Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology JCGM-WG2-CD-01
International Vocabulary of Metrology
Fourth edition – Committee Draft (VIM4 CD)
11 January 2021
Please note that the contents of this document
shall not be quoted in any publication
Please note that this CD still does not include the French text of the entries.
© JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
The International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) is a guidance document that aims at
disseminating scientific and technological knowledge about metrology by harmonizing worldwide
the related fundamental terminology. While developed for being as understandable as possible to
the wide readership of researchers and practitioners, its institutional task is to constitute a
recommendation that JCGM member organizations are encouraged to implement, each according
to its own purposes and in reference to its own scope.
The third edition of the VIM (denoted herein as the “VIM3”) was published by the JCGM in 2008,
and republished with minor corrections in 2012. After publication, the JCGM Working Group
responsible for VIM maintenance and revision (JCGM/WG 2) began considering feedback it had
received. In the meantime, and most significantly, several JCGM member organizations pointed
out the increasing importance of a metrologically-aware treatment of nominal properties, and
therefore the need for more entries in the VIM about nominal properties and the process of their
examination. This led WG 2 to the reconsideration of some key concepts of the VIM, starting from
the ones related to the very distinction between quantitative and non-quantitative properties.
This fourth edition of the VIM (VIM4) has been designed to address these issues, with the
awareness that metrology is an active body of knowledge, that is called to maintain its key role in
an everchanging world. For measurement to remain a reliable source of public trust, its basic
concept system, as provided by the VIM, must be open to consistently encompass innovation,
while guaranteeing faithfulness to the long societal and scientific tradition of measurement.
Any new edition of the VIM has been an opportunity for providing an interpretation of how the body
of knowledge about metrology is structured, and the VIM4 follows this path by providing a revised
organization of its chapters.
* Chapter 1, “Quantities and units” introduces the key entities of metrology: quantities, units,
values, and scales.
* Chapter 2, “Measurement” focuses on measurement as both an experimental and mathematical
process, by also including the entries related to measurement models.
* Chapter 3, “Measurement quality”, is about what characterizes the quality of measurement
processes and procedures, measurement instruments and systems, and of course measurement
results, thus first of all measurement uncertainty but also measurement error, accuracy, and so on.
* Chapter 4, “Measuring devices and their properties” is about measuring instruments and
systems, their components and their properties.
* Chapter 5, “Measurement standards (etalons) and metrological traceability” expands the context
by dealing with metrological systems, including measurement standards and calibration: what is
required for guaranteeing the metrological traceability of measurement results. A major change in
the VIM4 with respect to the VIM3 is the new
* Chapter 6, “Nominal properties and examinations”, devoted to nominal properties and their
examination. While the VIM3 included an entry for ‘nominal property’ (i.e., non-quantitative, only
classificatory properties), a number of related additional entries have been introduced into the
VIM4, mainly taken from the Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts
for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017; G.Nordin et al, Pure Appl.
Chem. 90, 5, 2018), and adapted for making them consistent with the VIM. This required revising
the entries that the VIM3 had introduced about ordinal properties, for which an order but not a unit
is defined. The controversial issue is whether order is sufficient for making a property quantitative,
and therefore whether the term ordinal quantity” should be used for designating such properties.
After a careful analysis, also taking into account that a scientific community of stakeholders
interested in ordinal properties was not found, it was decided for the VIM4 to minimize the changes
on this matter with respect to the VIM3, and to maintain the assumption that ordinal properties are
(measurable) quantities.
A consequence of the more extensive treatment of nominal properties (and, to a lesser extent,
ordinal quantities) in the VIM4 was that the definitions of ‘measurement’ and ‘metrology’ were
2 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
considered more carefully. In particular, the question arose of whether the definitions of either or
both should be expanded beyond quantities to include nominal property examination. An inquiry
among JCGM member organizations was conducted, yielding sometimes strong opinions on both
sides of the question. It was therefore decided that for now the time is not right to make such a
change, but notes have been added to some relevant entries to indicate that the debate exists and
could influence future versions of the VIM on this matter.
This systematic revision of the entries related to properties, thus including those about units,
scales, and values, has led to focusing on the ambiguity of the term “quantity” (the same applies to
“ordinal quantity” and “nominal property”), used to refer to both quantities in the general sense
(such as length and mass) and individual properties (such as given lengths and given masses). In
the context of a vocabulary of fundamental metrology the differences are significant: for example,
comparisons in terms of equivalence and order apply to individual, not general, quantities, and
values are attributed to individual, not general, quantities; vice versa, the distinction between base
and derived quantities in a system of quantities refers to general, and not individual, quantities.
While for linguistic simplicity just the term “quantity” is maintained in many occurrences in this
vocabulary, two entries have been introduced, for ‘general quantity’, and ‘individual quantity’, and
notes have been added to indicate whether ‘general quantity’ or ‘individual quantity’ is intended if
there is any chance for ambiguity. This led us to provide an operational definition of ‘general
quantity’ “property whose instances can be compared by ratio or only by order” that made it
possible to avoid reference to magnitudes (in recognition of the sometimes incompatible ways in
which this concept is understood, and also because the term “magnitude” is not cleanly
translatable into some languages).
Another key change made in the VIM4 relates to the cluster of entities related to the
characterization of the quality of measurement and its results: measurement uncertainty,
measurement error, measurement accuracy, measurement trueness, true value of a quantity, and
so on. The VIM3 explicitly acknowledged the existence of different interpretations about this
fundamental subject summarily presented as an opposition between an Error Approach
(sometimes called Traditional Approach or True Value Approach) and an Uncertainty Approach
which led to difficulties to provide definitions that could be widely acceptable. An encompassing
position has been chosen in the VIM4, by adopting operational definitions whenever possible, by
phrasing the relevant definitions in terms of reference values, of which true values are specific
cases when it applies, where the definitions are complemented with notes describing when and
under which conditions the reference values are in fact true values, and when they are not. This
approach is considered to provide for maximum flexibility for the differing perspectives on the
necessity and usefulness of ‘true value’.
With the introduction of the revised International System of units (SI) in 2019, it is worth mentioning
that in the VIM4 all relevant entries have been revised for guaranteeing their consistency with the
new approach, in which units are individual quantities defined in reference to constants of nature.
Finally, the entire text of the VIM3 was revised with the aim of 1) improving readability of the
definitions, the notes, and the examples, 2) adding some further clarifications through new notes
and examples, and 3) reducing the explicit emphasis on terminology, perceived as a source of
complexity. Furthermore, the VIM4 incorporates all annotations that were developed to the VIM3 to
provide interim clarifications and simplified language. This means that the new definitions and
notes have been drafted using simpler language, while maintaining strict compliance with basic
terminological rules, in particular the condition that the definitions must be non-circular with each
NOTE: In the context of the current endeavor of providing increasingly sophisticated online access
to measurement-related data and information, it is anticipated that the content of the VIM4 will be
made accessible via internet in both human readable and machine readable formats.
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1 Quantities and units
1.1 [VIM3: 1.1; VIM2: 1.1; VIM1: 1.01]
quantity <general>
general quantity
quantity in the general sense
kind of quantity
property whose instances can be compared by ratio or only by order
NOTE 1 The same term “quantity” is commonly used to refer to both quantities in the general sense, such as length and
mass, and individual quantities, such as any given length and any given mass. Acknowledging the importance of this
distinction, separate definitions are given in this Vocabulary for quantities in the general sense and individual quantities,
but the short term “quantity” is used whenever the linguistic context is sufficient to identify the intended meaning.
The following table exemplifies the distinction between quantities in the general sense and individual quantities. In
some cases a general quantity (such as length, in the table) can be classified into more specific general quantities
(such as radius, wavelength, etc).
General quantity Individual quantity
length, l radius, r radius of circle a, r
or r(a)
wavelength, λ wavelength of the sodium D radiation, λ
or λ(D; Na)
energy, E
kinetic energy,
kinetic energy of particle i in a given
system, T
heat, Q heat of vaporization of sample i of water,
electric charge, Q electric charge of the proton, e
electric resistance, R electric resistance of resistor i in a given
circuit, R
concentration of entity B, c
amount-of-substance concentration of
ethanol in wine sample i, c
number concentration of entity
B, C
number concentration of erythrocytes in
blood sample i, C(Erys; B
Rockwell C hardness, HRC Rockwell C hardness of steel sample i,
NOTE 2 Any individual quantity is an instance of a general quantity, so that for example the radius of circle a is an
instance of length. Individual quantities that are instances of the same general quantity are comparable, and are said to
be “quantities of the same kind”.
NOTE 3 The same term “quantity” is commonly used to refer to both quantities having a unit, such as length and mass,
and ordinal quantities. A quantity having a unit is such that its instances can be compared:
by ratio (for example one length may be found to be twice another length), and it is sometimes called a “ratio
– by ratio of differences (for example the difference of two Celsius temperatures may be found to be twice the difference
of two other Celsius temperatures), and it is sometimes called an “interval quantity”.
An ordinal quantity has no unit and its instances can be compared by order only.
NOTE 4 Symbols for quantities are given in the ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series of standards Quantities and units. The
symbols for quantities are written in italics. A given symbol can indicate different quantities.
NOTE 5 The preferred IUPAC and IFCC format for quantities in laboratory medicine is “System—Component; kind-of-
quantity” (see U. Magdal Petersen, R. Dybkaer, H. Olesen (2012). Properties and units in the clinical laboratory
sciences. Part XXIII. The NPU terminology, principles, and implementation: A users guide (IUPAC Technical Report).
Pure Appl. Chem. 84(1): 137-165).
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EXAMPLE The glucose concentration in blood plasma in a given person at a given time is described by
“Plasma(Blood)—Glucose; amount-of-substance concentration equal to 5.1 mmol/l”.
NOTE 6 A quantity as defined here is a scalar. However, a vector or a tensor, the components of which are quantities, is
also considered to be a multi-dimensional quantity, i.e., a quantity in a broader sense.
NOTE 7 Quantities can be classified as, for example, physical quantities, chemical quantities, and biological quantities,
or as base quantities and derived quantities.
1.2 [VIM3: 1.1; VIM2: 1.1; VIM1: 1.01]
quantity <individual>
individual quantity
instance of a general quantity
NOTE 1 Measurement units, measurands, values of quantities, and measured values are all examples of
individual quantities.
NOTE 2 In English sometimes “magnitude” is used to refer to individual quantities. Due to the fact that the term has
different, incompatible meanings and that it is not always easy to translate it into other languages, the term “magnitude”
is not used in this vocabulary.
EXAMPLE Examples of individual quantities, together with the general quantities of which they are instances, are
presented in the table in the Note 1 to the entry 1.1.
1.3 [VIM3: 1.3; VIM2: 1.2]
system of quantities
set of quantities together with a set of non-contradictory equations relating those quantities
NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is a general quantity having a unit.
NOTE 2 Ordinal quantities, such as Rockwell C hardness, are usually not considered to be part of a system of
quantities because they are related to other quantities through empirical relations only.
1.4 [VIM3: 1.4; VIM2: 1.3; VIM1: 1.02]
base quantity
quantity in a conventionally chosen subset of a given system of quantities, where no quantity in
the subset can be expressed in terms of the others
NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is a general quantity having a unit.
NOTE 2 The subset mentioned in the definition is termed the “set of base quantities”.
EXAMPLE The set of base quantities in the International System of Quantities (ISQ) is given in 1.6.
NOTE 3 Base quantities are referred to as being mutually independent since a base quantity cannot be expressed as a
product of powers of the other base quantities.
NOTE 4 The quantity number of entities can be regarded as a base quantity in any system of quantities.
1.5 [VIM3: 1.5; VIM2: 1.4; VIM1: 1.03]
derived quantity
quantity, in a system of quantities, defined in terms of the base quantities of that system
NOTE The quantity mentioned in the definition is a general quantity having a unit.
EXAMPLE In a system of quantities having length and mass as base quantities, mass density is a derived quantity
defined as the quotient of mass and volume (length to the third power).
1.6 [VIM3: 1.6]
International System of Quantities
system of quantities based on the seven base quantities: time, length, mass, electric current,
thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance, and luminous intensity
NOTE 1 This system of quantities is published in the ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series of International Standards
Quantities and units.
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NOTE 2 The base units of the SI are chosen in accordance with the base quantities of the ISQ.
NOTE 3 The term “time” is sometimes used for referring to an instant of time (for example 7:00 UTC) and sometimes to
a duration, i.e., the range of a time interval.
1.7 [VIM3: 1.7; VIM2: 1.5; VIM1: 1.04]
quantity dimension
dimension of a quantity
relation of a quantity to the base quantities of a system of quantities as a product of powers of
factors corresponding to the base quantities, omitting any numerical factor
NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is a general quantity having a unit.
NOTE 2 A power of a factor is the factor raised to an exponent. Each factor is the dimension of a base quantity.
NOTE 3 The conventional symbolic representation of the dimension of a base quantity is a single upper-case letter in
roman (upright) sans-serif type. The conventional symbolic representation of the dimension of a derived quantity is the
product of powers of the dimensions of the base quantities according to the definition of the derived quantity. The
dimension of a quantity Q is denoted by dim Q.
EXAMPLE 1 In the ISQ, the dimension of force is denoted by dim F = T
L M.
EXAMPLE 2 In the same system of quantities, dim ρ
= L
M is the dimension of mass concentration of
component B, and L
M is also the dimension of mass density, ρ (volumic mass).
EXAMPLE 3 The period T of a pendulum of length l at a place with the local acceleration of free fall g is
Hence dim C(g) = T L
NOTE 4 In deriving the dimension of a quantity, no account is taken of whether the quantity is scalar, vector, or tensor.
NOTE 5 In a given system of quantities,
- quantities of the same kind have the same dimension,
- quantities of different dimensions are always of different kinds, and
- quantities having the same dimension are not necessarily of the same kind.
NOTE 6 Symbols for the dimensions of the base quantities in the ISQ are:
Base quantity Symbol for dimension
time T
length L
mass M
electric current I
thermodynamic temperature Θ
amount of substance N
luminous intensity J
Thus, the dimension of a quantity Q is denoted by dim Q = T
where the exponents, named “dimensional
exponents”, are positive, negative, or zero.
1.8 [VIM3: 1.8; VIM2: 1.6; VIM1: 1.05]
quantity with unit one
dimensionless quantity
quantity for which all the exponents of the factors in its dimension are zero
NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is a general quantity having a unit.
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NOTE 2 The term “dimensionless quantity” is still commonly used and is kept here for historical reasons. However, all
quantities, including number of entities, have a dimension. The term “quantity of dimension one” used in the previous
edition of the VIM reflects the convention in which the symbolic representation of the dimension for such quantities was
the symbol “1”.
NOTE 3 The units and values of quantities with unit one are numbers.
NOTE 4 Some quantities with unit one are defined as the ratios of two quantities of the same kind.
EXAMPLES Plane angle, solid angle, refractive index, relative permeability, mass fraction, friction factor, Mach
NOTE 5 In reporting the values of quantities defined as the ratios of two quantities of the same kind, the relevant units
should be specified when there is possibility of ambiguity.
EXAMPLES mg/kg (for mass fraction) or μmol/mol (for amount-of-substance fraction).
NOTE 6 Number of entities is a quantity with unit one.
EXAMPLES Number of turns in a coil, number of molecules in a given sample, degeneracy of the energy levels of
a quantum system.
1.9 [VIM3: 1.9; VIM2: 1.7; VIM1: 1.06]
measurement unit
unit of measurement
real scalar individual quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity
of the same kind can be compared by ratio, resulting in a number
NOTE 1 Ordinal quantities have no units because they cannot be compared by ratio.
NOTE 2 Units are designated by conventionally assigned names and symbols.
NOTE 3 Units of quantities of the same dimension may be designated by the same name and symbol even when the
quantities are not of the same kind. For example, “joule per kelvin” and J/K are respectively the name and symbol of
both a unit of heat capacity and a unit of entropy, which are generally not considered to be quantities of the same kind.
However, in some cases special unit names are restricted to be used with quantities of a specific kind only. For
example, the unit second to the power minus one (1/s) is called “hertz” (Hz) when used for frequencies and “becquerel”
(Bq) when used for activities of radionuclides.
NOTE 4 Units of quantities with unit one are numbers. In some cases these units are given special names, for
example “radian” and “steradian”, or are expressed by quotients such as millimole per mole equal to 10
microgram per kilogram equal to 10
NOTE 5 For a given quantity, the short term “unit” is often combined with the name of the quantity, such as “mass unit”
or “unit of mass”.
1.10 [VIM3: 1.10; VIM2: 1.13; VIM1: 1.11]
base unit
measurement unit that is adopted by convention for a base quantity
NOTE 1 In each coherent system of units, there is only one base unit for each base quantity.
EXAMPLE In the SI, the metre is the base unit of length. In the CGS systems, the centimetre is the base unit of
NOTE 2 A base unit may also serve for a derived quantity of the same dimension.
EXAMPLE Rainfall, when defined as areic volume (volume per area), has the metre as a coherent derived unit in
the SI.
NOTE 3 For number of entities, the number one, symbol “1”, can be regarded as a base unit in any system of units.
1.11 [VIM3: 1.11; VIM2: 1.14; VIM1: 1.12]
derived unit
measurement unit for a derived quantity
EXAMPLES The metre per second, symbol m/s, and the centimetre per second, symbol cm/s, are derived units of
speed in the SI. The kilometre per hour, symbol km/h, is a unit of speed outside the SI but accepted for use with the SI.
The knot, equal to one nautical mile per hour, is a unit of speed outside the SI.
7 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
1.12 [VIM3: 1.12; VIM2: 1.10; VIM1: 1.13]
coherent derived unit
coherent unit
derived unit that, for a given system of quantities and for a chosen set of base units, is a
product of powers of base units with no other proportionality factor than one
NOTE 1 A power of a base unit is the base unit raised to an exponent.
NOTE 2 The coherence of a derived unit can be determined only with respect to a particular system of quantities and a
given set of base units.
EXAMPLES If the metre, the second, and the mole are base units, the metre per second is the coherent derived
unit of velocity when velocity is defined by the quantity equation v = dr/dt, and the mole per cubic metre is the
coherent derived unit of amount-of-substance concentration when amount-of-substance concentration is defined
by the quantity equation c = n/V. The kilometre per hour and the knot, given as examples of derived units in 1.11,
are not coherent derived units in such a system of quantities.
NOTE 3 A derived unit can be coherent with respect to one system of quantities but not to another.
EXAMPLE The centimetre per second is the coherent derived unit of speed in a CGS system of units but is not a
coherent derived unit in the SI.
NOTE 4 The coherent derived unit for every derived quantity with unit one in a given system of units is the number
one, symbol “1”. The name and symbol of the unit one are generally not indicated.
1.13 [VIM3: 1.13; VIM2: 1.9; VIM1: 1.08]
system of units
set of base units and derived units, together with their multiples and submultiples, defined in
accordance with given rules, for a given system of quantities
1.14 [VIM3: 1.14; VIM2: 1.11; VIM1: 1.09]
coherent system of units
system of units in which the measurement unit for each derived quantity is a coherent
derived unit
NOTE 1 A system of units can be coherent only with respect to a system of quantities and the adopted base units.
NOTE 2 For a coherent system of units, numerical value equations have the same form, including numerical factors,
as the corresponding quantity equations.
1.15 [VIM3: 1.15; VIM2: 1.15; VIM1: 1.14]
off-system measurement unit
off-system unit
measurement unit that does not belong to a given system of units
EXAMPLE 1 The electronvolt (about 1.602 18 · 10
J) is an off-system unit of energy with respect to the SI.
EXAMPLE 2 Day, hour, minute are off-system units of time with respect to the SI.
1.16 [VIM3: 1.16; VIM2: 1.12; VIM1: 1.10]
International System of Units
system of units, based on a set of defining constants together with rules for their use, adopted
by the 26
General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM)
NOTE 1 At the 26
CGPM (2018) the SI was revised. Effective from 20 May 2019, the SI is the system of units in which
seven physical constants have stated fixed values. These seven defining constants are the hyperfine transition
frequency of caesium 133, the speed of light in vacuum, the Planck constant, the elementary charge, the Boltzmann
constant, the Avogadro constant, and the luminous efficacy, as defined in the current edition of the SI Brochure
published by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and available on the BIPM website. From such
constants and their values, and in accordance with the ISQ, the definitions of the base units of the SI are deduced, as
8 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
documented in the SI Brochure. The names of the seven base quantities of the ISQ and the English names and the
symbols of the corresponding base units of the SI are listed in the following table.
Base quantity Base unit
Name Name Symbol
time second s
length metre m
mass kilogram kg
electric current ampere A
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
amount of substance mole mol
luminous intensity candela cd
NOTE 2 The base units and the coherent derived units of the SI form a coherent set, called the “set of coherent SI
NOTE 3 For a full description and explanation of the International System of Units, see the current edition of the SI
Brochure published by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and available on the BIPM website.
NOTE 4 In quantity calculus, the quantity number of entities is often considered to be a base quantity, with the base
unit one, symbol “1”.
NOTE 5 The rules for the use of the SI units include the prefixes for multiples of units and submultiples of units
listed in the following table, together with their English names and their symbols.
Factor Prefix
Name Symbol
yotta Y
zetta Z
exa E
peta P
tera T
giga G
mega M
kilo k
hecto h
deca da
deci d
centi c
milli m
micro µ
nano n
pico p
femto f
atto a
zepto z
yocto y
Source: the current edition of the SI Brochure published by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and
available on the BIPM website.
1.17 [VIM3: 1.17; VIM2: 1.16; VIM1: 1.15]
multiple of a unit
measurement unit obtained by multiplying a given measurement unit by an integer greater than
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EXAMPLE 1 The kilometre is a decimal multiple of the metre.
EXAMPLE 2 The hour is a non-decimal multiple of the second.
NOTE 1 SI prefixes for decimal multiples of SI base units and SI derived units are given in Note 5 of entry 1.16.
NOTE 2 SI prefixes refer strictly to powers of 10, and should not be used for powers of 2. For example, 1 kilobit should
not be used to represent 1 024 bits (2
bits), which is 1 kibibit.
Prefixes for binary multiples are:
Factor Prefix
Name Symbol
yobi Yi
zebi Zi
exbi Ei
pebi Pi
tebi Ti
gibi Gi
mebi Mi
kibi Ki
Source: IEC 80000-13, Quantities and units – Part 13: Information science and technology.
1.18 [VIM3: 1.18; VIM2: 1.17; VIM1: 1.16]
submultiple of a unit
measurement unit obtained by dividing a given measurement unit by an integer greater than one
EXAMPLE 1 The millimetre is a decimal submultiple of the metre.
EXAMPLE 2 For a plane angle, the second is a non-decimal submultiple of the minute.
NOTE SI prefixes for decimal submultiples of SI base units and SI derived units are given in Note 5 of entry 1.16.
1.19 [VIM3: 1.27; VIM2: 1.22; VIM1: 1.21]
measurement scale
ordered set of individual quantities of the same kind, where each quantity is associated with an
element of a set of ordered identifiers
NOTE 1 For a quantity having a unit a measurement scale is an ordered set including a unit and all or some of its
products by a real number k, where k is the numerical value with which each quantity is identified.
EXAMPLE Scale of length generated by taking the metre as the unit, where the length of k metres is associated
with the identifier that is the number k.
NOTE 2 Measurement scales are usually defined in such a way that empirically distinguishable individual quantities are
associated with distinct identifiers, and the association maintains the order, so that greater quantities are associated
with greater identifiers.
NOTE 3 A measurement scale for ordinal quantities is an ordinal scale. A similar scale for nominal properties is a
reference set of nominal properties.
1.20 [VIM3: 1.19; VIM2: 1.18; VIM1: 1.17]
value of a quantity
quantity value
value <quantity>
individual quantity identified as the product of a number and a measurement unit or on an
ordinal scale
EXAMPLE 1 5.34 m or 534 cm as the same length identified in two different ways
EXAMPLE 2 0.152 kg or 152 g as the same mass identified in two different ways
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EXAMPLE 3 112 m
as a curvature of arcs
EXAMPLE 4 −5 °C as a Celsius temperature
EXAMPLE 5 (7 + 3j) Ω as an electric impedance at a given frequency, where j is the imaginary unit
EXAMPLE 6 1.32 as a refractive index of samples
EXAMPLE 7 43.5 HRC as a Rockwell C hardness
EXAMPLE 8 3 µg/kg or 3 · 10
as the same mass fraction identified in two different ways
EXAMPLE 9 1.76 µmol/kg as a molality
EXAMPLE 10 5.0 IU/l as amount-of-substance concentration, where “IU” stands for “WHO International Unit”
NOTE 1 A value identified on an ordinal scale is a value of an ordinal quantity.
NOTE 2 Values of quantities appear in relations such as
= 5.34 m
Such a relation is an actual equation, stating that the individual quantity identified as the length l of a given rod a and
the individual quantity identified as 5.34 times the metre are the same.
NOTE 3 In some mathematical theories of measurement, values of quantities are more generically understood as
symbols associated with quantities of objects for representation purposes. According to this understanding, in the
equation in Note 1 the value 5.34 m is interpreted as a symbol representing the length l of rod a.
NOTE 4 According to the type of reference, a value of a quantity is either
- a product of a number and a unit (see Examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9); the measurement unit is generally not
indicated for quantities with unit one (see Examples 6 and 8), or
- a number and a reference to a measurement procedure (see Example 7), or
- a number and a reference to a reference material (see Example 10).
NOTE 5 The number mentioned in the definition can be complex (see Example 5).
NOTE 6 A value can be presented in more than one way (see Examples 1, 2 and 8).
NOTE 7 In the case of vector or tensor quantities, each component has a value.
EXAMPLE Force acting on a given particle, for example in Cartesian components (F
; F
; F
) = (−31.5; 43.2; 17.0)
NOTE 8 The second term, “quantity value”, may be used in order to take advantage of the adjectival use of a noun in
the English language. When there is no possible ambiguity or confusion, the term “value” may be used.
1.21 [VIM3: 1.20; VIM2: 1.21; VIM1: 1.20]
numerical value of a quantity
numerical quantity value
numerical value
ratio of a quantity and a unit of the same kind
NOTE 1 The numerical value {Q} of a quantity Q is frequently denoted {Q} = Q/denotes the unit. Hence, for any given
value of a quantity, the numerical value depends on the unit.
EXAMPLE For a value of 5.700 kg, the numerical value is (5.700 kg)/kg = 5.700. The same information can be
expressed as 5 700 g in which case the numerical value is (5 700 g)/g = 5 700.
NOTE 2 For quantities with unit one, there is no difference between the value and the numerical value of the quantity,
when the coherent unit one is used. For quantities defined as the ratio of two quantities of the same kind, the ratio of
two units is sometimes used to indicate the kind of the two quantities and to provide a multiplicative factor for the
numerical value.
EXAMPLE 1 For an efficiency (ratio of output power to input power) equal to 0.7, the numerical value is 0.7, but it
is 70 when the value is expressed as 70%.
EXAMPLE 2 In an amount-of-substance fraction equal to 3 mmol/mol, the numerical value is 3 and the unit is
mmol/mol. The unit mmol/mol is numerically equal to 0.001.
NOTE 3 Ordinal quantities have no numerical values. The numeral in an expression of the value of an ordinal
quantity is not a numerical value of a quantity, but an identifier for the ordinal position of the quantity on the ordinal
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1.22 [VIM3: 2.11; VIM2: 1.19; VIM1: 1.18]
true value of a quantity
true quantity value
true value
value consistent with a quantity, as it is defined
NOTE 1 True values are, in principle and in practice, unknowable. Some approaches consider that there is not a single
true value but rather a set of true values, whereas some other approaches dispense altogether with true values and rely
on metrological compatibility and metrological traceability of measurement results for assessing their validity.
NOTE 2 In the special case of a fundamental constant, the quantity is considered to have a unique true value.
NOTE 3 When the definitional uncertainty associated with the measurand is considered to be negligible compared to
the other components of the measurement uncertainty, the measurand may be considered to have an “essentially
unique” true value. This is the approach taken by the GUM and associated documents, where the word “true” is
considered to be redundant.
1.23 [VIM3: 2.12]
conventional value of a quantity
conventional quantity value
conventional value
value attributed by agreement to a quantity, for a given purpose
EXAMPLE 1 Standard acceleration of free fall (formerly called “standard acceleration due to gravity”), g
= 9.806 65
EXAMPLE 2 Conventional value of the Josephson constant, K
= 483 597.9 GHz V
EXAMPLE 3 Conventional value of a given mass standard, m = 100.003 47 g.
NOTE 1 The term “conventional true quantity value” is sometimes used for referring to conventional values, but its use
is discouraged.
NOTE 2 Sometimes a conventional value is an estimate of a true value.
NOTE 3 A conventional value is sometimes considered to have an associated measurement uncertainty.
1.24 [VIM3: 5.18]
reference value of a quantity
reference quantity value
reference value
value used as a basis for comparison with values of quantities of the same kind
NOTE 1 Examples of reference values are true values of a measurand, in which case they are unknown, and
conventional values, in which case they are known.
NOTE 2 A reference value with associated measurement uncertainty is usually provided with reference to
a) a material, for example a certified reference material,
b) a device, for example a stabilized laser,
c) a reference procedure,
d) a measurement standard.
1.25 [VIM3: 1.21]
quantity calculus
system of mathematical rules and operations applied to quantities
NOTE 1 The quantities mentioned in the definition are general quantities having a unit.
NOTE 2 In quantity calculus, quantity equations are preferred to numerical value equations because quantity
equations are independent of the choice of units, whereas numerical value equations are not.
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1.26 [VIM3: 1.22]
quantity equation
mathematical relation among quantities in a given system of quantities, independent of
measurement units
NOTE 1 The quantities mentioned in the definition are either general or individual quantities having a unit.
NOTE 2 The quantities on the left-hand side and the right-hand side of a quantity equation must have the same
dimension. Checking this is sometimes called the “dimensional analysis” of the equation.
= ζ Q
where Q
, Q
and Q
denote different quantities, and where ζ is a numerical factor.
EXAMPLE 2 T = (1/2) mv
where T is the kinetic energy and v the speed of a specified particle of mass m.
EXAMPLE 3 n = It/F where n is the amount of substance of a univalent component, I is the electric current and t the
duration of the electrolysis, and where F is the Faraday constant.
1.27 [VIM3: 1.23]
unit equation
mathematical relation among measurement units
EXAMPLE 1 For the quantities in Example 1 of entry 1.26, denote the units of Q
, Q
, and Q
, respectively, and ζ is a
numerical factor, which equals 1 in a coherent system of units.
EXAMPLE 2 J := kg m
, where J, kg, m, and s are the symbols for the joule, kilogram, metre, and second,
respectively (the symbol := denotes “is by definition equal to” as given in the ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series of
International Standards Quantities and units).
EXAMPLE 3 km/h = (1/3.6) m/s.
1.28 [VIM3: 1.24]
conversion factor between units
ratio of two measurement units for quantities of the same kind
EXAMPLE km/m = 1 000 and thus 1 km = 1 000 m.
NOTE The units may belong to different systems of units.
EXAMPLE 1 h/s = 3 600 and thus 1 h = 3 600 s.
EXAMPLE 2 (km/h)/(m/s) = (1/3.6) and thus 1 km/h = (1/3.6) m/s.
1.29 [VIM3: 1.25]
numerical value equation
numerical quantity value equation
mathematical relation among numerical values, based on a given quantity equation and the
related measurement units
EXAMPLE 1 For the quantities in Example 1 in entry 1.26, {Q
} = ζ {Q
} {Q
} where {Q
}, {Q
}, and {Q
} denote the
numerical values of Q
, Q
, and Q
, respectively, provided that they are expressed in either base units or coherent
derived units or both.
EXAMPLE 2 In the quantity equation for kinetic energy of a particle, T = (1/2) mv
, if m = 2 kg and v = 3 m/s, then {T} =
(1/2) · 2 · 3
is a numerical value equation giving the numerical value 9 of T in joules.
1.30 [VIM3: 1.26]
ordinal quantity <general>
general ordinal quantity
ordinal quantity in the general sense
quantity whose instances can be compared by order but not by ratio
EXAMPLE 1 Rockwell C hardness.
EXAMPLE 2 Octane number for petroleum fuel.
EXAMPLE 3 Earthquake strength on the Richter scale.
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EXAMPLE 4 Subjective level of abdominal pain on a scale from zero to five.
NOTE Ordinal quantities are sometimes defined by the procedure according to which they are measured.
1.31 [VIM3: 1.26]
ordinal quantity <individual>
individual ordinal quantity
instance of a general ordinal quantity
NOTE 1 Ordinal quantities can enter into empirical relations only and have neither units nor dimensions. Differences
and ratios of ordinal quantities have no physical meaning.
NOTE 2 Ordinal quantities are arranged according to ordinal scales.
1.32 [VIM3: 1.28; VIM2: 1.22; VIM1: 1.21]
ordinal scale
measurement scale, accepted by agreement, whose elements are related by order only
NOTE 1 A ordinal scale is an ordered set of explicitly chosen individual quantities, where each quantity is associated
with an ordinal identifer.
EXAMPLE 1 Mohs scale of mineral hardness, where the hardness of talc is associated with the ordinal identifier 1,
the hardness of gypsium is associated with the ordinal identifier 2, and so on.
EXAMPLE 2 Scale of octane numbers for petroleum fuel.
NOTE 2 An ordinal scale may be established by measurements according to a measurement procedure.
1.33 [new]
value of an ordinal quantity
value <ordinal quantity>
individual quantity identified on an ordinal scale
NOTE Ordinal quantities have no numerical values. The numeral in an expression of the value of an ordinal quantity
is not a numerical value of a quantity, but an identifier for the ordinal position of the individual quantity on the scale.
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2 Measurement
2.1 [VIM3: 2.1; VIM2: 2.1; VIM1: 2.01]
process of experimentally obtaining one or more values that can reasonably be attributed to a
quantity together with any other available relevant information
NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is an individual quantity.
NOTE 2 The relevant information mentioned in the definition may be about the values obtained by the measurement,
such that some may be more representative of the measurand than others.
NOTE 3 Measurement is sometimes considered to apply to nominal properties, but not in this Vocabulary, where the
process of obtaining values of nominal properties is called “examination”.
NOTE 4 Measurement requires both experimental comparison of quantities or experimental counting of entities at
some step of the process and the use of models and calculations that are based on conceptual considerations.
NOTE 5 The conditions of reasonable attribution mentioned in the definition take into account a description of the
quantity commensurate with the intended use of a measurement result, a measurement procedure, and a calibrated
measuring system operating according to the specified measurement procedure, including the measurement
conditions. Moreover, a maximum permissible error and/or a target uncertainty may be specified, and the
measurement procedure and the measuring system should then be chosen in order not to exceed these measuring
system specifications.
2.2 [VIM3: 2.2; VIM2: 2.2; VIM1: 2.02]
science of measurement and its application
NOTE Metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement, whatever the measurement
uncertainty and field of application.
2.3 [VIM3: 2.3; VIM2: 2.6; VIM1: 2.09]
quantity intended to be measured
NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is an individual quantity.
NOTE 2 The specification of a measurand requires knowledge of the kind of quantity, description of the state of the
phenomenon, body, or substance carrying the quantity, including any quantity having a relevant effect on the quantity
being measured, and, if required, the chemical entities involved.
NOTE 3 In some cases the measurand is specified additionally by a documented and accepted measurement
procedure. ISO REMCO refers to this as an operationally defined measurand (see ISO 17034, General requirements
for the competence of reference material producers, definition 3.7). In laboratory medicine the IUPAC-IFCC format for
a procedure defined measurand is “System—Component; kind-of-quantity(procedure)”.
EXAMPLE The activity of the enzyme alanine transaminase (ALAT) in blood plasma, as specified by the IFCC
Committee on Reference Systems for Enzymes, is:
Plasma—Alanine transaminase; catalytic concentration(IFCC 2002) is equal to 1,2 µkat/L
(IFCC Scientific Division. Committee on Reference Systems for Enzymes (2002). Part 4. Reference procedure for
the measurement of catalytic concentration of alanine aminotransferase. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 40(7): 718-724).
In these cases only results obtained by the same procedure can be compared.
NOTE 4 In the past the term “measurand” was used to refer to both the quantity intended to be measured and the
quantity being measured., i.e., the quantity with which the measuring system interacts. Given that, despite the best
efforts of the measurer, the quantity intended to be measured might not be the same as the quantity being measured,
this ambiguity was removed, by calling “measurand” only the former.
NOTE 5 The measurement, along with the measuring system and the conditions under which the measurement is
carried out, might change the phenomenon, body, or substance such that the quantity being measured may differ from
the measurand as defined. In this case, adequate correction to the measured value may be necessary depending on
the target uncertainty.
EXAMPLE 1 The potential difference between the terminals of a battery may decrease when using a voltmeter
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with a significant internal conductance to perform the measurement. Given the knowledge of the internal
resistances of the battery and the voltmeter, the open-circuit potential difference can be calculated from such
resistances by applying suitable theoretical considerations.
EXAMPLE 2 If the measurand is the length of a steel rod in equilibrium with the ambient Celsius temperature of
20 °C, but the actual ambient temperature is 23 °C, then a correction is necessary.
NOTE 6 The term “analyte”, or the name of a substance or compound, is sometimes (for example in chemistry) used
for measurands. This usage is not consistent with the present Vocabulary because these terms do not refer to
2.4 [VIM3: 2.4; VIM2: 2.3; VIM1: 2.05]
measurement principle
principle of measurement
phenomenon or process serving as a basis of a measurement
EXAMPLE 1 Thermoelectric effect applied to the measurement of temperature.
EXAMPLE 2 Energy absorption applied to the measurement of amount-of-substance concentration.
EXAMPLE 3 Lowering of the concentration of glucose in blood in a fasting rabbit applied to the measurement of insulin
concentration in a preparation.
2.5 [VIM3: 2.5; VIM2: 2.4; VIM1: 2.06]
measurement method
method of measurement
generic description of a logical organization of operations used in a measurement
NOTE 1 Measurement methods may be qualified in various ways such as:
- substitution measurement method,
- differential measurement method, and
- null measurement method;
- direct measurement method, and
- indirect measurement method.
See IEC 60050-300, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electrical and electronic measurements and
measuring instruments.
NOTE 2 The use of the terms “measurement method” and “measurement procedure” differs, for historical reasons, in
different areas of metrology. In general, a measurement method specifies a broader category of operations than does
a measurement procedure, which requires a detailed set of instructions.
2.6 [new]
primary method of measurement
primary measurement method
primary method
measurement method used to obtain a measurement result without reference to a
measurement standard for a quantity of the same kind
NOTE 1 According to the current edition of the SI Brochure, primary methods are the highest-level experimental
methods used for the realization of units using the equations of physics. The essential characteristic of a primary
method is that it allows a quantity to be measured in a particular unit by using only measurements of quantities that do
not involve that unit.
NOTE 2 The Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) uses the term “primary reference
measurement procedure” for primary methods of measurement.
2.7 [VIM3: 2.6; VIM2: 2.5; VIM1: 2.07]
measurement procedure
detailed description of a measurement according to one or more measurement principles and
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to a given measurement method, based on a measurement model and including any
calculation to obtain a measurement result
NOTE 1 A measurement procedure is usually documented in sufficient detail to enable an operator to perform a
NOTE 2 A measurement procedure may include a statement concerning a target uncertainty.
NOTE 3 A measurement procedure is sometimes called a “standard operating procedure”, abbreviated as SOP.
NOTE 4 The use of the terms “measurement method” and “measurement procedure” differs, for historical reasons, in
different areas of metrology. In general, a measurement method specifies a broader category of operations than does
a measurement procedure, which requires a detailed set of instructions.
2.8 [VIM3: 2.7]
reference measurement procedure
reference procedure
measurement procedure used in the process of providing measurement results for assessing
trueness of values obtained from other measurement procedures for quantities of the same
NOTE Reference measurement procedures are often used in calibration and in attributing values to properties of
reference materials.
2.9 [VIM3: 2.8]
primary reference measurement procedure
primary reference procedure
reference measurement procedure used to obtain a measurement result without relation to a
measurement standard for a quantity of the same kind
EXAMPLE The volume of water delivered by a 50 ml pipette at 20 °C is measured by weighing the water delivered by
the pipette into a beaker, taking the mass of beaker plus water minus the mass of the initially empty beaker, and
correcting the mass difference for the actual water temperature using the volumic mass (mass density).
NOTE 1 The Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance – Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM) uses the
term “primary method of measurement” to refer to primary reference procedures.
NOTE 2 Specific kinds of primary reference procedures are direct primary reference procedures and ratio primary
reference procedures, defined by the CCQM (5th Meeting, 1999).
NOTE 3 The Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) uses the term “primary reference
measurement procedure” for referring to primary methods of measurement.
2.10 [VIM3: 2.9; VIM2: 3.1; VIM1: 3.01]
measurement result
result of measurement
set of values being attributed to a measurand together with any other available relevant
NOTE 1 A measurement result generally contains relevant information about the set of values, such that some may be
more representative of the measurand than others. This may be reported as a probability distribution.
NOTE 2 A measurement result is sometimes reported as a single measured value and a measurement uncertainty.
If the measurement uncertainty is negligible in comparison with target uncertainty, the measurement result is
sometimes expressed as a single measured value. In this case only significant digits should be reported. In many
fields, this is the common way of expressing a measurement result, however caution should be used.
NOTE 3 In the traditional literature, a measurement result was reported as a value attributed to a measurand and
explained to mean an indication, or an uncorrected result, or a corrected result, according to the context.
NOTE 4 This definition differs from the definition in the second edition of the VIM (VIM2) (“value attributed to a
measurand, obtained by measurement”) in recognition of the fact that “In general, the result of a measurement is only
an approximation or estimate of the value of the measurand and thus is complete only when accompanied by a
statement of the uncertainty of that estimate.” (GUM, entry 3.1.2).
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2.11 [VIM3: 2.10]
measured value of a quantity
measured quantity value
measured value
value of a quantity representing a measurement result
NOTE 1 For a measurement involving replicate indications, each indication can be used to provide a corresponding
measured value. This set of measured values can be used to calculate a resulting measured value, such as an
average or median, usually with a decreased associated measurement uncertainty.
NOTE 2 When the range of the true values believed to represent the measurand is small compared with the
measurement uncertainty, and therefore the definitional uncertainty is considered to be negligible, a measured value
can be considered to be an estimate of an essentially unique true value and is often an average or median of individual
measured values obtained through replicate indications.
NOTE 3 In cases where the range of the true values believed to represent the measurand is not small compared with
the measurement uncertainty, a measured value is often an estimate of an average or median of the set of true values.
NOTE 4 In the GUM, the terms “result of measurement” and “estimate of the value of the measurand” or just “estimate
of the measurand” are used for measured values.
NOTE 5 The term “measured value” can be used instead of the full term “measured quantity value” only if there is no
possibility for ambiguity or misinterpretation in the particular context. In particular, “measured value” should not be used
for indication and “indication” should not be used for measured value.
2.12 [VIM3: 2.48]
measurement model
model of measurement
mathematical relation among all quantities known to be involved in a measurement
NOTE 1 A general form of a measurement model is the equation h(Y, X
, …, X
) = 0, where Y, the output quantity, is
the measurand, the value of which is to be inferred from information about input quantities X
, …, X
NOTE 2 In more complex cases where there are two or more output quantities, the measurement model consists of
more than one equation.
2.13 [VIM3: 2.49]
measurement function
function of quantities, the value of which, when calculated using known values for the input
quantities in a measurement model, is a measured value of the output quantity in the
measurement model
NOTE 1 If a measurement model h(Y, X
, …, X
) = 0 can explicitly be written as Y = f (X
, …, X
), where Y is the
output quantity in the measurement model, the function f is the measurement function. More generally, f may symbolize
an algorithm, yielding for input values x
, …, x
a corresponding unique output value y = f (x
, …, x
NOTE 2 A measurement function is also used to calculate the measurement uncertainty associated with the
measured value of Y.
2.14 [VIM3: 2.50]
input quantity in a measurement model
input quantity
quantity, the value of which is required for calculating a measured value of a measurand
EXAMPLE When the length of a steel rod at a specified temperature is the measurand, the actual temperature, the
length at that actual temperature, and the linear thermal expansion coefficient of the rod are input quantities.
NOTE 1 An input quantity is often an output quantity of a measuring system.
NOTE 2 Indications, corrections, and influence quantities can be input quantities.
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2.15 [VIM3: 2.51]
output quantity in a measurement model
output quantity
quantity, the measured value of which is calculated using the values of input quantities in a
measurement model
2.16 [VIM3: 2.52; VIM2: 2.7; VIM1: 2.10]
influence quantity
quantity that does not affect the quantity being measured but that affects the measurement
NOTE 1 The quantities mentioned in the definition are individual quantities.
EXAMPLE 1 Frequency of the alternating current in the measurement with an ammeter of the amplitude of that current.
EXAMPLE 2 Amount-of-substance concentration of bilirubin in a direct measurement of haemoglobin amount-of-
substance concentration in human blood plasma.
EXAMPLE 3 Temperature of a micrometer used for measuring the length of a rod, but not the temperature of the rod
itself which can enter into the definition of the measurand.
EXAMPLE 4 Background pressure in the ion source of a mass spectrometer during a measurement of amount-of-
substance fraction.
NOTE 2 An indirect measurement involves a combination of direct measurements, each of which may be affected by
influence quantities.
NOTE 3 In the GUM and in the second edition of the VIM, the term “influence quantity” is used for referring not only to
the quantities affecting the measuring system, as in the definition above, but also to those quantities that affect the
quantities actually measured. Also, in the GUM influence quantities are not restricted to direct measurements.
2.17 [VIM3: 2.53; VIM2: 3.15, 3.16; VIM1: 3.14, 3.15]
quantity, in a measurement model, compensating for an estimated systematic error
NOTE 1 The compensation can take different forms, such as an addend or a factor, or can be deduced from a table.
NOTE 2 Corrections can be used for both input quantities and output quantities in a measurement model. If any of the
related estimated systematic errors are negligible with respect to the target uncertainty, the corresponding correction is
usually avoided, especially if it is unpractical or uneconomical.
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3 Measurement quality
3.1 [VIM3: 2.26; VIM2: 3.9; VIM1: 3.09]
measurement uncertainty
uncertainty of measurement
parameter characterizing the dispersion of the values being attributed to a measurand, based on
the information used
NOTE 1 A way to interpret measurement uncertainty is as indecision or doubt, either about the essentially unique true
value of the measurand that remains after making a measurement, or about the measured value to be chosen to
represent a measurement result.
NOTE 2 The parameter characterizing dispersion is either positive or zero. It may be, for example, a standard
uncertainty (or a specified multiple of it), or the half-width of an interval, having a stated coverage probability.
NOTE 3 Measurement uncertainty includes components arising from systematic effects, such as components
associated with corrections and values attributed to quantities of measurement standards. Sometimes estimated
systematic effects are not corrected for but, instead, associated measurement uncertainty components are
NOTE 4 Measurement uncertainty comprises, in general, many components. Some of these may be evaluated by Type
A evaluation from the probability distribution of the values from series of measurements and can be characterized by
standard deviations. The other components, which may be evaluated by Type B evaluation, can also be characterized
by standard deviations, evaluated from probability distributions based on experience or other information.
NOTE 5 In general, for given information, as mentioned in the definition, it is understood that the measurement
uncertainty is associated with a stated value attributed to the measurand. A modification of this value results in a
modification of the associated uncertainty.
NOTE 6 Measurement uncertainty is generally part of a measurement result. If instead a measurement result is
reported as a single measured value, then only significant digits should be reported.
3.2 [VIM3: 2.27]
definitional uncertainty
measurement uncertainty resulting from the finite amount of detail in the definition of a
EXAMPLE 1 The glucose concentration in blood plasma of a person at a given time varies depending on which part of
the blood circulation the sample is drawn from. If not otherwise specified this variation contributes to definitional
EXAMPLE 2 The measured thickness of a sheet of material at a given temperature may vary at different points on the
sheet because of manufacturing unevenness. If not otherwise specified this variation contributes to definitional
NOTE 1 Definitional uncertainty is the practical minimum measurement uncertainty achievable in any measurement of
a given measurand. A measurand should be defined in such a way that the related definitional uncertainty is
significantly less than the target uncertainty.
NOTE 2 Any change in the descriptive detail in the definition of a measurand usually leads to another definitional
NOTE 3 In the GUM, entry D.3.4, and in IEC 60359, Electrical and electronic measurement equipment Expression of
performance, definitional uncertainty is termed “intrinsic uncertainty”.
3.3 [VIM3: 4.24]
instrumental measurement uncertainty
instrumental uncertainty
component of measurement uncertainty arising from a measuring instrument or measuring
system in use
NOTE 1 Instrumental uncertainty is evaluated through calibration of a measuring instrument or measuring system,
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except for a primary measurement standard for which other means are used.
NOTE 2 Instrumental uncertainty is used in a Type B evaluation of measurement uncertainty.
NOTE 3 Information relevant to instrumental uncertainty is usually given in the instrument specifications.
3.4 [VIM3: 2.28]
Type A evaluation of measurement uncertainty
Type A evaluation
evaluation of a component of measurement uncertainty by a statistical analysis of measured
values obtained under defined measurement conditions
NOTE 1 For various types of measurement conditions, see repeatability condition of measurement, intermediate
precision condition of measurement, and reproducibility condition of measurement.
NOTE 2 For information about statistical analysis, see for example the GUM.
NOTE 3 See also the GUM, entry 2.3.2, and the ISO 5725 series of International Standards, Accuracy (trueness and
precision) of measurement methods and results, ISO 13528, Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by
interlaboratory comparison, ISO/TS 21748, Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates
in measurement uncertainty estimation, ISO 21749, Measurement uncertainty for metrological applications Repeated
measurements and nested experiments.
3.5 [VIM3: 2.29]
Type B evaluation of measurement uncertainty
Type B evaluation
evaluation of a component of measurement uncertainty determined by means other than a Type
A evaluation
EXAMPLES Evaluation based on information
- associated with authoritative published values,
- associated with the value of a property of a certified reference material,
- obtained from a calibration certificate,
- about drift,
- obtained from the accuracy class of a verified measuring instrument,
- obtained from limits inferred through personal experience.
NOTE See also the GUM, entry 2.3.3.
3.6 [VIM3: 2.30]
standard measurement uncertainty
standard uncertainty of measurement
standard uncertainty
measurement uncertainty specified as a standard deviation
3.7 [VIM3: 2.31]
combined standard measurement uncertainty
combined standard uncertainty
standard uncertainty that is obtained using the standard uncertainties associated with the input
quantities in a measurement model
NOTE In case of correlations of the random variables modelling input quantities in a measurement model, covariances
must also be taken into account when calculating the combined standard uncertainty; see also the GUM, entry 2.3.4.
3.8 [VIM3: 2.32]
relative standard measurement uncertainty
standard uncertainty divided by the absolute value of a measured value
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3.9 [VIM3: 2.33]
uncertainty budget
statement of a measurement uncertainty, of the components of that measurement uncertainty,
and of their calculation and combination
NOTE An uncertainty budget should specify the measurement model, estimates and measurement uncertainties
associated with the quantities in the measurement model, covariances, type of applied probability distributions,
degrees of freedom, type of evaluation of measurement uncertainty, and any coverage factor if expanded uncertainty
is considered.
3.10 [VIM3: 2.34]
target measurement uncertainty
target uncertainty
measurement uncertainty specified as an upper limit and decided on the basis of the intended
use of measurement results
NOTE The target uncertainty of a given measurement should be significantly greater than the definitional uncertainty
of the measurand.
3.11 [VIM3: 2.35]
expanded measurement uncertainty
expanded uncertainty
product of a combined standard uncertainty and a factor greater than one
NOTE 1 The factor mentioned in the definition is a coverage factor and depends upon the type of probability
distribution of the output quantity in a measurement model and the selected coverage probability. Expanded
uncertainties are meaningful only for symmetric distributions.
NOTE 2 Expanded measurement uncertainty is termed “overall uncertainty” in paragraph 5 of Recommendation INC-1
(1980) (see the GUM) and simply “uncertainty” in IEC documents.
3.12 [VIM3: 2.36]
coverage interval
interval containing the value of a quantity with a stated probability, based on the information
NOTE 1 A coverage interval does not need to be centred on the chosen measured value (see JCGM 101, Evaluation
of measurement data Supplement 1 to the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” Propagation of
distributions using a Monte Carlo method).
NOTE 2 A coverage interval should not be termed “confidence interval” to avoid confusion with the statistical concept
(see the GUM, entry 6.2.2).
NOTE 3 A coverage interval can be derived from an expanded uncertainty (see the GUM, entry 2.3.5).
NOTE 4 In this definition “the value of a quantity” is sometimes interpreted as referring to the true value of the
quantity, where the adjective “true” is considered to be redundant as in the GUM.
NOTE 5 The definition has been taken from JCGM 101, Evaluation of measurement data – Supplement 1 to the “Guide
to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo method, entry
3.13 [VIM3: 2.37]
coverage probability
probability that the value of a quantity is contained within a specified coverage interval
NOTE 1 Coverage probability is also termed “level of confidence” in the GUM.
NOTE 2 In this definition “the value of a quantity” is sometimes interpreted as referring to the true value of the
quantity, where the adjective “true” is considered to be redundant as in the GUM.
NOTE 3 The definition has been taken from JCGM 101, Evaluation of measurement data – Supplement 1 to the “Guide
22 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo method, entry
3.14 [VIM3: 2.38]
coverage factor
number greater than one by which a combined standard uncertainty is multiplied to obtain an
expanded uncertainty
NOTE 1 Coverage factors are meaningful for computing expanded uncertainties only for symmetric distributions.
NOTE 2 A coverage factor is usually symbolized k (see also the GUM, entry 2.3.6).
3.15 [VIM3: 2.13; VIM2: 3.5; VIM1: 3.05]
measurement accuracy
closeness of agreement between a measured value and a reference value of a measurand
NOTE 1 The term “closeness of agreement” is maintained in this Vocabulary in keeping with its traditional usage.
However, depending on the context, accuracy is sometimes considered to be a quantity that can be evaluated.
NOTE 2 Accuracy is customarily thought of as pertaining to either
1) a measurement procedure. In this case accuracy is generally known and reported quantitatively, sometimes in
terms of bias and standard deviation. Algorithms for evaluation are given in the ISO 5725 series of International
Standards, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results);
2) a measuring instrument or a measuring system. In this case accuracy is generally known and reported
quantitatively, sometimes in terms of an accuracy class;
3) a single measured value or a set of measured values. In either of these cases accuracy cannot be known because
the reference value in this case is a true value of the measurand. While accuracy and measurement uncertainty are
not the same, sometimes accuracy is reported in terms of measurement uncertainty and sometimes measurement
uncertainty is reported in terms of accuracy.
NOTE 3 Accuracy can be interpreted as the combination of measurement trueness and measurement precision.
However, the term “measurement accuracy” should not be used for measurement trueness and the term “measurement
precision” should not be used for measurement accuracy.
NOTE 4 A measurement is said to be more accurate when it offers a smaller measurement error.
3.16 [VIM3: 2.14]
measurement trueness
closeness of agreement between the average of measured values obtained by replicate
measurements and a reference value
NOTE 1 The term “closeness of agreement” is maintained in this Vocabulary in keeping with its traditional usage.
However, depending on the context, trueness is sometimes considered to be a quantity that can be evaluated.
NOTE 2 Measurement trueness is customarily thought of as pertaining to either 1) a measurement procedure, 2) a
measuring instrument or a measuring system, or 3) a single measured value or a set of measured values.
NOTE 3 In practice, the number of averaged measured values must be large enough to make random variability of the
result negligible. Measurement trueness may be reported in terms of parameters listed in the ISO 5725 series of
International Standards, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results.
NOTE 4 A measurement is said to have better trueness when it offers a smaller systematic error, which is estimated
by means of bias, while trueness is not related to random error.
NOTE 5 The term “measurement accuracy” should not be used for measurement trueness.
3.17 [VIM3: 2.15]
measurement precision
closeness of agreement among indications or measured values obtained by replicate
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measurements on the same or similar objects under specified conditions
NOTE 1 The term “closeness of agreement” is maintained in this Vocabulary in keeping with its traditional usage.
However, depending on the context, precision is sometimes considered to be a quantity that can be evaluated.
NOTE 2 Measurement precision is customarily thought of as pertaining to either 1) a measurement procedure, 2) a
measuring instrument or a measuring system, or 3) a set of measured values.
NOTE 3 Measurement precision may be reported in terms of standard deviation, variance, or coefficient of variation
under the specified conditions of measurement.
NOTE 4 The specified conditions mentioned in the definition can be, for example, repeatability conditions of
measurement, intermediate precision conditions of measurement, or reproducibility conditions of
measurement (see ISO 5725-1, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results Part 1:
General principles and definitions).
NOTE 5 A measurement is said to have better precision when it offers a smaller random error, while it is not related to
systematic error.
NOTE 6 Sometimes the term “measurement precision” is erroneously used to mean measurement accuracy.
NOTE 7 Precision may be evaluated by replicate measurements on similar items, provided variability among items is
accounted for, or is negligible.
3.18 [VIM3: 2.16; VIM2: 3.10; VIM1: 3.10]
measurement error
error of measurement
measured value minus a reference value
NOTE 1 Measurement error is customarily thought of as pertaining to either 1) a measurement procedure, 2) a
measuring instrument/system, or 3) a single measured value or a set of measured values.
NOTE 2 The term “measurement error” can be used either a) when there is a single reference value to refer to, which
occurs if a calibration is made by means of a measurement standard with a measured value having a negligible
measurement uncertainty or if a conventional value is given, in which case the measurement error is known, or b) if
a measurand is supposed to be represented by a set of true values of negligible range (an essentially unique true
value), in which case the measurement error is not known.
NOTE 3 Measurement error is traditionally interpreted as having systematic components and random components,
though the distinction between systematic error and random error may depend on the context. Sometimes systematic
error and random error are combined additively.
NOTE 4 A known measurement error should be reported together with an associated uncertainty.
NOTE 5 Measurement error should not be confused with production error or mistake.
3.19 [VIM3: 2.17; VIM2: 3.14; VIM1: 3.13]
systematic measurement error
systematic error of measurement
systematic error
component of measurement error that in replicate measurements remains constant or varies in
a predictable manner
NOTE 1 A reference value for a systematic error is a true value, or a measured value of a measurement standard
of negligible measurement uncertainty, or a conventional value.
NOTE 2 Systematic error, and its causes, can be known or unknown. A correction can be applied to compensate for a
known systematic error.
NOTE 3 Systematic error usually equals measurement error minus random error.
3.20 [VIM3: 2.18]
measurement bias
estimate of a systematic error
NOTE 1 This definition applies to measurements where the systematic error is not known (i.e., where the reference
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value is a true value) and therefore it needs to be estimated. In these cases, the estimated value should be
accompanied with an uncertainty.
NOTE 2 Sometimes measurement bias is incorporated in a measurement model as a correction.
3.21 [VIM3: 2.19; VIM2: 3.13; VIM1: 3.12]
random measurement error
random error of measurement
random error
component of measurement error that in replicate measurements varies in an unpredictable
NOTE 1 A reference value for a random error is the average that would ensue from replicate measurements of the
same measurand. In practice, the number of averaged values must be large enough to make random variability of the
average negligible.
NOTE 2 Random errors of a set of replicate measurements form a distribution that can be summarized by its average,
which is generally assumed to be zero, and its standard deviation.
NOTE 3 Random error usually equals measurement error minus systematic error.
3.22 [VIM3: 2.20; VIM2: 3.6 Notes 1 and 2]
repeatability condition of measurement
repeatability condition
condition of measurement that is held fixed while performing two or more measurements over a
short period of time
NOTE 1 A set of repeatability conditions typically includes measurement procedure, measuring system, measuring
system operator, operating conditions, and measurement location.
NOTE 2 In chemistry, the term “intra-serial precision condition of measurement” is sometimes used for referring to
repeatability conditions.
NOTE 3 The short period of time mentioned in the definition is intended to be as short as necessary in order to avoid
the occurrence of changes in the set of conditions (see ISO 5725-1, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement
methods and results – Part 1: General principles and definitions, entry 4.4).
NOTE 4 Repeatability may be evaluated by replicate measurements on similar objects, provided variability among the
objects is accounted for, or is negligible.
3.23 [VIM3: 2.21; VIM2: 3.6; VIM1: 3.06]
measurement repeatability
measurement precision under a set of repeatability conditions
3.24 [VIM3: 2.22]
intermediate precision condition of measurement
intermediate precision condition
condition of measurement, out of a set of conditions that includes the same measurement
procedure, same location, and replicate measurements on the same or similar objects over an
extended period of time, but may include other conditions involving changes
NOTE 1 The changes mentioned in the definition may include new calibrations, calibrators, operators, and
measuring systems.
NOTE 2 The specification of an intermediate precision condition should include the conditions changed and unchanged,
to the extent practical.
NOTE 3 In chemistry, the term “inter-serial precision condition of measurement” is sometimes used for referring to
intermediate precision conditions.
NOTE 4 The extended period of time mentioned in the definition is intended to be long enough to allow for conditions
involving changes to actually occur.
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NOTE 5 Intermediate precision may be evaluated by replicate measurements on similar objects, provided variability
among the objects is accounted for, or is negligible.
3.25 [VIM3: 2.23]
intermediate measurement precision
intermediate precision
measurement precision under a set of intermediate precision conditions
NOTE Relevant statistical terms are given in ISO 5725-3, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods
and results – Part 3: Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method.
3.26 [VIM3: 2.24; VIM2: 3.7 Note 2]
reproducibility condition of measurement
reproducibility condition
condition of measurement, out of a set of conditions that includes different locations, operators,
measuring systems, and replicate measurements on the same or similar objects
NOTE 1 The specification of a reproducibility condition should include the conditions changed and unchanged, to the
extent practical.
NOTE 2 In some cases the different measuring systems mentioned in the definition may use different measurement
3.27 [VIM3: 2.25; VIM2: 3.7; VIM1: 3.07]
measurement reproducibility
measurement precision under reproducibility conditions
NOTE Relevant statistical terms are given in ISO 5725-1, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods
and results Part 1: General principles and definitions and ISO 5725-2, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of
measurement methods and results Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a
standard measurement method.
3.28 [VIM3: 2.26; VIM2: 5.21; VIM1: 5.23]
maximum permissible measurement error
maximum permissible error
limit of error
extreme measurement error, with respect to a known reference value, permitted by
specifications or regulations for a given measurement, measuring instrument, or measuring
NOTE 1 Usually, the terms “maximum permissible errors” or “limits of error” are used where there are two different
extreme values.
NOTE 2 The term “tolerance” should not be used for referring to maximum permissible errors.
3.29 [VIM3: 4.27; VIM2: 5.22; VIM1: 5.25]
datum measurement error
datum error
measurement error of a measuring instrument or measuring system at a specified measured
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3.30 [VIM3: 4.28; VIM2: 5.23; VIM1: 5.26]
zero error
error at zero
datum error where the specified measured value is zero
NOTE Zero error should not be confused with absence of measurement error.
3.31 [VIM3: 2.29]
null measurement uncertainty
measurement uncertainty where the measured value is zero
NOTE 1 Null measurement uncertainty is associated with a null or near zero indication and covers an interval where
one does not know whether the measurand is too small to be detected or the indication of the measuring instrument
is due only to noise.
NOTE 2 Null measurement uncertainty also applies when a difference is obtained between measurement of a sample
and a blank.
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4 Measuring devices and their properties
4.1 [VIM3: 3.1; VIM2: 4.1; VIM1: 4.01]
measuring instrument
device used for making measurements, alone or in conjunction with one or more supplementary
NOTE 1 A measuring instrument that can be used alone for making measurements is a measuring system.
NOTE 2 A measuring instrument is either an indicating measuring instrument or a material measure.
4.2 [VIM3: 3.2; VIM2: 4.5; VIM1: 4.05]
measuring system
set of one or more measuring instruments and often other components, assembled and
adapted to give information used to generate measured values within specified intervals for
quantities of specified kinds
NOTE 1 The components mentioned in the definition may be devices, reagents, and supplies.
NOTE 2 A measuring system is sometimes referred to as “measuring equipment” or “device”, for example in ISO 10012,
Measurement management systems Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment and ISO
17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.
NOTE 3 Although the terms “measuring system” and “measurement system” are frequently used synonymously, the
latter is instead sometimes used to refer to a measuring system plus all other entities involved in a measurement,
including the object under measurement and the person(s) performing the measurement.
NOTE 4 A measuring system can be used as a measurement standard.
4.3 [VIM3: 3.3; VIM2: 4.6; VIM1: 4.06]
indicating measuring instrument
measuring instrument providing an output signal carrying information about the value of the
quantity being measured
EXAMPLES Voltmeter, micrometer, thermometer, electronic balance.
NOTE 1 The quantity being measured that is mentioned in the definition might not be the same as the measurand, for
example when the measuring instrument does not properly interact with the object under measurement.
NOTE 2 An indicating measuring instrument may provide a record of its indication.
NOTE 3 An output signal may be presented in visual or acoustic form. It may also be transmitted to one or more other
4.4 [VIM3: 3.4; VIM2: 4.6; VIM1: 4.06]
displaying measuring instrument
indicating measuring instrument where the output signal is presented in visual form
4.5 [VIM3: 3.5; VIM2: 4.17; VIM1: 4.19]
scale of a displaying measuring instrument
component of a displaying measuring instrument, consisting of an ordered set of marks
together with any associated values
4.6 [VIM3: 3.6; VIM2: 4.2; VIM1: 4.02]
material measure
measuring instrument reproducing or supplying, in a permanent manner during its use,
quantities of one or more given kinds, each with an assigned value
EXAMPLES Standard weight, volume measure (supplying one or several values, with or without a measurement
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scale), standard electric resistor, line scale (ruler), gauge block, standard signal generator, certified reference
NOTE 1 The indication of a material measure is its assigned value.
NOTE 2 A material measure can be used as a measurement standard.
4.7 [VIM3: 3.7; VIM2: 4.3; VIM1: 4.03]
measuring transducer
component of a measuring system that provides an output quantity having a specified relation
to the input quantity
EXAMPLES Thermocouple, electric current transformer, strain gauge, pH electrode, Bourdon tube, bimetallic strip.
4.8 [VIM3: 3.8; VIM2: 4.14; VIM1: 4.15]
component of a measuring system that is directly affected by a phenomenon, body, or
substance carrying a quantity being measured
EXAMPLES Sensing coil of a platinum resistance thermometer, rotor of a turbine flow meter, Bourdon tube of a
pressure gauge, float of a level-measuring instrument, photocell of a spectrometer, thermotropic liquid crystal which
changes colour as a function of temperature.
NOTE In some fields, the term “detector” is used for referring to sensors.
4.9 [VIM3: 3.9; VIM2: 4.15; VIM1: 4.16]
device or substance that indicates the presence of a phenomenon, body, or substance when a
threshold value of an associated quantity is exceeded
EXAMPLES Halogen leak detector, litmus paper.
NOTE 1 In some fields, the term “detector” is used for referring to sensors.
NOTE 2 In chemistry, the term “indicator” is frequently used for referring to detectors.
4.10 [VIM3: 3.10; VIM2: 4.4; VIM1: 4.04]
measuring chain
series of elements of a measuring system constituting a single path of the signal from a sensor
to an output element
EXAMPLE 1 Electro-acoustic measuring chain comprising a microphone, attenuator, filter, amplifier, and voltmeter.
EXAMPLE 2 Mechanical measuring chain comprising a Bourdon tube, system of levers, two gears, and a mechanical
4.11 [VIM3: 3.11; VIM2: 4.30; VIM1: 4.33]
adjustment of a measuring system
set of operations carried out on a measuring system so that it provides prescribed indications
corresponding to given values of a quantity being measured
NOTE 1 If there is any doubt that the context in which the term is being used is that of metrology, the long form
“adjustment of a measuring system” might be used.
NOTE 2 Types of adjustment of a measuring system include zero adjustment, offset adjustment, and span adjustment
(sometimes called “gain adjustment”).
NOTE 3 Adjustment of a measuring system should not be confused with calibration, which is sometimes a prerequisite
for adjustment.
NOTE 4 After an adjustment of a measuring system, the measuring system must usually be recalibrated.
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4.12 [VIM3: 3.12]
zero adjustment
zero adjustment of a measuring system
adjustment of a measuring system so that it provides a null indication corresponding to a zero
value of a quantity being measured
NOTE 1 If there is any doubt that the context in which the term is being used is that of metrology, the long form “zero
adjustment of a measuring system” might be used.
4.13 [VIM3: 4.1; VIM2: 3.2; VIM1: 3.02]
instrumental indication
value of a quantity provided by an indicating measuring instrument
NOTE 1 Step 2 of the calibration of a measuring instrument or a measuring system involves establishing the
relation between indications and measured values. Indications are thus independent of whether the instrument has
been calibrated.
NOTE 2 An indication and a corresponding value of the quantity being measured are not necessarily values of
quantities of the same kind. For example, an indication might be the value of the angle of deflection of a pointer on the
measuring instrument, whereas the quantity being measured might be a pressure. The two entities are not to be
confused, even though a symbol of a value of the quantity being measured might be written on the instrument display.
NOTE 3 Indications are sometimes understood as quantities, rather than as values.
4.14 [VIM3: 4.2]
blank indication
background indication
indication obtained from a phenomenon, body, or substance similar to the one under
investigation, but for which a quantity of interest is supposed not to be present, or is not
contributing to the indication
4.15 [VIM3: 4.3; VIM2: 4.19; VIM1: 4.21]
indication interval
interval of values bounded by extreme possible indications
NOTE 1 An indication interval is usually stated in terms of its smallest and greatest values, for example “99 V to 201 V”.
NOTE 2 In some fields, the term referring to an indication interval is “range of indications”, not to be confused with a
range of a nominal indication interval.
4.16 [VIM3: 4.4; VIM2: 5.1; VIM1: 5.01]
nominal indication interval
nominal interval
indication interval, bounded by rounded or approximate extreme indications, obtainable with a
particular setting of the controls of a measuring instrument or measuring system and used to
designate that setting
NOTE 1 A nominal indication interval is usually stated as its smallest and greatest values, for example “100 V to 200 V”.
NOTE 2 In some fields, the term “nominal range” is used for referring to nominal intervals.
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4.17 [VIM3: 4.6; VIM2: 5.3; VIM1: 5.03]
nominal value
nominal value of a quantity
nominal value of a quantity of a measuring system
rounded or approximate value of a characterizing quantity of a measuring system that provides
guidance for its appropriate use
EXAMPLE 1 100 Ω as the nominal value of electric resistence as a characterizing quantity of a standard resistor.
EXAMPLE 2 1 000 ml as the nominal value of volume as a characterizing quantity of a single-mark volumetric flask.
EXAMPLE 3 0.1 mol/l as the nominal value of amount-of-substance concentration as a characterizing quantity of a
solution of hydrogen chloride, HCl, as used in a measuring instrument.
NOTE 1 If there is any doubt that the context in which the term is being used is that of metrology, the long form “nominal
value of a quantity of a measuring system” might be used.
NOTE 2 The terms “nominal value” and “nominal value of a quantity” should not be used for referring to nominal
property values.
4.18 [VIM3: 4.7; VIM2: 5.4; VIM1: 5.04]
measuring interval
working interval
interval of values of quantities of the same kind that can be measured by a given measuring
instrument or measuring system with specified instrumental uncertainty, under defined
NOTE 1 In some fields, the terms “measuring range” or “measurement range” are used for referring to measuring
NOTE 2 The lower limit of a measuring interval should not be confused with detection limit.
4.19 [new]
operating condition
state of a measuring instrument or measuring system when it is in operation
NOTE The state of a measuring instrument or measuring system can include whether and how it is powered /
energized, the state of internal components / circuitry / interconnections when energized (for example, what is constant
and what varies with time), and what are the values of the environmental quantities that are known to influence the
indication in a significant, predictable but otherwise undesirable way.
EXAMPLE A set of operating conditions for a battery-powered voltmeter could include the required type and voltage of
the battery, the temperature range over which the electronic circuitry is designed to operate properly when the voltmeter
is in operation, what part of the circuitry is designed to remain constant (for example, electric current) and what part of
the circuitry varies with time during normal operation, the values of environmental quantities known to significantly
influence the indication of the voltmeter in a predictable but undesirable way (for example, ambient temperature and
humidity, ambient electromagnetic fields) and the actual measurement range employed.
4.20 [VIM3: 4.9; VIM2: 5.5; VIM1: 5.05]
rated operating condition
operating condition that must be achieved in order that a measuring instrument or measuring
system perform as designed
NOTE Rated operating conditions generally specify intervals of values for a quantity being measured and for any
influence quantity.
4.21 [VIM3: 4.10; VIM2: 5.6; VIM1: 5.06]
limiting operating condition
extreme operating condition that a measuring instrument or measuring system is required to
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withstand without damage, and without degradation of specified metrological properties, when it is
subsequently operated under its rated operating conditions
NOTE 1 Limiting conditions for storage, transport or operation can differ.
NOTE 2 Limiting conditions can include limiting values of a quantity being measured and of any influence quantity.
4.22 [VIM3: 4.11; VIM2: 5.7; VIM1: 5.07]
reference operating condition
reference condition
operating condition prescribed for evaluating the performance of a measuring instrument or
measuring system or for comparison of measurement results
NOTE 1 Reference operating conditions specify intervals of values of the measurand and of the influence quantities.
NOTE 2 In IEC 60050-300, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electrical and electronic measurements and
measuring instruments, definition 311-06-02, the term “reference condition” refers to an operating condition under which
the specified instrumental uncertainty is the smallest possible.
4.23 [VIM3: 4.12; VIM2: 5.10; VIM1: 5.10]
sensitivity of a measuring instrument
quotient of the change in an indication of a measuring instrument and the corresponding
change in a given value of the quantity being measured
NOTE 1 If there is any doubt that the context in which the term is being used is that of metrology, the long form
“sensitivity of a measuring instrument” might be used.
NOTE 2 Sensitivity of a measuring instrument can depend on (i) the quantity being measured, (ii) the influence
quantities, and (iii) aging of the instrument. Sensitivity is evaluated under the condition that the influence quantities do
not change.
NOTE 3 The change considered in the value of the quantity being measured must be large compared with the
resolution of the measuring instrument.
4.24 [VIM3: 4.13]
selectivity of a measuring instrument
property of a measuring instrument, whereby it provides indications that are independent of
quantities other than the quantity being measured but that are of the same kind as the
EXAMPLE 1 Capability of a quadrupole mass spectrometer to provide indications of the presence of background gases
in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber by the ion current generated, without disturbance by other specified sources of electric
EXAMPLE 2 Capability of a measuring instrument to provide indications about the power of a signal component at a
given frequency without being disturbed by signal components or other signals at other frequencies.
EXAMPLE 3 Capability of a receiver to discriminate between indications about a wanted signal and unwanted signals,
often having frequencies slightly different from the frequency of the wanted signal.
EXAMPLE 4 Capability of a measuring instrument for ionizing radiation to provide indications about a given radiation to
be measured in the presence of concomitant radiation.
EXAMPLE 5 Capability of a measuring instrument to provide indications about the amount-of-substance concentration
of creatininium in blood plasma without being influenced by the glucose, urate, ketone, and protein concentrations.
EXAMPLE 6 Capability of a mass spectrometer to provide indications about the amount-of-substance abundance of the
Si isotope and of the
Si isotope in silicon from a geological deposit without influence between the two, or from the
Si isotope.
NOTE 1 If there is any doubt that the context in which the term is being used is that of metrology, the long form
“selectivity of a measuring instrument” might be used.
NOTE 2 In chemistry the property of a measuring instrument being selective to only one measurand in a sample is
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often termed “specificity”.
NOTE 3 In chemistry, selectivity of a measuring instrument is usually obtained for quantities with selected components
in concentrations within stated intervals.
4.25 [VIM3: 4.14]
resolution of a measuring instrument
smallest change in the quantity being measured that causes a detectable change in the
corresponding indication
NOTE 1 If there is any doubt that the context in which the term is being used is that of metrology, the long form
“resolution of a measuring instrument” might be used.
NOTE 2 Resolution can depend on the value of the quantity being measured. It may also depend on noise (internal or
external) or friction.
NOTE 3 The resolution of a measuring instrument is not the same thing as the resolution of a displaying device. The
difference is that the resolution of a displaying device is determined from detectable changes in indications of the
displaying device, whereas the resolution of a measuring instrument is determined from detectable changes in
measured values when using the measuring instrument, which are in turn based on knowing the relation of the
measured value to the indication as obtained through calibration of the measuring instrument.
NOTE 4: Resolution is not necessarily the same as discrimination threshold.
4.26 [VIM3: 4.16; VIM2: 5.11; VIM1: 5.12]
discrimination threshold
largest change in the quantity being measured that causes no detectable change in the
corresponding indication
NOTE 1 Discrimination threshold may depend, for example, on noise (internal or external) or friction. It can also depend
on the value of the quantity being measured and how the change is applied.
NOTE 2: Discrimination threshold is not necessarily the same as resolution.
4.27 [VIM3: 4.17; VIM2: 5.13; VIM1: 5.14]
dead band
maximum interval through which the quantity being measured can be changed in both directions
without producing a detectable change in the corresponding indication
NOTE 1 Dead band can depend on the rate of change of the quantity being measured.
NOTE 2 A dead band may be exploited, or purposely introduced, to prevent the occurrence of changes in the indication
unrelated to the value of the quantity being measured, such as those caused by noise.
4.28 [VIM3: 4.18; VIM2: 4.15 Note 1]
detection limit
limit of detection
value of the measurand for which the probability of falsely claiming the absence of a component
in a material is β, given a probability α of falsely claiming its presence
NOTE 1 The abbreviation LOD is sometimes used for referring to detection limit.
NOTE 2 Detection limit is usually considered to be a feature of a particular measurement procedure in a given
NOTE 3 The term “sensitivity” is discouraged for referring to detection limits.
NOTE 4 IUPAC recommends default values for α and β equal to 0.05.
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4.29 [VIM3: 4.19; VIM2: 5.14; VIM1: 5.16]
stability of a measuring instrument
property of a measuring instrument, whereby its metrological properties remain constant in time
NOTE 1 If there is any doubt that the term refers to a measuring instrument, the long form stability of a measuring
instrument” might be used.
NOTE 2 Stability may be quantified in several ways.
EXAMPLE 1 In terms of the duration of a time interval over which a metrological property changes by a stated
EXAMPLE 2 In terms of the change of a property over a stated time interval.
4.30 [VIM3: 4.20; VIM2: 5.25; VIM1: 5.28]
instrumental bias
average of replicate indications minus a reference value
4.31 [VIM3: 4.21; VIM2: 5.16; VIM1: 5.18]
instrumental drift
gradual undesirable change over time in indication of a measuring instrument due to its limited
stability for the same quantity being measured
NOTE Instrumental drift is related neither to a change in a quantity being measured nor to a change of any recognized
influence quantity.
4.32 [VIM3: 4.23; VIM2: 5.17; VIM1: 5.19]
step response time
duration between the instant when an input quantity to a measuring instrument or measuring
system is subjected to an abrupt change between two specified constant values and the instant
when a corresponding indication settles within specified limits around its final steady value
4.33 [VIM3: 4.25; VIM2: 5.19; VIM1: 5.22]
accuracy class
class of measuring instruments or measuring systems that meet stated metrological
requirements that are intended to keep measurement errors and instrumental uncertainties
within specified limits under specified operating conditions
NOTE 1 An accuracy class is usually denoted by a number or symbol adopted by convention.
NOTE 2 Accuracy class may apply to material measures.
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5 Measurement standards (etalons) and metrological
5.1 [VIM3: 5.1; VIM2: 6.1; VIM1: 6.01]
measurement standard
realization of the definition of a quantity with stated value and associated measurement
uncertainty, used as a reference
NOTE 1 A measurement standard can be a measuring system, a material measure, or a certified reference
EXAMPLE 1 Laser interferometer (measuring system) used to realize the definition of the metre (utilizing the defining
constant of the speed of light) with standard uncertainty of 0.1 µm.
EXAMPLE 2 Pressure balance (measuring system) used to generate and measure absolute-mode atmospheric
pressure with a standard uncertainty of 0.2 Pa.
EXAMPLE 3 1 kg mass standard (material measure) with standard uncertainty of 3 µg.
EXAMPLE 4 100 Ω standard resistor (material measure) with standard uncertainty of 1 µΩ.
EXAMPLE 5 Caesium frequency standard (measuring system) with a relative standard uncertainty of 2 · 10
EXAMPLE 6 Standard buffer solution (reference material) with a pH of 7.072 with standard uncertainty of 0.006.
EXAMPLE 7 Set of reference materials containing cortisol in human serum having a certified value with measurement
uncertainty for each solution.
EXAMPLE 8 Reference material providing values with measurement uncertainties for the mass concentration of each of
ten different proteins.
NOTE 2 In science and technology, the noun “standard” is used with at least two different meanings: as a specification,
technical recommendation, or similar normative document (in French “norme”) and as a measurement standard (in
French “étalon”). This Vocabulary is concerned solely with the second meaning.
NOTE 3 Measurement standards are used to conserve, reproduce, or disseminate the specified individual quantity, and
to calibrate measuring systems.
NOTE 4 A measurement standard is frequently used as a reference in establishing measured values and associated
measurement uncertainties for other quantities of the same kind, thereby establishing metrological traceability
through calibration of other measurement standards, measuring instruments, or measuring systems.
NOTE 5 The definition of an individual quantity can be realized in three different ways. The first one is the direct
realization of the definition (e.g., realizing the definition of the metre through a device which implements the definition of
the speed of light in vacuum and the second). The second way, termed “reproduction”, is the setting up of a
measurement standard based on a physical phenomenon (for example, a Josephson array in the case of a voltage
standard). The third way is to adopt a material measure as a measurement standard.
NOTE 6 The standard uncertainty associated with a measurement standard is always a component of the combined
standard uncertainty (see the GUM, entry 2.3.4) in a measurement result obtained using the measurement standard.
Frequently, this component is small compared with other components of the combined standard uncertainty.
NOTE 7 Since the relevant quantity of the measurement standard might change over time, the stated value must be
attributed and measurement uncertainty must be evaluated at the time that the measurement standard is used.
NOTE 8 A measurement standard may realize the definition of more than one quantity of the same kind or of different
kinds. For example, a working standard for electric power measuring instruments may provide both alternating current
(AC) voltage and AC current sinusoidal waveforms with preset phase angles.
NOTE 9 The realization is sometimes called “embodiment”.
NOTE 10 The term “measurement standard” is sometimes used for referring to other metrological tools, for example
software measurement standards (see ISO 5436-2, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile
method; Measurement standards – Part 2: Software measurement standards).
5.2 [VIM3: 5.2; VIM2: 6.2; VIM1: 6.06]
international measurement standard
measurement standard recognized by signatories to an international agreement and intended to
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serve worldwide and used as the basis for assigning values to other measurement standards for
the kind of quantity concerned
EXAMPLE 1 Prior to the introduction of the revision of the SI in 2019, the International Prototype of the Kilogram, as is
maintained by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM).
EXAMPLE 2 Chorionic gonadotrophin, World Health Organization (WHO) 5th international standard 2013, 07/364, 179
International Units per ampoule.
EXAMPLE 3 VSMOW2 (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) distributed by the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) for measurements of differential stable isotope amount-of-substance ratio.
5.3 [VIM3: 5.3; VIM2: 6.3; VIM1: 6.07]
national measurement standard
national standard
measurement standard recognized by national authority to serve in a state or economy as the
basis for assigning values to other measurement standards for the kind of quantity concerned
5.4 [VIM3: 5.4; VIM2: 6.4; VIM1: 6.04]
primary measurement standard
primary standard
measurement standard established using a primary method, or a primary reference
procedure, or created as an artefact, chosen by convention
EXAMPLE 1 Primary standard of amount-of-substance concentration prepared by dissolving a known amount of
substance of a chemical component to a known volume of solution.
EXAMPLE 2 Primary standard for pressure based on separate measurements of force and area.
EXAMPLE 3 Primary standard for isotope amount-of-substance ratio measurements, prepared by mixing known
amount of substances of specified isotopes.
EXAMPLE 4 Prior to the introduction of the revision of the SI in 2019, the International Prototype of the Kilogram, as an
artifact, chosen by convention and maintained by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM).
5.5 [VIM3: 5.5; VIM2: 6.5; VIM1: 6.05]
secondary measurement standard
secondary standard
measurement standard established through calibration with respect to a primary standard for
a quantity of the same kind
NOTE Calibration may be obtained directly by comparison between a primary standard and a secondary standard, or
involve an intermediate measuring system calibrated by the primary standard and assigning a measurement result to
the secondary standard.
5.6 [VIM3: 5.6; VIM2: 6.6; VIM1: 6.08]
reference measurement standard
reference standard
measurement standard designated for the calibration of other measurement standards for
quantities of a given kind in a given organization or at a given location
5.7 [VIM3: 5.7; VIM2: 6.7; VIM1: 6.09]
working measurement standard
working standard
measurement standard that is used routinely to calibrate or verify measuring instruments or
measuring systems
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NOTE 1 A working standard is usually calibrated with respect to a reference standard.
NOTE 2 When a working standard is used for verification, it is sometimes called “check standard” or “control
NOTE 3 The term “calibrator” is often used in the context of calibration in manufacturing, chemistry, and laboratory
5.8 [VIM3: 5.8; VIM2: 6.9; VIM1: 6.11]
travelling measurement standard
travelling standard
measurement standard, sometimes of special construction, suitably robust for transport between
different locations
EXAMPLE Portable battery-operated caesium-133 frequency measurement standard.
5.9 [VIM3: 5.9; VIM2: 6.8; VIM1: 6.10]
transfer measurement device
transfer device
device used as an intermediary to compare measurement standards
EXAMPLE Adjustable callipers used to compare end standards.
NOTE Measurement standards are sometimes used as transfer devices.
5.10 [VIM3: 5.10]
intrinsic measurement standard
intrinsic standard
measurement standard based on an inherent and reproducible property of a phenomenon or
EXAMPLE 1 Triple-point-of-water cell as an intrinsic standard of thermodynamic temperature.
EXAMPLE 2 Intrinsic standard of electric potential difference based on the Josephson effect.
EXAMPLE 3 Intrinsic standard of electric resistance based on the quantum Hall effect.
EXAMPLE 4 Sample of pure copper as an intrinsic standard of electric conductivity.
NOTE 1 The value of the relevant property of an intrinsic standard is assigned by consensus and does not need to be
established by relating it to another standard of the same type. Its measurement uncertainty is determined by
considering two components: the first associated with its value assigned by consensus and the second associated with
its construction, implementation, and maintenance.
NOTE 2 An intrinsic standard usually consists of a system produced according to the requirements of a consensus
procedure and subject to periodic verification. The consensus procedure may contain provisions for the application of
corrections necessitated by the implementation.
NOTE 3 Intrinsic standards that are based on quantum phenomena usually have outstanding stability.
NOTE 4 The adjective “intrinsic” does not mean that such a measurement standard may be implemented and used
without special care or that such a standard is immune to internal and external influences.
NOTE 5 The adjective “inherent” in the definition corresponds to the requirement that the property of the involved
phenomenon or substance is constant in space and time.
5.11 [VIM3: 5.11; VIM2: 6.12; VIM1: 6.14]
conservation of a measurement standard
maintenance of a measurement standard
set of operations necessary to preserve the metrological properties of a measurement standard
within stated limits
NOTE Conservation commonly includes periodic verification of predefined metrological properties or calibration,
storage under suitable conditions, and specified care in use.
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5.12 [VIM3: 5.13; VIM2: 6.13; VIM1: 6.15]
reference material
material, sufficiently homogeneous and stable with reference to one or more specified properties,
which has been established to be fit for its intended use in measurement or in examination
NOTE 1 Reference materials can be certified reference materials or reference materials without a certified property
NOTE 2 For a reference material to be used as a measurement standard for calibration purposes it needs to be a
certified reference material.
NOTE 3 Reference materials can be used for measurement precision evaluation and quality control.
EXAMPLE Human serum without an assigned quantity value for the amount-of-substance concentration of the
inherent cholesterol, used for quality control.
NOTE 4 Properties of reference materials can be quantities or nominal properties.
NOTE 5 A reference material is sometimes incorporated into a specially fabricated device.
EXAMPLE Spheres of uniform size mounted on a microscope slide.
NOTE 6 Some reference materials have assigned values in a unit outside the SI. Such materials include vaccines to
which International Units (IU) have been assigned by the World Health Organization.
NOTE 7 A given reference material can only be used for one purpose in a measurement, either calibration or quality
control, but not both.
NOTE 8 ISO/REMCO has an analogous definition but uses the term “measurement process” (ISO Guide 30, Reference
materials – Selected terms and definitions, definition 2.1.1) for both measurement and examination.
5.13 [VIM3: 5.14; VIM2: 6.14; VIM1: 6.16]
certified reference material
reference material, characterized by a metrologically valid approach for one or more specified
properties, accompanied by an RM certificate that provides the values of the specified properties,
associated uncertainties, and statements of metrological traceability
NOTE 1 Metrologically valid approaches for the characterization of RMs are given in ISO 17034, General requirements
for the competence of reference material producers.
NOTE 2 Only certified reference materials, thus having certified property values, can be used for calibration or for
assessing measurement trueness.
EXAMPLE Human serum with assigned value for the substance concentration of total cholesterol with associated
uncertainty and a statement of metrological traceability in an accompanying certificate, used for calibration of in-
vitro diagnostic assays.
NOTE 3 This definition is taken from ISO Guide 30, Reference materials – Selected terms and definitions, developed by
ISO/REMCO, where the modifiers “metrological” and “metrologically” are used for both quantities and nominal
5.14 [new]
certified value of a CRM
value, assigned to a property of a certified reference material (CRM) that is accompanied by an
uncertainty and a statement of metrological traceability, identified as such in the CRM
NOTE The value mentioned in the definition of either a value of a quantity or a value of a nominal property.
5.15 [VIM3: 5.15]
commutability of a reference material
property of a reference material, demonstrated by the closeness of agreement between the
relation among the measurement results for a stated quantity in this material, obtained
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according to measurement procedures for which the material is intended for use, and the
relation obtained among the measurement results for other specified materials
NOTE 1 The reference material in question is usually a calibrator and the other specified materials are usually routine
NOTE 2 If an internationally recognized reference measurement procedure for the measurand exists, it should be
included to investigate commutability (see ISO 15193, In vitro diagnostic medical devices Measurement of quantities
in samples of biological origin – Requirements for content and presentation of reference measurement procedures).
NOTE 3 Manufacturers’ working calibrator(s) and end-user calibrator(s) are not typically required to be commutable, but
their capacity for transferring trueness from a commutable reference material used as a higher order calibrator to the
values assigned to clinical samples using an end-user measurement procedure must be assured.
5.16 [VIM3: 5.16]
reference data
data related to a property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, or to a system of components of
known composition or structure, obtained from an identified source, critically evaluated, and
verified for accuracy
EXAMPLE Reference data for solubility of chemical compounds as published by IUPAC.
NOTE “Data” is a plural form, “datum” is the singular. “Data” is commonly used in the singular sense, instead of
5.17 [VIM3: 5.17]
standard reference data
reference data issued by a recognized authority
EXAMPLE 1 Values of the fundamental physical constants, as regularly evaluated and recommended by CODATA of
EXAMPLE 2 Relative atomic mass values, also called atomic weight values, of the elements, as evaluated every two
years by IUPAC-CIAAW, approved by the IUPAC General Assembly, and published in Pure Appl. Chem.
5.18 [VIM3: 2.39; VIM2: 6.11; VIM1: 6.13]
operation performed on a measuring instrument or a measuring system that, under specified
1. establishes a relation between the values with measurement uncertainties provided by
measurement standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement
uncertainties and
2. uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an
NOTE 1 The objective of calibration is to provide traceability of measurement results obtained when using a calibrated
measuring instrument or measuring system.
NOTE 2 The outcome of a calibration may be expressed by a statement, calibration function, calibration diagram,
calibration curve, or calibration table. In some cases, it may consist of an additive or multiplicative correction of the
indication with associated measurement uncertainty.
NOTE 3 Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system, often mistakenly called “self-
calibration”, nor with verification of calibration. Calibration is sometimes a prerequisite for verification, which provides
confirmation that specified requirements (often maximum permissible errors) are met. Calibration is sometimes also a
prerequisite for adjustment, which is the set of operations carried out on a measuring system such that the system
provides prescribed indications corresponding to given values of quantities being measured, typically obtained from
measurement standards.
NOTE 4 Sometimes the first step alone of the operation mentioned in the definition is intended as being calibration, as it
was in previous editions of this Vocabulary. The second step is in fact required to establish instrumental uncertainty
for the measurement results obtained when using the calibrated measuring system. The two steps together aim to
39 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
demonstrate the metrological traceability of measurement results obtained by a calibrated measuring system. In the
past the second step was usually considered to occur after the calibration.
NOTE 5 A comparison between two measurement standards may be viewed as a calibration if the comparison is used
to check and, if necessary, correct the value and measurement uncertainty attributed to one of the measurement
5.19 [VIM3: 4.31]
calibration function
calibration curve
functional relation between indications and corresponding measured values
NOTE 1 A calibration function expresses a functional relation that does not supply a measurement result as it bears no
information about the measurement uncertainty.
NOTE 2 The functional relation mentioned in the definition is defined, in an inverse fashion, from the first step of
calibration, where indications are related to values of quantities of measurement standards. Sometimes the function is
defined by curve-fitting discrete pairs of indications and values of quantities of measurement standards.
5.20 [VIM3: 4.30]
calibration diagram
graphical expression of the relation between indication and corresponding measurement result
NOTE 1 A calibration diagram is the strip of the plane defined by the axis of the indications and the axis of measured
values, that represents the relation between an indication and a set of measured values. A one-to-many relation is
given, and the width of the strip for a given indication provides the instrumental uncertainty within specified operating
NOTE 2 Alternative expressions of the relation mentioned in the definition include a calibration function and
associated measurement uncertainty, a calibration table, or a set of calibration functions.
5.21 [VIM3: 2.40]
calibration hierarchy
sequence of calibrations from a reference to the final measuring system, where the outcome of
each calibration depends on the outcome of the previous calibration
NOTE 1 Measurement uncertainty necessarily increases along the sequence of calibrations.
NOTE 2 The elements of a calibration hierarchy are one or more measurement standards and measuring systems
operated according to measurement procedures.
NOTE 3 The reference mentioned in this definition is sometimes thought of in different ways. Probably most commonly,
the reference is considered to be the definition of a unit, through its practical realization (for example, a realization of
the definition of a unit of the SI; “traceable to the SI”). However, sometimes the reference is thought of as the realization
itself, that is, a quantity. The reference could also be any measurement standard for a quantity of the same kind (for
example, a length standard used in a machine shop for measuring lengths). In the case of ordinal quantities, the
reference is typically a measurement procedure (for example, a procedure for using a hardness measurement
machine to obtain values of Rockwell C hardness). The quantity that is the reference or is carried by the reference must
have a reference value and a measurement uncertainty.
5.22 [VIM3: 2.41; VIM2: 6.10; VIM1: 6.12]
metrological traceability
property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a
documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty
NOTE 1 The reference mentioned in this definition is sometimes thought of in different ways. Probably most commonly,
the reference is considered to be the definition of a unit, through its practical realization (for example, a realization of
the definition of a unit of the SI; “traceable to the SI”). However, sometimes the reference is thought of as the realization
itself, that is, a quantity. The reference could also be any measurement standard for a quantity of the same kind (for
example, a length standard used in a machine shop for measuring lengths). In the case of ordinal quantities, the
40 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
reference is typically a measurement procedure (for example, a procedure for using a hardness measurement
machine to obtain values of Rockwell C hardness). The quantity that is the reference or is carried by the reference must
have a reference value and a measurement uncertainty.
NOTE 2 Metrological traceability requires an established calibration hierarchy.
NOTE 3 The documentation of the chain of calibrations must specify the time at which the reference was used in
establishing the calibration hierarchy, i.e., when the first calibration in the calibration hierarchy was performed, along
with any other relevant metrological information about the reference.
NOTE 4 For measurements with more than one input quantity in the measurement model, each of the input values
and their uncertainties should itself be metrologically traceable and the calibration hierarchy involved may form a
branched structure or a network. The effort involved in establishing metrological traceability for each input value, and in
particular in evaluating its uncertainty, should be commensurate with its relative contribution to the measurement result.
NOTE 5 Metrological traceability of a measurement result does not ensure that the measurement uncertainty is
adequate for a given purpose or that no mistakes have been made.
NOTE 6 ILAC considers the elements for confirming metrological traceability to be an unbroken metrological
traceability chain to an international measurement standard or a national measurement standard, a documented
measurement uncertainty, a documented measurement procedure, accredited technical competence, metrological
traceability to the SI, and recalibration intervals (see ILAC P-10, ILAC policy on traceability of measurement results).
NOTE 7 The abbreviated term “traceability” is sometimes used for metrological traceability as well as other entities,
such as sample traceability, document traceability, instrument traceability, or material traceability, where the history
(“trace”) of an item is meant. Therefore, the full term “metrological traceability” is preferred if there is any risk of
5.23 [VIM3: 2.42; VIM2: 6.10 Note 2]
metrological traceability chain
traceability chain
sequence of measurement standards and calibrations that is used to relate a measurement
result to a reference
NOTE 1 A metrological traceability chain is defined through a calibration hierarchy.
NOTE 2 A metrological traceability chain is used to establish metrological traceability of a measurement result.
5.24 [VIM3: 2.43]
metrological traceability to a measurement unit
metrological traceability to a unit
metrological traceability where the reference is the definition of a measurement unit through
its practical realization
NOTE The term “traceability to the SI” is used for referring to metrological traceability to a unit of the International
System of Units.
5.25 [VIM3: 2.44]
provision of objective evidence that a given item fulfils specified requirements
EXAMPLE 1 Confirmation that a given reference material as claimed is homogeneous for the value and
measurement procedure concerned, down to a measurement portion having a stated mass, where “measurement
portion” is intended to refer to amount of material, of proper size, for measurement of any quantity of interest, removed
from the reference material.
EXAMPLE 2 Confirmation that performance properties or legal requirements of a measuring system are achieved.
EXAMPLE 3 Confirmation that a target measurement uncertainty can be met.
NOTE 1 When applicable, measurement uncertainty should be taken into consideration in a verification.
NOTE 2 The item mentioned in the definition may be, for example, a process, measurement procedure, material,
compound, or measuring system.
NOTE 3 The specified requirements mentioned in the definition may be, for example, that a manufacturer's
specifications are met.
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NOTE 4 Verification in legal metrology, as defined in International Vocabulary of Legal Metrology (VIML), and in
conformity assessment in general, pertains to the examination and marking and/or issuing of a verification certificate for
a measuring system.
NOTE 5 Verification should not be confused with calibration. Not every verification is a validation.
NOTE 6 In chemistry, verification of the identity of the entity involved, or of activity, requires a description of the
structure or properties of that entity or activity.
5.26 [VIM3: 2.45]
verification, where the specified requirements are adequate for an intended use
EXAMPLE A measurement procedure, ordinarily used for the measurement of mass concentration of nitrogen in
water, may be validated also for measurement of mass concentration of nitrogen in human serum.
5.27 [VIM3: 2.46]
metrological comparability of measurement results
metrological comparability
property of measurement results, for quantities of a given kind, where the results are
metrologically traceable to the same reference
EXAMPLE Measurement results, for the distances between the Earth and the Moon, and between Paris and London,
are metrologically comparable when they are both metrologically traceable to the same unit, for example the metre.
NOTE 1 The reference mentioned in this definition is sometimes thought of in different ways. Probably most commonly,
the reference is considered to be the definition of a unit, through its practical realization (for example, a realization of
the definition of a unit of the SI; “traceable to the SI”). However, sometimes the reference is thought of as the realization
itself, that is, a quantity. The reference could also be any measurement standard for a quantity of the same kind (for
example, a length standard used in a machine shop for measuring lengths). In the case of ordinal quantities, the
reference is typically a measurement procedure (for example, a procedure for using a hardness measurement
machine to obtain values of Rockwell C hardness). The quantity that is the reference or is carried by the reference must
have a reference value and a measurement uncertainty.
NOTE 2 Metrological comparability of measurement results does not necessitate that the measured values compared
be of the same order of magnitude. The same applies to the associated measurement uncertainties.
5.28 [VIM3: 2.47]
metrological compatibility of measurement results
metrological compatibility
property of a set of measurement results for a specified measurand, such that the absolute
value of the difference of any pair of measured values from two different measurement results is
smaller than some chosen multiple of the standard uncertainty of that difference
NOTE 1 Metrological compatibility of measurement results replaces what was traditionally termed “staying within the
error”, as it represents the criterion for deciding whether two measurement results refer to the same measurand or not.
If in a set of measurements of a measurand, thought to be constant, a measurement result is not compatible with the
others, either the measurement was not correct (for example, its measurement uncertainty was assessed as being
too small) or the measured quantity changed between measurements.
NOTE 2 The measurement uncertainty associated with the difference between any pair of measured values should
account for the possible correlation between random variables modeling the measurand. If such random variables are
completely uncorrelated, the standard uncertainty of their difference is equal to the root mean square sum of their
standard uncertainties, while it is lower for positive covariance or higher for negative covariance.
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6 Nominal properties and examinations
6.1 [VIM3: 1.30]
nominal property <general>
general nominal property
nominal property in the general sense
kind of nominal property
property whose instances can be compared only by equivalence
NOTE 1 Nominal properties can be general nominal properties or individual nominal properties, as exemplified in the
following table.
General nominal property Individual nominal property
shape shape of a given piece of metal
chemical species chemical species in a given sample
taxon taxon of fish in a given sample
sequence variation variation of DNA sequence in the gene of a given
person in relation to a reference sequence
blood group erythrocyte antigen in the ABO system for a given
tumour type type of tumour in the bladder of a given person
according to the WHO classification 2016
NOTE 2 Any individual nominal property is an instance of a general nominal property, so that for example sodium ion in
a given sample is an instance of chemical species. Individual nominal properties that are instances of the same general
nominal property are comparable, and are said to be “nominal properties of the same kind”.
NOTE 3 Nominal properties are distinguished from quantities, which are properties that can be compared in terms of
greater or lesser.
NOTE 4 In some contexts, but not in this Vocabulary, nominal properties are also called “qualitative properties”.
NOTE 5 Light of a given wavelength is perceived as a colour, so that such a colour can be considered as a quantity, at
least an ordinal quantity because the ratio of two colours has no physical meaning. Other colours are nominal
properties, because they cannot be obtained by the perception of a monochromatic light and cannot be totally ordered.
6.2 [VIM3: 1.30]
nominal property <individual>
individual nominal property
instance of a nominal general property
EXAMPLE Examples of individual nominal properties, together with the general nominal properties of which they are
instance, are presented in the table in the Note 1 to the entry 6.1.
6.3 [new]
reference set of nominal properties
nominal scale
set of individual nominal properties of the same kind, accepted by agreement, where each
nominal property is associated with an element of a set of identifiers
6.4 [new]
value of a nominal property
value <nominal property>
individual nominal property identified in a reference set of nominal properties
EXAMPLE 1 For shape, sphere is a value in the set {sphere, prism, pyramid, other shape}.
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EXAMPLE 2 For taxon of bone fishes, the species Pollachius virens is a value in the set of the fish species according to
an established taxonomy system.
EXAMPLE 3 For the sequence variation corresponding to a substitution of G for A in a position 20210 of the DNA in the
human prothrombin gene, G20210A is the value.
EXAMPLE 4 For colour, as found in anthropological surveys to be in wide use across cultures, white is a value in the
set {white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, grey, orange, purple, and pink} (IEC 60050-845, International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Lighting).
EXAMPLE 5 For blood group in the ABO system, A
is a value in the set {A
, A
, B, AB, O}.
EXAMPLE 6 For tumour type according to the WHO 2016 classification of tumours of the urinary system, urothelial type
is a value.
NOTE 1 Values of nominal properties are not names/terms. In Example 1, where X = {sphere, prism, pyramid, other
shape} is the set of possible values, a value of shape (in X) is sphere, which is a geometrical entity, not the term
“sphere”. Indeed the same value may be designated by the term “sphere” in English, “sphère” in French, and other
terms in other languages.
NOTE 2 The term “value” in the phrase “value of a nominal property” is intended in analogy with its use in “value of a
quantity”. In this sense, the fact that the shape of a given object is spherical, and that the considered set of possible
values of shape is X = {sphere, prism, pyramid, other shape}, can be written “shape(object) = sphere in X in analogy
with the fact that the length of that rod is 1.23 m can be written “length(rod) = 1.23 m”. Hence values are not necessarily
NOTE 3 The set of possible values of a nominal property may be revised, for example with the introduction of new
elements, as a result of an examination.
NOTE 4 The term “value of a nominal property” has been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-
Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory sciences
(IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 3.1.
6.5 [new]
examination of a nominal property
process of experimentally obtaining one or more values that can reasonably be attributed to a
nominal property together with any other available relevant information
EXAMPLE 1 Examination of the taxon of a fish as determined by a sample of its mitochondrial DNA.
EXAMPLE 2 Examination of the DNA sequence of the human prothrombin gene to determine the presence of the G to
A transition at nucleotide position 20210.
EXAMPLE 3 Examination of erythrocyte antigens A and B by observation and interpretation of agglutination reactions of
erythrocytes towards antibodies to A and B antigen respectively.
EXAMPLE 4 Examination of morphologic appearance of thin slices of tissue collected in a biopsy of the tumour.
EXAMPLE 5 Examination of the iris colour of the eyes of a person.
NOTE 1 The relevant information mentioned in the definition may be about the reliability of the values obtained by the
examination, such that some may be more representative of the examinand than others.
NOTE 2 In some cases an examination is performed through intermediate stages, which are measurements and
whose results are used to obtain the examination result.
NOTE 3 Some other common terms for referring to examinations are “evaluation”, “characterization”, “inspection”,
“determination”, “qualitative analysis”, “qualitative measurement”, “identification”.
NOTE 4 In ISO 15189, Medical laboratories Requirements for quality and competence the term “examination” is also
used for referring to measurement.
NOTE 5 The term “examination” has been taken, and the definition has been adapted, from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U.
Forsum, X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical
laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 2.6.
6.6 [new]
examination principle
phenomenon or process serving as a basis of an examination
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EXAMPLE 1 DNA sequencing to determine the nucleic acid sequence.
EXAMPLE 2 Agglutination reaction of red blood cells for the detection of antigens on cell surfaces by the use of
antibodies of known specificity.
EXAMPLE 3 Recognition of the morphological pattern of tissue observed using light microscopy.
EXAMPLE 4 Mass spectrometry or chromatography used to identify chemical species.
NOTE 1 The phenomenon mentioned in the definition can be of a physical, chemical, or biological nature.
NOTE 2 The term “examination principle” has been taken, and the definition has been adapted, from G. Nordin, R.
Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts
for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 2.10.
6.7 [new]
examination method
generic description of a logical organization of operations used in an examination
EXAMPLE 1 DNA is extracted from a fish sample and parts of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene amplified by
PCR. The amplified DNA is sequenced, compared to a DNA sequence, and the fish taxon is assigned.
EXAMPLE 2 DNA is extracted from the plasma obtained from a blood sample of a patient. DNA in the region of the
prothrombin gene is amplified by PCR and its sequence examined. The examination method shows if a mutation is
present at location 20210 and if this mutation is present in two alleles (homozygous mutation) or one allele
EXAMPLE 3 A suspension of erythrocytes is mixed with solutions containing antibodies to A-antigen and B-antigen
respectively. The agglutination, or absence of agglutination, of cells is recorded and interpreted.
EXAMPLE 4 Observation of morphology by light microscopy of thin slices of tissue mounted on glass plates, stained by
a combination of hematoxylin and eosin stain and comparison for equivalence with reference images and reference
descriptions with specified criteria.
NOTE 1 Referring to an examination method is insufficient to allow an examination with prescribed examination
reliability, but aids in formulating one or more examination procedures.
NOTE 2 The term “examination method” and the definition have been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X.
Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory
sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 2.11.
6.8 [new]
examination procedure
detailed description of an examination according to one or more examination principles and to
a given examination method and any decision algorithm necessary to obtain an examination
NOTE 1 An examination procedure specifies the nominal property involved, any sampling procedure, equipment,
reference materials needed, and the set of possible values of a nominal property used. The examination procedure
also specifies how many examined values are necessary to obtain an examination result and how to evaluate the
examination reliability.
NOTE 2 An examination procedure is intended to provide operational details and should be sufficient for a trained
operator to perform an examination satisfactorily.
NOTE 3 An examination procedure can include measurement procedures or prescribe using measurement results.
NOTE 4 The term “examination procedure” and the definition have been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum,
X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory
sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 2.12.
6.9 [new]
nominal property intended to be examined
NOTE 1 The nominal property mentioned in the definition is an individual nominal property.
EXAMPLE 1 The taxon of a given bone fish.
EXAMPLE 2 The erythrocyte surface antigen within the ABO system for blood from a given person.
EXAMPLE 3 The tumour type in the bladder of a given person.
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NOTE 2 The examinand may be different from the nominal property actually being examined due to changes of the
object bearing the property during the examination.
EXAMPLE A drug is detected in a processed sample of blood. Under the condition of physiological pH in blood the
substance appears in its salt form. Due to a deviating pH in the sample material the drug actually being detected is
in its acid form.
NOTE 3 The term “examinand” and the definition have been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-
Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory sciences
(IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 2.7.
6.10 [new]
examination result
set of values being attributed to an examinand together with any other available relevant
EXAMPLE 1 The fish in the sample is identified to be of the species Pollachius virens, with a given risk of
EXAMPLE 2 The prothrombin gene carries the factor II mutation in one allele (G/A) with a given risk of misclassification.
EXAMPLE 3 The erythrocyte antigen within the ABO system is A, with a given risk of misclassification.
NOTE 1 An examination result sometimes contains relevant information about the set of values of the nominal property,
such that some may be more representative of the examinand than others. This may be quantified by a probability
distribution over the set of values, from which examination reliability, and therefore the risk of misclassification, can be
NOTE 2 In many cases an examination result is a single examined value, with no explicit information about examination
reliability, then implying that the risk of misclassification is negligible for the intended use.
NOTE 3 The term “examination result” and the definition have been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X.
Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory
sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 3.4.
6.11 [new]
examined value
value of a nominal property representing an examination result
NOTE 1 The examined value may be obtained indirectly through a process, which may involve examination results of
other nominal properties or measurement results.
NOTE 2 The term “examined value” and the definition have been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X.
Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory
sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 3.5.
6.12 [new]
examination reliability
examination confidence
probability that an examined value is the same as a reference value of a nominal property
NOTE 1 Examination reliability provides an indication of the quality of the result of an examination. It may be
expressed in the form of a probability mass function. The metrological understanding of examination reliability is not
well established, compared, for example, with standard measurement uncertainty and has to be agreed upon.
Without such agreement the degree of belief in an examination result is often expressed on an ordinal scale, for
example “weak”, “fair”, “strong”, or “very strong” evidence in favour of a hypothesis. Requirements for examination
reliability, for example in conformity assessment of nominal properties have to be stated for each case (see JCGM 106,
Evaluation of measurement data – The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment).
EXAMPLE 1 A tumour in urine bladder is categorized as urothelial type cancer with a stated examination reliability.
EXAMPLE 2 For the nominal property shape, the set of possible values is {sphere, prism, pyramid, other shape}, and
the reference value is sphere. Having repeated the examination of the shape of a given object five times, one of the
examined values is prism, and the others are spheres. The examination reliability is therefore 4/5 = 0.8.
NOTE 2 The definition has been adapted from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet,
Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC
46 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 3.8, where the term “examination trueness” is used.
6.13 [new]
examining system
set of one or more devices and often other components, assembled and adapted to give
information used to generate examined values from a reference set of nominal properties
NOTE 1 The components mentioned in the definition may include reagents and supplies.
NOTE 2 A human eye may be an essential element of an examining system.
NOTE 3 The term “examining system” and the definition have been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X.
Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory
sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 2.8.
6.14 [new]
examination standard
realization of the definition of a given nominal property, with stated value and associated
examination reliability, used as a reference
EXAMPLE 1 Based on the DNA sequence obtained for a material used as an examination standard, the fish is identified
to be of the taxon Pollachius virens.
EXAMPLE 2 Based on the DNA sequence examination for a material used as an examination standard, the
prothrombin gene carries the factor II mutation in one allele.
EXAMPLE 3 Reagents used for the identification of A and B antigen are CE marked according to the Regulation (EU)
2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices and have
the minimal potency as defined by WHO (WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization, International
standards for minimum potency of anti-A and anti-B blood grouping reagents, WHO/BS/06.2053, 2006)
EXAMPLE 4 Published descriptions of the morphological characteristics of different tumour types in the bladder (H.
Moch, P.A. Humphrey, T.M. Ulbright, V. Reuter, WHO Classification of tumours of the urinary system and male genital
organs, International Agency for Research on Cancer; Lyon, France, 2016).
NOTE 1 The realization can be, for example, a reference material, a record in a reference database, a classification
algorithm, or a class in a classification system.
NOTE 2 The term “examination standard” has been taken, and the definition has been adapted, from G. Nordin, R.
Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts
for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 4.1.
6.15 [new]
examination calibration
examination training
process that confers to one or more persons or to an examining system the capacity to provide
values of a nominal property, and the examination reliability of each value, from specified
examinations after having examined one or more examination standards under specified
EXAMPLE Training of examiners to perform an examination, for example by examining sets of cases with known
tumour types, to achieve high degree of reproducibility between training and qualified examiners.
NOTE 1 An examining system to be calibrated can be a software system.
NOTE 2 The objective of examination calibration is to provide traceability of examination results obtained when using a
calibrated examining system.
NOTE 2 The term “examination calibration” and the definition have been taken from G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum,
X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory
sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 4.3.
47 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
6.16 [new]
examination traceability
property of an examination result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a
documented unbroken chain of examination calibrations, each affecting the examination
EXAMPLE 1 The examination result, which is the species Pollachius virens, is traceable to a database of fish species,
as concluded from a comparison of the obtained DNA sequence from a sample of the fish with the DNA sequences in
that database.
EXAMPLE 2 The value A1 for an erythrocyte antigen within the ABO system is traceable to the current classification of
blood group systems as described by International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
NOTE 1 The reference mentioned in this definition might be thought of in different ways. One type of reference is an
agreed reference set of nominal properties. The reference could also be a specified examination procedure.
NOTE 2 The term “examination traceability” has been taken, and the definition has been adapted, from G. Nordin, R.
Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts
for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 3.21.
6.17 [new]
comparability of examination results
property of examination results, for nominal properties of a given kind, where the results are
traceable to the same reference
EXAMPLE 1 Examination results for the colours of two different biological fluids are comparable when they are both
traceable to the same reference system for colours, for example RAL colour standard or any other reference colour
EXAMPLE 2 Examination results belonging to the same blood group system are comparable.
NOTE The term “comparability of examination results” and the definition have been adapted from G. Nordin, R.
Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts
for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017), Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018, entry 3.22.
48 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
EU Regulation 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on in vitro
diagnostic medical devices
IEC 60359:2001, Electrical and electronic measurement equipment – Expression of performance
IEC 60050-300:2001, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electrical and electronic measurements
and measuring instruments
IEC 60050-845:1987, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Lighting
IEC 80000-13:2008, Quantities and units – Part 13: Information science and technology
IFCC Scientific Division. Committee on Reference Systems for Enzymes (2002). Part 4. Reference
procedure for the measurement of catalytic concentration of alanine aminotransferase. Clin. Chem. Lab.
Med. 40(7): 718-724
ILAC P-10:2002, ILAC policy on traceability of measurement results
ISO Guide 99:1993, International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology (VIM), published in
the name of BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP, and OIML, 2nd edn
ISO 5436-2:2012, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Surface texture: Profile method;
Measurement standards – Part 2: Software measurement standards
ISO 5725 series of International Standards, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods
and results
ISO 13528:2015, Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison,
ISO 10012:2003, Measurement management systems Requirements for measurement processes and
measuring equipment
ISO 15189:2012, Medical laboratories – Requirements for quality and competence
ISO 15193:2009, In vitro diagnostic medical devices Measurement of quantities in samples of biological
origin – Requirements for content and presentation of reference measurement procedures
ISO 17025:2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
ISO 17034:2016, General requirements for the competence of reference material producers
ISO 17511:2003, In vitro diagnostic medical devices Measurement of quantities in biological samples
Metrological traceability of values assigned to calibrators and control materials
ISO 21749:2005, Measurement uncertainty for metrological applications Repeated measurements and
nested experiments
ISO 80000 and IEC 80000 series of standards Quantities and units
ISO Guide 30:2015, Reference materials – Selected terms and definitions
ISO/TS 21748:2004, Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in
measurement uncertainty estimation
JCGM 100:2008, Evaluation of measurement data Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
measurement, and associated documents
JCGM 200:2012, International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic and general concepts and associated terms
(VIM), 3rd edn (2008 version with minor corrections), Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology
OIML International Vocabulary of Legal Metrology (VIML)
SI Brochure published by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and available on the BIPM
WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization, International standards for minimum potency of anti-
A and anti-B blood grouping reagents, WHO/BS/06.2053, 2006
U. Magdal Petersen, R. Dybkaer, H. Olesen (2012). Properties and units in the clinical laboratory sciences.
49 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
Part XXIII. The NPU terminology, principles, and implementation: A user’s guide (IUPAC Technical
Report). Pure Appl. Chem. 84(1): 137-165
H. Moch, P.A. Humphrey, T.M. Ulbright, V. Reuter, WHO Classification of tumours of the urinary system and
male genital organs, International Agency for Research on Cancer; Lyon, France, 2016
G. Nordin, R. Dybkaer, U. Forsum, X. Fuentes-Arderiu, F. Pontet, Vocabulary on nominal property,
examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017),
Pure Appl. Chem., 1-23, 2018
50 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
Table of Contents
1 Quantities and units...........................................4
1.1 quantity <general>.................................................4
1.2 quantity <individual>..............................................5
1.3 system of quantities...............................................5
1.4 base quantity.........................................................5
1.5 derived quantity.....................................................5
1.6 International System of Quantities........................5
1.7 quantity dimension.................................................6
1.8 quantity with unit one.............................................6
1.9 measurement unit..................................................7
1.10 base unit..............................................................7
1.11 derived unit..........................................................7
1.12 coherent derived unit...........................................8
1.13 system of units.....................................................8
1.14 coherent system of units......................................8
1.15 off-system measurement unit..............................8
1.16 International System of Units...............................8
1.17 multiple of a unit..................................................9
1.18 submultiple of a unit.............................................10
1.19 measurement scale.............................................10
1.20 value of a quantity...............................................10
1.21 numerical value of a quantity...............................11
1.22 true value of a quantity........................................12
1.23 conventional value of a quantity..........................12
1.24 reference value of a quantity...............................12
1.25 quantity calculus..................................................12
1.26 quantity equation.................................................13
1.27 unit equation........................................................13
1.28 conversion factor between units..........................13
1.29 numerical value equation....................................13
1.30 ordinal quantity <general>...................................13
1.31 ordinal quantity <individual>................................14
1.32 ordinal scale........................................................14
1.33 value of an ordinal quantity.................................14
2 Measurement......................................................15
2.1 measurement.........................................................15
2.2 metrology...............................................................15
2.3 measurand.............................................................15
2.4 measurement principle..........................................16
2.5 measurement method............................................16
2.6 primary method of measurement..........................16
2.7 measurement procedure.......................................16
2.8 reference measurement procedure.......................17
2.9 primary reference measurement procedure..........17
2.10 measurement result.............................................17
2.11 measured value of a quantity...............................18
2.12 measurement model............................................18
2.13 measurement function.........................................18
2.14 input quantity in a measurement model..............18
2.15 output quantity in a measurement model............19
2.16 influence quantity.................................................19
2.17 correction.............................................................19
3 Measurement quality..........................................20
3.1 measurement uncertainty......................................20
3.2 definitional uncertainty...........................................20
3.3 instrumental measurement uncertainty.................20
3.4 Type A evaluation of measurement uncertainty.....21
3.5 Type B evaluation of measurement uncertainty....21
3.6 standard measurement uncertainty.......................21
3.7 combined standard measurement uncertainty......21
3.8 relative standard measurement uncertainty..........21
3.9 uncertainty budget.................................................22
3.10 target measurement uncertainty..........................22
3.11 expanded measurement uncertainty...................22
3.12 coverage interval.................................................22
3.13 coverage probability............................................22
3.14 coverage factor....................................................23
3.15 measurement accuracy.......................................23
3.16 measurement trueness........................................23
3.17 measurement precision.......................................24
3.18 measurement error..............................................24
3.19 systematic measurement error............................24
3.20 measurement bias...............................................25
3.21 random measurement error.................................25
3.22 repeatability condition of measurement...............25
3.23 measurement repeatability..................................25
3.24 intermediate precision condition of measurement
3.25 intermediate measurement precision..................26
3.26 reproducibility condition of measurement............26
3.27 measurement reproducibility...............................26
3.28 maximum permissible measurement error..........26
3.29 datum measurement error...................................27
3.30 zero error.............................................................27
3.31 null measurement uncertainty.............................27
4 Measuring devices and their properties...........28
4.1 measuring instrument............................................28
4.2 measuring system.................................................28
4.3 indicating measuring instrument............................28
4.4 displaying measuring instrument...........................28
4.5 scale of a displaying measuring instrument..........28
4.6 material measure...................................................28
4.7 measuring transducer............................................29
4.8 sensor....................................................................29
4.9 detector..................................................................29
4.10 measuring chain..................................................29
4.11 adjustment...........................................................29
4.12 zero adjustment...................................................30
4.13 indication.............................................................30
4.14 blank indication....................................................30
4.15 indication interval.................................................30
4.16 nominal indication interval...................................30
4.17 nominal value......................................................31
4.18 measuring interval...............................................31
4.19 operating condition..............................................31
4.20 rated operating condition.....................................31
4.21 limiting operating condition..................................31
4.22 reference operating condition..............................32
4.23 sensitivity.............................................................32
4.24 selectivity.............................................................32
4.25 resolution.............................................................33
4.26 discrimination threshold.......................................33
4.27 dead band............................................................33
4.28 detection limit.......................................................33
4.29 stability.................................................................33
4.30 instrumental bias.................................................34
4.31 instrumental drift..................................................34
51 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
4.32 step response time..............................................34
4.33 accuracy class.....................................................34
5 Measurement standards (etalons) and
metrological traceability.......................................35
5.1 measurement standard..........................................35
5.2 international measurement standard.....................35
5.3 national measurement standard............................36
5.4 primary measurement standard............................36
5.5 secondary measurement standard........................36
5.6 reference measurement standard.........................36
5.7 working measurement standard............................36
5.8 travelling measurement standard..........................37
5.9 transfer measurement device................................37
5.10 intrinsic measurement standard..........................37
5.11 conservation of a measurement standard...........37
5.12 reference material................................................38
5.13 certified reference material..................................38
5.14 certified value of a CRM......................................38
5.15 commutability of a reference material.................38
5.16 reference data.....................................................39
5.17 standard reference data......................................39
5.18 calibration............................................................39
5.19 calibration function...............................................40
5.20 calibration diagram..............................................40
5.21 calibration hierarchy............................................40
5.22 metrological traceability.......................................40
5.23 metrological traceability chain.............................41
5.24 metrological traceability to a measurement unit. .41
5.25 verification...........................................................41
5.26 validation.............................................................42
5.27 metrological comparability of measurement results
5.28 metrological compatibility of measurement results
6 Nominal properties and examinations..............43
6.1 nominal property <general>..................................43
6.2 nominal property <individual>...............................43
6.3 reference set of nominal properties.......................43
6.4 value of a nominal property...................................43
6.5 examination of a nominal property........................44
6.6 examination principle.............................................44
6.7 examination method..............................................45
6.8 examination procedure..........................................45
6.9 examinand.............................................................45
6.10 examination result...............................................46
6.11 examined value....................................................46
6.12 examination reliability..........................................46
6.13 examining system................................................47
6.14 examination standard..........................................47
6.15 examination calibration........................................47
6.16 examination traceability.......................................47
6.17 comparability of examination results...................48
52 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
Alphabetical Index
accuracy class.............................................................34
adjustment of a measuring system..............................29
background indication..................................................30
base quantity...............................................................5
base unit......................................................................7
blank indication............................................................30
calibration curve..........................................................40
calibration diagram......................................................40
calibration function.......................................................40
calibration hierarchy....................................................40
certified reference material..........................................38
certified value of a CRM..............................................38
coherent derived unit...................................................8
coherent system of units..............................................8
coherent unit................................................................8
combined standard measurement uncertainty............21
combined standard uncertainty...................................21
commutability of a reference material..........................38
comparability of examination results...........................48
conservation of a measurement standard...................37
conventional quantity value.........................................12
conventional value.......................................................12
conventional value of a quantity..................................12
conversion factor between units..................................13
coverage factor............................................................23
coverage interval.........................................................22
coverage probability....................................................22
datum error..................................................................27
datum measurement error...........................................27
dead band....................................................................33
definitional uncertainty.................................................20
derived quantity...........................................................5
derived unit..................................................................7
detection limit...............................................................33
dimension of a quantity................................................6
dimensionless quantity................................................6
discrimination threshold...............................................33
displaying measuring instrument.................................28
error at zero.................................................................27
error of measurement..................................................24
examination calibration................................................47
examination confidence...............................................46
examination method....................................................45
examination of a nominal property..............................44
examination principle...................................................44
examination procedure................................................45
examination reliability..................................................46
examination result.......................................................46
examination standard..................................................47
examination traceability...............................................47
examination training....................................................47
examined value...........................................................46
examining system........................................................47
expanded measurement uncertainty...........................22
expanded uncertainty..................................................22
general nominal property.............................................43
general ordinal quantity...............................................13
general quantity...........................................................4
indicating measuring instrument..................................28
indication interval.........................................................30
individual nominal property..........................................43
individual ordinal quantity............................................14
individual quantity........................................................5
influence quantity.........................................................19
input quantity...............................................................18
input quantity in a measurement model......................18
instrumental bias.........................................................34
instrumental drift..........................................................34
instrumental indication.................................................30
instrumental measurement uncertainty.......................20
instrumental uncertainty..............................................20
intermediate measurement precision..........................26
intermediate precision.................................................26
intermediate precision condition..................................25
intermediate precision condition of measurement.......25
international measurement standard...........................35
International System of Quantities...............................5
International System of Units.......................................8
intrinsic measurement standard..................................37
intrinsic standard.........................................................37
kind of nominal property..............................................43
kind of quantity............................................................4
limit of detection...........................................................33
limit of error..................................................................26
limiting operating condition..........................................31
maintenance of a measurement standard...................37
material measure.........................................................28
maximum permissible error.........................................26
maximum permissible measurement error..................26
measured quantity value.............................................18
measured value...........................................................18
measured value of a quantity......................................18
measurement accuracy...............................................23
measurement bias.......................................................25
measurement error......................................................24
measurement function.................................................18
measurement method..................................................16
measurement model....................................................18
measurement precision...............................................24
measurement principle................................................16
measurement procedure.............................................16
measurement repeatability..........................................25
53 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
measurement reproducibility.......................................26
measurement result.....................................................17
measurement scale.....................................................10
measurement standard................................................35
measurement trueness................................................23
measurement uncertainty............................................20
measurement unit........................................................7
measuring chain..........................................................29
measuring instrument..................................................28
measuring interval.......................................................31
measuring system.......................................................28
measuring transducer..................................................29
method of measurement..............................................16
metrological comparability...........................................42
metrological comparability of measurement results....42
metrological compatibility............................................42
metrological compatibility of measurement results......42
metrological traceability...............................................40
metrological traceability chain.....................................41
metrological traceability to a measurement unit..........41
metrological traceability to a unit.................................41
model of measurement................................................18
multiple of a unit..........................................................9
national measurement standard..................................36
national standard.........................................................36
nominal indication interval...........................................30
nominal interval...........................................................30
nominal property <general>........................................43
nominal property <individual>.....................................43
nominal property in the general sense........................43
nominal scale...............................................................43
nominal value..............................................................31
nominal value of a quantity..........................................31
nominal value of a quantity of a measuring system....31
null measurement uncertainty.....................................27
numerical quantity value..............................................11
numerical quantity value equation...............................13
numerical value...........................................................11
numerical value equation.............................................13
numerical value of a quantity.......................................11
off-system measurement unit......................................8
off-system unit.............................................................8
operating condition......................................................31
ordinal quantity <general>...........................................13
ordinal quantity <individual>........................................14
ordinal quantity in the general sense...........................13
ordinal scale................................................................14
output quantity.............................................................19
output quantity in a measurement model....................19
primary measurement method.....................................16
primary measurement standard...................................36
primary method............................................................16
primary method of measurement.................................16
primary reference measurement procedure................17
primary reference procedure.......................................17
primary standard..........................................................36
principle of measurement............................................16
quantity <general>.......................................................4
quantity <individual>....................................................5
quantity calculus..........................................................12
quantity dimension.......................................................6
quantity equation.........................................................13
quantity in the general sense......................................4
quantity value..............................................................10
quantity with unit one...................................................6
random error................................................................25
random error of measurement.....................................25
random measurement error.........................................25
rated operating condition.............................................31
reference condition......................................................32
reference data.............................................................39
reference material........................................................38
reference measurement procedure.............................17
reference measurement standard...............................36
reference operating condition......................................32
reference procedure....................................................17
reference quantity value..............................................12
reference set of nominal properties.............................43
reference standard......................................................36
reference value............................................................12
reference value of a quantity.......................................12
relative standard measurement uncertainty................21
repeatability condition..................................................25
repeatability condition of measurement.......................25
reproducibility condition...............................................26
reproducibility condition of measurement....................26
resolution of a measuring instrument..........................33
result of measurement.................................................17
scale of a displaying measuring instrument................28
secondary measurement standard..............................36
secondary standard.....................................................36
selectivity of a measuring instrument..........................32
sensitivity of a measuring instrument..........................32
stability of a measuring instrument..............................33
standard measurement uncertainty.............................21
standard reference data..............................................39
standard uncertainty....................................................21
standard uncertainty of measurement.........................21
step response time......................................................34
submultiple of a unit.....................................................10
system of quantities.....................................................5
system of units.............................................................8
systematic error...........................................................24
systematic error of measurement................................24
systematic measurement error....................................24
target measurement uncertainty..................................22
target uncertainty.........................................................22
traceability chain..........................................................41
transfer device.............................................................37
transfer measurement device......................................37
travelling measurement standard................................37
travelling standard.......................................................37
true quantity value.......................................................12
true value.....................................................................12
true value of a quantity................................................12
54 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved
Type A evaluation........................................................21
Type A evaluation of measurement uncertainty...........21
Type B evaluation........................................................21
Type B evaluation of measurement uncertainty..........21
uncertainty budget.......................................................22
uncertainty of measurement........................................20
unit equation................................................................13
unit of measurement....................................................7
value <nominal property>............................................43
value <ordinal quantity>..............................................14
value <quantity>..........................................................10
value of a nominal property.........................................43
value of a quantity.......................................................10
value of an ordinal quantity..........................................14
working interval............................................................31
working measurement standard..................................36
working standard.........................................................36
zero adjustment...........................................................30
zero adjustment of a measuring system......................30
zero error.....................................................................27
55 © JCGM 2021 – All rights reserved