Administration Guide | PUBLIC
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud............3
1.1 Account Setup...............................................................3
Prepare the Global (Enterprise) Account..........................................3
Create a Subaccount........................................................4
Prepare Entitlements........................................................6
1.2 User Management............................................................ 8
Roles for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud.........................9
Build Role Collections.......................................................15
Build User Attribute Roles....................................................16
Assign Role Collections to Users or User Groups....................................17
Congure the Identity Provider (IdP) and Set Up Authentication.........................18
Create User Groups and Assign Users to Groups in the Identity Provider (IdP ).............. 20
1.3 Administration Applications.....................................................20
1.4 Data Protection and Privacy.....................................................20
User Consent............................................................ 23
Read Access Logging.......................................................23
Information Report........................................................ 24
Change Log..............................................................24
Deletion of Personal Data....................................................25
1.5 Security...................................................................25
Network and Communication Security...........................................25
Trusted Certicate Authentication..............................................25
Data Encryption Strategy....................................................26
Rate Limiting.............................................................26
Auditing and Logging Information..............................................30
Backup and Recovery.......................................................33
Data Protection and Privacy..................................................33
Identity and Access Management..............................................33
1.6 Important Disclaimers and Legal Information........................................ 33
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
1 Administration Guide for SAP
Protability and Performance
Management Cloud
About this Guide
This guide is the central source of information for the technical implementation of SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud. It contains the following sections:
Account Setup [page 3]
User Management [page 8]
Congure the Identity Provider (IdP) and Set Up Authentication [page 18]
Data Protection and Privacy [page 20]
Security [page 25]
1.1 Account Setup
This section describes the steps you need to perform to set up an account for SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud. To ensure a successful subscription process, follow the sections below in
the specied order:
1. Prepare the Global (Enterprise) Account [page 3]
2. Create a Subaccount [page 4]
3. Prepare Entitlements [page 6]
4. Subscription [page 7]
1.1.1Prepare the Global (Enterprise) Account
There are the following types of global accounts that you can use to subscribe to SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud:
Customer account
This is a global account type where you can host your productive applications with 24x7 support. For more
information, see section Sign up for a Customer Account in Getting a Global Account.
Partner account
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
This is global account type where your company is then certied by SAP to be an ocial SAP Partner. For
more information, see section Join the Partner Program in Getting a Global Account.
Subscription to SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud is only available on non-trial global
1.1.2Create a Subaccount
It is important to have a subaccount or a Software as a Service (SaaS) tenant as part of the feature set B in the
prepared global account to subscribe to SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud.
For more information, see the Subaccounts section in Account Model and Create a Subaccount [Feature Set B]
in Create a Subaccount.
You have logged in to SAP BTP Cockpit such as
You have a non-trial global account for feature set B.
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud has been entitled in the global account.
Your user should have a “Global Account Administrator” role assigned to see the Create button.
1. In the global account’s navigation menu, choose Account Explorer.
2. Choose
Create Subaccount .
3. A popup window is displayed where you can maintain the following attributes:
Denition and Examples
Display Name Subaccount name, such as “MY-SUBACCOUNT”.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Attribute Denition and Examples
Region Hyperscaler and region where your subaccount shall be
You can only subscribe to SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud in specic regions.
You can choose from the following regions:
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Australia (Sydney); cf-ap10
Brazil (São Paulo); cf-br10
Canada (Montreal); cf-ca10
Europe (Frankfurt); cf-eu10
Europe (Frankfurt); cf-eu11 (EU access only)
Japan (Tokyo); cf-jp10
South Korea (Seoul); cf-ap12
U.S. East (VA); cf-us10
Microsoft Azure
Australia (Sydney); cf-ap20
Europe (Netherlands); cf-eu20
Singapore; cf-ap21
U.S. East (VA); cf-us21
U.S. West (Washington); cf-us20
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
U.S. Central (IA); cf-us30
EU Central (Frankfurt); cf-eu30
Alibaba Cloud
China (Shanghai); cf-cn40
The subdomain needs to be part of your URL.
For example, if your EU10 subaccount has been as-
signed with subdomain “papm-yourcompanyname”,
then your SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud application is reachable via the
following URL:
Optional documented information to easily identify the
created subaccount.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Attribute Denition and Examples
Parent Your created global account. Ensure that the global ac-
count is a non-trial account.
For the Display Name and Subdomain elds, add a sux with your company name at the end of the
subdomain, and dene the display name and the subdomain name in such a way that you can easily
identify your subaccount.
4. Choose Create.
1.1.3Prepare Entitlements
An entitlement is your right to subscribe to a service. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the subaccount
created is entitled for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud.
A created subaccount in one of the listed SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud regions
Your user should have the “Global Account Administrator” role assigned to see the Congure Entitlement
1. In the subaccount’s navigation menu, choose Entitlements.
2. Search for “SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud”.
3. In case the search does not produce any results, follow the steps below:
1. Choose
Congure Entitlements Add Service Plans .
2. In the popup window, search for “SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud”.
3. Choose from the available plans:
Default (Application) Choose this option to entitle the subaccount to
subscribe to SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Workbook Optionally, choose this option to entitle the subaccount
to use the workbook service from SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud. For example, to call
the workbook application via API in SAP Protability
and Performance Management 3.0’ Workbook Adapter.
Optionally, choose this option to entitle the subac-
count to use the services from SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud. For example, to call
the application via API in SAP Analytics Cloud Multi Ac-
4. Choose Add Service Plans.
5. You are redirected to the Entitlement screen. Choose Save.
Performing a subscription process is a prerequisite for being able to use the SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud application.
Once you've successfully subscribed to SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud, you are
entitled to use Standard Model and component Universal Model. To enable Universal Model, you need to
open a customer incident via LOD-PER-ACE.
A created subaccount with SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud entitlement exists.
Your user should have a “Subaccount Administrator” role to subscribe to a service.
1. In the subaccount’s navigation menu, choose Instance and Subscriptions.
2. Choose Create.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
3. Provide the information below in the displayed popup window:
Attribute Value
Service Choose “SAP Protability and Performance Management
Plan Choose “Default (Subscription)”.
The dropdown list also provides the option “Default
(Service)”. Make sure you select “Default (Subscrip-
4. Choose Create.
5. In the Subscriptions Application section, you can see the progress of the subscription (“In
Progress”). Monitor the progress until the status changes to “Subscribed”.
6. Once the status has changed to “Subscribed”, take note of the application URL and provide it to your end
Related Information
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud: Subscription & Decommission
1.2 User Management
This section provides an overview of the role templates and guidance on how to create role collections and user
attributes. It also contains an introduction to the Identity Provider.
The following sections are available:
Role Template Overview [page 9]
Creation of Role Collections [page 15]
Creation of UserAttribute Roles [page 16]
Assignment of Role Collections to Users or User Groups [page 17]
Conguration of Identity Provider [page 18]
Creation of User Groups and Assignment of Users to Identity Provider Group [page 20]
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
1.2.1Roles for SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud
Upon subscription, the role templates listed below are available in SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP
BTP) under Navigation Menu Roles . has two main applications, that is, Standard Model and Universal
Model. You can see the role templates that are released for each model below.
Role Templates for Standard Model
The Standard Model provides the following main SAP Business Technology Platform role templates (*_ALL)
that need to be assigned to a Standard Model user to access the application sections:
Home Section
Allows users to manage and access the Environment screen.
Users assigned to this role can create, read, update, and
delete an environment or node.
Grants users read-only access to the Environment screen.
Allows users to compare environments models with read
access only.
Modeling Section
Allows users to focus on broadening modeling activities.
Allows users to focus on displaying the modeling screen with
the rights to run particular functions, including show and
analyze options. Model updates are not allowed.
Allows users to perform the conguration of all entities in the
Modeling screen.
Grants users read access without the ability to make
changes to the Modeling screen. User assigned to this role
only have the right to run particular functions, including
show and analyze options.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Processing and Reporting Section
Role Description
Allows users to focus on Process Management, Report
Management and Business Event Management. In contrast
to the role EXECUTION_MAN_ALL, the rights of this role are
limited to initiating basic actions, such as run, submit, ap-
prove, and reject.
The following exemptions apply in the Process
Management application in case a user has the
EXECUTION_USER_ALL role assigned, but is not part of
the reviewer/performer group of the activity:
If no teams are assigned to the performer or re-
viewer team of the activities, everyone can see and
run all activities.
If a user is part of the performer team for at least
one activity, all activities are visible to that user.
However, these users can then only perform or run
the activity they are part of.
If a user is part of the reviewer team for at least one
activity, all activities are visible to that user. How-
ever, these users can then only review the activity
they are part of.
If an activity has no team assigned, everyone can
see the whole process and activities.
The following exemptions apply in the Business Event
Management application in case a user has the
EXECUTION_USER_ALL role assigned, but is not part of
the reviewer/performer group of the activity:
The Show, Analyze, and Visualize buttons for the
input/output activity are disabled.
The Run and Restart buttons for the execution ac-
tivity are disabled.
You cannot edit the Type and Description elds.
Allows users to focus on Process Management and Report
Management with extended rights. They can, for example,
create new process instances and manipulate activities.
They also have access to the Business Event Management
Allows users to access edit report templates on the Report
Management screen.
Grants read access to report templates on the Report
Management screen.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Role Description
Allows users assigned to this role to access the edit reports
instance on the Report Management screen.
Grants read access to the report instance on the Report
Management screen.
Grants read and action access, for example, reviewing and
executing user’s own processes in the Process Management
Grants all authorization to manage processes in the Process
Management screen.
Allows users to manage business events in the Business
Event Management screen.
Grants read access to business events in the Business Event
Management screen.
Administration Section
Grants full access to all administration screens:
Environments Access
Content Management
Grants an administrator role with full rights on administra-
tion screens with the exception of the Provisioning screen.
Grants full access to manage teams. Users assigned to this
role can create, read, edit, and delete teams and users in the
Team Management screen.
Grants read access to the Team Management screen.
Allows users to create, read, edit, and anonymize teams and
users in the User Management screen.
Grants read access to the User Management screen.
Allows users to display the Environment Access Management
screen, where they can grant or restrict other user groups
the access to all environments.
Allows users to access the Content Management screen.
They can upload, import, export, edit, and delete ZIP les
inside the Content Management screen.
Grants read access to the Content Management screen.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Role Description
Grants read and action access, for example, create, read,
edit, and delete connections in the Connection Management
Grants read access to the Connection Management screen.
Grants read and action access, for example, editing the URLs
in the Administration Settings screen.
Grants read access to the Administration Settings screen.
Allows users to recongure the size values of the current
running application in the Provision screen.
Systems Section
Grants full access to all system monitor screens:
Application Monitor
Process Monitor
Comment Monitor
Process Scheduler
Modeling History
Grants read access to the Application Monitor screen.
Grants access to the Process Monitor screen and allows
users to terminate running processes.
Grants read access to the Process Monitor screen.
Allows users assigned to this role to erase comments in the
Comment Monitor screen.
Grants read access to comments in the Comment Monitor
Grants all authorization to create, copy, read, and delete
process schedules in the Process Scheduler screen.
Grants read access to process schedules in the Process
Scheduler screen.
Allows user assigned to this role to manage the modeling
history, for example, deleting all types of modeling history
Grants read access to the Modeling History Monitor screen.
Grants read and maintain access to data change logs,
which includes deleting logs in the Data Change Log Monitor
Grants read access to the Data Change Log Monitor screen.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Role Templates for Universal Model
Universal Model provides the main SAP Business Technology Platform role templates (*_ALL) that need to
be assigned to a Universal Model user to access the application sections. Universal Model also provides
specialized role templates specic to an application that can be combined with reader and/or writer teams. For
more information about reader and writer teams, see Manage Teams and Build User Attribute Roles [page 16].
Below you nd an overview of all available roles for the Universal Model:
Model Section
Grants all authorizations to manage the Model section appli-
cations, such as environments, and all main design objects
within, including elds, functions, and so on.
Grants read and/or write access to selected environments
and dependent objects within, including elds, functions,
and so on, where the environment has assigned reader
and/or writer teams that match the user’s assigned teams.
Grants read access to selected environments and dependent
objects within, including elds, functions, and so on, where
the environment has assigned reader and/or writer teams
that match the user’s assigned teams.
Process Section
Grants all authorizations to manage the Process section ap-
plications, such as processes, activities, teams, layouts, and
so on.
Grants read and/or write access to selected processes,
where the process has assigned reader and/or writer teams
that match the user’s assigned teams. In addition, it pro-
vides read and write access to all standalone activities and
activities created for the process the user has access based
on the assigned teams.
Grants read access to selected processes, where the proc-
ess has assigned reader and/or writer teams that match the
user’s assigned teams. In addition, it provides read access to
all standalone activities and activities created for the proc-
ess the user has access to, based on the assigned teams.
Grants read and action access to selected activities, where
the activity has assigned reader and/or writer teams that
match the user’s assigned teams.
Grants read access to selected activities, where the activity
has assigned reader and/or writer teams that match the
user’s assigned teams.
Grants read and maintain access to all teams.
Grants read access to all teams.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Role Description
Grants read and maintain access to all layouts.
Grants read access to all layouts.
Grants read and maintain access for data privileges.
Grants read access for data privileges.
Grants read and maintain access to data locks.
Grants read access to data locks.
Report Section
Grants access to the Edit Reports feature on the Manage
Reports application screen.
Grants read access to the reports on the Manage Reports
application screen.
Grants all authorizations (edit, delete and read) for both ap-
plications Manage Reports and Manage Pages.
Grants access to the Edit Pages feature on the Manage Pages
application screen.
Grants read access to the pages on the Manage Pages appli-
cation screen.
System Section
Grants all authorizations to manage the System section ap-
plications, such as event logs and comments.
Grants read and action access to all event logs.
Grants read access to all event logs.
Grants read and action access to all comments.
Grants read access to all comments.
Grants read and action access to chats and chat prompts.
Grants read access to chats and chat prompts.
Grants read and action access to user settings.
Grants read access to user settings.
Administration Section
Grants all authorizations to manage the Administration sec-
tion applications, such as containers, tenant connections,
and archives.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Role Description
Grants read and action access to all tenant settings.
Grants read access to all tenant settings.
Grants read and action access to all tenant connections.
Grants read access to all tenant connections.
Grants read and action access to all containers.
Grants read access to all containers.
Grants read and action access to all archives.
Grants read access to all archives.
Teams-Related Roles
Attributes of a User Grants authorization to a specic reader or writer team cre-
ated via the Manage Teams application. For more informa-
tion on how to map teams to a user attribute, see Build User
Attribute Roles [page 16].
1.2.2Build Role Collections
To assign the role templates to specic users, it is mandatory to dene role collections that in the end must be
assigned to certain users who are given access to SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud.
Your user must have a “Subaccount Administrator” role assigned to see the Create New Role Collection
Ensure that SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud is successfully subscribed in your
Ensure that the role templates are visible in
SAP BTP Navigation Menu Roles . For more
information, see Roles for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud [page 9].
1. In the subaccount’s navigation menu, choose Role Collections.
2. Choose (Create New Role Collection).
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
3. Provide the following information in the popup window displayed:
Attribute Value
Name Assign a role collection name, for example,
Description Assign any description, for example, “SAP PAPM Modeling
4. Choose Create.
5. Once created, choose the created role collection where you can assign upon choosing Edit.
Roles Assign selected role templates and user attributes (teams)
mentioned in Roles for SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud [page 9].
Users Optionally, you can assign users via a role collection. This is
ideal when adding multiple users to a specic role collection.
User Groups To assign a user group or attribute mapping to a role collec-
tion, an active identity provider is mandatory.
Attribute Mappings
For more information about maintaining role collections, see SAP Business Technology Platform Maintain Role
1.2.3Build User Attribute Roles
To assign Universal Model teams to specic user it is important to create a user attribute.
Ensure that Universal Model is activated in your tenant.
A created role collection is available to be used.
1. In the subaccount’s navigation menu, choose Roles.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
2. Search for the following:
Application Name = “ace-ACE-live-prod”
Role Template = “userattributes”
3. Choose, Create Role.
4. In the popup window, follow the steps below:
1. Congure Role
Role Name Assign any role name, for example, “Team HR”.
Description Assign any description, for example, “Team created for
HR Department”.
Role Template Displays the selected role template “userattributes”
(cannot be adjusted).
2. Congure Attributes
Source Values
Teams Choose “Static” to map the
Universal Model team to an attrib-
For more information about the op-
tions, see SAP Business Technology
Platform Attributes.
For Universal Model teams, ensure
that the team has been created
in Manage Teams, for example,
It is important to press Enter
upon assigning a team prior
choosing Next.
3. Select Role Collections
You need to choose an existing role collection as noted in the Prerequisites section.
4. Review
Review your conguration, then choose Finish.
1.2.4Assign Role Collections to Users or User Groups
For more information about assigning role collections to users or user groups using the SAP BTP cockpit, see
Maintain Role Collections.
If you are using the SAP ID service, you need to assign users to role collections directly. For more information,
see Assign Users to Role Collections.
If you are using Identity Authentication or your existing non-SAP SAML 2-compliant identity provider, you can
either assign users to role collections directly or map role collections to user groups. For more information
about mapping role collections to user groups, see Map Role Collections to User Groups. In the <value> eld,
provide the name of the user group that you previously created in your identity provider.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
1.2.5Congure the Identity Provider (IdP) and Set Up
By default, SAP BTP tenants are congured with the SAP ID service as the identity provider. Business
users who have an SAP ID service account ( ) and who are authorized for SAP
Protability and Performance Management Cloud can log on using their email address and password.
We recommend that you use one of the following options for productive scenarios:
Identity Authentication
If you already have an Identity Authentication tenant provided with another product, you can use this
as your identity provider for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud. If you have SAP
S/4HANA Cloud, it is best to attach the SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud tenant
to the same identity provider that you are using for SAP S/4HANA Cloud. As a result, you do not have
to log on when switching between SAP S/4HANA Cloud screens and SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud screens.
An SAML 2-compliant non-SAP identity provider that you are already using
If you choose to use SAP ID service, note the following limitations:
User registration is self-service. You therefore cannot provide users with an SAP ID service identity
provider or lock users (for example, if their responsibilities within the company change or they leave
the company).
You cannot create user groups to simplify the assignment of role collections.
You cannot congure single sign-on to work with other applications controlled by your existing identity
provider. This means that you cannot congure IdP proxying. Establish Mutual Trust Between the Subaccount
(UAA) and the Identity Provider (IdP)
This section does not apply to the SAP ID service because trust is precongured on the SAP Business
Technology Platform by default. If you are using SAP ID service as your Identity Provider (IdP), you can skip
this section.
For Identity Authentication or your existing non-SAP SAML 2-compliant identity provider, you need to establish
mutual trust between your subaccount's UAA (SAML2 service provider) and your identity provider. To do
this, you need to upload the corresponding XML metadata les. This process varies depending on the IdP
implementation used.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Proceed as follows to establish trust from the UAA to your identity provider (Identity Authentication or your
existing non-SAP SAML 2-compliant identity provider):
If you are using Identity Authentication, you can nd more information under Establish Trust with an SAML
2.0 Identity Provider in a Subaccount in Manually Establish Trust and Federation Between UAA and Identity
If you are using your existing non-SAP SAML 2-compliant identity provider, you can nd more information
underEstablish Trust with Any SAML 2.0 Identity Provider in a Subaccount in Establish Trust and Federation
with UAA Using Any SAML Identity Provider.
Proceed as follows to establish trust from your identity provider (Identity Authentication or your existing
non-SAP SAML 2-compliant IdP) to the UAA:
1. Check the metadata (including public key) of your tenant's UAA (service provider) under:
https://<subdomain> or
Replace the <subdomain> placeholder with the subdomain names you dened for your test account
and productive account.
2. If you are using Identity Authentication:
1. Follow the procedure described under Register SAP BTP Subaccount in the SAML 2.0 Identity Provider
in Manually Establish Trust and Federation Between UAA and Identity Authentication.
2. Choose a name for the application when you add it as an application to the Identity Authentication
3. Under Assertion Attribute Name for the Groups user attribute, enter groups in title case.
If you are using your existing non-SAP SAML 2-compliant ID:
1. Follow the procedure described under Register SAP BTP Subaccount in Any SAML 2.0 Identity Provider
in Establish Trust and Federation with UAA Using Any SAML Identity Provider.
2. Under Assertion Attribute Name for the Groups user attribute, enter groups in title case. Subscribe the SaaS Tenant to SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud
To work with SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud, you need to subscribe to the SAP
Protability and Performance Management Cloud application in your subaccount in the SAP BTP cockpit.
Proceed as described in Subscribe to Multitenant Applications Using the Cockpit.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
1.2.6Create User Groups and Assign Users to Groups in the
Identity Provider (IdP )
After you have subscribed to the relevant SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud tenant, you
can assign role collections to these users and user groups in the SAP BTP cockpit.
To create users and user groups, proceed as follows:
If you are using Identity Authentication:
If you already have a user group for administrators and a user group for key users, use them.
If you do not already have these two groups, create them under
Users & Authorizations User
If you need to create new users, create them under Users & Authorizations User Management .
Afterwards, nd the users under User Management and assign them to the groups. It is not possible to
open a group and assign users to it.
If you are using your existing non-SAP SAML 2-compliant identity provider, refer to the information
provided by your identity provider.
If you are using SAP ID service, see Create SAP User Accounts.
1.3 Administration Applications
Within SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud, it is important that administrators log in to the
application and perform various activities related to administrators, such as data archiving, export or import
of an environment, and so on. In the Application Help, you nd more information about the administration-
specic applications.
Application Help Link
Standard Model Go to section Administration in Applications for Business
Universal Model Administration
1.4 Data Protection and Privacy
Data protection is associated with numerous legal requirements and privacy concerns. In addition to
compliance with general data protection and privacy acts, it is necessary to consider compliance with industry-
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
specic legislation in dierent countries. SAP provides specic features and functions to support compliance
with regard to relevant legal requirements, including data protection. SAP does not give any advice on whether
these features and functions are the best method to support company, industry, regional, or country-specic
requirements. Furthermore, this information should not be taken as advice or a recommendation regarding
additional features that would be required in specic IT environments. Decisions related to data protection
must be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the given system landscape and the
applicable legal requirements.
SAP does not provide legal advice in any form. SAP software supports data protection compliance by
providing security features and specic data protection-relevant functions, such as simplied blocking and
deletion of personal data. In many cases, compliance with applicable data protection and privacy laws will
not be covered by a product feature. Denitions and other terms used in this document are not taken from
a particular legal source.
The possibility of sensitive data being processed in SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
depends on your specic implementation. You decide what kind of data can be processed by SAP Protability
and Performance Management Cloud. It is strongly recommended that you do not feed personal data into
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud. If you still choose to process personal data, we
recommend that you depersonalize (pseudonymize/anonymize) the data on your own before feeding it into
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud. You should enforce secure access to data using the
authorization concept described in the earlier sections. We strongly recommend that you run the temporary
table data deletion report on a regular basis to clear data from the SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud temporary tables.
If you process personal data in any way, you need to make sure that you operate SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud in compliance with the relevant data privacy regulations, particularly,
requirements like personal data consent management, personal data read access logging, information about
existing personal data, logging changes to personal data, and erasure of personal data.
Related Information
Data protection and privacy in SAP HANA Cloud
Blocking A method of restricting access to data for which the primary
business purpose has ended.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Term Denition
Consent The action of the data subject conrming that the usage
of his or her personal data shall be allowed for a given pur-
pose. A consent functionality allows the storage of a consent
record in relation to a specic purpose and shows if a data
subject has granted, withdrawn, or denied consent.
Data subject
An identied or identiable natural person. An identiable
natural person is one who can be identied, directly or in-
directly, in particular by reference to an identier such as
a name, an identication number, location data, an online
identier or to one or more factors specic to the physical,
physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social
identity of that natural person.
Deletion of personal data so that the data is no longer availa-
End of business (EoB) Date where the business with a data subject ends, for exam-
ple, the order is completed, the subscription is canceled, or
the last bill is settled.
End of purpose (EoP) End of purpose and start of blocking period. The point in
time when the primary processing purpose ends, for exam-
ple, a contract is fullled.
End of purpose (EoP) check A method of identifying the point in time for a data set when
the processing of personal data is no longer required for the
primary business purpose. After the EoP has been reached,
the data is blocked and can only be accessed by users with
special authorization, for example, tax auditors.
Personal data
Any information relating to an identied or identiable natu-
ral person (a data subject).
An identiable natural person is one who can be identied,
directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identi-
er such as a name, an identication number, location data,
an online identier or to one or more factors specic to the
physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural,
or social identity of that natural person.
The information that species the reason and the goal for
the processing of a specic set of personal data. As a rule,
the purpose references the relevant legal basis for the proc-
essing of personal data.
Residence period
The period of time between the end of business and the
end of purpose (EoP) for a data set during which the data
remains in the database and can be used in case of sub-
sequent processes related to the original purpose. At the
end of the longest congured residence period, the data is
blocked or deleted. The residence period is part of the over-
all retention period.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Term Denition
Retention period The period of time between the end of the last business
activity involving a specic object (for example, a business
partner) and the deletion of the corresponding data, subject
to applicable laws. The retention period is a combination of
the residence period and the blocking period.
Sensitive personal data
A category of personal data that usually includes the follow-
ing type of information:
Special categories of personal data, such as data reveal-
ing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or
philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic
data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life
or sexual orientation.
Personal data subject to professional secrecy
Personal data relating to criminal or administrative of-
Personal data concerning insurances and bank or credit
card accounts
Where-used check (WUC)
A process designed to ensure data integrity in the case of
potential blocking of business partner data. The where-used
check (WUC) of an application determines if there is any de-
pendent data for a certain business partner in the database.
If dependent data exists, this means the data is still required
for business activities. Therefore, the blocking of business
partners referenced in the data is prevented.
1.4.2User Consent
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud uses data from operational source systems, or from
systems with permanent data stores that have actual data lifecycle management objects, and does not collect
any data directly. However, it allows to store email addresse maintained in the Teams and Users applications.
1.4.3Read Access Logging
Read access logging (RAL) is used to monitor and log read access to sensitive data. This applies for all personal
data, but not for email addresses. Data may be categorized as sensitive by law, by external company policy, or
by internal company policy. RAL enables you to answer questions about who accessed particular data within a
specied time frame.
The following are examples of some typical questions that might be asked:
Who accessed the data of a given business entity (for example, a bank account)?
Who accessed personal data, for example of a business partner?
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Which employee accessed personal information (for example, religion)?
Which accounts or business partners were accessed by which users?
The data processed in SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud is read from operational source
systems, or systems with permanent data stores that have actual data lifecycle management. SAP Protability
and Performance Management Cloud assumes that read access logging is implemented in these source
systems. If you need to track read access in the Cloud Foundry environment account of SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud, you need to congure RAL yourself.
Related Information
Change Logging and Read-Access Logging
Audit Log Retrieval API Usage for the Cloud Foundry Environment
1.4.4Information Report
Data subjects have the right to obtain information about their personal data being processed.
Since the data processed in SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud is read from operational
source systems, or systems with permanent data stores that have actual data lifecycle management, SAP
Protability and Performance Management Cloud assumes that information reporting is implemented in these
source systems. Since SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud has no permanent data storage,
the local temporary data is deleted regularly, and the calculated nal results data is written back to the source
systems, the assumption is that the information report has to be implemented in these source systems.
1.4.5Change Log
Personal data is subject to frequent changes. Therefore, for review purposes or as a result of legal regulations,
it may be necessary to track the changes made to this data. When these changes are logged, you should be
able to check which employee made which change, the date and time, the previous value, and the current
value, depending on the conguration. It is also possible to analyze errors in this way.
Logging changes to personal data is not relevant in SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
because data is read only from operational source systems, or systems with permanent data stores that have
actual data lifecycle management to SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud for calculations or
processing. Regarding email adresses, SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud provides change
logging and the option to lter, delete and anonymize email adresses.
Since SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud has no permanent data storage, the local
temporary data is deleted regularly, and the calculated nal results data is written back to the source systems.
The assumption is that change logging has to be implemented in these source systems.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
1.4.6Deletion of Personal Data
The processing of personal data is subject to applicable laws related to the deletion of this data when the
specied, explicit, and legitimate purpose for processing this personal data has expired. If there is no longer a
legitimate purpose that requires the retention and use of personal data, it must be deleted. When deleting data
in a dataset, all referenced objects related to that dataset must be deleted as well. Industry-specic legislation
in dierent countries also needs to be taken into consideration in addition to general data protection laws. After
the expiration of the longest retention period, the data must be deleted.
Data is read from source systems (which have data lifecycle management objects) into SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud for calculations or processing and the results are written back to these
systems. The deletion of personal data has to be performed in those source systems. For the data residing
in the temporary buer tables of SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud, you need to run the
temporary table data deletion report, which clears data from the temporary tables of SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud (see Delete Temporary Data).
1.5 Security
This section provides an overview of the security-relevant information that applies to SAP Protability and
Performance Management Cloud.
For more information, see the Security section in the SAP Business Technology Platform documentation.
1.5.1Network and Communication Security
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud relies on the network and communication security
provided by the SAP Business Technology Platform.
For more information, see Transport Layer Security (TLS) Connectivity Support in the SAP Business
Technology Platform documentation.
1.5.2Trusted Certicate Authentication
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud relies on the trusted certicate authentication provided
by the SAP Business Technology Platform.
For more information, see Trusted Certicate Authentication in the SAP Business Technology Platform
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
1.5.3Data Encryption Strategy
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud relies on the data encryption strategy provided by the
SAP HANA Cloud service on SAP Business Technology Platform.
For more information, see Data Encryption in the SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Database Administration Guide.
1.5.4Rate Limiting
This section informs you about the rate limitations in SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud.
To protect SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud from an overload of incoming requests,
rate limiting is in place. The limit applies per subaccount and on a more granular level for API requests per
authorization header.
The system applies a more restrictive rule at a given point in time. For example, incoming API calls for the
same endpoint with dierent JWT authorization headers for each request may not be limited by authorization
header-based limiting, but by the endpoint-related limit. Conversely, for the same JWT header, for one endpoint
the authorization header limit can apply rst since it is more restrictive. For more information, see the table
Requests sent at a lower rate than the given limit are processed directly. For more information, see the limits in
the tables below.
When a limit is exceeded, the requests are queued and sent to SAP Protability and Performance Management
Cloud at a maximum rate. For more information, see the tables below. The response times can increase
because of the queuing.
If too many requests are queued so that the response time due to queuing exceeds a certain time, the
service sends an “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” response status code. This response also contains the HTTP
Retry-After header, which indicates when the client can retry.
The rate limiting runs on dierent instances. Requests are forwarded based on the BTP Cloud Foundry
environment load balancing algorithm. Therefore, the requests to the rate limiting instances need to be equally
Requests Based on User Interface
The requests are sent to the application when the user interacts with the application based on the graphical
user interface.
Endpoint or URL Description (includ-
ing subpaths, if applicable) Subaccount Limit per Instance Eect
Up to 50 requests per second All requests are sent to the application
within one second.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Endpoint or URL Description (includ-
ing subpaths, if applicable) Subaccount Limit per Instance Eect
Exceeding 50 requests per second The requests are queued and then initi-
Signicantly exceeding 50 requests per
An “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” re-
sponse status code is sent.
Requests ending with one of the follow-
ing suxes indicating the le type:
Up to 125 requests per second
All requests are sent to the application
at once.
Requests ending with one of the follow-
ing suxes indicating the le type:
Exceeding 125 requests per second
The requests are queued and then initi-
Requests ending with one of the follow-
ing suxes indicating the le type:
Signicantly exceeding 125 requests
per second
An “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” re-
sponse status code is sent.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Endpoint or URL Description (includ-
ing subpaths, if applicable) Subaccount Limit per Instance Eect
<root>, where <root> is one
of the following page types:
Up to 25 requests per second
All requests are sent to the application
at once.
<root>, where <root> is one
of the following page types:
Exceeding 25 requests per second
The requests are queued and then exe-
<root>, where <root> is one
of the following page types:
Signicantly exceeding 25 requests per
An “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” re-
sponse status code is sent.
<root>, where <root> is one
of the following:
Up to 10 requests per second
All requests are sent to the application
within one second.
<root>, where <root> is one
of the following:
Exceeding 10 requests per second
The requests are queued and then initi-
<root>, where <root> is one
of the following:
Signicantly exceeding 10 requests per
An “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” re-
sponse status code is sent.
<root>, where <root> is user-api
Up to 5 requests per second All requests are sent to the application
within one second.
<root>, where <root> is user-api
Exceeding 5 requests per second The requests are queued and then exe-
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Endpoint or URL Description (includ-
ing subpaths, if applicable) Subaccount Limit per Instance Eect
<root>, where <root> is user-api
Signicantly exceeding 5 requests per
An “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” re-
sponse status code is sent.
<root>, where <root> matches
Up to 50 requests (or 10 modifying re-
quests) per second
All requests are sent to the application
at once.
<root>, where <root> matches
Exceeding 50 requests (or 10 modifying
requests) per second
The requests are queued and then initi-
<root>, where <root> matches
Signicantly exceeding 50 requests (or
10 modifying requests) per second
An “HTTP 429 Too Many Requests” re-
sponse status code is sent.
Requests sent from the user interface to the sap/opu/odata path are rst processed as incoming
user interface requests, and then forwarded to the respective API endpoint https://papm-cloud-
api.<domain>/sap/opu/odata. Hence, multiple rate limiting rules apply, that is, rst the user interface
related ones, followed by those for the API call.
API Requests
The requests are sent to the application when the user interacts with the application based on the API access.
For more information, see API Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud.
Endpoint (including sub-
paths) API Limit per Instance
API + Authorization Header
Limit per Instance Eect
Up to 100 requests per sec-
Up to 25 requests per second All requests are sent to the
API endpoint within one sec-
Exceeding 100 requests per
Exceeding 25 requests per
The requests are queued and
then initiated.
Signicantly exceeding 100
requests per second
Signicantly exceeding 25 re-
quests per second
An “HTTP 429 Too Many
Requests” response status
code is sent.
Up to 125 requests per sec-
Up to 50 requests (or 10
modifying requests) per sec-
All requests are sent to the
API endpoint at once.
Exceeding 125 requests per
Exceeding 50 requests (or 10
modifying requests) per sec-
The requests are queued and
then initiated.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Endpoint (including sub-
paths) API Limit per Instance
API + Authorization Header
Limit per Instance Eect
Signicantly exceeding 125
requests per second
Signicantly exceeding 50 re-
quests (or 10 modifying re-
quests) per second
An “HTTP 429 Too Many
Requests” response status
code is sent.
Up to 125 requests per sec-
Up to 50 requests per sec-
All requests are sent to the
API endpoint at once.
Exceeding 125 requests per
Exceeding 50 requests per
The requests are queued and
then executed.
Signicantly exceeding 125
requests per second
Signicantly exceeding 50 re-
quests per second
An “HTTP 429 Too Many
Requests” response status
code is sent.
1.5.5Auditing and Logging Information
Here you can nd details on the security events that are logged by SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud.
The system writes the audit log of SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud into the audit log of
your Cloud Foundry subaccount on the SAP Business Technology Platform.
For more information about the service, see Audit Logging in the Cloud Foundry Environment in the “SAP
Business Technology Platform” documentation.
You can access the audit log using the Audit Log Viewer or Audit Log Retrieval APIs:
For information about subscribing to the viewer and authorizing your business users to access the
log, see Audit Log Viewer for the Cloud Foundry Environment in the SAP Business Technology Platform
For information about the Audit Log Retrieval API, see Audit Log Retrieval API Usage for Subaccounts in the
Cloud Foundry Environment in the SAP Business Technology Platform documentation.
Audit log entries are automatically deleted after a dened retention period. For information, see Audit Log
Retention for the Cloud Foundry Environment in the SAP Business Technology Platform documentation.
The system writes the following messages into the Audit Log by SAP Protability and Performance
Management Cloud.
Missing Authorization of SAP Protability and Performance Management
This message is logged when the user is missing a specic authorization.
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
26 May 2023, 17:16:07.668 +0200
Log Message
Security event message. Security event message "User not authorized, source of route: /sap/opu/
odata/NXI/P1_N_MOD_SRV/ENVVSet, IP:, required scopes: getEnvironmentData, user
scopes: openid" on 2023-05-26T15:16:07.668Z. Security event was related to user "614343d24-1234-4456-
Requesting Database Credentials
This message is logged when the user accesses the Database Settings screen.
26 May 2023, 17:30:41.223 +0200
Log Message
Security event message. Security event message "User requested the credentials for
the database user "DB_USER_ABC" on """ on 2023-05-26T15:30:41.223Z. Security event was related to user
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Accessing Teams Management
This message is logged when the user accesses the Teams screen.
26 May 2023, 17:34:24.069 +0200
Log Message
Data Access message. Reading attribute with name "email". The attribute is a part of an object with type
"Neo Backend" and id consisting of: name "Team Management".
Accessing User Management
This message is logged when the user accesses the Users screen.
26 May 2023, 17:39:47.858 +0200
Log Message
Data Access message. Reading attribute with name "email". The attribute is a part of an object with type
"Neo Backend" and id consisting of: name "User Management".
For more information, see Read Access Logging [page 23].
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
1.5.6Backup and Recovery
SAP employs backup processes and other measures that ensure rapid recovery of business-critical systems as
and when necessary.
For more information, see Backup and Recovery in the SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Cloud Administration
1.5.7Data Protection and Privacy
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud operates on the user data of the SAP Business
Technology Platform.
For more information, see Working with Users in the SAP Business Technology Platform documentation.
The User ID in SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud is copied from the user data of SAP
Business Technology Platform. This can be the user’s email address if the Identity and Authorization Service is
set up respectively.
For more information about personal data, see Data Protection and Privacy [page 20].
1.5.8Identity and Access Management
SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud does not provide any default users. Users are
maintained in the SAP BTP Cockpit. It also allows for the assignment of roles to users.
For more information, see User Management [page 8] and Congure the Identity Provider (IdP) and Set Up
Authentication [page 18].
1.6 Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
When you follow some of the links provided in this document, you are leaving the documentation for SAP
Protability and Performance Management Cloud and are entering a SAP-hosted website. By using such links,
you agree that (unless expressly stated otherwise in your agreements with SAP) you may not infer any product
claims against SAP based on this information.
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Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
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Gender-Related Language
We try not to use gender-specic word forms and formulations. As appropriate for context and readability, SAP
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Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
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Bias-Free Language
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Administration Guide for SAP Protability and Performance Management Cloud
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