protesters?
19. Who are the Gablers and how do they affect textbooks
that are used throughout the nation?
20. How does the Texas textbook adoption process affect
the nation's textbooks?
21. How has the Texas textbook adoption process been
22. Has the Moral Majority been involved in textbook
23. What other organizations are involved in the protest
24. How are the organizations affiliated?
25. What is the religion of secular humanism?
26. What do the protesters hope to accomplish by proving
that the schools promote the religion of secular
27. What arguments do the protesters offer to substantiate
their charges that the schools preach the religion of
secular humanism?
28. What arguments can be tired to refute the charge that
the schools preach secular humanism?
29. How have the courts responded to the charge that the
public schools preach secular humanism?
30. What is the Hatch Amendment and what does it have
to do with the schoolbook protest movement?
31. What is the censorship tale of Tell City, and is it a
typical incident?
32. What can be learned from the Tell City incident?
33. What steps should school systems take
to pr.:pare for
censorship attempts?
34. What are the ingredients of
a good materials selection
35. Are there model instructional mawrials
selection policies
that school systems can use as guides';'
36. What steps should a school
system follow if a person
complains about a book or some other teaching material
or teaching metho0
37. What is a request for reconsideration form and
should it be used?
38. What steps can be taken to enhance academic
for teachers?
39. What is the role of an administrator in
a censorship
40. \Vhat books should teachers, librarians, and
tors read to understand the schoolbook protest
ment and to be prepared to cope with i0
1 u
The First Amendment and the Schoolbook Protest
Movement: A Personal Assessment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereofi
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the
press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the government for a redress of grievances.
The 45 words of the First Amendment have intrigued
me from the
time I enrolled in an introductory journalism course
as an undergradu-
ate. Even before that I read about John Peter Zenger, the colonial print-
er whose trial helped to establish freedom of press in America. As a
high school student, I studied some of the early writings of Benjamin
Franklin, and I marveled at the courage of his editor brother who
jailed for criticizing both civic and religious leaders. And I occasional-
ly considered the words of Thomas Jefferson in
a letter to Colonel Ed-
ward Carrington: "The basis of our government being the
opinion of
the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and
it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without
newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesi-
tate to prefer the latter." As I continued to study journalism and Eng-
lish and as I taught in junior and senior high schools, I added
to my
knowledge of the First Amendment, I thought; but, in reality, I knew
very little.
The First Amendment, it seemed to me early in
my study, was some-
thing invoked by journalists to protect
a free press. It also protected
free speech, but that protection was limited when it
came to radio and
to television in its infancy. Somehow, I learned, the First Amendment
also guaranteed academic freedom; but as
a high school teacher in the
early Fifties, I did not worry about that. Who needed academic free-
dom to teach Silas Marner and traditional grammar?
In my first two years of teaching, I never questioned the principal's
right to begin faculty meetings, PTA meetings, and
some afterschool
functions with prayer. The Supreme Court had not yet acted
on Abing-
ton v. Schempp, and prayer in a little country school seemed almost
to be part of the curriculum. At least two of the elementary teachers
started the school day with prayer.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
But I could not say prayers aloud in my classroom
even if I had
been so inclined. The township trustee had warned me when I signed
my first contract that I was not to proselytize. He said that he was tak-
ing a chance on hiring the "very first Catholic" to teach in that school
system. When he asked if ! would try to convert the students, I dis-
missed his question with the response that I was there to teach Eng.
lish not Catholicism. But as I participated in school functions, I
learned one disquieting fact: my prayers were out, his were in.
No one's prayers should be sanctioned by the public schools. But
certain prayers were recited in chorus in the Fifties in some school
systems, and they still are today despite the Supreme Court's decision.
The separation of church and state
a guarantee of the First Amend-
ment is as misunderstood today as it was when I began teaching.
I knew some of my students prayed then. They did so silently during
tests; they probably prayed at other times too. No one could have
stopped their voluntary prayers. The same is true today. Truly volun-
tary prayer has not nor cannot
be removed from public schools
despite what the critics claim.
My students and I referred to the Bible in my English classes when
it provided the basis for allusion or symbol in the literature we were
reading. No one objected then. No reasonable person would object to-
day when the Bible is studied as great literature. And it is studied as
such in hundreds of schools even though some critics charge that the
Bible was thrown out of public school by the Supreme Court, which
is a misreading of the decision.
At least one-third of my students read two to three books a month.
I encouraged them to do so. This caused the librarian in the closest
small city to call me to ask what magic formula I was using to per-
suade students to check so many books out of the library. I simply
told her that I talked about books in my classes; I got excited about
books. Some of my students did also.
My interest in books nearly caused me trouble during my first two
years of teaching. The minister in the small town in which the school
was located did not like the fact that many of my students were read-
ing and discussing not only the classics but contemporary litera-
ture. He expressed his concerns in two different sermons, calling me
by name and implying that my teaching methods were dangerous. But
40 Questions and Answers
I was totally unaware of his concerns. No one told me about the ser-
mons until after I moved to a large city school but continued to live
in the small community. Only then did several students and their par-
ents talk to me about the sermons. And they seemed embarrassed when
they talked about them. They said they refused to tell me about the
sermons before because they did not wani me to stop what I was doing.
During the three !, ears that I taught in a large junior-senior high
school, I experienced no problems with complaints about what I taught
or what I did in classes. The faculty rarely
if ever
discussed aca-
demic freedom and censorship. My colleagues and I were both amused
and embarrassed by the Indiana senator who tried to get Robin Hood
banned from the state because it was allegedly communistic. On one
occasion several of us discussed the firing of a teacher "somewhere"
for teaching The Catcher in the Rye; but the incident seemed far away,
and problems over textbooks and other teaching materials seemed to
be something that only happened "somewhere else." (That is still the
case today. Teachers and administrators, when I ask about their per-
sonal involvement in censorship incidents, inevitably tell me that they
"didn't think it could happen here." Censorship always happens "some-
where else.")
I left public school teaching shortly before attempts to remove school
and library books intensified. The McCarthy era had left its legacy of
fear. Signing a loyalty oath was standard procedure. The hunt for leftist-
leaning textbooks was under way. And Holden Caulfield had captured
the attention of students and teachers throughout the nation. The
Catcher in the Rye had entered some English classrooms as a con-
temporary classic. Some teachers lost their jobs because of Holden's
antics and language; others started teaching The Catcher 30 years ago
and have done so ever since without incident.
Such is the nature of schoolbook prctest in America. No one can
predict where it will occur; no one can foretell what book will inflame
citizens to the point that they will attempt to have it removed from
classrooms and libraries
or even have it burned. No book is safe,
I learned. Any idea is a target for someone.
But it took me years to discover that. My sojourn from the public
schools took me to university public relations for two years before I
went to Beirut, Lebanon, to teach journalism. Then I returned to Indi-
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
ana and began a long relationship with Indiana University and with
the public schools, working closely with teachers of English, speech,
and journalism.
At the beginning of the Seventies, some of the teachers who had
worked with me on developing courses of study for juniul and senior
high school English classes began calling me for help. They told me
that a few parents were challenging some of the books they were teach-
ing. Those books had been recommended in the courses of study I had
edited or helped to write, and some of the books had been taught for
years in the very schools in which they were suddenly being challenged.
I was amazed to learn that parents did not want their children reading
The Red Badge of Courage (too much violence), The Sca rtet Letter
(adultery), Siddhartha (pagan religion), and To K111 a Mockingbird
(obscene language and disrespect for parents). I began investigating
the complaints against those and other books not only in Indiana but
throughout the nation. I was alternately amused and horrified.
It is difficult to take some of the complaints seriously. One woman
objected to the teaching of Silas Marner on the grounds that she "knew
what that dirty old man is doing to that little girl. . . between chap-
ters." A school board member demanded that the lihrarian be fired
for having Making It with Mademoiselle in the school library. I un-
derstand that he withdrew his request when he learned that it was a
book of dress patterns. A parent complained that Jack and the Bean-
stalk teaches disrespect for a person in authority (the giant). And the
two most prominent textbook protesters in the nation objected to the
inclusion of P.T. Barnum's famous statement, "There's a sucker born
every minute," in a story in a textbook because Barnum's philosophy
is "skeptical" and the statement is "depressing."
I found it difficult to believe that people would actually object to
books without having read them, or without even having checked the
accuracy of the titles, or without even having talked with a teacher
to determine whether a book was actually used in a classroom or to
a librarian to determine whether it was in the school library. Even more
difficult to believe is that a few school administrators, teachers, librar-
ians, and school board members are willing to act on such objections
without becoming familiar with the material themselves.
14 4
40 Questions and Answers
After two years of studying attempts to
censor school materials, I
was asked to serve as chairman of the Committee on Censorship of
the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) in 1976. Shortly
after accepting the chairmanship, I received several letters of
lations on my appointment to chair a group that would rid the nation's
schools of objectionable books. I urged NCTE to change the
name of
the group to the Committee Against Censorship
so that there would
be no confusion about the mission of the committee.
As chairman of the NCTE committee, I received reports of complaints
about classroom and library materials across the land, including those
of the prominent textbook protesters in Texas, Mel and Norma Gabler,
the founders of Educational Research Analysts, which they call the
world's "largest textbook review clearinghouse." It did
not take me long
to learn how influential they had become through using the Texas text-
book adoption process (see questions 19, 20, and 21). I
soon discovered
that they scoured every textbook submitted for adoption in Texas,
searching for anything that did not coincide with their religious and
political points of view or with their conceptions of reality. I felt that
if I were to understand the full range of censorship of school
als, I had to meet them. I soon had that opportunity.
Shortly after the Chicago Tribune published a feature story about
my research, an associate producer of The Phil Donahue Show called
to ask me why I was attempting to censor textbooks. When I told her
that I was opposed to censorship, she asked why I had
so many tar-
gets. When I explained that the targets published in the Tribune
those of the people whose objections I had been studying, she
was dis-
appointed. She indicated that the producers were looking for
not for college professors who studied censorship. But when she said
that she might invite me to be on the program if I could
name a few
censors, I quickly suggested Norma and Mel Gabler.
In a letter to their followers about their invitation to be
on the pro-
gram, the Gablers proclaimed:
"Censorship" in the context of this program means all parents
who dare question any school program. We have been seiected
to represent the many parent groups who are concerned about
the consistent attacks upon Judeo-Christian moral values in library
and textbooks in public schools
. . .
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
We CANNOT censor a bock, because we're neither the authors
or editors of school books, but the word "censor" is an effective
smear term since most Americans are against censorship .
. .
Actually, we are pointing out that censorship has taken place.
Library and textbooks have been censored of practically every-
thing worthwhile, joyful, moral, uplifting, constructive and
beautiful . . . .
IN OPPOSITION will be the chairman of the CENSORSHIP
ENGLISH. This organization has long been a strong proponent
of the so-called "realism" which fills currently used school books.
This means violence, street language, explicit sex, etc.
I prize that letter, and I refer to it frequently not only to raise my
spirits but to remind me of the Gabler point of view. I also prize my
experience on Donahue. The Gablers apparently felt that since there
were two of them and only one of me, they could take two-thirds of
the time, which they managed to do. Apparently, they also requested
permit.sion to have many friends in the audience who were sympathetic
to their cause. The driver of the show's limousine told me as he took
me back to the airport that there were "two busloads of censors" in
the audience. That information caused me to smile even more when
I read this paragraph from a letter the Gablers sent to their followers
two days after the broadcast:
God certainly answered prayer, so that even the studio audience
ended up almost entirely on our side, while the opposition made
statements which will likely prove embarrassing to them in the
People still talk to me about that telecast of January 1978. Nearly
all who said they thought little about censorship before the telecast
indicated that the program helped them see the problems that accom-
pany attempts to remove books from school classrooms and libraries.
Nearly everyone expressed an antipathy toward censorship as a re .
sult of the show.
I debated Mel Gabler four times after that: twice on radio, once on
television in Chicago, and once in a formal debate during a conven-
tion of a professional organization in Houston. During that debate, I
used several Gabler quotations that had been printed in Texas Monthly.
40 Questions and Answers
Among them was this one, which I think is indicative of the depth of
the Gabler scholarship:
Roman Catholics do not teach the gospel, and are, therefore, not
necessarily Christians.
In his rebuttal, Mel Gabler said that the reporter had misquoted him.
I waited for the actual quotation. But Mr. Gabler simply told the au-
dience that the reporter ;tad left out the word all.
Mel Gabler told a 1980 Donahue audience that the Gabler reviews
of textbooks have been used in all 50 states and 25 foreign countries.
Their influence alone is enormous; they also have powerful allies. For
example, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, one of the founders of the Moral Majori-
ty, uses the Gablers' reviews of textbooks to show how bad the books
are; and he described the Gablers' work in Listen, America! and in
at least one other of his publications. The Rev. Tim La Have, another
founder of the Moral Majority, uses the Gablers' reviews, as well as
other sources, to prove that the public schools are "conduits to the
minds of youth, training them to be anti God, antimoral, antifamily,
anti-free enterprise and anti-American." Phyllis Schlafly, founder of
Eagle Forum and the Stop Textbook Censorship Committee, has used
the Gabler reviews to attack schoolbooks throughout the nation.
In my writinA and in my debates with schoolbook protesters, I con-
stantly point out that citizens have the right to complain about the
content of textbooks. As a parent, I have that right. If I do not like
something that my children are reading in school, I have the right to
object. But I believe that my rights as a parent extend only to my chil-
dren. If I do not like what they are reading or studying, I can ask for
an alternate assignment. But I maintain that my rights as a parent do
not extend to all the children in the classroom, or in the school, or
in the state, or in the nation.
That is one of the many differences between the schoolbook pro-
testers and the thousands of citizens who do not want teaching materi-
als and teaching methods removed willy-nilly from the public schools.
Another major difference is that most parents I know who support the
schools are unwilling to judge a book or a teacher solely on the basis
of someone else's statements. But many schoolbook protesters
whether they are nationally prominent or known only locally
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
willing to base their accusations on the objections of the Gablers, of
Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum, of Tim LaHaye, of the Moral
Majority, or on the objections of one of the hundreds of textbook
testing organizations that have been formed during the last decade.
So that I could better understand their concerns about schoolbooks
and their strategies to remove them, I read reams of objections and
also at least 40 books and monographs critical of public education. I
also made every attempt to meet the protesters. Fortunately,
opportunities presented themselves. I discussed censorship with the
Rev. Greg Dixon, then national secretary of the Moral Majority,
once on the Today Show, once on local television, and five
times in formal debates. I debated Cal Thomas, vice president of the
Moral Majority, on CBS Nightwatch. A producer of the Mac-
Neil/Lehrer Report invited me to present my views on censorship in
opposition to those of Janet Egan, one of the founders of Parents of
Minnesota, Inc. I also had the opportunity to be interviewed for 60
Minutes, CBS Sunday Morning, The John Davidson Show, and
than 30 television programs in a dozen states. On a number of those
programs I was given the chance to express my views in an exchange
with schoolbook protesters.
Shortly after the publication of Censors in the Classroom in 1979,
I was invited to be a guest on more than 100 radio programs in
than 30 states, Great Britain, and Canada. On at least half of those
grams, which were call-in shows, I had the opportunity to exchange
views with schoolbook protesters.
My study of censorship also afforded me the opportunity to talk with
teachers, librarians, administrators, studen s, and parents in more than
30 states, including presentations on Phi Delta Kappa's Distinguished
Lecture Series. In 1982 Phi Delta Kappa with Indiana University's
School of Education and School of Continuing Studies conducted
national conference on the public schools and the First Amendment.
That was a memorable experience for me since I was privileged to
as co-director of the conference, which featured an equal number of
schoolbook protesters and persons opposed to censorship.
As I met more and more persons concerned with the content of text-
books and library books, I became aware of their intense objection
to the words censor and censorship (see questions 4 and 7). I also
40 Questions and Answers
realized that those words did not refer to the variety of activity con-
cerning schoolbooks, teaching materials, and teaching methods that
was being promoted across the nation. Therefore, I began using the
term schoolbook protest movement (see questions 1 and 2).
When Derek Burleson, editor of special publications for Phi Delta
Kappa, asked me to write this book on the schoolbook protest move-
ment, he suggested that I focus on the questions that I am asked most
frequently as I talk with teachers, librarians, administrators, school
board members, students, and parents. So I selected 40 questions to
I have limited the questions and answers only to the protest of books
and materials used in public schools. Although I am very much inter-
ested in attempts to censor the student press, I have not discussed such
censorship here. That would require yet another book. Nor do I pose
questions on, or provide answers about, pornography. No court in this
land has found any book taught in the public schools to be pornograph-
ic, contrary to what some of the protesters claim. Nor has any book
used in the public schools and considered by the courts been labeled
The answers to the 40 questions I pose obviously vary in length and
treatment, but in each case I have tried to answer them to give as com-
plete a picture of the schoolbook protest movement as I can. How-
ever, the movement is not static; it changes at least monthly if not more
frequently. There are always new targets, new tactics. and new faces.
But the basic ingredients of the movement remain the same, and I have
tried to describe them here.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Questions and Answers
1. What is the echQolhook protest movement?
Schoolbook protest movement is a term I have been using during
the last two years to describe attempts to remove or alter teaching
materials and teaching methods used in the public schools. I prefer
schoolbook protest to censorship for these reasons:
1. Attempts to remove books from school classrooms and school
libraries across the nation are not necessarily unrelated incidents. There
is a movement, inspired and promoted by dozens of organizations, that
is sweeping the country. (See questions 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23,
24, 26, and 30.)
2. Schoolbook protest encompasses the objections of individual
citizens who, without consulting others, object to a single book or to
books their children are studying. The term is also applicable to the
work of school critics who have attempted to remove, or keep from
being adopted, books and teaching methods on a nationwide or
statewide scale. Such critics include Norma and Mel Gabler and their
Educational Research Analysts, Phyllis Schlafly and her Eagle Forum
and Stop Textbook Censorship Committee, Beverly Lallaye and her
Concerned Women of America, as well as Tim LaHaye and his attacks
on the religion of secular humanism and on any books or courses that
he thinks promote that so-called religion. (See questions 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, and 26.)
3. Protesters dislike being called censors. They maintain that they
do not have the power to remove books from schools; they only point
out the problems in teaching materials and teaching methods. (See
questions 4 and 7.)
2 0
40 Questions and Answers
4. Not all persons who protest textbooks and library books want
them removed from the schools cos even placed on restricted shelves.
Some persons simply want to call attention to items that they do not
like or to items that they think need to be counterbalanced with other
5. The term schoolbook protest movement, for me at least, can be
applied to the actual censorship of school materials as weil as to con-
sciousness raising. (See question 7.)
6. Schoolbook protest can be applied to objections to textbooks at
statewide hearings, such as those conducted in Texas, where persons
attempt to prevent the textbooks from being filopted or to have them
altered before they are adopted. It also can be applied to objections
recorded at school board meetings. (See questions 20 and 21.)
7. Schoolbook protest encompasses actual removal of books, at-
tempts to restrict their access, efforts to erase or remove specific words
or pages, as well as prior restraint (attempts to direct the work of writers
and publishers so that they will not include certain words, ideas, or
actions in their books, stories, poems, and plays).
2. When did the schoolbook protest movement begin?
From the time that students began attending public schools in large
numbers, individuals ana groups have expressed displeasure with the
content of textbooks. For example, immediately after the Civil Was,
veterans from both sides pressured publishers to change histories that
they said did not reflect their reasons for fighting at Shiloh, Bull Run,
and Gettysburg. "Some publishers surrendered to the demands of the
veterans without firing a shot. In 1867 .
. E.J. Hale and Son of New
York advertised: 'Books prepared for southern schools, by southern
authors, and therefore free from matter offensive to southern
people.' "I
"In the North, the Grand Army Record urged Union veterans to 'aid
in dashing down the cup of moral poison that our school hiszories are
holding to your youth.' A committee of the Grand Army of the Republic
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
charged in 1897 that no book then in use 'merits the unqualified en-
dorsement of this organization.' "2
After World War I, a Hearst newspaper columnist warned Americans
about "Anglicized" histories. That writer used a technique still used
today: he counted the number of lines devoted to persons he liked and
compared them to the number about persons he disliked. Then he ex-
pressed his outrage in print
Various organizations attacked schoolbooks after World War I. The
Daughters of the American Revolution denounced one American his-
tory because it did not "place enough emphasis on military history
to make good soldiers out of children." The Veterans of Foreign Wars
maintained by the end of the Twenties that the organization had "elimi-
nated all of the objectionable features" in American histories and was
turning its attention to modern European volumes. The Ku Klux Klan
warned that the public school system was being attacked, through its
textbooks, by "papists and antiChristian Jews of the Bolshevik Socialist
stripe." Anti-evolutionists attacked books that they maintained were
filled with Darwinian ideas. Other groups expressed concern and ex-
erted pressure on publishers against books that they considered to be
too favorable toward unions or big business, too soft on socialism or
communism, or too demeaning of the "founders of the Republic, or
the men who preserved the union."3
Schoolbook pressures rose sharply after World War II. Individuals
and organizations looked for books that treated communism favora-
bly. In Indiana, a state senator tried to rid the entire state of The Ad-
ventures of Robin Hood, which she thought was a communist menace.
Other groups became concerned with the new realism in novels that
found their way into English classrooms. When Holden Caulfield
checked into public schools across the nation, he brought trouble with
him. Some teachers were fired for teaching about Holden's adolescent
antics in The Catcher in the Rye. Other teachers considered the book
to be a contemporary classic, began teaching it in the early Fifties, and
have been teaching it without any negative comment ever since.
But nearly all of the schoolbook protests before the early Seventies
were free of violence. Individuals and orgainizations became emotion-
al about schoolbooks, and frequently heated words seared school board
22 12
40 Questions and Answers
meetings and scorched the offices of publishers. But schoolbooks were
not burned and people were ncr_ hurt.
In 1973, the school board in Drake, North Dakota, confiscated three
books taught by a young English teacher. When the board ordered
copies of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five burned, there was a
nationwide outrage about a book-burning in America. As a result, the
Drake school board decided not to have copies of James Dickey's
Deliverance and a volume of short stories thrown into the school's
Less than a year after the book-burning in Drake, the United States
experienced its first schoolbook war. The "battle of the books"5 be-
gan when a first-term school board member and wife of a self-ordained
minister launched a vigorous campaign against the English textbooks
submitted for adoption in Kanawha County, West Virginia. To show
their displeasure with the books, coal miners wert on strike. Twenty-
seven ministers denounced the books from their pulpits and in public
meetings and rallies; 10 ministers supported the school board mem-
bers who voted for the books. Snipers fired at school buses and, on
one occasion, bullets hit a state police car that was escorting a bus
filled with children. Gunmen wounded at least two persons and shot
at others. Teachers repeatedly received threats on their lives. Textbook
protesters firebombed an elementary school. Angry citizens dynamited
at least three cars, vandalized school buses, and blasted windows in
the board of education building with shotguns.6 And the nation's most
prominent schoolbook critics
Norma and Mel Gabler of Longview,
flew to Charleston for what their biographer called "a whirl-
wind six-da; speaking campaign"7 against the 325 English language
arts textbooks that had been tentatively approved by the Kanawha
County school board.
A free-lance writer who reported on the nine-month dispute called
it "in part a class war, a cultui al war, a religious war. It is a struggle
for power and authority that has sundered a peaceful community into
rigid and fearful factions. And it is a complex and profoundly disturb.
ing reflection of the deep fissures that crisscross American society."8
Since 1974, hundreds of less vioient skirmishes over textbooks, films,
tradebooks, courses, and teaching methods used in the nation's schools
have "sundered peaceful communities." Disputes over classroom and
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
library materials have erupted in every state, in rural
as well as
metropolitan school districts, in innercity and suburban neighbor-
hoods. The battles have left long-lasting
scars and, in many instances,
wounds that will never heal.
3. Is there evidence to support the claim that the
ber of incidents of schoolbook protest is rising
Since 1966 Lee Burress, professor of English at the University of
WisconsinStevens Point, has been conducting surveys of attempts
censor school library and classroom materials. His fourth national sur-
vey, conducted in 1982, indicated that 34% of those surveyed reported
challenges to books. The previous high was 30% in 1977. The 1973
figure was 28%; and the first figure he reported, in 1966,
was 20%.1
In a conversation with me in 1982, Professor Burress predicted, based
on the results of his surveys, that three out of five teachers of English
in Wisconsin alone would experience attempts to
censor classroom
materials within five years. He noted that his 1982
survey yielded a
fact he had not uncovered before: 17% of the respondents noted the
involvement of locally organized pressure groups in attempts
to re-
move materials from libraries and classrooms. He reported that in previ-
ous surveys the figure had been less than 1%.2
Another source of data on schoolbook protest activity is the Office
of Intellectual Freedom (OlF) of the American Library Association.
During the early Seventies, approximately 100 censorship incidents
were reported yearly to the OW. By 1976 the figure had risen to slightly
less than 200 and climbed to nearly 300 in 1977.3 Shortly after the
1980 presidential election, Judith F. Krug, director of the 01F, reported
a fivefold increase in censorship incidents reported to her office. She
later revised her estimate to a threefold increase, which would
roughly 900 reported incidents a year.4
The results of a survey conducted by three professional organiza-
tions in 1980 indicate that the number of challenges to school library
40 Questions and Answers
and classroom materials had increased from 1 September 1978 until
the date of the survey. The report on the
survey included these
More than one in,five (22.4%) of the 1,891 respondents, overall
or nearly one administrator in five (19.2%) and nearly one libmr
ian in three (29.5%)
reported that there had been some
challenges to classroom or library materials in their school(s)
during the period since September 1, 1978.
Of 494 respondents reporting challenges, half (50.6%) found the
rt.te of such incidents unchanged between the 1976.1978 and
1978-1980 periods, but one in four (26.5%) indicated that the
rate of challenges was higher in the more recent period (as corn.
pared with 9.1% who responded "lower," and 13.8% who
were "not
In Oregon, 60% of the respondents to a survey conducted by the
Oregon Educational Media Association reported challenges
to class-
room and school library materials during the period from 1977 to
1982.6 Surveying the same period, 1977-1982, the Association for In.
diana Media Educators reported that 47% of the respondents had
perienced one or more challenges to classroom and school library
materials. Slightly more than 30% of the Indiana librarians reported
three or more challenges during the five-year period.1 The results of
a survey conducted by the Ohio Council International Reading Associ-
ation indicated that 46% of the responding elementary school teachers,
librarians, and administrators reported attempts to
remove classroom
and school library materials during the previous year.8
In its two national surveys, People for the American Way discovered
"attempts to remove, alter, or restrict students' access to
a wide varie .
ty of educational materials in 48 of the 50 states." In the preface to
its 1983-84 report, People for the American Way noted that:
during the past school year censorship activity was widespread,
pervasive, and better organized than ever before. It was initiated
by a variety of sources: parents, teachers, school officials, school
board members, librarians, civic groups, publishers, local clergy
and church groups. In at least 20 percent of the incidents reported
in 1983-84, local protest groups received assistance from nation.
ally organized Far Right censorship groups such
as Phyllis
Schlafly's Eagle Forum, the national Pro-Family Forum, Mel and
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Norma Gabler's Educational Research Analysts, Jerry Falwell's
Moral Majority, and Tim and Beverly LaHaye's Concerned Wom-
en for America.9
But reported incidents represent only a small portion of the num-
ber of actual schoolbook protests each year. For every incident that
is reported, some scholars estimate that 25 go unreported. As more
and more data are gathered, other scholars estimate that the
unreported-reported ratio is closer to 50 to one.
4. Why do the schoolbook protesters maintain that they
are not censors?
During two different appearances on Donahue, Norma and Mel Ga-
bler (see question 19) strongly denied that they are censors.' In her
radio, television, and public appearances, Mrs. Gabler frequently points
out that "only people in authority" can censor books. She maintains
that she and her husband "only have a voice" in the textbook selec-
tion process in Texas. She notes that her "right to dissent" has been
called censorship; and that, she believes, is wrong. Mel Gabler points
out that the authors, editors, and publishers are the "real censors" who
"have already censored out" of textbooks "all that is good, beautiful,
true, helpful, and friendly."2
The Gablers are not alone in expressing their disdain for the term
censorship when it is applied to what they do. All of the schoolbook
protesters I have met
from the political and religious right or left
proclaim that they are not censors. They rely on these dictionary
definitions to support their assertion: an official who examines publi-
cations for objectionable matter, an official who reads communications
and deletes forbidden material.
Additional definitions are needed to describe today's activities. Peo-
ple who call for the removal of books, people who want the classrooms
cleansed of everything they do not like, people who travel the coun-
try urging others to rid the schools of "objectionable" content
people may be appropriately called censors whether they like the term
or not.
2 6
40 Qttes'icns and Answers
Six years ago I included the names of two organizations and a very
brief description of some of their activities in a chapter that I
for a book on censorship. The leaders of the organizations
were en-
raged. One wrote to the publisher of the book, demanding that the
publisher "shut Ed Jenkinson up." The organization then insisted it
had never been involved
any activity that could be called censor-
ship. The second organization sent a telegram to the publisher, urging
it to cease distributing the book immediately and proclaiming that the
protesting organization had never been involved in any censorious
Censors do not seem to recognize their own work.
The words
have strong negative connotations,
and schoolbook protesters who demand the removal of books by
plying pressure on persons in authority dislike those words. (See
tion 5.)
5. What is censorship when that term is applied to
school materials?
Censorship is any act intended to keep students from reading,
ing, or hearing any materials that some person deems objectionable.
It is also the attempt to rid the schools of courses, teaching methods,
and ideas. It takes many forms, including these:
1. The removal of books
without submitting them to a full review
from classrooms or libraries because someone called the
books objectionable (see questions 33, 37, and 39). It is an all too com-
mon practice in America for someone to object to a book without hav-
ing read it
or without even having seen it. Unfortunately, it is not
unusual for a person in authority
superintendent, school board mem-
ber, principal, teacher, or librarian
to remove a challenged book with-
out having read it or having submitted it to a duly authorized review
2. The blacking out of words with a felt-tip pen or other instrument.
An English teacher used a felt-tip pen to cover the word crap in all
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
of the copies of an English literature anthology. She would have been
disappointed with the results of her work had she heard the students
guess which word was blacked out. Not a one thought the offensive
word was crap. Razor blades and scissors also are used to remove words
or passages.
3. The gluing together of pages that someone considered to be offen-
sive. An administrator pasted together the few pages dealing with sex
in a health textbook. The community indicated that it did not approve
of his action.
4. One administrator commissioned an artist to put shorts on the
little boy who wanders around in the nude in Maurice Sendak's very
popular In the Night Kitchen.
5. A school board member admitted that she checked out of the
school library the books that she did not like, and then failed to return
them. Rather, she sent the librarian a check to cover the cost of the
bc...oks. She was severely reprimanded for her actions.
6. A principal told me that he had never experienced censorship
in his 30 years as an administrator. Then he paused and confided: "Oh,
once a minister complained about a book of mythology. I think it was
the one by Edith Hamilton. Anyway, the minister got so angry about
the book that I just took it out of the library when the school was closed
and threw it in the furnace." An elementary school librarian became
concerned when she noted a very high number of missing books.
Through quiet investigation and observation she discovered that the
principal removed any book that a citizen objected to and threw it in
the fire. He apparently never questioned any challenger nor defended
a book; he simply destroyed it.
7. In Texas, persons who challenge the textbooks submitted for adop-
tion write Bills of Particulars in which they cite objections, line by line,
paragraph by paragraph. If the Texas Commissioner of Education, af-
ter consulting with the board, agrees with any of the objections, he
informs the publisher to make changes before the books are adopted
(see questions 19, 20, and 21).
8. Protest groups exert pressure on publishers to keep certain materi-
als out of books (evolution, for example). Publishers, in turn, may tell
authors to avoid writing about certain "objectionable" ideas. This is
prior restraint.
40 Questions and Answers
9. Teachers and librarians practice self-censorship when they refuse
to teach a book or order one because they discover that it has been
challenged elsewhere.
10. Legislators at the rate or national level practice censorship when
they prepare and pass legislation designed to keep certain courses and
books out of the public schools (see question 30).
6. What are some of the results of attempts to remove
teaching materials from public schools?
Censorship has a chilling effect on the academic climate in a school
during and after an incident. Commenting on the Warsaw, Indiana, in
cident, a counselor noted that teachers were afraid to discuss controver-
sial issues for several years after the school board turned a classroom
set of textbooks over to senior citizens for a public burning and after
the board dismissed two teachers. He said thi 2 the quality of educa.
tion suffered RS a result.' Similar comments have been made about
the results of censorship incidents in other communities. (For
a par-
tial listing of censorship incidents, see question 15.)
One result of censorship that does not please schoolbook protesters
is that censored books or other materials frequently become best sellers
among the very persons who were not supposed to read them. In War-
saw, Indiana, for example, students told me that they drove as far as
60 miles to other school districts to get a copy of Sidney Simon's Values
Clarffication, the textbook that had been burned. The author of 365
Days, a book that had been banned in Baileyville, Maine, reported that
4,000 copies of the book were sold in Maine alone during the two
months following the trial about the removal of the book.2 (The court
ordered the School Committee to return the book to the school library.)
John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath became a best seller in Kanawha,
Iowa, after it had been banned from two classes. "Bookstore managers
and librarians in Kanawha and surrounding Iowa communities reported
that readers grabbed every copy in sight. The Kanawha Public Library,
which owns only one copy of the 1939 novel, borrowed a dozen copies
to meet reader demand."3
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
7. What is the difference between censorship and selec-
tion? Between censorship and consciousness raising?
More than 30 years ago, Lester Asheim made this oft-quoted distinc-
tion between censorship and selection:
Selection ...begins with a presumption in favor of liberty of
thought; censorship, with a presumption in favor of thought con-
trol. Selection's approach to the book is positive, seeking its val.
ue in the book as a book and in the book as a whole. Censorship's
approach is negative, seeking for vulnerable characteristics wher-
ever they can be found
anywhere within the book, or even out-
side it. Selection seeks to protect the right of the reader to read;
censorship seeks to protect
not the right but the reader him-
self from the fancied effects of his reading. The selector has faith
in the intelligence of the reader; the censor has faith only in his
In other words, selection is democratic while censorship is
authoritarian, and in our democracy we have traditionally tended
to put our trust in the selector rather than in the censor.'
Censors like to point out that there is little difference between selec-
tion and censorship. Or as one schoolbook protester noted on a Dona-
hue Show, "One nian's selection is another man's censorship."2
When he was state superintendent of schools in California, Mai
Rafferty wrote:
All school people censor things all the time. We are speaking
about educational censorship and, of course, in education we don't
call it censorship, we call it screening. This is one of the things
we professional schoolmen get paid for, and if we didn't do it, we
would be out of a job?
But there are these basic differences between censors and selectors:
Censors search for what they
want to discard.
3 0
Selectors examine material,
looking for that which best
presents their educational ob-
40 Questions and Answers
Censors judge a book on the ba-
sis of a few passages they dislike.
Censors rely on the reviews of
other censors to get rid of books.
Censors know what is right for
all people; therefore, they want
books that represent their point
of view.
Selectors judge the book as a
Selectors rely on reviews pub-
lished in professional journals.
Selectors look for books that rep-
resent a variety of points of view.
Censors look outside the book
Selectors judge the book on its
for reasons to reject it. For exam-
own merits.
ple, the author's religion or
Julia T. Bradley, an attorney who wrote a detailed analysis of the
distinctions between censorship and selection, concluded in her
cle for the Connecticut Law Review:
Despite school board protestations tc the contrary, censorship and
selection are distinguishable. Censorship is an act whereby
group imposes its value judgment upon another and permanent-
ly limits access to certain resources. Selection, on the other hand,
is a process; the only inherent constraint upon choosing among
all published materials is that of budget Where censorship
decisions are absolute; a book is unsuitable. In the selection
cess, choices are relat;ve; is this book more useful, for varied rea-
sons, than another? Moreover, where censorship occurs, one group
permanently terminates another's right to judge a book for itself.
Where selection operates without restraints, a book which read
ers consider "bad" will die of neglect4
Consciousness raising on the part of an individual
or organization
is an attempt to make textbooks and books for children
more represen-
tative of women and minorities. Several professional organizations have
requested that publishers establish guidelines
so that women and
minorities will be treated fairly and accurately.
One attempt at consciousness raising comes from the National Edu-
cation Association in a brochure titled "How Fair Are Your Children's
Textbooks." A portion of that brochure is printed below:
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
How fair are your children's textbooks? Not just history or so-
cial studies texts, but all the books they use. Students form ideas
from everything they see
the stories in the primer, the exam-
ples in the spelling book, the illustrations in the math and natu-
ral science books, the selections and commentary in the
literature books. Ask yourself the following questions about your
children's textbooks:
Do they seem to assume a white, Christian audience?
Do they continue to romanticize American history, glorifying the
"Manifest Destiny" of the westward movement and glossing over
the fact that Indians and chicanos were "cleared" from their
lands like trees in the way of "progress"?
Do minorities, when mentioned at aP, appear as social problems
to be solved rather than as valuable contributors to our pluralis-
tic society?
Are Indians described in degrading "outgroup" terms (roaming,
ferocious, primitive)? Are Indian defeats called battles, Indian
victories massacres?
Do the stories in the readers feature suburban families of four,
with briefcase-toting fathers and nonworking mothers? (Many
children who cannot see anything familiar in such stories quite
understandably decide that reading is not for them.)
Are problems in the math books illustrated with pictures show-
ing boys earning money and building things, while girls spend
money, cook, and sew?
Do the history books hail pre-1880 immigrants to America as
pioneers and settlers and describe later arrivals (particularly non-
Europeans) as swarms and teeming hordes?
Do the authors try to give a "balanced" treatment of the "pros
and cons" of slavery? (This is about as acceptable as a
"balanced" treatment of Nazism would be.)
Do the illustrations in tha readers and social studies texts fail
to show minority group members or women in pozitions of
authority or power?
Do world history books first mention Africa in connection with
the slave trade, neglecting its great early cMlizations?
32 22
40 Questions and Answers
Do the evolution charts in the biology texts end with a white male,
as if he were somehow more truly evolution's end product than
a woman, or a black man, or an Indian, or a chicano, or an
Do the history and social studies texts still advance the melting
pot theory, whereby all minority groups are expected to "melt"
into the ways of the majority? (The truth of our national charac-
ter is mutticulturalism; uniculturalism is a myth.)
Do "revised" textbooks offer only tokenism (tinting of Cauca-
sian features in illustrations or perfunctory inclusion of the same
few black heroes, as if no others existed)?
If your answer to questions like these is yes, the myths are
being advanced, and reality is being avoided.5
Where does consciousness raising end and censorship begin? That
question troubles scholars who study attempts to censor school materi-
als. When persons involved in consciousness raising call
either overt-
ly or covertly
for the removal of books, they have crossed the line
and have begun acting like censors. When such persons derrinnd that
certain works not be published, they have practiced prior restraint,
which is a form of censorship.
8. Can censorship of school materials
ever he good?
Some persors argue that since challenges to books sometimes
teachers to re-examine what they are doing, the results
are good. If
a protest results in a publisher's revising a book to accommodate the
protester's complaint, then some would say that censorship is good.
Others argue that censorship has a nqative, "chilling" effect
on the
academic c'zirnate and is therefore bad.
Censorship incidents tend to become intensely emotional conflicts.
Both sides frequently get hurt in a variety of ways. Communities be-
come divided. "Friends" sometimes stop speaking to members of either
party in the conflict. Wounds are slow to heal and leave long-lasting
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
I have talked with at least 60 teachers, librarians, administrators,
school board members, parents, and students who have been involved
in some form of schoolbook protest
either as a protester or as a
defender of a book, a teaching method, a film, or a course. All indicated
that they wanted to forget the experience but found it very hard to
do so. At least half of the teachers with whom I talked have left the
teaching profession. Unfortunately for the profession, all were good
some even excellent
teachers. (See questions 2 and 32.)
Attempts to prevent students from reading certain materials al-
together may have an effect opposite to the one the censors wanted.
Students who might not otherwise read a specific book will frequently
do so if it is banned. (See question 6.)
9. Why do opponents of the schoolbook protest move-
ment invoke the First Amendment?
The Supreme Court affirmed the constitutional rights of students and
teachers, and specifically the protection of the First Amendment, in
the landmark case of Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community
School District,' which involved three students who were suspended
for wearing black armbands to protest the U.S. government's policy
in Vietnam. The Supreme Court made this frequently quoted state-
ment: "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed
their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the
schoolhouse gate."2
The limiting of access to knowledge in a school library becomes a
First Amendment issue (see question 12). The student's rights to know
and the teacher's right to academic freedom are also First Amendment
issues (see questions 10 and 11).
3 4 24
40 Questions and Answers
10. What are the students' rights to learn?
All children in the United States have a right
indeed, an obliga-
to attend school for about 10 years. "Courts have recognized
that the right to an education is fundamental and that the removal of
a student from school is a severe punishment, which school officials
have the right to administer only in cases of serious wrongdoing and
only with strict safeguards against arbitrariness and unfairness."' The
courts also have recognized, in some instances, that the "right to
education means the right to a good education."2
In 1924 the Supreme Court ruled that parents have the right
to di-
rect the education of their children,3 and it essentially reaffirmed that
right in a 1972 decision.4 But the Supreme Court also has recognized
that students have constitutional rights. Tinker
v. Des Moines Indepen-
dent Community School District stands as the beacon, signalling that
students have protected constitutional rights and
specifically in this
protected First Amendment rights. Four passages from the
Tinker decision have special significance in the consideration of
dent rights:
It can hardly be argued that either students
or teachers shed their
constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the
schoolhouse gate.
The District Court ccncluded that the action of the school
authorities was reasonable because it was based on their fear of
disturbance from the wearing of the armbands. But, in
our system,
undifferentiated fear or apprehension of disturbance is not enough
to overcome the right to freedom of expression. Any departure
from absolute regimentation may cause trouble. Any variation
from the majority's opinion may inspire fear. Any word spoken,
in class, in the lunchroom, or on the campus, that deviates from
the views of another person may start an argument or cause
a dis-
turbance. But our Constitution says that we must take this risk,
and our history says that it is this sort of hazardous freedom
this kind of openness
that is the basis of our national strength
and of the independence and vigor of Americans who grow
and live in this relatively permissive, often disputatious, society.
In order for the state in the person of school officials to justify
prohibition of a particular expression of opinion, it must be able
The Schoolbook Protest Movemeru
to show that its action was caused by something more than a mere
desire to avoid the discomfort and unpleasantness that always ac-
company an unpopular viewpoint. Certainly where there is no find-
ing and no showing that engaging in the forbidden conduct would
"materially and substantially interfere with the requirements of
appropriate discipline in the operation of the school," the prohi-
bition cannot be sustained.
in our system, state-operated schools may not be enclaves of
totalitarianism. School officials do not possess absolute authority
over their students. Students in school as well as out of school
are "persons" under our Constitution. They are possessed of fun-
damental rights which the State must respect, just as they them-
selves must respect their obligations to the State. In our system,
students may not be regarded as closed-circuit recipients of only
that which the State chooses to communicate. They may not be
confined to the expression of those sentiments that are officially
approved. In the absence of a specific showing of constitutionally
valid reasons to regulate their speech, students are entitled to free-
dom of expression of their views.5
Protected First Amendment rights, as designated in Tinker and oth.
er cases, provide students with the rights "to know" and to read. As
attorney Julia T. Bradley notes: "A student's right to read, and thus
to have available in a school library a full range of materials which
reflect differing literary styles, and differing social, political, and reli-
gious views, is a variant of a constitutional doctrine described as the
'right to receive information'."6 As a result of her reading of case law,
Bradley states: "Students can challenge a school board's removal of
a book from the school library not because they have the right to read
that particular work from that particular outlet, but because the book
represents their right not to have access to books made more difficult
or choices of reading material restricted arbitrarily."7
The courts' recognition of the student's protected constitutional
rights, independent of the rights of parents to direct the education of
their children, has resulted in situations in which two sets of rights
have come into conflict. The rights of students have also precipitated
conflicts with school boards and school administrators who have not
been fully cognizant of the courts' current attention to those rights.
(See questions 11, 12, and 13.)
36 26
40 Questions and Answers
In one Supreme Court case involving the First Amendment, Justice
Louis Brandeis included the following statement of James Madison,
which is relevant to the First Amendment rights of students:
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean
to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power
which knowledge gives. A popular government without popular
information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to farce
or tragedy, or, perhaps both.8
1 1 .
What is academic freedom? Does it apply to
elementary and secondary school teachers? And
what have the courts said about academic freedom
for public school teachers?
Until the 1960s the courts had not been involved in the issue of aca-
demic freedom for public school teachers. Academic freedom was
primarily considered as a right of college professors. But recently the
courts have ruled in a few cases whether teachers should have the right
to control course content, course materials, and teaching methods. And
public school teachers have gone to court to determine the extent of
their rights to teach and to express themselves.
Critics of academic freedom for public school teachers like to quote
these three sentences from the judge's decision in Maillowc v. Kiley:
"The faculty of a secondary school does not have the independent tra-
ditions, the broad discretions as to teaching methods, not usually the
intellectual qualifications, of university professors. Among secondary
school teachers there are often many persons with little experience.
Some teachers and most students ha-v e limited intellectual and emo-
tional maturity." The judge also said: "Most parents, students, school
boards, and members of the community usually expect the secondary
school to concentrate on transmitting basic information, teaching the
best that is known and thought in the world,' training by established
techniques, and, to some extent at least, indoctrinating in the mores
of the surrounding society." The judge noted that secondary schools
27 3 7
The Sch Dolbook Protest Movement
are not "open forums in which mature adults, already habituated to
social restraints, exchange ideas on a level of parity." The judge
pressed his opinion that "it cannot be accepted as a premise that the
student is voluntarily in the classroom and willing to be exposed to
a teaching method which, though reasonable, is not approved by the
school authorities or by the weight of professional opinion."2
Mailloux, the teacher plaintiff, was not dismissed, however. The judge
held that the "attempted dismissal of Mailloux violated the constitu-
tional procedural right recognized by Keefe and Parducci
the right
of a teacher not to be dismissed for using a 'reasonable' teaching meth-
od unless he or she has been put on notice not to use that method."3
In a frequently quoted article in a law journal, Stephen R. Goldstein
challenged academic freedom for secondary school teachers. He
that "cases involving restrictions on teachers' rights of curricular
trol are often erroneously viewed as censorship cases when the real
issue is who should make curricular choices given the fact that some-
one has to make choices. With regard to this issue, the arguments that
the Constitution allocates curricular decision making authority to the
teacher are not persuasive."4
Goldstein rejected both professionalism and the First Amendment
as arguments in behalf of academic freedom for public school teachers.
In refuting the First Amendment argument, he wrote: "The freedom
of expression justification for teacher control is premised
on an ana-
lytical model of education which views school as a market place of
ideas. There is no historical or precedential basis, however, for
cluding that the market place of ideas model is constitutionally
pelled over :he traditional value inculcation model. Thus, in the final
analysis, teachers' constitutional rights, in and out of the classroom,
do not extend beyond the First Amendment rights of all citizens."5
In a significant case involving academic freedom of secondary school
teachers, Judge Richard P. Matsch refuted Goldstein's argument with
these words: "To restrict the opportunity for involvement in an
forum for the free exchange of ideas would not only foster
an unac-
ceptable elitism, it would also fail to complete the development of those
not going on to college, contrary to our constitutional commitment
to equal opportunity. Effective citizenship in a participatory democra-
cy must not be dependent upon advancement toward college degrees.
38 28
40 Questions and Answers
Consequently, it would be inappropriate to conclude that academic
freedom is required only in the colleges and universities."6
Judge Matsch refuted Goldstein's argument that teachers are "essen-
tially, extensions of their employers." If teachers must follow only the
wishes of the majority as reflected by the school board and school
authorities, the result would be tyranny. "The tyranny of the majority
is as contrary to the fundamental principles of the Constitution as the
authoritarianism of an autocracy."7
The U.S. Supreme Court has yet to hear a case involving academic
freedom in the public schools, but the lower courts have begun to recog-
nize the need for academic freedom in the schools. Two cases are par-
ticularly significant. In Keefe v. Geanakos, the First Circuit Court held
that a teacher had been improperly dismissed for assigning an Atlan-
tic Monthly article that contained a taboo word. The court concluded
that the principles of academic freedom embodied in the Constitution
barred the teacher's dismissa1.8 In its decision, the court included this
quotation from the Supreme Court case of Wiemann v. Updegraff.
"Such unwarranted inhibition upon the free spirit of teachers affects
not only those who .
. are immediately before the Court. It has an un-
mistakable tendency to chill that free play of the spirit which all
teachers ought especially to cultivate and practice."9
In Parducci v. Rutland, a high school teacher of English was dis-
missed for being insubordinate when she refused to comply with su-
periors' orders that she never again teach Kurt Vonnegut's short story,
"Welcome to the Monkey House."I8 Two of the administrators in the
school district called the story "literary garbage," and they claimed
that its philosophy favored killing off old people and advocated free
sex. They also told the teacher that three students asked to be excused
from the assignment and that several parents complained about the
stoiy. When the teacher did not follow the administrators' orders, the
school board dismissed her on the grounds that the story had a "dis-
ruptive effect" on the school, and that she had refused "counseling and
advice of the school principal," and was therefore guilty of "insubordi-
The court upheld the teacher's right to teach the story and denied
the school board the right to dismiss her. The court found that the
story was appropriate for high school juniors and that it was not cb-
3 y-.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
scene. The court also noted that Vonnegut was not advocating killing
the elderly but that he was satirizing the depersonalization of man in
society.12 In Parducci, the court partially answered this question:
Should school officials have the power to decide what should be taught
and what should be banned? The court declared that the Vonnegut
story, as judged by other works that the students read in and out of
school, was not obscene. The court also found that the assignment of
the short story was not disruptive to the school; in fact, the court noted
that it was met with apathy by most of the students, except the three
who asked to be excused from the assignment.13
The courts have begun to recognize that the First Amendment pro-
vides a measure of academic freedom for public school teachers. The
courts also have attempted to balance the rights of teachers, parents,
students, and the state.14 Noting that the courts have treated academic
freedom for public school teachers more as a protected "interest" than
a "right," Martha M. McCarthy and Nelda H. Cambron caution that the
courts have preferred to view each case individually. "Therefore,
teachers must rely on the various judicial decisions for general guid-
ance only." And teachers should be "aware of the relationship betwcen
the particular materials or teaching methods employed and the course
being taught. If methods or materials are completely unrelated to
course objectives, their use would not be viewed as legally pro-
The courts have not always decided in favor of teachers and their
claim to academic freedom
particularly when the teachers have
departed from their assigned subject matter or have used unaccepta-
ble teaching methods. For example, the courts have decided that a
teacher could not discuss sex in an all-male speech class,16 that a
teacher could not discuss politics in an economics c1ass,17 that a
teacher could not discuss his disapproval of ROTC in an algebra
class,18 and that teachers have no constitutional rights to use unortho-
dox teaching methods.19
4 0
40 Questions and Answers
12. How have the courts responded to di
of school materials?
Human beings preside in the courts, and human beings do not agree
on all matters. Thus it is not surprising that the courts have not been
uniform in their decisions involving the removal of books and other
teaching materials from public school classrooms and libraries. The
courts do tend to agree that they prefer not to become involved in
debates over educational objectives and practices, leaving such mat-
ters to school boards, unless they believe that specific constitutional
rights have been violated. But when they do become involved, their
decisions are not always predictable, as the following brief considera-
tion of selected cases indicates.
Piri Thomas portrayed Harlem as a very unpleasant place to live in
Down These Mean Streets. He used language and described incidents
that provoked a group of parents in New York's School District 25 to
request that the book be removed from the shelves of several school
libraries. In response to the request, the district board conducted an
open hearing in which all but two of 73 speakers favored retention
of the book, either on literary or educational grounds. But the board
voted 5 to 3 to remove the book from the district's junior high school
libraries. Six weeks after the superintendent carried out the board's
order, the board modified its decision in a public meeting. The board
said that libraries that had purchased the book could keep it, but it
limited the loan of the book to parents of students attending the schools
not to the students themselves)
The district court dismissed, without a hearing, a complaint about
restricting the circulation of the book filed by a group of parents,
teachers, students, and a school librarian. The Second Circuit Court
of Appeals unanimously affirmed the lower court's decision, noting
violation of constitutional rights and stating that someone had to take
the responsibility for determining what will be in a library collection.
It also observed that shouts of book burning could hardly elevate an
"intramural strife to first amendment constitutional proportions."
Otherwise, "there would be a constant intrusion of the judiciary into
the internal affairs of the school."2
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
When the plaintiffs appealed the Second Circuit Court's decision,
the Supreme Court refused to review the case. In his dissenting opin.
ion, Justice William 0. Douglas made a telling point when he wrote:
"What else can the School Board now decide it does not like? How
else will its sensibilities be offended? Are we sending children to school
to be educated by the norms of the School Board or are we educating
our youth to shed the prejudices of the past, to explore all forms of
thought, and to find solutions to our world's problems?"3
The above case, President's Council, District 25 v. Community
School Bd. No 25, is cited frequently by those who attempt to have
books removed from libraries and classrooms. But according to stu .
dents of the First Amendment, the case did not answer the crucial ques-
tions in such matters since the courts chose to treat the incident as
a matter of shelving and unshelving books. In his analysis of the deci-
sion, Robert M. O'Neil, president of the University of Virginia, observed
that the "insensitivity of the Second Circuit's disposition
. . . is under-
standable . . . because the case was one of first impression. The simple
fact is that no constitutional decisions have defined the relative rights
and responsibilities of public libraries and their patrons."4 In a law
journal article, O'Neil concluded: "If the citizenry is to be fully informed
and if the primary functions of government are to be exercised by a
responsible and knowledgeable electorate, then the library should be
as unfettered as the press, the broadcast media, and the universities."5
Writing in the Connecticut Law Review, Julia T. Bradley made these
observ,Itions about President's Cou.lcil:
The court, in focusing on the issue of "who should decide," failed
to discuss the substantive nature of the hoard's decision. As a re
sult, President's Council is insensitive to the realities of the situ-
ation. Down These Mean Streets had been chosen to expose its
readers to an environment tmlike their own. The board removed
the book solely because its colloquial language and descriptions
of unpleasant scenes offended some people in the community.
The President's Council opinion sidesteps the constitutional is.
sile: What are proper criteria under the first amendment for choos
ing or removing books from a school library? While not capable
of precise definition, gc.,teral guidelines can be established. For
example, the final decisionmaker should use stundards based on
the usefulness of a book in relation to the educational needs of
40 Questions and Answers
students. Arbitrary criteria, such as personal dislike of a book's
language or ideas or unsubstantiated fear of some harmful effect,
should be disregarded. Because it ignored these questions, Presi-
is an inadequate guide for courts facing other in-
cidents of censorship in school libraries."6
The second and only other case involving a censorship incident that
has gone to the Supreme Court is Pico v. Board of Education, Island
Trees Union Free School District. This case involved
an incident on
Long Island, not far from the site of the President's Council
case. How-
ever, in Pico 11 books, including Down These Mean Streets, were in-
volved. After three members of the school board of Island Trees
attended a meeting of Parents of New York
United (PONY-U), the
school board voted to remove these 11 books from school libraries:
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous, A Reader for Writers edited by Jerome
W. Archer, A Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich by Alice Childress,
Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver, Best Short Stories by Negro Writers
by Langston Hughes, Laughing Boy by Oliver La Farge, The Fixer by
Bernard Malamud, The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris, Down These
Mean Streets by Piri Thomas, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut,
and Black Boy by Richard Wright.
At the PONY-U meeting, the board members said they "learned of
books found in schools throughout the country which
were anti-
American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic and just plain filthy."7 Two
board members entered a school library at night and looked through
the card catalog to determine that nine of the books
were available.
The board gave lists of the objectionable books to the school librari-
ans and ordered them to remove the titles from the shelves. On learn-
ing that Bernard Malamud's The Fixer was used in an English class,
the principal removed all copies from the classroom and storage clos-
et. Laughing Boy and A Reader for Writers, the two books available
in the junior high school library, were removed from the shelves.8
The school board did not follow its own policies for reviewing and
removing books from classrooms or libraries. The board's action stirred
sufficient controversy in the community to cause it to appoint
a com-
mittee of four parents and four teachers to review the books. As
a re-
sult of the recommendation of the review committee, the board
returned two titles, Laughing Boy and Black Boy, to the school library
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
but removed all others despite the review committee's vote to retain
Go Ask Alice. The Fixer, and Best Short Stories by Negro Writers.
The board also restricted access to Black Boy to those students who
had written permission from their parents to borrow the book.9
Five students in the Island Trees district filed suit against the school
board in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York
The suit claimed that the board, by removing nine books from school
libraries, violated both New York and U.S. constitutional guarantees
of freedom of expression. In an amicus brief filed by the American
Jewish Committee and other organizations, the authors of the brief
noted that they were astounded that The Fixer "was banned because
it contained anti-Semitic references. That assertion can lead to only
one of two conclusions: that its author is either illiterate or dishonest.
The Fixer clearly condemns anti-Semitism, as it does the authoritari-
an society which is the seed bed of anti-Semitism."10
The district court judge relied heavily on President's Council to rule
in favor of the defendant school board. Judge George C. Pratt observed:
Here, the Island Trees school board removed certain books be-
cause it viewed them as vulgar and in bad taste, a removal that
clearly was content-based. Whether they were correct in their
evaluation of the books is not the issue. Nor is the issue whether,
assuming the books to be vulgar and in bad taste, it is a wise or
even desirable educational decision to sanitize the library by
removing them, thereby sheltering the students from their in.
fluence. Such issues should be decided and remedied either by
the school district's voters, or by the State Commissioner of Edu-
cation on an appropriate administrative level.
Here, the issue is whether the First Amendment requires a fed.
eral court to forbid a school board from removing library books
which its members find to be inconsistent with the basic values
of the community that elected them. President's Council resolved
that issue by holding that a book that was improperly selected
"for whatever reason" could be removed "by the same authority
which was empowered to make the selection in the first place."n
In a 2 to 1 decision, the Second Circuit Court reversed the decision
of the district court and remanded the case for trial. But the school
board appeed the decision and the Supreme Court accepted the case
the first of its kind to have a hearing before the high Court. Anticipat-
40 Questions and Answers
ing a decision that would affect schoo! libraries and classrooms for
yeam, teachers, librarians, administrators, and students of the First
Amendment who had followed the case awaited the Supreme Court
decision and hoped for a decision that would give guidance to the edu-
cation profession. Their hopes were denied.
Nearly seven years after the initial action that precipitated Pico, the
Supreme Court handed down its split decision on 25 June 1982. Writ-
ing about the split decision
the court, R. Bruce Rich, counsel to the
Association of American Publishers Freedom to Read Committee, ob-
The case posed for the Court the issue of wi. ther and, if so, in
what circumstances
. .
. book removals in the school setting can
deprive students of their First Amendment rights. Not surprising-
ly, the Court divided sharply on the issue, with the decision re
fleeted in seven separate opinions, none of which commanded a
majority of the Justices. Nevertheless, a majority of the Court voted
to return the case for further trial proceedings to determine the
underlying motivations of the local school board in removing the
books, thereby preserving the First Amendment claims of the stu
dents and rejecting the notion that there are no potential constitu-
tional constraints on school board actions in this area. Viewed in
this light, the decision, for all its uncertainties, must be regarded
as a significant victory for the proponents of a vigorous First
Amendment and of the freedom to read)2
In the Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom
the A merican Library
Association, R. Bruce Rich made these comments on the significance
of the decision:
If nothing else, the Island Trees decision sends an important
message to school officials who may be intent on cleansing school
library shelves of works which they view as personally offensive.
That message is that such actions will be subject to searching scru-
in the federal courts if necessary
to assure that they are
properly motivated. More generally, by preserving the students'
constitutional claims, the Court plaoed school library book
removals within the class of official conduct in the school setting
which is subject to First Amendment limitations.
At the same time, it is important to recognize that the decision
contains a number of self-stated limitations, as well as ambigui.
4 5
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
ties. It is thus unclear what, if any, constitutional limitations at-
tend a school system's textbook acquisition decisions, or its library
acquisition policies. In this connection, one must wonder how ab-
solutely Justice Brennan intended his statement that "[Local school
boards] might well defend their claim of absolute discretion in mat-
ters of curriculum by reliance upon their duty to inculcate corn .
mu nity values."
Equally unclear is the meaning of such concepts as "pervasive
vulgarity" and "educational suitability" as rationales for book
removals. Could such terms not be used by a school board intent
on developing a "proper" record to justify a vast range of ques-
tionable book removals?
Similarly left unclear by the decision is the extent to which
procedures must be adopted and adhered to in connection with
book removals. Are such procedures a constitutional requirement
or is a failure to utilize procedures merely a factor which the courts
will examine in evaluating the motivation underlying particular
These and other unresolved issues may or may not be clarified
by subsequent court decisions . . . . In the meanwhile, librarians,
publishers and others committed to the First Amendment princi-
ples at stake in this area can be pleased that the Supreme Court
even if in less than compelling fashion
has recognized and
preserved those principles.13
The Supreme Court may not choose w hear another book removal
case in this decade, or in this century, but such cases will undoubted
ly be tried in the lower courts. Therefore, an examination of several
significant lower court decisions may prove useful.
In Minarcini v. Strongsville City School District five high school
students challenged the school board's right to determine what books
could be selected as textbooks, what books could be selected for the
school library, which books could be removed from the school library,
and which books could be banned from the high school classroom.
The Sixth Circuit Court upheld the school board's right to decide
which books could be approved as textbooks, but it denied the school
board the right to remove previously purchased library books. The
Sixth Circuit Court observed:
4 b
40 Questions an,' ',nswers
the court must conclude that the board removed the books Kurt
Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle and Joseph Heller's Catch-22 because
it found them & jectionable in content and because it felt it had
the power, unfettered by the First Amendment,
to censor the
school library for subject matter that the board members found
. .. A public library is a valuable adjunct to classroom
discussion. If a teacher considered Joseph Heller's Catch-22
be an important American rovel, no one would dispute that the
First Amendment's prot.,tton of academic freedom would
tect both his right to say so in class and his student's right to hear
him and to find and read the book. Obviously, the student's
suc .
cess in this last endeavor would be greatly hindered by the fact
that the book had been removed from the school library. The
removal of books from a school library is a much
more serious
burden upon freedom of classroom discussion than the action
found unconstitutional in Tinker v. Des Moines
. . .
. This burden
is not minimized by the availability of the disputed book in
outside the school. 14
In Right to Read Defense Committee of Chelsea
v. School Commit-
tee of the City of Chelsea the president of the Chelsea (Massachusetts)
School Committee objected to Male and Female Under 18,
a book
that a parent brought to the prez,ident's attention. As editor of
the lo-
cal newspaper, the president immediately denounced the book
in his
newspaper even though he had not read any part of the anthology of
prose and poetry written by high school students.
Throughout his decision, Judge Joseph Tauro quoted from editori-
als and news stories in the Chelsea
newspaper to underscore the ar-
bitrariness of the president of the school committee in having the book
removed from the school library. The judge ordered the book returned
to the library, noting that in a school library "a student can literally
explore the unknown, and discover areas of interest and thought
covered by the prescribed curriculum. The student who discovers the
magic of the library is on the way to a life-long experience of self-
educ ation and enrichment. That student learns that
a library is a place
to test or expand upon ideas presented to him, in or out of the class.
room. The most effective antidote to the poison of mindless orthodoxy
is ready access to a broad sweep of ideas and philosophies. There is
no danger in such exposure. The danger is in mind control."15
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
In Salvail v. Nashua Board of Educa'ion one member of the Nashua
(New Hampshire) School Board asked that Ms. Magazine be removed
from the high school library because it contained advertisements for
contraceptives, vibrators, materials dealing with lesbianism and witch-
craft, and gay material. He also objected to advertisements for what
he described as a pro-communist newspaper (The Guardian) and ad-
vertisements suggesting trips to Cuba. In addition he feIt that the maga-
zine encouraged students and teachers to send away for records made
by known communist folk singers. Another school board member who
wa s. a former principal said that the "proper test for material to be avail-
able for reading by high school students was whether it could be read
aloud to his daughter in a classroom."
The school board voted to remove back issues of Ms. Magazine from
the high school library and to cancel the subscription. The school board
ignored the procedures for handling complaints about school mated-
als that had been distributed to all New Hampshire school districts by
the State Department of Education. Members of the board felt they
were not bound by New Hampshire's interim guidelines and that "in
some cases they should act instantaneously."
The court ordered the school board to return the magazine to the
library shelves and to renew the subscription. The court observed: "de-
spite protestations contained in the testimony of these parties, it is the
'political' content of Ms. Magazine more than its sexual overtones that
led to its arbitrary displacement. Such a basis for removal of the publi-
cation is constitutionally impermissible."16
Bicknell v. Vergennes Union High School Board of Directors grew
out of an ongoing controversy concerning some of the books in the
Vergennes (Vermont) Union High School library. The board of direc-
tors established a written policy governing the selection and removal
of books that specified the "rights and responsibilities" of the board,
the professional staff, the parents, and the students. The "rights" of
the board are: "To adopt policy and procedure, consistent with statute
and regulation
that they feel is in the best interests of students, par-
ents, teachers and community." For professional staff: "To freely se-
lect, in accordance with Board policy, organize and administer the
media collection to best serve teachers and students." For students:
"To freely exercise the right to read and to free access to library materi-
4 8
40 Questions and Answers
als." The policy also includes procedures and criteria for the selection
of materials and a procedure allowing parents to submit requests for
review of books. The procedure calls for the librarian to meet with the
parents to resolve the issue; unresolved matters go to the board.
Several months after the adoption of the policy, parents complained
about two books, Patrick Mann's Dug Day Afternoon and Richard
Price's The Wanderers. The parents objected to "the vulgarity and in-
decency of language" in the books. The board voted to remove The
Wanderers and to place Dog Day Afternoon on a restricted shelf. The
board also voted to prohibit the school librarian from purchasing any
additional major works of fiction, and subsequently voted that any book
purchases other than those in the categories "Dorothy Canfield Fisher,
science fiction and high interest-low vocabulary must be reviewed by
the school administration in consultation with the Board." A group of
students, their parents, and other parents filed a complaint asking the
district court in Vermont to enjoin the removal of the books and the
alteration of the policy.
The Second Circuit Court upheld the decision of the lower court that
the removal of tit.: books did not constitute a suppression of ideas and
thus was not a violation of First Amendment rights of students. Nor
did the board's changing of the procedures constitute a violation of
due process.17
It is interesting to note that the Second Circuit Court delivered this
opinion on the same day that it decided against the school board in
In Zykan v. Warsaw Community School Corporation Brooke and
Blair Zykan sued the Warsaw (Indiana) School Board for violating their
First Amendment rights as students by these actions: 1) removing an
elective course titled "Values for Everyone" from the curriculum and
turning the class set of Values Clarification over to a group of senior
citizens for a public burning; 2) deleting seven other courses from the
curriculum, including "Gothic Literature," "Black Literature," "Science
Fiction," "F.-1k lore and Legends," and "Whatever Happened to Man-
kind?"; 3) banning four books
Growing Up Female in America,
The Stepford Wives, Go Ask Alice, and The Bell Jar
from the "Wom-
en in Literature" course; 4) requiring an English teacher to excise a
few pages from Student Critic, a book that had been taught without
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
challenge for seven years; 5) having Go Ask Alice permanently cht:cked
out of the school library by an administrator; 6) failing to renew the
contracts of two teachers, which the plaintiffs alleged was part of the
board's censorship campaign; and 7) not following the board's estab-
lished procedures for reconsideration of materials and for failing
obtain community or professional input on its decisions.
District Judge Allen Sharpe dismissed the suit because "this Court
lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter" and because "the
does not allege a violation of constitutionally protected rights." In
holding the lower court's decisio
the Seventh Circuit Court observed:
Secondary school students certainly retain an interest in
freed3m of the classroom, if only through the qualified "freedom
ic sear" that has lately emerged as a constitutional concept. But
two factors tend to limit the relevance of "academic freedom" at
the secondary school level. First, the student's right to and need
for such information is bounded by the level of his
or her intellec-
tual development. A high school student's lack of the intellectual
skills necessary for taking full advantage of the marketplace of ideas
engenders a correspondingly greater need for direction and guid.
ance from those better equipped by experience and reflection to
make critical educational choices. Second, the importance of
ondary schools in the development of intellectual faculties is only
one part of a broad informative role encompassing the encourage.
ment and nurturing of those fundamental social, political, and mor-
al values that will permit a student to take his place in the
the case of Pratt v. Independent School District No. 831
a school
board removed a film of Shirley Jackson's well-known short
story "The
Lottery" as well as an accompanying discussion film. Students filed
suit in district court, requesting that the films be returned. The
ordered the board to reinstate the film in its curriculum. Judge Miles
Lord observed:
Case law dictates that a school board has the broad authority
to regulate school curriculum
. .
This authority, however, is
limited by the first amendment to the constitution. The action of
a school district in removing something from the curriculum can
40 Questions and Answers
not be motivated by an interest in imposing a religious or scien-
tific orthodoxy or in eliminating a particular idea from student
13 . What are the parents' rights if they wish to keep
their children from reading or learning something
to which they are opposed?
The Supreme Court has clearly held that parents have the right "to
guide the education of their children." But the state also has a legiti-
mate interest in the schooling of its future citizens, and therefore it
can compel parents to provide their children with an adequate educa-
tion. When school officials and parents disagree about what is best for
youngsters, the right of parents may collide with those of the state.'
At one time, the public schools, acting as the state's agents, bowed to
the wishes of parents by excusing students from courses and specific
assignments. Early court cases indicated that parents had a right to
excuse their children from any course offered by the schools. How-
ever, today schools generally can compel students to attend courses
that are deemed "basic" or "essential for good citizenship" even over
the objections of parents. But if parents can show that a course clearly
violates their religious freedom, such objections will have a better
chance of being respected by the courts.2 Thus far, however, the
courts have rejected the argument that the schools have violated the
religious freedom of the parents and their children by imposing the
"religion" of secular humanism on their children (see question 29).
The removal of a child from a course to which a parent objects is
further complicated by the courts' recognition of a student's constitu-
tional rights independent of the parents. Another complicating factor
stems from school board control over schools. As Robert O'Neil ex-
plains, "While the percentage of actual participation in school board
elections varies, and is often appallingly low, citizens have the chance
to vote
and when they feel strongly about curricular or other school
matters, they do exercise their franchise. Thus a single parental chal-
lenge to a unit or course that has been approved by an elected board
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
(or its appointed surrogates) is antidemocratic. The clash is inevitable
even where the intervention seeks to have only a single child excused,
because others may seek comparable relief and may claim unequal
treatment if they are not also excused. The clash is more severe, of
course, where the objecting parent seeks to have the whole unit re-
moved from the curriculum."3
The argument that parents should have absolute control of the edu-
cation of their children in such intimate matters as sex, family life, and
procreation is a strong one. But the school argument is also a strong
one. As O'Neil states, "If every parent can determine what each child
will study, the control of education would become chaotic. Moreover,
as schools increasingly certify the content of a diploma
for college
admission, employment, and the like
the need for uniformity in the
curriculum becomes greater. To have the curriculum individually de-
beyond the kinds of electives that are allowed in many
secondary schools
would seriously undermine the claims for accep-
tance and support on which the school systems in this country
Clashes over parental rights have led to mixed decisions in the courts,
and they will unquestionably continue to do so.
14. Who are the schoolbook protesters?
Your nextdoor neighbor could be a schoolbook protester. It could
be anyone: the couple across the street, the elderly lady on the cor-
ner, the young man who repairs TV sets, the minister, the student who
delivers the daily newspaper, a member of an organization concerned
about the public schools. According to surveys of the frequency of
schoolbook protests, complaints are lodged primarily by parents, but
protesters also include teachers, school administrators, school librari-
ans, students, clergymen, school board members, and special interest
groups. They do not represent one particular religion or a specific po-
litical party. Their economic backgrounds and occupations are as var-
ied and interesting :is the objectionable material they find in books.
40 Questions and Answers
Do the schoolbook protesters live primarily
small towns?
Schoolbook protesters do not live in any particular part of the na-
tion; they can be found in all 50 states, in large cities
and in small towns,
in inner-city neighborhoods and in the suburbs. A
listing of recorded
censorship incidents during the last 10 years shows that
protest is definitely not limited to any
geographic area. Schoolbook
protesters are at work everywhere as the listing
below will attest. Please
note that this is only a partial listing.
Alabama: Anniston, Huntsville, Scottsboro, Tuscaloosa, State
of Education, State Textbook Committee
Alaska: Anchorage, Barrow, Fairbanks, Yakutat
Arizona: Benson, Gilbert, Marana, Phoenix, Prescott, St. David,
er, State Legislation
Arkansas: Concord, Glen Rose, Homer, Hot Springs, North Little
California: Anaheim, Anderson, Chula Vista, Concord, Cotati,
City, Fresno, Hayward, Imperial Beach, Jamul, Lafayette, Livermore,
Mt. Diablo, Oaldand, San Diego, San Jose, San Juan,
Santa Clara,
Santa Rosa, Walnut Creek, Yucaipa
Colorado: Aurora, Boulder, Denver, Glenwood, Idaho Springs,
son County, La Mesa, Pagosa
Springs, Widefield, State Legislation
Connecticut: Bethany, Darien, Enfield, Hamden, Lebanon,
Manchester, Simsbury, State Legislation
Delaware: Camden, Dover, New Castle County
Florida: Escambia County, Ft. Myers, Haines City, Lakeland, Lee
ty, Orlando, Palm Beach County, Pinellas
County, Polk County, St.
Petersburg, Stuart, Tallahassee, Tampa, Vero Beach
Georgia: Atlanta, Cobb County, Gwinnett County,
Savannah, Walker
Hawaii: Hawaii School Board
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Idaho: Boise, Lewiston, Moscow, St. Anthony
Illinois: Barrington, Champaign, Collinsville, Du Page County, Edwards-
ville, Glenview, Johnston City, Mahomet, Midlothian. New Trier, Nor-
mal, Norridge, Oak Lawn, Peoria, Peru, Princeton, Schaumberg,
Springfield, Spring Valley, Waukegan, Winnetka
Indiana: Cedar Lake, Daleville, Fort Wayne, French Lick, Goshen, High-
land, Marion County, New Albany, Tell City, Warsaw, Westfield,
Iowa: Atlantic, Bettendorf, Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des
Moines, Dubuque, Elkader, Kanawha, Monticello, New Hartford,
Sioux City, West Des Moines
Kansas: Buhler, Dodge City, Gardner, Hays, Hutchinson, Mackville, Sa-
lina, Topeka, Wichita
Kentucky: Frankfort, Jefferson County, Louisville, Somerset
Louisiana: Baton Rouge, Jefferson Parish, Lafayette, Livingston, New
Orleans, Monroe, Shreveport, St. Tammany Parish
Maine: Bath, Baileyville, Brunswick, Caribou, Dyer Brook, New Lis-
bon, Sanford, York
Maryland: Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Federalsburg, Frederick,
Glen Burnie, Harford County, Howard County, Linthicum, Middle-
town, Montgomery County, Potomac, Prince Georges County, Pyles-
ville, Rockville, Salisbury, Westminster
Massachusetts: Athol, Buck land, Chelsea, Dedham, Holyoke, Hopkin-
ton, Ludlow, North Adams, Orange, Pembroke, Scituate, Townsend,
Michigan: Bloomfield Hills, Brighton, Detroit, Flint, Grand Blanc, Grand
Ledge, Hesperia, Holland, Lapeer, Middleville, Midland, Romeo,
Swartz Creek, Watervliet, Wyoming
Minnesota: Bloomington, Deer River, Duluth, Eden Valley, Elk River,
Forest Lake, Grand Rapids, International Falls, Long Prairie, Min-
neapolis, Park Rapids, Pipestone, St. Anthony-New Brighton, St.
Cloud, St. Paul, Sauk Rapids, South St. Paul, Zimmerman
Mississippi: Rankin County, Mississippi Textbook Commission, State
40 Questions and Answers
Missouri: Branson, Eldon, Hillsboro, Independence, Mehlville, Mexi-
co, Miller, Park Hill, Raytown, Springfield
Montana: Billings, Helena, Libby, Missoula, Whitehall
Nebraska: Bellevue, Dorchester, Lincoln, Omaha, Pierce, Ravenna,
Nevada: Carson City, Henderson, Reno
New Hampshire: Candia, Claremont, Merrimack, Nashua
New Jersey: Bergen County, Bloomsbury, Lindenwold, Mahwah, North
Bergen, Norwood, Old Bridge, Pequannock, Pompton Plains, Salem,
Totowa, Trenton, Wayne
New Mexico: Carlsbad, Santa Fe, New Mexico State Board of Education
New York: Binghamton, Brockport, Brooklyn, Cornwall, East Mead.
ow, Jericho, Hannibal, Levittown, New York City, Putnam Valley, Roch-
ester, Syracuse, Van Etten, Vernon, White Plains, Wilson
North Carolina: Asheboro, Buncombe County, Cabarrus County, Clin-
ton, Durham, Greensboro, New Hanover County, Raleigh, Randolph
County, Southport, Statesville, Wayne County, Winston.Salem
North Dakota: Minot
Ohio: Akron, Albany, Columbus, Continental, Dayton, Enon, Findlay,
Garfield Heights, Hamilton, Hudson, Mount Vernon, North Jackson,
Oak Hills, Oberlin, Rootstown, Xenia
Oklahoma: Boynton, Eufaula, Miami, Tulsa, State Legislation
Oregon: Beaverton, Corvallis, Creswell, Eagle Point, Eugene, Gervais,
Glide, Hillsboro, Lincoln County. Monroe, Philomath, Pleasant Hill,
Portland, Roseburg, Sandy, Springfield, Vancouver, Willamina
Pennsylvania: Mlentown, Brodheadsville, Emporium, Girard, Harris.
burg, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Oil City, Red Cross, Scranton, Selings-
grove, Southeastern Greene, State College, Sunbury, Warrington, York
Rhode Island: Portsmouth, Providence, Richmond, Westerly, Westport,
South Carolina: Columbia, Greenville, Richland
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
South Dakota: Blunt, Onida, Pierre, Sioux Falls
Tennessee: Church Hill, Dayton, Kingsport, Knoxville, Manchester
Texas: Arlington, Austin, Del Valle, Eagle Pass, Fort Worth, Hempstead,
Houston, Hurst, Olney, San Antonio, State Textbook Committee
Utah: Hcber City, Ogden, Provo
Vermont: Bradford, Burlington, Chester, East Montpelier, Richford,
Virginia: Arlington, Charlotte County, Chesterfield County, Christian
burg, Fairfax County, Gretna, Herndon, Mathews, Warrentown, Wise
Washington: Hermiston, Hockinson, Issaquah, Kent, Kitsap County,
Olympia, Omak, Renton, Snoqualmie, Spokane, Sumner, Vancouver,
Washougal, Ye 1m
West Virginia: Kanawha County, Mercer County, Morgantown,
Wisconsin: Adams, Amherst, Coleman, Elkhorn, Fond du Lac, Green
Bay, Howard, Monte llo, Mosinee, Muskego, Nashotah, New Berlin,
Oconto, Racine, Solon Springs, Stevens Point, Sun Prairie, Wales, Wau.
kesha, Wauzeka, West Allis
Wyoming: Casper, Gillette, Glenrock, Jackson Hole
This list is based on incidents reported in the Newsletter
on Intellec-
tual Freedom of the American Library Association, annual reports of
People for the American Way, and press clippings.
What do the schoolbook protesters have in
According to pemons with whom I have talked who have experienced
censorship, the schoolbook protesters who insist that books be removed
from public schools seem to have these common characteristics: They
40 Questions and Answers
are convinced that they know what is best for others to see and to
read. They know what is wrong with a book whether they have read
it or not. They tend to judge a book by a few specific passages rather
than by the book as a whole. They lack a sense of humor.
Ken Done lson, Professor of English at Arizona State University, has
written many articles about school censorship. He makes these dis-
tinctions between a censor and a teacher
The censor, however good and decent and sincere and religious
and decf_:- z.ed and patriotic, is usually supremely confident of his
or her own rightness. The censor seems certain while the teacher
can never be. The censor knows truth while the teacher is only
trying to perceive it. The censor sometimes claims to have a di-
rect pipeline to God and truth and right while the teacher can make
no such sacrilegious assertion. The censor may claim that he knows
what is good for everi p.crson while the teacher knows only that
each of us must take a pemonal trip through this world searching
for the good. The censc,r can afford the luxury of arrogance and
omniscience while the teacher can not so pretend.'
17. What are some of the tactics of the schoolbook pro-
The American Education Coalition, a Washington-based group of or-
ganizations that have expressed displeasure with America's public
schools, has prepared a series of "action kits" for "parent activists."
Action Kit #1, Organizing an Effective Parent Group, presents these
six steps:
1. Choose Your Battle
According to Action Kit #1, the newly formed group should de-
cide on the philosophy of the group, prepare a statement of pur-
pose, decide on a mixture of negative and positive strategies and
tactics, and then decide which issues to pursue.'
2. Create Your Organization
The Action Kit 5.3 tes that a "parent group starts with one per-
son." That individual enlists friends and acquaintances from differ-
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
ent backgrounds, including different religions. Then the group
gives itself a name, agrees on assigned responsibilities, and avoids
"the creation of a formal structure."2
3. Choose a Course of Action
The Action Kit suggests that the new organization study the ar-
guments and rhetoric of the education establishment, become
familiar with the "liberal mentality" by subscribing to several
"liberal newsletters or tabloids," understand what makes the deci-
sion makers (administrators, educators, and school board mem-
bers) tick, apply "counter-pressure until [the decision makers]
decide the way you want," and build a coalition of like-minded
4. Publicity
The Action Kit recommends the selection of a spokesperson who
conducts press conferences, becomes a guest on talk shows, and
engages in oneto-one encounters. If the spokesperson becomes
ill, the "media event" should be cancelled.4 The spokesperson
should avoid using "buzz words." "Example: 'book burners' is a
liberal buzz word, 'secular humanism' is a conservative buzz
5. Minor and Major Events
A well-established group should conduct a public meeting, invite
a speaker with "at least a regional reputation," invite a member
of the "enemy camp" but maintain control of the meeting, in-
vite the press, and schedule and advertise a future event.6
6. Future Possibilities
Readers are advised to send for two additional action kits: Lob-
bying Your Legislators and Congressmen and How to Get Elect-
ed to the Schoolboard.7
Several interesting suggestions are offered to parent activitist groups
by Connaught Marshner in Blackboard Tyranny: "If you mean to cir-
culate a rumor, don't do it on your official stationery or in the name
of your group."8 "If your group plans to be very controversial, you
may not wish to put officers' names on your stationery."9
Mrs. Marshner suggests that an activist group might want to mount
"a systematic lettersto-the-editor campaign" as the need arises. "The
40 Questions and Answers
crucial thing here is not to give the appearance of an organized
paign. Personally ask different 'reliables' in your club to write a letter
to the editor on a specific day on a specific aspect of the topics at is-
sue. This is, incidentally, a good way of determining who in your club
is a reliable and who is not."Io
About using call-in shows, Mrs. Marshner writes: "If the response to
your appearance is good enough, you may be invited back. You can
help bolster the response without telling the host that half the people
who called in were your friends
. . .
. When a talk show features some-
body you don't agree with, quickly call up a few of your reliables and
get them to listen and call in as well."n
Mel and Norma Gabler (see question 19) offer this advice to
pective schoolbook protesters:
to win any school battles, you must win them in the background
prior to any public meetings preferably. That is, you must con-
vince school board members and/or administrators first, for they
will almost invariably support one another in public, regardless
of the issue. Many times, however, one member of the board
quietly act to remove objectionable books, programs, or films; so
long as it does not break out into a "fanfare". It is vitally impor-
tant to do your "homework" before you begin any "campaigns"
at all.12
To mount "the offensive against undesirable texts," the Gablers
recommend that their followers take these seven steps:
1. Learn the textbook adoption procedures in your state and district.
2. Your thorough knowledge of the textbook is your best offensive
3. It is essential to mark the objectionable passages in
4. Hold some of your best arguments in reserve.
5. Stay on the offensive
6. Dc. :lot expect victory overnight.
7. Consider forming groups to work together.13
The description of a "typical" schoolbook protest incident provides
additional information on the strategies of the protesters. (See
tions 31 and 32.)
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
18. What are the targets of the schoolbook protesters?
During the last 12 years, I have examined thousands of pages of criti-
cism of schoolbooks, various teaching materials, and teaching methods;
and I have concluded that there are at least 200 targets of the pro-
testers who belong to organizations. The groups do not necessarily
agree on all targets, but there is a common core of at least 50 that
are shared by the New Right alone.
The 60 targets that follow are among the most common found in
the literature of protesting groups from either the right or the left:
1. Secular humanism. Many of the protesting organizations have
identified "objectionable" materiAs that they maintain promote the
tenets of the religion of secula,' humanism. Attempting to remove secu-
lar humanism from the public schools has become the number one
goal of such organizations. They seem to believe that if they could con-
vince the schools and the courts to prohibit the spreading of human-
ism, which they intentionally confuse with secular humanism, they
could eliminate such "evils" as sex education, drug education, values
clarification, evolution, and the "look-say" method of reading, among
others (see questions 25 to 29 for more information on secular
2. Sex education. Norma and Mel Gabler and other schoolbook pro-
testers call sex education "how-to courses" that are responsible for
teenage pregnancies and the spreading of social diseases. The protesters
maintain that a majority of parents are opposed to sex education
courses in the schools despite the fact that public opinion polls show
that at least 70% of Americans polled endorse such courses.
3. Drug education. The founder of a protest organization in Minneso-
ta claims that drug education was never designed as a preventative;
instead, it teaches students how to "use drugs in a responsible man-
ner" and intensifies their desire to experiment with drugs.
4. Values clarification. The Gablers and others maintain that such
courses are designed to challenge and to destroy home-taught values.
The protesters maintain that values clarification courses rely on situa-
tion ethics, which, they believe, is the hallmark of secular humanism.
5. Soviet lapaganda. In a speech on the Capitol steps in Washing-
ton, D.C., in which he launched a new phase of his Clean Lip America
40 Questions and Answers
campaign, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority,
declared that most public school textbooks are nothing
more than "So-
viet propaganda." He said, "Our children are being trained to deny ther
200-year heritage." He then urged his followers to "rise
up in arms to
throw out every textbook [that seeks to deny children that heritage]."
6. Citizenship. According to Parents of Minnesota,
a protesting or-
ganization, a parent should not be misled "when your child is having
a course on citizenship. These are not citizenship classes as we know
them to be. The new cnurses are designed to transfer loyalties of the
child from CAPITALISM (Free Enterprise) to SOCIALISM. Socialism
(according to Marxist theory) is a stage of society in transition between
7. Evolution. Members of some fundamentalist religions
oppose any
mention of evolution
in science and social studies textbooks as well
as in novels and short stories
without an equal mention of crea-
8. Novels, stories, poems, or plays that portray conflicts between chil-
dren and their parents or between children and
persons in authority.
Also, literary works in which children question the decisions
or wis-
dom of their elders.
9. Literary works that contain profanity or
any "questionable"
O. Literary works that contain characters who do not speak
dard English. Such characters, it is alleged, are designed by the authors
to teach students "bad English."
11. Black literature and black dialect.
12. Literary works and textbooks that portray
women in nontradi-
tional roles (anything other than housewife and mother). On the oth-
er hand, some feminist groups object to illustrations in basal readers
and other textbooks that show women in the so-called traditional roles.
13. Mythology
particularly if the myths include stories of creation.
14. Stories about any pagan cultures and lifestyles.
15. Stories about the supernatural, the occult, magic, witchcraft, Hal-
1v)ween, etc.
16. Ethnic studies. (One protesting organization calls ethnic studies
17. Violence.
6 i
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
18. Passages that describe sexual acts explicitly, or passages that refer
to the sex act.
19. Invasions of privacy. Any questions, theme assignments, or
homework that ask students to examine their personal backgrounds
family, education, religion, childhood experiences, etc. In addition,
any questionnaires or assignments that allegedly violate
the privacy
of the family.
20. An abundance of pictures, cartoons, drawings, and songs in bas-
al readers or in any textbooks.
21. Literature written by homosexuals; literature written about
homosexuals; any "favorab:e" treatment of homosexuals.
22. Books and stories that do not champion the work ethic.
23. Books and stories that do not promote patriotism.
24. Negative statements about parents, about persons in authority,
about the United States, about American traditions.
25. Science fiction. One protester refers to all science fiction as the
"Godless books."
26. Works of "questionable writers" such as Langston Hughes, Dick
Gregory, Richard Wright, Malcolm X, Eldridge Cleaver, Joan Baez, and
Ogden Nash.
27. "Trash." Example& The Catcher in the Rye, Go Ask Alice, Flow-
ers for Algernon, Black Boy, Native Son, Manchild in
the Promised
Land, The Learning Tree, Black Like Me, Daddy Was a Numbers
Runner, and Soul on Ice.
28. Any books or stories that do not portray the family unit (non-
divorced mother and father with several children) as the basis of Ameri-
can life.
29. Assignments that lead the students to self-awareness and self-
30. Critical thinking skills.
31. Books and stories that contain words that disparage any individu-
al or group
even if the language is a vital part of the
dialogue that
helps delineate a particular character.
32. Death education. In Change Agents in the Schools, Barbara M.
Morris alleges that death education courses remove the fear of dying
and make it easier for students to accept suicide, abortion, and euthana-
sia. She notes that in such courses students are taught that the "ulti-
40 Questions and Answers
mate, the very ultimate use of the human body is a food for other hu-
mans." She notes several selections that students allegedly read in death
education courses and adds: "Students also read Jonathan Swift's A
Modest Proposal which extolls the delights of dining on well fed babies."
33. World geography, if there is mention of "one worldism."
34. Histories that mention the United Nations.
35. Histories that point out any weaknesses in the founders of this
nation or in any of the nation's leaders.
36. Uncaptioned pictures in history textbooks or in
any textbooks.
37. Revisionist histories.
38. Histories that refer to this nation as a democracy instead of
a republic.
39. Ecology. One of the Gablers' employees who helps write reviews
of history textbooks objects to publishers devoting "so much
space to
a movement thaes just picking up
and that some forces are trying
to push. There are plenty of people who are opposed to the ecology
movement. Actually only one side has been presented
and that's
usually the pro-ecology side."
40. Pollution. One protesting group objects to any mention of pol-
lution in textbooks since the results of pollution have not been
thoroughly proved and since the eradication of pollution is an "affront"
to the free-enterprise system.
41. Psycho-drama and role playing.
42. Sensitivity training.
43. Behavior modification.
44. Magic circles.
45. Any psychological or psychiatric method practiced in the pub-
lic schools. Any psychological principle used in teaching.
46. Assignments that ask students to make value judgments
or as-
signed literature that prompts students to question value judgments
made by others.
47. Human development and family development programs usual-
ly taught in home economics classes.
48. News magazines that publish stories about the harsh realities
of life
war, crime, death, violence, and sex.
49. Magazines that contain advertisements for alcoholic beverages,
birth control devices, or trips to countries like Cuba.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
50. Nudity. Example: parents and school administrators have ob-
jected to the drawing of the naked boy in Maurice Sendak's In the Night
Kitchen and to reproductions of paintings accompanying myths that
show half-clad gods and goddesses.
51. Near nudity. Many copies of the annual swimwear issue of Sports
Illustrated never reach the magazine racks in school libraries.
52. "Depressing thoughts." Example: Norma and Mel Gabler objected
to the inclusion, in a basal reader, of P.T. Barnum's statement, "There's
a sucker born every minute," because it's a
"depressing thought."
53. Distorted content. Example: one of the Gablers' volunteer review-
ers objected to a story in a basal reader because she contended
the "text is trying to stress change as being the major thing in life. This
is not true. Change has no reliability; it cause [sic] the personality to
be shattered."
54. Books or stories with suggestive titles. Examples: Making It with
Mademoiselle (a book on dressmaking) and Belly Button Defense (a
book about basketball).
55. Negative thinking. The Gablers urge their reviewers to look for
examples of negative thinking in textbooks. Such thinking, according
to the Gablers, includes stories about alienation, statements from mem-
bers of minority groups that indicate they feel people are prejudiced
against them, stories that are frightening or horrifying, stories that are
56. Isms fostered. In the outline for reviewers, the Gablers encourage
their volunteers to look for favorable comments about any of the isms:
communism, socialism, internationalism, and so forth. In one of their
volumes of objections about textbooks submitted for adoption in Texas,
the Gablers objected to a favorable mention of UNICEF in a basal reader
"because it is a known Communist front."
57. Sexist and racist stereotypes.
58. The generic use of masculine pronouns when the referent may
be either male or female.
59. Books in which stories or illustrations have a disproportionate
number of male, white, and middle-class people.
60. Any program developed with federal funds.
6 41
40 Questions and Answers
19. Who are the Gablers and how do they affect text-
books that are used throughout the nation?
Since 1961 Norma and Mel Gabler have dedicated themselves to the
task of "cleaning up" the nation's textbooks because they are convinced
that textbooks exert tremendous influence on children. That belief is
reflected in these two statements that seem to be the creed of their
nonprofit, tax-exempt organization called Educational Research
Until texts are changed we must expect a continuation of the
present epidemic of promiscuity, unwanted pregnancies, VD,
crime, violence, vandalism, rebellion, etc.'
TEXTBOOKS mold NATIONS because textbooks largely deter-
mine HOW a nation votes, WHAT it becomes and WHERE it
Since the Gablers qarted reviewing textbooks and protesting what
they consider to be objectionable content, their efforts have paid divi-
dends. For example, in one of the printed sheets they distributed to
their followers in 1977, they noted that "last year God gave parents
a number of victories. In Texas alone, the State Textbook Committee
did a good job of selecting the best of the available books. Then, the
State Commissioner of Education removed 10 books, including the dic-
tionaries with vulgar language and unreasonable definitions."3
One year later the Gablers sent this report to their followers:
We submitted 659 pages in our Bills of Particulars against twenty-
eight textbooks, ilicluding Supplemental Readers, Literatures, and
American Histories. All of the Readers and Literature books were
either oriented toward violence, cruelty, death and despair, or they
were trivial. The history texts were distorted and biac,ed against
traditional American values. God saw fit to direct O.: State Text-
book Committee to remove eighteen of these objectionable text-
books in the first
stage. Many others should have been
In that same report the Gablers noted that the Texas State Board
of Education directed the removal of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
from three textbooks, and it eliminated "Mateo Falcone" and "A Sum-
mer Tragedy" from one text. The Gablers had objected to all three
The Gabler influence on textbooks is immeasurable. In a 1980 in-
terview on Donahue, the Gablers said their reviews of textbooks were
used in all 50 states and in 25 foreign countries. On that program they
admitted that they review textbooks line by line, searching for materi-
al that does not coincide with their religious and political points of view.
Some of us who study censorship are also convinced that the Gablers
also search for anything that does not coincide perfectly with their par-
ticular view of reality or with their perception of any subject matter.
As I read about and study schoolbook protest incidents, I frequently
find that the local protesters have been guided by the Gablers' reviews
and strategies. And in four censorship incidents in Indiana that I per-
sonally investigated, the Gablers' reviews, strategies, and attack on secu-
lar humanism weee used in each one (see question 31).
The Gablers work tirelessly at what they call their faith ministry.
Perhaps the title of an article about them in Texas Monthly best sum-
marizes their dedication: "The Guardians Who Slumbereth Not." They
keep a schedule that few could match: "trav
s, eonsulta-
tions, and speaking engagements that takes t:
more elan two hundred days a year."s In try_
ut time,
they work with a paid staff ot eight to ten and a
irs; review.
ers, meticulously examining the books se-
tion in Texas.
They have become celebrides who ilavc
:'ea aired ,)r, 60
Minutes, Donahue, Today, Nightline, Good Morni,4 4merira, Free-
dom Report, The David Frost Show, syndicated religious broadcasts,
and numerous local radio and television talk shows.6 James C. Hefley
described their textbook crusade in Textbooks on Trial (Wheaton, Ill.:
Victor Books, 1976), which is in its fourth printing and which has been
released in paperback under the title, Are Textbooks Harming Your
Accompanying the Texas Monthly article on the Gablers was a page
of Gabler quotations titled "The World According to the Gablers: Ru-
minations from God's Angry Couple."7 Six of those quotations follow:
On independent though:
"Too many textbooks leave students
to make up their own minds about things."
6. 6
40 Questions and Answers
On teaching about the great depression
"It will only succeed
in raising doubts about our system."
On schools today
"Crime, violence, immorality and illitera-
cy. . . .
the seeds of decadence are being taught universally in
On peer pressure
"Any time you have a composite of a group
of kids, the result is never up. It is always down."
On their own work
"What we're fighting is mental child abuse. "
On modern math
"W hen a student reads in a math book that
there are no absolutes, every value he's been taught is destroyed.
And the next thing you know, the student turns to crime and
During the last 10 years, I have read hundreds of pages of objections
to textbooks that the Gablers have included in the Bills of Particulars
they submit to the Texas Commissioner of Education each year. The
following are objections that I consider to be typical. I have provided
the title of the book, the page number, the passage the Gablers object
to, and then their objection as recorded in their Bill of Particulars.
Serendipity (a reader for grade 7)8
p. 67, " .
. .
the white sailors often got so drunk that they cracked the
bows of ships . .
Objection: Since this story was written in the first person by a black
slave this statement shows whites in a bad light.
p. 69, "Trusting in His (God's) goodness and justice allowed me a blind
belief that one day I would be free
. . .
. Why did God tolerate such
treatment of black men? White men left England as men and after
a few years in the island turned into monsters. Why?"
Objection: Insinuates that God was unjust in letting him be taken as
a slave and that He should have prevented bad treatment of blacks.
Depreciates God.
p. 73, "That Quakers were a type of Christian, I also knew
they were Christians who were particularly honest."
Objection: One is either honest or dishonest. This puts Christians in
a bad light.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
p. 112, "Countless species became extinct long before man ever ap-
peared on earth."
Objection: Infers evolution is a fact. Trilobites and dinosaurs lived side
by side with man.
p. 14, "Of all mammals man is the only one whose behavior depends
almost entirely on learning."
p. 114, "No animal has been able to mold its life or environment in
the way man has done."
Objection: Man is NOT an animal.
Homemaking Skills for Everday Living (grades 6.8)9
pp. 84-85, "How would you describe a typical American family? How-
ever you would describe it, you would be wrong. There are families
with children and families without children. There are families with
one parent and families with two parents. There are families with
one wage earner and families with two or more wage earners. There
are families with stepparents and stepchildren. There are families
with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins."
Objection: We object to this description. Until sociologists and text-
books started rewriting the composition of a family, there was not
controversy. To most people families still mean those who are re .
lated by blood, marriage or adoption. Of course, there are variations,
but why should this textbook dwell on the diversities?
p. 86, "The nuclear family structure is well-suited to children, 5-11."
Objection: This statement is too weak. It should be revised to state
that the nuclear family is the ideal family, or state that only a nu .
clear or extended family can provide the proper environment for
pp. 107.108, "DWORCE"
Objection: Divorce and remarriage are presented as normal and ac-
Living, Learning, and Caring (homemaking, grades 6-8)10
p. vii, " . . .
Young people begin to question ideas they learned earlier
in life. They debate points of view and search for facts .
. . "
Objection: Infers values and rules learned as youngsters are to be ques-
tioned and disregarded.
40 Questions and Answers
p. 6, "In adolescence comes the feeling that you want to be different
from your parents and others. You want to be 'you."
Objection: Undermining parental values they have tried to instill m
their children. Breeds disrespect and rebellion against parents.
Exploring American Citizenship (grade 8)n
p. 58, " .
. .
Women have gained mor.2 education in professions outside
the home."
Objection: To expect women to receive the same pay as men ignores
the fact that seniority has a decided effect on salaries received. Un-
less women abandon their hig!-?st profession
as mothers mold-
ing young lives
there is no way they can ever achieve seniority
equal to men.
p. 58, "There has been discrimination against women, too. There are
more women than men in the United States. There are more wom-
en than men of voting age. Women live longer than men .
Objection: This is a very biased description which does not take into
consideration much of what is involved.
pp. 64-65, "A shocking case of discrimination against Asians took place
in World War II. The United States was at war with Japan. But loyal
Americans of Japanese descent were not trusted. More than 100,000
of these Americans lived in the Far West. Our government forced
them to move into special camps. Those who owned homes had
to sell them. They had to take the little money they were offered
for their homes and property. The camps were guarded with barbed
wire. Families lived there through the entire war. Since the war, Jap-
anese Americans have been accepted once again. Many own busi-
nesses and farms. Thousands are professional people. A large
number have graduated from college. Through their talent and hard
work, they have overcome much discrimination against them."
Objection: This is a totally biased account that should be rewritten
or removed. The students deserve a fair and accurate presentation,
not one that is emotionally charged .
. .
The reader might be interested in the three-page outline that the Ga-
blers provide volunteer reviewers, which lists 129 objectionable items
under 10 categories.72 As illustrative, three categories follow:
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Negative Thinking
A. Alienation
B. Death oriented
C. Degrading
D. Depressing
E. Despairing and hopeless
G. Discouraging
H. Frightening and horrifying
Hate inspiring
Lack of respect
K. Low goals
L. Morbidness
M. No striving for excellence
N. Poverty oriented
0. Prejudicial
P. Problem stressed
Q, Skeptical
R Suicidal
Humanism, Occult, and Other Religions Encouraged
A. Humanism and its tenets advanced
1. Situation ethics
Ex: No absolutes
No right or wrong
2. Evolution
3. Sex education (without morals equals "how to" course)
a. Abortion encouraged
b. Destroys modesty
c. Homosexuality condoned
d. Too explicit for age level
4. International (world community, one worldism
. . .)
B. Occult spawned
1. Astrology
2. Satanism
3. Superstition
4. Tarot cards
5. Witchcraft
C. Buddhism, Islam, Existentialism, Pantheism, etc. presented
Other Important Educational Aspects
A. Drug education (surveys reveal increase in drug use after school
drug education courses.)
B. Racism
C. Respectability given non-deserving individuals
7 0
40 Questions and Answers
D. Women's Lib favored
E. Overpopulation (Euthanasia, Infanticide, etc.)
F. Overemphasis on zoology
G. Evolution
H. Sex education
After reading thousands of pages of reviews by the Gablers and their
volunteer reviewers,1 can only conclude that any mention of the items
included in their outline calls for a citation as objectionable material.
For example, if characters in stories in basal readers or anthologies
are depressed, alienated, discouraged, hopeless, skeptical, or suicidal,
they are excoriated by the Gablers.
211 How does the Texas textbook adoption process af-
fect the nation's textbooks?
..ipnding 64 million dollars
1982 a/one,' the State of Texas has
become the largest single ccinsumer of te-dbooks in the nation. As one
of 22 states that has
atewide ackTtion,2 the Texas State Textbook
Committee, as an arm of the Tas Education Agency, approves not
more than five and na tem: than two textbooks in specific categories
each year. Obvitx4iy publishers want their books adopted because of
the size of the Texas market. And that fact gives Texas a great deal
of power in the textbook publishing industry.
Like California, Texas does not necessarily accept textbooks as they
are presented for adoption. Rather, the Texas State Textbook Com-
mittee conducts open hearings each summer at which citizens have
the right to speak out against the books submitted for adoption. Until
1983, only those persons who were opposed to textbooks could speak
at the hearings.
Those who object to textbooks submit bills of particulars in which
they register their objections line by line, paragraph by paragraph. At
the end of the week of hearings, publishers are given a specified time
in which to respond to the objections. Then the State Textbook Com-
mittee decides which books it will adopt and tells publishers what
changes must be made in the books before they will be purchased.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Lducation Week reported: "Because the Texas market is so impor-
tant and because it is impractical for publishers to print separate edi-
tions for use in Texas schools, some industry officials have noted that
changes that are made in textbooks to be eligible for the Texas
ket are also included in books offered to schools throughout the
In 1976 the State Textbook Committee rejected these five diction-
aries because the petitioners who submitted bills of particulars
plained that the books contained blatantly offensive words: The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, High School
Edition; The Doubleday Dictionary; The Random House College Dic-
tionary, Revised Edition; Webster's New World Dictionary of the
American Language, College Edition; and Webster's Seventh New
Collegiate Dictionary4 In 1981 only two companies submitted dic-
tionaries, ar
-hey were given the same treatment the' received in
1976. Only tL,Ls time one of the two companies agret.,,
t) remove the
"offensive" words so that its dictionary would be accepted. The other
company refused, maintaining that it would preserve the integrity of
its dictionary by not bowing to the wishes of a few persons who
insensitive to language.
In 1976 publishers were ordered to remove Shirley Jackson's short
story, "The Lottery," from their literature anthologies.s That story had
been included in anthologies for more than two decades before the
petitioners caused its removal. And the removal for Texas
the story for the nation since publishers maintain that they
cannot af-
ford to publish two separate editions of textbooks
one for Texas and
one for the rest of the country.
In 1982 the Gablers precipitated changes in the definition of the
family by their bills of particulars. O
textbook gave this definition:
"Generally speaking a family is a gro,tp of people who live together
in one house. They may or may not be related to
one another." The
book also contained a section titled "Nonrelated Families" that
tioned college students, young working people, and handicapped and
elderly people who live together for companionship, security, and
shared expenses. The Gablers called that definition "ridiculous" and
said the text was "altering values and beliefs of students."6 The Texas
Commissioner of Education ordered the publishing
company to replace
40 Questions and Answers
the definition and to delete the section on "Nonrelated Families" if
it wanted its books adopted in Texas. The Commissioner ordered simi-
lar changes in another textbook.
Those are only a few examples of changes for Texas that have af-
fected the nation. Each year, the Texas Education Agency issues a
proclamation, stipulating what categories of textbooks it will adopt dur.
ing the year and specifying limitations. The section of the proclama-
tion on evolution/creationism allegedly caused publishers to tone down
their treatment of evolution
even in biology textbooks. Professor
Gerald Skoog of Texas Tech University sent a letter to the chairman
of the State Board of Education, noting that some publishers did not
submit their biology textbooks for consideration in Texas during the
last adoption because of the "unreasonableness" of the Texas procla-
mation. He said that resulted in a narrowing of the choice of textbooks
for Texas. He added that "as my research on textbooks shows, the cover-
age of evolution in the textbooks adopted was reduced and watered
down because of this section and the unreasonable rationale that sup-
ports it in this state and elsewhere. Furthermore, this section breeds
and supports other types of intimidation which censors the biology
teachers of this state as they teach about the history and variation of
The part of the proclamation dealing with creationism-evolution
Textbooks that treat the theory of evolution should identify it as
only one of several explanations of the origins of humankind and
avoid limiting young people in their search for meanings of their
human existence.
(1) Textbooks presented for adoption which treat the subject of
evolution substantively as explaining the historical origins of
humankind shall be edited, if necessary, to clarify that the
treatment is theoretical rather than factually verifiable. Fur-
thermore, each textbook must carry a statement on an in .
troductory page that any material on evolution included in
the book is clearly presented as theory rather than fact.
(2) Textbooks presented for adoption which do not treat evolu-
tion substantively as an instructional topic, but make refer-
ence to evolution, indirectly or by implication, must be
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
modified, if necessary, to ensure that the reference is c."_tarly
to be a theory and not a verified fact. These books will not
need to carry a statement on the introductory page.
(3) The presentation of the theory of evolution should be done
in a manner which is not detrimental to other theories of
origi n.8
The Texas attorney general declared the above bection in the adop-
tion proclamation to be unconstitutional and the Texas Education Agen-
cy removed it in 1984.9
But there are other sections in the proclamation that are equally
troublesome and that have a great impact not only on textbooks in
Texas but on those used throughout the nation. During an open hear-
ing on the adoption process, I had the opportunity to testify before
the Texas State Board of Education as a representative of the National
Council of Teachers of English. (See question 21.) Part of my testimo-
ny follows since I think that it shows the effects of other parts of the
proclamation on textbooks in general.
If I may, I would like to point out that as a young boy I eagerly
read about the adventures of such heroes as Davy Crockett and
Jim Bowie, who gave their lives for Texas, and Sam Houston, v.ito
devoted his life to Texas. I have read novels and works of nonfic..-
tion about citizens of this state many of whom have made sig-
nificant contributions to this nation. And I am saddet,i,d when I
consider that the exploits of those heroes could not be included
in textbooks if guideline 1.4 were strictly adhered to. That guide-
line reads: "Textbooks shall contain no material of a partisan or
sectarian character."
As you know, one definition of partisan is "a militant supporter
of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea." Davy Crockett, Jim Bow-
ie and Sam Houston were all "militant supporters of a cause." So
are hundreds of other Texas heroes, writers, politicians and btai .
ness leaders. Taken to its extreme, guideline 1.4 would eliminate
the sayings and exploits of hundreds of Texans from textbooks.
If it were narrowly intefveted, that guideline would prohibit the
adoption of textbooks that discuss religion, religious movements
in history, and the effects of religion on politics and society. Tak.
en to its extreme
as some textbook protesters are prone to do
with every restrictive guideline
1.4 could lead to the adoption
7 4
40 Questions and Answers
of a single, concentrated approach to a subject, such as the use
of a phonics-only method in reaamg. [I referred to the phonics.
only method here since Norma and Mel Gabler, as well as other
prc-resters, persuaded the Texas State Textbook Committee to set
1.1) separate category phonics only for basal readers. The
decision to have such a category greatly disturbs most reading
Another guideline, 1.7, which refers to blatantly offensive lan .
guage, could lead to the elimination of statements of such promi.
nent Americans as Lyndon B. Johnson, Harry Truman, and Richard
Nixon among others. One of the saddest events in the history
of the American textbook adoption process is that guideline 1.7
has continucualy led to the removal of dictionaries from the pur.
chase list in Texas. That removal has cast this great state in the
dim light of anti intellectualism. That removal has unfortunately
indicated to the rest of the nation that some educational leaders
and textbook protesters in Texas do not look upon a dictionary
as a great treasure and an honest record of the American English
language. That removal has been scorned throughout the nation
as an act that indicates a blatant disregard for the integrity of lex-
Other guidelines are equally troublesome. As a student of liter.
ature, I am concerned about the section on violence. Narrowly
interpreted, that guideline oould lead to the exclusion of the works
of Shakespeare as well as the Bible, and many of the most impor-
tant works in American and world literature. Great writers do not
always treat violence "in the context of its cause and its conse .
quence," as the guideline suggests. Rather, great writers create liter-
ary works of art that reflect society, that stimulate thinking, and
that may elevate humankind to think rationally about all acts
violent and non.violent.
During the last ten years, I have read hundreds of pages of ob-
jections to textbooks. What has struck me as unconscionable is
the fact that some protesters have called for
and have actually
succeeded in having removed
lines from poetry, paragraphs from
stories, and entire works from anthologies. The integrity of an artist
is apparently not recognized by such acts.
I tremble when I recall that one protester called for the removal
of these lines from a poem: " . . . that means that you and I could
have completely different points of view and both be right " The
writer of the objection noted that the lines of the poem reflected
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
"no definite standards and represented situation ethics." The lines
of that poem were not uttered first by the poet. Rather, the lines
intentionally or not
were a paraphrase of a statement made
by Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address.
Restrictive guidelines can be used to destroy the integrity of a
subject matter, can do violence to a work of art, can destroy his-
tory. I can only hope that the members of the Board will take ac-
tion that will put Texas in the forefront of the states that hav 3
statewide textbook adoption by dropping all restrictive guidelines
and by encouraging publishers to publish excellent textbooks that
reflect the best thinking in all subject areas, that present a variety
of ideas, that stimulate thinking, that demand critical thinking, and
that help produce a nation of thinking, productive Americans.10
21. How has the Texas textbook adoption process been
Until 1983 the Texas State Textbook Committee permitted only
those persons who objected to textbooks to testify at the public hear-
ings. But in 1983 Barbara Parker, Director of the Freedom to Learn
Project of People for the Americvn Way (PFAW), and Michael Hud-
son, director of PFAW's Txcas office, lobbied for a review of the adop-
tion process. The Texas State Board of Education conducted a public
hearing in May m: which at least 30 speakers spoke for and against the
process. (I had the privilege of speaking for the National Council of
Teachers of English against the system. See question 20.) As a result
of that hearing and many other meetings orchestrated by PFAW, the
adoption process has been changed so that people who support cer-
tain textbooks may speak at the hearings. Other changes also have been
made. The elected state board will be abolished and an appointed board
will take its place. The Texas legislature passed a bill that removed
the power of the Texas Commissioner of Education to overrule recom-
mendations of the Texas State Textbook Committee. And the Texas
Attorney Genr:al has declared unconstitutional that section of the
adoption proclamation that calls for the origins of humankind to be
balanced between evolution and creationism.
7 6
40 Questions and Answers
Since 1961
the Gablers have been granted an increasing amount of
time each year for their testimony against textbooks submitted for
adoption. In
for example, they were allotted more than eight
hours of the week-long hearings. But in
after the process was
changed, the Gablers were allotted only six minutes
the same as
everyone else.
22. Has the Moral Majority been involved in textbook
The Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, wrote an arti-
cle titled "Textbooks in Public Schools: A Disgrace and Concern to
America" for the 4 May 1979
issue of
Journal Champion,
a publica-
tion of his Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. He
To 1,-ri rig charges against textbooks may sound extreme, but we
should be concerned. The vast majority of Americans are the "Mor-
al Majority." They want America to remain a great democratic so .
ciety built on (1)
laws, (2) the Constitution, and (3) a devotion
to truth.
To oppose textbooks is not the same as book burning. This is
not an attempt to censor the books of our schools. But where there
are mistakes, they must be corrected . .
Falwell then pointed out mistakes in textbooks by quoting Norma and
Mel Gabler (see question 19). Then he observed: "Textbook writers
are humanists and evolutionists." He added that when the writers ap-
prove premarital sex, they deceive young people even though the
writers have good intentions. He added: "A man may have a good in-
tention of killing a burglar who is breaking into his home, but if he
aL:cidently shoots his son who is coming home late, his good inten-
tions cannot undo the harm." He then declared that textbooks "de-
ceive our young people about premarital sex, about the role of the
father and the mother in the home, and even about history."2
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Only a week before that article was published, Falwell launched a
new phase of his Clean Up America campaign before an estimated
15,000 Christian "activists" in Washington, D.C. In the company of
five senators and two representatives who joined him
on the Capitol
steps, he declared that most public school textbooks are nothing more
than "Soviet propaganda." He added: "In school textbooks, pornogra-
phy, obscenity, vulgarity and profanity are destroying our children's
moral values in the guise of 'value clarification' and 'sex education.'
Our children are being trained to deny their 200-year heritage. We
must rise up in arms to throw out every textbook Ithat seeks to deny
children their American heritager3
Followers of Falwell have heeded his words well. Shortly after the
presidential election of 1980, incidents of book protest rose sharply
(see question 3). Reports of individuals walking into libraries and
schools, demanding removal of books in the name of the Moral Majori-
ty, circulated throughout the nation. The Moral Majority of North Caro-
lina, Inc., sent a 30-page report to its members, citing objections to
a variety of schoolbooks it had targeted and denouncing the religion
of secular humanism. The cover letter on the report urged readers to
read the objections to the textbooks, complete the attached coupon,
and mail a check to the state Moral Majority office to support the cause.
The state chairman of the Moral Majority noted in that letter "Work-
ing together we can turn this problem around and make our schools
learning centers, where a high school graduate can function at a 12th
grade level, where the schools support the family and are not engaged
in values clarification, promotion of sexual promiscuity, secular hu-
manism and paperback trash."4
In an interview published in the Raleigh News & Observer,
H. Lamarr Mooneyham, state chairman of the North Carolina Moral
Majority, said: "Our crusade is to demonstrate the presence of secular
humanism in the public schools. It's a philosophical problem. The Bi-
ble is not against books, it's against humanism."5
According to a feature story distributed by the Los Angeles Times
on 22 March 1981, the Rev. Jerry Falwell sent a fund-raising letter to
his followers in which he attacked Our Bodies, Ourselves. In the let-
ter, Fah.
ll asked: "Do you want your children or the children of your
loved olies reading this type of immoral trash?
I don't know
40 Questions and Answers
what this country is coming to when some of our schools openly teach
that premarital sex is not sinful
that the moral values that you and
I grew up with are outdated and backward." He then urged citizens
to 'examine school libraries and textbooks 'f,.or "immoral, anti-family
and anti-American content" and to notify the Moral Majority of their
The state chairman of the Moral Majority in Illinois said that "I would
think that moral-minded people might object to books that
philosophically alien to what they believe. If they have the books and
feel like burning them, fine."
On 23 November 1980 the Lynchburg, Virginia, News & The Daily
Advance reported:
The human sexuality chapters of "Life and Health" were attacked
in a Moral Majority fund-raising letter earlier this month.
"I think it's about time that you and I, as decent Americans, put
an end to this filth and perversion once and for all," Falwell said
in the letter.
The letter was meant to shock people into checking into their
local curriculum, said Cal Thomas, Moral Majority vice president
for communications. He said 'Lif.! and Health" was used as an
ample because it is one of the worst books being used.
Thomas hasn't seen the book. The letter was prepared by a Rich-
mond marketing firm. "We've seen enough and have enough ex-
cerpts from it to extrapolate from there," he said.7
A year later, Cal Thomas said that the Moral Majority is not behind
any move to censor books. He claimed that "too many people confuse
it with other fundamentalist religious groups." He said the Moral Majori-
ty opposes censorship.6
In 1983 Cal Thomas wrote Book Burning, in which he claimed that
the Moral Majority was not censoring books. Instead, he charged that
the liberal secularists and the librarians were censoring ideas by keep-
ing conservative books out of public libraries and bookstores.
Few people who study the schoolbook protest movement agree with
Cal Thomas and the Moral Majority about who is censoring books. The
Falwell fund-raising letters, his comments on his Old Time Gospel
Hour, and his incessant attacks on secular humanism, which he main-
tains is the religion of the public schools, give testimony to his atti-
tude toward books with which he and the Moral Majoi1ty do
not agree.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
23. What other organizations are involved in the pro-
test movement?
No one can say exacdy how many national, state; ,,ind locai ors
zations protest schoolbooks in America. The .sumlrer changcb
month to month, since some local groups are formed to protest a sin-
gle book and then disband. Other groups are formed for the same rea-
son and remain intact for years.
When I wrote Censors in the Classroom in 1979, I said that I could
identify at least 200 national, state, and local organizations that pro-
test schoolbooks. Immediately after the publication of the book, I
learned that a professor in Minnesota had listed more than 70 school-
book protest groups in that state alone. I received other reports that
convinced me that my estimate of 200 was extremely conservative.
Given the number of national organizations with local chapters and
considering the ever-increasing number of protest incidents, I would
estimate that there are no fewer than 2,000 national, state, and local
organizations in the nation that protest textbooks and other teaching
among other activities.
How large does a local group need to be in order to have an impact
on the schools? I know of one group of probably not more than five
members who monitor all books in one school system. The small group
has a name, a letterhead, and an inordinately powerful voice for its
size. When it wants to, it gets attention in the media. No one knows
the size of the rrganization; that is kept secret. But many people in
the ..;.ommunity a..e well aware of its activities.
Another group of seven has kept a school system on the West Coast
on the alert for several years. Firmly 1s:lieving that the public schools
are preaching the religion of secular humanism, that small organiza-
tion makes headlines with its atta. 't on schoolbooks and courses.
Not all protesting groups give themselves names, and some change
their names frequently. Reporting on the activities of one group, an
assistant superintendent wrote:
During the
yearlong siege, we never were certain of how perva.
sive dissatisfaction was, although the leaders of the dissent claimed
they represented "the majority" of the community. Then, too, the
group's name changed as the issues progressed: "Citizens Con-
6 0 70
40 Questions and Answers
cerned with Education in Sylvania" becarns: "flitizelis Concerned
with Preserving Our Traditional Heritage.- +% !iich in turn became
the "Committee for Scientific Creationism in the Scnools," which
finally evolved into the "Alliance for Better Education." Despite
these name changes, the groups' leadership cdtcays was the same
15 or 20 individuals who formed a type of interlocking direc-
torate. The groups' membership rose and fell according to the spe-
cific issue under discussion, but the leaders remained the same.'
The following is a list of nearly 100 organizations that can be identi-
fied as existing at the time of the publication of this book. In my esti-
mation, they represent only a twentieth of the number, since
organizations like Eagle Forum, Stop Textbook Censorship, Pro-Family
Forum, and Moral Majority have state and local chapters or groups in
every state. (An asterisk indicates a national organization.)
Allen County Education Information Committee, Inc., Fort Wayne,
Alliance for Better Education, Sylvania, Ohio
American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, San Diego,
American Christians in Education, Culver City, California
American Humanist Association, San Francisco, California
American Education Association °
American Education Coalition* (This organization was formed in 1983
and includes these organizations: Save Our Schools, Citizens for
Educational Freedom, the National Christian Action Coalition, the
National Association of Evangelicals, the American Legislative Ex.
change Council, United Families of America, and the National Pro-
Family Coalition. That is the organizational membership announced
in the Washington Times, 2 June 1983.)
Anw.rica's Future, Inc.'
American Society of Atheists°
Billy James Hargis' Christian Crusade,* Tulsa, Oklahoma
The John Birch Society*
California Monitor of Education
Centre County Chapter of Citizens Concerned for Human Life, State
College, Pennsylvania
Citizens Advocating a Voice in Education (CAVE), Georgia
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Christian Anti-Communism Crusade,' Long Beach, California
Citizens Coalition, Albany, New York
Citizens Committee for Excellence in Education,
Walnut Creek,
Citizens Committee of California, Inc., Fullerton, California
Citizens Committee on Education, Pinellas County,
Citizens for Decency in Public Schools, Jefferson
County, Kentucky
Citizens for Educational Reform'
Citizens United for Responsible Education (CURE),
Montgomery Coun-
ty, Maryland
Colorado Committee to Upgrade Public Education (CUPE)
Committee for Positive Education, Warren, Ohio
Committee for Responsible Education, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Concerned Citizens of Elkader, Iowa
Concerned Citizens of Middletown Valley, Middletown,
Concerned Parents of Monticello, Iowa
Concerned Parents and Taxpayers for Better Education,
Concord, New
Concerned Parents and Taxpayers for Better Education,
Nashua, New
Concerned Women of America'
Council on Interracial Books for Children'
Creation-Science Research Center'
Daughters of the American Revolution'
Decatur Committee for Decency, Decatur, Texas
Decency in Education, Fort Myers, Florida
The Eagle Forum'
Educational Research Analysts'
Educational Voucher Institute*
Fair Echication Foundation, Inc., Clermont, Florida
i'ounty Civic Federation, Frederick, Maryland
...nn Religion Foundation, Madison, Wisconsin
Guardians of Traditional Education, Bowie, Maryland
Growing Without Schooling*
Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM)
The Heritage Foundation'
Humanist Quest for Truttt, Brighton, Colorado
40 Questions and Answers
Indiana Home Circle, Bloomington, Indiana
Informed Moral Persons Against Contrary Teaching (IMPACT), Roots-
town, Ohio
Institute of American Ideals*
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)*
Learn, Inc.*
Let's Improve Today's Education,* Phoenix, Arizona
Maryland Coalition of Concerned Parents on Privacy Rights in Public
Th,, National Congress for Educational Excellence°
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People° (occa-
sional activity by a local chapter)
National Association for Neighborhood Schools, Inc.°
National Association of Home Education°
National Organization for Women (NOW)*
Parents for Academic and Responsible Education (PARE),* Palm
Beach, Florida
Parents for Basic Education, Lapeer, Michigan
Parents of Minnesota, Inc.
Parents' Rights, Inc.*
People Have a Say in Education (PHASE),* Yucaipa, California
People of America Responding to the Educational Needs of Today's
Society (PARENTS), Kenosha, Wisconsin
People Who Care, Warsaw, Indiana
Posse Comitatus°
Pro-Family Forum*
Reading Reform Foundation,* Scottsdale, Arizona
Santa Clara County Citizens Action Committee Opposing Family Life
Education, San Jose, California
The Soc:ety of Evangelical Agnostics, Fresno, California
Save Our Schools (SOS)*
Sequoia Institute*
Stop Textbook Censorship Committee*
Texas Society of the Daughters of the A-African Revolution
Tomorrow River Concerned Parents, Amherst, Wisconsin
WATCH, Linthicurn. Maryland
We Love Our Children, Westfield, Indiana
Young Parents Alert, Lake Elmo, Minnesott:
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
24. How are the organizations affiliated?
Shordy after it was formed, the American Education Coalition con-
sisted of sever: organizations concerned about public and private edu-
cation ee question 23). The affiliation of those organizations is quite
obvious; such is not the case with many other schoolbook protest or-
A common link to hundreds of national, state, and local organiza-
tions is provided by Norma and Mel Gabler and their Educational Re-
search Analysts (see question 19). Writing about the Gablers in Texas
Monthly, William Martin commented that they have become "an in-
tegral institution of the New Right, whose agenda they share almost
poilit for point. Their work is commended by Moral Majority leader
Jerry Falwell, anti-ERA activist and Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schla-
fly, and New Right direct-mail expert Richard Viguerie. They partici-
pate in gatherings sponsored by such New Right organizations as the
Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress and the Texas-based
Pro-Family Forum."I
Affiliations of schoolbook protesting organizations have as much right
to exist as do associations that link doctors; lawyers, teachers, or
ministers. However, the affiliations should be known to school person-
nd who have to respond to groups that are protesting school materi-
als. Then they will understand why so many of the protesters have
t)-ie same targets, use almost identical rhetoric, and cite the same "ob-
jectionable" pars;ages in library books and textbooks. The realization
that a small, local group is affiliated with a larger organization or group
of organizations should help local school officials respond to the charges
and inform local citizens about the total agenda of the complaining
8 4 74
40 uestions and Ahswers
25. What is the religion of secular In .n ,anism?
Rev. Tim LaHaye, a California minister and one of the founders of
the Moral Majority, attacks the religion of secular humanism in his best-
books, sermons, speeches, and television appearances. In The
le for the Mind, he declared: "Most of the evils of the world today
call be traced to humanism, which has taken over the government,
the UN, education, TV, and most of the other influential things of
life." In his The Battle for the Public Schools, LaHaye charges that
humanists have invaded public classrooms. brainwashing children with
ideas about evolution, sex, death, socialism, internationalism, and sit-
uation ethics. Humanists, aecordin-` to LaHaye, are "secular edmators
who nc, longer Inake learning `21eir primary objective. Instead our public
schools halve become condu;ss
,ha minds of youth, training them
to be anti-G-Jd, antimoral,
anti-free enterprise, and anti-
Americzz "2
What is thit'. "religion" that enrages the Moral Majority and that has
led to numerous attacks on the nation's publi c. schools, their libraries,
their teachers, and 'their te., :books? Definitions abound. But one of the
most common is distribu%:.i by Norma and Mel Gabler through their
Educational Research Analysts, which they call the nation's largest text-
book review clearinghouse. Part of that definition foilcnvs:
Humanam is faith in man instead of faith in God. Humanism was
officially ruled a religion by the US. Supreme Court. Humanism
promotes: (1) situation ethics, (2) evolution, (3) sexual freedom, in-
cluding public sex education courses, and (4) internationalism .
Humanism centers on "self" because it recognizas no higher be-
ing to which man is responsible. Thus there is much emphas...
in public education on each child having a "positive self-concept "
The child must see a good picture of himself. This eliminates com.
,1g to Christ for forgiveness a sin. It eliminates the Christian at-
ributes of meekness and humility. Where does selfestecrn end
and arrogance begin?
Such terms as seltconcept, self-elteem, selfawareness, self.
acceptance, seltfulfillment, seitrealizadon, seltunderstanding, self.
actualization, body awareness, etc. are frequently used. All leave
the students occupied primarily with themselves and this is wronl;
The Schoolth:u!. Protest Movement
Th-re are others to consider. Self-centered persons are seldom
;'..sset to themselves, to their friends, family or country.3
That definition has been expanded several times to include
targets of the schoolbook protes:ers. For example, Rev. Lal-laye devotes
27 pages of his The Battlefor the Public Schools to prove that secular
humanism has all "the marking5" of a religion.4 In that chapter and
others, he attacks these "hallmarks" of secular humanism: the look-
say method of reading, values clarifieition, death education, global edu-
cation, evolution, sex education, total reading freedom, the "negation"
of Christianity in the schools, and socialism, among others.5
But regardless how much is written about secular humanism and how
many definitions are circulated, it is interesting that few persons can
define th.: religion of secular humaniszr even though they
say it is cor-
rupting youth. One organizer of parent protest groups defined the re
ligion on a national television program as "the philosophy of anything
goes."6 Another school critic told a school board that humanism is the
"belief that if something feels good, do it." Others believe that the Su.
preme Court established secular humanism as the rvgigion of the pub-.
lic schools when it "removed God" from classrooms in the
(1-45.7) of
Abington v. Schempp. That belief is supported by Senator Je.,se
who wrote:
When the U.S. Supreme Court prohibked children from partic'.
ing in voluntary prayers in public schools, the conclusion
capable that the Supreme Court not only violated the right ci fret!
exercise of religion of all Americans; it aiso established a national
religion in the United States
the religion of secular humanism.7
What, then, is secular humanism? As used by the criti eL. of t!-e pub-
lic school
it seems to be a "buzz word" that is applied to anything
that the critics do noc like and want
remove from the schools. (See
questions 26, 27, 26, and 29.)
40 Questions and Answers
26. What do the protesters hope to accomplish by prov-
ing that the schools promote the religion of secular
If the protesters succeed in taking a case to the Supreme Court in
which they can prove that the public schools actually preach the re-
ligion of secular humanism, they could achtwe several goals. The sepa-
ration of church and state as guaranteed by the First Amendment
prohibits the schools from teaching a specific religion. Therefore, if
the court determines that the schools are preaching secular human-
ism, then they would have to stop teaching any and all of the tenets
of that religion. Thus, the protesters could rid the schools of ser..
cation, values clarification ,leath education, evolution, and a 1
subjects and topics that thcv maintain are hallmarks of secular --
If the Supreme Court
:d not t..rder the public schools to stop teath-
ing the subjects that might be labeled secular humanism, then the pro-
testers could demand equal time and money for their religions to be
taught in the public schools, or, more likely, they could demand feder-
al and state money for their private schools.
27. What arguments do the protesters offer to substan-
tiate their charges that the schools preach the re-
ligion of secular humanism?
Essentially the same argument is repeated in the literature of New
Right organizations and in the more than 20 books they use to sup-
pert the allegation that secular humanism is the religion of the public
schoola. Here is how it goes. John Dewey and 33 other liberal hu-
manists" signed Humanist Maniffi.Ao I in 1933. B.F. Skinner signed
Humanist Manifesto II in 1973. Since those two prominent educa-
tors, among othe signed the documents, it follows goes the argu-
that all educators subscribe to the tenets of the manifestos,
which members of the New Right call the bibles of public school
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
teachers. Next, since there is an American Humanist Association (AliA)
that publishes articles about secular humanism and its goals, it follows
goes the argument
that America's public school teachers belong
to the organization and read its journals. Finally, since the Supreme
Court declared secular human -.Tri to be a religion, the spreading of
the doctrine of humanism in the public schools
the argument con-
is in direct violation of the First Amendment.
28. What arguments can be used to refute the charge
that the schools preach secular humanism?
There ar r.
at least four flaws in the argument that members of the
New Fight advance to prove that secular humanism is the religion of
the .schools. First, probably no more than .3% of the public school
teachers and administrators in this nation even know about
let alone
have read
either Ihtmanist Manifesto.' Second, ti.ousands of to-
day's teachers know pitifully little about John Dewey and his philosc
phy of education. Sin'
because a prominent educator called himself
a secular humanist, it does not follow that all who enter the teaching
profession are secular humanists.
txl, the Moral Majority and other New Right organizations attrib-
ute great influence over education to the American Humanist Associ-
ation (AHA), the publisher of the manifestos. But AliA has fewer than
4,000 members, and only a handful of the nation's two million teachers
and admininrators even know about AliA
let alone call themselves
rth, the Supreme Court did not declare secu..,i human-
ism tr .
glf!igion. In the frequently cited case of Toreww v. Wat-
ft.uzilote is inclued: "Among religionF in this country which
do not teach -rhat would generally be consickted a belk
the exis-
tence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Human .
ism and others."2 In a second cane that is often cited,3 there i3 a
footnote referring to Toreaso. Two footnotes hardly constitute
preme Court declaration.
But the battle over secular humanism has only begun. In June 1984
Congress passed the Education for Economic Security Act of 1984 with
40 Questions and Answers
an amendment on magnet schools assistance that was inn oduced by
Senator Orrin Hatch. Section 709 of that amendment reads as follows:
"Grants uncle. -nis title may not be used for consultants, for transpor-
tation, or for ally activity which does not augment academic improve-
ment., or for any course of instruction the substance of which the LEA
[local education agency] determines is secular humanism."4
Referred to as the secular humanism ban, the amendment provoked
protest from professional organizations that consider it to be danger-
ous to public school education. As noted it; question 25, the school-
book protesters who are convinced that secular humanism is the
religion of the public schools have difficulty defining it. Now the LEAs
must define it if thcy have magnet schools. The question is: Why should
the LEAs define it? Why has it not been defined by the author of the
amendment or by the Department of E .'ocation ir i-s regulations? What
is the purp3se of the amendment? How can it be moito rid the schools
of courses that the New Right opposes?
The American Civil Liberties Union called the amendment a "license
for local school boards to suppress any disfavored ideas, simply by label-
ing those ideas 'secular humanism'."5 In challenging the constitution-
ality of the amendment, the ACLU called it "an extraordinary federal
intrusion into local education policy, animated by hostility to basic
First Amendment values of tolerance, open-mindedness, and religious
neutrality."6 As this book was going to press in November 1985, Con-
gress dropped the 16-word secular humanism clause from the
29. How have the courts responded to the charge that
the public schools preach sectelr humanism?
Federal courts in the states of Washington and Tennessee have
sidered the secular humanism charge during, the last three years. In
both cases, the plaintiffs accused the schools of indoctrinating children
with the religion of secular humanism through books that were used
in different classes. In both cases, the judges in the trial courts dismissed
Ma Schoolbook Protest Movement
the suits on the grounds that insufficient evidence had been presented
to back the charges.
In Grove v. Mead, Michael Farris, the former president of the Moral
Majority in the state of Washington, sued a school district for refusing
to remove Gordon Parks' The Learning Tree from the curriculum. Far-
ris, who is an attorney, charged that when the school system refused
to remove the book, it violated students' First Amendment rights by
imposing on them the religion of secular humanism) The circuit
court of appeals upheld the lower court's decision, and Farris has ap-
pealed the decision to the Supreme Court, which has not yet acted
on the case.
Michael Farris also was involved in the second suit
this time in
Tennessee. Acting as the attorney for Beverly Lailaye's
Women for America, Farris filed a brief for a case that began in Church
Hill, Tennessee. In Mozert et al. v. Hawkins County Public Schools,
the parents of children in elementary and junior high schools alleged
that the First Amendment rights of their children were violated when
they were forced to study secular humanism as prest-nted in the Holt,
Rinehart & Winston basal readers.2 After the tria! court dismissed the
suit, Farris appe.f.,ted to the circuit court of appeals, which has remanded
the case to the lower court for trial in March 1986.
30. What is the Hatch Amendment and what does it
9 do with the schoolbook protest movement?
amendment on pvehological t sting h :ame part of Pub-
.5-561 on 1 November 1978. The amendment follows:
Protection of Pupil Rights
All instructional material, includir:g teacher's manuals, films, tapes,
or other supplementary instructionai material which will be used in connec-
tion with any research or experimental program or project ei'sall be availa-
ble for inspection by the parents or guardians of the children engaged in
such program or project. For the purpose of this section "research or ex-
perimentation program or project" means any program or woject fin any ap-
40 Questions and Answers
plicable program designed to explore or develop new or unproven teaching
methods or techniques.
(b) No student shall be required, as part of any applicable program, to
submit to psychiatric examination, testing, or treatment, or psychoiogical
oxaminatien, testing, or treatment, in which the primary purpose is to re-
vet., information concerning:
(2) mental and i23ychologicai problems potentially embarrassing to the
student or his family;
(3) sex behavior and attitudes;
(4) illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating anr4 demeaning behavior;
(5) critical appraisals of other individuals wito wham respondents have
close family reiationships;
(6) legally recognized privileged and analogous relationships, such as
those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers, or
(7) income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for par-
ticipation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such
program), without prior consent of the student (if the student is an
adult or emancipated minor), or in the case of unemancipated mi-
nor, without the prior written consent of the parent.
Little attention was
paid to the amendment until Phyllis Sch Idly and
the Eagle Forum persuaded the Department of Educa: ion to conduct
a series of public hearings on it in 1984. The heafings led to the im-
plem Atation orders in November 1984 as well as to the publication
of Schlafly's Child Abuse in the Classroom, which consists of excerpts
from "official transcripts" of the hearings.
Two months after the implementation order, the Eagle Forum pub-
lished a copy of a letter to school board presidents prepared by the
Maryland Coalition of Concerned Parents on Privacy Rights in Public
Schools. By February 1985 the letter had been
fitted to school
boards by parents in 17 states who thought
tc4i Amendment
applied to classroom activities as well as to psy
ca testing. The
letter is reprinted here as it appeared in The Eagi,..!
Here is a sample letter
which you can copy and send to the 7esident of your local Sthool Board
(with copy to your child's school principal) in order to protect parental and
student rights under the Hatch Amendment Regulations effective Nov. 12,
1984. This letter does not ask for the removal of any course or material;
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
it merely demands that the school obey the law and secure written parental
consent before subjecting children to any of the following. Parents are NOT
required to explain their reasons for denying consent.
To: School Board President
I am the parent of who attends
Under U.S. legislation and court decisions, parents have the primary respon-
sibility for their children's education, and pupils have certain rights which
the schools may not deny. Parents have the right to assure that their chil-
dren's beliefs and moral values are not undermined by the schools. Pupils
have the right to have and to hold their values and moral standards without
direct or indirect manipulation by the schools through curricula, textbooks,
audio-visual materials, or supplementary assignments.
Accordingly, I hereby request that my child be involved in NO school c .vi-
ties or materials listed below unless I have first reviewed all the relqvant
materials and have given my written consent for their use:
Psychological and psychiatric examinations, tests, or surveys that are
designed to elicit information about attitudes, habits, traits, opinions, be-
liefs, or feelings of an individual or group;
Psychological and psychiatric treatment that is designed to affect behavioral,
emotional, or attitudinal characteristics of an individual or group;
Values clarification, use of moral dilemmas, discussion of religious or mor-
al standards, role-playing or :yen-ended discussions of situations involv-
ing moral issues, and survival games including life/death decision
Death education, including abortion, euthanasia, suicide use of violence,
and discussions of death and dying;
Curricula oertaining to alcohol and drugs;
Int ,..ruction in nuclear war, nuclear policy, and nuclear classroom games;
Anti-nationalistic, one-world government or globalism curricula;
Discussion and testing on inter-personal relationships; discussions of atti-
tudes towards parents and parenting;
Education in human sexuality, including pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex,
contraception, abortion, homosexuality, group sex and marriages, prosti-
tution, incest, masturbation, bestiality, divorce, population control, and
roles of males and females; sex behavior and attitudes of student and
9 2
40 Questions and Answers
Pornography and any materials containing profanity and/or sexual ex-
Guided fantasy techniques; hypnotic techniques; imagery and suggestology;
Organic evolution, including the idea that man has developed from previ-
ous or lower types of living things;
Discussions of witchcraft, occultism, the supernatural, and Eastern mys-
Political affiliations and beliefs of student and farn.,- personal religious be-
liefs and prentices;
Mental and 7.riy:.;3-nlogical problems and self-incrminating behavior poten-
tially e res,sing to the student or family;
Critical af,r ss;s of other individuals with whom the child has family rela-
Legally recognized privileged and analogous reletionships, such as those
of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;
Income, including the student's role in family activities and finances;
Non-academic personality traits; questionnaires on personal and family life
and attitudes;
Autobiography assignments; log books, diaries, and personal journals;
Contrived incidents for self-revelation; sensitivity training, group encounter
sessions, talk-ins, magic circle techniques, self-evaluation and auto-
criticism; strategies designed for self-disclosure (e.g., zig-zag);
Sociograms, sociodrama; psychodrama; blindfold walks; isolation tech-
The purpose of this letter is to preserve my child's rights under the Protec-
tion of Pupil Rights Amendment (the Hatch Amendment) to the General Edu-
cation Provisions Act, and under its regulations as published in the Federal
Register of Sept. 6, 1984, which became effective Nov. 12, 1984. These regu-
lations provide a procedure for filing complaints first at the local level, and
then with the U.S. Department of Education. If a voluntary remedy fails, fed-
eral funds can be withdrawn from those in violation of the law. I respectfully
ask you to send me a substantive response to this letter 'k4taching a copy
of Dur policy statement and procedures for parental pszy
:salon require-
ments, to notify all my child's teachers, and to keep a i;k:gr' .1 this leffer
in my child's permanent file. Thank you for your coope-z-J..>1.
copy to School Principal Sincerely,
Shortly after the regulations had been published and after the afore-
mentioned letter had been distributed in a number of states, Senator
9 3
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Orrin Hatch, author of the Hatch Amendment, attempted to clarify
the intent of his act in a speech on the Senate floor. He said that he
was "amazed at the overreaction of educational lobby groups to the
IEcbcationj Department's regulations."
Directing part of his remarks to such groups as Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle
Forum, Senator Hatch said:
pare zt.;.,.?:-Atris have interpreted both the gatute and the regu.
let 7,,
that they would have them apply to all curricu-
lum materiols. txbrary books, teacher guides, et cetera, paid for
with State G. local money. They would have all tests used by
teachers in such non-federally funded courses as physical educa-
tion, health, sociology, literature, et cetera, reviewed by parents
before they could be administered to students. Because there are
no Federal funds in such courses, the Hatch amendment is not
applicable to them. A number of states do, however, have statutes
or State board regulations which do
safeguard these parental rights.
Some other parent groups contend that because school districts
p.:-.eive some Federal funds on a formula basis such as in,-,:act aid,
Chapter 1, et cetera, when a teacher made test is give
that may
ask such pupils to make a value judgment on a topic, this would
invoke the Hatch amendment. This was never the intent of the
Hatch amendment.
Were a school district to use its Chapter 11 funds to establish
experimental, demonstration or testing programs, the primary pur-
pose of which is to elicit the type
information proscribed by
the Hatch amendment, that activity would fall within the purview
of the amendment. A direct relationship can be determined, and
Federal funds would be paying for an activity that could be
challenged under the Department
of Education regulations.
On the othef hand . . .
if the Chapter 11 funds were used to pay
for a course in citizenship
as authorized by Chapter II
the local school board agrees to allow a political science graduate
student whose dissertation project is funded from non.Federal
sources to administer a survey which is actually a test
to the
class, and that survey attempts to elicit information about the stu-
dent's perceptions of politics, politicians, people who work for
governments. and so forth, because such questions may cause a
student to divulge his or her
or their parent's
political per-
suasion, a parent mo ask to have their child excused, but
if re
9 4 84
40 Questions and Answers
fused, the relief, it would seem :*.o me, would have to be
on some
basis other than the Hatch amendment.
. .
. there are also those who would have certain courses, such
as sex education, paid for with other than Federal funds, eliminat-
ed from the curriculum. They contend that the Hatch amendment
prevails because in such courses, pupas cannot discuss the
content without making some value judgments about sexual be.
havior. Were such a course tt be funded with Chapter 11 funds,
for example, it certainly would be covered by the Hatch amend-
ment and the Department of Education regulations. If the course
is nonfederally funded, the Hatch amendment does not prevail.2
Senator Hatch said that the purpose of the amendment
was "to guar-
antee the right of parents to have their children excused from federal-
ly funded activities under carefully specified circumstances." The
"activities we are talking about are non-scholastic in nature."3
At the beginning of the 1985-86 academic year, the letter distributed
by the Eagle Forum was being used by parents in sevral dozen
and in at least one Department of Defense school in Germany. The
confusion over the amendment continued with the
same question be.
ing asked throughout the nation: Which is actually the amendment
what was passed in the Senate or what was published in the letter
distributed by the Eagle Forum? The answer to that question should
be obvious. Unfortunately, members of the Eagle Forum and other
testing groups do not recognize the obvious answer. Consequently, the
amendment is being used in an attempt to rid the schools of
teaching materials, and teaching methods that
were apparently not the
target of Senator Hatch when he drafted the amendment.
9 o
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
31. What is the censorship tale of Tell City, and is it a
typical incident?
Tell City, Indiana, experienced a winter of discontent in 1982 when
two ministers and some of their followers accused the school syste
of teaching the religion of secular humanism. Probably no more than
20 citizens in the southern Indiana town had heard of the so-called
religion of the public schools before the charge was made, and proba-
bly no more than that can define the religion new. But hundreds of
Tell City's citizens will not soon forget the phrase; the vehemence with
which it was hurled at the school board, teachers, and administrators;
and the wounds that are slow to heal from the battle over the secular
humanism charge.
When a ninth-grade student showed his mother a few passages in
John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, he told her that he did not want
to read the book as part of his class assignment After hearing the corn-
plaint of the mother, the English teacher who had assigned the novel
told the mother that her son could read Stephen Crane's Red Badge
of Courage as independent reading while the rest of the class mad Stein-
beck. The mother and her son apparently accepter( the alternate as-
signment, and later she even told the media that F.
and her son had
been treated well by the teacher. But the mother al% talked with her
minister about the novel, ad he expressed his displeasure with the
assignment, with the Telt City schools in general, and with the Erglish
department in the high school in particular.'
The Rev. Don Reynolds, pastor of the Abundant Life Church, had
just opene.' a Christian academy in Tell City. He told his congregation
and at I,
t one other minister about the "evil" novel. The two ministers
prepared a petition to be presented to the school board; and at the
January meeting, a group of 10 demanded that books "containMg pro-
fanity And suggesti-
remarks" not be used in the schools. Then the
m;nister from nearb: Hawesville, Kentucky, who was acting as
spokesperson for t
g: cup, accused the school board of being "anti-
God." That evening marked the beginning of a three-month school-
book protest that brought television cameras, nationally prominent text
book protesters, and divisive,, .ss to the town nestled in the bend of
the Ohio River.
9 6
40 Questions and Answers
Shortly after the mother asked for the alternate assignment, mem-
bers of the Tell City School Board discovered that they had never for-
mally adopted their four-year-old policy for handling complaints about
teaching materials. So the five-member board voted unanimously to
make the policy official.
No ono in Tell City, Indiana
nor the minister from Hawesville,
completed a complaint form calling for a review of Stein-
beck's Of Mice and Men. Nor did anyone sign a complaint form about
Finding My Way, a textbook used in an elective sex education course
for seventh and eighth grades. Instead, a small group led by a minister
from a neighboring state protested the teaching of both books at the
January meeting of the school board and used the local radio station
and newspaper to condemn the books and the school system.
The minister from Kentucky presented the Tell City School Board
with a petition signed by approximately 60 persons. The Rev. Steve
Epley charged that the ninth-grader was "required" to read Of Mice
and Men. The minister then read this statement from a letter attached
to the petition:
When he refused to read the book, he was barred from English
class and forced to spend the entire period in a small room by
himself with a thicker book and no assistance from his teacher.
We ask your help in our fight to clean up the garbage in Tell City
High School's English department. We, as Christians, need to take
a stand against Satan's attack upon the minds
of our youth.
Answering the charges during the board meeting, Robert Waters,
ninth-grader's English teacher, said that no student in the high school
is ever "required" to read a given novel or play and that the
boy was
assigned to read The Red Badge of Courage on his own in the English
office during regular class time. Waters said the "small room" the Rev.
Epley referred to is an English resource room that is about half the
size of a conventional classroom.
Several days after the January meeting of the board, the Rev.
writing a guest column for the Tell City News, raised the specter
secular humanism with these words:
I am very much concerned about the humanist teachings in our
public schools.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
What is Humanism? It is religion without God.
It is education
without God. It is the condition of
man as described in the Bible
(Romans 1:28) "
. .. they did not like to retain God in their knowl-
edge . .." and the results are indeed tragic.
The Humanist is more dangerous than the atheist.
At least, an
atheist will come right out and say he doesn't believe
in God. A
humanist will say, "Yes, I believe there is a God, but
.. .1 also be-
lieve in evolution."
The atheist is like a rattlesnake. He will make
some noises be-
fore he bites you. But the Humanist is
more like a boa constric-
tor. He will silently squeeze you to death with his Godless
philosophies before you know what happened.
With those words, Tell City's teachers joined the
ranks of thousands
who have been charged with "preaching the
religion of secular human-
ism" in the public schools. And like the thousands
who have been so
charged, Tell City's teachers were
unaware of the crimes they were
allegedly committing against society. They did
not attend a church
called Secular Humanist
in fact, they could not find one in Indiana
if they tried. They could not define the
religion, nor could they state
its major beliefs. Yet they stood accused of spreading
some ill-defined
doctrine that their accusers could not define and
that prompted one
minister in Tell City to call them "pagans and heathens"
on a radio
program. Another minister called school board members
and the su-
perintendent "rotten, stinking hypocrites who
are spreading the reli-
gion of humanism through sex education."
Not all of the ministers in Tell City thought the
schools were teach-
ing secular humanism. Early in the controversy, three
Catholic priests
and four Protestant ministers sent
a joint letter to the superintendent,
expressing their support for the school system. Several
civic groups
and organizations did the same.
Shortly after the Rev. Epley denounced the
humanists in Tell City,
a small group of citizens began compiling objections
to some of the
materials used in the public schools. At the February
meeting of the
school board, the Rev. Reynolds condemned the school
system for al-
lowing students to play Dungeons & Dragons
in classrooms. He ques-
tioned the educational value of the game and
made reference to the
Supreme Court ruling that no longer permits
prayer in public schools.
"And yet this game teaches children
to pray to gods and they will
9 8
40 Questions and Answers
receive power. . . .
magical power by praying to these gods," the minis-
ter said. He then showed the school board a picture which he said came
from a book written by the founder of the First Church of Satan. The
minister said that the picture "shows a nude lady lying on an altar,
and this is part of their ritual as they worship Satan. You will find in
one of the D&D (Dungeons & Dragons/ manuals a picture of the same
altar with the same thing happening."
The minister then expressed his fear that if children are exposed to
such material in the game manual, "they will pursue the interest and
eventually wind up with the same pornography. We look at the pic-
ture in the book and it shows nude women, which according to the
Supreme Court is classified as pornography, and if that's acceptable
in our public school classrooms, then something's wrong."
Several students took issue with the minister's statements. In an in-
terview published in the Tell City News, one student was quoted as
having said: "The basic premise of the game is to overcome evil. It
seems to me the minister was confused. He was confusing what the
characters do in the game as opposed to what people do. He made
some comments that were not entirely true .
. .1 heard him tell some-
body that he only bought the manual la handbook for Dungeons &
Dragons] that night. I think if he understood the game better, he would
have no grounds to be opposed to it."
Throughout the schoolbook controversy in Tell City, Superintendent
William Wilson patiently explained that Dungeons & Dragons is played
in a non-credit mini-course by students who elect the class. He also
pointed out that no picture of a nude woman appears anywhere in the
manual that accompanies the game. He further explained
again and
again throughout the protest
that no students are forced to take sex
education; rather, they elect to take it and they must have parental
permission to do so.
On February 16, the Rev. Reynolds announced that Norma and Mel
Gabler would appear at a rally at the National Guard Armory in Tell
City at the end of the month (see question 19). Illness forced Norma
to stay at home in Longview, Texas; consequently, Mel was the prin.
cipal speaker.
Approximately 300 persons, including the chairperson of Phyllis
Schlafly's Stop Textbook Censorship Committee, attended the rally.
9 9
The Schoolbook Protest Movernent
Reporters estimated that at least one-third of the audience was there
to show support of the school system.
In his speech, Mel Gabler attacked the religion of secular human-
ism, sex education, Dungeons & Dragons, and textbooks in general.
l le cited many passages in textbooks
only one of which was used
in Tell City
to reinforce his belief that many of today's textbooks
are dangerous because they promote evolution as unquestioned scien-
tific fact, situation ethics, sex education, world citizenship, and social-
all of which he believes are tenets of the religion of secular
Shortly after Mel Gabler noted that students in Tell City are forced
to take sex education, he had to retract that statement when he was
informed that sex education is an elective course. But he did accuse
the school system of teaching "frills not skills," and he stated emphati-
cally that standardized test scores in Tell City had declined steadily.
The superintendent, school board members, teachers, and adminis-
trators refuted the charges of Mel Gabler and others during the March
meeting of the school board. Test scores have risen
not declined
the audience was told, and evidence was offered to support that state-
ment. The basics are stressed in regular academic courses; Dungeons
& Dragons is played only in a non-credit, elective mini-course. The
school authorities repeated again and again: no student is required to
take sex education; parental consent is required before a student may
take the elective course.
At the beginning of the March meeting of the board, Superintendent
Wilson explained that the entire meeting would be devoted to the
charges made during the January and February board meetings, as well
as to the allegations made on radio programs, in newspapers, and at
the rally. At the conclusion of the three-hour session, Anthony Pap-
pano, president of the school board, read a statement in which he
charged that the protesters used questionable tactics to protest the
books. According to Pappano, the school critics did not follow the proce-
dures for objecting to books; rather, he charged that the critics used
the mass media and the rally to distort the truth and to make false
and libelous statements. He promised that future school board meet-
ings would not be used "as a forum by self-righteous groups to pro-
mote their personal beliefs. There will be no further discussion by the
40 Questions and Answers
board on the topic of censorship until all interested parties have fol-
lowed the established procedures of this school corporation." Finally,
Pappano warned that if the protesting group persisted in using its
present tactics and if it continued to make false and
libelous statements
about the school system and its employees, "we are prepared to take
any and all legal action necessary to defend the
constitutional rights
of individuals associated with this corporation, including the educa-
tional rights of our children."
The Rev. Reynolds scheduled no further rallies as he had promised.
He did not bring Norma Gabler, Phyllis Schlafly, and Billy O'Hair to
Tell City. Rather, he closed his Christian academy and left the com-
munity. The teachers, administrators, and school board members
returned to the task of providing a solid education for the students in
the community. But the events of the winter of 1982 have not been
forgotten, and the scars are slow to heal.
The schoolbook protest at Tell City contains many of the ingredients
common to incidents elsewhere in the country. It is not
unusual to
find at least half
if not all
of the following in organized protests:
1. One book frequently precipitates a protest, but it does not take
long for other books, courses, or activities to be added.
2. Most of the protesters have not read the entire works they find
objectionable. Rather, they take sentences out of context, rely
on the objections of others, and
frequently distort facts.
3. The protesters do not always follow established procedures in
protesting books and courses; rather, they put the questionable
materials on trial in the mass media.
4. The charge that the school system is preaching the religion
secular humanism is spread by the protesters, but few can de-
fine the religion and substantiate the charges.
5. Like the rest of the community, the clergy becomes divided, with
part joining the protesters and with others supporting the schools.
6. Outsiders are brought in to support the protesters.
7. The community is divided.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
32, What can be learned from the Tell
City incident?
Every school system should have
a set of procedures for handling
complaints about books and other teaching materials,
and those
procedures should be followed assiduously.
Every school system should have
a materials selection policy that
covers the selection of textbooks, library books, and all teaching
If a teacher or librarian is accused of teaching
or disseminating "ob-
jectionable" material, that person should be fully
apprised of the
charge as soon as possible.
The person making the charge should be
encouraged to meet, in
an informal session, with the teacher or librarian accused of teach-
ing or disseminating the "questionable" material.
Any person making a charge against the school
system or against
a specific book, course, teaching method, and
so on, should be giv.
en a fair and courteous hearing.
The school board and school administrators have
every right to an-
swer the charges leveled against a school corporation
or its teach.
ing materials.
Teachers, librarians, administrators, and school board
members have
every right to point out distortions or misrepresentations of
rial labeled "objectionable."
Teachers, librarians, alministrators, and school board members
become familiar with the tactics and vocabulary of schoolbook
Administrators and school board members should
note the actions
of the school -officials in the Tell City incident.
They followed their
procedures; they did not panic; they did
not remove books willy-nilly.
Students should not be isolated from the
controversy; rather, they
can learn much by discovering how controversies
can arise and how
they can be resolved.
School officials should not permit unfounded
criticism to interfere
with the educational process.
1 0 2)2
40 Questions and Answers
33. What steps should school systems take to prepare
for censorship attempts?
1. Review the instructional materials selection policy to m ike certain
that it is comprehensive and well written. (See question 35.)
2. Review the procedures for handling complaints about books, teach-
ing materials, courses, and teaching methods. (See questions 36 and
3. Review the policies and procedures on handling complaints pub-
lished by the American Library Association for ideas that might be
incorporated into local policies and procedures.
4. Make certain that the policies and procedures adopted by the school
system are readily available to all citizens.
5. Select materials that are consistent with the educational objectives
of the school system and of specific classes.
6. Prepare written rationales for controversial materials. Ken Donel-
son, professor of English at Arizona State University, has suggested
that each rationale should address these eight questions:
a. For what classes is this book especially appropriate?
b. To what particular objectives, literary or psychological or peda-
gogical, does this book lend itself?
c. In what ways will the book be used to meet those objectives?
d. What problems of style, tone, or theme, or possible grounds for
censorship exist in the book?
e. How does the teacher plan to meet those problems?
f. Assuming that the objectives are met, how would students be
different because of their reading of this book?
g. What are some other appropriate books an individual student
might read in place of this book?
h. What reputable sources have recommended this book? What
have critics said of it?
7. Make provisions for alternate assignments in those classes in which
such assignments are feasible; for example, an English class in which
novels are E. A:lied.
The Sohoolbook Protest Movement
8. Form a support group of persons in the community who are com-
mitted to a sound education for all students.
34. What are the ingredients of a good materials selec-
tion policy?
The Michigan Association for Media in Education included these com-
ponents of a materials selection policy in its 1977 publication, Selec-
tion Policies: A Guide to Updating and Writing.
Preliminary Consideretion
The committee drafting the Instructional Materials Selection Poli-
cy should consider including members of the following groups in or-
der to enlist wide support for the policy: students, teachers, media
specialists, parents, para-professionals, building administrators, sys-
tem administrators, Regional Educational Mated Lls Center staff
A decision should be made at the outset as to whether the policy
will cover all instructional materials or only those purchased by and
housed in the media center.
A local level statement of Instructional Materials Selection Policy
should include (not necessarily in the following order):
1. A statement of the philosophy of materials selection such as
is given in the Library Bill of Rights.
2. A statement that the governing body of the district is legally
responsible for the selection of instructional materials.
3. A statement detailing the delegation of this responsibility to
professional personnel.
4. Criteria for instructional materials selection in the school or
5. Procedures for implementing selection criteria.
6. A routine procedure for challenged materials including:
a. a complaint committee and its make-up;
40 Questions and Answers
b. a statement that the procedure is applicable to all individu-
als, including school personnel and board members;
c. a statement of how challenged materials will be handled dur-
ing the period of reconsideration;
d. a statement of whether or not materials will be put through
the entire reconsideration process more than once within a
specified time period.
7. Definitions of critical terms used in the selection policy, for
"selection," "instructional materials," "literary merit,"
35. Are there model instructional materials selection
policies that school systems can use as guides?
The instructional materials selection policies prepared by the Iowa
Department of Public Instruction and by the Madison (Wisconsin)
Metropolitan School District have been used widely as models. The
first model policy statement below is from Selection of Instructional
Materials (Iowa Department of Public Instruction 1977; see Code of
Iowa 279.8, ch. 301).
Model Statement of Policy
The Board of Directors of the
School District hereby
declares it the policy of the District to provide a wide range of in-
structional materials on all levels of difficulty, with diversity of ap-
peal, and the presentation of different points of view and to allow
review of allegedly inappropriate instructional materials.
Model Statement of Rules
Responsibility for Selection of Materials
A. The Board of Directors is legally responsible for all matters
relating to the operation of the
School District.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
B. The responsibility for the selection of instructional materials
is delegated to the professionally trained and certificated
employed by the school system. For the purposes of this rule
the term "instructional materials" includes printed and
diovisual materials (not equipment), whether considered
materials or media center materials.
C. While selection of materials involves many people (principals,
teachers, students, supervisors, community
persons and me-
dia specialists), the responsibility for coordinating the selec-
of most instructional
materials and making the
recommendation for purchase rests with certificated media
personnel. For the purpose of this rule the term "media
cialist" includes librarians, school media specialists
or other
appropriately certificated persons responsible for selection
of media.
D. Responsibility for coordinating the selection of
text materi-
als for distribution to classes will rest with the appropriate
department chairperson or with the Textbook Evaluation
Committee. For the purpose of this rule the term "text materi-
als" includes textbooks and other print and nonprint materi-
als provided in multiple copies for use of a total class
or a
major segment of such a class.
II. Criteria for Selection of Materials
A. The following criteria will be used as they apply:
1. Materials shall support and be consistent with the
eral educational goals of the district and the objectives
of specific courses.
2. Materials shall meet high standards of quality in factual
content and presentation.
3. Materials shall be appropriate for the subject
area and for
the age, emotional development, ability level, and sod&
development of the students for whom the materials are
4. Materials shall have aesthetic, literary, or social value.
5. Materials chosen shall be by competent and qualified
authors and producers.
40 Questions and Answers
6. Materials shall be chosen to foster respect for minority
groups, women, and ethnic groups and shall realistically
represent our pluralistic society, along with the roles and
life styles open to both men and women in today's world.
Materials shall be designed to help students gain an
awareness and understanding of the many important con-
tributions made to our civilization by minority groups, eth-
nic groups and women.
Materials shall clarity the multiple historical and contem-
porary forces with their economic, political, and religious
dimensions which have operated to the disadvantage or ad-
vantage of women, minority groups, and ethnic groups. These
materials shall present and analyze intergroup tension and
conflict obiectively, placing emphasis upon resolving social
and economic problems.
Materials shall be desgned to motivate students and staff
to examine their own attitudes and behaviors and to com-
prehend their own duties,
rights and
privileges as participating citizens in a pluralistic, non-sexist
7. Materials shall be selected for their strengths rather than
rejected for their weaknesses.
8. Biased or slanted materials may be provided to meet
specific curriculum objectives.
9. Physical format and appearance of materials shall be
suitable for their intended use.
B. The selection of materials on controversial issues will be
directed toward maintaining a balanced collection represent-
ing various views.
III. Procedure for Selection
A. Media
1. In selecting materials for purchase f x the media center,
the media specialist will evaluate the existing collection
and the curriculum needs and will consult reputable,
professionally prepared selection aids and other appropri-
ate sources. For the purposes of this rule the term "me-
dia" includes all materials considered part of the library
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
collection, plus ali instructional materials housed in re-
source centers and classrooms (if any) which are not text
materials. For the purpose of this rule, the term "media
center" is the space, room or complex of rooms and
spaces designated as a library, media center, instructional
materials center or similar term. It may include units not
contiguous to the center where facilities dictate. These
units would include but not be limited to resource centers,
production centers, and television studios.
2. Recommendations for purchase will be solicited from
faculty and student body.
3. Gift materials shall be judged by the criteria in Section
II and shall be accepted or rejected by those criteria.
4. Selection is an ongoing process which should include the
removal of materials no longer appropriate and the
replacement of lost and worn materials still of education-
al value.
5. Selections are forwarded to the office of the superinten-
dent or his or her designee (e.g., the district media direc-
tor or the business manager) through the principal or other
person in charge of the attendance center for purchase
throughout the year.
B. Text Material
1. Text materials committees shall be appointed at the time
that text adoption areas are determined. Appropriate sub-
ject area, instructional level, and media personnel shall
be included in each committee.
2. Criteria for text materials consistent with the general criter-
ia for materials selection noted in Section ll shall be de-
veloped by teacher committees.
3. The committee shall present its recommendation(s) to the
superintendent or other designated administrator.
4. The superintendent or his or her designee and the text
materials committee shall present the recommendation(s)
to the board.
40 Questions and Answers
IV. Objection:
A. Any resident of the school district may raise objection to in-
structional materials used in the district's educational pro-
gram despite the fact that the individuals selecting such
material were duly qualified to make the selection and fol-
lowed the proper procedure and observed the criteria for
selecting such material.
1. The school official or staff member receiving a complaint
regarding instructional materials shall try to resolve the
issue informally. The materials shall remain in use unless
removed through the procedure in Section IV. B. 6. e. of
this rule.
a. The school official or staff member initially receiv-
ing a complaint shall explain to the complainant the
school's selection procedure, criteria, and qualifications
of ihose persons selecting the material.
b. The school official or staff member initially receiv-
ing a complaint shall explain to the best of his or her abil-
ity the particular place the objected to material occupies
in the educafional program, its intended educational use-
fulness, and additional information regarding its use, or
refer the complaining party to someone who can identify
and explain the use of the material.
(Comment: The vast majority of complaints can be amicably disposed of
in the first stages when the school officials and staff are frequently remind-
ed of the school's procedures. A quick personal conference can often times
solve the problem where a shift into a more formal procedure might Inflate
the problem. While the legal right to object to materials is not expressly
stated, it is implied in such provisions as the right to petition the govern-
ment for redress of grievances.)
2. In the event that the person making an objection to mate-
rial is not satisfied with the initial explanation, the person
raising the question should be referred to someone desig-
nated by the principal or person in charge of the atten-
dance center to handle such complaints or to the media
specialist for that attendance center. If, after private coun-
seling, the complainant desires to file a formal complaint,
99 109
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
the person to whom the complainant has been referred
will assist in filling out a Reconsideration Request Form
in full.
3. The individual receiving the initial complaint shall advise
the principal or person in charge of the attandance cen-
ter where the challenged material is being used, of the
initial contact no later than the end of the following school
day, whether or not the complainant has apparently been
satisfied by the initial contact. A written record of the con-
tact shall be maintained by the principal or other person
in charge of the attendance center.
4. The principal or other person in charge of each attendance
center shall review the selection and objection rules with
the staff at least annually. The staff shall be reminded that
the right to object to materials is one granted by policies
enacted by the Board of Directors and firmly entrenched
in law. They shall also be reminded of ethical and practi-
cal considerations in attempting to handle resident com-
plaints with courtesy and integrity.
B. Request for Reconsideration
1. Any resident or employee of the school district may for-
mally challenge instructional materials used in the dis-
on the
appropriateness. This procedure is for the purpose of con-
sidering the opinions of those persons in the schools and
the community who are not directly involved in the selec-
tion process.
2. Each attendance center and the school district's central
office will keep on hand and make available Reconsider-
ation Request Forms. All formal objections to instruction-
al materials must be made on this form.
3. The Reconsideration Request Form shall be signed by the
complainant and filed with the Superintendent or some-
one so designated by the Superintendent.
4. Within five business days of the filing of the form, the Su-
perintendent or person so designated by the Superinten-
dent shall file
the material in question with the
40 Questions and Answers
Reconsideration Committee for re-evaluation. The Com-
mittee shall recommend disposition to the office of thz, Su-
5. Generally, access to challenged material shall not be
stricted during the reconsideration
process. However, in
unusual circu;nstances, the material may be removed
temporari:y by following the provisions of Section IV. B.
6. e. of this rule.
6. The Reconsideration Committee
a. The Reconsideration Committee shall be made up
of eleven members.
(1) One teacher designated annually by the Superin-
(2) One school media specialist designated annually by
the Superintendent.
(3) One member of the central administrative staff desig-
nated annually by the Superintendent. (This position will
normally be filled by the supervisor or person responsi-
ble for the district's media services.)
(4) Five members from the community appointed
nually by the Executive Committee of the Parent-Teacher-
Student Association.
(5) Three high school students, selected annually from
and by the Student Advisory Committee.
(Comment: Subsections (4) and (5) represent a departure from the traditional
approaches of handling challenged school materials and
may well be the
key to the success or failure of this model. A committee with
a majority of
lay members should be viewed by the community as being objective
not automatically supportive of prior professional decisions
on selection.
Much of the philosophy regarding the Committee structure
was borrowed
from the policy of the Cedar Rapids Community School District, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa.
Use of the Parent-Teacher-Student Assuciation in this model is merely
illustrative. Whether the non-educators are selected from the P.T.S.A.
other groups interested in the community's schools is not important.
important thing is the establishmint and maintenance of the Committee's
credibility with the community through a majority of nonprofessionals. An
The Schoolbook Protest Movenwnt
appointed committee will generally be more objective than a voluntary com-
The method of selecting students for the Committee will depend greatly
upon the size and organization of the district. A district
with several high
schools may want to have one student from each on the committee while
a district with one high school may want one student
representative from
each grade. Student selection of the representatives to this Committee is
very important. Any responsible student group or groups may be
used when
a Student Advisory Committee does not exist in the district.)
b. The chairperson of the Committee shall not be an
employee or officer of the District. The secretary shall be
an employee or officer of the District.
(Comment: It is vital to the operation of this model that a community mem-
ber chair the Reconsideration Committee. Credibility is the watchword.)
c. The Committee shall first meet each year during the
third week in September at a time and place designated
by the Superintendent and made known to the members
of the Committee at least three school days in advance.
d. A calendar of subsequent regular meetings for the
year shall be established and a chairperson and a secre-
tary selected at the first meeting.
(Comment: While many districts may not feel the need to hold regular, per-
haps monthly meetings, it is important to establish a sense of continuity and
regularity about the Committee. The notoriety and excitement caused by
emergency meetings when challenges arise in a community may be
the un-
necessary fuel to cause an ordinary healthy situation to become
beyond proportion. It is wiser to cancel unnecessary meetings than to call
unexpected ones. Lack of frequent challenges to school materials probably
means that one or more of the following is present: (1) satisfaction
with the
selection process, (2) lack of community interest, (3) belief in the futility of
communication with school district officials, or (4) undue influence on the
selection and weeding processes.)
e. Special meetings may be called by the Superinten-
dent to consider temporary removal of materials in un-
usual circumstances. Temporary removal shall require a
three-fourths vote of the Committee.
40 Questions and Answers
f. The calendar of regular meetings and notice of spe-
cial meetings shall be made public through appropriate
student publications and other communications methods.
g. The Committee shall receive all Reconsideration Re-
quest Forms from the Superintendent or person desig-
nated by the Superintendent.
h. The procedure for the first meeting following receipt
of a Reconsideration Request Form is as follows:
(1) Distribute copies of written request form.
(2) Give complainant or a group spokesperson an op-
portunity to talk about and expand on the request form.
(3) Distribute
professionally prepared
reviews of the material when available.
(4) Distribute copies of challenged material as
I. At a subsequent meeting, interested persons, includ-
ing the complainant, may have the opportunity to share
their views. The Committee may request that individuals
with special knowledge be present to give information to
the committee.
j. The complainant shall be kept informed by the Secre-
tary concerning the status of his or her complaint through-
out the Committee reconsideration process. The
complainant and known interested parties shall be given
appropriate notice of such meetings.
k. At the second or a subsequent meeting, as desired,
the Committee shall make its decision in either open or
closed session. The Committee's final decision will be,
(1) to take no removal action, (2) to remove all or part of
the challenged material from the total school environment,
or (3) to limit the educational use of the challenged mate-
rial. The sole criteria for the final decision is the appropri-
ateness of the material for its intended educational use.
The vote on the decision shall be by secret ballot. The
written decision and its justification shall be forwarded to
the Superintendent for appropriate action, the com-
plainant and the appropriate attendance centers.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
(Comment: The state open meeting law should be reviewed for its applica-
tion to this provision.)
I. A decision to sustain a challenge shall not be inter-
preted as a judgment of irresponsibility on the part of the
professionals involved in the original selection or use of
the material,
m. Requests to reconsider materials which have previ-
ously been before the Committee must receive approval
of a majority of the Committee members before the materi-
als will again be reconsidered. Every Reconsideration Re-
quest Form shall be acted upon by the Committee.
n. In the event of a severe overload of challenges, the
Committee may appoint a subcommittee of members or
nonmembers to consolidate challenges and to make
recommendations to the full Committee. The composition
of this subcommittee shall approximate the representa-
tion on the full Committee.
o. Committee members directly associated with the
selection, use, or challenge of the challenged material
shall be excused from the Committee during the deliber-
ation on such materiais. The Superintendent may appoint
a temporary replacement for the excused Committee
member, but such replacement shall be of the same
general qualifications of that person excused.
(Comment: The Committee should never be placed in the position of ap-
pearing to defend itself, its members, or the school staff. The Committee
must maintain a nonadversarial position.)
If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision,
he or she may request that the matter be placed on the
agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the
(Comment: These requests should comply with existing board poiicy and
rules regarding the board agenda.)
q. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the
Board may appeal to the State Board of Public Instruc-
tion pursuant to state law.
71 4
40 Questions and Answers
(Comment: Subsections p. Rnd q. are implicit and expressly provided for
respectively, in Iowa law. Some persons might feel that it would be more
appropriate to not use p. and q. as they may encourage appeals. The provi-
sions of q. would not be applicable to decisions of A.E.A. Boards, but would
be applicable to decisions of Area Community Technical College Boards
and School District Boards.)
The following policy statement was prepared by the Madison (Wis-
consin) Metropolitan School District and adopted by the district's board
of education on 13 September 1982.
Instructional Materials Selection
Policy and Procedures
Selection Responsibility
Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, the legal responsibility for the
selection of instructional materials rests with the Board of Educa-
tion. The purpose of this selection policy is to define the philosophy,
objectives, criteria, and procedures to be followed by those groups
that function as agents of the Board of Education for acquiring print
and audiovisual materials for instructional programs. These groups
include: Program Materials Selection (PMS) committees; Instructional
Materials Center (IMC) committees; Middle and High School Paper-
back committees; Specialized Educational Services (SES) commit-
tees; Chapter I (Title I) materials selection committees; and ad hoc
committees assigned to select materials for unique school programs.
Instructional materials include print and nonprint items such as
audiotapes and audiocassettes, books, computer programs, dio-
ramas, disc recordings, films, filmstrips, games, graphic works,
manuscripts, maps and globes, microforms, models, multimedia kits,
newspapers, overhead transparencies, pamphlets, periodicals, realia,
reference materials, slides, television programs, videocassettes,
videodiscs, videotapes, and various combinations of these.
Selection Philosophy
The right to a free choice among alternatives is basic to a
democratic society. It is through the exercise of the freedoms set
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
forth in the Bill of Rights that an informed choice can take place.
If there is to be freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly,
then there must also be freedom to hear, to view, to read, and to
discuss. Our educational system must, therefore, allow a free ac-
cess to a full range of instructional materials to insure the realiza-
tion of these freedoms.
Selection Objectives
The basic objective of materials selection is to provide students
and faculty with learning resources that are intrinsic to the implemen-
tation of curriculum and that have value for diversified interests, abil-
ities, and maturity levels. Selected materials should:
1. stimulate thinking, provide facts, and contribute to student
growth in literary and aesthetic appreciation;
2. contain ideas and information that enable students to make
judgments and decisions relating to their daily lives;
3. present a diversity of viewpoints on controversial issues;
4. include the thinking and contribution of the many cultural, eth-
nic, and religious groups which constitute society in the United
5. portray a variety of lifestyles with which students can identify;
6. represent the variety of communication formats to provide for
individual learning styles and to provide students the oppor-
tunity to analyze various media formats critically;
7. encourage students to read, view, and listen for pleasure and
recreation, fostering a life-long appreciation of such activities.
Selection Criteria
Instructional materials shall support and be consistent with the
general educational goals of the district. All materials should be
selected on the basis of an identified need for the materials and the
general suitability of the materials to the needs and abilities of those
who will use them. In potentially sensitive areas (e.g., race, sex, re-
ligion, political theory and ideology), materials should be selected
for their strengths and/or significance rather than rejected for their
weaknesses. Consideration of the criteria below, where relevant, shall
40 Questions and Answers
provide the basis for selection of instructional materials. The criteria
are not arranged in any particular order of importance.
1. Relation to Curriculum.
Materials should be selected for their contribution to the im-
plementation of the school's curriculum.
2. Relation to Existing Collection.
The materials should make a contribution to the balance
of the individual school collection of materials for which they
are selected.
3. Interest and Appeal.
The content and style of the materials should appeal to the
interests of those who will use them.
4. Accuracy and Authenticity.
The content of materials should be valid, reliable, and com-
plete. Imaginative materials should encourage worthwhile ap-
preciations, attitudes, understandings, and insights.
5. Authority.
Consideration should be given to the qualifications, repu-
tation, and significance of those responsible for creating the
material (the author, producer, publisher).
6. Comprehension.
The material should be clearly presented in a well-organized
fashion. The nature of concepts being developed should be
appropriate both to the intended users and the depth of cover-
age. In print materials, the readability should correspond to
the reading ability of the intended users; in nonprint materi-
als, audiovisual representations should correspond to the com-
prehension level of the intended users. The materials should
catch and hold the user's interest and stimulate further
7. Permanence and Timeliness.
The material should be of lasting value and/or should be
of widespread current interest or concern.
8. Cultural Pluralism.
Wisconsin Statutes (Chapter 89, Section J) mandate that
students have access "to a current, well-balanceo collection
of books, basic reference materials, periodicals, and audio-
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
visual materials which depict in an accurate and unbiased
the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American
Materials should foster respect for, and help students gain
an awareness of, the many contributions made by the vari-
ous groups which make up our pluralistic society. The materi-
als should present inter-group tension and conflict objectively,
placing emphasis on resoMng social and economic problems.
9. Whole vs. Part.
Each item should be approached from a broad perspective,
looking at the work as a whole and judging controversial
ments in context rather than as isolated parts. Periodicals, for
example, should be selected and purchased for their overall
reputation, and should not be rejected because of
an occa-
sional article which may be offensive.
10. Recency.
In certain subject areas (science and technology, for
ple), materials should be examined carefully for the
of the information presented. Copyright date should be used
as one indicator of the currency of the material.
11. Format.
The medium selected to present the material should be
propriate to the content. For example, a series of still photo-
graphs of works of art might appropriately be presented in
filmstrip, slide program, or book rather than in
a film or video
tape. However, these latter media are appropriate when it is
important to show motion or present a dramatization.
12. Quality of Writing/Production.
The material should be acceptable mechanically and artisti-
cally with each element combining to form
an aesthetically
pleasing whole. The material should stimulate growth in fac-
tual knowledge and/or Jiterary appreciation. The content
should provide adequate scope, range, depth, and continuity
while maintaining user interest.
13. Technical and Physical Qualities.
Print material should be attractively presented with suita-
ble illustrations and graphics. The size and style of type should
40 Questions and Answers
be appropriate to th9 intended age level. Audio material should
use sound creatively and be clear and free of distortion. The
narrator should have a pleasant voice and speak with expres-
sion. Visual materials should have good picture quality and
be authentic in regard to detail, color, depth, dimension, and
size proportions. Original art work should be reproduced faith-
fully. There should be sufficient durability to meet the demands
of the intended user.
14. Cost.
The selection of any piece of material, particularly an ex-
pensive one, should be seen in relation to the degree of need
for the material, the amount of anticipated use, and existing
budgetary limitations. The possibility of shared use of materi-
als should be considered. In the event that materials are per-
ceived to be of comparable quality, the materials of least cost
shall be purchased.
15. Treatment of Controversial Issues.
Materials on controversial issues should be selected to rep-
resent the fullest possible range of contrasting points of view,
to provide a balanced collection of materials on such subjects.
16. Treatment of Religion.
Materials about religion should be chosen to explain, not
to indoctrinate.
17. Treatment of Profanity, Sex, and Violence.
The use of profanity, sexual incidents, or violence in a liter-
ary work should not automatically disqualify such material. The
decision should be made on the basis of the work's general
literary value, rather than on some isolatel parts, and on
whether it deals with situations realistically, presenting life in
its true proportions.
18. Treatment of Human Development.
Materials on human physiology, physical maturation, or per-
sonal hygiene should be accurate and objectively presented.
19. Treatment of Biased Materials.
Materials which unfairly, inaccurately, or viciously treat a
particular race, sex, ethnic group, age group, religion, etc.,
shall not be selected unless there exists a legitimate educa-
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
tional purpose
such as analysis, observation, historical de-
velopment of interpretation
for the use of such materials.
When necessary, the Department of Human Relations should
be consulted in evaluating such items.
20. Gift and Sponsored Materials.
Gift materials and sponsored materials must meet the
criteria as those selected for purchase. They are accepted with
the understanding that, if not suitable, they may be disposed
of at the discretion of the school staff members who have
received the materials.
Board of Education policy #3660 requires that instructional
materials that carry advertising be screened and approved by
a committee appointed by the Assistant Superintendent.
Reconsideration of Selected Materials
A complaint about a book or other instructional material by
a resi-
dent of the Madison Metropolitan School District shoula be
given con-
sideration by district administrators and the Board of Education only
after attempts to resolve it at the local school level
have been ex-
hausted. The use of materials being reconsidered shall
not be re-
stricted until a final deposition of the complaint has been
Reconsideration decisions made at
one school shall not be binding
on other schools.
Reconsideration of Selected Materials
Upon receipt of a complaint about a book
or other instructional
material, the Building Principal shall contact the complainant
and appropriate school staff to discuss the complaint and at-
tempt to resolve it by explaining the philosophy and goals of
the instructional program and the selection policy and
2. A standard questionnaire (Request for Reconsideration of
structional Materials) and cover letter shall be sent to the
plainant with a request that he/she return the colapleted
12 0
40 Questions and Answers
questionnaire to the Building Principal. The Principal shall
send a duplicate of the completed questionnaire to the ap-
propriate school staff and District Director.
Upon receipt of the completed questionnaire, the Principal
shall appoint and convene an advisory committee consisting
of appropriate school staff (including school media specialists
when IMC materials are involved) and parents to consider the
complaint. The committee will use the stated selection criter-
ia in its reconsideration of a book or other instructional mate-
eel, and will respond in writing to the complainant, with a copy
sent to the District Director and appropriate program coordi-
Following consideration by the Principal and committee, if it
is the desire of the complainant, the complaint is submitted
to the Superintendent for consideration.
Following consideration by the Superintendent, if it is the de-
sire of the complainant, the complaint is submitted to the
Board of Education.
The Board of Education, through the Superintendent, shall
be informed of any decision at any level to remove an item
from classroom or IMC use if it is the result of a complaint
handled through this process.
Complaints submitted directly to the Superintendent and/or
Board of Education shall be referred to the appropriate Build-
ing Principal.
3 6.
What steps should a school system follow if a per-
son complains about a book or some other teach-
ing material or teaching method?
1. The person responsible for the challenged material (teacher or
librarian) should be given the opportunity to meet informally with the
person making the complaint. Teachers and librarians throughout the
nation have reported that such meetings frequently resolve the prob.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
lem. The complainant may he seeking information about how and why
the book
or whatever
is used. Courteous, clear answers to the
how and why frequently satisfy the complainants.
2. If a school administrator or school board member is the first to
hear the complaint, he or she should not take unilateral action. Rather,
the school official should take step one above (see question 39).
3. If the complainant is not satisfied as a result of the informal meet,
ing, then he or she should be given a request for reconsideration form
(see question 37).
On receipt of the signed request for reconsideration form, the
school official handling the complaint should give the challenged ma-
terial to the reconsideration committee, which should have been ap-
pointed annually (see question 35).
5. Access to the challenged material should not be limited during
the period of reconsideration.
6. The decision of the reconsideration committee should be given
to the superintendent. (For a more complete discussion of the steps
and for a consideration of various conflicts that might arise in the recon-
sideration process, see the Iowa policy in question 35.)
Several school officials have told me that they believe a public hear-
ing conducted by the reconsideration committee before it makes its
decision can be valuable. Such a healing gives various segments of the
community an opportunity to speak out. The danger of such a hearing
is obvious: one side may try to monopolize the meeting. But the school
officials who have talked with me indicate that giving the community
an opportunity to speak is well worth the risk.
40 Questions and Answers
37. What is a request for reconsideration form and when
should it be used?
The following request for reconsideration form is reprinted with the
permission of the American Association of School Librarians, 50 East
Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.
Please check type of material:
( ) Book
( ) Film (
) Record
( ) Periodical
( ) Filmstrip
( ) Kit
( ) Pamphlet
) Cassette
( ) Other
Publisher or Producer
Request Initiated by
State Zip
The following questions are to be answered after the complainant
has read, viewed, or listened to the school library material in its en-
tirety. If sufficient space is not provided, attach additional sheets.
(Please sign your name to each additional attachment.)
1. To what in the material do you object? (Please be specific, cite
pages, frames in a filmstrip, film sequence, et cetera.)
2. What do you believe is th6 theme or purpose of this material?
3. What do you feel might be the result of a student using this
4. For what age group would you recommend this material?
5. Is there anything good in this material? Please comment.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
6. Would you care to recommend other school library material of
the same subject and format?
Signature of Complainant Date
Please return completed form to the school principal.
This form should be used only after the informal meeting (see ques-
tion 36) if the complainant is not satisfied with the discussion and wants
to take formal action to challenge the book, other teaching material,
course, or teaching method.
38. What steps can be taken to enhance academic free-
dom for teachers?
Teachers in some communities have succeeded in having a clause
on academic freedom included in the master contract. Here is one sam-
ple from Article XVII of the master contract of the teachers in the Fort
Wayne (Indiana) School Corporation:
Academic Freedom
It is mutually recognized that freedom carries with it responsibili-
ty; academic freedom also carries with it academic responsibility
which is determined by the bas!c !deals, goals, and institutions of
the local community. Discussion and analysis of controversial issues
should be conducted within the framework of the fundamental values
of the community as they are expressed in the educational philoso-
phy and objectives of the Board.
Within the preceding frame of reference and as it pertains to the
course to which a teacher is assigned, academic freedom in the Fort
Wayne Community Schools is defined as:
The right to teach and learn about controversial issues which
have economic, political, scientific, or social significance.
40 Questions and Answers
2. The right to use mateiials which are relevant to the levels of
ability and maturity of the students and to the purposes of the
school system.
3. The right to maintain a classroom environment which is con-
ducive to the free exchange and examination of ideas which
have economic, political, scientific or social significance.
4. The right of teachers to participate fully in tt e public affairs
of the community.
5. The right of students to hold divergent ideas as long as the
expression of their dissent is done within the guidelines of de-
bate and discussion which are generally accepted by teachers
in a normal classroom environment.
6. The right of teachers to a free expression of conscience as
private citizens with the correlative responsibility of a profes-
sional presentation of balanced views relating to controver-
sial issues as they are studied in the classroom.
The State of Connecticut took a major step toward ensuring academic
freedom when it adopted its policy on academic freedom. The follow-
ing is taken from the State of Connecticut Controversial Issues Policy
Free to Learn
A Policy on Academic Freedom and Public Education
Academic freedom is the freedom to teach and to learn. In defend-
ing the freedom to teach and to learn, we affirm the democratic pro-
cess itself. American public education is the source of much that is
essential to our democratic heritage. No other single institution has
so significantly sustained our national diversity, nor helped voice our
shared hopes for an open and tolerant society. Academic freedom
is among the strengths of American public education. Attempts to
deny the freedom to teach and to learn are, therefore, incompatible
with the goals of excellence and equity in the life of our public schools.
With freedom comes responsibility. With rights come obligations.
Accordingly, academic freedom in our public schools is subject to
certain limitations. Therefore, the STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION
affirms that:
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Academic freedom in our public schools is properly defined with-
in the context of law and the constraints of mutual respect among
individuals. Public schools represent a public trust. They exist to pre-
pare our children to become partners in a society of self-governing
citizens. Therefore, access to ideas and opportunities to consider
the broad range of questions and experiences which constitute the
proper preparation for a life of responsible citizenship must not be
defined by the interests of any single viewpoint. Teachers, school
administrators, librarians, and school media specialists must be free
to select instructional and research materials appropriate to the matu-
rity level of their students. This freedom is itself subject to the
reasonable restrictions mandated by law to school officials and ad-
ministrators. At the same time, local school officials must demon-
strate substantial or legitimate public interest in order to justify
censorship or other proposed restrictions upon teaching and learn-
ing. Similarly, local boards of education cannot establish criteria for
the selection of library books based solely on the personal, social
or political beliefs of school board members. While students must
be free to voice their opinions in the context of a free inquiry after
truth and respect for their fellow students and school personnel, stu-
dent expression which threatens to interfere substantially with the
school's function is not warranted by academic freedom. Students
must be mindful that their rights are neither absolute nor unlimited.
Part of responsible citizenship is coming to accept the consequences
of the freedoms to which one is entitled by law and tradition. Simi-
larly, parents have the right to affect their own children's education,
but this right must be balanced against the right other parents' chil-
dren have to a suitable range of educational experiences. Through-
out, the tenets of academic freedom seek to encourage a spirit of
reasoned community participation in the life and practices of our pub-
lic schools.
Since teaching and learning are among the missions of our public
schools, the STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION affirms the distinction
between teaching and indoctrination. Schools should teach students
how to think, not what to think. To study an idea is not necessarily
to endorse an idea. Public school classrooms are forums for inquiry,
not arenas for the promulgation of particular viewpoints. While com-
1 2 b
40 Questions and Answers
munities have the right to exercise supervision over their own pub-
lic school practices and programs, their participation in the educa-
tional life of their schools should respect the constitutional and
intellectual rights guaranteed school personnel and students by
American law and tradition.
Accordingly, the STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, in order to en-
courage improved educational practices, recommends that local
school boards adopt policies and procedures to receive, review, and
take action upon requests that question public school practices and
programs. Community members should be encouraged, and made
aware of their rights to voice their opinions about school practices
and programs in an appropriate administrative forum. The STATE
BOARD OF EDUCATION further recommends that local school
boards take steps to encourage informed community participation
in the shared work of sustaining and improving our public schools.
Finally, the STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION affirms that commu-
nity members and school personnel should acknowledge together
that the purpose of public education is the pursuit of knowledge and
the preparation of our children for responsible citizenship in a socie-
ty that respects differences and shared freedom.
39. What is the role of an administrator in a censorship
First, the administrator should attempt to schedule an informal meet-
ing with the complainant(s) and the person (teacher or librarian)
responsible for the challenged material. Second, the administrator
should refrain from taking the side of the complainant immediately,
as has been the case in a number of censorship incidents throughout
the nation. Unfortunately, some school administrators have commented
negatively on a book without having read it. Third, the administrator
should follow the procedures for handling complaints and should not
remove a book unilaterally. Such action might prove embarrassing and
might result in a lawsuit.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
40. What books should teachers, librarians, and ad-
ministrators read to understand the schoolbook pro-
test movement and to be prepared to cope with it?
Joseph E. Bryson and Elizabeth W. Detty. Censorship of Public School
Library and Instructional Material. Charlottesville, Va.: Michie
Company, 1982.
Lee Burress and Edward Jenkinson. The Student's Right to Know.
Champaign, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1983.
James E. David, ed. Ikaling with Censorship. Champaign, Ill.: National
Council of Teachers of English, 1979.
Homer Duncan. Secular Humanism: The Most Dangerous Religion
in America. Lubbock, Tex.: Missionary Crusader, 1979.
Stanley Elam, ed. Public Schools and the First Amendment. Blooming-
ton, Ind.: Phi Delta Kappa, 1983.
James C. Hefley. Textbooks on Trial. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1976.
(Published in paperback as Are Tex:books Harming Your Children?
Milford, Mich.: Mott Media, 1979.)
Edward B. Jenkinson. Censors in the Classroom. Carbondale, Ill.:
Southern Illinois University Press, 1979.
Paul Kurtz. In Defense of Secular Humanism Buffalo: Prometheus
Books, 1983.
Tim LaHaye. The Battle for the Public SchooLs. Old Tappan, N.J.: Flem-
ing Revell, 1983.
Corliss Lamont. The Philosophy of Humanism, 4th ed., rev. New York
Philosophical Library, 1957.
Connaught Coyne Marshner. Blackboard Tyranny. New Rochelle, N.Y.:
Arlington House, 1978.
Barbara M. Morris. Change Agents in the Schools. Upland, Calif.: The
Barbara M. Morris Report, 1979.
Robert M. O'Neil. Classrooms in the Crossfire: The Rights and In-
terests of Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Librari-
ans, and the Community. Bloomington: Indiana TJniversity Press,
Barbara Parker and Stefanie Weiss. Protecting the Freedom to Learn:
A Citizen's Guide. Washington, D.C.: People for the American Way,
40 Questions and Answers
Francis A. Schaeffer. How Should We Then Live? Old Tappan, N.J.:
Fleming Revell, 1976.
Phyllis Schlafly. Child Abuse in the Classroom. Westchester, Ill.: Cross-
way Books, 1984.
119 129
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Question 2
1. Jack Nelson and Gene Roberts, Jr., The _r:ensors and the Schools (Bos.
ton: Little, Brown and Company, 1963), pp. 24.26.
Ibid., p. 26.
3. Ibid., pp. 24-33.
4. Reported in Edward B. Jenkinson, Censors in the Classroom (Carbon-
dale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1979), p. 37.
5. Several monographs and articles referred to the Kanawha County inci .
dent as "The Battle of the Books." See, for example, footnotes 6 and 8
6. The summary of the Kanawha County textbook battle is based on Frank-
lin Parker's fastback The Battle of the Books: Kanawha County (Blooming.
ton, Ind.: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1975); and on
Kanawha County West Virginia: A Texthook Study in Cultural Con-
flict (Washington, D.C.: National Education Association, n.d.).
7. James C. Hefley, Textbooks on Trial (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1976),
p. 166.
8. John Egerton, "The Battle of the Books," The Progressive (June 1975):
p. 13.
Question 3
1. "Survey Reports Rise in School Library Censorship," Newsletter on In-
tellectual Freedom, January 1983, p. 1. Also based on comments made
to the author by Lee Burress in correspondence, telephone calls, and con-
2. Ibid.
3. Indianapolis Star, 31 December 1978, p. 1. Los Angeles Times, 3 June
1978, p. 1.
4. Speech at a University of Minnesota Conference, 26 January 1983.
5. Limiting What Stwients Shall Read: Books and Other Learning Materi-
als in Our Publ:... Schools: How They Are Selected and How They Are
Removed, Sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the
American Library Association, and the Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, 1981, p. 3.
6. Mimeographed memorandum to Members of the Oregon Educational Me-
dia Association from the Intellectual Freedom Committee, 28 February
1989, p. 2.
40 Questions and Answers
7. Shirley Fitzgibbons, Judith Allen, Rachel Brown, and Catherine lloward,
"Selection and Censorship in Indiana School Libraries: Summary Report
on the Intellectual Freedom Survey," Indiana Media
Journal (Winter
1983): 26.
8. Duplicated copy of an article by Amy McClure titled "Censorship in Ohio:
It IS Happening Here," sent to the author by Professor McClure on 22
September 1982.
9. Attacks on the Freedom to Learn: Lessons of Fear (1982-83) and At-
tacks on the Freedom to Learn: A 1983-84 Report, published by People
for the American Way, Washington, D.C.
Question 4
1. Donahue, 17 January 1978 and 20 February 1980.
2. Statement made by Mel Gabler on Donahue, 17 January 1978.
Question 6
Interview on The MacNeil-Lehrer Report, 20 February 1982.
2. Reported in the Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, January 1983, p. 26.
3. Reported in the Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, May 1980, p. 53.
Question 7
Lester Asheim, "Not Censorship but Selection," Wilson Libraiy Bulletin
(September 1952): 67.
2. Doctor from Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Donahue, 17 January 1978.
3. Max Rafferty, "Should S:boolmen Serve as Censors?" The Nation's
Schools (September 1964): 62. Quoted by June Edwards in "Do We Cen-
sor or Select - The Perennial Question," Arizona English
Bulletin 22,
No. 1 (1979).
4. Julia T. Bradley, "Censoring the School Libniry: Do Students Have the
Right to Read?" Connecticut Law Review 10 (Spring 1978): 770.
5. "How Fair Are Your Children's Twabooks" (Washington, D.C.: National
Education Association, n.d.).
Question 9
1. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Commun. School District, 393 U.S. 503
Tinker, p. 506.
Question 10
1. Alan Levine, The Rights qf Students (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1973), p. 19.
2. Ibid.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
3. Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510 (1924).
4. Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972).
5. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Commun. School District, 393 U.S. 503
6. Julia T. Bradley, "Censoring the School Library: Do Students Have the
Right to Read?" Connecticut Law Review (Spring 1978): 760.
Ibid., p. 761.
8. Ibid., p. 750.
Question 11
1. Mailloux v. Kiley, 448 F.2d 1242 (1st Cir. 1971).
3. Ibid.
4. Stephen R. Goldstein, "The Asserted Constitutional Right of Public School
Teachers to Determine What They Teach," University of Pennsylvania
Law Review 124 (June 1976): 1324.
Ibid., p. 1356.
6. Cary v. Board of Educ. of the Adams-Arapahoe School Dist. 28-j, Aurora,
Colorado, 427 F.Supp. 945.952 (D. Colo. 1977).
Ibid., p. 950.
8. Keefe v. Geanakos, 418 F.2d 359 (1st Cir. 1969).
9. Wiemann v. Updegraff, 344 U.S. 183 (1952).
10. Parducci v. Rutland, 316 F.Supp. 352 (M.D. Ala. 1970).
Ibid., pp. 353-354.
Ibid., pp. 355-356.
13. Ibid., p. 356.
14. Martha M. McCarthy and Nelda H. Cambron, Public School Law:
Teachers' and Students' Rights (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1981): 49.
15. Ibid.
16. State ex rel. Wailewski v. Board of School Directors, 14 Wis. 2d 243, 111
N.W.2d 198 (1961).
17. Ahern v. Board of Education, 327 F.Supp. 1391 (D. Neb. 1971), ord, 456
F.2d 399 (8th Cir. 1972).
18. Birdwell v. Hazel School District, 352 F.Supp. 613 (E.D. Mo. 1972), gird,
491 F.2d 490 (8th Cir. 1974).
19. Adams v. Campbell County School District, 511 F.2d 1242 (10th Cir.
Question 12
1. Robert M. O'Neil, "Libraries, Liberty and the First Amendment," Univer-
sity of Cincinnati Late Review 42, no. 2 (1973): 209.
40 Questions and Answers
2. President's Council, Dist. 25 v. Community School Bd. No. 25, 457 F.2d
292 (2d Cir. 1972).
3. 409 U.S. 999-1000 (1972).
4. O'Neil, p. 212.
Ibid., p. 252.
6. Julia T. Bradley, "Censoring the School Library: Do Students Have the
Right to Read?" Connecticut Law Review (Spring 1978): 757-58.
7 .
News release prepared by the United Teachers of Island Trees, 7 October
1976, p. 1.
Ibid., p. 2.
10. Brief of American Jewish Committee, et aL, submitted in the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of New York in the case of Pico
v. Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District, p. 7.
11. Pico v. Island Trees School District, 474 F.Supp. 387 (E.D. N.Y. 1979).
12. R. Bruce Rich, "The Supreme Coun's Decision in Island Trees," News-
letter on Intellectual Freedom, September 1982, p. 149.
Ibid, pp. 174-75.
14. Minarcini v. Strongsville City School District, 384 F.Supp. 698 (1974),
ced, 541 F.2d 577 (6th Cir. 1976).
15. Right to Read Defense Committee of Chelsea v. School Committee of the
City of Chelsea, 454 F.Supp. 703 (D. Mass. 1978).
16. Salvail v. Nashua Bd. of Education, 469 F.Supp. 1269 (D.N.H. 1979).
17. Bicknell v. Vergennes Union High School Bd. of Directors, 638 F.2d 438
(2d Cir. 1980).
18. Zykan v. Warsaw Commun. School Corp., 631 F2d 1300 (7th Cir. 1980).
19. Pratt v. Independent School Dist. No. 831, 670 F.2d 771 (8th Cir. 1982).
Question 13
1. David Schimmel and Louis Fisher, The Rights of Parents in the Educa-
tion of Their Children (Columbia, Md.: National Committee for Citizens
in Education, 1977), p. 82.
Ibid., p. 89.
3. Robert O'Neil, Classrooms in the Crosere (Bloomington: Indiana Univer-
sity Press, 1981), p. 58.
Ibid., p. 56.
Question 16
1. Ken Donelson, "Censorship: Some Issues and Problems," Theory into Prac-
tice (June 1975): 193.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Question 17
I. Organizing an Effective Parent Group: Action Kit *1 (Washington, D.C:
American Education Coalition, n.d.), pp. 4-5. Although no date is given
for the publication, the group was formed in 1984.
2. Ibid., pp. 6-7.
3. Ibid., pp. 8-11.
4. Ibid., pp. 21-22.
5. Ibid., pp. 22-23.
6. Ibid., pp. 26-30.
7. Ibid., pp. 31-32.
8. Connaught Coyne Marshner, Blackboard Tyranny (New Rochelle, N.Y.:
Arlington House, 1978), p. 191.
9. Ibid.. p. 239.
10. Ibid., p. 242.
11. Ibid., p. 246.
12. Mimeographed, undated document titled "Getting Involved in Your Area"
and distributed by The MEL GABLERs, p. 2.
13. Mel and Norma Gabler, "A Parent's Guide to Textbook Re% iew and Re-
form," Education Update (Winter 1978), Heritage Foundation, Washing-
ton, D.C.
Question 19
1. The MEL GABLERs Educational Research Analysts NEWSLETTER, May
1981, p. 1.
2. Mimeographed sheet distrthuted by the Gablers titled "FOR YOUR CON-
3. Mimeographed sheet distrilAited by the Gablers.
4. Mimeogra^hed sheet distributed by the Gablers tided "1978 Report" and
mailed in November 1978. p. 2.
5. William Martin, "The Guardians Who Slumbereth Not," Texas Monthly
(November 1982): 148.
6. Ibid.
7. "The World According to the Gab lers: Ruminations from God's Angry Cou.
ple," Texas Monthly (November 1982): 151.
Bill of Particulars on the Houghton Mifflin Company's Serendipity sub-
mitted by the Gablers on 8 August 1974.
Bill of Particulars on the Goodheart-Willcox Company's Homemaking
Skills for Everyday Living submitted by the Gablers in 1981.
Bill of Particulars on Ginn and Company's Living, Learning, and Car-
ing submitted by the Gabiers in 1981.
40 Questions and Answers
Bill of Particulars on the Globe Book Company's Exploring American
Citizenship submitted by the Gablers in 1981.
12. "TEXTBOOK REVIEWING BY CATEGORIES," a mimeographed, undat-
ed outline distributed by the Gablers.
Question 20
1. Education Week, 25 January 1984, p. 17.
2. New York Times, 15 August 1982, p. 1.
3. Education Week, op. cit.
4. Reported in Edward B. Jenkinson, Censors in the Classroom (Carbon-
dale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1979), p. 77.
5. Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 27 October 1982, p. WA.
6. Mimeographed sheet distributed by the Gablers and titled 1978 Report
and mailed in November 1978, p. 2.
Letter from Professor Gerald Skoog to Joe Kelly Butler, Chairman of the
Texas State Board of Education, 6 May 1983.
8. From the 1983 Texas Textbook Proclamation.
9. Reported in the Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, July 1984, p. 97.
10. Testimony of Edward Jenkinson before the Texas State Board of Educa-
tion, 12 May 1983.
Question 22
1. Jerry Falwell, "Textbooks in Public Schools: A Disgrace and Concern to
America," Journal Champion, 4 May 1979, p. 1.
3. Spotlight, 14 May 1979, p. 1.
4. Letter to Fellow North Carolinians from H. Lamarr Mooneyham, State
Chairman, Moral Majority of North Carolina, Inc., p. 3.
5. Raleigh News & Observer, 1 June 1981, p. 8.
6. Los Angeles Times News Service, 22 March 1981.
7. The News & The Daily Advance, Lynchburg, Virginia, 23 November 1980,
Ibid., 23 May 1981, p. A-3.
Question 23
1. James R. Larson, "flow I Survived My Encounter with the New Right."
The Executive Editor (January 1983): 22.
Question 24
1. William Martin, "The Guardians Who Slumbereth Not," Texas Monthly
(November 1982): 148.
The Schoolbook Protest Movement
Question 25
1. Tim LaHaye, The Battle for the Mind (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming Revell,
1980), p. 9.
2. LaHaye, The Battle for the Public Schools (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming
Revell, 1983), p. 13.
3. Mimeographed sheet included in a packet sent to a concerned parent by
Educational Research Analysts.
4. LaHaye, The Battle for the Public Schools, pp. 71-97.
Ibid., pp. 36-42, 173-202, 227-238, 71-97, 203-226.
6. Janet Egan of Parents of Minnesota, Inc., on the MacNeil/Lehrer Report,
20 February 1980.
7. From the Introduction to Homer Duncan's Secular Humanism: The Most
Dangerous Religion in America (Lubbock, Tex.: Missionary Crusader,
1979), p. 4.
Question 28
1. This figure is based on informal summaries I have conducted in speeches
to teachers and administrators in 33 states.
2. Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488 (1961).
3. United States v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163 (1965).
4. Congressional Record - Senate, 6 June 1984, S 6674.
5. Memorandum of the American Civil Liberties Union on "The Constitu-
tionality of Section 709 of the Education for Economic Security Act of
1984: The 'Secular Humanism' Ban," 12 April 1985, p. 1.
Ibid., p. 19.
Question 29
1. From a mimeographed transcript of the decision in Grove v. Mead, Unit-
ed States District Court, Eastern District of Washington.
2. From the brief Med by Michael Farris in the United States District Court,
Eastern District of Tennessee.
Question 30
1. Congressional Record - Senate, 19 February 1985, S 1389.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
Question 31
1. The summary of the Tell City schoolbook controversy is based on Ed-
ward B. Jenkinson, "The Tale of Tell City: An Anti.Censorship Saga" (a
discussion paper published by People for the American Way, May 1983,
40 Questions cc d Answers
pp. 1-15); and in Edward B. Jenkinson, "The Censorship Tale
of Tell City,"
Indiana English (Spring 1983): 21-28.
Sources I used to report the Tell City incident inch:ded cassette tapes
of all of the proceedings of the January, February, and March meetings
of the school board. Also, tapes of the Tell City book rally in February
1982, and tapes of two radio broadcasts critical of the school system. Also,
letters from, and an interview with, the superintendent of schools, as well
as Jetters to him from local citizens. Finally, clippings
from area newspapers
(Tell City News, Evansville Press, and Louisville Courier-Journal) for
January, February, and March of 1982.