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N(III)-Consumer Behaviour &
Sales Mgmt.-H-5(M-31-A)
Fifth Paper
(Marketing Group)
Full Marks : 100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
Module - I
(Consumer Behaviour)
Group - A
1. Answer any two questions : 5×2
(a) Name two consumer behaviour models.
What is diffusion of innovation?
(b) What is consumer behaviour?
What is health-care marketing?
(c) Define the term Opinion leader.
(d) Define the role of reference group in consumer decision process.
(e) Give two examples of social class.
Group - B
2. Answer any two questions : 8×2
(a) State the features of consumer behaviour.
(b) What is Marketing Information System (MIS)?
(c) Discuss the importance of health-care marketing.
What are the merits of political marketing?
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N(III)-Consumer Behaviour &
Sales Mgmt.-H-5(M-31-A)
(d) What is the importance of environmental marketing?
Discuss the major techniques of market segmentation.
Group - C
3. Answer any one question : 12×1
(a) State the application of market research in consumer behaviour.
(b) Discuss the relevance of marketing information system in assessing consumer behaviour.
(c) How does consumers need influence consumer decision-making process?
Group - D
4. Answer any one question : 12×1
(a) Discuss, in detail, the role of motivation in consumer behaviour.
(b) Discuss the determinants of consumer behaviour in their social and cultural setting.
Module - II
(Sales Management)
Group - A
5. Answer any two questions : 5×2
(a) State any two causes of turnover of sales personnel.
(b) What do you mean by on the job training’?
(c) What do you mean by job analysis?
(d) Define personal selling.
(e) What is salesmanship?
(f) Give an idea about buyer-seller dyad.
(g) State any two functions of marketing channels’.
(h) Mention any two basic objectives of selecting an appropriate distribution channel.
Group - B
6. Answer any two questions : 8×2
(a) Distinguish between direct channel and indirect channel.
(b) Why the channels for industrial products are typically shorter than channels for consumer products?
(c) Discuss the features of electronic marketing channels.
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N(III)-Consumer Behaviour &
Sales Mgmt.-H-5(M-31-A)
(d) What is meant by compensation of sales force?
(e) Discuss any two key determinants of sales force size.
(f) Explain, in brief, the basic sales strategy taken by sales management.
Group - C
7. Answer any one question : 12×1
(a) Discuss the AIDAs theory of selling. 12
(b) How does personal selling differ from advertising? 12
(c) What do you mean by performance evaluation’? What are its objectives? 8+4
Group - D
8. Answer any one question : 12×1
(a) Describe different tenets of marketing channels.
(b) What are the ever growing complexities of sales organisation?