555 West Monroe Street, 8th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60661 (888) 473-4858 TTY (866) 325-4949
320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor Springfield, Illinois 62786 (888) 473-4858 TTY (866) 325-4949
Medical Cannabis Agent Identification Card Maintenance
for 281,282,283 Licensees
For Medical and Same Site Cannabis Dispensaries*
(*Dispensaries with both Medical and Adult Use licenses at the same location)
FAQs for new license applicants, click here.
1. When does my agent identification card (license) expire?
All agent identification cards expire one year after issuance.
2. Can I let my agent identification card lapse?
No, your agent identification card must either be renewed or terminated.
3. How does the Department define termination of an employee?
Employee termination includes: an agent’s resignation, termination from the company, or
any other status where the employee is no longer working at the physical location of the
dispensary where their agent identification card is linked to that 280.dispensary license. If
the employee is terminated from the organization, the employee’s unexpired card must be
mailed back within five (5) business days after the employee’s termination to the Illinois
Department of Financial & Professional Regulation - Medical Cannabis Section 555
W. Monroe. 8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60661. All expired credentials must be destroyed
by the dispensing organization.
4. Termination of an Agent’s Identification Card vs. Employee Termination, what is the
difference? Agent identification card termination may not directly relate to your
employment status with your company. An employee who works at the physical location
of the dispensary where the 280. license is held, the employee is required to have an
active agent identification card linking them to that dispensary or ownership group. If an
employee stops working at the physical location of the dispensary where the 280. license
is held and continues to work for the company remotely, in another state or corporate
office, the employee’s credential must either be terminated or renewed. The employee’s
agent identification card cannot be in a lapsed status. Late fees and other penalties will
be assessed if not timely renewed for each agent identification card.
Acting Secretary
Acting Director
555 West Monroe Street, 8th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60661 (888) 473-4858 TTY (866) 325-4949
320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor Springfield, Illinois 62786 (888) 473-4858 TTY (866) 325-4949
5. I received a promotion as Agent in Charge (AIC), what happens to my agent
identification card?
When you apply for your AIC (282) card, that does not replace your Agent (283) card. You
can either terminate the Agent card or timely renew the Agent card. Agent applications
can be found here: https://ilesonline.idfpr.illinois.gov/DFPR/Default.aspx.
6. If a Principal Officer terminates their employment with their organization, what
happens to their agent identification card?
The Principal Officer must submit a letter of resignation before their agent identification
card is terminated. Please send an official, signed letter of resignation to
FPR.MedicalCannabis@illinois.gov or mail to the Illinois Department of Financial &
Professional Regulation - Medical Cannabis Section 555 W. Monroe. 8th Floor,
Chicago, IL 60661.
7. Do I need to mail back my agent identification card to the Department?
The active agent identification card must be returned to the dispensary and the dispensary
is responsible for mailing the card back to the Department at: Illinois Department of
Financial & Professional Regulation - Medical Cannabis Section 555 W. Monroe St.
8th Floor, Chicago, IL 60661 .All expired credentials must be destroyed by the
dispensing organization.
8. If I transfer to another position within my company, what should I do with my
dispensary agent identification card?
If you transfer to another position within your organization and you will no longer work on
site at the licensee 280.dispensary, you must terminate or timely renew your credential.
Late fees and other penalties will be assessed if not timely renewed for each agent
identification card.
9. If I apply for an Adult Use agent identification card, what should I do with my Medical
Cannabis agent identification card?
You can apply for an Adult Use agent identification card; however, your new Adult Use
agent identification card does not replace your Medical Cannabis agent identification card.
You can either terminate the Medical Cannabis agent identification card or renewal the
Medical Cannabis agent identification card timely.
10. Can I have more than agent identification card type for my organization?
Yes, you can have all three types of agent identification cards (281,282,283) for your
organization, however 283 agents should not hold more than one of the same type of card
for your organization. Late fees and other penalties will be assessed if not timely renewed
for each agent identification card.
555 West Monroe Street, 8th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60661 (888) 473-4858 TTY (866) 325-4949
320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor Springfield, Illinois 62786 (888) 473-4858 TTY (866) 325-4949
11. Can I have more than one agent identification card type for different
Yes, you can have multiple agent identification cards (281,282,283) for other registered
dispensing organizations, however, you must be an active employee for each card and
should not hold more than one of the same type of card for each organization. If you
terminate employment at one dispensing organization, you must terminate that agent
identification card(s) before you obtain a new agent identification card with another
dispensing organization.
12. What happens to current agent identification cards as a result from merging
organizations or through acquisition?
Once the ownership has changed in our licensing system, all agent identification cards
between organizations must be managed. You can terminate duplicate active 283 cards
that can be used across the organization and confirm all 281 and 282 credentials. If the
agent identification card is not terminated, late fees and other penalties will be assessed
if not timely renewed for each agent identification card.
13. How should Multi State Operators (MSOs) handle license maintenance in Illinois?
Some owners are MSOs where there are employees working in multiple states. If an
employee stops working at the physical location in Illinois where the 280. license is held
and continues to work for the company remotely, in another state or corporate office, the
employee’s credential must either be terminated or renewed. The employee’s agent
identification card cannot be in a lapsed/expired status. Late fees and other penalties will
be assessed if not timely renewed for each agent identification card.
14. Does active PERC licensed security personnel require to be registered agents?
For Same Site dispensaries only: No, security personnel can access all areas including
the restricted areas within a 284. dispensing organization. 410 ILCS 705/15-25(d)(11)(B).
A 284. dispensing organization must contract with a private security contractor that is
licensed under Section 10-5 of the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security,
Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004 to provide on-site security at all hours of
the dispensary's operation 410 ILCS 705/15-70(m).
Currently, this does not apply to 280. dispensing organizations. Within a 280. dispensing
organization, if security personnel require access to all areas within the dispensary, they
would need to register to be a licensed agent. If your security personnel receive an agent
identification card, they will be required to timely renew. Late fees and other penalties will
be assessed if not timely renewed for each agent identification card.
DISCLAIMER: The above questions and answers are provided for general information only and may not be completely accurate
in every circumstance, do not purport to be legal advice, and are not intended to be legally binding on the Department in a
particular case. Questions involving interpretation of the law and your legal rights and obligations should be addressed to your