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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Organization of this Guide ............................................................................................ 6
1.3 Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Version Information ....................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Other Information ................................................................................................. 7
2 IScripted Interface .............................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Return Type ................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 General Functions: ........................................................................................................ 8
2.2.1 Undo ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Redo ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Pause .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Run ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Project File Interface: .................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Create ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.3.2 Open .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Save/Save As ............................................................................................................. 9
2.3.4 Close ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.5 Set Project as active ................................................................................................ 10
2.3.6 Link ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.7 Others ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Register Interface: ....................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Insert: ........................................................................................................................... 15
2.6 Remove: ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.7 Connection: ................................................................................................................ 17
2.8 Disconnection: ............................................................................................................ 18
2.9 Properties: ................................................................................................................... 19
3 Creating and Running SigmaStudio Scripts ...................................................................... 22
3.1 Opening the Script Editor ........................................................................................... 22
3.2 Writing a Script ............................................................................................................ 23
3.3 Running a Script .......................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Object Names ............................................................................................................ 24
3.5 Advanced Script Support ........................................................................................... 26
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4 SigmaStudioServer ............................................................................................................ 28
4.1 SigmaStudioServer Commands (ISigmaStudioServer) ............................................... 28
5 Using SigmaStudio as a LabVIEW .NET Server ................................................................... 30
6 SigmaStudio as a MATLAB® COM server .......................................................................... 31
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List of Figures
Figure 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: Script Editor .............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 3: Running Script .......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 4: Script Error ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 5: Script Object Name Usage ..................................................................................... 25
Figure 6: Script Object Name for Board ................................................................................ 25
Figure 7: SigmaStudio Server. ................................................................................................. 30
List of Tables
Table 1: Opcode and Property Parameters .......................................................................... 20
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Copyright, Disclaimer & Trademark Statements
Copyright Information
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary
and confidential to Analog Devices, Inc. and its licensors. This document may not be reproduced in
any form without prior, express written consent from Analog Devices, Inc.
Analog Devices, Inc. reserves the right to change this product without prior notice. Information
furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Analog Devices for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under the
patent rights of Analog Devices, Inc.
Trademark and Service Mark Notice
Analog Devices, the Analog Devices logo, Blackfin, SHARC, TigerSHARC, SigmaStudio,
CROSSCORE, VisualDSP, VisualDSP++, EZ-KIT Lite, EZ-Extender and Collaborative are
trademarks and/or registered trademarks “®” of Analog Devices, Inc.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Trademarks and Service Marks must be reproduced according to ADI’s Trademark Usage
guidelines. Any licensee wishing to reproduce ADI’s Trademarks and Service Marks must obtain
and follow these guidelines for the specific marks to be reproduced
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1 Introduction
SigmaStudio is a development environment designed for the SigmaDSP family of audio specific
signal processors. SigmaStudio has a highly intuitive user interface for Audio system development
and tuning.
SigmaStudio defines a Microsoft .NET functional interface, IScripted, which provides control over
the most common elements of SigmaStudio. Script files can be created and reused from within the
SigmaStudio development environment. SigmaStudioServer is a software automation interface to
SigmaStudio that allows external client applications to control and automate SigmaStudio functions
from external software.
The overall system and its components are illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1
The document is provides information on the Script Editor, the Scripting interface and the
SigmaStudio automation server. An example COM client/server configuration with National
Instruments LabVIEW is also detailed in the document.
1.1 Scope
This document is intended to assist testing engineers and advanced design engineers. This
document provides an overview of SigmaStudio scripting interface and the SigmaStudio automation
1.2 Organization of this Guide
Information supplied in this guide is organized as follows:
Script Editor
Interface (IScripted)
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Section 1: contains the introduction.
Section 2: describes the IScripted Interface
Section 3: describes how to create and run SigmaStudio Scripts.
Section 4: contains information regarding SigmaStudio server
Section 5: details how to use SigmaStudio as a LabVIEW .NET server.
Section 6: describes using SigmaStudio as a MATLAB COM server.
1.3 Acronyms
Analog Devices Inc.
Application Program Interface
Interrupt Service Routine
Component Object Model
1.4 Version Information
The document describes SigmaStudio 3.2 build 1.
1.4.1 Other Information
For more information on the latest ADI processors, silicon errata, code examples, development
tools, system services and devices drivers, technical support and any other additional information,
please visit our website at
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2 IScripted Interface
Analog.SStudioScripting.IScripted is contained in a .NET assembly, BaseLib.dll, installed in the
SigmaStudio program folder.
2.1 Return Type
The interface defines an integer return type, “HResult”, as follows:
HResult.S_OK = 0
HResult.E_FAILED = 1
2.2 General Functions:
A list of general functions and their prototypes are given below.
2.2.1 Undo
Undo an action in active project file
HResult ScriptUndo();
Undo an action in specific project file
HResult ScriptUndo( string projectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
2.2.2 Redo
Redo an action in active project file
HResult ScriptRedo();
Redo an action in specific project file
HResult ScriptRedo( string projectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
2.2.3 Pause
Pause script execution for delayMilliseconds
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HResult ScriptDelay( int delayMilliseconds );
"delayMilliseconds" = Amount of delay in milliseconds
2.2.4 Run
Run script
HResult ScriptRun( string script );
"script" = script code as a System.String
Run script file
HResult ScriptRunFile( string scriptFilename );
"scriptFilename" = The fully qualified script file name
2.3 Project File Interface:
The following functions can be used to interface with a project file.
2.3.1 Create
Create a new project file
HResult ProjectNew();
The function takes no parameter
2.3.2 Open
Open a project file from disk
HResult ProjectOpen( string filename );
"filename" = A fully qualified file path
2.3.3 Save/Save As
Save the Active project file
HResult ProjectSave();
The function takes no parameter
Save a specific project file
HResult ProjectSave( string projectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
Save as the Active project file
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HResult ProjectSaveAs( string saveAsFilename );
"saveAsFilename" = A new file name or fully qualified path
Save as a specific project file
HResult ProjectSaveAs( string projectName, string saveAsFilename );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"saveAsFilename" = The new file name or fully qualified path
2.3.4 Close
Close the Active project file
HResult ProjectClose();
Close a specific project file
HResult ProjectClose( string projectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
2.3.5 Set Project as active
Set a project as the active project
HResult ProjectSetActive( string projectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
2.3.6 Link
Link the active schematic
HResult ProjectLink();
The function takes no parameter
Link and compile the active schematic
HResult ProjectLinkCompile();
The function takes no parameter
Link and compile the active schematic
HResult ProjectLinkCompile( string projectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
Link, compile and download the active schematic
HResult ProjectLinkCompileDownload();
The function takes no parameter
Link, compile and download a specific project file
HResult ProjectLinkCompileDownload( string projectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
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2.3.7 Others
Set the "New Item Sampling Rate" for the active project
HResult DesignSetSamplingRate( int samplingRate );
Propagate project sample rate
HResult DesignPropagateSamplingRate();
The function takes no parameter
Toggle Schematic Freeze On/Off
HResult DesignToggleSchematicFreeze( string password );
"password" = Schematic freeze password
Set the activate hierarchy board in the current schematic
HResult DesignSetActiveBoard( string boardName );
"boardName" = Board name in the active schematic
2.4 Register Interface:
Functions for working with the registers and its attributes are listed below.
Write data to a register
HResult ICRegisterWrite( string ICName, int writeAddress,
int writeNumberBytes, long dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to write
"writeNumberBytes" = Number of bytes in 'dataToWrite' to write to the dsp
"dataToWrite" = The data to write (long == 64bit max data)
Write data to a register, specific device address
HResult ICRegisterWrite( string ICName, int deviceAddress, int writeAddress,
int writeNumberBytes, long dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC)
"deviceAddress" = I2C or SPI address
"writeAddress" = The register address to write
"writeNumberBytes" = Number of bytes in 'dataToWrite' to write to the dsp
"dataToWrite" = The data to write (long == 64bit max data)
Write data to a register, data specified as a byte array
HResult ICRegisterWrite( string ICName, int writeAddress,
int writeNumberBytes, byte[] dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to write
"writeNumberBytes" = Number of bytes in 'dataToWrite' to write to the dsp
"dataToWrite" = The data to write, byte array of length writeNumberBytes
Write data to a register, specific device address
HResult ICRegisterWrite( string ICName, int deviceAddress, int writeAddress,
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int writeNumberBytes, byte[] dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC)
"deviceAddress" = I2C or SPI address
"writeAddress" = The register address to write
"writeNumberBytes" = Number of bytes in 'dataToWrite' to write to the dsp
"dataToWrite" = The data to write, byte array of length writeNumberBytes
Read data from a register, read value returned in method parameter
HResult ICRegisterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int readNumberBytes,
out long bytesRead );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"readNumberBytes" = Number of bytes to read
"bytesRead" = Return data if read is successful
Read data from a register, specific device address
HResult ICRegisterRead( string ICName, int deviceAddress, int readAddress,
int readNumberBytes, out long bytesRead );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC)
"deviceAddress" = I2C or SPI address
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"readNumberBytes" = Number of bytes to read
"bytesRead" = Return data if read is successful
Read data from a register, data as byte array
HResult ICRegisterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int readNumberBytes,
ref byte[] bytesRead );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"readNumberBytes" = Number of bytes to read
"bytesRead" = Return data if read is successful
Read data from a register, specific device address
HResult ICRegisterRead( string ICName, int deviceAddress, int readAddress,
int readNumberBytes, ref byte[] bytesRead );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC)
"deviceAddress" = I2C or SPI address
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"readNumberBytes" = Number of bytes to read
"bytesRead" = Return data if read is successful
Read data from a register, read value is return type
long ICRegisterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int readNumberBytes );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"readNumberBytes" = Number of bytes to read
Read buffer of data from a register, read value array returned
byte[] ICRegisterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int readNumberBytes,
ref bool bRet );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
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"readNumberBytes" = Number of bytes to read
"ret" = Did the read succeed
Write safeload register
HResult ICRegisterSafeload( string ICName, int safeloadRegister,
long dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"safeloadRegister" = Regsiter address to safeload
"dataToWrite" = Data to write to the safeload register (5Bytes)
Write multiple contiguous safeload registers
HResult ICRegisterSafeload( string ICName, int safeloadRegister,
int writeNumberBytes, Byte[] dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"safeloadRegister" = Regsiter address to safeload
"writeNumberBytes" = Number of data bytes in dataToWrite
"dataToWrite" = Data to write to the safeload register (5Bytes)
Write multiple safeload registers
HResult ICRegisterSafeload( string ICName, int[] writeAddresses,
int[] writeNumberBytes, byte[] dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddresses" = Array of addresses to safeload
"writeNumberBytes" = Write bytes per address (for each writeAddresses entry)
"dataToWrite" = Data array to write to the safeload registers
Write parameter data, floating point value
HResult ICParameterWrite( string ICName, int writeAddress, float valToWrite )
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"valToWrite" = Parameter data value to write
Write multiple contiguous parameters
HResult ICParameterWrite( string ICName, int writeAddress,
int writeNumParams, float[] valsToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"writeNumParams" = Number of values in valsToWrite
"valsToWrite" = Parameter data values to write
Write parameter data, specifying target fixed-point format
HResult ICParameterWrite( string ICName, int writeAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits, float valToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
"valToWrite" = Parameter data value to write
Write parameter data array, specifying target fixed-point format
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HResult ICParameterWrite( string ICName, int writeAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits, int writeNumParams,
float[] valsToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
"writeNumParams" = Number of values in valsToWrite
"valsToWrite" = Parameter data values to write
Write parameter data via safeload, floating point value
HResult ICParameterSafeload( string ICName, int writeAddress,
float valToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"writeNumParams" = Number of values in valsToWrite
"valToWrite" = Parameter data value to write
Write multiple parameters via safeload, floating point values
HResult ICParameterSafeload( string ICName, int writeAddress,
int writeNumParams, float[] valsToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"writeNumParams" = Number of values in valsToWrite
"valsToWrite" = Parameter data values to write
Safeload parameter data, specifying target fixed-point format
HResult ICParameterSafeload( string ICName, int writeAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits, float valToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
"valToWrite" = Parameter data value to write
Safeload parameter data array, specifying target fixed-point format
HResult ICParameterSafeload( string ICName, int writeAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits, int writeNumParams,
float[] dataToWrite );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
"writeNumParams" = Number of values in valsToWrite
"valsToWrite" = Parameter data values to write
Read fixed-point parameter data, read value returned as float
float ICParameterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
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"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
Read data from a register, data returned as float
HResult ICParameterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits, out float valRead );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
"valRead" = returned read value
Read fixed-point parameter data array, read values returned as float[]
float[] ICParameterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits, int readNumParams, ref bool bRet );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
"readNumParams" = Number of values to read
"bRet" = result, true if read was successful asdf
Read fixed-point parameter data array, read values returned in float[]
HResult ICParameterRead( string ICName, int readAddress, int intbits,
int fracbits, int readNumParams, ref float[] valsRead );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to read from
"readAddress" = The register address to read
"intbits" = number of integer (magnitude) bits
"fracbits" = number of fraction bits
"readNumParams" = Number of values to read
"valsRead" = returned read values
Load comma-delineated byte data from a text file at a particular register
HResult ICLoadDataFile( string ICName, string filename, int writeAddress );
"ICName" = Friendly name of DSP(IC) to write to
"filename" = fully qualified filename of data file to load
"writeAddress" = The register address to begin writing data
2.5 Insert:
The functions listed below are used to insert schematic objects into a board.
NOTE: Schematic objects are inserted into the currently selected hierarchy board.
Insert an object into the active project, returns object reference
object ObjectInsert( string typeName );
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
Insert an object into a specific open project, returns object reference
object ObjectInsert( string projectName, string typeName );
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"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
Insert an object into the active project at a specific position
object ObjectInsert( string typeName, Point pointInsert );
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"point" = System.Drawing.Point schematic screen position
Insert an object into a specific open project, at a specific position
object ObjectInsert( string projectName, string typeName, Point point );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"point" = System.Drawing.Point schematic screen coordinates
Insert an object into the active project at a specific position
object ObjectInsert( string typeName, int X, int Y );
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"X" & "Y" = schematic x- and y- coordinates to position the object
Insert an object into a specific open project, at a specific position
object ObjectInsert( string projectName, string typeName, int X, int Y );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"X" & "Y" = schematic x- and y- coordinates to position the object
Insert an object into the active project, returns an HResult
HResult ObjectInsert( string typeName, out string objectName );
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"objectName" = return name of inserted object, null if insertion fails
Insert an object into a specific open project, returns an HResult
HResult ObjectInsert( string projectName, string typeName,
out string objectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"objectName" = return name of inserted object, null if insertion fails
Insert an object into the active project at a specific position
HResult ObjectInsert( string typeName, Point point, out string objectName );
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"point" = System.Drawing.Point schematic screen coordinates
"objectName" = return name of inserted object, null if insertion fails
Insert an object into a specific open project, at a specific position
HResult ObjectInsert( string projectName, string typeName,
Point point, out string objectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"point" = System.Drawing.Point schematic screen coordinates
"objectName" = return name of inserted object or null if insertion fails
Insert an object into the active project at a specific position
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HResult ObjectInsert( string typeName, int X, int Y, out string objectName );
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"X" & "Y" = schematic x- and y- coordinates to position the object
"objectName" = return name of inserted object, null if insertion fails
Insert an object into a specific open project, at a specific position
HResult ObjectInsert( string projectName, string typeName, int X, int Y,
out string objectName );
"projectName" = an open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"typeName" = object description (toolbox name)
"X" & "Y" = schematic x- and y- coordinates to position the object
"objectName" = return name of inserted object, null if insertion fails
2.6 Remove:
The functions below are used to remove objects from projects.
Delete an object in the active project
HResult ObjectRemove( string objectName );
"objectName" = Name of object to delete
Delete an object from a specific open project
HResult ObjectRemove( string projectName, string objectName );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"objectName" = Name of object to delete
Delete an object in the active project
HResult ObjectRemove( object object );
"object" = Reference to object to delete
Delete an object from a specific open project
HResult ObjectRemove( string projectName, object object );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"object" = Reference to object to delete
2.7 Connection:
Use the functions below for connecting an object‟s input and output in a project.
Connect a pair of objects’ output to input in the active project
HResult ObjectConnect( string fromName, int fromOutPinIndex,
string toName, int toInPinIndex );
"fromName" = Name of object to connect FROM
"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to connect FROM (zero-based)
"toName" = Name of object to connect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to connect TO (zero-based)
Connect a pair of objects’ outputs to inputs in a specific open project
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HResult ObjectConnect( string projectName, string fromName,
int fromOutPinIndex, string toName, int toInPinIndex);
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"fromName" = Name of object to connect FROM
"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to connect FROM (zero-based)
"toName" = Name of object to connect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to connect TO (zero-based)
Connect a pair of objects’ output to input in the active project
HResult ObjectConnect( object fromObject, int fromOutPinIndex,
object toObject, int toInPinIndex );
"fromObject" = Reference to object to connect FROM
"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to connect FROM (zero-based)
"toObject" = Reference to object to connect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to connect TO (zero-based)
Connect a pair of objects’ output to input in a specific open project
HResult ObjectConnect( string projectName, object fromObject,
int fromOutPinIndex, object toObject, int toInPinIndex );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"fromObject" = Reference to object to connect FROM
"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to connect FROM (zero-based)
"toObject" = Reference to object to connect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to connect TO (zero-based)
2.8 Disconnect:
The functions below are used to disconnect input and output from objects in a project.
Disconnect output from input of a pair of objects in the active project
HResult ObjectDisconnect( string fromName, int fromOutPinIndex,
string toName, int toInPinIndex );
"fromName" = Name of object to disconnect FROM
"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to disconnect FROM (zero-based)
"toName" = Name of object to disconnect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to disconnect TO (zero-based)
Disconnect output from input of a pair of objects in a specific open project
HResult ObjectDisconnect( string projectName, string fromName,
int fromOutPinIndex, string toName, int toInPinIndex );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"fromName" = Name of object to disconnect FROM
"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to disconnect FROM (zero-based)
"toName" = Name of object to disconnect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to disconnect TO (zero-based)
Disconnect output from input of a pair of objects in the active project
HResult ObjectDisconnect( object fromObject, int fromOutPinIndex,
object toObject, int toInPinIndex );
"fromObject" = Reference to object to disconnect FROM
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"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to disconnect FROM (zero-based)
"toObject" = Reference to object to disconnect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to disconnect TO (zero-based)
Disconnect output from input of a pair of objects in a specific open project
HResult ObjectDisconnect( string projectName, object fromObject,
int fromOutPinIndex, object toObject, int toInPinIndex );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"fromObject" = Reference to object to disconnect FROM
"fromOutPinIndex" = Output pin index to disconnect FROM (zero-based)
"toObject" = Reference to object to connect TO
"toInPinIndex" = Input pin index to disconnect TO (zero-based)
2.9 Properties:
The functions below may be used to manage object properties.
Manipulate an object's properties or parameters in the active project
HResult ObjectSetProperties( string opcode, string objectName,
params object[] propertyParams );
"opcode" = Opcode of function to perform (see below)
"objectName" = Name of the object to update
"propertyParams" = Parameters associated with the specified opcode
Manipulate an object's properties or parameters in the active project
HResult ObjectSetProperties( string opcode, object object,
params object[] propertyParams );
"opcode" = Opcode of function to perform (see below)
"object" = Reference to object to update
"propertyParams" = Parameters associated with the specified opcode
Manipulate an object's properties or parameters in a specific open project
HResult ObjectSetProperties( string projectName, string opcode,
string objectName, params object[] propertyParams );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"opcode" = Opcode of function to perform (see below)
"objectName" = Name of the object to update
"propertyParams" = Parameters associated with the specified opcode
Manipulate an object's properties or parameters in a specific open project
HResult ObjectSetProperties( string projectName, string opcode,
object object, params object[] propertyParams );
"projectName" = An open project file’s name or fully qualified path
"opcode" = Opcode of function to perform (see below)
"object" = Reference to object to update
"propertyParams" = Parameters associated with the specified opcode
The property interfaces require an opcode (Operation Code), which specifies the type of operation
to perform. Relevant opcodes depend on the type of object. Some opcodes apply to all objects (e.g.
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setPosition and setName); others are specific to particular object categories. Essential opcodes are
listed in the table below:
Screen position at which to center the object.
New name for object (must be unique).
Name of IC to associate with the algorithm.
Index of Algorithm to change.
Name of IC to associate with the algorithm.
Name of algorithm to add.
Index of algorithm to grow
Amount to grow algorithm
Index of algorithm to reduce
Amount to reduce algorithm
New sampling rate
Index of algorithm
Repeat Index (Grow index)
Control value name***
Value to set
Table 1: Opcode and Property Parameters
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NOTE: Control value names are not exposed in the user interface and vary among toolbox blocks.
The following is a list of standard names; please contact ADI for additional information and
Gain, LevelL, LevelH, TimeConstant, HoldTime, DecayTime, Damping, OnOff, SoftKnee, PostGain,
RMSvalue, Threshold, DelaySamples, MaxDelaySamples
Boost, Step, A1, A2, B0, B1, B2.
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3 Creating and Running SigmaStudio
SigmaStudio scripts allow project files to be created and manipulating using textual commands.
The scripting interface is defined in the C# language and supports scripts written in either C# or
Visual Basic languages. No previous knowledge of C# is required to write simple SigmaStudio
SigmaStudio scripts can be created in any text editor or within SigmaStudio using the “Script
Editor” tool. The Script Editor provides IntelliPrompt display of the script interfaces and syntax
highlighting functionality. Script files can be saved as text files (*.txt) or SigmaStudio Script files
(*.sss). Scripts are loaded and run from the Script Editor window.
3.1 Opening the Script Editor
In SigmaStudio, click on ToolsScript in main menu to start the Script Editor shown in Figure 2.
To create a new script file, open the Script Editor window and click File New (or CTRL + N).
This creates a new script file and automatically inserts // #LANGUAGE# C#” on the first line.
This identifies the script language as C# (c-sharp) the default SigmaStudio scripting language.
Visual Basic scripts are also supported. The language identifier is optional for C# scripts but is
required for Visual Basic scripts.
C# (c-sharp) script language identifier #LANGUAGE# C#
Visual Basic script language identifier #LANGUAGE# VB
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Figure 2: Script Editor
3.2 Writing a Script
To access the IScripted interface list, type “sigmastudio” (or optionally “ss”) followed by a period
in the Script Editor window. This will display the IntelliPrompt window listing all available
IScripted methods. (“sigmastudio and “ss” are public references to the SigmaStudio IScripted
interface, see the following usage example).
An example script is given below:
sigmastudio.ObjectInsert( "USBSerialConv" );
sigmastudio.ObjectInsert( "AD1940" );
sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "USBSerialConv", 0, "IC 1", 0 );
sigmastudio.ObjectInsert( "Input" );
sigmastudio.ObjectInsert( "Output" );
sigmastudio.ObjectInsert( "Output" );
sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Input1", 0, "Output1", 0 );
sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Input1", 1, "Output2", 0 );
sigmastudio.ProjectSaveAs( @"C:\SStudioProjects\SampleScript.dspproj" );
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This example creates a new project, inserts an AD1940 processor and a USB communication
channel, and connects them with a wire. Next, it inserts an input object and 2 output objects,
connecting the 2 input pins to the output object pins. The project is then linked, compiled,
downloaded, saved to disk and closed.
3.3 Running a Script
To run a SigmaStudio Script, in the Script Editor Window, click on main menu Tools > RunScript
or press “F5”, see Figure 3.
Figure 3: Running Script
If there are any errors in the script code, a dialog detailing the errors is displayed and “Script
Failure” is shown in the status bar. If the script successfully compiles and runs, “Success” is shown
in the Script Editor status bar.
Figure 4: Script Error
3.4 Object Names
To reference schematic objects contained in hierarchy boards, the complete object name must be
used. The complete name” consists of the object‟s name preceded by the names of all parent
Hierarchy boards separated by periods („.‟).
For example, in Figure 5 “Filter2” is contained in a Hierarchy board named “Board1”. The
complete name of this object is Board1.Filter2”.
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Figure 5: Script Object Name Usage
The following script would remove the Filter2 object:
sigmastudio.ObjectRemove( "Board1.Filter2" );
In the next example (Figure 6), Board2 is contained within Board1, so the full name of object in
Board2 includes both board names,Board1.Board2.Gen 1st Order1”.
Figure 6: Script Object Name for Board
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3.5 Advanced Script Support
Scripts are not limited to the IScripted interface functions. Scripts can take advantage of the C#
language and some elements of the .NET framework. A sample script to add object to a schematic,
modify its attributes and interconnect them is given below.
ss.ProjectOpen( @"C:\SStudioProjects\SampleScript.dspproj");
ss.ObjectDisconnect( "Input1", 0, "Output1", 0 );
ss.ObjectDisconnect( "Input1", 1, "Output2", 0 );
int nNumFilters = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < nNumFilters; ++i)
object oFilter = ss.ObjectInsert( "General (2nd order)" );
if (null != oFilter)
string strNewName = "Filter_" + (i + 1);
ss.ObjectSetProperties( "setName", oFilter, strNewName );
ss.ObjectSetProperties( "addAlgorithm", strNewName, "IC 1",
"2 Channel - Single Precision" );
throw new Exception( "ln 11" );
HResult hr = HResult.S_OK;
for (int ixPin = 0; ixPin < 2; ++ixPin)
if (HResult.S_OK != sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Input1",ixPin,
"Filter_1", ixPin ))
throw new Exception( "ln 28" );
if (HResult.S_OK != sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Filter_1", ixPin,
"Filter_2", ixPin ))
throw new Exception( "ln 31" );
if (HResult.S_OK != sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Filter_2", ixPin,
"Filter_3", ixPin ))
throw new Exception( "ln 34" );
if (HResult.S_OK != sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Filter_3", ixPin,
"Filter_4", ixPin ))
throw new Exception( "ln 37" );
if (HResult.S_OK != sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Filter_4", 0,
"Output1", 0 ))
throw new Exception( "ln 42" );
if (HResult.S_OK != sigmastudio.ObjectConnect( "Filter_4", 1,
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"Output2", 0 ))
throw new Exception( "ln 45" );
catch(Exception e)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "FAILURE: " + e.ToString() );
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4 SigmaStudioServer
You can use an automation client to access the objects, properties, methods, and events associated
with the SigmaStudioServer interface. SigmaStudioServer is a .NET server as well as an ActiveX
To access the server interface, launch SStudio.exe and your client application on the same machine,
and then point your client application to Analog.SigmaStudioServer.dll which is installed along side
SStudio.exe in the SigmaStudio program folder.
Note: The default installation location is: C:\Program Files\Analog Devices Inc\SigmaStudio\
4.1 SigmaStudioServer Commands
Once you have launched the server interface, the following commands are available for use.
Open a SigmaStudio project file (*.dspproj)
Bool OPEN_PROJECT( string fullyQualifiedFileName );
Compile (compile,link,download) the active SigmaStudio project
Close the active SigmaStudio project
Write to IC register (active project must be compiled and downloaded)
bool REGISTER_WRITE( string ICName, int writeAddess, int numBytesToWrite,
int dataToWrite );
Write data array to IC regster(s)
bool REGISTER_WRITE_ARRAY( string ICName, int writeAddress,
int numBytesToWrite, byte[] aDataToWrite );
Read from an IC register (active project must be compiled and downloaded)
long REGISTER_READ( string ICName, int readAddess, int readNumberBytes );
Read array of data from an IC register(s)
byte[] REGISTER_READ_ARRAY( string ICName, int readAddress,
int readNumberBytes );
Safeload write data to IC register
bool REGISTER_SAFELAOD_WRITE( string ICName, int writeAddress,
int numBytesToWrite, int dataToWrite );
Safeload write data array to IC regster(s)
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bool REGISTER_SAFELAOD_ARRAY( string ICName, int writeAddress,
int numBytesToWrite, byte[] aDataToWrite );
Run SigmaStudio script
bool RUN_SCRIPT( string script );
Open and Run SigmaStudio script file
bool RUN_SCRIPT_FILE( string fullyQualifiedFileName );
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5 Using SigmaStudio as a LabVIEW
.NET Server
To use SigmaStudio as a LabVIEW automation client, both applications must be installed and
running on the same machine. In this configuration, LabVIEW is a .NET automation client and
SigmaStudio (via SigmaStudioServer) becomes a .NET automation server.
To create a virtual instrument to control SigmaStudio, follow the steps given below:
1. Launch LabVIEW and SigmaStudio on the same machine, and then open a new VI file in
2. Open the .NET palette to access the .NET objects.
3. Insert a Constructor Node which will open the Select .NET Constructor dialog box.
4. Click the Browse… button.
5. Navigate to the SigmaStudio installation directory, select Analog.SigmaStudioServer.dll and
press OK.
6. Next choose SigmaStudioServer from the object list, SigmaStudioServer() should be
displayed in the constructors list.
7. Click OK to select the SigmaStudioServer constructor.
8. Insert an Invoke Node and connect the constructor Node to it.
9. Click on Method to display and select the accessible SigmaStudioServer commands.
Figure 7: SigmaStudio Server.
Refer to the LabVIEW online help and tutorials for more information; the Using .NET with
LabVIEW” online help topic is a good place to start.
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6 SigmaStudio as a MATLAB® COM
To use MATLAB as a SigmaStudio server client, both applications must be installed and running
on the same machine.
In this configuration, MATLAB is a COM automation client and SigmaStudio (via
SigmaStudioServer) becomes a COM automation serverFor COM operation, the
SigmaStudioServer must first be registered as a COM object.
To register SigmaStudioServer as a COM object:
1. Locate the Microsoft .NET “regAsm.exe” application. If its not installed, download and
install the “.NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK)”, available from
2. Locate the framework installation directory.For example:
3. From the windows command prompt execute regAsm.exe with the “/codebase” argument to
register the assembly file, “Analog.SigmaStudioServer.dll”, for COM interoperability:
regAsm.exe "C:\Program Files\Analog Devices Inc\SigmaStudio
3.1\Analog.SigmaStudioServer.dll" /codebase
NOTE: For Windows Vista or Window7, use “Run as Administrator” open for the
command prompt cmd.exe.
4. Open the MATLAB application. Before continuing the MATLAB path must be updated to
include the SigmaStudioServer installation directory. Set the MATLAB working directory
to the SigmaStudio installation directory or add the SigmaStudio directory to the MATLAB
environment path. For example:
cd 'C:\Program Files\Analog Devices Inc\SigmaStudio 3.0'
To create a SigmaStudioServer process:
1. Create a SigmaStudio COM server using MATLAB‟s actxserver function.
SS = actxserver('Analog.SigmaStudioServer.SigmaStudioServer');
2. Use the interface function to see a list of the exposed COM interfaces, the
ISigmaStudioServer interface.
SSinterfaces = SS.interfaces;
SSinterfaces SSinterfaces = 'ISigmaStudioServer'
3. Create a handle to the interface with the invoke function.
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sssvr = SS.invoke('ISigmaStudioServer');
4. Use the invoke function on the interface handle to get a list of the interface methods.
OPEN_PROJECT = bool OPEN_PROJECT(handle, string)
REGISTER_READ = int32 REGISTER_READ(handle, string, int32, int32)
REGISTER_WRITE = bool REGISTER_WRITE(handle, string, int32, int32, int32)
RUN_SCRIPT = bool RUN_SCRIPT(handle, string)
RUN_SCRIPT_FILE = bool RUN_SCRIPT_FILE(handle, string)
5. Call the interface methods from the interface handle
sssvr.OPEN_PROJECT( 'C:\Projects\SigmaFlow.dspproj' );