Welcome to 7
grade Math class!!
We hope you had an enjoyable summer!
Be prepared to challenge yourself
and be an active learner.
Items needed for class EVERY DAY:
*pencils ONLY! *calculator (TI84+ CE)
*Composition Notebook 8.5”x11” graph paper *Planner
*homework folder *glue sticks
*pouch (for dry erase markers, glue sticks, pencil sharpener, erasers)
It is your responsibility to bring your supplies to class each day. Your notebook will be
your lifeline ~ it will contain board questions, journal writing, notes & activities.
Math is a building process and will get progressively harder, which is why
it is important to establish a strong foundation EARLY in the year. This
necessitates doing ALL homework to the best of your ability and keeping up with
the pace. All homework is due before that unit’s test. If you are absent, it is
YOUR responsibility to copy notes the returning day. Excused absences will
allow the same number of days plus 1 day i.e. 2 days to make up assignment(s) if
you are absent one day, 3 days for 2 absences, etc.
Homework is to be completed on its due date at the beginning of class. It
is the expectation that all homework be completed and turned in on time. If you
are having difficulties in a certain chapter or concept, please use all possible resources.
Homework assignments are posted in Google classroom; just check the agenda for that day.
Your code is 622wctx (Part 1 Pre-Algebra with Mrs. Nally)
Your code is wlkahhh (Pre-Algebra with Mrs. Nally)
Your code is a7h4ken (for Algebra with Mrs. Lamoreux)
Students and parents should regularly check Infinite Campus where grades are posted at
least every week. Report cards will be given every 12 weeks and students will have a fresh
start! Please contact Sue Bierens if you need help logging onto IC.
There are two categories for grades: effort and knowledge. Knowledge will be based
solely on the level of learning demonstrated by a student on in-class, individual forms of
assessments or projects with individual accountability.
Effort (homework, classwork): 20% of total grade
Knowledge Summative (tests): 45% of total grade
Knowledge Formative 30% of total grade
(quizzes, exit slips, projects, transfer tasks, open response questions),
Final Exam 5% of total grade
Full credit is given for homework assignments completed on-time, and partial credit for
assignments late or incomplete. The grading scale is as follows:
A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 U below 70
Retakes for Quizzes <80%: Students will have ONE week upon return of their quiz to retake
it. The highest grade of any retake is 80%. Only quizzes can be retaken.
REQUIREMENTS of a retake:
1. Parent signature at the top of the original quiz.
2. Corrections must be correct, with work shown on another sheet of paper.
3. Corrections & the Quiz are turned in at the time of the retake after school/Anchor T.
4. Additional work may be required to ensure understanding of the concept.
Stay informed:
There will be at least one day’s notice for quizzes and two day’s notice for tests. Notices about
assessments and other reminders will be sent as a text/email and/or on Remind. Both students
and parents should log in to this free service! Parents, when prompted, please enter your name
with your child’s name in parentheses.
To sign up for text message reminders for this class:
To: 81010
Text message: @class26Pr1 (7th grade Part 1 Pre-Algebra)
@class26Pre (7th grade Pre-Algebra)
@class26Alg (7th grade Algebra)
Resources to help:
1. S.N.O.T. (Self, Neighbor, Other resources, teacher)
2. www.Khanacademy.com is a great resource.
3. Search online for the topic. Try www.youtube.com & type in content tutorials.
4. www.ixl.com has great sample problems that match our curriculum.
5. Ask for help from parents, siblings, and/or friends.
6. Stay after school for help. Please let me know ahead of time.
If at ANY time you or your parent(s) have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email
or call us.
Mrs. Beth Nally Mrs. Judy Lamoreux Mr. Steve Stewart
502-245-2121 x. 106 502-245-2121 x. 105 502-245-2121 x. 109