Why Do You Need A Cover Letter?
It’s the bridge between your resume (the past) and the job description (the future).
Proves you are a good fit for the position.
Allows you to tell the employer why you are interested, qualified and excited about the position beyond
what is communicated on your resume.
It is your introduction to the employer- “Your first impression”.
One size DOES NOT fit all- They vary by industry and need to be tailored for each position
Questions to Think About-
Put yourself in the employer’s shoes: Who is the ideal candidate? What are the top 2 or 3 skills,
qualifications, and qualities that the employer is seeking for this role?
To whom should you address the letter? When possible, your cover letter should be
addressed to a certain person.
Why do you want the job?
What excites you most about this opportunity?
What are the organization’s core values and mission?
How do they market themselves?
What type of language do they use?
What makes you a good fit for this job and organization?
When have you demonstrated each of the top skills, qualifications, and qualities the
employer is seeking?
Writing the Letter- Get Organized
Introductory Paragraph
Brief introduction- include title of position and interest in the position.
Why are you a good fit and what are your skills that best qualify you for the position?
Where did you learn about the opportunity?
Try not to start with I am…., use a unique hook. Employers read 100s or 1000s of cover letters.
Body Paragraph(s)
Use varied sentence structure. Do not start every sentence or paragraph with I.
Use active language to describe two or three skills and qualifications the employer is seeking.
Do not copy and paste from your resume. Elaborate and give specifics.
Discuss your interest and enthusiasm- Why do you want to work for this company/organization? How do your
passions or skills you want to further develop relate to this opportunity?
You may separate your body paragraphs by academic and work experiences
Final Paragraph
Brief conclusion
Reiterate your excitement or summarize skills
Conclude with contact information and thank you
Heading (Align all text on the left margin.)
Your Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Employer’s Name (This can also be the name of the recruiter, or director of the department.)
Organization Name
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mx. Dr.__:
Dear Hiring Manager: (If there is no person to address the letter to)
Opening Paragraph
Strong lead sentence
What interests you about the position/organization? What is your knowledge of the organization or
company? How do your values align?
How did you learn about the position? Include any referrals or company contacts.
Show you have done research about the organization and a statement of why you are enthusiastic about the
position and how you fit it.
The Body (1 -2 paragraphs)
Outline 2-3 of your strongest qualifications that match the position requirements.
Provide evidence and discuss transferrable skills, especially if no direct experience.
Refer to your experiences on your resume, but don’t copy and paste- ELABORATE CONCISELY
Convince the employer you have the personal qualities and motivation to perform.
The Closing Paragraph
Indicate your desire for an interview.
You are available by phone and email (include contact info).
Thank them for time and consideration.
Is your cover letter…?
Consistent with your resume (same header, font, margins)
Simple, clean font (Times, Arial, Garamond)
10-12 pt. font
0.5 to 1 in margins
Error free (grammar & spelling)
Tailored to the type(s) of opportunities you are seeking
Does your cover letter?
Convey your enthusiasm for the opportunity
Go beyond what’s on your resume
Include varied sentence structure (avoid starting every sentence with I)
2222 Scandling Center
Geneva, NY 14456
Women’s Outreach Center
5 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14467
January 13, 2021
Dear Hiring Committee:
It is with excitement that I submit my application for the Summer Intern position with the Women’s Outreach Center. As a
junior at Hobart and William Smith Colleges majoring in Political Science and Spanish, I have a strong passion for making a
difference in the lives of others, and am eager for the opportunity to develop my leadership skills while strengthening the
economic well-being of Rochester’s women and their families. I am excited to create meaningful impact in the community
and apply my recent experiences in event planning and fundraising.
As an Intern at the Sojourner House, I gained insight into one of the most difficult challenges that our country’s homeless
families face employment. I developed a proposal and successfully planned and coordinated the logistics for the first ever
job fair. Through my creative outreach efforts, I recruited 50 companies to come on-site to interview and hire our clients. I
learned about the needs of this population and collaborated with stakeholders to come up with creative solutions to impact
their lives. While interning at the nonprofit, I also gained insight into its political arm, and welcome the opportunity to learn
more about policy advocacy and grant writing. Through my experience with Advancement Office and Alumni/ae
Association, I have developed my persuasive communication skills in order to fundraise for two annual fundraising Efforts.
During the most recent phone-a-thon, I doubled the amount of calls I made and raised 50% more money. I am eager to learn
how I can continue to develop these communication skills and apply them in an advocacy setting.
I am drawn to your commitment to building a more just and equitable New York through cultivating strong leadership
among women in the community. My personal connection to service stems from a deep desire to help others benefit from
the programs and policies that supported my own family while I was growing up in a low-income and underserved
community. I want to be involved in the work that the Women’s Outreach Center is doing to train local leaders to pass new
laws that impact economic prosperity.
My resourcefulness, collaborative spirit, and strong sense of civic duty make me an excellent fit for this Summer Intern
position at the Women’s Resource Center. Thank you for your consideration of my application, and I look forward to further
discussing my interests and qualifications with you soon. Feel free to contact me at (315) 345-6644 or by email at
firstname.lastnam[email protected] at your convenience.
Nadine Nonprofit
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2222 Scandling Center
Geneva, NY 14456
September 8, 2021
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank
383 Madison Avenue, Floor 23
New York, NY, 10179
Dear Mr. XXX:
I am currently a junior at Hobart College, pursuing dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Mathematics and Economics. I am
writing in interest of the 2021 Corporate & Investment Bank Markets Summer Analyst Program. Risk and equity research
are areas of particular interest to me and I am certain I could be a valuable asset to this program.
I believe the skills I have acquired through my liberal arts education and work experience make me a valuable and unique
addition to your Investment Banking Analyst program. Majoring in mathematics has provided me with a foundation of
quantitative skills needed to be successful in the finance industry. I have completed relevant coursework in both
mathematics and economics, including probability, differential equations, linear algebra, and accounting.
Last summer, I had the opportunity to work at Dealerweb, which exposed me to the inter-dealer side of the industry. This
experience has given me firsthand knowledge of the clearing process for fixed income securities as well as how they are
traded. This internship furthered my education and interest in the markets, reinforcing that I wanted to continue to pursue a
career in finance.
Additionally, I also completed a summer internship at Pepsi. My main responsibility was to collect and analyze data on the
use of electricity and water during the production process. Part of my approach to utility-use analysis was to develop visual
representations of the data, something that was never done previously. This helped the management team highlight possible
areas to reduce costs, as well as draw connections between processes which were not originally thought to be related. In
addition to presenting the data, I was also tasked with analyzing and explaining usage trends.
In addition to my educational background, I grew up playing a variety of sports, and through my athletic endeavors I have
developed a skill set that isn't taught in a classroom. I have learned how to handle pressure situations, I can tolerate criticism,
and I thoroughly enjoy challenges. Playing NCAA DIII hockey has taught me important lessons in time management and
My academic work, recent experience, and leadership skills demonstrate a high level of motivation and passion for the
finance industry and make me an ideal candidate for an internship with JP Morgan Chase Bank. Thank you so much for your
time and consideration, I am happy to provide any additional information needed. I can be reached by (phone) or by (email)
at any time.
(Name Typed)
5 Cranes Way
Syracuse, NY 13201
December 16, 2020
New York Minute Magazine
580 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Dear Mx. Smith:
Through the recommendation of (name), current editor at New York Minute Magazine and an alumnus of Hobart and
William Smith Colleges, I am applying for the Assistant Editor Position. My unique experiences, ideas, and passion for
written word equip me with the skills necessary to become a strong asset to New York Minute Magazine. In addition, I take
pride in supporting a company whose main initiative is to empower women through redefinition of success.
I believe that effective business operations are the result of teamwork, efficiency, and a commitment to creativity. In my
experience as a Teaching Fellow for the Center for Teaching and Learning at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, I have
come to understand the importance of independent work as it contributes to team efficiency. I utilize effective
communication skills with peers, employ conflict-resolution and problem-solving when helping and advising students, and
provide creative solutions to streamline research expectations on a daily basis. I’m excited at the thought of applying those
skills to conduct market research and propel business decisions at a publication like New York Minute Magazine. In
addition to being a Teaching Fellow, I also interned with a startup where I used Google Analytics to review their social
media and web presence. Being able to work with SyncTime has helped me come up with out-of-the-box ideas to increase
viewings and interaction.
A commitment to restorative practice and transformative justice go hand-in hand with women’s empowerment. I believe that
we have the power to make change through written and spoken word, so I harness my effective communication skills to do
my part in this initiative. Enjoyable and entertaining content that increases web traffic as well as informs the masses is key
in a startup like New York Minute Magazine. If selected to become part of the team, I would contribute my skills and
solutions to increase meaningful engagement on all platforms.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration, I am happy to provide any additional information needed. I can be
reached by (phone) or by (email) at any time. I look forward to speaking with you!
(Typed Name)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
2175 Scandling Center
Geneva, NY 14456
December 7, 2017
Justin Doe
Human Resources XYZ
1540 Broadway, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10036
Dear Mr. Doe:
As an individual with strong commitment to problem solving, collaboration and customer service, I am confident that I
would be a tremendous asset at XYZ. It is with enthusiasm that I am applying for the Human Resources Internship that I
heard about through Joe Thomas, who represented XYZ at The CIC Fair.
I am a junior at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and have participated in
several group projects in my various classes. Project experience has given me the opportunity to hone my interpersonal
skills while working with a variety of team members, develop project management abilities by keeping track of each aspect
of the project and sticking to a timeline, as well as communication skills used to write reports and present our work to peers
and professors. My peers and professors have noted that I am consistent with managing details and skilled at public speaking
and presenting. Along with the leadership role in my sorority, I was recently a finalist in HWS Elevator Pitch Competition!
The qualities demonstrated in group projects, along with my leadership experience in the sorority, would be highly
compatible with the tasks required in the HR Internship.
In addition to my academic background, I have also developed strong customer service skills through working at The GAP.
I am motivated, responsible and a quick learner. One customer recently went out of his way to speak with my manager about
my excellent customer service skills and the personal attention he was given. I have learned that in a fast paced
environment, I have to be flexible and be willing to transition to whatever task is needed at the time.
I am extremely interested in obtaining an interview to discuss the Human Resources Internship further. I am available
by phone at (315) 787-5555 or via email at ivanajob@hws.edu. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very
much for your time and consideration.
2370 Scandling Center
Geneva, New York 13210
October 31, 2020
John Doe
Department of Human Resources
Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019-5497
Dear Mr. Doe:
I am writing to inquire about an archival position within your institution. With my objectives to pursue a career in archival
and curatorial work I believe the Museum of Modern Art would provide an excellent opportunity to gain more experience. I
am confident I would be a valuable asset to your team.
I will be graduating from William Smith College in May 2021 with a degree in studio art. I have a wealth of experience in
the arts as well as a solid coursework foundation. As a student assistant at Hobart and William Smith Colleges’ Visual
Resource Center, I am trained in the specific cataloging method of our collection and the photographing technique for slide
creation. With care and accuracy, I file, bind, label and scan slides to our exacting standards.
As an intern at Villa I Tatti, Harvard University’s Institute for Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy, I organized and
labeled photographic film for their collection and used their institution to enhance my academic and personal art research.
Following my experience at Villa I Tatti, I was thanked in their 2018 newsletter for my meticulous attention to detail”. In
addition to my archival training, my undergraduate and personal studies have allowed me to experience the artistic realms
of painting, drawing, jewelry, batik, pottery and photography.
Fascinated by ideas and world perspectives, I have utilized the unique opportunities available to me outside of my
traditional coursework by studying internationally and developing French, Wolof and Italian language skills. Through my
formal education, involvement in setting up student art shows, and personal art experience I have strengthened my natural
eye for color, composition and design. With my plans focused around archival and curatorial work, having experience at a
gallery such as yours would further enhance my practiced skills and knowledge.
I would like to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet or speak on the phone. I can be reached at 315-781-1234 or via
email at ijob@hws.edu. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ivan Jo