Saber E-Herald
Newsletter of the 52nd Fighter Wing
Jan. 12, 2012Spangdahlem AB
many -- Airman Rebekah Shy, 52nd
Security Forces Squadron, is the
Super Saber Performer for the week
of Jan. 12-18. For more information,
news/story.asp?id=123285974. (U.S.
Air Force photo/Senior Airman Chris-
topher Toon)
Super Saber Performer
National Prayer Luncheon
Jonathan Varnadoe, left, Spangdahlem Middle School student, acts as a crossing-guard
for his fellow students before school begins here Jan. 10. The 52nd Mission Support
Group has designated the end of the bus lane in front of the school or the parking lot next
to Bldg. 305 as drop-off points for the parents taking their children to school. The single
crosswalk to cross Arnold Boulevard is located across from the child development center
where crossing guards posted. The school zone now has a full-time 30 kph speed limit.
(U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Matthew B. Fredericks)
Students get to school safely
A-10 pilot surpasses
1,000 combat hours
Defense bill affects
pay, separation
bonuses, more
Spangdahlem Air Base's National
Prayer Luncheon is 11:30 a.m. Jan.
20 at the Brick House. The guest
speaker is Chaplain (Col.) Gerald
S. Henry, U.S. Air Forces in Europe
command chaplain, and the topic is
"Taming the Terrible 2s!" The meal
is $8 and the dress is uniform of the
day. People can pay in cash or credit
by calling their squadron rst ser-
geant or the chapel. For more infor-
mation, call DSN 452-6711 or 06565-
Upgrades usher in new theater experience
Staff Sgt. Daryl Knee
52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs
he base theater here is scheduled to close
Jan. 18 until early April for renovations
and upgrades.
Some of the planned changes include a remod-
eled entryway, new auditorium seating, a digital
projection and audio system, new paint, upgraded
utilities in the bathrooms, new ooring, a replace-
ment of the acoustic foam material, updated snack
bar and a new theater screen.
The more than $700,000 renovation is funded
through shared nancial contributions by the mili-
tary Exchange service and Spangdahlem’s 2011
Commander in Chiefs Installation Excellence
award money. The military owns the theater while
the Exchange service operates it.
“We’re doing this renovation because the Air-
men and families deserve it,” said Spangdahlem
Exchange Store Manager Bobby McNaire about the
effort that went into being named the Air Force’s
best installation. “As a community, we all worked
together to get this funding, so it’s all about giving
back to the people of Spangdahlem.”
Once the renovation is complete, Spangdahlem
will be the rst military installation in Germany to
have both a digital projection and sound system,
said Kleisch Werner, Exchange engineering chief,
eld support branch. The digital system produces
better quality sound and video than the current reel
The digital system allows the theater to show
rst-run movies as they become available since there
will be no wait time for delivery of movie reels, said
Michelle Hetcher, Exchange food court manager.
Read the entire article at http://www.spangda-
Staff Sgt. Chhouen Prach, 52nd Medical Support Squadron laboratory technician, draws blood from Staff Sgt. Timothy Fordham, 52nd
Comptroller Squadron, at the clinic here Jan. 10. The laboratory technicians collect and test urine and blood samples for the diagnosis,
treatment and prevention of diseases. These preventative measures help physicians provide the best possible healthcare to Saber Air-
men and their families, retirees and Department of Defense employees. (U.S. Air Force photos/Airman 1st Class Matthew B. Fredericks)
Senior Airman
Donald Chapman,
52nd Medical Sup-
port Squadron lab-
oratory technician,
places urinalysis
controls on a test
strip for a urine an-
alyzer calibration
at the clinic here
Jan. 10.
A 52nd Medical Support Squadron laboratory technician draws
blood from a patient at the clinic here Jan. 10.
Lab work key
to ghter wing health
Comedian Rusty Dooley, performs during an Armed Forces
Entertainment show at the Brick House here Jan. 9. Dooley
used props, costumes and dolls throughout his performance
to entertain the audience. AFE provides entertainment to
U.S. military members overseas hosting more than 1,200
shows around the world each year. (U.S. Air Force photo/
Senior Airman Christopher Toon)
Comedy Show
Rules restrict DoD political activity
Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON -- With election activity steadily picking up, defense of-
cials are in the process of issuing regular election-year guidance to remind mili-
tary and Defense Department civilians that they’re subject to rules regulating
their involvement in political activities.
This issue -- one the department regularly addresses during election periods
-- came to light earlier this week after an Army Reserve Soldier in uniform ap-
peared endorsing a political candidate.
Several sets of rules help to protect the integrity of the political process, DOD
ofcials said. DOD Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the
Armed Forces, applies to members of the armed forces, whether they serve on
active duty, as members of the reserve components not on active duty, as Na-
tional Guard members in a nonfederal status, and military retirees.
In addition, the Hatch Act applies to federal civilian employees, and employ-
ees also are subject to widely published DOD guidance that discusses participa-
tion in political campaigns and elections.
These rules are designed to prevent military members’ or federal civilian em-
ployees’ participation in political activities that imply -- or even appear to imply
-- ofcial sponsorship, approval or endorsement, ofcials said. The concern, they
explained, is that actual or perceived partisanship could undermine the legiti-
macy of the military profession and department.
That’s not to imply, however, that military members and civilian employees
can’t participate in politics. In fact, DOD has a longstanding policy of encour-
aging members to carry out the obligations of citizenship, ofcials said. DOD
encourages its military and civilian members to register to vote and vote as they
choose, they said. Both groups can sign nominating petitions for candidates and
express their personal opinions about candidates and issues.
However, ofcials emphasized, they can do so only if they don’t act as repre-
sentatives of the armed forces in carrying out these activities.
Read the entire article at
The 52nd Force Support
Squadron Information, Tickets
and Travel Ofce here moved
locations during the holidays.
The new facility is located in
Bldg. 124, across the street
from the Skelton Memorial Fit-
ness Center. Workers renovat-
ed the building in fall 2011 with
the intent of providing the ITT
ofce with a more professional
and comfortable atmosphere
for customers. ITT serves an
average of more than 500
customers per month with bus
tours, airline tickets and cruise
packages. (U.S. Air Force pho-
to/Airman 1st Class Matthew B.
New location,
same services
Was Ist Los?
Click here
for more news
Click here
for movies
Click here
for briefs
Game night
A free game night for children ages 5-12
enrolled in the School Age Program
takes place 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Jan. 13 at
Bldg. 427. The event includes board
games and popcorn. For more informa-
tion, call DSN 452-9206 or 06565-61-
Learn to speak German
A German for beginners class takes
place Jan. 17 - Feb. 9 at the Eifel Com-
munity Center. This four-week course
takes place from 6 - 8 p.m. every
Tuesday and Thursday. The cost is $60
per person and includes basic German
speaking skills, modern German history
and customs. Sign up in advance as
space is limited. For more information,
call DSN 452-7260 or 06565-61-7260.
Tae Kwon Do classes
A four-week Tae Kwon Do class begins
Jan. 18 at the Skelton Memorial Fitness
Center here. The cost is $45, and class-
es are every Monday and Wednesday
at 1 p.m. For more information, call
DSN 452-6634 or 06565-61-6634.
No-tap bowling tournament
A no-tap bowling tournament takes
place Jan. 20 at Eifel Lanes Bowling
Center. Sign ups begin at 5 p.m., and
bowling starts at 6 p.m. The price is $25
per bowler or $20 for club members.
Participants must be 18 or older. For
more information, call DSN 452-2695 or
A free aerobathon takes place at 9 a.m.
Jan. 21 at the Skelton Memorial Fitness
Center. The class lasts three hours and
includes three instructors. Participants
can sign up for one, two or three hours
of exercise. For more information, call
DSN 452-6634 or 06565-61-6634.
Free breakfast
Club Eifel members can enjoy a free
breakfast from 6:30 - 8:30 a.m. Jan.
25 and Feb. 22 at Club Eifel. For more
information, call at DSN 452-4633 or
Spangdahlem comedy troupe
All comedic skill levels are welcome
to join Spangdahlem’s comedy troupe
Blitzcomedy for its rst meeting 6:30
p.m. Jan. 26 at the Brick House. For
more information, email 2nd Lt. Ryan
Hess, 52nd Operations Support Squad-
Spangdahlem Sabers ice hockey
The Spangdahlem Sabers ice hockey
team is looking for more players by Feb.
1 to represent the base during the 20th
annual U.S. Air Forces in Europe Ice
Hockey Tournament Feb. 15-18 in Gar-
misch, Germany. This is a permissive
TDY, meaning teams are responsible
for all lodging, meals and travel cost to
and from the event. For more informa-
tion, call Tech. Sgt. Joseph Brecht at
DSN 452-9351 or 06565-61-9351. Also,
interested members may call Tech.
Sgt. Robert Wagner at DSN 452-6388,
Superbowl party
A free Superbowl party takes place at
12:25 a.m. Feb. 5 in Club Eifel’s Saber
Sports Lounge. There will be prizes and
giveaways, and the club will remain
open until the conclusion of the game.
For more information, call DSN 452-
4633 or 06565-61-4633.
Valentine’s Day dinner dance
There will be a Valentine’s Day dinner
and dance 6 p.m. Feb. 11 at the Brick
House here. The cost is $60 per couple
and includes dinner, music, comedy and
prizes. Semi-formal dress is required,
and couples must be 18 years or older.
For more information, call DSN 452-
7260 or 06565-61-7260.
Couples massage
A couples massage class takes place
from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Feb. 11 at the
Skelton Memorial Fitness Center. The
cost is $35 per couple, and couples
may sign up and pay at the tness cen-
ter front counter. For more information,
call DSN 452-6634 or 06565-61-6634.
Sweetheart bowling
Bowl with your sweetheart 4 - 10 p.m.
Feb. 14 at Eifel Lanes Bowling Center.
Pay for yourself and your sweetheart
can bowl for free. For more information,
call Eifel Lanes Bowling Center at DSN
452-2695 or 06565-61-2695.
Craft fair
There will be a craft fair 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Feb. 18 at the Eifel Community Center.
The cost to register is $10 and includes
a booth. The fair is free for shoppers.
For more information, call DSN 452-
6841 or 06565-61-6841.
To submit content to the 52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs News
Section, email 52[email protected] or call DSN 452-6012.