Casual Hire
Part 1 of 2: Job Advertisement
& Application Review
Notice for UH Employers
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy encompasses the idea that all qualified and eligible job
applicants have the right to fair hiring practices. Only after an employer has interviewed all
candidates should the most suitable person(s) be selected.
The Universitys commitment to EEO is displayed through a system of established hiring procedures
that assures all qualified and eligible candidates fair treatment. All employers are encouraged to
familiarize themselves with such procedures. EEO is a policy of the University, and required by
federal law of anyone receiving federal funds. Non-compliance by any one department could result
in the University losing all its federal funding.
Learning Outcomes
The following topics will be covered regarding the Casual Hire process:
1. How to Establish a New Casual Hire Position
2. How the Casual Hire Position is Classified
3. How the Compensation and Pay Rates are Determined
4. The Casual Hire Recruitment Process
Establishing A Casual Appointment
What Is A Casual Hire?
What is a Casual Hire?
Type of Appointment
Unbudgeted, short-term
appointment for BOR-type
No position number is required
Points to Remember
For service which
does NOT warrant
using regular
To be used when the
lack of temporary
services would be
detrimental to the
NOT to circumvent
student employment,
graduate assistant, or
regular BOR-type
Continuation of
appointment is NOT
Establishing A Casual Appointment
Casual Hire Resources (
Casual Hire Recruitment Guide (Click here)
Casual Hire Recruitment Checklist (Click here)
Establishing A Casual Appointment
Requirements to Establish
Appointment Details Notes
Confirm availability of funds Check with Business Office (normally, Casual
Appointments are not funded from General
Funded Accounts (Account Codes that start
with “1”)
Provide description of duties and
See position description template
Determine minimum and desirable
See position description template
Provide reason the position is critical and
impact if this request is not approved
Complete the KapCC Critical to Fill Request for
Casual/89-Day Hire form
Requirements to Establish
Appointment Details Example
Appointment Type Short-Term or Long-Term
Appointment Period Up to 89 Days, or up to 1 Year
Maximum Number of Hours of Work per
Up to 19 or 40 hours per week
Work Schedule Intermittent Work or Regular Hours (M-F)
Account Code(s) and Percentage KA2212345 (75%) & KA6123456 (25%)
Type of Compensation Hourly or Flat Rate
Appointment Type
Hours FTE Duration Example
20 hours or more 0.5 or More
Less than 3
months in duration
12/1/2023 -
19 hours or less 0.475 or Less
Not to exceed 12
month period
12/1/2023 -
Appointment Type
Points to Remember Tips and Examples
Determine that there is no conflict in the
scheduled time of service
Coordinate with hiring manager of other
Combined appointments shall not exceed the
appointment limitations
More than one “year-long appointments”
must have a combined total hours worked
of 19 or less
Total combined work time shall not exceed
1.00 FTE
19 hrs + 19 hrs = 38 hrs (less than 40 hrs)
What if there are more than one Casual Appointments running concurrently that are held
by the same individual?
Appointment Type
Please be reminded that IRS Affordable Care Act (ACA) tax penalties will be assessed to hiring
departments for casual employees who receive a premium tax credit (PTC) from the
healthcare marketplace.
To avoid any penalties, departments may consider having their casual employees work below
0.75 FTE (130 hours) per month, which includes the total hours for employees holding multiple
jobs on campus and across multiple campuses.
Compensation Type
The rate of compensation should be equivalent to the pay of a regular employee
doing the same or similar work
Appointments for Administrative, Professional, and Technical Services shall fall
within the UH Classification Plan
Appointments for instructional services may only be made for short-term or
apprenticeship programs
Establishing A Casual Appointment
Posting Job Advertisement
Job Advertisement
Duties and Responsibilities
Minimum & Desirable Qualifications
Salary Range
Maximum Number of Hours of Work
per Week
You will need the following information:
Work Schedule (Hours per week,
work days & times)
Account Code(s) and Percentage
Type of Compensation
Job Advertisement
Once the Form 20 is approved, the ad will be posted on the WorkAtUH website for a
minimum of 3 workdays and the supervisor will be notified via email. The length of
time of posting should be indicated on the Form 20
Submission Deadline for Form 20 (To Post Ad)
Initial Posting or Reposting w/changes Reposting
At least 6 Weeks Prior At least 4 Weeks Prior
Casual Hire Workflow
1. Complete the KapCC Critical to Fill Request for Casual/89-Day Hire Form (with
Approved Position Description attached) and route for approval
2. Create and submit the job requisition through NeoGov (instructions here)
3. Complete KapCC Form 20 (to post NeoGov Ad). Attach the following
a. Approved KapCC Critical to Fill Form
b. Approved Position Description (template here)
Recruitment Checklist
1. PD
2. C2F Form
3. Form 20
Notification for Job Advertisement
Establishing A Casual Appointment
Reviewing Applicants
Review Applicants
Once the ad closes, the Screening Committee will review applicants using the Casual
Appointment Screening Grid.
It is recommended to have at least 2 members on the committee
Ideally it is comprised of hiring manager and working supervisor
The committee will hold interviews with all applicants who meet the minimum
Review Applicants
Department sends completed Screening Grid to HR
Review Applicants
Selection Process Next Step
If selectee accepts the offer
Hiring Manager will send to Administrator
Screening Grid
Recommendation to Fill Memo
Hiring Manager will then submit both to
HR once approved
If selectee declines the offer Refer to the next best candidate
If all viable candidates decline the offer
Hiring Manager will still send the
completed grid to HR AND
Email HR to indicate either repost the
ad for a minimum of 3 workdays OR
Cancel recruitment
Let’s Practice:
Creating a Requisition
Creating a Requisition
Begin by going to and navigate to OHC. Please have supervisor email if you do no have access to OHC and include your full legal name, username,
and department.
Creating a Requisition
Create Requisition by clicking + Add on the Requisition section, and follow the requisition details on
the following slides
Creating a Requisition
Requisition Requirements Directions
Requisition #: [Assigned when requisition is saved]
Department/Division: Enter Departments Name
Class Spec Click on magnifying glass and search for “CAS” or “Casual”
Working Title Enter Working Title of the Job
Desired Start Date Enter Desired Start Date that you would like the selectee to begin work.
[Please consider that the HR department may take 2-3 business days to verify information and the
advertisement will be posted for 5 business days.]
Hiring Manager Enter Department POC and HR staff [Isaac Carmichael (icarmich)]
Job Type Select appropriate job type from the drop-down menu
List Type Select “Regular” from the drop-down menu
Position Leave it blank
Number of Vacancies Enter the number of vacancies that is approved to be hired for this
Creating a Requisition
Requisition Requirements Directions
Enter NTE Date If applicable, enter the “Not To Exceed” Date
FTE Enter the FTE in percentage form (e.g. 50%, 75%, etc.)
Is this recruitment a
Select “No
Is this a waived recruitment? Select “No
Select Funding Source Select appropriate funding source for this job advertisement
Please enter the Position
Number by selecting the "+ Add
Position Detail" located under
the "Position Details" section.
Also, select "Yes" for "New
Click on “Acknowledge”
New Position? Select “No
Comment Enter any relevant information for the HR Department to review. Such as Appointment
period for the position, Justification to post the advertisement for less than 5 business
days, etc.
Creating a Requisition
Click Save & Continue to Next Step on the top right corner.
(Leave Approvals blank on the next page and click Save & Continue to Next Step)
Creating a Requisition
Under Attachments, upload Approved Position Description.
Creating a Requisition
Click Save & Submit if ready to submit it to HR or Save & Close if some information is pending to be
completed or approval from the Chancellor is pending.
Creating a Requisition
Requisition will be sent to KapCC HR Department and you will be notified via email once it is
approved and posted on NeoGov. Please review the requisition and respond to the email within 24
hours if there are any discrepancies.
Let’s Practice:
Form 20 to Post Ad
Form 20 to Post Ad
Begin by going to Kuali Build Home Page (UH Login required) and search for KapCC Form 20.
Form 20 to Post Ad
Locate KapCC Form 20 and click on it to open the app.
You will be directed to this form. Follow the details to complete the form on the following slides.
Reference Guide For Detailed Instructions
Form 20 to Post Ad (Reference Guide)
Form 20 Requirements Directions
Type of Appointment Casual Hire (To Post Ad on Neogov)
Is This a Revised Form 20? No [Yes if sent back and include Reason for Revision]
Semester Select appropriate semester
Warrant Distribution Select assigned Warrant Distribution Number for position
Department Select Department
Unit Select Department Unit
Department ID Enter Department ID#
Department Contact Enter and select Department Point of Contact
Supervisor/Department Chair Enter and select designated Supervisor for the position
Dean Secretary Enter and select Dean Secretary [if applicable]
Dean/Vice Chancellor/Chancellor Enter and select Administrative Head
Form 20 to Post Ad (Reference Guide)
Form 20 Requirements Directions
Principal Investigator Enter and select Principal Investigator [if applicable]
[Only required for appointments with account code beginning with 4, 5, or 6]
Home Department
Enter and select Home Department Chair/Supervisor of employee
[Only applicable for Casual Hires with primary appointment outside of department]
Appointment Period From Select first day of Appointment
Appointment Period To Select last day of Appointment
Building Name Select Building Name
Room No. Select Building Room Number
Account Codes and Percent Enter Account Code and then Percentage in brackets
[Ex. KA123456 (50%) KA345612 (50%)]
NeoGov Ad No. Enter Exam Plan/Ad number for position generated on NeoGov
[Normally year-xxxxx - ex. 2023-01234]
Form 20 to Post Ad (Reference Guide)
Form 20 Requirements Directions
Job Title Enter Job Title as listed on NeoGov Ad
[Must have “(Casual Hire)” included on the end]
Ad to Run From Enter date to post ad
Ad to Run To Enter date for ad to end
Number of Positions Available Enter Number of Positions Available
Compensation Type Choose either Hourly or Flat Fee
How was the pay rate determined? Enter reason for compensation amount and pay cycle
Memo/Letters/Forms Select “Request to Fill Approval”
Attachments Upload signed Request to Fill Approval
Additional Memo/Letters/Forms Select “Other”
Attachments Upload Position Description
Form 20 to Post Ad
Once the form has been completed, click “Submit”, or “Save” if not ready
Form 20 to Post Ad
The Form 20 will be reviewed and signed in the following order:
1. Department Chair/Supervisor
2. (If Applicable) Principal Investigator
3. Dean/Vice Chancellor/Chancellor
4. Fiscal Authority
5. Chancellor
7. HR Manager
Form 20 to Post Ad
Once the Form 20 is approved by the HR Manager, the ad will be posted to the following
The Hiring Manager and Department Point of Contact will be notified via email. Please
review the ad and respond to the email within 24 hours if there are any discrepancies
Let’s Practice:
Review Applications
Review Applications
Begin by going to or click the link sent via
email. Make sure you are on your Dashboard page upon logging
Review Applications
From the My Tasks section, click the SME review pending your
Review Applications
Click the name of the first candidate to be reviewed.
Review Applications
The application will display contact information, work experience, education and other
information. Click the Questions tab to review the candidates answers to agency-wide and
job-specific supplemental questions.
Review Applications
(FOR HIRING MANAGER ONLY) Once youre ready to rate the candidate, click Rate. You have
three ratings in a pass/fail setting: 👍 Pass, 👎 Fail, and Other. Click on of these ratings, enter
comments and then click Save.
Review Applications
Click Next to proceed to the next candidate pending your review
Review Applications
Repeat these rating steps until Next no longer displays. Click Cancel or click anywhere to the
left of the last candidates application review page.
Review Applications
Notice you have no unreviewed candidates and your review status is complete.
Review Applications
Click Complete Review and then click OK to notify, via email, the assigned HR Specialist and
other screening committee members that you have completed your review.
Review Applications
The date and time of your last completed review notification will display. If additional
candidates are sent to you in the future, complete the review, and then click Complete
Review, to once again notify the assigned HR Specialist and other screening committee
members of your completed review.
Part 2 of 2: Hiring a
Candidate & Paperwork
Learning Outcomes
The following topics will be covered regarding the Casual Hire process:
1. The Casual Hire Recruitment Process
2. Reviewing Hiring Paperwork
3. Onboarding a Casual Hire
4. How to Handle Changes to the Appointment
5. Offboarding a Casual Hire
Hiring a Casual Employee
Recruitment Process
We have, so far:
Established the position
Drafted and posted the advertisement
Reviewed the applications
Recruitment Process
Closing Tasks Why?
Once HR receives the Screening Grid and
Recommendation to Fill Memo, the HR POC will
“refer” the candidates in NeoGov.
This allows the Department POC to access the
application materials to contact the selected
Department POC sends Regret Letters to the
non-selected applicants via NeoGov.
To inform the applicants of their status
Keep copies of the letters with other casual
recruitment items in Department for 3 years.
To have a record on file in the event we receive
contact from a former applicant
*Please contact the HR POC to notify them if the candidates have not been referred in NeoGov
Hiring a Casual Employee
Hiring Paperwork
Hiring Paperwork
Casual Hire Document Checklist (Click here)
Hiring Paperwork
KapCC Form 20
Form to hire candidate for a given
Revised Form 20s are submitted
to update appointment details
Hiring Paperwork
Job Application
Required to hire candidate
Copies are kept for records
Hiring Paperwork
Official Transcripts
Official copies are required at
time of hiring, though unofficial
transcripts are acceptable during
the application process
Transcripts already on file are
acceptable for rehiring
ECE credential
Hiring Paperwork
Personnel Record Card
Provides information to HR in
order to set up UH ID, email
account, and payroll
Serves to update information
on file for returning
Hiring Paperwork
Valid Tuberculosis Clearance
States that the employee is
free of communicable TB at
the time of appointment
Can be issued by the state or
from a health care provider
Hiring Paperwork
Form for retirees who have
received allowance from ERS
To ensure that the position is
excluded from ERS
Hiring Paperwork
UH Form 107
States that the employee is
currently/has been/is not
enrolled in ERS membership
Hiring Paperwork
UH Form 109 (ERS Acknowledgment)
Serves as an acknowledgment
that ERS contributions are not to
be distributed prior to an
employees retirement
Hiring Paperwork
UH Form 22 (Work Schedule
Disclosure Form)
Form to coordinate scheduling
between appointments/work
Required for Casual Hires with
multiple Casual and/or
non-Casual appointments
Hiring Paperwork
UH Form 27 (EEO Background Form)
Self-identification form for the
purpose of compliance with
federal and state civil rights laws
Completion of this form is
Hiring Paperwork
Invitation to Self Identify Veteran
Status and/or Disability
Employees may voluntarily
complete this survey to
self-identify their disability
and/or veteran status
Information is used for
confidential federal reporting
Hiring Paperwork
Photocopy of Social Security Card
Used for payroll and identity
verification purposes in the hiring
Hiring Paperwork
Form I-9
Form used to verify the identity
and employment authorization of
individuals hired for employment
in the United States
See additional information on
next slide
Hiring Paperwork
Form I-9 Acceptable Documents Page
Hiring Paperwork
The Department POC will schedule time to meet with the selected candidate to sign I-9 and
complete their New Hire Checklist paperwork
When Completing the I-9 Form:
Original documents are
needed for the I-9 form
(see page 2 of the I-9 form)
Section 1 of I-9 must be
completed and signed no
later than their first day of
Employer must complete
Section 2 of I-9 within 3
business days of
NOTE: Revised I-9 Form now required as of November 1, 2023
Hiring Paperwork
Form SSA-1945 (Job Not Covered by
Social Security
Acknowledgment that the Casual
appointment does not contribute
to Social Security benefits
This will not affect an employees
pension or Medicare benefits
Hiring Paperwork
PTS Deferred Compensation
Retirement Plan Enrollment Form
Enrollment in deferred
compensation retirement plan
offered to part-time, temporary,
and casual employees
Hiring Paperwork
UH Form 88 (Disclosure of the
Employment of Relatives)
Required even in the event that
no relatives are employed at
Write “N/A” if no relatives are
employed at KapCC
Paperwork Tracking
Casual Hire Paperwork Tracking System (Click here)
Hiring a Casual Employee
Onboarding Process
Onboarding Process
Once the Candidate has been selected, the Department POC will complete the KapCC Form 20
(to hire a candidate) and route for approval:
Form 20
Department Chair/Supervisor
(If Applicable) Principal Investigator/Home Department Chair
Dean/Vice Chancellor/Chancellor
Fiscal Authority
Human Resources*
*PeopleSoft Workflow: PI (If Applicable) > Fiscal Authority > Chancellor
Onboarding Process
Form 6 is generated following Chancellors approval and processed by the Business Office
Onboarding Process
Once the Form 6 has been processed, a welcome email will be sent to the employee via Kuali
Forms (includes appointment period and items to be completed within 3 days of appointment)
Onboarding Process
Hiring Manager and Timesheet Approver will receive a copy of the email as well
Hiring Paperwork
UH Form 92 (General Confidentiality
Acknowledgment to maintain a
standard of confidentiality when
handling restricted, sensitive, and
regulated information
To be completed on ACER
Hiring Paperwork
Part-Time and Temporary Medical
and Prescription Drug Plan
Acknowledgment of medical and
prescription plan offered for
part-time work
To be completed on ACER
Enrollment is voluntary
Hiring Paperwork
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Disclosure of any potential
conflicts of interest an employee
may face in their position
Required annually for all
Hiring Paperwork
Beneficiary Designation (HIP)
Statement of beneficiary for
compensation purposes in the
event of the employees death or
Hiring Paperwork
Direct Deposit (HIP)
Input account information for
paycheck distribution
Takes 1-2 pay periods to process
any additions and/or changes
Hiring Paperwork
Tax Withholding (HIP)
Input personal (and dependent)
information for federal and state
tax deductions
Hiring Paperwork
Information Security Awareness
Training (ISAT)
Required training on managing
protected data for all UH
Brings awareness to and reduces
the risk of inadvertent exposures
or inappropriate disclosures of
protected data under the
Universitys stewardship.
Hiring Paperwork
State of Hawaii Ethics Training
Required training reviewing the
standards of ethical conduct that
all State of Hawaii employees
must follow
Must be completed every 4 years
Please submit the Certificate of
Completion to the HR Office
Hiring Paperwork
Title IX Training
Required training to prepare staff
and faculty on maintaining a
workplace culture resistant to
discrimination, harassment, and
Includes policy information
required under the Education
Amendments of 1972
Please submit the Certificate of
Completion to the HR office
Payroll Deadlines
NOTE: Please be aware of Payroll deadlines when submitting new hire/rehire paperwork
Payroll Deadlines
Hire Date Pay Period
Route Form 20 and
Paperwork to HR
Pay Date
12/1/2023 -
12/1/2023 1/5/2024
Payroll Deadlines Sample Case
Forms and Timesheets must be submitted to payroll by 11:00 AM on the dates specified
Payroll Deadlines
Pay Period
Employee to
Supervisor to
Business Office
to Process
Pay Date
11/01/2023 -
11/15/2023 11/16/2023 11/17/2023 12/05/2023
11/16/2023 -
12/1/2023 12/04/2023 12/05/2023 12/20/2023
12/01/2023 -
12/15/2023 12/18/2023 12/19/2023 01/05/2024
Payroll Deadlines
When can the employee expect to receive the first paycheck?
Paychecks are generally issued 4 weeks after the first timesheet has been approved and
submitted to payroll.
What are the paydays?
Paydays are on the 5th and 20th of every month; if the payday falls on a weekend or holiday,
paychecks will be issued on the working day prior to the 5th or 20th.
How do the employees set up direct deposit for the salary?
Direct deposit can be set-up on Hawaii Information Portal. It recommended to set-up direct
deposit within first five business days.
When are timesheets due?
Timesheets are due on the 15th and 31st of each month. To view the schedule log in to TAPS and
go to your “Resources” tab and click on “TAPS Payroll Deadlines”.
Hiring a Casual Employee
Managing Changes & Offboarding
Managing Changes to Appointment
Changes To Appointment Example How To Address
Appointment Period Extension from 120 days to 365 days
Notify HR and submit a
revised Form 20* with
effective date
Pay Rate Salary update
Account Code From KA2234651 to KA2354613
Keep track of the employees attendance (via TAPS system, if paid hourly), and
monitor their performance and work output
*Do NOT submit a single revised Form 20 for multiple appointment changes
Offboarding Action Procedure
Have the employee copy HR when submitting their
resignation letter to their supervisor.
Supervisor acknowledges that resignation was received
and accepted with signature and date
Termination HR processes the termination through PeopleSoft
NOTE: The employee and/or supervisor may request access to HIP for up to
120 days after termination date.
Let’s Practice:
Form 20 to Hire
Form 20 to Hire
Begin by going to Kuali Build Home Page and search for KapCC Form 20. Please email if you do no have access to Kuali Build.
Form 20 to Hire
Locate KapCC Form 20 and click on it to open the app.
You will be directed to this form. Follow the details to complete the form on the following slides.
Reference Guide For Detailed Instructions
Form 20 to Hire (Reference Guide)
Type of Appointment Casual Hire (To Hire a Candidate)
Is This a Revised Form 20? No [Yes if sent back and include Reason for Revision]
Semester Select appropriate semester
Warrant Distribution Select assigned Warrant Distribution for position
Department Select Department
Unit Select Department Unit
Department ID Enter Department ID#
Department Contact Enter and select Department Point of Contact
Supervisor/Department Chair Enter and select designated Supervisor for the position
Dean Secretary Enter and select Dean Secretary [if applicable]
Dean/Vice Chancellor/Chancellor Enter and select Administrative Head
Form 20 to Hire (Reference Guide)
Type of Appointment Casual Hire (To Hire a Candidate)
Principal Investigator Enter and select Principal Investigator [if applicable]
[Only required for appointments with account code beginning with 4, 5, or 6]
Home Department
Enter and select Home Department Chair/Supervisor of employee
[Only applicable for Casual Hires with primary appointment outside of department]
Name Enter name of selected candidate
Employee ID Enter UH ID# for selected candidate [not NeoGov Person ID]
Appointment Period From Select first day of Appointment
Appointment Period To Select last day of Appointment
Building Name Select Building Name
Room No. Select Building Room Number
Account Codes and Percent Enter Account Code and then Percentage in brackets
[Ex. KA223456 (50%) KA345612 (50%)]
Form 20 to Hire (Reference Guide)
Type of Appointment Casual Hire (To Hire a Candidate)
NeoGov Ad No. Enter Exam Plan/Ad number for position generated on NeoGov
[Normally year-xxxxx - ex. 2023-01234]
Job Title Enter Job Title as listed on NeoGov Ad
[Must have “(Casual Hire)” included on the end]
Compensation Type Choose either Hourly or Flat Fee
How was the pay rate determined? Enter reason for compensation amount and pay cycle
Memo/Letters/Forms Select “Offer Letter/Recommendation to Fill
Attachments Upload signed Recommendation to Fill Memo
Additional Memo/Letters/Forms Select “Screening Grid”
Attachments Upload signed Screening Grid
Form 20 to Hire
Once the form has been completed, click “Submit”, or “Save” if not ready
Form 20 to Hire
The Form 20 will be completed and signed in the following order:
Form 20
Department Chair/Supervisor
(If Applicable) Principal Investigator/Home Department Chair
Dean/Vice Chancellor/Chancellor
Fiscal Authority
Human Resources*
*PeopleSoft Workflow: PI (If Applicable) > Fiscal Authority > Chancellor
Thank you...