Continuation of
Health Coverage
under COBRA
Plan Year 2024
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
is a federal law requiring large employers to oer employees,
their spouses and dependent children an opportunity to continue
employer-sponsored health coverage following termination of
employment or other events that result in loss of eligibility. UC
oers COBRA rights to domestic partners as well. COBRA allows
you to extend your UC health care benets for a limited time by
paying the full cost of the premium.
There may be more cost-eective options available for you and your family than COBRA continuation coverage. These options
include the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid (called Medi-Cal in California), or other group health plans like a spouse’s plan.
Please note, loss of your UC coverage may create a “Special Enrollment Period” for you to enroll in these other types of coverage;
however, you cannot change from COBRA to a Marketplace or group health plan until the next Open Enrollment period, your CO-
BRA coverage runs out, or you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period another way.
You can access the California Health Insurance Marketplace, Covered California, at
You can access another state’s Health Insurance Marketplace at
Table of Contents
How COBRA Works .................................................................. 4
Leave of Absence and COBRA ................................................. 6
Retirement ................................................................................ 7
WEX Health Contact Information ........................................... 8
Important Information ............................................................ 8
Other Important Things to Know about COBRA .................... 8
How COBRA Works
How COBRA Works
When you’re hired, UC provides an initial general notice that
informs you, your spouse, and any dependent children of the
availability of continuation coverage if you and your family mem-
bers become eligible. The notice will be sent by WEX Health,
UC’s COBRA program administrator, and provides additional
information on COBRA, including your rights and obligations
under the law.
To be a “qualied beneciary” eligible for continuation of cover-
age under the COBRA law, you must be an individual enrolled
in a UC group health plan on the day before you experienced a
“qualifying event” that results in a “loss of coverage.”
For the employee:
Your employment ends for any reason other than gross
misconduct, including retirement separation or permanent
Your hours of employment are reduced, including leave of
absence, short work break, and temporary layo, or your
position appointment is changed, resulting in the loss of
benets eligibility.
For the spouse, domestic partner, and dependent children of the
The employee loses employment for any reason other than
gross misconduct, including retirement separation.
The employee experiences a reduction in work hours or
change in appointment resulting in the loss of health care
The employee enrolls in Medicare (Part A, Part B, or both).*
Divorce, legal separation, annulment of marriage or
termination of domestic partnership. Note: You must notify
UC – see below.
Death of the employee.
Dependent child turns 26 years old or legal ward reaches the
age of majority of 18 years old.
*If you are still working and enrolled in a UC-sponsored health insur-
ance, you may delay enrollment in Medicare B. You may qualify for
a “Special Enrollment Period” (SEP)” that will let you sign up for Part
B when you retire or terminate employment.
You must notify the University of California within 60 days of
experiencing divorce, legal separation, annulment or termina-
tion of domestic partnership. You can notify UC within 60 days
of the event by disenrolling your family members from benets
through your online UCPath account to request a COBRA ap-
plication packet. Please note, you may not keep your ineligible
family member on your UC plans.
For all other qualifying events, you do not need to take action;
you will automatically receive a COBRA packet in the mail if you
qualify for COBRA continuation coverage.
Loss of coverage means to cease to be covered under the same
terms and conditions as in eect prior to the qualifying event.
Loss of coverage includes the following:
Termination of coverage.
Loss of the UC employer contribution, such as while on “direct
bill” status.
Reduction in benets level, for example, when a reduction in
time moves an employee from Full to Core benets.
After a qualifying event that results in loss of coverage, COBRA
continuation coverage must be oered to each person who is
a “qualied beneciary.” You, your spouse/eligible domestic
partner, and your dependent children who are enrolled in eligible
plan(s) become qualied beneciaries if coverage under the
plan(s) is lost due to the qualifying event.
When UC is notied of a qualifying event, COBRA continuation
coverage will be oered to each qualied beneciary. Each quali-
ed beneciary has the right to choose COBRA continuation
coverage. Your spouse, domestic partner or child could elect to
enroll in COBRA without you, the employee, remaining on the
Example: If John Doe is on an unpaid leave of absence
(LOA), is enrolled in direct billing, and is paying the full
premium for the dental and vision plans, but only paying
the employee portion for the medical plan, then only the
dental and vision plans are subject to COBRA continua-
tion. The medical plan is not subject to COBRA continua-
tion because there is no “loss of coverage.”
How COBRA Works
You may not continue participation in the Dependent Care FSA through
During a disability extension period, premiums may increase from 102% to
Not making timely COBRA payments does not constitute a qualifying event.
For instance, if your COBRA coverage is terminated due to missed payments,
you cannot use this as a qualifying event to enroll in your spouse’s group health
insurance or the Health Insurance Marketplace. In order to have a Special Enroll-
ment Period, your COBRA maximum coverage period must be exhausted or
another qualifying event must occur (such as starting a new job and becoming
eligible for the employer’s group health insurance). Otherwise, you must wait
until the plan’s open enrollment period to switch to a dierent plan.
If you do not continue coverage under COBRA, you may not keep
your ineligible family members on your UC plans following loss of
coverage. Failure to remove ineligible family members will result
in your liability for any UC costs and plan expenses incurred by
ineligible family members.
Qualied beneciaries may continue coverage under COBRA in
the following UC health plans:
Any medical plan
Dental PPO and HMO
Health Flexible Spending Account (Health FSA)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
WEX Health is UC’s COBRA administrator. If an individual loses
coverage due to a qualifying event, WEX Health will send them a
COBRA election packet in the mail which includes the “COBRA
Specic Rights Notice Letter.”
Instructions for electing COBRA continuation coverage are pro-
vided in the COBRA packet.
COBRA allows you and your eligible family members to maintain
the same health benets as enrolled in at the time of the qualify-
ing event. You can decide whether to continue each plan individu-
ally, such as opting to continue medical coverage while declining
dental and vision plans.
The qualied beneciary has 60 days from their rst day of
COBRA eligibility or the date their COBRA Specic Rights Notice
was mailed, whichever is later, to make their initial COBRA elec-
tions. Failure to make an election within the 60-day window
will result in qualied beneciaries losing their right to con-
tinue health coverage through COBRA.
The qualied beneciary is responsible for paying the full plan
premium (UC’s share and the employee’s share) plus a 2%
administrative fee.
Please note that all plan rates are determined
annually and subject to change on an annual basis.
See current COBRA Rates.
Your rst payment is due no later than 45 days after the date of
your election. You may contact WEX Health to conrm the correct
premiums and plans elected. Please note, you are responsible to
ensure that the amount of your rst payment is correct.
Your ongoing monthly payment is due on the rst day of the
month for that month’s coverage period.
You have a 30-day grace period after the start of each coverage
month to make your payment. If you miss making a monthly pay-
ment before the end of the grace period, you will forfeit all rights
to COBRA continuation coverage under the plan.
It is important
to note that the grace period does not apply to the rst payment.
If you enroll within the 60-day window, your COBRA continuation
coverage begins on the day immediately following the loss of UC-
sponsored employee health coverage due to a qualifying event.
If elected, COBRA continuation coverage can last for the maxi-
mum continuation period outlined in the COBRA Specic Rights
Generally, COBRA continuation coverage is available for up to 18
months if the qualifying event is loss of employment or reduction
in work hours.
If your dependent(s) lose coverage because you divorce, legally
separate, get an annulment, end a domestic partnership or die,
or because the dependent loses eligibility (for example, turns age
26), your dependent generally may continue coverage for up to 36
You may be eligible for an extension of the maximum COBRA
coverage period if you or any other qualied beneciary qualies
for Cal-COBRA, becomes disabled or if a second qualifying event
How to Enroll
Example: If your last day of employment with UC is July 2nd,
your employee health coverage will end on July 31st. Upon
electing continued health coverage under COBRA, your ben-
ets through COBRA will become eective August 1st.
How Cobra Works
Cal-COBRA Extension: California law oers an extension of
COBRA, called Cal-COBRA, for fully-insured (UC Blue & Gold
HMO or Kaiser Permanente) medical plans. Participants enrolled
in the UC Blue & Gold HMO or Kaiser Permanente plans may
qualify for an extension of benets up to a total of 36 months.
Please note that extension of coverage under Cal-COBRA is not
available to individuals enrolled in UC’s self-funded plans (CORE,
UC Care, and the UC Health Savings Plan).
Social Security Disability Extension: If you or any other quali-
ed beneciary in your family was determined to be disabled
by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and meets spe-
cic requirements, all qualied beneciaries in that family are
entitled to an 11-month extension, for a total maximum COBRA
period of 29 months. Even if the disabled qualied beneciary
never elects COBRA or chooses to terminate coverage early, all
other qualied beneciaries in that family who remain eligible
for coverage still qualify for the extension.
The requirements are:
The original qualifying event must be termination of
employment or reduction of hours.
The date of disability (e.g. the date the qualied beneciary
became disabled) as determined by the SSA must be during
the rst 60 days of COBRA or any time prior.
The qualied beneciary must notify WEX of their disability
before the end of the original 18-month COBRA continuation
period, even if COBRA ends earlier than the dates listed
The qualied beneciary must notify WEX of their disability
within 60 days of the following, whichever is latest:
– Date of Notice of Award Letter from SSA
– Date of Qualifying Event
– Date qualied beneciary lost coverage due to qualifying
event (e.g. rst day of COBRA)
– Date of Specic Rights Notice
To apply, you must submit to WEX Health a completed COBRA
Social Security Disability Extension (SSDE) Form along with a
copy of your Notice of Award letter from the SSA.
Second Qualifying Events: A second qualifying event may
include your death, divorce or legal separation, or a dependent
child ceasing to be eligible for coverage under the plan’s deni-
tion of a dependent child (e.g., turning 26 years old). In this case,
the COBRA eligibility period may be extended an additional 18
months, for a total maximum COBRA period of 36 months.
You must notify WEX Health of the second qualifying event
within 60 days of the event.
When you elect COBRA continuation coverage, you will con-
tinue to receive the same health benets you had as an active,
benets-eligible UC employee. Termination of coverage does not
trigger an opportunity to change health plans when you elect
continuation coverage, with one exception: If you lose coverage
due to layo or reduction in time, you may change to the CORE
medical plan if you so choose. In all other situations, you will
need to wait until Open Enrollment to make changes to your
plans or covered family members.
In the event of a qualifying life event such as birth, adoption,
or marriage, you will be given an opportunity to enroll newly
eligible dependents. Contact WEX Health to add newly eligible
family members for the remainder of your COBRA maximum
coverage period.
Your COBRA continuation coverage will terminate before the
end date of the maximum continuation period stated in the
Specic Rights Notice if:
The full premium is not paid on time.
The qualied beneciary becomes covered under another
group health plan.
The qualied beneciary becomes entitled to Medicare
benets (Medicare Part A, B, or both) after electing COBRA
continuation coverage.
During a disability extension, the Social Security
Administration determines that the qualied beneciary is no
longer disabled.
The University of California ceases to provide any group
health plan for its employees.
The type of leave you take determines whether you can continue
active employee health coverage or whether you will need to
consider COBRA continuation coverage or other options.
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) mandates that em-
ployees on Family Medical Leave (FML) maintain their coverage
in any group health plan under the same terms and conditions as
if they had not taken leave. Therefore, employees on unpaid FML
have the option to maintain benets coverage and pay the em-
ployee share of premiums through Direct Billing with UCPath.
Employees on unpaid leaves that are not protected by FMLA
may be required to pay full premium (UC’s share and the em-
ployee’s share) for medical, dental and vision coverage through
Direct Billing.
It is the qualied beneciary’s responsibility to inform WEX Health if they are
deemed no longer disabled.
For inquiries about Direct Billing, please contact UCPath at
1-855-982-7284. Please note, taking a FML is not a COBRA quali-
fying event, but taking an unpaid leave during which you are
required to pay full premium may trigger COBRA eligibility. Fur-
thermore, coverage termination due to failure to remit payment
timely during Direct Billing is not a COBRA qualifying event. For
more information about FML and leave without pay, see:
Family and Medical Leave Fact Sheet
Leave Without Pay Fact Sheet
Retirement is a COBRA qualifying event. When you retire from
the University of California, you will receive a COBRA election
packet in the mail.
If you are eligible for UC retiree health coverage or begin receiv-
ing disability income under University of California Retirement
Plan (UCRP), you may not need COBRA. If you are eligible to
continue your UC coverage under the retiree health program, or
do not otherwise need COBRA continuation coverage, you may
disregard the COBRA notice.
However, if your employee health benets will end in the time
between your separation date and either your retirement date
or the date UCRP disability income is approved, you may need
to continue coverage through COBRA in order to maintain
eligibility for retiree health benets. You must have continuous
coverage to be eligible for retiree health benets. Please consult
with the Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) for
guidance regarding your individual situation.
If you are ineligible for UC retiree health coverage and/or you
elect a UCRP Lump Sum Cashout, you may maintain UC’s health
plans through COBRA.
After you retire and become eligible for Medicare, you must ap-
ply for Medicare to avoid a late enrollment penalty. Even if you
are covered by COBRA, failure to enroll in Medicare will result
in the late enrollment penalty. This is because COBRA coverage
is not considered “coverage due to current employment,” which
means you won’t qualify for a Medicare Special Enrollment
Period (SEP) for Part B enrollment when your COBRA coverage
However, coverage under COBRA may be regarded as credit-
able coverage for Medicare Part D purposes. If an individual has
prescription drug coverage through a COBRA plan classied
as “creditable,” they have a SEP to enroll in a Part D plan after
COBRA coverage ends. All of UC’s non-Medicare medical plans
are deemed creditable for Part D.
If you become eligible for Medicare after you enroll in COBRA,
your medical plan through COBRA must terminate as soon as
you are notied by the Social Security Administration that you
have been approved for Medicare benets. You will receive a
Medicare Notice in the mail by WEX Health prior to turning 65
with instructions on how you can terminate your COBRA medi-
cal coverage. Please note, you can continue dental and vision
coverages under COBRA.
If you have any dependents who are qualied beneciaries, they
may continue to participate in the same group health plan(s)
through COBRA. Dependents may continue coverage through
COBRA for the remainder of their original coverage period (up
to a total of 18 months).
If your Medicare benets were eective prior to your COBRA
election date (retirement date), you may continue both Medicare
and your COBRA continuation coverage. In this case, Medicare
becomes your primary insurance, and the medical plan being
continued through COBRA serves as a secondary insurance.
If you have any dependents who are qualied beneciaries, they
are given an extension of COBRA so that they have a total of 36
months of coverage dating back to the Medicare entitlement
How COBRA Works
Example: You become entitled to Medicare eective
01/01/2024 and then retire eective 11/30/2024. You, your
spouse, and your children remain on the group health plan
until the COBRA qualifying event of retirement. You are not
eligible for UC retiree health benets after retirement.
In this scenario, you are oered 18 months of COBRA start-
ing 12/01/2024. Your spouse and children are oered 25
months of COBRA starting on 12/1/2024, providing them
with a total of 36 months of coverage from your Medicare
entitlement date.
While your maximum COBRA continuation coverage is
through 05/31/2026 (18 months from 12/1/2024), your
spouse and children can continue their health coverage
through 12/31/2026 (36 months from 01/01/2024).
WEX Health
Contact Information
WEX Health Contact Information/Important Information/Other Important Things to Know about COBRA
WEX Health
PO Box 2079
Omaha, NE 68103-2079
You are required to send the COBRA enrollment form and premiums
directly to WEX Health. WEX Health will report eligibility and premi-
ums to your health plan carrier(s).
Important Information
Notice to Terminating Employees - Health Insurance
Premium Payment (HIPP) Program
For Persons Disabled by HIV/AIDS CARE/HIPP Program
FAQs on COBRA Continuation Health Coverage for
Federal COBRA and Cal-COBRA
Medi-Cal Resources
The Health Insurance Marketplace Contact Information
Covered California
Health Insurance Marketplace (outside of CA)
Other Important Things to
Know About COBRA
It is important that you keep WEX Health informed of any
changes in your address, as it may aect your medical plan
service area. In addition, you might miss important plan infor-
mation if WEX Health has an incorrect address.
For information about continuing coverage in plans that are
not eligible for COBRA, please see the Termination of
Employment Benets fact sheet.
If you would like to make an appeal, a written explanation
should be mailed along with any supporting documentation
WEX Health, Inc.
Attention: Appeals
P.O. Box 869
Fargo, ND 58107-0869
Your COBRA Specic Rights Notice letter will include the
above information.
This booklet explains the plan provisions and the policies and rules that govern COBRA. If a conict exists between this booklet and
the UC Group Insurance Regulations, the Group Insurance Regulations govern. The Plan Administrator has the authority to interpret
disputed provisions.
Continuation of
Health Coverage
under COBRA
Plan Year 2024
1505 W5/24
By authority of the Regents, University of California Human Resources,
located in Oakland, administers all benet plans in accordance with
applicable plan documents and regulations, custodial agreements,
University of California Group Insurance Regulations, group insurance
contracts, and state and federal laws. No person is authorized to pro-
vide benets information not contained in these source documents,
and information not contained in these source documents cannot
be relied upon as having been authorized by the Regents. Source
documents are available for inspection upon request (800-888-8267).
What is written here does not constitute a guarantee of plan coverage
or benets—particular rules and eligibility requirements must be met
before benets can be received. The University of California intends to
continue the benets described here indenitely; however, the benets
of all employees, retirees, and plan beneciaries are subject to change or
termination at the time of contract renewal or at any other time by the
University or other governing authorities. The University also reserves the
right to determine new premiums, employer contributions and monthly
costs at any time. Health and welfare benets are not accrued or vested
benet entitlements. UC’s contribution toward the monthly cost of the
coverage is determined by UC and may change or stop altogether, and
may be aected by the state of California’s annual budget appropria-
tion. If you belong to an exclusively represented bargaining unit, some
of your benets may dier from the ones described here. For more
information, employees should contact their Human Resources Oce
and retirees should call the Retirement Administration Service Center
In conformance with applicable law and University policy, the University
is an armative action/equal opportunity employer. Please send inquiries
regarding the University’s armative action and equal opportunity
policies for sta to Systemwide AA/EEO Policy Coordinator, University
of California, Oce of the President, 1111 Franklin Street, Oakland,
CA 94607, and for faculty to the Oce of Academic Personnel and
Programs, University of California, Oce of the President,
1111 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94607.
Chapter Title Chapter Title
Body Copy
Chapter Title
Continuation of
Health Coverage
under COBRA
Plan Year 2024
1505 W5/24
By authority of the Regents, University of California Human Resources,
located in Oakland, administers all benet plans in accordance with
applicable plan documents and regulations, custodial agreements,
University of California Group Insurance Regulations, group insurance
contracts, and state and federal laws. No person is authorized to pro-
vide benets information not contained in these source documents,
and information not contained in these source documents cannot
be relied upon as having been authorized by the Regents. Source
documents are available for inspection upon request (800-888-8267).
What is written here does not constitute a guarantee of plan coverage
or benets—particular rules and eligibility requirements must be met
before benets can be received. The University of California intends to
continue the benets described here indenitely; however, the benets
of all employees, retirees, and plan beneciaries are subject to change or
termination at the time of contract renewal or at any other time by the
University or other governing authorities. The University also reserves the
right to determine new premiums, employer contributions and monthly
costs at any time. Health and welfare benets are not accrued or vested
benet entitlements. UC’s contribution toward the monthly cost of the
coverage is determined by UC and may change or stop altogether, and
may be aected by the state of California’s annual budget appropria-
tion. If you belong to an exclusively represented bargaining unit, some
of your benets may dier from the ones described here. For more
information, employees should contact their Human Resources Oce
and retirees should call the Retirement Administration Service Center
In conformance with applicable law and University policy, the University
is an armative action/equal opportunity employer. Please send inquiries
regarding the University’s armative action and equal opportunity
policies for sta to Systemwide AA/EEO Policy Coordinator, University
of California, Oce of the President, 1111 Franklin Street, Oakland,
CA 94607, and for faculty to the Oce of Academic Personnel and
Programs, University of California, Oce of the President,
1111 Franklin Street, Oakland, CA 94607.