Cash Selement Explained
The General Insurance Code of Practice
Crawford & Company subscribes to the General
Insurance Code of Practice (‘The Code’).
The Code ensures that the industry delivers claims
services that are fair, transparent and consistent. The
Code requires that we explain what a cash settlement
means in the context of your insurance claim.
What are my claim settlement options?
Cash Settlement
This is where we provide you with a lump-sum payment
in settlement of all or part of your claim.
Managed Repair
This is where we arrange a builder/s to conduct repairs
that have been agreed with you (through a Scope of
This is where, with your agreement, we arrange
replacement of your lost, stolen or damaged property
using a supplier of our choice.
One, two or a combination of all three of these
settlement methods may be used to settle your claim.
What does a cash settlement mean for you?
A cash settlement may be oered so that you can
manage the repair or rectification works yourself. A
cash settlement can be for part of the repair or for
the entire amount of your claim.
If you accept a cash settlement, your insurer may not
guarantee the quality and workmanship of the repairs.
Should there be a fault with the repair work, you will
need to seek rectification from your builder directly.
In some circumstances, where significant repairs
are required, accepting a cash settlement and
proceeding to manage the repair or rectification
works yourself may mean that your insurer will not
continue to insure your property or insure it under
the same terms and conditions. Your insurer will
notify you if this will be the case when discussing
a cash settlement. This may change once you are
able to evidence that the required work has been
How do we decide that you will be oered a cash
There are many reasons why we may recommend
that your Insurer oers you a cash settlement.
Some of these include:
Where your building has pre-existing damage or
maintenance issues that need to be repaired by
you before insurable repairs can proceed,
Where it would be unsafe to rebuild, or the local
consent authority prohibits rebuilding,
Where the damage is minor,
Where the item(s) claimed are rare and/or very
dicult to replace locally,
Where the policy you have purchased gives your
insurer the discretion to oer a Cash Settlement,
rather than coordinate repairs on your behalf,
Where you are under-insured i.e. the value of the
works exceeds the amount of insurance that you
purchased, or
Where you, as the policyholder, do not wish to
rebuild or repair the property.
Claims Solutions
Level 3, 324 St Kilda Road, Southbank, VIC 3006, Australia
ABN 11 002 317 133 - ACN 002 317 133 - AFSL 530816
Phone 1300 135 790
Crawford & Company
The makeup of a proposed cash settlement
A cash settlement can be made up of amounts that
represent dierent parts of your insurance claim. For
example, your insurer may choose to replace some
damaged or stolen items via preferred suppliers and
pay you a cash settlement in lieu of replacement for
the balance of goods. This can occur for several
reasons, e.g. the balance of goods cannot readily be
sourced by insurance suppliers or perhaps you have
a preferred supplier of your own.
Your insurer may choose to repair damaged items
and pay you a cash settlement amount for items that
cannot be repaired.
Either way, your loss adjuster or insurer will explain
how the amount of your cash settlement has been
calculated including whether amounts have been
deducted thereby reducing the settlement amount:
Amounts will be separately stated that represent
settlement for material damage to property and
settlement for other aspects of cover under the
policy such as for example, settlement of items
specified like jewellery or amounts for removal of
Any amount paid to you as a gift rather than
because a contractual obligation exists (often
called an ‘ex-gratia’ payment),
A policy excess in accordance with the terms and
conditions of your cover,
Your contribution for wear and tear, depreciation
or existing damage as agreed,
An amount representing the cost of maintenance
included in the original Scope of Work that is not
covered as part of the claim,
An amount that represents a supplier’s mark-up
that is not deemed reasonable, especially if you
intend to use an alternate supplier or complete the
work yourself,
Goods and Services Tax (GST) where you have
an entitlement to an Input Tax Credit (ITC),
Reimbursement for claimable amounts paid for by
you that represent emergency repairs designed
to minimise the extent of your loss or for the
purchase of emergency items.
I’ve received my cash settlement and arranged
my own repairs but now more damage has been
If further damage only becomes apparent after
repairs have begun, you may ask us to reopen
your claim, so that any additional damage can be
assessed. Should this further damage be accepted
as part of your claim, you may be paid an additional
cash amount that represents this additional
Your entitlement to independent advice
Acceptance of a cash settlement can have legal,
financial and insurance implications (among others)
for you. Before accepting our cash settlement oer,
you should consider obtaining independent legal
and/or financial advice.
Your right of review
If you are not satisfied with the amount of the cash
settlement oered to you or any aspect of the
management of your claim and you would like to
have the matter reviewed, you can speak with your
loss adjuster or escalate your concerns by emailing
us at Your concerns will
be dealt with in accordance with our complaints
procedure which is governed by The Code. Details
can be found here Customer Support | Crawford
& Company | Australia ( If, having
taken these steps, you remain dissatisfied, your
insurer oers a process for handling disputes. If
the matter remains unresolved you can contact
the Insurance Council’s hotline independently on
1800734621 to escalate the matter.
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