Memberclicks - WYSIWYG Editor Icons and Functions
Below is a description of each icon found within the WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) editor, as
well as its corresponding function.
First Row
Bold - Makes selected text bold.
Italic - Italicizes selected text.
Underline - Underlines selected text.
Strikethrough - Strikes through selected text.
Align Left - Aligns selected text to the left.
Align Center - Centers selected text.
Align Right - Aligns selected text to the right.
Align Full - Fully justifies the selected text
Note - to change the font, size or style of text, select the text and then select the new font, size, or style from the
drop-down menus in the editor toolbar. To maintain consistency throughout the site, it's recommended to use
paragraph, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc. formats whenever possible.
Second Row
Find - Opens a window to let you search for content in the editor
Find/Replace - Opens a window to let you search for and replace content that in the editor.
Unordered List - Creates a bulleted list of selected text items. Each paragraph will be a bullet. For
It does not matter whether the paragraphs are long or short, only that you have hit return and
started a new line between each item you select for the list.
Make sure to select only the text you want to put in the list.
To add new items to the list, simply go to the end of a paragraph on the list and hit return. This
will automatically add a new bullet to the list.
Ordered List - Works exactly like the unordered list above, but creates a numbered list instead of
Outdent - Decreases the indentation of selected text, moving it towards the left.
Memberclicks - WYSIWYG Editor Icons and Functions
Indent - Increases the indentation of selected text, moving it towards the right.
Blockquote - Browsers insert white space before and after a blockquote element, as well as
margins for the element. Blockquotes are used for long quotations.
Insert Hyperink - Turns the selected text or image into a link to an external site.
Unlink Hyperlink - Removes the hyperlink from the selected image or text.
Insert Anchor - Lets you insert an anchor in the HTML content. The list of anchors already created
will appear in the drop down list within the Insert Hyperlink dialogue box.
Insert/Edit Image - Inserts an image in the page. You can specify the location of an image hosted
on an external site. If an image is already selected from within the content, you can change the
appearance and other properties of the image.
Font Color - Opens a drop-down color palette for choosing the color of the selected text. Once the
desired color has been chosen, highlighting text and clicking this icon will apply to color to the
selected text.
Highlight Color - Opens a drop-down color palette for choosing the background color of the
selected text. Once the desired color has been chosen, highlighting the text and clicking this icon
will apply the color as a background to the selected text.
Check Spelling - This button will check the spelling of text in the editor.
Third Row
Undo - Reverses the last action taken.
Redo - Can be used after undoing an action to do the action again.
Insert Table - Opens a dialogue box in which you can specify the parameters of a table. If creating
a new table, it's recommended to specify the width of the table (100%, for example) before adding
content to the table.
Row Properties - Brings up the Row Properties dialogue. You can adjust the alignment, vertical
alignment, height, and background color.
Cell Properties - Brings up the Cell Properties dialogue. You can adjust the alignment, vertical
alignment, column and row span, color, width, height and background color.
Insert Row Before - Inserts a new row above the row in which the cursor is located. The new row
will have the same number of cells as the selected row.
Insert Row After - Inserts a new row below the row in which the cursor is located. The new row
will have the same number of cells as the selected row.
Delete Row - Deletes the entire row in which the cursor is located.
Insert Column Before - Inserts a new column to the left of the column in which the cursor is
located. The new column will have the same number of cells as the selected column.
Insert Column After - Inserts a new column to the right of the column in which the cursor is
located. The new column will have the same number of cells as the selected column.
Delete Column - Deletes the entire column in which the cursor is located.
Split Cell - Splits the cell in which the cursor is located into two cells to undo a previous merge.
Merge Cells - Merges the selected cells into one.
Insert Horizontal Rule - Inserts a horizontal line across the content area.
Remove Formatting - Removes HTML formatting from selected content.
Memberclicks - WYSIWYG Editor Icons and Functions
Hide Gridlines - Tables without a border are given a dotted border by the editor so that you can see
them. Clicking this button hides those lines.
Subscript - Makes selected text subscript.
Superscript - Makes selected text superscript.
Insert Custom Character - Lets you insert special letters, characters and symbols.
Insert Embedded Media - Inserts a multimedia object in the page. You can specify the location of
media hosted on an external site.
Fourth Row
Edit CSS Style - Allows you to edit the CSS style of the selected element.
Citation - Used to markup citations, such as title of magazines or newspapers.
Abbreviation - Used to markup abbreviations, so the long form is displayed as a tooltip.
Deletion - Applies deletion formatting to the selected text.
Insertion - Applies insertion formatting to the selected text.
Insert/Edit Attributes - Allows you to inert or edit the attributes of the selected text.
Print - This function prints the display view of your page.
Cleanup Messy Code - Corrects improper HTML code.
Preview - Frequently used for proofreading, this icon will open a preview window of content
within the editor.
Toggle Full Screen Mode - Expands the Editor to a full screen view. All edited content is
HTML View - A window appears that will allow you to edit the html of the current page.
Below the Editor
Image - Allows you to insert an image from your Media Manager
Pagebreak - Creates a pagebreak
Read More - Inserts a Read More link in the Article NOTE: Only applies to
blog type layouts
Site Links - Allows you to insert a site link
Merge Data - Allows you to place attributes from your database into the page. In
the editor, these will appear in the format ##Attribute Name##, but to anyone
viewing the page they will appear as that attribute from that individual's profile.
For instance, ##First Name## will appear as the individual's first name on the
page. Merge fields should only be used on content which requires login.
Toggle Editor - Toggles the editor to the HTML view