Title stata.com
graph pie Pie charts
Description Quick start Menu Syntax
Options Remarks and examples References Also see
graph pie draws pie charts.
graph pie has three modes of operation. The first corresponds to the specification of two or more
. graph pie div1_revenue div2_revenue div3_revenue
Three pie slices are drawn, the first corresponding to the sum of variable div1 revenue, the
second to the sum of div2 revenue, and the third to the sum of div3 revenue.
The second mode of operation corresponds to the specification of one variable and the over()
. graph pie revenue, over(division)
Pie slices are drawn for each value of variable division; the first slice corresponds to the sum
of revenue for the first division, the second to the sum of revenue for the second division, and so on.
The third mode of operation corresponds to the specification of over() with no variables:
. graph pie, over(popgroup)
Pie slices are drawn for each value of variable popgroup; the slices correspond to the number of
observations in each group.
Quick start
Pie chart with slices that reflect the proportion of observations for each level of catvar1
graph pie, over(catvar1)
Same as above, but slices reflect the total of v1 for each level of catvar1
graph pie v1, over(catvar1)
Same as above, but with one pie chart for each level of catvar2
graph pie v1, over(catvar1) by(catvar2)
Size of slices reflects the share of each variable in the total of v1, v2, v3, v4, and v5
graph pie v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
Same as above, and label the first slice with its percentage of the whole
graph pie v1 v2 v3 v4 v5, plabel(1 percent)
Same as above, but label each slice with its percentage of the whole
graph pie v1 v2 v3 v4 v5, plabel(_all percent)
Same as above, but label each slice with its name in white text and suppress the legend
graph pie v1 v2 v3 v4 v5, plabel(_all name, color(white)) ///
2 graph pie Pie charts
Order the slices from largest to smallest
graph pie v1 v2 v3 v4 v5, sort descending
Explode the second slice
graph pie v1 v2 v3 v4 v5, pie(2, explode(5))
Graphics > Pie chart
Slices as totals or percentages of each variable
graph pie varlist
, options
Slices as totals or percentages within over() categories
graph pie varname
, over(varname)
Slices as frequencies within over() categories
graph pie
, over(varname)
options Description
over(varname) slices are distinct values of varname
missing do not ignore missing values of varname
allcategories include all categories in the dataset
cw casewise treatment of missing values
noclockwise counterclockwise pie chart
angle0(#) angle of first slice; default is angle(90)
sort put slices in size order
sort(varname) put slices in varname order
descending reverse default or specified order
pie(. . .) look of slice, including explosion
plabel(. . .) labels to appear on the slice
ptext(. . .) text to appear on the pie
#) color intensity of slices
line(line options) outline of slices
pcycle(#) slice styles before pstyles recycle
legend(. . .) legend explaining slices
std options titles, saving to disk
by(varlist, . . .) repeat for subgroups
over(varname) is required in syntaxes 2 and 3.
graph pie Pie charts 3
The syntax of the pie() option is
numlist | all
, pie subopts
pie subopts Description
explode explode slice by size = 3.8
explode(size) explode slice by size
color(colorstyle) color and opacity of slice
The syntax of the plabel() option is
#| all
sum | percent | name | "text"
, plabel subopts
plabel subopts Description
format(% fmt) display format for sum or percent
gap(size) additional radial distance
textbox options look of label
The syntax for the ptext() option is
"text" . . .
. . .
, ptext subopts
ptext subopts Description
textbox options look of added text
aweights, fweights, and pweights are allowed; see [U] 11.1.6 weight.
over(varname) specifies a categorical variable to correspond to the pie slices. varname may be string
or numeric.
missing is for use with over(); it specifies that missing values of varname not be ignored. Instead,
separate slices are to be formed for varname==., varname==.a, . . . , or varname=="".
allcategories specifies that all categories in the entire dataset be retained for the over() variables.
When if or in is specified without allcategories, the graph is drawn, completely excluding
any categories for the over() variables that do not occur in the specified subsample. With the
allcategories option, categories that do not occur in the subsample still appear in the legend, and
zero-sized slices are drawn where these categories would appear. Such behavior can be convenient
when comparing graphs of subsamples that do not include completely common categories for all
over() variables. This option has an effect only when if or in is specified or if there are missing
values in the variables. allcategories may not be combined with by().
cw specifies casewise deletion and is for use when over() is not specified. cw specifies that, in
calculating the sums, observations be ignored for which any of the variables in varlist contain missing
values. The default is to calculate sums for each variable by using all nonmissing observations.
4 graph pie Pie charts
noclockwise and angle0(#) specify how the slices are oriented on the pie. The default is to start
at 12 o’clock (known as angle(90)) and to proceed clockwise.
noclockwise causes slices to be placed counterclockwise.
angle0(#) specifies the angle at which the first slice is to appear. Angles are recorded in degrees
and measured in the usual mathematical way: counterclockwise from the horizontal.
sort, sort(varname), and descending specify how the slices are to be ordered. The default is
to put the slices in the order specified; see How slices are ordered under Remarks and examples
sort specifies that the smallest slice be put first, followed by the next largest, etc. See Ordering
slices by size under Remarks and examples below.
sort(varname) specifies that the slices be put in (ascending) order of varname. See Reordering
the slices under Remarks and examples below.
descending, which may be specified whether or not sort or sort(varname) is specified, reverses
the order.
numlist | all
, pie subopts) specifies the look of a slice or of a set of slices. This option
allows you to “explode” (offset) one or more slices of the pie and to control the color of the slices.
Examples include
. graph pie . . . , . . . pie(2, explode)
. graph pie . . . , . . . pie(2, explode color(red))
. graph pie . . . , . . . pie(2, explode color(red)) pie(5, explode)
numlist specifies the slices; see [U] 11.1.8 numlist. The slices (after any sorting) are referred to
as slice 1, slice 2, etc. pie(1 . . . ) would change the look of the first slice. pie(2 . . . ) would
change the look of the second slice. pie(1 2 3 . . . ) would change the look of the first through
third slices, as would pie(1/3 . . . ). The pie() option may be specified more than once to
specify a different look for different slices. You may also specify pie( all . . . ) to specify a
common characteristic for all slices.
The pie subopts are explode, explode(size), and color(colorstyle).
explode and explode(size) specify that the slice be offset. Specifying explode is equivalent to
specifying explode(3.8). explode(size) specifies by how much (measured radially) the slice
is to be offset; see [G-4] size.
color(colorstyle) sets the color and opacity of the slice. See [G-4] colorstyle for a list of color
graph pie Pie charts 5
# | all
sum | percent | name | "text"
, plabel subopts) specifies labels to appear on
the slice. Slices may be labeled with their sum, their percentage of the overall sum, their identity,
or with text you specify. The default is that no labels appear. Think of the syntax of plabel() as
which what how
{#| } { | | | text } plabel_subopts
which slice to label how the label is to look
what to label the slice with:
sum of variable
percent of sum
text text specified
Thus you might type
. graph pie . . . , . . . plabel(_all sum)
. graph pie . . . , . . . plabel(_all percent)
. graph pie . . . , . . . plabel(1 "New appropriation")
The plabel() option may appear more than once, so you might also type
. graph pie . . . , . . . plabel(1 "New appropriation") plabel(2 "old")
If you choose to label the slices with their identities, you will probably also want to suppress the
. graph pie . . . , . . . plabel(_all name) legend(off)
The plabel subopts are format(%fmt), gap(size), and textbox options.
format(%fmt) specifies the display format to be used to format the number when sum or percent
is chosen; see [D] format.
gap(size) specifies a radial distance from the origin by which the usual location of the label is to
be adjusted. gap(0) is the default. gap(#), #< 0, moves the text inward. gap(#), #> 0, moves
the text outward. See [G-4] size.
textbox options specify the size, color, etc., of the text; see [G-3] textbox options.
"text" . . .
. . .
, ptext subopts) specifies additional text to appear
on the pie. The position of the text is specified by the polar coordinates #
and #
. #
the angle in degrees, and #
specifies the distance from the origin; see [G-4] size.
intensity(#) and intensity(*#) specify the intensity of the color used to fill the slices.
intensity(#) specifies the intensity, and intensity(*#) specifies the intensity relative to the
Specify intensity(*#), # < 1, to attenuate the interior color and specify intensity(*#),
# > 1, to amplify it.
Specify intensity(0) if you do not want the slice filled at all.
line(line options) specifies the look of the line used to outline the slices. See [G-3] line options,
but ignore option lpattern(), which is not allowed for pie charts.
6 graph pie Pie charts
pcycle(#) specifies how many slices are to be plotted before the pstyle of the slices for the next slice
begins again at the pstyle of the first slicep1pie (with the slices following that using p2pie,
p3pie, and so on). Put another way: # specifies how quickly the look of slices is recycled when
more than # slices are specified. The default for most schemes is pcycle(15).
legend() allows you to control the legend. See [G-3] legend options.
std options allow you to add titles, save the graph on disk, and more; see [G-3] std options.
by(varlist, . . . ) draws separate pies within one graph; see [G-3] by option and see Use with by( )
under Remarks and examples below.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Typical use
Data are summed
Data may be long rather than wide
How slices are ordered
Ordering slices by size
Reordering the slices
Use with by( )
Video example
Typical use
We have been told that the expenditures for XYZ Corp. are $12 million in sales, $14 million in
marketing, $2 million in research, and $8 million in development:
. input sales marketing research development
sales marketing research develop
1. 12 14 2 8
2. end
. label var sales "Sales"
. label var market "Marketing"
. label var research "Research"
. label var develop "Development"
graph pie Pie charts 7
. graph pie sales marketing research development,
plabel(_all name, size(*1.5) color(white)) (Note 1)
legend(off) (Note 2)
title("Expenditures, XYZ Corp.")
note("Source: Financial report (fictional data)")
Source: Financial report (fictional data)
Expenditures, XYZ Corp.
1. We specified plabel( all name) to put the division names on the slices. We specified
plabel()s textbox-option size(*1.5) to make the text 50% larger than usual. We specified
plabel()s textbox-option color(white) to make the text white. See [G-3] textbox options.
2. We specified the legend-option legend(off) to keep the division names from being repeated
in a key at the bottom of the graph; see [G-3] legend options.
Data are summed
Rather than having the above summary data, we have
. list
qtr sales marketing research development
1. 1 3 4.5 .3 1
2. 2 4 3 .5 2
3. 3 4 4 .6 2
4. 4 2 2.5 .6 3
The sums of these data are the same as the totals in the previous section. The same graph pie
. graph pie sales marketing research development, . . .
will result in the same chart.
8 graph pie Pie charts
Data may be long rather than wide
Rather than having the quarterly data in wide form, we have it in the long form:
. list, sepby(qtr)
qtr division cost
1. 1 Development 1
2. 1 Marketing 4.5
3. 1 Research .3
4. 1 Sales 3
5. 2 Development 2
6. 2 Marketing 3
7. 2 Research .5
8. 2 Sales 4
9. 3 Development 2
10. 3 Marketing 4
11. 3 Research .6
12. 3 Sales 3
13. 4 Development 3
14. 4 Marketing 2.5
15. 4 Research .6
16. 4 Sales 2
Here rather than typing
. graph pie sales marketing research development, . . .
we type
. graph pie cost, over(division) . . .
graph pie Pie charts 9
For example,
. graph pie cost, over(division),
plabel(_all name, size(*1.5) color(white))
title("Expenditures, XYZ Corp.")
note("Source: Financial report (fictional data)")
Source: Financial report (fictional data)
Expenditures, XYZ Corp.
This is the same pie chart as the one drawn previously, except for the order in which the divisions
are presented.
How slices are ordered
When we type
. graph pie sales marketing research development, . . .
the slices are presented in the order we specify. When we type
. graph pie cost, over(division) . . .
the slices are presented in the order implied by variable division. If division is numeric, slices are
presented in ascending order of division. If division is string, slices are presented in alphabetical
order (except that all capital letters occur before lowercase letters).
Ordering slices by size
Regardless of whether we type
. graph pie sales marketing research development, . . .
. graph pie cost, over(division) . . .
if we add the sort option, slices will be presented in the order of the size, smallest first:
. graph pie sales marketing research development, sort . . .
. graph pie cost, over(division) sort . . .
10 graph pie Pie charts
If we also specify the descending option, the largest slice will be presented first:
. graph pie sales marketing research development, sort descending . . .
. graph pie cost, over(division) sort descending . . .
Reordering the slices
If we wish to force a particular order, then if we type
. graph pie sales marketing research development, . . .
specify the variables in the desired order. If we type
. graph pie cost, over(division) . . .
then create a numeric variable that has a one-to-one correspondence with the order in which we wish
the divisions to appear. For instance, we might type
. generate order = 1 if division=="Sales"
. replace order = 2 if division=="Marketing"
. replace order = 3 if division=="Research"
. replace order = 4 if division=="Development"
then type
. graph pie cost, over(division) sort(order) . . .
graph pie Pie charts 11
Use with by( )
We have two years of data on XYZ Corp.:
. list
year sales marketing research development
1. 2021 12 14 2 8
2. 2022 15 17.5 8.5 10
. graph pie sales marketing research development,
plabel(_all name, size(*1.5) color(white))
title("Expenditures, XYZ Corp.")
note("Source: Financial reports (fictional data)")
2021 2022
Source: Financial report (fictional data)
Expenditures, XYZ Corp.
Video example
Pie charts in Stata
The first pie chart is credited to William Playfair (1801). See Beniger and Robyn (1978),
Funkhouser (1937, 283–285), or Tufte (2001, 44–45) for more historical details.
William Playfair (1759–1823) was born in Liff, Scotland. He had a varied life with many highs
and lows. He participated in the storming of the Bastille, made several engineering inventions, and
did path-breaking work in statistical graphics, devising bar charts and pie charts. Playfair also was
involved in some shady business ventures and had to shift base from time to time. His brother John
(1748–1819) was a distinguished mathematician still remembered for his discussion of Euclidean
geometry and his contributions to geology.
12 graph pie Pie charts
Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) was born in Florence, Italy, to wealthy British parents who
then moved to Derbyshire the following year. Perhaps best known for her pioneering work in
nursing and the creation of the Nightingale School of Nurses, Nightingale also made important
contributions to statistics and epidemiology. Struck by the high death toll of British soldiers
in the Crimean War, she went to the medical facilities near the battlefields and determined
that unsanitary conditions and widespread infections were contributing heavily to the death toll.
Nightingale is known as “The Lady with the Lamp” for her habit of visiting patients in the
hospitals at night. She used a form of a pie chart illustrating the causes of mortality that is
now known as the polar area diagram. In one version of the diagram, each month of a year
is represented by a twelfth of the circle; months with more deaths are represented by wedges
with longer sides so that the area of each wedge corresponds to the number of deaths that
month. After her efforts in the war, Nightingale continued to collect statistics on sanitation and
mortality and to stress the important role proper hygiene plays in reducing deathrates. In 1859,
the compassionate statistician, as she came to be known, was inducted as the first female member
of the Statistical Society.
Beniger, J. R., and D. L. Robyn. 1978. Quantitative graphics in statistics: A brief history. American Statistician 32:
1–11. https://doi.org/10.2307/2683467.
Funkhouser, H. G. 1937. Historical development of the graphical representation of statistical data. Osiris 3: 269–404.
Musau, A. 2021. Stata tip 143: Creating donut charts in Stata. Stata Journal 21: 1069–1073.
Playfair, W. H. 1801. The Statistical Breviary: Shewing, on a Principle Entirely New, the Resources of Every State
and Kingdom in Europe to Which is Added, a Similar Exhibition of the Ruling Powers of Hindoostan. London:
. 2005. The Commercial and Political Atlas and Statistical Breviary. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Spence, I., and H. Wainer. 2001. William Playfair. In Statisticians of the Centuries, ed. C. C. Heyde and E. Seneta,
105–110. New York: Springer.
Tufte, E. R. 2001. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. 2nd ed. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.
Also see
[G-2] graph The graph command
[G-2] graph bar Bar charts
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