Mercy University Vehicle Use Policy
1. Application for Authorization to Drive a Mercy
2. Accident Report Form
Non-Academic Policy Committee
November 16, 2018
November 2018
Vice President for Operations and Facilities
1. Policy Governing
Occasional Drivers of
University Vehicles
2. Authorized Drivers
1. Office of Transportation Management
2. Office of Campus Safety and Security
1. Director of
2. Director of Campus
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Effective March 28, 2017
Vehicle Use Policy
Office of Transportation Management
Non-Emergencies - (914) 674-7225
Emergencies (914) 674-9999
Weather Hotline / Campus Closing (914) 674-7777
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Effective March 28, 2017
Table of Contents
Policy Statement ............................................................................................................................. 4
Administration of This Policy ......................................................................................................... 4
Persons Covered Under this Policy ................................................................................................. 4
Types of Vehicles Covered Under this Policy ................................................................................ 4
Personal Vehicles ............................................................................................................................ 5
General Requirements for Employees, Contractors and Vendors Operating Mercy University
Vehicles (“General Requirements”) ............................................................................................... 5
Additional Requirements for Employees, Contractors & Vendors Operating Specialty Mercy
University Vehicles ........................................................................................................................ 6
Requirements for Students Operating Mercy University Vehicles ................................................ 6
Requirements for Rental Vehicles .................................................................................................. 6
Requirements for Employer Assigned Vehicles ............................................................................. 7
Application and Approval Process .................................................................................................. 8
Rules Governing the Use of All Vehicles Covered Under This Policy .......................................... 8
Accident Protocol .......................................................................................................................... 11
Campus Access, Parking & Roadways ......................................................................................... 12
Appendix A: Guidelines for Approving Drivers .......................................................................... 13
Appendix B: Guidelines for Employee Assigned Vehicles .......................................................... 15
Appendix C : LENS Program Application ................................................................................... 16
Appendix D: Accident Report Form ............................................................................................. 21
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Effective March 28, 2017
Policy Statement
This policy sets forth rules and procedures governing the safe and proper use of vehicles that are
utilized in furtherance of Mercy University business or sanctioned functions. This Policy is
designed to secure to the greatest extent possible the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians
while members of the University community effectively carry out University business. As such,
all drivers of Mercy University motor vehicles are expected to follow the rules and procedures
outlined in this policy and to abide by all campus regulations and all local, state and federal laws.
Administration of This Policy
The Vice President for Operations and Facilities (“Vice President”) shall be responsible for the
enforcement and execution of this Policy. The Vice President may designate responsibilities for
carrying out this Policy as he/she sees fit, including but not limited to the Director of
In the event that a student or an employee violates this Policy, the Vice President or designee will
notify the individual in writing, and shall report the individual to the appropriate manager (i.e.
Dean of Student Affairs for students, Provost’s Office for faculty and Executive Director of Human
Resources for all other employees.)
Persons Covered Under this Policy
This Policy applies to all eligible Mercy University employees, students and service contractors
who are approved to operate any of the types of vehicles covered under this Policy. Service
contractors may be subject to additional requirements as set forth by the University, which will be
communicated to the relevant company representative. Union employees should also refer to the
UAW Local 2110 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for additional information. If any
provisions in this Policy or the CBA conflict, the CBA shall take precedence for union employees.
Types of Vehicles Covered Under this Policy
All vehicles insured or indemnified by the University ’s automobile or other insurance, as well as
rental vehicles for University business, shall be subject to this Policy. Those vehicles are:
1. University-Owned or Leased Vehicles: Any vehicle that is acquired by the
University in any fashion and is legally obligated to be insured by the University
when in use, including vehicles used for transporting people, utility vehicles, golf
carts and maintenance vehicles.
2. Specialty Vehicle: Any vehicle other than a standard passenger vehicle (e.g.
sedans, vans, etc.), or any vehicle designated as a specialty vehicle by the VP for
Operations and Facilities (including but not limited to vans that hold 15 or more
passengers and have a commercial license plate).
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Effective March 28, 2017
3. Rental Vehicles: Any vehicle rented by any member of the University community
for a sanctioned University function.
4. Employer Assigned Vehicle: Any University-owned or leased vehicle that is
assigned to a specific employee.
Personal Vehicles
Personal vehicles that are owned by an employee or student, even when used in furtherance of
University business, are not covered under this Policy. Individuals who drive a personal vehicle
in furtherance of University business should refer to the Mercy University Travel and Expense
Policy for approval and reimbursement policies. When an individual uses his/her personal vehicle
for University business, the vehicle owner’s personal automobile liability insurance is primary,
meaning that the vehicle owner’s personal automobile liability insurance policy covers bodily
injury and property damage to third parties, as well as injuries to individuals in the vehicle. Mercy
University will not cover or reimburse any expenses (including insurance deductible amounts)
incurred to repair damages to a personal vehicle used for University business.
Under no circumstances are employees (including faculty members) permitted to drive students
utilizing a personal vehicle, as those instances would not be covered by the University ’s insurance
policy and could lead to liability on the part of the employee or the University .
General Requirements for Employees, Contractors and Vendors
Operating Mercy University Vehicles (“General Requirements”)
To be considered eligible to operate a vehicle covered under this Policy, all employees, contractors
and vendors must submit an application (see Application and Approval below) and must meet the
following criteria:
i. Must possess a valid U.S. class E driver's license in good standing;
ii. Must be a minimum of 18 years of age;
iii. Must meet the University ’s approval guidelines in place in connection with her/his
official driving record. (See Appendix A.)
iv. Must have a minimum of two (2) years driving experience;
v. Must have no disciplinary record with the University ; and
vi. Must complete a mandatory Safety Briefing and University Road Testing program.
vii. No medical restrictions, as defined under Article 19-A of the New York State
Vehicle and Traffic Law (including, but not limited to, any medical conditions that
would cause loss of consciousness, vision, or ability to operate a vehicle safely while
carrying passengers).
viii. Drivers who have a medical or physical condition, and/or who are or will be taking
medication, which may affect their ability to safely and effectively operate a vehicle,
must submit documentation from a qualified health care professional describing
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Effective March 28, 2017
whether such condition interferes with her/his driving ability and what type of
accommodation, if any, is necessary to ensure safe operation
ix. Must have less than two driving infractions (moving violations or accidents).
x. Must have no DWI, DUI or DWAI infractions.
xi. Must have no reckless driving or speeding over 25 mph infractions.
xii. Must have no license suspensions, regardless of cause for said suspension.
Additional Requirements for Employees, Contractors & Vendors
Operating Specialty Mercy University Vehicles
i. Must meet the General Requirements
ii. Must be at least 25 years of age;
iii. Where applicable, must meet additional driver's license requirements in accordance
with any municipal regulations (E.g. CDL, endorsements, etc.).
iv. Must pass a road test in the type of vehicle the driver will be operating.
v. Must pass the Administrative Services drug and alcohol testing prior to
authorization. Such individuals may also be subject to random and post-accident
drug and alcohol testing pursuant to the United States Department of
Transportation’s federal regulations.
vi. Must complete additional driver training as may be required by the Vice President
such as a road test using one of the 15-passenger vans in order to assess driving
ability of that specific type of vehicle.
Requirements for Students Operating Mercy University Vehicles
For students to be approved to drive a vehicle covered under this Policy, she/he must meet the
following eligibility requirements:
i. Must meet the General Requirements;
ii. Must be at least 21 years of age;
iii. Must pass the Administrative Services drug and alcohol testing prior to authorization.
Such individuals may also be subject to random and post-accident drug and alcohol
testing pursuant to the United States Department of Transportation’s federal regulations.
In addition, he/she must receive special approval from the Vice President who shall consult with
appropriate University officials regarding the student’s fitness to operate a vehicle covered under
this Policy. Student applicants must provide a FERPA release with her/his application so that
her/his student records can be reviewed.
Requirements for Rental Vehicles
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Effective March 28, 2017
When traveling on University business or for a University function, employees or students may
rent a vehicle in such cases when a University vehicle is unavailable or imprudent to use with
approval by the employee’s manager. The following guidelines must be adhered to:
i. All rental driver requirements are the same as all University owned, leased and
rented except that no person under 25 years of age may drive a rental vehicle.
ii. Students who are granted permission to use a rental vehicle must purchase the
additional auto insurance offered by the rental company.
iii. All rentals must conform to the Mercy University Travel and Expense Policy.
iv. Whenever possible, the user must utilize University approved vendors.
v. Arrangements for group, team or student travel rentals or any rentals involving
direct billing, should be made through the Purchasing Department.
vi. Pictures of the vehicle should be taken at pickup and at return.
vii. Insist that the rental agent mark down every scratch/dent on the vehicle. Make sure
to point out blemishes on the interior as well as the exterior of the vehicle.
Requirements for Employer Assigned Vehicles
The assignment of a Mercy University vehicle is a privilege, and assignees are expected to operate
the vehicle in a safe, lawful and economical manner. Failure to abide by this Policy and to operate
and maintain the vehicle in an appropriate manner could lead to payment for repairs, forfeiture of
the vehicle and even disciplinary action in certain circumstances.
i. Rationale and approvals: The rationale for assigning a vehicle to an employee must be
documented and requires approval by the Vice President and the Senior Staff Member to
whom the employee reports, with final approval by the President of the University.
Approval of the President’s assigned vehicle must be made by the Board of Trustees. The
employee must also meet the General Eligibility requirements above, and must be approved
as an authorized driver.
ii. Authorized users. The use of an assigned vehicle is restricted to the employee to whom
it has been provided. An exception may be made for use of the vehicle by a spouse or
partner if pre-approved by the Vice President. Other relatives of the employee, such as
children or sibling(s), as well as friends, are not authorized to drive the assigned vehicle.
iii. Responsibility of assignee. The employee must make certain that annual inspections
are performed, as well as all preventative and repair maintenance is performed in a timely
fashion, including obtaining immediate service for serious component issues, such as
engine lights and problematic noises. Failure to maintain the vehicle’s condition in a
reasonable fashion could lead to assignee’s responsibility to repair or replace the vehicle,
and/or losing the privilege to having an assigned vehicle.
iv. Tax requirements. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires the
University to maintain documentation that substantiates an employee’s business and
personal use of a University vehicle (see Appendix B).
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Effective March 28, 2017
Application and Approval Process
A. Application
Anyone seeking to operate a vehicle covered under this Policy must submit an application (see
Appendix C) to the Office of Transportation Management at least thirty (30) days in advance of
the requested vehicle use date. Requests must be made by the employee responsible for the
University -related business, event or activity that the vehicle is requested for, or his/her supervisor.
B. Approval
After an application is submitted, the Vice President or his designee will ascertain whether the
applicant is eligible pursuant to the various requirements in this Policy. If the applicant is eligible,
she/he will be required to take a Safety Briefing and a University Road Testing Program course
prior to approval. If the applicant passes the test, he/she will be deemed pre-selected as an
authorized driver and will be included on the L.E.N.S. Program (License Event Notification
System) maintained by the Office of the Vice President.
At all times, the Vice President reserves the right to prohibit any applicant or remove any
previously approved individual from driving a vehicle covered under this Policy whom it
determines to be unsafe or unfit, regardless of the basis. The individual denied the right to drive a
covered vehicle can appeal in writing to the Vice President, whose determination shall be final.
Rules Governing the Use of All Vehicles Covered Under This Policy
A. General rules
i. Drivers must abide by and enforce all rules, regulations, terms and conditions as
outlined in this Policy and must know and obey all applicable campus, local, state
and federal traffic laws, regulations, and ordinances.
ii. The driver is responsible for the proper use and operation of the vehicle covered
under this Policy, including, but not limited to the use of safe driving techniques,
principles, and practices at all times.
iii. Drivers are prohibited from using their phone/communication device, including
texting while driving a vehicle covered under this Policy (unless using Bluetooth).
iv. The driver acknowledges that University vehicles are for official business and
University purposes only. Examples of authorized travel include official athletic
team travel, faculty sponsored field trips, and official outing club trips. Uses must
be approved by the relevant supervisor or sponsor in advance. Personal use for
errands, medical appointments, shopping or any other personal use is strictly
prohibited. If vehicles are used for personal use, the driver shall be subject to loss
of driving privileges and/or disciplinary action.
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Effective March 28, 2017
v. Drivers may not allow other passengers to operate the vehicle unless a driver is
specifically approved by the Office of the Vice President.
vi. Drivers are responsible for notifying the Office of Transportation Management
immediately of any change in their driver's license status in any state or country.
Any driver of vehicles covered under this Policy who has their right to operate
suspended or revoked may not drive a University vehicle under any circumstances
until their right to operate is reinstated.
vii. Alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs may not be transported or consumed in
University vehicles. Drivers may not operate a University vehicle under the
influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or while using a prescription medication that
has any warning of any impairment, including without limitation, a warning for
drowsiness or not to use when operating heavy machinery.
viii. Drivers are not authorized to operate a vehicle with anything on top of the vehicle
or with anything protruding from a window or door, to push or tow any other
vehicle or trailer, or to move equipment or property without written approval from
the Vice President. Exceptions will be granted on a case-by-case basis to
accommodate academic, athletic, and outdoor leadership center activities.
ix. Drivers must turn the University vehicle off, remove the keys and lock the vehicle
when it is left unattended.
x. Children under twelve (12) years old are not allowed as passengers in vehicles
covered under this Policy (with the exception of Employer Assigned Vehicles)
unless approved in writing by the Vice President.
xi. Smoking is not permitted in any Mercy University motor vehicle. Nor are animals,
with the exception of trained service animals.
B. Registration and Insurance Check
i. All drivers are to make sure a valid insurance card is present in the vehicle she/he
is driving. The Office Transportation Management shall provide the insurance card
for all owned, leased and specialty vehicles. Insurance cards expire each year on
June 30
ii. All drivers are to make sure a valid registration card is present in the vehicle she/he
is driving, as well as a registration sticker adhered to the windshield. The Office of
the Transportation Management shall provide the registration documentation for all
owned, leased and specialty vehicles. Registrations renew bi-annually from the
date of first registration.
C. Performing inspections and reporting damage and malfunctions
Before operating a vehicle, drivers must perform an inspection of the vehicle prior to each
trip, including but not limited to, checking the oil and other fluid levels, checking the
windshield wipers, tire inflation, mirrors, lights, horn and existing damage. They must also
verify that the Accident Report Form and instructions are in the glove compartment (see
Appendix D).
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Effective March 28, 2017
When a vehicle is damaged or malfunctioning, the discovering driver must inform the Office of
the Vice President for Operations and Facilities, which office shall determine if the vehicle is safe
to operate. If deemed unsafe, the vehicle must be removed from service until appropriate repairs
can be made.
D. Parking, red-light camera, E-Z Pass and other municipal violations
Authorized drivers of the vehicle at the time of violation occurrence and employees with an
employer assigned vehicles shall be responsible for all fines associated with the violation. Drivers
are required to address the violation within one business day of receipt, and shall provide the Office
of the Vice President for Operations and Facilities with copies of all such documentation. If
necessary, the University may dock one’s pay if she/he fails to comply.
E. Fuel
The driver is responsible for fueling the vehicle, although she/is not responsible for paying for the
fuel. Employees with University -issued credit cards may use the credit card. For employees who
do not have such credit cards, he/she may be reimbursed by submitting appropriate documentation.
See the Mercy University Travel and Expense Policy.
F. Hours and mileage
In addition, to facilitate safe operation of its vehicles, the University requires that authorized
drivers strictly adhere to the following hours and mileage limitation rules:
i. The Ten/Eight Hour Rule A driver may not drive more than ten (10) hours
continuously in any trip, unless preceded by at least eight (8) hours of non-driving.
The ten hours of driving need not be consecutive; driving hours can be accumulated
for each leg of a trip, so long as they do not exceed ten hours total.
ii. The Fifteen Hour Rule A driver may not drive a University vehicle if the driver
will be engaged in fifteen (15) hours of continuous service to the University, either
in any employment, attendance in classes or at University events, etc. Thus, an
employee or student cannot drive a University vehicle if the scheduling of such
driving trip would cause the driver to exceed fifteen (15) hours of continuous
service within or outside the University.
iii. The Eight Hours/600 Mile Rule - Trips in excess of eight (8) hours, or 600 miles
round trip, require an overnight stay, unless a second authorized driver shares the
driving responsibilities pursuant to a multiple driver arrangement that has been
pre-approved by the Office of the Vice President for Operations and Facilities for
that trip.
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Effective March 28, 2017
iv. The 600 Mile Rule - No more than 600 miles may be driven in any one day (24-
hour period) regardless of the number of authorized drivers that share the driving
Accident Protocol
A. Reporting Procedures
i. Any accident involving a Mercy University vehicle, regardless of severity, location,
or fault, must be reported immediately to the law enforcement authority within the
jurisdiction where the accident occurred and to the Office of Campus Safety and
Security or as soon as it is practicable to do so.
ii. The driver must complete and submit the Accident Report Form (Appendix D) to
the Director of Security as soon as possible.
iii. The driver is responsible for obtaining the police report from the appropriate
precinct and any fees associated with the report will be reimbursed. A copy of this
report must be submitted as soon as possible, preferably within three days, to the
Director of Security.
iv. The Office of Campus Safety and Security will submit the above noted
documentation to the Finance Office and General Counsel. Additional steps may
be required by the University ’s General Counsel, in consultation with the
University ’s outside Risk Manager.
v. All accidents involving University vehicles which occurred during use by an
authorized driver are investigated for cause and preventability. Authorized drivers
incurring accidents with liability or collision losses in excess of $500 will be
removed from the authorized driver’s list for a minimum of one calendar year date
from date of removal.
vi. Following any accident involving a University vehicle, the University will
evaluate whether the driver involved in the accident is still qualified to be an
authorized driver of a University vehicle. Notice will be provided to the driver
as soon
B. Vehicle Repair & Payment:
i. Prior to the vehicle being repaired after an accident, the Director of Security must
arrange for the vehicle to be inspected by the insurance adjuster. Once the adjuster’s
report is submitted, the vehicle may be repaired in accordance with the agreed upon
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Effective March 28, 2017
ii. In general, the University will be billed directly for all repairs. Payment should be
processed in accordance with the policies set forth by the University .
iii. The Finance Office will forward reimbursement, less the deductible, to the Director
of Security who must then make certain the funds are deposited into the appropriate
maintenance account.
Campus Access, Parking & Roadways
All drivers of Mercy University vehicles must abide by all relevant local and state motor vehicle
traffic laws, as well as all University rules and regulations relating to motor vehicle use on Mercy
University campuses, including but not limited to the University ’s Parking Policy.
A. Roadways and on-campus policy for vehicles covered under this Policy
i. The campus roadway speed limit is 15 miles per hour, unless otherwise as posted,
for all vehicles.
ii. Passenger vehicles assigned to perform on-campus shuttle service shall have access
to campus roadways accordingly. They must remain on roadways only, and may
not drive on pathways, sidewalks, etc.
iii. Golf carts and utility vehicles may operate on campus roadways, pathways or
sidewalks, but must abide by regulations relating to pedestrians. The operation of
golf carts and unregistered utility vehicles are not permitted on public streets.
iv. Service vehicles are permitted on campus to accomplish maintenance, up-keep
renovations, etc.
B. Requirements for Vendors, Other Corporate Entities & Facilities Licensees
i. Insurance requirements: All non-University business entities are required to hold a
minimum insurance policy. Required amounts will be set by the University ’s General
Counsel in consultation with the University ’s outside Risk Manager and the
department supervisor. In all cases, automobile insurance must be included.
ii. Driver screening and training requirements: Vendors maintaining facilities on-site
and/or act as a University department (i.e. food services, information technology and
security services) are subject to all of the requirements set forth in this Policy.
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Effective March 28, 2017
Appendix A: Guidelines for Approving Drivers
2 or fewer violations in
the past 3 years.
3 violations in the past
3 years
4 or more violations in the past 3
1 or fewer crashes in
the past 3 years
2 crashes in the last 3
3 or more crashes in the past 3 years
A single citation in
the past 3 years for
any of the following
-any alcohol or drug-related
driving offenses
-refusal to submit to a blood
alcohol test
-operating a vehicle more than 30
mph over the posted speed limit
-leaving the scene of an accident
-any felony crime committed with
a vehicle
Examples of Moving Violations include but are not limited to the following: speeding
violations, aggressive driving violations, right-of-way violations, seat belt and other equipment
violations and certain administrative violations.
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Effective March 28, 2017
2 or fewer violations in the
past 3 years.
3 or more violations in the past 3 years
1 or fewer crashes in the
past 3 years
2 or more crashes in the past 3 years
A single citation in the past 3 years for
any of the following offenses:
-any alcohol or drug-related driving
-refusal to submit to a blood alcohol test
-operating a vehicle more than 30 mph over
the posted speed limit
-leaving the scene of an accident
-any felony crime committed with a vehicle
Examples of Moving Violations include but are not limited to the following: speeding
violations, aggressive driving violations, right-of-way violations, seat belt and other equipment
violations and certain administrative violations.
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Effective March 28, 2017
Appendix B: Guidelines for Employee Assigned Vehicles
Employees who are recipients of a University assigned vehicles must maintain records of any
personal use of the vehicle. When such records are maintained, the University is required to report
to the IRS only the value of the personal use of the vehicle (determined from the substantiating
documentation noted below) as additional taxable wages. If such records are not maintained by
the University , the entire value of the employee’s use of the vehicle (including both business and
personal use) is considered personal use and must be reported as additional taxable wages to the
Employees with assigned vehicles are therefore required to adhere to the following guidelines:
A. All eligible employees must be immediately added to Payroll’s master list upon vehicle
assignment; all required documentation must be properly obtained and completed by the
employee; and final calculations must be substantiated.
B. The Payroll Department must contact the Office of the Vice President for Operations and
Facilities to request confirmation of all employees with a University Assigned Vehicle, so
that the information can be incorporated into the final auto fringe calculation worksheet.
C. The Payroll Department will provide the Office of the Vice President for Operations and
Facilities with the “mileage certificate package” and will require them to notify the
employee of their responsibility to maintain records which substantiate vehicle business
and personal use.
D. The Assignee shall send the mileage certificate packets and forward them to the Payroll
Supervisor in a timely manner. If records are not received as requested, IRS regulations
require the value of all vehicle use be reported as wages, and the employee may then take
itemized deductions for any substantiated business use.
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Effective March 28, 2017
Appendix C: LENS Program Application
In order to become eligible for inclusion on the Authorized Drivers List maintained by the Vice
President for Operations and Facilities at Mercy University, applicants must complete this
application and return it, along with any required documentation.
When this application is processed and all required training is completed, applicants will be
notified, in writing, by the Vice President for Operations and Facilities or their designee as to
whether they have been approved as an occasional driver of University vehicles. Applicants must
submit required materials at least thirty (30) days in advance of when authorization is needed in
order to ensure sufficient time for processing of their application and conducting of necessary
At all times, the Vice President for Operations and Facilities reserves the right to prohibit any
applicant or remove any previously approved individual from driving a vehicle whom it determines
to be unsafe or unfit, regardless of the basis. The individual denied the right to drive a covered
vehicle can appeal in writing to the Vice President for Operations and Facilities, whose
determination shall be final.
1. All requested information on this application must be completed and submitted along with
a photocopy of the applicant’s U.S. issued driver’s license in an enlarged format to
ensure that the license number is easily identified. The University will access the
applicant’s driving record in order to confirm that the applicant meets the minimum
eligibility requirements for driving University vehicles. This application may be sent by
interoffice mail to Office of Security & Safety in the Main Building (Room 234) on the
Dobbs Ferry Campus (DF).
2. General requirements
a. Must be a minimum of 18 years of age
(25 years for students, contractors and vendors);
b. Must possess a valid U.S. class E driver's license in good standing; where
applicable must meet additional driver's license requirements in accordance with
any municipal regulations (E.g. CDL, endorsements, etc.).
c. Must meet the University ’s approval guidelines in place in connection with her/his
official driving record. (See Appendix A in Vehicle Use Policy).
d. Must have a minimum of two (2) years driving experience;
e. Must have no disciplinary record with the University ; and
f. Must complete a mandatory Safety Briefing and University Road Testing program.
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g. Drivers who have a medical or physical condition, and/or who are or will be taking
medication, which may affect their ability to safely and effectively operate a
vehicle, must submit documentation from a qualified health care professional
describing whether such condition interferes with her/his driving ability and what
type of accommodation, if any, is necessary to ensure safe operation under Article
19A of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
h. Student applicants must provide FERPA release with his/her application so that
their student record can be reviewed.
3. Each applicant is presumed to have completely read and to understand the Policy
Governing Occasional Drivers of University Vehicles, a copy of which has been
provided by the Office of Security & Safety.
4. All applicants applying to drive any standard sized vehicle, including a 15 passenger van,
will be required to undergo a safety briefing with the Director of Security & Safety.
Please call Security & Safety at ext. 7225, to schedule your safety briefing.
5. Applicants applying to drive 15 passenger vans in passenger van service must
satisfactorily provide evidence of medical fitness. Use the enclosed reporting form.
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Effective March 28, 2017
State, Zip:
Driver’s License Number:
Date of Birth:
Issuing State of License:
Social Security Number:
Do you have any reportable license revocations/suspensions, moving
violations, accidents resulting in serious bodily injury and/or property
damage, or convictions of misdemeanors or felonies for the previous
three - (3) years? If yes, please describe:
Class year if student (freshman, etc.) Or state whether staff or faculty:
Department (if employee):
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Department head name & signature (if employee):
Dean’s office signature (if student):
Do you have a current defensive driving certificate?
If yes, please include a copy with this application.
Do you have a medical or physical condition, or are you or will you be
taking any medication, which may affect your ability to safely and
effectively operate a University vehicle? If yes, please submit
documentation from a qualified health care professional as to how such
condition interferes with driving ability and what type of
accommodation, if any, is necessary to ensure safe operation.
The above information will be used by the University to check the applicant’s U.S. issued
license with the Department of Motor Vehicles. Approved applicants will also be placed on the
L.E.N.S. Program (License Event Notification System) with the Department of Motor Vehicles,
which provides continuous monitoring of a person’s license and driving record.
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Effective March 28, 2017
An enlarged photocopy of the applicant’s U.S. issued driver’s license must be included with
this application.
Applications must be returned to the Office of Security & Safety,
Room 234 (Main Building on the Dobbs Ferry Campus)
Applicant’s Acknowledgement:
I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Policy
Governing Occasional Drivers of University Vehicles.
I understand that by signing this application I am granting the University the right
to access my complete driving record, both at the time of initial application, and for
the entire time period that my driving authorization with the University remains in
I acknowledge that the University may deny my application at its discretion.
I agree that I am personally responsible to advise those to whom I report of any
inability on my part to be in compliance with these rules.
I understand the Prohibited Hours of Driving in Passenger Service rules as outlined
in the Policy Governing Occasional Drivers of University Vehicles.
I acknowledge that if I am a student applicant, I must provide a FERPA release
form with this application.
___________________________________ _______________________
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Appendix D: Accident Report Form