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The Children
Act 1989 (‘The
Convention on
Human Rights
PA cases to help with
Applications for
his is a less risky strategy than applying for change of
Most courts will give most absent parents contact, unless
there are serious allegations against the TP. This, indeed, is
why serious allegations are routinely made against absent
parents, that range from allegations of mental instability
and sexual promiscuity (standardly made against absent
mothers) to allegations of physical or sexual abuse (usually
made against fathers). They don’t stop there. Allegations of
rape, paedophilia and serial murder are not unknown and
there is even one case at least where an allegation was made
of cannibalism! Needless to say, by now we hope, all of
these allegations are groundless and are eventually shown
to be so. But in the meantime, you get no contact…
Courts are conservative. They like to go with the ‘no order’
principle, which, stated alternatively means ‘if in doubt, do
nowt’. If there is any doubt that you might be violent or
something of that kind, some courts may, without any
evidence, order no contact…for the moment…just to be on
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– publishing
the ‘safe’ side. But is it ‘safe’ to leave the child with a
sadistic narcissist?!
The problem with PA cases is that time is our enemy. The
longer the case goes on, the longer the child does not see
you, the deeper the alienation gets. Alienators know this.
Judges must know this too, as you will see from cases like re
S, and re A. And yet many simply stand by and watch it
Another reason to advocate this approach is our observation
made elsewhere, that courts can order whatever they like,
regardless of what the parties want, if another course of
action is in the best interests of the child. In other words,
you can apply for contact, convince the court that PA is
present and the court may order a TRO (Transfer of
Residence Order). Don’t hold your breath on that one
The Case Law
Re T (A Child) [2002] EWCA Civ 1736
A case of a child, T, who was clearly alienated against his
The child’s feelings switched from (according to his father)
this: “The last time I had seen JW — that is 4th July — he
had been hugging and kissing me and telling me how much
he loved and missed me” to this “When I tried to speak to
JW in the car park he told me I was a liar, was drunk all the
time and that nobody liked me. He told me never to call him
The relationship between the father and the child was fine
until the father and the mother fell out.
“…the judge failed to make a finding or sufficiently reasoned
finding on alienation by the mother or to make it clear that
he was not making such a finding”
The father was granted permission to appeal.
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M (CHILDREN) [2005] EWCA Civ 1090
“This is an appeal which has caused the
court considerable anxiety. It is another of
the apparently intractable disputes over
contact that, in this case, teenage children
should have with the absent parent. In
many ways the story is ultimately familiar,
save that in this case the absent parent is
the mother, not the father.”
The case involved two children aged 15 and 13.
The mother was accused of harming the children physically,
and of being mentally unwell and unfit, as well as trying to
‘abduct’ one of the children, an accusation described as “a
flagrant mischaracterisation of what took place” and “a
monster misunderstanding all round, with extremely
unfortunate consequences so far as these children are
These allegations weem only to have arisen when the father
had undertaken a relationship with another woman – the
A welfare officer concluded “… I have no doubt that there
has been no encouragement at all over the past two and a
half years by the father and stepmother to see her [the
mother] in a more positive light, rather than the reverse.
The children were completely unaware that their mother
had been sending them cards at regular intervals despite the
father’s avowal to the contrary.”
The trial judge ordered that the M was to have indirect
contact, quarterly. The children remained “implacably
hostile” to the idea of contact with M. There was “no
attempt on father’s part to alter this extreme mind-set”.
Ward LJ observed
“Here it seems to me the judge has fallen
into error. True it is that these are children
whose views ordinarily carry great
weight, but we have to bear in mind not
only their age, but their understanding.
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Their understanding in this case is
corrupted by the malignancy of the views,
with which they have been force-fed over
many years of their life, until so blinded by
them that they cannot see the truth either
of their mother’s good qualities or of the
good it will do them to have some contact
with her”
“There is, it seems to me, a further error in
the judge’s approach. He has
acknowledged the harm these children are
suffering and will continue to suffer and he
has acknowledged (with the benefit of
hindsight, true) the failings of the court
properly to have dealt with that problem. I
am afraid I am critical of that failure. I
have recited the history and it does not
bear much repetition, but having allowed
two years of relief from mother’s direct
pressure, that period expired in October
2000, that was the time to be more
robustly interventionist, to ensure that the
court delivered what the father promised
to deliver, but failed to deliver, namely a
change in attitude”
The court should leave no stone unturned in trying to
restore the children’s relationship with M – it should not
stand by and do nothing. The M’s appeal was allowed, and
the matter was transferred to a High Court Judge.
G (A CHILD) [2006] EWCA Civ 348
The principle outlined in the previous case was again
stressed here – no stone should be left unturned in trying to
keep the relationship between a child and its parents.
The trial judge had rejected F’s application for direct
contact. CAFCASS had supported no contact because, when
considering the stress of the proceedings on the child,
“enough was enough”. M had alleged that F had been
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‘harassing’ her. A clear case of an alienated child denied
contact with F. F appealed.
Appeal allowed, and a further assessment ordered.
Re P (Children) [2008] EWCA Civ 1431, [2009] 1 FLR 1056
The trial judge ordered no direct contact for F. He
appealed. The children were aged 10 and 12. The trial judge
was critical of M saying
“Her unilateral action in thwarting contact
has not helped, and her insistence upon the
involvement of the Domestic Violence
Intervention Project may not be the
panacea that she thinks it is.”
But the judge rejected F’s assertion that M was
systematically alienating the child. The social worker
recommended therapy for both parents, an option that the
trial judge did not consider adequately.
F’s appeal was allowed and a retrial ordered.
Burgess v Stokes [2009] EWCA Civ 548
This was an appeal from M who has persistently disobeyed
court orders and had been ordered to be committed to
prison for contempt. F indicated that he did not wish to
resist M’s appeal, who had a baby of three moths of age,
which she was breast-feeding. Although
“The days are long gone when mothers can
assume that their role as carers of children
protects them from being sentenced to
immediate terms of imprisonment for
clear, repeated and deliberate breaches of
contact orders.”
The CA nevertheless allowed M’s appeal.
IN THE MATTER OF D (Children) [2010] EWCA Civ 496
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This case involved two boys aged 12 and 9. F had been
found by a Circuit Judge to have sexually abused their half-
sister, something F consistently denied. On this basis, M
said that F should not be allowed to see his sons, and that
this prohibition should extend to F’s parents who M feared
would facilitate further abuse.
Dr Hamish Cameron was the expert.
“The judge found on advice from perhaps
the most distinguished experts in the
country when it comes to child and
adolescent psychiatry, one of them
certainly Dr Hamish Cameron, and a first
rate NYAS guardian, Mrs Val Proven, that
the children were effectively living a lie.
They were being forced by their mother’s
obsessional beliefs to satisfy her, to please
her and to accept what she believed even
though they did not believe it themselves.
The consequence was that when Dr
Cameron, who is a very moderate man,
came to consider all the evidence he
concluded, without hesitation, and he used
the phrase and I have queried it because I
was surprised that a man of Dr Cameron’s
moderation would use it, but when he had
a conversation with Mrs Proven about the
case on 31 October 2008 he used these
“Dr Cameron and Mrs Proven consider
that abandoning [T] to the pressures of his
mother’s belief system would run a real
risk of distorting and warping his
psychological development so profoundly
that in his adult years, he could be
emotionally crippled and unable to form
trusting relationships with others.”
A psychiatrist of Dr Cameron’s distinction does not say
those words lightly and everyone in this court should listen
to them carefully and reflect.
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The trial judge ordered that the children live with the
paternal grandparents, and M appealed.
The CA, (Wall LJ) said:
“The idea that these children should regard
their grandparents as effectively ogres
who are likely to facilitate and connive
them being abused by their father is
fanciful and absurd and I do not give it
credence for one moment” and M “has
inflicted on these children a belief system
which, in the words of the consultant
psychiatrist, might well involve them
becoming emotional cripples.”
M denied permission to appeal, the children to remain with
the paternal grandparents.
In the Matter of the L-W Children [2010] EWCA Civ 1253
The resident parent in this case was F. F appealed against
enforcement orders made against him for failing to comply
with court orders. The appeals were granted.
The trial judge had observed that this case involved PA.
There were two children, a girl, ‘E’, aged 9 and M, a boy,
10. M lived with F and E with M.
The court had to rule on M having contact with her son, and
E with her father. F was not cooperating with contact, and
breached court orders six times and was sentenced to 28
days in prison for each infraction. F was obviously
alienating M from his mother, and M was using
inappropriately sophisticated language to express his
“The social worker, Mr Stevens then talked
to M about the contact that was due to take
place on 14 July 2010:
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“M told me he would not go to see his
mother, at which time I reminded him the
Court expects his father to ensure he does
attend. M replied ‘I don’t care’. M told me
he did not feel his mother was being ‘co-
Whatever view I might ultimately have
come to in the absence of that report, its
very worrying contents to my mind quite
plainly tip the balance heavily against
Sedley LJ said this in allowing F’s appeal:
“If, as happened here and must happen in a
good many cases, the judge legitimately
forms the view that it is the father who is
obstructing contact by transmitting to the
child his hostility towards the mother, the
judge may well make a coercive order
against the father. From that point the
judicial die is cast: subject to accidents,
failures of contact will be the father’s fault,
and punishment will if necessary follow.
But this paradigm of fault omits something
which may well be, or become, critical –
the child’s own feelings and attitude. Even
if, as Judge Caddick strongly sensed, it was
from the father that the boy had picked up
not only his view of the mother but the
vocabulary in which he was expressing it,
by the time committal was on the agenda it
was very plainly the boy’s own refusal
which was impeding contact.”
He goes on to say:
“There are at least two morals. One is that
before deciding that a parent is the author
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of a child’s resistance to contact and so can
be made the subject of a coercive order, the
court needs also to be sure that the parent,
by one acceptable means or another, can
still reverse the child’s attitude. The other is
that even then a court, despite the affront
to its dignity, may have to be prepared, if it
comes to the point of committal, to accept
that the predictive premise on which it
initially acted has turned out to be wrong:
that, for example, the child has internalised
the custodial parent’s hostility, so that
punishing the parent can no longer
produce the intended outcome and may
produce its opposite.”
This, then, is a case where all judges, at upper and lower
levels, recognise the alienation of the child, but nevertheless
refuse to punish the alienator.
D vs H 2011] EWHC 3521 (Fam)
A clear case of alienation, albeit less malignant perhaps than
some. Hedley J observed:
“The second thing to say is that the child’s
undoubted superficial opposition to contact
provides a convenient cloak at the present
time behind which the mother can shelter
her concerns about contact. I do not believe
that she has deliberately manipulated E’s
views to those which that child now
expresses but, on the other hand, I have no
doubt whatever that she not only has
strong views against contact but that she
does not mind who knows those views. It is
beyond question, in my judgment, that E
has fully absorbed not just the views but
the force with which they are held and that
the mother’s attitude and the mother’s
making clear to E that contact was in fact
a matter for her choice amounts in practice
to an implicit encouragement to resist
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I do not think that those views are
maliciously formed, nor do I believe that
they are maliciously perpetrated, but I do
believe that they are obstinately held and
obstinately persisted in, irrespective of the
impact that has on E herself. The mother’s
present views remain deeply entrenched
but – and this is an important ‘but’ – I
think it is probable that if the child were to
be of the view that she, E, would like
contact, the mother’s opposition would not
in fact go so far as to overrule the child’s
expressed wishes. I say that not just
because that is what the mother said to me
but because I suspect that is what has
happened once before in this family, and it
seems to me that is something that the
court ought to take on board.”
Of the expert, Dr Berelowitz, the judge said this:
25. “I had the advantage of hearing the
evidence of Dr Berelowitz, a
distinguished consultant child and
adolescent psychiatrist who has
considerable experience of the cases
that come before this court. He had a
number of observations to make
which were of some importance. In
particular, he heard of the child’s
opposition to contact but had two
particular observations to make
about that. First, the child had said
on one occasion that she may never
see her father again, and he detected
more wistfulness than determination
in that expression of view. Secondly,
he said that he could find no
objectively comprehensible reason for
the child’s opposition. The child had
expressed as a ground the fact that
the father had threatened on one
occasion to ‘knock mummy out’.
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According to Judge Harris’ findings,
the father had indeed done that in
December of 2007. The difficulty with
it being a comprehensible reason for
objection is the reaction of the child in
contact in April 2008, and Dr
Berelowitz’s view was not that this
child was merely parroting other
views but that he could, nevertheless,
not discern any, as I say, objectively
comprehensible reason for her
26. The second set of views expressed by
Dr Berelowitz which are of
importance in this case was this. He
said that although the experience of
being caught up in conflict of this sort
was always harmful to a child, and
that E was no exception in that
regard, nevertheless, there was not
the evidence one might expect to find
had significant emotional harm been
inflicted on E by it, and, accordingly,
this is not a case in which the court
can or should resort to the assistance
of the local authority. Moreover, said
Dr Berelowitz, some further attempt
to effect contact would not produce
significant harm. It will, of course, be
harmful but that the harm that might
be suffered is a harm that would be
more than offset by the advantages of
a renewal of contact.
27. The third thing that Dr Berelowitz
said of importance was this. He
thought that it was too early to
abandon the quest for contact
because the benefits of contact, as he
saw them, merited some further
attempt being made in that direction.
What he did say, however, was that
he was not the right person to effect
that, this was not the task of a child
and adolescent psychiatrist but was
the task of a psychologist, or, as the
Guardian said, it was a pure social
work task. I think that is a correct
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assessment and I acknowledge that
Dr Berelowitz probably has nothing
more to contribute at this stage to
this case.
28. It has to be said, in fairness to the
parties, that Dr Berelowitz’s evidence
did rather read as though he was
saying that no attempt at all should
be made to further contact in this
case, but that was clearly not his
intention, as became manifest at a
very early stage of his oral evidence.
He was asserting that he had nothing
further to contribute, not that there
was nothing further to be done.”
Of the Guardian, the judge commented as follows
“The Guardian’s view is that the mother
has throughout done all that she can to
make contact difficult and that the way of
addressing the position in which
everybody now finds themselves is
fundamentally an issue of social work
rather than medicine. I accept that the
reasons for these endless difficulties over
contact, and everything associated with
contact, are for the most part, though not
quite exclusively, to be ascribed to the
mother, but, as I indicated, that is not as a
result of malice but is the result of an
obstinate determination to see through
what she thinks is right in this case”
The Court ordered further professional guidance, and for
the parties to consult and come up with a plan for contact.
Not a helpful judgement at all, given the findings that M was
being obstructive over contact.
W (Children) [2012] EWCA Civ 999
Two children, 6 and 9. F alienated, but M had concerns that
were not without foundation about F’s temper. But F had
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addressed those issues and his demeanour improved
markedly. F now gave evidence calmly and
“I found F’s account to be an honest one,
and his beliefs genuinely held”.
M broke down in the witness box and the judge found
causes for concern in her evidence. McFarlane LJ
“Finally I would refer to the pithy, but
nonetheless correct, distillation of this
approach in the judgment of Ward LJ in Re
P (Children) [2008] EWCA Civ
1431, [2009] 1 FLR 1056 at paragraph 38
where it was said that “contact should not
be stopped unless it is the last resort for the
judge” and (paragraph 36) until “the judge
has grappled with all the alternatives that
were open to him”.
F’s appeal was allowed. The judge had not ´grappled with
all the alternatives that were open to her´ when refusing to
order direct contact. A retrial was ordered before a different
F (Children) [2015] EWCA Civ 1315
A case of an alienated M. F had alleged that she was having
an affair with one of her step-children, but the trial judge
indicated that
“There is almost literally no evidence to
support that proposition … [the father] has
built a sand castle out of nothing, it seems
to me.”
F did not engage with the court process. McFarlane LJ
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Please use our
Contact form.
New Research
shows Fathers to
in the world of
‘the family’
Legal Aid, and
Public Law vs
“I am therefore entirely persuaded, albeit
with a heavy heart, that this judicial
process was wholly inadequate for the
important issue before the court relating to
E´s future contact with her mother. The
appeal must succeed. The outcome must be
that the case now needs rehearing before a
different judge. Having made inquiries, for
my part I would direct that the case be
referred to be heard by the local designated
family judge, His Honour Judge Peter
Green, in either Peterborough or
A Guardian was appointed because:
“There is a need for E to have a separate
voice in these proceedings, other than a
voice through her father.”
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Private Law
Section 31 (2)
Children Act
1989, and the
meaning of
Cases…Who’s in
NEWS and
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