Your phone records are private because
they contain a lot of sensitive personal in-
formation about you, your family and your
activities. People who get your calling and
billing records without your permission
could use that information to hurt you or
steal from you.
Telling lies or pretending to be the account holder
in order to get another person’s calling records
and telephone account information is called
“pretexting.” It is a crime under federal law and
in virtually every state to use lies or pretend to
be someone you’re not to get another person’s
phone records.
Who wants your phone records?
There are many reasons why people might want
your phone records. These people might include:
• Jealous spouses or stalkers.
• People involved in messy divorces or
lawsuits who are looking for dirt.
• Corporate spies or political campaigns
digging for scandals.
Your phone records could be valuable to people
who want to steal from you. Identity thieves can
use personal information to set up credit or phone
service billed in your name. Con artists who want
to steal your assets might be able to discover
where you bank or which nancial services com-
panies you use. Information in your phone re-
cords might also allow someone to impersonate
you in order to commit crimes.
People who are paid to track you down often use
tricks to obtain phone records, sometimes without
legal authority such as a court order or subpoena.
These people include private investigators, bail
bondsmen, debt collectors and others who gain
nancially by obtaining your records for resale to
Protect your phone records
Here are some made-up examples of what could happen if phone records fall into the wrong hands:
Tamika is going through a tough
divorce. Her husband is trying to
gain custody of their children. He
alleges that Tamika spends long
hours with a co-worker. A friend
of the husband pretends to be
Tamika in order to get a copy of
her wireless phone bill. The phone
bill shows late-night calls to the
co-worker. The husband’s lawyer
charges in court that Tamika is an
unt mother because she is having
an affair with a co-worker.
Jonah has a chronic disease and
does not want his workplace to know
about his illness. A jealous co-worker
hired a private investigator to get
copies of Jonah’s cell phone bills. On
the bills, the co-worker noticed that
Jonah often called a certain number.
The co-worker dialed the number
and discovered that Jonah had been
calling a doctor’s ofce. He searched
for the doctor online and found that
the physician is an AIDS specialist.
The co-worker told people at work
that Jonah has AIDS.
Peter is a police ofcer who
has an unlisted home phone
number to protect his family. One
day a man called the unlisted
number and talked to Peter’s six-
year-old son. The caller warned
the boy, “Tell your father to
back off.” The caller also asked
Peter’s son where he went to
school. Peter learned later that
the caller had bought his phone
number from an illegal web site.
Peter had to move to keep his
family safe.
interested parties. Criminals who
want to intimidate witnesses or
harm police ofcers or their fami-
lies might try to access ofcers’
phone records illegally.
How pretexting happens
Pretexting is done in a variety of
ways. In order to get enough infor-
mation to pretend to be you and
get access to your phone records,
pretexters might speak with your
neighbors or coworkers, falsely
claim to be conducting phone sur-
veys, or nd information about you
that is available to the public from
sources such as deeds and court records.
Armed with your personal information, a pretex-
ter could try to access your telephone records by
logging in to your account through the company’s
web site or calling customer service.
Your phone records
Your landline telephone records may include:
• Your billing address and, if different, your
home address.
• Long distance and local toll numbers that
were dialed from the phone.
• Calls billed to a calling card or credit card.
• Numbers from which collect calls were
• Dates and lengths of calls outside your
local calling area.
In addition, your wireless phone records may in-
• The numbers of all phone calls made
or received by you and other family plan
Your online phone accounts may also include:
Alternate contact information you provided,
such as home or ofce phone numbers.
• Bank or credit information you provided to
pay your bills automatically, such as:
— credit or debit card numbers.
— checking account numbers.
Information the company keeps about you may
also include:
• Your birth date.
• Your Social Security number.
All telephone and Internet services you
subscribe to.
• Information about the phone that could be
used to track the location of a person who
has the phone.
Consumer protections
A federal law makes it illegal to use pretexting
to buy, sell or obtain phone records without the
customer’s permission. (Law enforcement of-
cers are exempted.) The punishment for lying to
a phone company in order to get someone else’s
phone records includes prison sentences and
nes. The law is enforced by the U.S. Department
of Justice. It also prohibits the sale or transfer of
condential phone records.
Stronger pretexting rules will take effect in late
2007. The consumer protections were passed by
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
which oversees telephone companies. The new
rules will require:
• Phone companies to implement password
protection for certain types of access to your
account information.
• That you are informed if your personal
information is accessed or inadvertently
released to a third party without your
Complaints should go to the FCC and the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC). The Federal Trade
Commission Act makes it illegal for anyone to use
deceit or other unfair practices in order to obtain
non-public personal information about another
Protecting yourself
Get an unlisted number. Fewer people will be
able to call your phone number. Your number and
address will not be listed in phone directories, on
Internet search engines or with directory assis-
tance. Remember, if you give your unlisted num-
ber to businesses or other people, it may be sold
or shared for marketing. If you are asked for your
unlisted phone number, ask why it is needed and
if you are required to provide it.
Set up strong passwords. The new FCC rules
require password protection for online account
access. Also, customers must provide a pass-
word when they request call detail information by
phone. Make passwords (and password remind-
ers) impossible for a stranger to guess. Never use
your mother’s maiden name or your birth date,
phone number, street address, pet’s name or any
part of your Social Security number as a pass-
Limit the information you share. Don’t give
out any personal or nancial information unless
you trust the person you are dealing with. Ask
why the information is needed. The companies
you do business with already have the informa-
tion they need about you.
Talk to your phone company. As of late 2007,
telephone carriers must obtain explicit, opt-in
consent from customers before releasing account
information to joint venture partners or outside
contractors for marketing purposes. Carriers are
required to notify customers when passwords, on-
line accounts or addresses are changed. Notice
is also required if there is an unauthorized disclo-
sure of your condential information.
Ask your phone company these questions about
the security of your phone records:
• How do you prevent illegal access to my
phone records?
• Can you remove the numbers I call from my
wireless phone bill?
• Is it possible to deactivate online access
to my phone accounts if I don’t need it? (If
not, set up a password before a pretexter or
hacker beats you to it.)
• How and when will I be notied if my
account information is changed or disclosed
without my permission?
Keep your information secure. Store phone
bills and other paperwork containing personal
information in a safe place under lock and key.
Call the company if your statements don’t arrive
when they are supposed to. Shred or tear up bill-
ing statements before throwing them away. Speak
to family members about the dangers of providing
information to strangers. If anyone calls asking for
personal information, tell family members not to
reveal anything and to pass the call to you.
Advice for victims
If you are a victim of phone records pretexting,
consider closing your phone accounts and open-
ing new ones. Use passwords to protect access
to your phone records on your new accounts. Ask
your local police if you can le an incident report.
Having a police report may help prove that some-
one stole your phone records in case you have to
prove your innocence in a civil or criminal case.
How to complain
Call your phone company if you think your cus-
tomer information has been disclosed without
your permission. The pretexting rules apply to all
types of phone service: local, long distance, wire-
less and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
If you are not satised with the company’s re-
sponse, le a complaint with the FCC. If the
agency nds a violation, it can issue citations and
propose nes.
Send a copy of your complaint to the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC works with
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
to prevent unlawful sale of phone records by mar-
keters, data collectors or web sites.
Assistance and information
Government agencies
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
Phone: 888-225-5322
Web site:
Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Response Center, FTC
600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20580
Phone: 877-382-4357
Web site:
Non-prot consumer organizations
Consumer Action
221 Main Street, Suite 480
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-777-9635
Web site:
National Consumers League (NCL)
1701 K Street, N.W., Suite 1200
Washington DC 20006
Phone: 202-835-3323
Web site:
About this publication
Consumer Action and the National Consumers
League created this publication with funding from
Verizon. For more about the partnership, visit the
Consumer Action web site. © 2007