Towards Multi-View Test Specification in CPPS
Dietmar Winkler
, Serafima Sherstneva
, Stefan Bif
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in the Production System Lifecycle,
Inst. of Information Systems Eng., TU Wien and
CDP, Austria. Email: {firstname.lastname}
Abstract—In context of Industry 4.0, the engineering of Cyber-
Physical Production Systems (CPPSs) need to incorporate a
heterogeneous set of engineering disciplines, data models, and
artefacts. The quality of related data models and engineering
artefacts is success-critical for the engineering process and the
planned CPPS. Software and System tests aim at improving
the quality of a CPPS. However, in CPPS, risk cases are
often unknown and insufficiently covered by systematic testing
methods, especially in heterogeneous environments. In this paper,
we describe a multi-view test specification (MVTS) approach
based on a risk analysis to systematically derive regular and
negative/error test cases in CPPS engineering. We build on
the PPR Asset Network (PAN) that provides the structure of
a CPPS from product, process, resource perspective and their
dependencies, and the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
to efficiently identify risks in CPPS engineering. We conceptually
evaluate the MVTS approach with domain experts in a feasibility
study to show benefits and limitations in context of traditional
software testing. First results showed benefits of the MVTS
approach with the help of the PAN and FMEA to systematically
capture risks and derive test cases. While the execution of test
cases is often limited to the regular systems behavior, negative
test are often not executed because of possible physical damages.
However, negative test cases can raise the awareness of possible
critical risks during CPPS planning and design.
Index Terms—Cyber-Physical Production Systems, PPR Asset
Network, Multi-View Test Specification.
The engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems
(CPPSs) in the Industrie 4.0 context requires efficient coor-
dination of discipline-specific views (i.e., multi-views) and
data exchange to support collaboration within an engineering
team [2]. However, engineering teams need to include a
heterogeneous set of engineering disciplines (such as me-
chanics, electrics, and software engineering), and data model
and engineering artifacts, that belong to these disciplines and
views. Dependencies between data models and artifacts are
often implicitly given but not explicitly expressed. Therefore,
data exchange and coordination is often limited [4] and make
systematic testing inefficient, risky, and error-prone. Further-
more, the testing of CPPSs is often limited to regular cases
with limited consideration of error cases that might cause
physical damages. In CPPS environments, the Failure Mode
and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is an established approach for
risk assessment and mitigation [12]. However, FMEA models
are often used as isolated source of information by individual
experts and disciplines. Therefore, we see the need to support
systematic test specification for CPPS engineering projects
based on identified risks and related root causes.
In this paper, we present a multi-view test specification
(MVTS) approach based on a risk analysis to systemati-
cally derive regular and error cases in CPPS engineering.
Based on this goal, we derive three main research questions:
RQ1. What are the basic requirements for a multi-view test
specification process approach? Based on related work and
discussions with domain experts, we identify a set of require-
ments to support systematic testing in CPPS environments.
RQ2. What are the main process steps for systematically
defining test cases in CPPS environments? We build on the
PAN generation process approach [13] and extend the process
and the meta-model with focus on test case generation.
RQ3. What are the benefits and limitations of the MVTS
approach? Based on discussions with domain experts, we
explore benefits and limitations of the proposed approach.
We conceptually evaluate the multi-view test specification
approach with domain experts to explore benefits and limita-
tions in contrast to a traditional software testing approach. First
results showed benefits of MVTS with the help of the PAN
and FMEA to systematically capture risks and derive regular
and error test cases. While regular test cases demonstrate the
correct functional behavior of the CPPS, negative (or error)
test cases can at least raise the awareness of possible critical
risks during CPPS planning and design.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion II summarizes background and related work. We describe
the MVTS approach in Section III and present the conceptual
evaluation in Section IV. Section V discusses the results and
limitations, and concludes the paper.
This section summarizes background and related work on
Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs), the PPR Asset
Network (PAN), and the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
(FMEA) as foundation for test case generation.
Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs) are required
for flexible industrial production in Industrie 4.0 [6]. Their
design involves several engineering disciplines, such as me-
chanical, electrical, and software engineering that represent
different views on the CPPS project from discipline-specific978-1-7281-2989-1/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
perspectives [2]. Individual aspects of an Industrie 4.0 com-
ponent include on product information (i.e., what product to
build), process information (sequence of steps to construct the
product), and resource information (resources needed to build
the products within the production process) that form a PPR
Asset [9]. Dependencies between different PPR Assets of a
CPPS form a PPR Asset Network (PAN).
Therefore, the PPR Asset Network (PAN) represents the
structure of a CPPS including product, process, and resource
information and dependencies between these PPR assets [13].
Biffl et al. [4] describe a coordination artifact that includes
multi-disciplinary views on assets encapsulating change de-
pendencies and engineering knowledge to enable/improve co-
ordination capabilities to coordinate changes in CPPS engi-
neering. Based on these coordination artifacts, risk assessment
and mitigation can help engineers to systematically trace
observed effects back to root causes across the PAN [3].
In CPPS engineering, the Failure Mode and Effect Anal-
ysis (FMEA) is an established approach for risk assessment
and mitigation. Basically, the FMEA is an engineering and
quality assurance method to identify and mitigate risks and
potential production failures before a customer can be effected
by poor product performance [12], [14]. A typical FMEA
identifies known and potential failure modes along with their
corresponding causes and effects, prioritizes them, and defines
corrective actions. For example, the process FMEA focuses on
failure modes occurring during the manufacturing and/or the
assembly process; the design FMEA addresses product-level
failure modes [10]. However, FMEA concepts and are often
used isolated with limited connection to related engineering
disciplines and models. In this paper, we aim at linking the
FMEA to the PAN approach to support systematic testing.
Software and System Tests Software and System Testing
focuses on the identification of defects in (software) engineer-
ing components. Therefore, testing focuses on (a) exploring
intended effects, eg., whether or not a product (characteristic)
matches expected requirements and/or a production process
meets performance goals. Furthermore, the definition of soft-
ware tests can be used to check for risks which could cause
undesired effects. Antao et al. [1] reported on requirements
for Testing IoT systems. In Feldmann et al., the authors
investigated how to manage inconsistencies in model-based
engineering in automated production systems [5]. Based on
Software Engineering best practices [11] we used equivalence
classes [7] to support the test case specification for CPPS
based on CPPS structure (i.e., the PAN) combined with risk
analysis based on the FMEA.
In this section we focus on (a) requirements for testing
CPPSs based on the structure of the CPPS and the FMEA;
(b) present the MVTS process; and (c) the meta-model (based
on [13]) for modeling test cases in context of the PAN.
Requirements. Based on discussions with domain experts
from industry and academia (in the production automation
systems domain), we have identified a set of requirements
for an efficient multi-view test specification support in CPPS
environments. Note that this set of requirements for the
solution represent an excerpt of important requirements to be
supported by the MVTS approach. The set of requirements
include capabilities for (a) the representation of cause-effect
relationships; (b) assessing and prioritizing risks; (c) support-
ing the definition of equivalence classes; and (d) supporting
multi-views for test specification and test automation.
MVTS Process. Figure 1 presents a high-level process
overview (in yellow) and more detailed sub-process steps
related to individual main steps (in gray). Note because of
space restrictions, we do not cover feedback cycles in this
figure. Main process steps include: (1) Building the PPR
Asset Network (PAN). Individual stakeholders identify PPR
assets and dependencies, build the PAN and execute a set
of verification and validation steps. See Winkler et al. [13]
for more details. (2) Conduct risk assessment. Based on the
PAN and the FMEA appraoch domain and quality experts
conduct a risk assessment to identify root causes based on
observed effects [3]. (3) Identify risk drivers. We used the
ISO SQUARE standard [8] as foundation for eliciting critical
requirements and risk drivers for testing a CPPS. This selection
is usually done by domain experts for prioritization of critical
requirements to be tested. (4) Specify Test Cases. This step
includes the definition of equivalence classes related to critical
parameters (identified during the risk assessment) and the
creation of test cases. Note that we separate between regular
and negative/error test cases (see example in Section IV). In
CPPS, it is also important to address test cases that could be
executed, measured, and controlled by test experts, e.g., for
setting up the test cases. Measurement includes if the expected
behavior could be measured and/or controlled. Finally step
(5) includes the execution and/or observation of the test case
Fig. 1. MVTS approach.
MVTS Meta-Model. Based on the PAN meta-model [3],
we extended the model to support test cases. Figure 2 presents
the adaptation/extension of the meta-model for test cases
(marked in yellow). Based on identified root causes (derived
from the FMEA application [3]), a sequence of steps for test
specification is defined. This sequence represents test scenarios
that include a set of individual test cases [11]. Expected results
directly address observed effects that need to tested.
Fig. 2. Meta-Model of the PPR Asset Network (PAN) with Test Cases.
The process and the meta-model represent the building
blocks for MVTS setup (and execution (out of scope of this
paper)). Note that the model uses a graph database (such as
) to efficiently store and query the PAN, FMEA, and
test cases.
This section represents an example of the MVTS application
in a general application domain. We have conceptually evalu-
ated MVTS in three use cases: (a) in the software engineering
domain with the example of a bet-and-win platform, (b) in the
automation systems domain, where robots and conveyor belts
are involved, as available in the Center for Digital production
, and in the automotive systems domain. Note that in
this paper, we focus on the general approach. Figure 3 presents
an example PAN (product, process and resources), the link to
the FMEA model (FMEA resources), and test cases.
Can measure Can control Levels of control
yes yes quality engineer
yes yes quality engineer
mechanical engineering
For an identified cause (Cx) Table I, equivalence classes for
regular (EC1) and negative/error (EC2) value ranges have been
defined (error cases in orange color). In addition attributes
Austrian Center for Digital Production (CDP):
have been added, i.e., can measure, can control, and level
of control. This refers to the possibility to run/control test
cases or simply observe test case execution or observe defined
parameters that could lead to risks and failures. Note that
the level of control includes stakeholders who are capable of
controlling the test case, e.g., by setting up the pre-conditions
for test case execution.
Table II presents a snapshot of selected test cases (TCn)
based on equivalence classes (combinations of values based
on equivalence classes). Note that the test case spedification
part includes expected results (i.e., effects to be observed
(cf. Figure 2). Note that we also included Hypotheses (Hx)
that formally represent assumption that result in test cases
and expected results. Furthermore, we included columns that
indicate the actual result, and capabilities for control and
Exp. Result Act. Result Can control Can measure
TC 1
H0 OK yes yes
TC 2
H1 NOK yes yes
TC 3
yes yes
TC 8
We have discussed expected capabilities for the MVTS
approach with cooperation partners from acadmia and Industry
in various domains, i.e., in software engineering, automation
systems engineering, and the automotive domain. Based on a
selected set of requirements (cf. Section III, we have analysed
the capabilities in traditional software testing and the MVTS
approach. Table III presents the summary of the capability
assessment. While in traditional software testing equivalence
classes are supported, non of the other requirements are
supported. In the MVTS approach, all requirements (R1-R5)
are well supported and represent a valuable input for all
cooperation partners in their related domains.
ID Requirement Traditional Testing MVTS Approach
R1 Representation of Cause-Effect Relationships - ++
R2 Risk Assessment and Prioritization - +
Support of Equivalence Classes
R4 Multi-View Test Specification - ++
Multi-View Test Automation
In this paper, we aim for a multi-view test specification
(MVTS) approach based on a risk analysis to systematically
derive regular and error cases in CPPS engineering. We have
identified a set of five basic requirements (RQ1) that are
needed to support the goal. Section III includes a process
approach for MVTS application including main steps and
related sub-steps (RQ2). The conceptual evaluation with co-
operation partners include a set of benefits (RQ3) that refer to
Fig. 3. Mutli-View Test Case Specification (MVTS) Application Example.
requirements R1-R3 in Table III. However, the main limitation
focuses on the initial effort for setting up the PAN and
FMEA model as foundation for test case specification and
design. However, this additional effort will pay off during later
engineering phases and/or operation where test cases can be
automatically executed and/or defined critical parameters can
be measurend and/or observed.
Future work will include a set of case studies in industry
environments in the selected application domains to formally
evaluate the MVTS approach.
The financial support by the Christian Doppler Research
Association, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital &
Economic Affairs and the National Foundation for Research,
Technology and Development is gratefully acknowledged.
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