For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
II automated cell counter
Catalog Number AMQAX1000
Publication Number MAN0014293
Revision C.0
Life Technologies Corporation | 22025 20th Ave SE Ste. 100 | Bothell, WA 98021
For descriptions of symbols on product labels or product documents, go to
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Revision history: Pub. No. MAN0014293
Revision Date Description
C.0 07 June 2019 Updated trypan blue handling instructions. Document converted to XML.
B.0 30 June 2017 Add info about edited profile indicator, save profile from results screen,
dilution calculator, and reports.
A.0 01 September 2015 New user guide
Important Licensing Information: These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of these products, you accept
the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
©2019 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 1 About this guide ............................................ 7
Audience ....................................................................... 7
User documentation ............................................................. 7
Text and keyboard conventions .................................................... 7
User attention words ............................................................ 8
Safety alert words ............................................................... 8
CHAPTER 2 Product information ....................................... 9
Product description ............................................................. 9
Product contents ........................................................... 9
II automated cell counter .......................................... 9
Upon receiving the instrument ................................................ 9
Register your instrument ................................................... 10
Instrument exterior components ................................................. 10
CHAPTER 3 Getting started ............................................ 11
Installation .................................................................... 11
Operating environment ..................................................... 11
Install the instrument ...................................................... 11
Turn ON the instrument .................................................... 11
Load profile ................................................................... 12
Profiles screen ............................................................ 12
Edit profile screen ......................................................... 13
Load a profile ............................................................. 14
Add/edit a profile .......................................................... 14
CHAPTER 4 Cell count and cell viability assays ...................... 16
Prepare sample ................................................................ 16
Recommendations ......................................................... 16
Load Countess
chamber slide .............................................. 16
Count cells .................................................................... 17
Count procedure ........................................................... 17
Next steps ................................................................ 18
II automated cell counter User Guide
CHAPTER 5 Results .................................................... 19
View results ................................................................... 19
Results screen ............................................................ 19
Identify the cells counted ....................................................... 19
Advanced screen .......................................................... 19
Identify live and dead cells .................................................. 20
Graph count results ............................................................ 21
View graph ................................................................ 21
Gate count results .............................................................. 21
Adjust screen ............................................................. 21
Gate count results ......................................................... 21
Save as new protocol ........................................................... 23
Edit and save profile as new protocol ......................................... 23
CHAPTER 6 Dilution calculator ........................................ 25
Dilution calculator ............................................................. 25
Calculate dilution .............................................................. 25
CHAPTER 7 Save results ............................................... 28
Save count results ............................................................. 28
Save screen ............................................................... 28
Save procedure ............................................................ 28
Report ........................................................................ 31
Report file ................................................................ 31
CHAPTER 8 Instrument settings ...................................... 32
Overview ...................................................................... 32
Instrument settings screen ................................................. 32
Software update ............................................................... 32
Guidelines for software update .............................................. 32
Update the Countess
II/II FL software ....................................... 33
Date/Time ..................................................................... 34
Set the date and time ....................................................... 34
II automated cell counter User Guide
CHAPTER 9 Maintenance .............................................. 36
Instrument care ............................................................... 36
General guidelines for care ................................................. 36
Power supply .............................................................. 36
Clean the Countess
II automated cell counter .................................... 37
Introduction ............................................................... 37
Clean the touch-screen ..................................................... 37
Clean the instrument case .................................................. 37
Decontaminate the instrument .............................................. 37
Set nominal focus .............................................................. 38
Overview ................................................................. 38
Set nominal focus .......................................................... 38
APPENDIX A Troubleshooting ......................................... 40
APPENDIX B Product specifications .................................. 43
Technical specifications ......................................................... 43
Physical characteristics .................................................... 43
Technical specifications .................................................... 43
Optics .................................................................... 43
Analysis slide ............................................................. 43
APPENDIX C Ordering information .................................... 44
II automated cell counter ............................................. 44
Accessory products ............................................................ 44
APPENDIX D CSV file format ........................................... 45
CSV file format, explained ....................................................... 45
Overview ................................................................. 45
APPENDIX E Safety ..................................................... 47
Safety alert words .............................................................. 47
Electrical symbols ............................................................. 48
Safety symbols ................................................................ 48
Environmental symbols ......................................................... 49
Safety labels on instruments .................................................... 50
General instrument safety ...................................................... 50
Operating the instrument ................................................... 50
Safety precautions ......................................................... 51
Cleaning or decontaminating the instrument .................................. 51
Removing covers or parts of the instrument ................................... 51
II automated cell counter User Guide
Chemical safety ................................................................ 52
Chemical waste safety .......................................................... 52
Chemical waste hazard ..................................................... 52
Chemical waste safety guidelines ............................................ 53
Waste disposal ............................................................ 53
Electrical safety ................................................................ 53
Biological hazard safety ......................................................... 54
Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards .......................... 55
Documentation and support ............................................. 56
Customer and technical support ................................................. 56
Limited product warranty ....................................................... 56
II automated cell counter User Guide
About this guide
This user guide is for laboratory sta operating, maintaining, and analyzing data
using the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter.
User documentation
The guides listed below are available for the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter.
Pub. no.
II Automated Cell Counters User Guide
II and Countess
II FL Automated Cell Counters Quick
Reference Card (QRC)
Additional resources are available on the Countess
Technical Resources page. Go to
www.thermo to access protocols, application notes, and tutorials.
Text and keyboard conventions
Text and keyboard conventions Text and keyboard conventions used in this user
guide are listed below. For safety alert words and symbols used in this document, see
“Safety alert words“ on page 8.
Bold Bold text indicates user action. For example: Press More.
Right arrow symbol () indicates a menu choice, and separates
successive commands you execute or select from a drop-down or
shortcut menu. For example: Select More4Adjust.
II automated cell counter User Guide
User attention words
Two user aention words appear this document. Each word implies a particular level
of observation or action as described below.
Note: Provides information that may be of interest or help but is not critical to the use
of the product.
IMPORTANT! Provides information that is necessary for proper instrument
operation, accurate installation, or safe use of a chemical.
Safety alert words
Four safety alert words appear in this document at points where you need to be aware
of relevant hazards. Each alert word—IMPORTANT, CAUTION, WARNING,
DANGER—implies a particular level of observation or action, as dened below:
IMPORTANT! – Provides information that is necessary for proper instrument
operation, accurate installation, or safe use of a chemical.
CAUTION! – Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.
WARNING! – Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
DANGER! – Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the
most extreme situations.
Except for IMPORTANT! safety alerts, each safety alert word in this document
appears with an open triangle gure that contains a hazard symbol. These hazard
symbols are identical to the hazard symbols that are axed to the instruments (see
Safety symbols in Appendix E).
Chapter 1 About this guide
User attention words
II automated cell counter User Guide
Product information
Product description
The Countess
II Automated Cell Counter is shipped with the components listed
II Automated Cell Counter (Cat. no. AMQAX1000) 1 each
Power Cord with 4 adaptor cords (for U.S./Canada/Taiwan/Japan,
Europe, or UK)
1 each
Cell Counting Chamber Slides (50 slides/box) 1 box
II Disposable Slide Holder 1 each
II USB drive 1 each
II Automated Cell Counter Quick Reference Card 1 each
The Countess
II Automated Cell Counter is a fully automated cell counter and assay
platform that uses state-of-the-art optics and image analysis algorithms to analyze
trypan blue-stained cells in suspension.
The Countess
II Automated Cell Counter oers an intuitive user interface, and
provides the option to save data and generate a report, which can then be
transferred to a PC using the USB drive supplied with the instrument or available
The cells to be counted are loaded into the instrument in disposable Countess
Cell Counting Chamber Slides (“Prepare sample“ on page 16). Each chamber
slide contains two enclosed chambers to hold the sample to allow you to measure
two dierent samples or perform replicates of the same sample.
The Countess
II Automated Cell Counter takes 10 seconds per sample for a
typical cell count and is compatible with a wide variety of eukaryotic cells. In
addition to cell count and viability, the instrument also provides information on
cell size.
Examine the instrument carefully for damage incurred during transit. Ensure that all
parts of the instrument, including accessories listed above, are included with the
product. Damage claims must be led with the carrier; the warranty does not cover
in-transit damage.
See “Installation“ on page 11 for instructions on installing the instrument.
Product contents
automated cell
Upon receiving the
II automated cell counter User Guide
Visit www.thermo to register your instrument. You will
be asked to supply the serial number, your name, and your contact details.
Registering your instrument ensures that you will receive notications of software
upgrades and information on new assays for use with the Countess
II Automated
Cell Counter.
Instrument exterior components
Touch-screen display: The 7-inch capacitive touch-screen display is the main user
interface of the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter. It contains the buons for all
instrument functions and displays data from the cell count.
②⑤ USB ports: The USB ports allow you to transfer and save the cell count data and
image to an external computer for record keeping and printing purposes. You can use
the USB drive supplied with the instrument or any other standard, FAT32-formaed
USB drive for data transfer. If desired, you can plug in a USB mouse into the rear USB
port for instrument control.
Note: The USB ports located in the front and the back of the instrument function the
same. However, the rst USB drive connected will be the preferred saving location
and both USB drives cannot be accessed at the same time.
Slide port: The slide port is used to insert the Countess
Cell Counting Chamber
Slide containing the sample into the instrument.
Power switch: The ON/OFF rocker switch is the main power switch. It is not
necessary to use the power switch for day-to-day operation of the instrument.
Power input jack: The power input jack connects the instrument to an electrical
outlet through the supplied power cord and the appropriate plug, based on the
electrical outlet conguration in your country.
Note: The Countess
II Automated Cell Counter (Cat. no. AMQAX1000) uses
brighteld illumination only and does not support the EVOS
LED light cubes.
Register your
Chapter 2 Product information
Instrument exterior components
II automated cell counter User Guide
Getting started
Place the instrument on a level surface away from vibrations emanating from
other pieces of equipment.
Allow at least 5 cm (2 in) free space at the back of the instrument to allow for
proper ventilation and prevent overheating of electronic components.
Set up the instrument away from direct light sources, such as windows. Ambient
room lighting can enter the imaging path and aect the image quality.
Operating temperature range: 4°–32 (40°–90°F).
Relative humidity range: 30–90%.
IMPORTANT! Do not position the instrument so that it is dicult to turn o the main
power switch located on the back of the instrument (see “Instrument exterior
components“ on page 10). In case of an instrument malfunction, turn the main power
switch to the OFF position and disconnect the instrument from the wall outlet.
Unpack the instrument and place the instrument on a at, level, dry surface.
Remove the thin plastic protector lm from the touch-screen display.
Plug one end of the power cord appropriate for your region into the instrument.
Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet. Be sure to use only the power cord
supplied with your instrument. Powering the instrument with an unapproved
power cord may damage the instrument.
Turn on the instrument by ipping the power switch on the back of the
instrument (“Instrument exterior components“ on page 10) to the ON position.
The instrument initializes and displays the Home screen.
Install the
Turn ON the
II automated cell counter User Guide
From the Home screen, you can proceed immediately to the assays by inserting a
slide (Chapter 4, “Cell count and cell viability assays“).
Alternatively, you can change or add a prole (Step 3 on page 12) or change
instrument seings (Step 4 on page 12).
To change the current prole or to add a new prole to the instrument, press
the Proles buon in the upper left corner.
Proles allow you to create customized count preferences (i.e., gate counts based
on cell size, brightness, and/or circularity) (“Load prole“ on page 12).
To change instruments seings, press the Instrument Seings buon in
upper right corner.
Instrument seings allow you to update the Countess
II software and change
the date and time (Chapter 8, “Instrument seings“).
Load profile
Proles screen allows you to create and save up to 9 customized proles. Each custom
prole denes the count parameters (size, brightness, and circularity) and the Auto
Lighting function for a consistent and streamlined workow.
You can access the Proles screen from the Home, Capture, Results, Advanced, or
Adjust screens.
The current prole is displayed on the upper left corner of the Home, Capture,
Results, Advanced, or Adjust screens .
The Auto Lighting function and count parameters are set in the “Edit prole
screen“ on page 13.
The Default prole contains default count seings and cannot be edited.
The count parameters specied in the selected prole are applied to all new cell
If you have already performed a count, loading a new prole from the Results
screen applies the count preferences to the current counts results (total cells,
viability etc.) and to all new counts.
If you change any seing that is saved as part of the protocol (size, brightness, or
circularity) on the Results screen, the prole name is appended with the (*)
Chapter 3 Getting started
Load profile
II automated cell counter User Guide
The Auto Lighting function and count parameters are set in the Edit prole screen.
Auto lighting
Auto Lighting function automatically illuminates the sample in the brighteld
channel for increased sample-to-sample consistency and decreased user-to-user
variability. By default, the Auto Lighting function is turned on; to toggle it on and o,
use the Auto Lighting checkbox (see “Add/edit a prole“ on page 14).
Count parameters
Count parameters are set using the parameter sliders, which correspond to a single
channel that is selected via the channel selection radio buons.
Size: As you move the slider up, the algorithm includes larger objects in the
count. As you move the slider down, only the smaller objects are counted.
= larger objects
= smaller objects
Brightness: As you move the slider up, the algorithm includes the brighter
objects in the count. As you move the slider down, only the dimmest of objects
are counted.
= brighter objects = dimmer objects
Circularity: As you move the slider up, the algorithm includes more objects with
shapes other than circular in the count. As you move the slider down, only the
objects that are perfect circles are counted.
= less circular = more circular
Size and brightness sliders are range sliders.
To adjust the upper and lower boundaries without changing the data range, drag
the slider by its middle section (i.e., the slider bar).
To adjust only the upper or the lower boundary, move the upper or the lower
handle in the desired direction. This will also change the range of values within
which the cells are counted.
The circularity slider only sets a single threshold value; cells that fall below the
set value are counted, and cells that are beyond this range are excluded.
To adjust the threshold for circularity, drag the slider in the desired direction.
profile screen
Chapter 3 Getting started
Load profile
II automated cell counter User Guide
Press the Proles buon located on the upper left corner of the screen to open
the Proles screen.
Press the desired prole to select, and then press Load.
The instrument will load the count parameters specied in the selected prole
and return to the previous screen.
To return to the previous screen without loading the new prole, press
previous buon.
The instrument will keep the saved prole, but return to the previous screen
without loading it.
Press the Proles buon located on the upper left corner of the screen to
navigate to the Proles screen.
To add or edit a new prole, select an empty or an existing prole, and then
press Edit. The Edit screen for the selected prole opens.
Note: The Default prole contains default count seings and cannot be edited.
Select or deselect the Auto Lighting checkbox to turn the Auto Lighting function
ON or OFF.
To dene the new count parameters, select Live or Dead from the Trypan Blue
radio buons.
Adjust the size, brightness, and circularity thresholds using the appropriate
parameter slider (“Count parameters“ on page 13).
Note: Although the Auto FL Threshold checkbox and the FL channel radio
buons are visible on the Edit prole screen, they are not functional on
II Automated Cell Counters, which only feature a single brighteld
Load a
Add/edit a profile
Chapter 3 Getting started
Load profile
II automated cell counter User Guide
To assign a name to the new prole or to change the name of the existing prole,
press the Prole name text box. The alpha-numeric keypad opens.
Type in the desired prole name using the alpha-numeric keypad.
To enter symbols, press the symbol (@%&) key. To return to the alpha-numeric
keypad, press ABC.
Press Enter to save the name and return to the Edit prole screen.
To return to the Edit prole screen without saving the name, press the close
Press Save to save the new prole, and then press Close in the conrmation
screen to return to the Proles screen.
To return to the Proles screen without saving, press Cancel.
On the Proles screen, press Load. The instrument will load the count
parameters specied in the selected prole and return to the previous screen.
To return to the previous screen without loading the new prole, press the
buon. The instrument will keep the saved prole, but return to the
previous screen without loading it.
Chapter 3 Getting started
Load profile
II automated cell counter User Guide
Cell count and cell viability assays
Prepare sample
To obtain the best results, follow these recommendations:
Ensure that the cell sample is homogeneously mixed.
The measurement range extends from 1 × 10
–1 × 10
cells/mL, but the optimal
range is 1 × 10
–4 × 10
For accurate results in cell viability assays, ensure that the counting area is
covered with the cell suspension and count the cells immediately after staining
per the assay protocol.
Do not press the optical surfaces of the chamber slides. Hold the slides by the
Take care to avoid forming bubbles in the sample.
Sterile ltering and centrifugation can be used to remove precipitates common
within trypan blue solutions. Alternatively, avoid mixing and vortexing trypan
blue stock solutions to allow precipitates to remain at the boom of tube, thereby
promoting more accurate cell counts. Also, precipitates can be reduced by gentle
heating at 37°C for 10 minutes.
Prepare the sample by adding 10 µL of your cell suspension to 10 µL of 0.4%
trypan blue stain. Mix the sample mixture well by pipeing up and down a few
Gently pipet 10 µL of the trypan blue-stained sample into the half moon-shaped
sample loading area. The sample is loaded into the chamber through capillary
Note: Each chamber in the Countess
Cell Counting Chamber Slide has a 10-µL
sample capacity. Do not overll the slide chambers.
Let the sample mixture sele in the chamber for 30 seconds, and then insert the
slide into the slide port (see “Instrument exterior components“ on page 10). You
will hear a soft click, if the slide is pushed in correctly.
Load Countess
chamber slide
II automated cell counter User Guide
To remove the slide, push the slide gently into the instrument until it “clicks”
and a spring pushes the slide out. Grasp the slide and pull it out the rest of the
Note: After using the Countess
Cell Counting Chamber Slides, appropriately
dispose of them as biohazardous waste. Do not reuse the disposable chamber
Count cells
Load the Countess
Cell Counting Chamber Slide with your trypan blue-stained
sample and insert it into the slide port of the instrument as described in “Prepare
sample“ on page 16. You will hear a soft click, if the slide is pushed in correctly.
When the slide is inserted, the instrument automatically illuminates the sample,
sets the intensity of brighteld illumination, and auto focuses on the cells.
Note: To turn o the Auto Lighting function, see Auto lighting“ on page 13.
Optional: Press the Proles buon and load the desired prole as
described in “Load a prole“ on page 14.
Optional: If desired, press the Focus buon, and then use the Focus slider to
manually bring your sample into focus (see Note on page 17).
If needed, Zoom in on the image while adjusting the focus.
Note: The auto focus algorithm is designed to highlight the dierences between
live and dead cells. Therefore, the optimal focus level is where the “live” cells
have a light colored center and the “dead” cells are dark throughout. To enable
optimal auto focus functionality, you may need to initially rene the focus by
adjusting it manually and then seing it as the nominal focus. For more
information, see “Set nominal focus“ on page 38.
Optional: Manually adjust exposure using the light source slider.
The light source slider controls the LED intensity, camera gain, and exposure
time and it is used for adjusting the image brightness.
Count procedure
Chapter 4 Cell count and cell viability assays
Count cells
II automated cell counter User Guide
Press Capture. The instrument temporarily captures the image and displays the
results (total concentration, percentage and concentration of live and dead cells).
For more information, see “Chapter 5, “Results“”.
To identify the objects (i.e., cells) counted as live or dead, press More to navigate
to the Advanced
screen (“Identify the cells counted“ on page 19).
To see the distribution of live and dead cells in a graphical format, press the
Graph buon (see “Graph count results“ on page 21).
To gate the results by object size, brightness, or circularity, rst press More to
open the Advanced
screen, and then press Adjust to navigate to the Adjust
screen (“Gate count results“ on page 21).
To permanently save the results, press Save (see Chapter 7, “Save results“).
To perform a new count, remove the slide and reinsert it into the instrument to
count the sample in the second chamber.
Next steps
Chapter 4 Cell count and cell viability assays
Count cells
II automated cell counter User Guide
View results
The Results screen for cell count and cell viability assays displays a composite image
of the objects counted and the results of the cell count and cell viability calculations
(total concentration, percentage and concentration of live and dead cells).
Note: When performing brighteld (BF) cell counts and cell viability assays, the
counting algorithm assumes that you have diluted your cells 1:1 in trypan blue and
takes this dilution into account when calculating the total cell concentration. The cell
concentration displayed in the Results screen is the original cell concentration before
dilution into trypan blue.
Identify the cells counted
The Advanced screen allows you to identify the objects (i.e., cells) counted in each
channel and included in the count results for further review. After reviewing the
marked objects, you can adjust the threshold for size, brightness, and/or circularity as
desired for your application.
Results screen
Advanced screen
II automated cell counter User Guide
On the Results screen, click More. The Advanced screen opens.
To identify the cells that are included in the count as “"live"”, press the Live
buon. "“Live"” cells will be circled in green on the screen.
To identify the cells that are included in the count as "“dead"”, press the Dead
buon. “"Dead"” cells will be circled in red on the screen.
Note: You may select either or both options. In the example below, both Live
and Dead buons are pressed and "“live"” and “"dead"” cells are marked with
green and red circles around them, respectively.
To unmark the cells identied as "“live"” (green) or "“dead"” (red) on the screen,
press the Live or the Dead buon again, respectively.
Identify live and
dead cells
Chapter 5 Results
Identify the cells counted
II automated cell counter User Guide
Graph count results
For cell count and cell viability assays, you can view the distribution of cells (live
and/or dead) based on size in a graphical format.
Note: You can view the Graph on Results, Advanced
, and Adjust screens.
To view the graph showing the distribution live and/or dead cells based on cell
size, press the Graph buon.
To view the distribution of only the live or dead cells, check the corresponding
Live or Dead check box on the graph.
The graph will automatically update and display the distribution of cells based
on size only in the selected population.
Optional: Using the size, brightness, and circularity sliders, adjust the count
parameters. As you adjust the count parameters, the count results and the graph
will be automatically updated.
To close the graph, press the Graph buon again.
Gate count results
The Adjust screen contains the controls for gating count results based on size,
brightness, and circularity. You can adjust the count parameters before or after
performing a count.
On the Results screen, press More to open the Advanced screen.
Optional: Press the Live and/or the Dead buon to identify the cells in the
selected population (see “Identify the cells counted“ on page 19).
View graph
Adjust screen
Gate count results
Chapter 5 Results
Graph count results
II automated cell counter User Guide
On the Advanced screen, press Adjust to open the Adjust screen.
Optional: Press the Graph buon to view the distribution of cells (live and/or
dead) based on size as you gate the count results (see “Graph count results“ on
page 21).
Select the channel (Live or Dead) you wish to gate.
Using the size, brightness, and circularity sliders, adjust the count parameters.
Note: For a description of the count parameters and count parameter controls
(i.e., parameter sliders), see “Count parameters“ on page 13.
When nished, press Done to save the changes to count parameters and return
to the Advanced screen.
Press Cancel to return to the Results screen without saving the changes.
On the Advanced screen, press Count to recalculate your results with the new
count parameters.
To save the changes to size, brightness, or circularity parameters to the current
prole or to create a prole with the new count parameters, see “Save as new
protocol“ on page 23.
To permanently save your results to an external computer using a USB ash
drive, see Chapter 7, “Save results“.
Chapter 5 Results
Gate count results
II automated cell counter User Guide
Save as new protocol
If you have made any changes to the count parameters before or after performing
a count, the displayed prole name is appended with the (*) symbol and the
Advanced results screen displays the New protocol buon, which allows you to
save the changes to the current prole or as a separate protocol.
To save the changes to the count parameters to the current prole or to create a
new prole with the edited parameters, press the New protocol buon. The
Select prole to edit screen opens.
Note: By default, the current prole buon is selected on the Select prole
screen. If you are using the Default prole for the count, no prole buon is
selected on this screen, because the Default prole cannot be edited.
Select the prole you wish to edit, then press Import seings.
Note: You can select only a previously saved or an empty prole. The Default
prole cannot be edited.
Edit and save
profile as new
Chapter 5 Results
Save as new protocol
II automated cell counter User Guide
The Edit prole screen opens and displays the edited count parameters from the
Adjust screen (21).
Note: If you have selected a prole that had been previously saved, the name of
that prole populates the Prole name text box by default. Otherwise, the
textbox remains empty.
To change the name of the selected prole, press the Prole name text box and
enter the desired name using the alpha-numeric keypad.
(Optional): If desired, make additional changes to the prole and the count
parameters as described in “Add/edit a prole“ on page 14.
Click Save to save the new prole seings and return to the Results page for the
last count. The prole name will be displayed without the “(*)” symbols.
Click Cancel to return to the Results page for the last count without saving the
changes to the prole. The prole name will be displayed with the (*) symbol,
indicating that the count parameters for the selected prole had been altered, but
not yet saved.
Chapter 5 Results
Save as new protocol
II automated cell counter User Guide
Dilution calculator
Dilution calculator
Dilution calculator function allows you to calculate the volume of cell sample and
buer needed to reach a desired concentration using the count results.
Calculate dilution
On the Results screen, press Dilution Calculator to open the Dilution calculator
Press the cell type buon located to the right of the current concentration, then
select the count result you wish to use for the dilution calculation from the
dropdown. The current concentration changes to reect the results for the cell
type selected.
Available Cell type options are Live cells or Total cells. By default, Live cells is
II automated cell counter User Guide
Enter the desired cell concentration (“What is your desired cell concentration?”):
Press the value text box, then enter the value using the number pad.
You can enter one digit to the left of the decimal separator (integer part) and
one to the right (fractional part). If you do not enter the fractional part, the
software enters a 0 by default.
Press Enter or touch anywhere outside the number pad to close it.
Press the exponent buon, then select the exponent value for the desired
By default, the exponent is (n–1), where n = the exponent value of the
current count. The maximum selectable exponent is same exponent value as
the current count.
Pressing an exponent buon selects that exponent and closes the window.
Pressing anywhere outside the window keeps the previously selected
exponent and closes the window.
Press the total volume text box (“How many mL do you need?”), then enter the
total volume of the sample you wish to have at the new concentration using the
number pad.
By default, the total volume box is blank. The maximum volume you can enter is
999.9 mL and you can use only a single decimal.
Press Enter or touch anywhere outside the number pad to close the number pad.
Chapter 6 Dilution calculator
Calculate dilution
II automated cell counter User Guide
When you have made valid entries for cell type, desired cell concentration, and
total volume, and closed the last popup window, the boom line of the dilution
calculator displays the volumes of cell solution and buer needed.
If you enter a combination of values that is not valid (e.g., desired concentration
is greater than the current concentration), the results line remains on (or return
to) the blank state, and screen displays a warning message.
If you make any changes to any of the input areas above, the results are
recalculated automatically upon closing the popup window.
Press Done or the Back buon to return to the main Results screen.
Chapter 6 Dilution calculator
Calculate dilution
II automated cell counter User Guide
Save results
Save count results
The Countess
II FL Automated Cell Counter allows you to save your data and
images using a USB ash drive. To save your experiment, you can choose from the
following options, in any combination:
Result: Saves the Results screen as it is displayed on the instrument, with or
without the Graph, in the selected image format (JPEG, BMP, PNG, or TIFF).
Images: Saves only the raw captured image in the selected image format (JPEG,
Data: Saves the data from the experiment as a CSV le (comma separated values).
The CSV format allows for processing or re-displaying results with any third
party software or spreadsheet program. For more information on the CSV le
format, see “Appendix D, “CSV le format“”.
Report: Saves a printer-friendly report of the results, graph(s), and image in the
selected format (PDF, PNG, or JPEG). For more information, see “Report“ on
page 31.
Note: If you wish to save your results with the Graph showing the distribution of
cells based on cell size or uorescence intensity, make sure that the desired graph is
displayed on the Results screen.
To save your data, insert the Countess
II USB drive (or equivalent) into an
available USB port on the instrument (see “Instrument exterior components“ on
page 10).
Note: The USB ports located in the front and the back of the instrument function
the same. However, the rst USB drive connected will be the preferred saving
On the Results screen, press Save to navigate to the Save screen.
Save screen
Save procedure
II automated cell counter User Guide
To assign a name to your experiment, press the File name text eld. The alpha-
numeric keypad opens.
Enter the le name using the alpha-numeric keypad.
To enter symbols, press the symbol (@%&) key. To return to the alpha-numeric
keypad, press ABC.
Press Enter to save the name and return to the Save screen.
To return to the Save screen without saving the name, press the close buon.
Select the desired mode(s) to save your experiment (Result, Images, Data,
Report). You can select an individual mode (e.g., Result only) or any combination
of modes (e.g., Result, Images, Data, and / or Report).
In the example below, Data and Report are selected.
By default, Result and Images are saved as JPEG les, and Report is saved as
To choose a dierent le format, press the le type buon. The Choose le type
screen opens.
Note: Data can only be saved as a CSV le.
Chapter 7 Save results
Save count results
II automated cell counter User Guide
Press to select the desired le type. Available options are JPEG, BMP, PNG, and
After you make your selection, the instrument returns to the Save screen.
To return to the Save screen without changing the le format, press the close
Press Save to save your experiment in the selected mode(s) in the USB drive.
Press Close and then transfer the USB drive to the desired location.
Chapter 7 Save results
Save count results
II automated cell counter User Guide
The Report function allows you to save a printer-friendly report of the results, graphs,
and images in the selected format (PDF, PNG, or JPEG).
You can create reports using the Report dropdown as described in “Save count
results“ on page 28.
The top section of the Report contains a table with the results as displayed on the
Results screen, showing the concentration of the sample, and the percentage
and number for the total, Live, and Dead channels.
Below the results table, the report contains the “number of cells vs. cell size” graph.
Under the graph, the report contains the brightfield count image, with the live and dead
cells identified by the green and red circles, respectively.
At the bottom, the report displays the profile information used to gate these images.
Report file
Chapter 7 Save results
II automated cell counter User Guide
Instrument settings
To access the Instrument Seings screen, press the Instrument Seings buon on the
Home page (“Turn ON the instrument“ on page 11).
In the Instrument Seings screen, you can:
perform software update (“Software update“ on page 32)
set the date and time (“Date/Time“ on page 34)
Note: Although the Change Light Cube buon is visible on the Instrument Seings
screen, this buon is not functional on the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter,
which is a brighteld-only instrument and does not support EVOS
light cubes.
Software update
The USB drive used for transferring the software update le must be FAT32
formaed; verify this before proceeding. If necessary, reformat the USB drive to
FAT32 following the recommended procedure for your operating system.
Note: Reformaing the USB drive will result in the loss of all les. Back up the
les in the USB drive prior to reformaing.
The software update le must be saved on the top level of the USB drive, not
within a folder or a subfolder.
The software update le must be uncorrupted during transfer. Do not rename,
zip, or compress the software update le.
settings screen
Guidelines for
software update
II automated cell counter User Guide
Go to www.thermo, and download the latest
II/II FL software version to your desktop.
Note: The software update le has a version-specic name followed by the
extension .lft (e.g., Countess
_II_v_1_0_202.lft for software version 1.0.202).
Copy the software update le onto the USB drive, making sure that it is saved on
the top level and not hidden within a folder.
Insert the USB drive into one of the USB ports of the instrument (see “Instrument
exterior components“ on page 10).
Press the Instrument Seings buon on the Home page (“Turn ON the
instrument“ on page 11) to open
the Instrument Seings screen
(“Overview“ on page 32).
Select Software Update from the Instrument Seings menu. The instrument
scans the USB drive for the latest software version.
When prompted, select Update Now.
Once the update has completed, restart the instrument.
Update the
Chapter 8 Instrument settings
Software update
II automated cell counter User Guide
Press the Instrument Seings buon on the Home page (“Turn ON the
instrument“ on page 11) to open the Instrument Seings screen.
Press Date/Time on the Instrument Seings menu to open the Date/Time screen.
Select the Date format you wish to use.
Press any Date text box (MM, DD, or YYYY) to open the Edit Date keypad.
Using the keypad, enter the date into Month, Day, and Year text boxes, pressing
Enter after each entry.
After you are nished entering the date, press the close buon to return
to the
Date/Time screen.
Set the date and
Chapter 8 Instrument settings
II automated cell counter User Guide
Select the Time format you wish to use. Available options are 12 Hour and
24 Hour formats.
Press any Time text box (Hours or Minutes) to open the Edit Time keypad.
Using the keypad, enter the time into Hours and Minutes text boxes, pressing
Enter after each entry.
After you are nished entering the time, press the close buon to return to
the Date/Time screen.
If you have selected the 12 Hour format, select AM or PM.
Press Save to set the Time and Date and return to the Instrument Seings screen.
Press Cancel to return to the Instrument Seings screen without saving your
Chapter 8 Instrument settings
II automated cell counter User Guide
Instrument care
Use the appropriate cleaning solutions for each component, as indicated in the
cleaning procedures in “Clean the Countess
II automated cell counter“ on
page 37.
If liquid spills on the instrument, turn o the power immediately and wipe dry.
Always use the correct power supply. The power adaptor specications appear on the
serial number label (boom of the instrument) and in the Technical specications
section of this user guide (“Technical specications“ on page 43). Damage due to an
incompatible power adaptor is not covered by warranty.
CAUTION! Never disassemble or service the instrument yourself. Do not
remove any covers or parts that require the use of a tool to obtain access to
moving parts. Operators must be trained before being allowed to perform the
hazardous operation. Unauthorized repairs may damage the instrument or
alter its functionality, which may void your warranty. Contact your local
distributor to arrange for service.
IMPORTANT! If you have any doubt about the compatibility of decontamination or
cleaning agents with parts of the equipment or with material contained in it, contact
Technical Support () or your local distributor for information.
guidelines for care
Power supply
II automated cell counter User Guide
Clean the Countess
II automated cell counter
We recommend cleaning the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter periodically to
prevent the buildup of dust and dirt that might reduce its performance and cause
CAUTION! To avoid electrical shock, always turn o the Countess
Automated Cell Counter and unplug the power cord before cleaning or
decontaminating the instrument.
CAUTION! All biological samples and materials that come into contact with
them have the potential to transmit infectious diseases and are considered
biohazardous. Follow all applicable local, state/provincial, and/or national
regulations. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.
IMPORTANT! Using a cleaning or decontaminating method other than that specied
by the manufacturer may result in damage to the instrument.
Wipe the touch-screen of the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter using a soft,
lint-free cloth moistened with an LCD cleaning solution. Do not apply excessive
force during cleaning. Wipe the touch-screen dry immediately after cleaning.
Ensure that the cleaning solution does not enter the power buon, the power
inlet, the slide port, or the USB ports.
Never pour or spray any liquids directly on the instrument to avoid electrical
shock when the instrument is plugged in.
Do not use abrasive cleaning solutions or material to prevent the touch-screen
from geing scratched.
Wipe the instrument case of the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter using a
soft, lint-free cloth moistened with distilled water. Wipe the instrument dry
immediately after cleaning.
Ensure that water or other cleaning solutions do not enter the power buon, the
power inlet, the slide port, or the USB ports.
Never pour or spray any liquids directly on the instrument to avoid electrical
shock when the instrument is plugged in.
Wipe the instrument case of the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter using a
soft, lint-free cloth moistened with 70% alcohol. Wipe the instrument dry
immediately after cleaning.
Avoid using a bleach solution, because it may leave a residue of bleach crystals
on the instrument.
Ensure that water or other cleaning solutions do not enter the power buon, the
power inlet, the slide port, or the USB ports.
Never pour or spray any liquids directly on the instrument to avoid electrical
shock when the instrument is plugged in.
Clean the touch-
Clean the
instrument case
the instrument
Chapter 9 Maintenance
Clean the Countess
II automated cell counter
II automated cell counter User Guide
Set nominal focus
Nominal focus is the Z-point (i.e., depth) around which the auto focus function
searches to provide ne focus to the sample.
The auto focus algorithm of the Countess
II FL Automated Cell Counter is designed
to highlight the dierences between live and dead cells in the brighteld channel. The
optimal focus level is where the “live” cells have a light colored center and the “dead”
cells are dark throughout (see examples below).
Focus is not optimal Focus is optimal
To enable optimal auto focus functionality, you may need to initially rene the
brighteld focus by adjusting it manually and then seing the nominal focus. This
allows the auto focus function to have a set point from which to focus on the cells in
subsequent samples.
Prepare the sample by adding 10 µL of cell suspension to 10 µL of 0.4% trypan
blue stain. Mix the sample mixture well by pipeing up and down a few times.
Load 10 µL of the sample mixture into the Countess
Cell Counting Chamber
Slide (“Load Countess
chamber slide“ on page 16). Let the sample mixture
sele for 30 seconds to ensure a uniform focal plane.
Insert the sample slide into the slide port of the instrument, making sure that the
side containing the sample is inserted completely.
When the slide is inserted, the instrument automatically illuminates the sample,
sets the intensity of the brighteld light source, and auto focuses on the cells.
To manually adjust the focus, press the Focus
Set nominal focus
Chapter 9 Maintenance
Set nominal focus
II automated cell counter User Guide
Use the Focus
slider or the plus and minus buons to rene the brighteld
Note: If needed, Zoom in on the image to adjust focus or lighting.
After nding the optimal focus, press Set to set the nominal focus.
Once the focus has been set, the Set buon on the focus slider becomes inactive,
conrming that the focus seing has been stored.
Chapter 9 Maintenance
Set nominal focus
II automated cell counter User Guide
Note: The software for the Countess
II is updated regularly. If you are having any
issues with your experiments, rst check the website to see if a new software version
is available. You can download the most recent version of the software from
www.thermo You can also register your Countess
instrument at www.thermo to be informed of any future
software updates.
Possible solutions
Autofocus does not seem to focus on the cells very well
Make sure there are no bubbles or debris visible on
the screen that could interfere with the autofocus
and make it more difficult to get the sample in the
correct focal plane.
Ideally, the live cells should have bright centers
compared to the dead cells, which are dark
throughout (“Count procedure“ on page 17).
Setting the nominal focus will improve autofocus
consistency with future slides. To set the nominal
focus, see “Set nominal focus“ on page 38.
Some cells appear on the image but are not included in
the count
Adjust the size, brightness, and circularity gates for
both live and dead cells to include all of the cells in
the count (“Graph count results“ on page 21).
After including all of the cells in the count, you can
narrow the count criteria, if you wish to exclude cells
of a certain size or certain brightness.
When the gates are fully maximized, the CSV should
indicate 0–60 for cell size and 0–255 for brightness.
Images are very bright and washed out Enable Auto Lighting from the Profiles menu, or decrease
the bright field light intensity before counting the cells.
Getting incorrect concentration for the Countess
The beads can settle quickly in solution, which will
affect the concentration reading.
Vortex the bead stock on high for a full 30 seconds to
resuspend, and add 10 µL of the bead suspension to
10 µL of trypan blue without delay.
Pipet the bead and trypan blue mixture up and down
several times to make sure it is well mixed, and
immediately load 10 µL into the slide.
II automated cell counter User Guide
Problem Possible solutions
Variable counts for the same sample of cells
If you are pipetting different samples from the same
cell sample, the variability could be due to pipetting
or mixing.
Use recently calibrated pipettors and make sure that
the cells are well suspended by pipetting up and
down several times before adding trypan blue.
Pipet the bead and trypan blue mixture up and down
several times to make sure it is well mixed, and load
10 µL into the slide without delay.
Variable counts when performing replicate counts of the
same slide
If you are counting replicates of the exact same
slide, visually inspect that all cells are counted
correctly in the image.
There may be a slightly different field of view each
time a slide is inserted. Depending on the
concentration and uniformity of the cells, this will
cause some variability when performing replicate
counts of the same slide, although it should be less
than 10%.
When counting fewer cells, a small field of view
change for only a small number of cells can have a
larger affect. Count cells at a higher concentration to
reduce variability.
Make sure that you do not shake or agitate the slide
between counts.
Abnormally high percentage of dead cells or live cells
counted as dead
Ensure that the cells are focused correctly so that
live cells have bright centers and dead cells are dark
throughout (see “Count procedure“ on page 17). If
the cells are not well focused and look dark on the
screen, the Countess
II will count them as dead
If cells are well focused, have bright centers, and are
being counted as dead, confirm that they are within
the appropriate cell size range and try adjusting the
If cells are exposed to trypan blue for a long period
of time, viability could be affected so slide should be
prepared and counted fresh each time for best
Gate out the debris using the size, brightness, and
circularity sliders.
USB drive not recognized by the instrument
The USB drive must be FAT32 formatted to be
recognized by the instrument. If it is not, reformat
the USB drive to FAT32 (“Software update“ on
page 32).
Try another correctly formatted USB drive.
Appendix A Troubleshooting
Set nominal focus
II automated cell counter User Guide
Problem Possible solutions
Unable to update the Countess
Make sure the USB drive is formatted to FAT32. If it
is not, reformat the USB drive to FAT32 before
transferring the files onto the USB drive for software
The update file must sit on the top level of the USB
drive, not within a folder or a subfolder.
File cannot be renamed in any way.
File cannot be zipped or compressed during
distribution. It must be uncorrupted during transfer
and have a .lft suffix.
If needed, check that the USB port is functional by
testing a USB mouse.
Appendix A Troubleshooting
Set nominal focus
II automated cell counter User Guide
Product specifications
Technical specifications
Instrument type
Benchtop cell counter and suspension cell-based assay
Instrument dimensions 9 (W) × 5½ (D) × 9 inches (H)
Weight 8 lbs
Operating power 100–240 VAC, 0.58 A MAX
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Electrical input 12 VDC, 2 A
Installation site Indoor use only, Class A Environments (i.e., non-residential
or light industrial); Pollution degree 2.
Operating temperature 4–32°C (40–90°F)
Operating humidity <80% (non-condensing)
Processing time
~15 seconds
Sample concentration range 1 × 10
–1 × 10
Particle/cell diameter range 4–60 µm (particles); 7–60 µm (cells)
Required sample volume 10 µL
Firmware Countess
Automated Cell Counting Platform Software
USB Drive 4 Gigabyte
1 channel (brightfield)
Camera 5 Mega pixels, 2.5× Optical Magnification
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)
Dimensions 25 mm (W) × 75 mm (D) × 1.7 mm (H)
Chamber volume 10 µL
Analysis slide
II automated cell counter User Guide
Ordering information
II automated cell counter
The Countess
II instrument and instrument accessories are available from Thermo
Fisher Scientic. For more information, visit www.thermo or contact
Technical Support (“Customer and technical support“ on page 56).
Quantity Cat. no.
II Automated Cell Counter 1 each AMQAX1000
II power cord with four adapter cords 1 each AMEP4716
II USB drive 1 each A25751
II Disposable Slide Holder 1 each AMEP4745
Accessory products
The following products can be used with the Countess
II Automated Cell Counter
and are available separately from Thermo Fisher Scientic. For more information, visit
www.thermo or contact Technical Support (“Customer and technical
support“ on page 56).
Quantity Cat. no.
Cell Counting Chamber Slides, 50 Slides (100
1 box
Cell Counting Chamber Slides, 500 Slides (1000
10 boxes
Cell Counting Chamber Slides, 1250 Slides
(2500 Counts)
25 boxes
Cell Counting Chamber Slides, 2500 Slides
(5000 Counts)
50 boxes
Cell Counting Chamber Slides, 5000 Slides
(10,000 Counts)
100 boxes
Test Beads (1 × 10
beads/mL) 1 mL C10284
Trypan blue stain (0.4 %) 2 × 1 mL T10282
Each box of Countess
Cell Counting Chamber Slides contains 50 slides and 2 × 1 mL vials of trypan blue
(0.4%), sufficient for 100 counts.
II automated cell counter User Guide
CSV file format
CSV file format, explained
A comma-separated values (CSV) le stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-
text form. Plain text means that the le is a sequence of characters, with no data that
has to be interpreted as binary numbers. A CSV le can be opened with any third
party software or spreadsheet program. The table below describes the categories of
the Countess
II data saved as a CSV le and opened with a spreadsheet program.
Column Name Description
General A Number Sequential sample run number
B File Name Name of file
C Date & Time Date and time of sample run
D Mode BF-Brightfield
E Total Concentration Concentration of the entire sample
F Total cells counted Total number of cells counted in the sample
G Live concentration Concentration of just the "live" portion of the sample
H Live cells counted Total number of "live" cells counted
I Dead concentration Concentration of just the "dead" portion of the sample
J Dead cells counted Total number of "dead" cells counted
K Viability (%)
Percent viability of the sample based on trypan blue
L Average size (um) Average cell size in microns
General Details X Focus value Focal position number
Y BF Light intensity Brightfield light intensity value from 0–100%
Count Parameters
Z Live Size min Minimum size of "live" cells in microns
AA Live Size max Maximum size of "live" cells in microns
AB Live Brightness min "Live" adjustment slider value for minimum brightness
AC Live Brightness max "Live" adjustment slider value for maximum brightness
AD Live Circularity "Live" adjustment slider value for circularity
AE Dead Size min Minimum size of "dead" cells in microns
II automated cell counter User Guide
Category Column Name Description
Count Parameters
AF Dead Size max Maximum size of "dead" cells in microns
AG Dead Bright min "Dead" adjustment slider value for minimum brightness
AH Dead Bright max "Dead" adjustment slider value for maximum brightness
AI Dead Circ "Dead" adjustment slider value for circularity
Appendix D CSV file format
CSV file format, explained
II automated cell counter User Guide
WARNING! GENERAL SAFETY. Using this product in a manner not specied
in the user documentation may result in personal injury or damage to the
instrument or device. Ensure that anyone using this product has received
instructions in general safety practices for laboratories and the safety
information provided in this document.
Before using an instrument or device, read and understand the safety
information provided in the user documentation provided by the
manufacturer of the instrument or device.
Before handling chemicals, read and understand all applicable Safety Data
Sheets (SDSs) and use appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves,
gowns, eye protection, and so on). To obtain SDSs, see the “Documentation
and Support” section in this document.
Safety alert words
Four safety alert words appear in this document at points where you need to be aware
of relevant hazards. Each alert word—IMPORTANT, CAUTION, WARNING,
DANGER—implies a particular level of observation or action, as dened below:
IMPORTANT! – Provides information that is necessary for proper instrument
operation, accurate installation, or safe use of a chemical.
CAUTION! – Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.
WARNING! – Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
DANGER! – Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the
most extreme situations.
Except for IMPORTANT! safety alerts, each safety alert word in this document
appears with an open triangle gure that contains a hazard symbol. These hazard
symbols are identical to the hazard symbols that are axed to the instruments (see
Safety symbols in Appendix E).
II automated cell counter User Guide
Electrical symbols
The following table describes the electrical symbols that may be displayed.
Symbol Description
Indicates the On position of the main power switch.
Indicates the Off position of the main power switch.
Indicates a standby switch by which the instrument is switched on to the
Standby condition. Hazardous voltage may be present if this switch is on
Indicates the On/Off position of a push-push main power switch.
Indicates a terminal that may be connected to the signal ground reference of
another instrument. This is not a protected ground terminal.
Indicates a protective grounding terminal that must be connected to earth
ground before any other electrical connections are made to the instrument.
Indicates a terminal that can receive or supply alternating current or
Indicates a terminal that can receive or supply alternating or direct current
or voltage.
Safety symbols
The following table describes the safety symbols that may be displayed. Each symbol
may appear by itself or in combination with text that explains the relevant hazard (see
“Safety labels on instruments”). These safety symbols may also appear next to
DANGERS, WARNINGS, and CAUTIONS that occur in the text of this and other
product-support documents.
Caution, risk of danger. Consult the manual for further safety information.
Caution, risk of electrical shock.
Appendix E Safety
Electrical symbols
II automated cell counter User Guide
Symbol Description
Caution, hot surface or other high-temperature hazard.
Caution, laser.
Caution, moving parts.
Caution, potential biohazard.
Caution, ultraviolet light.
Environmental symbols
The following symbol applies to all Thermo Fisher Scientic electrical and electronic
products placed on the European market after August 13, 2005.
Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Follow local
municipal waste ordinances for proper disposal provisions to reduce the
environmental impact of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
European Union customers:
Call your Customer Service representative for equipment pick-up and
recycling. See for a list of customer service offices in
the European Union.
Appendix E Safety
Environmental symbols
II automated cell counter User Guide
Safety labels on instruments
The following CAUTION, WARNING, and DANGER statements may be displayed
Thermo Fisher Scientic instruments in combination with the safety symbols
described in the preceding section.
Symbol English Français
CAUTION! Hazardous chemicals. Read the Safety
Data Sheets (SDSs) before handling.
ATTENTION! Produits chimiques dangereux. Lire
les fiches techniques de sûreté de matériels avant
toute manipulation de produits.
CAUTION! Hazardous waste. Refer to SDS(s) and
local regulations for handling and disposal.
ATTENTION! Déchets dangereux. Lire les fiches
techniques de sûreté de matériels et la régulation
locale associées à la manipulation et l’élimination
des déchets.
DANGER! High voltage. DANGER! Haute tension.
WARNING! To reduce the chance of electrical
shock, do not remove covers that require tool
access. No user-serviceable parts are inside. Refer
servicing to Thermo Fisher Scientific qualified
service personnel.
AVERTISSEMENT! Pour éviter les risques
d’électrocution, ne pas retirer les capots dont
l’ouverture nécessite l’utilisation d’outils.
L’instrument ne contient aucune pièce réparable
par l’utilisateur. Toute intervention doit être
effectuée par le personnel de service qualifié
venant de Thermo Fisher Scientific.
DANGER! Class 3B visible and/or invisible laser
radiation present when open. Avoid exposure to
DANGER! Rayonnement visible ou invisible d’un
faisceau laser de Classe 3B en cas d’ouverture.
Evitez toute exposition au faisceau.
CAUTION! Moving parts. Crush/pinch hazard. ATTENTION! Pièces en mouvement, risque de
pincement et/ou d’écrasement.
General instrument safety
WARNING! PHYSICAL INJURY HAZARD. Use this product only as specied
in this document. Using this instrument in a manner not specied by Thermo
Fisher Scientic may result in personal injury or damage to the instrument.
Ensure that anyone who operates the instrument has:
Received instructions in both general safety practices for laboratories and specic
safety practices for the instrument.
Read and understood all applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).
Operating the
Appendix E Safety
Safety labels on instruments
II automated cell counter User Guide
Do not install the instrument in heavy humidity, such as a greenhouse or an
incubator, to avoid a danger of electric shock. If water or other material enters the
instrument, the adaptor, or power inlet, disconnect the power cord and contact a
service person.
Do not press the main plug or power cord with wet hands.
Always ensure that the power supply input voltage matches the voltage available
in your location.
Do not install the instrument on a slant or a place prone to vibrations, which
induces the risk of instrument malfunction or damage of the instrument.
Never insert any objects into the air vents of the instrument as this could result in
electrical shock, personal injury, and equipment damage.
Plug the power cord rmly into the wall outlet and the instrument.
To avoid potential shock hazard, make sure that the power cord is properly
Be sure to position the equipment such that it is easy to disconnect the
Turn o the instrument before unplugging the power cord and/or moving the
If the instrument is broken or dropped, disconnect the power cord and contact a
service person. Do not disassemble the instrument.
Use only authorized accessories (adaptor, power cord, and USB drive).
If the instrument emits smoke, disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet
and contact a service person.
CAUTION! Using cleaning or decontamination methods other than those
recommended by the manufacturer may compromise the safety or quality of
the instrument.
CAUTION! PHYSICAL INJURY HAZARD The instrument is to be serviced
only by trained personnel or vendor specied in the user guide.
Safety precautions
Cleaning or
the instrument
Removing covers
or parts of the
Appendix E Safety
General instrument safety
II automated cell counter User Guide
Chemical safety
ensure laboratory personnel read and practice the general safety guidelines for
chemical usage, storage, and waste provided below. Consult the relevant SDS
for specic precautions and instructions:
Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provided by the
chemical manufacturer before you store, handle, or work with any chemicals
or hazardous materials. To obtain SDSs, see the "Documentation and
Support" section in this document.
Minimize contact with chemicals. Wear appropriate personal protective
equipment when handling chemicals (for example, safety glasses, gloves, or
protective clothing).
Minimize the inhalation of chemicals. Do not leave chemical containers open.
Use only with sucient ventilation (for example, fume hood).
Check regularly for chemical leaks or spills. If a leak or spill occurs, follow
the manufacturer cleanup procedures as recommended in the SDS.
Handle chemical wastes in a fume hood.
Ensure use of primary and secondary waste containers. (A primary waste
container holds the immediate waste. A secondary container contains spills
or leaks from the primary container. Both containers must be compatible
with the waste material and meet federal, state, and local requirements for
container storage.)
After emptying a waste container, seal it with the cap provided.
Characterize (by analysis if needed) the waste generated by the particular
applications, reagents, and substrates used in your laboratory.
Ensure that the waste is stored, transferred, transported, and disposed of
according to all local, state/provincial, and/or national regulations.
IMPORTANT! Radioactive or biohazardous materials may require special
handling, and disposal limitations may apply.
WARNING! HAZARDOUS WASTE (from instruments). Waste produced by
the instrument is potentially hazardous. Follow the guidelines noted in the
preceding General Chemical Handling warning.
WARNING! 4L Reagent and Waste Bole Safety. Four-liter reagent and waste
boles can crack and leak. Each 4-liter bole should be secured in a low-density
polyethylene safety container with the cover fastened and the handles locked in
the upright position.
Chemical waste safety
HAZARDOUS WASTE. Refer to Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and
local regulations for handling and disposal.
Chemical waste
Appendix E Safety
Chemical safety
II automated cell counter User Guide
To minimize the hazards of chemical waste:
Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provided by the
manufacturers of the chemicals in the waste container before you store, handle, or
dispose of chemical waste.
Provide primary and secondary waste containers. (A primary waste container
holds the immediate waste. A secondary container contains spills or leaks from
the primary container. Both containers must be compatible with the waste
material and meet federal, state, and local requirements for container storage.)
Minimize contact with chemicals. Wear appropriate personal protective
equipment when handling chemicals (for example, safety glasses, gloves, or
protective clothing). For additional safety guidelines, consult the SDS.
Minimize the inhalation of chemicals. Do not leave chemical containers open. Use
only with adequate ventilation (for example, fume hood). For additional safety
guidelines, consult the SDS.
Handle chemical wastes in a fume hood.
After emptying the waste container, seal it with the cap provided.
Dispose of the contents of the waste tray and waste bole in accordance with
good laboratory practices and local, state/provincial, or national environmental
and health regulations.
If potentially hazardous waste is generated when you operate the instrument, you
Characterize (by analysis, if necessary) the waste generated by the particular
applications, reagents, and substrates used in your laboratory.
Ensure the health and safety of all personnel in your laboratory.
Ensure that the instrument waste is stored, transferred, transported, and disposed
of according to all local, state/provincial, and/or national regulations.
IMPORTANT! Radioactive or biohazardous materials may require special handling,
and disposal limitations may apply.
Electrical safety
Symbol Description
General DANGER! ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Severe electrical shock
can result from operating the Countess
II Automated Cell
Counter or Countess
II FL Automated Cell Counter without its
instrument panels in place. Do not remove instrument panels.
High-voltage contacts are exposed when instrument panels are
removed from the instrument.
Fuses WARNING! FIRE HAZARD. For continued protection against the
risk of fire, replace fuses only with fuses of the type and rating
specified for the instrument.
Chemical waste
safety guidelines
Waste disposal
Appendix E Safety
Electrical safety
II automated cell counter User Guide
Symbol Description
Power DANGER! ELECTRICAL HAZARD. Grounding circuit continuity is
vital for the safe operation of equipment. Never operate equipment
with the grounding conductor disconnected.
DANGER! ELECTRICAL HAZARD. Use properly configured and
approved line cords for the voltage supply in your facility.
DANGER! ELECTRICAL HAZARD. Plug the system into a properly
grounded receptacle with adequate current capacity.
Overvoltage rating The Countess
II Automated Cell Counter and Countess
Automated Cell Counter have an installation (overvoltage)
category of II, and are classified as portable equipment.
Biological hazard safety
WARNING! Biological samples such as tissues, body uids, and blood of
humans and other animals have the potential to transmit infectious diseases.
Follow all applicable local, state/provincial, and/or national regulations. Wear
appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. Read and follow the
guidelines in these publications.
ATTENTION! BIOHAZARD. Les échantillons biologiques tels que les tissus, les
uides corporels et le sang des humains et d’autres animaux ont la possibilité de
transmere des maladies infectieuses. Suivre tous les règlements municipaux,
provinciaux/provincial et / ou nationales en vigueur. Porter des lunees de protection
approprié, des vêtements et des gants.
In the U.S.:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), 5th Edition, HHS Publication No. (CDC) 21-1112,
Revised December 2009; found at:
Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Bloodborne Pathogens (29
Your company’s/institution’s Biosafety Program protocols for working
with/handling potentially infectious materials.
Additional information about biohazard guidelines is available at:
Appendix E Safety
Biological hazard safety
II automated cell counter User Guide
In the EU:
Check your local guidelines and legislation on biohazard and biosafety
precaution, and the best practices published in the World Health Organisation
(WHO) Laboratory Biosafety Manual, third edition
Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards
U.S. and Canadian safety standards.
The CSA C/US Mark signifies that the product meets applicable U.S. and Canadian standards,
including those from CSA, CSA America, ANSI, ASME, ASSE, ASTM, NSF and UL.
European safety and EMC standards.
The CE Mark symbolizes that the product conforms to all applicable European Community
provisions for which this marking is required. Operation of the instrument is subject to the
conditions described in this manual.
The protection provided by the instrument may be impaired if the instrument is used in a manner
not specified by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Australian EMC standards
The C-Tick Mark indicates conformity with Australian and New Zealand standards for
electromagnetic compatibility.
Appendix E Safety
Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards
II automated cell counter User Guide
Documentation and support
Customer and technical support
Visit thermo for the latest service and support information.
Worldwide contact telephone numbers
Product support information
Product FAQs
Software, patches, and updates
Training for many applications and instruments
Order and web support
Product documentation
User guides, manuals, and protocols
Certicates of Analysis
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs; also known as MSDSs)
Note: For SDSs for reagents and chemicals from other manufacturers,
contact the manufacturer.
Limited product warranty
Life Technologies Corporation and/or its aliate(s) warrant their products as set forth
in the Life Technologies' General Terms and Conditions of Sale at
www.thermo If you have
any questions, please contact Life Technologies at www.thermo
II automated cell counter User Guide |
7 June 2019