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Progression Tip: Trips and outdoor experiences are based on progression and youth readiness. Follow
the guidelines in this checklist and in the online training to ensure your Girl Scout travels are a success!
Planning: 2-6 months before traveling with youth. For longer and farther trips, it can take 9-12 months.
ermine what skills, readiness, or experience Girl Scouts might need to gain before the trip.
Discuss logistics of the trip (why, who, what, where, when, and how to get there).
Consider options and make tentative decisions based on interest, costs, and feasibility.
termine trip budget, including funding source (troop funds, family contributions, is it
necessary to earn money first?). Use the Trip & Outdoor Budget Planning Tool
Set up a planning timeline.
Begin fitting trip preparations into on-going troop activities. Explore related badge work.
Recruit necessary adult chaperones and inform families with general trip info (date, cost, etc).
Complete your required training in gsLearn
. Troop Leaders should complete a New Troop
Learning Path option, then take the 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor learning path when they are
ready to venture out. Other required roles with training include, the Trip & Outdoor Advisor,
Troop Chaperone/Helper, Troop First Aider, and Troop Driver (if transporting youth). You can
find all available Role Learning Paths in the Content Library.
Enlist an appropriate First Aid/CPR/AED trained adult.
eview Volunteer Essentials: Safety-Wise for adult supervision and transportation standards.
Identify qualified drivers and chaperones. Ensure their background check and membership are
current, and they have completed the 636 Troop Driver and/or 636 Troop Chaperone/Helper
learning path in gsLearn. You can have them print out their Achievements Report from gsLearn.
Review the Safety Activity Checkpoints. Are Safety Activity Checkpoints written for the activity?
Share them with vendors, parents, and youth, as appropriate.
Develop an Eme
rgency Management Plan and review Volunteer Essential: Safety-Wise:
Emergencies, Accidents and Incidents and share with all.
Assemble a first aid kit. Reference the Anatomy of First Aid Kit.
fine purpose of trip, money-earning projects, trip schedule, equipment needed, meals and
snacks, who will bring what, how the troop will travel, etc.
1. Mission, purpose and program quality
2. Money, timeline, and responsibilities
3. Training and safety
4. Clarify details
Trip & Outdoor
Planning Checklist
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Submit the online Trip or High-Adventure Approval Form before any non-refu
ndable plans are
made and at least:
o 2 weeks before
in-state trips and events
o 6-12 weeks before out-of-state trips and events
o 6-12 months before international trips and events
Submit contracts or agreements, if needed, on your Trip or High-Adventure Approval Form.
Begin confirmations, payments, and accumulation of the following, after approval:
Paperwork listed in Paperwork section
Reservations with venue or vendors
Transportation details (drivers, train passes, bus tickets, etc.)
alize itinerary and budget.
Purchase and pack meals, snacks, and equipment.
Review safety plans and rules to be followed (team agreements, Kapers, patrols).
Orient families to the trip.
Connect with the Risk Management Department
to ensure your Tr
ip or High-Adventure
Approval Form is approved.
Verify Girl He
alth History Forms and Adult Health History Forms are up-to-date (must be
dated/signed within 2 months of any overnight activity).
Verify Activ
ity/Event Permission Forms are signed.
Verify Troop Driver forms are completed/updated.
Assemble Trip Folders for each driver.
Share reservation and transportation copies, receipts, maps, etc. with drivers.
Obtain additional insurance
, members without insurance (Plan 3P), out-of-state tri
ps (Plan 3E),
or international trips (3PI)
Download the Accident/Injury Report Form, Incid
ent Report Form, Media Information Sheet,
and Mutual of Omaha Claim Form.
Download the Council Emergency Plan and Emergency Cards and share with troop
details and caregiver contact info, give to at-home emergency contact person.
Double-check lodging and transportation arrangements; check for road closures and weather.
Provide final reminders to youth and families.
5. Girl Scout approval
7. Paperwork
8. Confirm details
6. Finalize details and logistics
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ave fun!
Follow established rules.
Stay with your buddy.
Be flexible!
aluate and debrief with the youth and adults who participated (may be 2 conversations).
Share stories of success with families; let them know of any challenges you faced.
Keep evaluation and debrief notes in troop records.
Celebrate your success. Give out earned badges or patches that were part of the trip/outdoo
Gather receipts, tally expenses, and manage reimbursements.
Log income and expenses in a detailed financial report to share with youth, caregivers, and
oop Treasurer.
Learn from your experience and start planning your next adventure!
oop Leaders and Trip and Camp Advisors should take the appropriate training for the activities they
will be doing with youth. The 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor learning path should be completed by both
the Troop Leader and the Trip/Camp Advisor and is a prerequisite to our other Trip & Outdoor Advisor
courses. Our menu of training options is designed with progression in mind, so that you can learn the
information you need for the types of trips and outdoor activities you will be doing with youth. You can
find all available courses and learning paths on gsLearn
Please note: Each leader/advisor does not need to take all the courses. Course completions can be
shared between 2 or more roles, so long as they complete the courses required for the activity.
Depending on the roles in your troop, at least one adult who will be planning and attending the trip will
need to complete the required training for the activities you will be doing.
For example, when you are ready for your first indoor overnight where youth will cook indoors,
the Trip Advisor could complete the Trip & Outdoor Advisor Learning Path, Sleep in, and Cook In
courses. However, when you are ready for your first outdoor sleep out with a campfire, your
Camp Advisor could complete the Trip & Outdoor Advisor Learning Path, Campfire, and Sleep
Out courses. So long as both the Trip and Camp Advisors will be planning and attending the trip,
one person does not have to complete all training.
9. Travel time! Let’s Go!
10. Debrief and wrap up paperwork
Required Training
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636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor Learning Path
Before you leave your regular meeting location for a local field trip, day trip. This course is also required
before all other Trip & Outdoor Advisor courses.
636 GSNorCal Mandated Reporter Biennial Course In compliance with California's AB506
law, all volunteers must complete child abuse and neglect mandatory reporter training, every 2
636 GSNorCal Mandated Reporter Annual Acknowledgment Electronic signature that must be
completed each year.
636 Getting Started as the Trip & Outdoor Advisor Course Become a Trip and Outdoor
Advisor by taking advantage of the variety of training opportunities for you to prepare for a safe
and fun travel & outdoor experience with your Girl Scouts.
636 Safety-Wise Course Learn about your responsibilities to supervise Girl Scouts and keep
them safe by following GSNorCal Safety Guidelines. Learn about adult-to-girl supervision ratios,
safety activity checkpoints, safety forms, when a first aider/first aid kit is needed, GSNorCal’s
emergency management plan/protocols, and more! This training must be completed before
adults supervise Girl Scouts as part of the adult-to-girl supervision ratios.
636 Planning for Trips & Outdoor Activities Course Before venturing outdoors, volunteers are
required to have the knowledge and experience to lead a safe and positive travel & outdoor
experience. This course will provide all the basics for planning a trip or outdoor activity with
your troop.
Trip & Outdoor Courses
Trip & Outdoor Advisors must also take the following individual courses based on the activities they will
be doing. Check out the Trip & Outdoor Advisor Matrix for more information.
636 Cook In Course Type: Online
Activity Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor
Required: Before youth use knives or prepare a snack or meal indoors. Learn the skills you’ll need to
teach Girl Scouts how to plan, budget, shop, and prepare their own meal.
636 Sleep In Course Type: Online
Activity Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor
Required: Before planning an indoor overnight for 1-2 nights at an indoor facility with indoor plumbing
and electricity. Learn the skills you’ll need to guide youth as they plan, budget, prepare, and pack for
their indoor overnight experience.
636 Campfire Course Type: Online
Activity Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor 636 Cook In
Required: Before you have an outdoor campfire with troop, learn the skills you’ll need to guide them to
build, light, extinguish, and manage a campfire with safety in mind. Hands-on campfire experience may
be offered through adult enrichment opportunities. Check out our events calendar
to learn about
upcoming opportunities in your area
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636 Cook Out Course Type: Online
Activity Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor 636 Cook In 636 Campfire
Required: B
efore youth cook simple meals outdoors such as no cook meals, one-pot meals, stick
cooking, and solar cooking. Hands-on outdoor cooking experience and advanced cooking techniques
may be offered through adult enrichment opportunities. Check out our events calendar to
learn about
upcoming opportunities in your area.
636 Sleep Out Course Type: Online
Activity Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor 636 Sleep In
Required: Before you plan a sleep out for 1 night in a backyard or close to home in tents, cabins, yurts,
or platform tents at GSNorCal properties with indoor plumbing and electricity available. Learn the
fundamentals to practice sleeping outdoors.
636 Camp Out Course Learning Path Type: Online or In-Person
Activity Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor
*This course learning path includes the prerequisite courses: 636 Campfire, 636 Cook Out, and 63
Sleep Out. Then, you have the choice to either take and submit the online 636 Camp Out Assessment
course or the 636 Camp Out In-Person course.
Required: Before you plan an outdoor camping trip for more than 1 night with Girl Scouts at a
campground or other non-GSNorCal outdoor facility, without indoor plumbing and electricity.
636 Regional Travel Course Type: Online
Activity Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor 636 Sleep In
*Additional prerequisites may be needed if cooking, camping, or backpacking.
Required: Before Juniors and older stay overnight 3 or 4 nights camping, backpacking, or staying
indoors in a hotel, motel, hostel or other approved facility located only in the following states:
California, Nevada, or Oregon.
636 Extended Travel Live Webinar Course Course Type: Live Webinar
Indoor Travel Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor 636 Sleep In 636 Regional Travel
*636 Cook In (if youth are cooking)
Camping Travel Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor 636 Sleep In 636 Cook In 636 Camp
Out Course 636 Regional Travel
Required: Before you plan an extended overnight trip of 5 or more nights (national or international)
with youth. Learn advanced planning, budgeting, safety, group management, and best practices for
extended travel.
636 Backpacking In-Person Course Course Type: In-Person
Prerequisite: 636 Trip & Outdoor Advisor 636 Sleep In 636 Cook In 636 Camp Out Course
Required: Before you plan an overnight backpacking trip with Girl Scouts. Learn the skills you’ll need to
guide youth as they plan, pack proper gear, cook, shop, and prepare for their overnight backpacking
Part 1 is the pre-trip planning process.
Part 2 is an overnight backpacking trip (date and site will be determined at the part 1 class).