THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 1THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 1 3/10/2022 5:39:29 PM3/10/2022 5:39:29 PM
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e English language stock and amateur stage performance rights in the United States, its
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Additional copyright information concerning the West End and Broadway productions
of THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG is included at the back of this volume.
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Were so delighted that e Play at Goes Wrong is now available
to high schools, and we hope teachers and students alike enjoy
reading the play and getting it up on its feet.
Although performing this show requires technical precision and
rehearsal, the main thing we want to encourage is that you have fun
working on or studying this play. Comedy is always at its best when
created in a room full of laughter and explored in a space where
everyone is able to express themselves freely. So stay truthful,
support one another, and make sure you have a good time as you
get to know the characters and the wonderful world of the Cornley
Drama Society. Good luck making Mischief.
—Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer & Henry Shields
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As with any play-within-a-play, you have the complication of the
characters of the actors doing the play-within-the-play and the
characters within the play-within-the-play. To make it a little simpler,
the names are laid out below in two lists: rstly the members of the
Cornley Drama Society who are putting on the play, and secondly
the characters of e Murder at Haversham Manor. e text always
uses the actors’ names rather than the characters’ names.
M   C D S
(in order of appearance)
ANNIE is the company’s stage manager. American accent. (F)
STAGE CREW (6–8), the Cornley Drama Society stage crew. (M/F)
TREVOR (or TAYLOR, if female) is the company’s lighting and
sound operator. American accent. (M/F)
CHRIS (short for Christine, if female) is the head of the drama
society, directed the play and plays Inspector Carter. (M/F)
JONATHAN plays Charles Haversham. (M)
ROBERT (or RACHEL, if female) plays omas Colleymoore (or
Mary Colleymoore). (M/F)
DENNIS (or DENISE, if female) plays Perkins. (M/F)
MAX plays Cecil Haversham and Arthur the Gardener. (M)
SANDRA plays Florence Colleymoore. (F)
e action takes place on the opening night of the Cornley Drama
Society’s production of e Murder at Haversham Manor by Susie H.
K. Brideswell. Present day.
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C  The Murder at Haversham Manor
(in order of appearance)
CHARLES HAVERSHAM, the deceased. (M)
THOMAS (or MARY) COLLEYMOORE, Charles’ old school
friend. (M/F)
PERKINS, Charles’ butler (or maid). (M/F)
CECIL HAVERSHAM, Charles’ brother. (M)
FLORENCE COLLEYMOORE, Charles’ ancée and omas’/
Mary’s sister. (F)
INSPECTOR CARTER, an esteemed local inspector. (M/F)
ARTHUR THE GARDENER, the gardener at Haversham Manor.
e action takes place in Charles’ private rooms at Haversham
Manor on the evening of Charles and Florences engagement party.
Winter 1922.
e stage direction “vamp” indicates improvised dialogue or action.
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e preshow and interval activity should be subtle, incidental and
not draw the full attention of the audience. e show should not feel
like its begun until Trevor/Taylor addresses the whole audience.
A crucial thing to remember when performing this piece is to tell
the story of e Murder at Haversham Manor. at is what the
actors of Cornley are setting out to do and as such should be what
the cast of e Play at Goes Wrong are setting out to do. e
characters of the actors you will no doubt work on in detail, but
their temperaments and aws should shine through the cracks in
their performances and not suocate the action. Always try to tell the
murder mystery story and play the Haversham Manor characters.
Without that solid structure to support the comedy, the show will
Everything in the show must of course be played for truth and not
for laughs or parody. For Cornley this show is not a comedy, it’s a
serious play, and it is so important to them all that it goes well, so
when it goes wrong it hurts.
Weve also found it useful to remember that the actors of the Cornley
Drama Society are not bad actors but the victims of unfortunate
circumstance. e comedy comes from their unwavering endeavour
to continue, their bad choices in trying to get out of the situations
they nd themselves in and their optimistic belief that their luck
will change.
e same is true of the set, costumes, lighting, sound and all other
elements of the production. Everything that goes wrong should be
a choice, and everything that doesn’t go wrong should go perfectly
or (in the case of the physical production) look perfect. e better
the production looks, the more of a journey there is to the complete
destruction that occurs in the later stages of the play.
In essence it is vital everyone works to present “the play that goes
wrong,” not “the play that’s being done badly.
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e setting is the private rooms of Charles Haversham, a
young, wealthy man of the period. e room is a wing of
“Haversham Manor.
ere is a replace . . with a picture of a King Charles
spaniel hanging above it. Two swords hang . . of the re-
place on a at, and a coal scuttle stands . . of the replace.
ere is a large window (open into the room) in the centre of
the stage with red velvet curtains closed over it and a grand-
father clock to the le of it, with the time set to ve oclock.
ere is a door in between the replace and window. A large
heraldic shield hangs above the door, and a jacket hook and
barometer hang on either side of it. Next to the clock at is a
bookcase packed with books (rotates) and . . of that is a
blank at. ere is a door to the study on the . . side of the
blank at.
A chaise longue littered with cushions stands .. ; a small
table stands .. . with a telephone and a vase on it. .. . of
the study door is another small table set with a tray of glasses.
Set apart from the stage is a tech box complete with computer,
faders and littered with empty drinks cans, etc. e tech box
is visible to the audience and is where Trevor/Taylor will be
seen operating lights and sound for the show.
Dramatic house music plays.
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P A:
As the audience enters, Trevor/Taylor is nishing o hammer-
ing the set into place.
Two members of stage crew are searching the theatre for a
missing Duran Duran CD
and for Winston, a dog needed for
later in the show.
Chris greets members of the audience as they arrive, in his/
her best tuxedo.
Annie is by the replace, trying to stick a mantelpiece above it
and trying to stick an old journal to the mantelpiece. She
enlists the help of an audience member and gets them to hold
the mantelpiece in place before disappearing ostage. Trevor/
Taylor appears and commandeers the audience member to
sweep the stage. As they start sweeping, the head of the broom
falls o. Annie reappears and brings the audience member
back to help with the mantelpiece. She sends them to get her
tool kit. e mantelpiece is eventually stuck in position over the
replace and the audience member is sent back to their seat.
Trevor/Taylor comes to .. . Annie scuttles o.
TREVOR/TAYLOR. Good evening, ladies and gentle—
e mantelpiece falls o the wall. Annie emerges from the
ANNIE. (To the audience member.) You said that was ne.
TREVOR/TAYLOR. (Aside to Annie.) Just leave it, leave it.
Annie and stagehands start to try and repair the mantelpiece.
Trevor/Taylor address the audience.
Okay, welcome to e Murder at Haversham Manor. Can I kindly
request that all your cell phones and other electronic devices are
switched o and please note that photography of any kind is strictly
prohibited. Also if anyone nds a Duran Duran
CD box set any-
where in the auditorium, that is a personal item and I want that
* If music by a dierent band is used on pages 45 and 77, adjust this activity appropriately.
** If music by a dierent band is used on pages 45 and 77, change “Duran Duran” appropriately.
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back. Please drop it at my tech box at the end of the show. Enjoy the
House and stage lights go down. Trevor/Taylor exits . .
(On his/her radio but broadcast to the whole theatre.) Alright, can
we prepare for lights up on Act One, note for the cast Winston is
still missing, we need to nd him before the guard dog scene—
CHRIS. Trevor! Trevor!/Taylor! Taylor!
TREVOR/TAYLOR. (Still over the speakers.) —we need him back
in his cage as soon as possible. Whats Annie doing onstage? Get
her o so Chris can do his/her stupid speech—oop!
Trevor’s/Taylor’s microphone cuts o. Annie and stagehands
haven’t nished repairing the mantelpiece. Chris enters from
the . . wing in the darkness.
CHRIS. Leave it. Just leave it.
ANNIE. You need it…
CHRIS. We don’t have time.
Annie hurries o into the wings, taking the mantelpiece and
tool kit with her. Spotlight comes up on Chris, cutting o his/
her head.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and…
Chris steps forward into the spotlight.
…welcome to the Cornley Drama Society’s presentation of e
Murder at Haversham Manor. Please allow me to introduce myself;
I am Chris (Chris short for Christine if female.), the director, and I
would like to personally welcome you to what will be my directorial
debut and my rst production as head of the drama society.
Firstly, I would like to apologise to those of you involved in our
little box oce mix-up. I do hope the six hundred and seventeen
(Change house size as appropriate.) of you aected will enjoy our
little murder mystery just as much as you would have enjoyed
Hamilton. (Change to a name of a show playing at a theatre nearby.)
We are particularly excited to present this play because, for the rst
time in the society’s history, weve managed to nd a play that ts
the number of society members perfectly. If were honest a lack of
members has sometimes hampered past productions, such as last
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year’s Chekhov playTwo Sisters. Last Christmase Lion and the
Wardrobe. Or indeed our summer musical, Cat.
Of course, this will be the rst time the society has been able to stage
a play of this scale and we are thrilled. Its no secret we usually have
to contend with a small budget, as was evident in our recent
production of Roald Dahl’s classic James and the Peach. Of course
during the run of that particular show the peach we had went o,
and we were forced to present a hastily devised alternative entitled
James! Wheres Your Peach?
Anyway, on to the main event, which I am condent will be our
best show yet! So, ladies and gentlemen, without any further ado,
please put your hands together
If the audience starts to clap too early, Chris can say “not yet.
—for Susie H. K. Brideswells thrilling whodunit—e Murder at
Haversham Manor.
Chris exits into the . . wing. Spotlight down. Trevor/Taylor
takes up his/her position in the tech box. Darkness. Music.
Jonathan (playing Charles Haversham) enters through the
darkness from the . . wing. He trips and falls over. e lights
suddenly come up on Jonathan on the oor. He freezes. e
lights go out again. Jonathan takes up his position: dead on
the chaise longue, with his arm outstretched onto the oor.
e lights come up again just before hes fully in position.
Knocking at the . . door. Robert/Rachel (playing omas/
Mary Colleymoore) and Dennis/Denise (playing Perkins the
Butler/Maid) can be heard behind it.
ROBERT/RACHEL. (O.) Charley! Are you ready? Were all waiting
downstairs to raise a glass to your engagement. Charley?
Robert/Rachel knocks on the door.
Come along now, Charley, you’ve been in there for hours now. If I
didn’t know better Id say you were having second thoughts about
the wedding. (Chuckles.) Charley? Hang it all, Charley, if you wont
come out, well come in.
He/She tries handle.
Damn it, hes locked the door. Hand me those keys, Perkins.
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DENNIS/DENISE. (O.) Here they are Mr./Miss Colleymoore.
ROBERT/RACHEL. (O.) ank you, Perkins. Lets get this door
open. Were coming in, Charley! Were coming in!
Robert/Rachel tries to open the door, but it won’t budge.
Dennis/Denise and Robert/Rachel hammer on the door to
try and open it.
(Still o.) ere we are. Were in.
Robert/Rachel and Dennis/Denise dart around the side of
the set to enter.
But what’s this? Charles, unconscious?
DENNIS/DENISE. Asleep surely, Mr./Miss Colleymoore.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Damn it, Perkins, I hope so.
DENNIS/DENISE. I’ll take his pulse.
Dennis/Denise takes Jonathans pulse on his forehead. Jonathan
slowly tilts his head to move Dennis’/Denises ngers down onto
his neck.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Blast! I knew something must have been
wrong, it’s not like Charles to disappear like this.
DENNIS/DENISE. Sir/Maam, hes dead!
Lights snap to red. Dramatic musical spike. Lights snap back
to the general state.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Damn it, Perkins, he can’t be! Hes my oldest
DENNIS/DENISE. Hes not breathing, sir/maam, and theres no
hint of a heartbeat.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Well I’m dumbfounded. He was right as—
Robert/Rachel crosses in front of the chaise longue, treading
on Jonathans outstretched hand.
rain an hour ago.
DENNIS/DENISE. I dont understand. He can’t be dead. He was as
t as a ddle. It doesn’t make sense.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Of course it makes sense. Hes been murdered!
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Lights snap to red again. e same dramatic musical spike.
Lights snap back to the general state.
Good God. Wheres Florence?
DENNIS/DENISE. Shes in the dining room, sir/maam. Shall I
fetch her?
ROBERT/RACHEL. At once, Perkins, and quickly.
DENNIS/DENISE. But shes bound to have one of her hysterical
ROBERT/RACHEL. Charles! Dead! What a horror.
Robert/Rachel crosses the stage and steps on Jonathans hand
again. He/She removes his jacket/her shawl.
But do you think it was murder, Perkins?
Robert/Rachel hangs the jacket/shawl up on a hook on the wall.
Or do you think perhaps—
e hook holding the jacket/shawl falls to the oor.
—it was suicide?
Lights snap to red. Dramatic musical spike. Lights snap back
to the general state.
DENNIS/DENISE. Suicide? Mr. Haversham? Not possible! Never
was there a man with more zest for life than Charles Haversham.
He was young, rich and soon to be married. Why on earth would
he commit suicide?
ROBERT/RACHEL. But why on earth would anybody want to
murder him? Charles was such a gentle fellow.
DENNIS/DENISE. Generous, kind, a true… (Reads a word written
on his/her hand.) philanthropist. (Pronounced “phill-an-throp-ist.”)
He never had an enemy in his life.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Until today, it seems.
DENNIS/DENISE. Shall I telephone the police, sir/maam?
ROBERT/RACHEL. e police? ey wouldn’t make it out here
for days in this snowstorm.
Robert/Rachel opens the curtains to reveal falling paper
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Robert/Rachel closes the curtains again.
I’ll telephone Inspector Carter, he/she lives just the other side of the
He/She picks up receiver.
Hell/Shell be here in next to no time. Hand me the phone, Perkins.
Robert/Rachel realises he/she already has the receiver.
ank you, Perkins.
Dennis/Denise sits on Jonathan.
Good evening. Give me Inspector Carter… I know its late… Damn
it, I don’t care about the weather. eres been a murder. Someone
murdered Charles Haversham!
Lights change to red. A musical spike plays again. e lights
shi back to the general state but the music continues. It cuts
out briey.
ats right.
e music continues. Dennis/Denise keeps trying to get up,
thinking the spike will stop, and repeatedly sits back down
on Jonathan until he pushes him/her o.
ats right!
TREVOR/TAYLOR. (Over the speakers.) Sound eect error on cue
ROBERT/RACHEL. ank you.
He/She hangs up.
Hes/Shes on his/her way.
DENNIS/DENISE. Inspector Carter?
ROBERT/RACHEL. ey say hes/shes the best damn inspector in
the district, he’ll/she’ll crack this case and quick.
Robert/Rachel crosses the stage, stepping on Jonathans hand
DENNIS/DENISE. Very good, sir/maam, and what shall I do?
ROBERT/RACHEL. Lock every door, man./Lock every door.
Robert/Rachel crosses the stage again. Dennis/Denise follows.
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Jonathan sharply moves his hand out of the way of Robert’s/
Rachels foot. Once Robert/Rachel has passed, Jonathan
replaces his hand. Dennis/Denise treads on it as he/she follows
Robert/Rachel past the chaise longue.
Not a soul gets out of Haversham Manor until the killer is found.
DENNIS/DENISE. At once, sir/maam.
ROBERT/RACHEL. …And assemble everyone in here.
DENNIS/DENISE. Right away, sir/maam.
Dennis/Denise goes to leave through the . . door, but it still
won’t budge.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Good God! Charles Haversham murdered at
his own engagement party!
Robert/Rachel sees Dennis/Denise stuck onstage and repeats
his/her line to stall.
Good God! Charles Haversham murdered at his own engagement
party! What a grim, grim night.
He/She turns sharply to the door.
We hear a bang as Sandra tries to get in through the . . door.
SANDRA. (O.) Charley! No! I cant believe what Im seeing.
Robert/Rachel goes to try and open the door. Sandra appears
in the window, holding apart the curtains.
My God, he looks so frail lying there. His skin is cold to the touch.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Dont touch him, Florence.
SANDRA. I must!
ROBERT/RACHEL. You mustn’t!
SANDRA. You controlling brute/end, unhand me!
Robert/Rachel pretends to release Sandras hand.
Oh, who could do such a thing? e night of our engagement party.
Cecil, quick! Your brother’s dead.
DENNIS/DENISE. is way, Mr. Haversham.
MAX. (O.) Im coming, Miss Colleymoore!
We hear three loud bangs on the door. On the third, the door
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suddenly bursts open, revealing Max, Annie and members
of stage crew who had all been attempting to open it.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Get out, you idiots.
ey all quickly run o.
MAX. My brother? Dead? It can’t be!
Sandra now enters through the door.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Calm yourself, Cecil. Pour him a sti drink,
DENNIS/DENISE. Right away, sir/maam. Charles always kept his
scotch right there on the side table.
MAX. You know my brother had the nest collection of scotch in
all the county.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Dont you think I know that, Cecil? He was
my best friend.
MAX. Well he was my brother, omas/Mary.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Hang it all, Charley dead.
SANDRA. My ancé dead, I can’t bear it.
ROBERT/RACHEL. You aren’t to leave my sight this evening,
Dennis/Denise goes to the .. . table and produces the full
bottle of scotch.
DENNIS/DENISE. Oh my God! Hes drunk the whole bottle, sir/
maam. eres not a drop le.
Realizing his/her mistake, he/she goes to the coal scuttle and
empties the bottle into it.
eres not a drop le!
e bottle is now empty.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Hang it all, theres another on the table.
Dennis/Denise produces the empty bottle he/she should have
got the rst time.
DENNIS/DENISE. Yes, sir/maam, of course youre right, this ones
Dennis/Denise puts the bottle onto the tray of short glasses
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on the .. . table and carries the tray past the window.
As Dennis/Denise passes the window, Annie/Stagehand leans
through and exchanges the empty bottle for a full plastic bottle
labeled “PAINT THINNER” with a large ammable symbol
on it. Dennis/Denise doesn’t see the switch.
ROBERT/RACHEL. is is horrifying. I mean who on earth would
have a motivation to murder Charles Haversham?
SANDRA. I can’t imagine!
MAX. It’s madness! My brother was a good man. Who would kill
him? I’m in shock, omas/Mary.
ROBERT/RACHEL. As am I, Cecil. As am I.
MAX. My brother, murdered in his own home! is is unthinkable!
SANDRA. is is more than my nerves can take. I simply cant
stand it. omas/Mary, I think I’m becoming hysterical!
ROBERT/RACHEL. No, Florence! Not another one of your episodes.
Calm yourself. Here, take one of your pills.
MAX. Oh Florence, this is unbearable.
Sandra begins to scream and pound Jonathans chest. Jonathan
omas/Mary, I feel I shall pass out.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Perkins! Pour that man a sti drink!
Dennis/Denise arrives at .. . and oers a glass to Max.
MAX. ank you, Perkins.
ROBERT/RACHEL. ere, there, Florence, well done, deep breaths.
Dennis/Denise pours the paint thinner into Max’s glass. Sandra
becomes calmer.
SANDRA. is is terrible, just a week aer our engagement.
MAX. Well heres to a good brother.
Max raises his glass and drinks the paint thinner. He quickly
spits it back out.
ats the best whiskey I’ve ever tasted.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Have another, to calm your nerves.
MAX. Make it a double!
THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 20THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 20 3/10/2022 5:39:30 PM3/10/2022 5:39:30 PM
Thank you for reading this free sample.
Continue reading to see what happens in Act Two, or
visit our website to purchase the full text.
Dramatic house music plays.
e house lights fade; shouting is heard behind the tabs.
Chris emerges from under the tabs. A spotlight comes up on
CHRIS. Good evening again, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you
have enjoyed the break, we will be resuming this evenings perfor-
mance momentarily I am assured. I… I must say I’m delighted to
see that so many of you have returned for the second act.
Obviously I would be lying if I said the rst act went entirely as
rehearsed, there were one or two minor snags, which you may or
may not have picked up on. But they are snags that you would
expect to see in any production. And this certainly hasn’t been the
worst rst act Cornley Drama Society has seen by some stretch.
Chris gives a hollow laugh.
Just last year due to a casting error Cornley Drama Society had to
present Snow White and the Seven Tall Broad Gentlemen. Anyway—
Chris is interrupted by Trevors/Taylor’s voice over his/her
TREVOR/TAYLOR. (Over radio.) …No, its going quite badly to be
CHRIS. Before we begin again—
TREVOR/TAYLOR. (Over radio.) Yeah, shes still unconscious and
we still can’t nd the dog—
CHRIS. Trevor/Taylor! Before we resume the production one word
of health and safety administration: Could I please ask anyone who
consumed any of the salted nuts available during the intermission
to please seek medical help immediately.
And now I present to you the concluding act of e Murder at
Haversham Manor.
Chris exits . . Spotlight out. Music. e tabs y out, revealing
THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 51THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 51 3/10/2022 5:39:31 PM3/10/2022 5:39:31 PM
chaos as Annie, Max, Robert/Rachel, Dennis/Denise, Jonathan
and the stage crew all rehang the picture, barometer, curtains,
etc. ey see the audience. Chris enters from the . . wing. He/
She gestures ostage and the house tabs y back in.
Beat. e house tabs y back out, revealing Robert/Rachel,
Dennis/Denise, Chris and Annie in their positions from the
end of Act One. Jonathan, Max and the stage crew have
gone. All wall hangings are back in position. Beat.
DENNIS/DENISE. No one could—
All wall hangings crash down to the oor. e cast clear every-
thing into the wings.
No one could have killed him, except for the people who are in this
CHRIS. Good God, youre right, it’s one of us!
All gasp.
ANNIE. (Reads from her script.) is is a disaster.
ROBERT/RACHEL. And its not over yet! Two murders on one
night at Haversham Manor, what a grizzly evening.
ANNIE. Frightful brother/sister, frightful.
DENNIS/DENISE. And look, Mr./Miss Colleymoore, the snowstorm
outside is building.
Max/Stagehand appears in the window and throws snow out.
ROBERT/RACHEL. If were not careful well be snowed into this
slaughterhouse. We must discover the guilty person.
CHRIS. Indeed. e gunshots were heard coming from the library.
I shall investigate the room. All of you remain here.
Chris exits through the . . door. As he/she opens it, Jona-
than is revealed standing in the doorway ready to go on. He
swily moves out of view.
ROBERT/RACHEL. is whole business is a disgrace. Now let us
remind ourselves of what we know.
DENNIS/DENISE. We know that Charles Haversham was found
murdered here, in his own private rooms, on the night of his engage-
ment party.
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ROBERT/RACHEL. We know that his ancée was involved in an
aair with his own brother, Cecil. How could my sister behave in
such a way?
ANNIE. Not now, Thomas/Mary. We know that he too was
murdered on the same eve, in cold blood.
DENNIS/DENISE. e only thing we don’t know is who the
murderer is.
ANNIE. Oh, the tension in this house is…
Annie trips up and drops her script on the oor. e pages of
her script go everywhere. Annie tries to pick up the papers,
but they are all out of order.
Oh, the tension in this house is. Oh, the tension in thi… oh it… oh,
its tense.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Florence. How do you feel now?
ANNIE. (Ad-libs, brightly.) I’m good.
ROBERT/RACHEL. ats dreadful.
ANNIE. (Ad-libs.) Oh dreadful, yes, I want to die!
ROBERT/RACHEL. ats the spirit, Florence.
DENNIS/DENISE. But now, Miss Colleymoore, I must ask you
an important question. Where were you when the murder was
Dennis/Denise mimes the line to her. He/She points down
and mimes drinking a cup of tea. Annie misinterprets.
ANNIE. On the oor with a moustache.
ROBERT/RACHEL. at makes perfect sense. So was I.
Annie reads o the wrong page of the script.
ANNIE. Kiss me a thousand times, I’m yours!
ROBERT/RACHEL. Of course, Florence, thats what brothers/
sisters are for.
DENNIS/DENISE. is is a disaster! And already it’s midnight.
Trevor/Taylor plays a loud clock chime twelve times.
at was most—
THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 53THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 53 3/10/2022 5:39:31 PM3/10/2022 5:39:31 PM
Trevor/Taylor hits the chime again. He/She sees he/she has
confused Dennis/Denise and stops.
…that was most—
Trevor/Taylor hits the chime again and laughs to him/herself.
TREVOR/TAYLOR. (To Dennis/Denise.) Sorry, go on.
Trevor/Taylor hits the chime again. Chris opens the study door.
CHRIS. Trevor/Taylor!
Chris closes the study door.
DENNIS/DENISE. at was most ominous. (Pronounced “omoo-
ROBERT/RACHEL. Ominous indeed.
Chris enters from study, holding a gun.
CHRIS. Colleymoore/Miss Colleymoore, I must speak with you
ROBERT/RACHEL. At once, Inspector.
Other actors stay on even though they should have exited.
CHRIS. I must speak with you, omas/Mary.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Of course, Carter.
CHRIS. Are you sitting comfortably?
ROBERT/RACHEL. Most comfortably, Inspector.
CHRIS. Before we speak, I must check that no one else is in earshot.
ROBERT/RACHEL. No one else is here, Inspector.
Actors scatter, realizing they should have le.
CHRIS. Very well. Colleymoore/Miss Colleymoore, I have found
the weapon that was used to kill Cecil Haversham.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Good Lord, where was it?
CHRIS. In the library, lying on the table. Muzzle warm and the
barrel still smoking.
ROBERT/RACHEL. Someone killed Cecil with this?
CHRIS. Yes, less than half an hour ago.
THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 54THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG (High School Version NEW).indd 54 3/10/2022 5:39:31 PM3/10/2022 5:39:31 PM
Thank you for reading this free sample.
To purchase the full text, or to obtain
performance rights, please visit
Greetings fellow artists and educators! e notes and comments
below are from the pilot version of this edition, from the directors,
actors, and student technicians of e Woodlands High School in
e Woodlands, Texas. With a show this technically demanding
and so dependent on timing, we went through A LOT of trial and
error to gure out how to bring this show from Broadway/the West
End to high school theaters. Hopefully these notes can give you
ideas on how to make your show amazing!
If you ever have any questions about how we did something or
just want to pick our brains, do not hesitate to reach out. We can
email, phone chat or Zoom with you to help out. We loved this
rehearsal process, loved this show and we think it is the perfect way
to bring joy and laughter to your students and audiences.
Matthew Peters ( and Heather Collins
e Woodlands High School eater
General Notes
1. A show within a show is always a challenge for any company.
e best piece of advice we received from the authors of the show
was that for the actors of the Cornley Drama Society this is a drama
and a serious play. Just like any show that you have produced, you
want it to go as well as possible. e same is true for all the Cornley
actors. Do not play for the laughs, but instead let the unfortunate
circumstances (the things that are going wrong), and how the
actors react to them, be the comedy. When things go wrong for
them, it hurts. Keep this in the back of your mind when blocking
and rehearsing for the show. I had this on a Post-it Note on the
front of my script so that I would always see it before rehearsal!
2. When auditioning for the show, we would encourage you to
do some improv games with your students. is show is based on
comedic timing and was created by an improv troupe, Mischief.
ose actors who can understand improv comedy will excel at a
show like this!
Director's Manual.indd 12Director's Manual.indd 12 3/10/2022 6:07:01 PM3/10/2022 6:07:01 PM
3. HAVE FUN! is is a challenging show but dont forget to
have fun with it and let your actors/technicians play. If your cast and
crew are having fun, this show will be one you will never forget!
Rehearsals/Performance Notes
1. We would start every rehearsal with the basic diction and
energy warm-ups, but we encourage bringing in some improv
warm-ups. is will help with that reaction timing needed for a
show like this.
2. Get o book as quickly as possible! is show is dependent
on actors making eye contact and interacting with each other. e
quicker your actors can do that, the stronger your comedic timing
and moments will be.
3. Take a few rehearsals to talk about what brought the character
to the Cornley Drama Society, their acting experience, and the
relationships to one another. Another note from the authors is to
think of this as a junior college company. Figure out the hierarchy of
the company, who has been there the longest, personal relationships,
and what do they want out of this performance and acting company.
is helped us immensely in determining how the actor would react
with a specic scene partner and when things go wrong.
4. Another solid note we received from the authors of the show
is that every actor in Cornley has a performer aw. When things go
wrong, that aw is magnied and we see the cracks in their perfor-
mance and the actor, rather than the character. ink about those
stereotypical actor aws and start there. Find the aw in each
Cornley member and this will help when rehearsing the show.
5. Before every show we would have a gag/ght call; I would
encourage you to do the same. It helped keep it fresh for actors and
technicians and caught any issues from the set being constantly
beat up. See the end of this manual for an example. Aer the gag/
ght call we would then do hair, makeup, and costumes.
Technical Notes
1. Your technicians are essential to make things go “wrong.
e sets and props become a character of their own, and your tech-
nicians are important for that to happen. We had two technicians
who would come onstage to help when needed and would also help
Director's Manual.indd 13Director's Manual.indd 13 3/10/2022 6:07:01 PM3/10/2022 6:07:01 PM
Additional Copyright Information
e right to recreate the West End and Broadway productions of
THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG and/or to promote a
production on the basis that it is a version of those productions
is expressly reserved to the owners of the copyright and
trademark-protected contributions to those productions and
their advertising, specically:
Directions © 2013 Mark Bell & Mischief eatre Ltd.
Set Design © 2013 Nigel Hook
Lighting Design © 2013 Ric Mountjoy
Costume Design © 2013 Roberto Surace
Sound Design © 2013 Andy Johnson
Original Compositions © 2013 Rob Falconer
Falling G Logo
® © 2013 Mischief Worldwide Ltd.
and any incorporation of material elements of such contributions
in a production given under a Dramatists Play Service licence
and without a separate licence to incorporate such contributions
is a breach of this licence and of copyright law.
Advertising and promotion of a production given under this
licence in a way which suggests to the public a connection with
or that the production concerned is a version of the West End
and/or Broadway production by incorporating the Falling G
Logo or other material elements of those productions’ publicity
which may reasonably be expected to create this suggestion in
the public mind is a breach of trade mark and/or other applicable
All such breaches are strictly forbidden.
If in doubt as to whether what you intend to do may be a breach
of the above provisions, you must contact the Play Service before
disseminating the doubtful matters to the public in advertising
or production.
Director's Manual.indd 25Director's Manual.indd 25 3/10/2022 6:07:03 PM3/10/2022 6:07:03 PM
Notice to Professional Licensees Interested in Presenting a
Version of the Tony® Award-winning Broadway and West End
Production of the Play
Without prejudice to the above notice, the above rights and digital
and physical resources to realise the contributions are available on
a basis to suit a wide variety of production capabilities of
professional licensees of the Play upon application to Mischief
Worldwide Ltd. at
Director's Manual.indd 26Director's Manual.indd 26 3/10/2022 6:07:03 PM3/10/2022 6:07:03 PM