6004 S County Road G, Janesville, WI 53546
(608) 758-6900 • info@blackhawk.edu • blackhawk.edu
BTC is an EO/AA educator/employer. For more information, go to blackhawk.edu.
Resume and Cover Letter
Career Services
Table of Contents
Your Resume: Your Sales Brochure .................................................................................................................................................2
FORMATS .....................................................................................................................................................................................2
Resume Sections ..............................................................................................................................................................................2
Contact Information ....................................................................................................................................................................2
Career Objective ..........................................................................................................................................................................2
PROFILE OR SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................3
Special Skills, Campus Involvement and Awards ........................................................................................................................3
Education .....................................................................................................................................................................................3
Relevant Coursework ...................................................................................................................................................................3
Certification/ License ...................................................................................................................................................................4
Experience ....................................................................................................................................................................................4
ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................................................................................5
OTHER OPTIONAL SECTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................5
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................................5
Resume Design .................................................................................................................................................................................5
How to get noticed! .....................................................................................................................................................................5
Eye Appeal ...................................................................................................................................................................................5
Attention to Detail .......................................................................................................................................................................6
Margins ........................................................................................................................................................................................6
Fonts .............................................................................................................................................................................................6
Make sure your resume is error free ...........................................................................................................................................6
Editing your resume to make it fit to ONE page .........................................................................................................................6
Tips for getting your resume selected .........................................................................................................................................7
................................................................................................................ 10
Writing Strong Bullet Points ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Resume Worksheet ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Example ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Example2 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Professional Letters: Stand Out Against Your Peers .................................................................................................................... 15
Cover Letter Content and Layout ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Submitting an Application by E-mail ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Your Resume: Your Sales Brochure
A resume is a snapshot of your strongest qualifications. It is also an example of your written communication skills, so
make sure to have your resume proofread before sending it to employers. Your resume is a means to convince
employers that you deserve to an interview your strengths to a potential employer or other individuals you would like in
your “network. There is standard information that should be included. Below are the sections that are highly
recommended as part of your final product. Sections in your resume should be in order of importance. You want to
customize your resume for the position for which you are applying. Therefore; the section that seems the most
important for the job should be closer to the top of your resume.
A chronological resume is the most commonly used format, especially among new college graduates. Most employers
prefer this format because it is very easy to read. When creating a chronological resume, candidates arrange the
sections (education, work experience, and activities) of their resume in reverse chronological order.
A functional resume is utilized when a candidate has had a number of short-term jobs or has had a large gap in
employment but has many skills to highlight. The functional resume tends to de-emphasize the dates of employment by
putting a larger focus on the skills, achievements, and overall qualifications a candidate possesses. The sections of a
functional resume are often different than a chronological resume. Functional resume sections tend to focus on
particular skills sets such as technical skills, leadership skills, project management, etc. These section headings will differ
depending on the field. Also, a potential heading could simply be, “experience highlights”.
Resume Sections
Contact Information
At the top of your resume, include your first and last name (your middle name or initial is optional), address, phone
number, e-mail address, and website if available. (Do not write the words phone and e-mail because they are assumed.)
1234 Street Name
City, State Zip Code
Phone Number
Career Objective
A Career Objective gives a sense of purpose to the resume, but is somewhat outdated. If writing a career objective keep
in mind the following:
1. State the type of position you want to attain
2. Avoid sounding self-centered instead what you can do to meet the employer’s need
3. Avoid generalities like “a challenging position with opportunity for growth”
4. Tailor the objective to each position you seek
5. This is the first section under your name
Increase sale of manufactured goods, sold to accounts nationally and internationally.
To offer compassionate, quality health care to assure the most positive outcomes.
Assist patients and medical staff with high quality nursing care. Emphasizing safety and attention to detail to
assure positive health outcomes.
Promote high standards of patient care through medical imaging.
This is an optional section at the top of your resume. A summary section allows you to highlight specific skills and
qualities to catch the reader’s attention. Many people will choose to include key words from the job description in this
section. If you choose to include a summary, you can do so with bullet points or a short paragraph. Please see sample
resumes for examples.
Special Skills, Campus Involvement and Awards
1. Include any special skills such as computer skills, languages known, clinical skills, tool use, machines, mechanical
skills, etc.
2. Quantify your language skills by using phrases such as: proficient in, knowledge of.
3. Include your participation in organizations especially within leadership roles, offices held or presentations given
that could relate to your career goal.
To best highlight these skills/experiences/attributes, you may want to divide into sections. Examples:
1. Computer Skills
2. Languages
3. Communication Skills
1. The education section should generally be at the top of your resume because it is likely one of your strongest
qualifications. If you graduated with a degree or certificate over five years ago and have been working in the
field since, your education would then be at the bottom of your resume.
2. When listing your education, make sure to include the name of the degree or certificate, the institution that
awarded you the degree or certificate as well as the city and state of the institution. If you have multiple
degrees, begin by listing the most recent one at the top.
3. If you are a current college student or graduate, it is not necessary to list your high school. Additionally, it is also
not necessary to list institutions that you attended but from which you did not receive a degree.
4. If your GPA is 3.0 or above, you may choose to include it on your resume. When doing so, use a format such as
3.56/4.0 to indicate that grading was on a 4.0 scale.
Associate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts, expected May 20XX Blackhawk Technical College, Janesville, WI
GPA: 3.6/4.0
Blackhawk Technical College, Janesville, WI
Business Management Associate Degree; May 2010
GPA: 3.1
Relevant Coursework
If you do not have career-related experience, it is a good idea to list some of your core courses on your resume. This
gives the employer an idea of your training and shows that you have knowledge in your specific area.
List course in order of relevant importance.
Certification/ License
Examples: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Licensed Practical Nursing (WI LPN), HVAC, WI Journeyman’s Electrical
This section is to highlight your employment history and HOW you performed your duties.
1. Be sure to include any accomplishments.
2. Include internships, externships, and clinical rotations.
3. Include paid and unpaid experience.
4. Define abilities rather than duties, stress the accomplishments, use correct dates, brief and direct descriptions,
strong action verbs, and avoid being overly complex.
5. Include job title, dates of work (month and year only), employer name and location (city and state only).
6. List your work history in reverse chronological order
7. Experience can be sorted into RELATED EXPERIENCE and OTHER EXPERIENCE to have your most relevant
experience listed first on your resume, list them under RELATED EXPERIENCE.
8. You will still want to maintain the list in reverse chronological order.
XYZ Consulting Spring 2006
Assistant to Consulting Department (internship)
Assisted with writing policy and procedural manual. Scheduled interview appointments. Assisted with screening
o Accomplishment: Created electronic copies of policy and procedural manuals to improve accessibility and
reduce waste of paper resources.
Because employers only spend between seven and ten seconds initially reviewing a resume, it is important to utilize a
bullet point format versus a paragraph format. When creating bullet points, you should utilize the resume action verbs
found on pages 10 & 11 to begin your bullets. Additionally, when writing these points, describe what you did and
highlight the end results of that duty when possible. A simple format to follow is Action verb + duty + end result.
Example 1: Grew key accounts by 15% in first year.
Example 2: Evaluated and managed a monthly caseload of 25-30 clients, ensuring each client’s needs were met.
Furthermore, when possible, highlight your accomplishments, transferrable skills (a list of skills is found on page 12), and
try to quantify your value. For example, if you trained five employees, include the number five, or, if you helped
fundraise $3,000, make sure to include that in your bullet point. Your goal is to demonstrate to potential employers that
you can be an asset to their team.
Lastly, tailor your experience section to the job posting. Go through the job posting and highlight the skills and
experiences that the employer is seeking. Then make sure to include the skills that you possess and experiences that you
have had that are in the posting on your resume.
Your activities section can include participation in college athletics, clubs and organizations, community volunteerism,
professional memberships, etc. Depending on your experience, the section heading could instead be, Community
Involvement or Volunteerism. When describing your activities, make sure to include the college or organization name
and your dates of involvement. If your involvement has been extensive, you may choose to create bullet points to
elaborate on your accomplishments and skills utilized.
Depending on your experience and skills, you may choose to include any or all of the following sections: Technical Skills,
Presentations, and Publications. Furthermore, if you are fluent in another language, you should have a separate
Languages section. Under that section, you can simply write, “Fluent in English and ______.
“References available upon request” is not necessary to list at the bottom of your resume. Instead, create a separate
reference page.
Resume Design
Something must catch the employer’s eye! Remember this: A resume or cover letter should describe how you will
meet the employer’s need.
How to get noticed!
Customizing your resume to a particular position, company or industry is a great way to bring positive attention to your
1. Include selling points that substantiate your objective.
2. Use key terms or phrases common to your target industry.
3. Highlight information that is most relevant to your target career.
4. Read job descriptions in newspapers, career books and pick out the key experiences and skills employers are
seeking for jobs similar to the one you want. Incorporate relevant words and phrases into your resume
By using key industry terms and highlighting information most relevant to your target job or career, you accomplish two
goals: you show the employer you are familiar with the industry and you help eliminate doubts about how your
qualifications meet their needs.
Your overall resume presentation speaks volumes about you!
1. Important-consider layout and design.
2. Initially your resume will be looked at for approximately 10-20 seconds.
3. Make these seconds count in an easy to read format.
Making your resume an EASY READ
Eye Appeal
1. Use plenty of white space and utilize formatting tools to help distinguish important information (e.g. section
headings, school and company names job titles, major, etc.).
2. Do not exceed two tools (bold, italic, underline, etc.) per item.
3. Limit the number of tabs you set so that all indentations and columns fall on no more than three vertical lines
running down the page; too many tabs can make information appear scattered and thus more difficult to read.
4. Create your own personal letterhead, which includes your name and contact information. Letterhead is a
professional standard in business correspondence and may help your resume and cover letter stand out in a
positive way. Your letterhead design can also show some of your own personality. Be sure your letterhead is still
easy to read and error-free.
5. Use résumé or business stationery quality paper; conservatively light colored cotton bond paper.
6. Print your resumes on a laser printer for the best quality, avoiding ink smears.
Attention to Detail
Be consistent with your use of tools, placement and spacing. For example, if your job titles are in bold, make certain all of
them appear that way and make sure all of your dates appear in the same locations.
Your top and bottom margins should be at least 0.5, but no greater than 1.0 inch. Left and right margins should be at least
0.75 inch, but no greater than 1.0 inch.
Use a 10-12 point font in the body of the resume, and 12-16 point font for section headings.
Use a 12-20 point font for your letterhead (name and contact information at the top of the resume). Have your name
stand out, but avoid using a font size that is more than 2 sizes larger than your letterhead font.
Use easy to read fonts, such as Garamond, Book Antigua, Times New Roman, Arial and Helvetica. Avoid fonts with
unusual spacing between letters, shadowing, etc.
Make sure your resume is error free
It is always a good idea to have someone else look over your resume. After you spend so much time working on something,
you may not catch spelling errors or questionable grammar. Let faculty, staff or career center staff double check your
work. You may email it to careercenter@blackhawk.edu for review. Continue to edit your resume and customize it for
particular positions. Again, try to have someone else review it for you.
Editing your resume to make it fit to ONE page
Reduce margins.
Reduce font sizes (not less than 10 point).
Change font styles.
Change tabs so the line starts further to the left.
Put more information on one line (e.g. combine company name, location and dates on one line).
Decrease the number of line spaces between headings.
Change date or state format so they are shorter (e.g. WI vs. Wisconsin).
Eliminate too detailed information.
Eliminate the least related detail in the job responsibilities.
Do not put your references on your resume or references upon request.
The one page rule is not mandatory. If your resume needs two pages of text, try to use at least half of the next
page. If you have less than that you should make modifications on the first page to make it fit to one page.
Tips for getting your resume selected
1. Use many key words to define your skills, experiences, education.
2. Be specific (e.g. use software names such as Microsoft Word).
o Use action words to express your achievements.
o Express your abilities not simply job duties.
o Do not utilize personal pronouns such as I, we, our, or my because employers understand that you
are referring to yourself throughout your resume. The only time you may choose to utilize these
words is in a summary or profile section.
o Do not mention your age, race, political or religious affiliation or hobbies on your resume. You do
not want to provide employers a potential means to discriminate against you.
o Delete added verbiage when possible. For example, delete “the” when appropriate throughout your
Utilize transferrable skills when developing your resume and tailoring it to specific
positions for which you
are applying.
Writing Strong Bullet Points
Employers are interested in your responsibilities and duties that come with results. Write a bullet point to
demonstrate how your skills have led to specific outcomes and accomplishments.
Duties and Responsibilities vs. Results
Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible for sales within the Janesville
Increased sales within the Janesville territory
by 57% in three months
Saved money on corporate benefits
Researched long-term disability insurance and
found a package that would save the company
$7,000 annually
4 Steps to Writing Strong Bullet Points
1. Start with a strong Action verb that highlights a strength or skill.
2. Provide specifics to help the employer better understand your duties and responsibilities (Who, What,
and How many). If possible, declare numbers to demonstrate an amount.
3. Focus on the result and its purpose within the company/organization.
4. Combine the information to make a complete statement.
Step 1:
Action Verb
Step 2:
Who, What, How
Step 3:
Why, Results, Goal,
Purpose, Benefit
Step 4:
Strong Bullet Point
Cash/debit card
transactions of
$2,000+ per shift
Followed company
1. Handled
cash/debit card
transactions of
$2,000+ per shift
while following
company procures
Lead plumber on all
plumbing and water
Provide support and
gain knowledge
2. Assisted the Lead
plumber to
provide support
and gain
knowledge on
plumbing issues
Materials for 10
people at staff
To be completed on
3. Prepared materials
for 10 people
before each staff
Resume Worksheet (try to edit information to fit on one page)
Telephone Number
City, State, Zip Code
Email address
Skills/ Qualifications Highlights or Profile
Name of school
Date of graduation
GPA (if over 3.0)
Related courses:
Employment Experience
Name of company
Job Title
Date of employment
Responsibilities and Accomplishments (remember to define abilities vs. listing duties)
Employment Experience
Name of company
Job Title
Date of employment
Responsibilities and Accomplishments (remember to define abilities vs. listing duties)
582 North Street, Beloit Wisconsin (608) 921-0XXX ▪ [email protected]
Registered Nurse
Dedicated, hardworking nurse with recent nursing education, training and certification. Recognized by clinical
supervisors, instructors and peers for team orientation, high-level critical thinking skills and the desire to meet
new challenges. Observant to changing patient status with a record of alerting healthcare team to patient status.
Hospital and clinic experience:
Monitoring vital signs
Providing compassionate end-of-life care
Administering EDGs and X rays
Using cardiac monitors/interpreting cardiac rhythms
Initiating oxygen therapy
Drawing blood and initiating intravenous lines
Educating patients
Communicating patient information to the healthcare team
(Include license dates)
Blackhawk Technical College Janesville, WI
ADN 2011
Coursework included: (list)
Clinical Training
Mercy Hospitals
Good Samaritan Hospital
Mercy Rehabilitation Center
Beloit Memorial Hospital
St. Anne’s and Evansville Manor Nursing Homes
Rock County Psychiatric Unit
Other Work History
Kohls Store Janesville, WI
Manager-Shoe Department 1/2005 1/2010
Motivate and encourage team to develop sales and customer service skills. Train new associates, build
teams, communicate new store policies, goals, and strategies. Collaborate interdepartmentally to reach
or exceed store goals and expectations. Establish work schedules for hourly employees.
Mary Smith
1234 Wright Road Beloit, WI 53511
608.333.1221 | marysmit[email protected]
Associate Degree, Nursing graduate seeking to use acquired skills and knowledge to assist your hospital in a
nursing role.
Highlight of Skills
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Dedicated worker with a sense of purpose
Strong skills in effectively working as a team as well as an individual
Able to provide patient centered care by utilizing nursing skills across diverse populations and health care
Blackhawk Technical College, Janesville, WI Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2015
Associate Degree - Nursing
GPA: 3.4
Certified Nursing Assistant, 2015CPR, 2014|
Intern (Clinical Practicum) 2015-2016
Mercy Health System Janesville, WI
Assisted nurses with care of patients needing pre and postoperative, pediatric, general medical, and
hospice care, on a surgical/pediatrics unit.
Monitored cardiac monitors, interpreted rhythms, and notified nursing staff of changes in rhythm, oxygen
saturation, respiratory rate and blood pressure.
Entered physician orders into computer, answered phones and page physicians.
Personal Care Aide 2010-current
Comfort Keepers Beloit, WI
Provide non-medical, in-home support, run errands and home management services to clients.
Assist clients with all personal care functions needed.
Ensure that required documentation is complete and is in compliance with regulations and standards.
Professional Letters: Stand Out Against Your Peers
Layout & Appearance
Use a professional font that is consistent with your resume
Sign letter at bottom of page or leave blank if sending electronically
Keep letters to 1 page
Make sure letter is free of typos and grammatical errors
Writing Style
Avoid beginning all sentences with “I”. Place a greater emphasis on the word “you”.
Divide your text into paragraphs to make it easier to read
Always convey confidence and a positive attitude
Provide specific examples of your qualifications. Explain how you have done something vs. how you can do
Overall Impression/Effectiveness
Address your letter to a specific person and tailor to the position and company
All items citied in your cover letter should also appear in your resume
Carefully read all the company’s instructions before submitting the application
Professional E-mail Etiquette
In subject line, make it obvious why you are writing: “Application for XYZ position
Name your document (i.e. “Your Name_Cover Letter”
Opening Paragraph: State why you are writing, the position to which you are applying, and your interest in the
organization and position
Second Paragraph: What are your qualifications? Why are you the right person for this position?
Final Paragraph: Re-state your interest and thank the employer
Cover Letter Content and Layout
Use your personal letterhead at the top of your cover letter or a standard business letter format
1234 Street Name City, State Zip Code [email protected] Phone Number
Month Day, Year
Contact Person
Title Company/Organization Name
Street Address City
State and Zip Code
Dear Mr. or Ms. (Contact’s Last Name)*:
First paragraph: Why you are writing in your initial paragraph, state the reason for your letter. You are applying in
response to a specific opening. State the position and indicate how you learned of it. If you found out from someone
currently working there, be sure to mention their name (with their permission, of course).
Second paragraph: What you have to offer Indicate why you are interested in the position or organization. Do your
research! Above all, indicate what you can do for the employer. This is known as an employer-focused letter. If all of your
paragraphs begin with “I…”, then you have written a self-focused letter. Change your wording! If you are a recent graduate,
explain how your academic background makes you a qualified candidate for the position. If you have practical work
experience, point out your specific achievements or unique qualifications. You may refer to your enclosed resume, but try
not to repeat the same information that the reader will find there. This is your chance to expand that information and
really shine.
Third paragraph: What happens next? In the closing paragraph, indicate your desire for a personal interview. Close with
a statement that will encourage a response. Ask the employer to contact you if they desire additional information. Give
the person your phone number (make sure this is somewhere you can be reached during the day, or that has voice mail)
and thank them for their time. [If you use your personal letterhead at the top of the letter, you may simply refer the
person to your phone number above rather than stating it here.]
Signature here
Typed Name
*If you do not know the name of the specific contact, refer to websites or business directories and/or contact the business
directly to find out to whom you should direct your correspondence
Submitting an Application by E-mail
Option 1 - Brief Introduction:
Option 2 - Insert Your Cover Letter:
Dear Ms. Clark:
Please accept the attached cover letter and resume as my application for the XYZ position at ABC Company (Job Posting #123).
My skills and experience closely align with the posted job description, which make me an excellent fit for this position. I look
forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you,
Joe Meyer
Dear Ms. Clark:
Please accept the attached cover letter and resume as my application for the XYZ position at ABC Company (Job Posting #123). As a leader in green business operations, I
was drawn to your company and the services you provide your community. Contributing to a company that provides services to its community in an eco-friendly way is a
goal of mine. Due to my experience in the industry and passion for contributing to your mission of eco-friendly operations, I believe I am an ideal candidate for this
You are seeking a candidate who is knowledgeable and experienced in the banking industry while also able to work cooperatively with diverse populations. As a business
administration student at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, I have taken advantage of numerous internship opportunities to gain relevant banking and customer
service experience. For the past two years, I have worked as a bank teller at Wells Fargo where I was responsible for serving customers, balancing my drawer and mentoring
new tellers. In addition, I served as the treasurer of the UWRF DECA for the past two years, studied abroad in Scotland, and completed a financial management internship
this summer, allowing me to work with many people from different backgrounds. These experiences helped enhance my leadership, teamwork, customer service, and time-
management skills, which will be beneficial at ABC Company.
The opportunity to become a contributing member of ABC Company and continuing the tradition of friendly and accurate service is exciting. I look forward to hearing
from you soon, and thank you very much for your consideration.
Joe Meyer