Use this business case sample in conjunction with Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated Approach to
Finance and Safety. © Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2017. All rights reserved.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement / National Patient Safety Foundation •
Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care:
An Integrated Approach to Finance and Safety
Business Case Sample
This resource provides a sample of the accompanying Business Case Template filled out with a business
case for a sample safety project. This sample project is adapted from a project implemented at the
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). Data and project details, including project name, are illustrative
and provided as examples only.
Vital Signs Project (VSP)
Project Abstract: Implementation of an innovative, cost-effective solution to allow near real-time information flow of vital
signs from the bedside into the current electronic health record (EHR), for the coordination of care and the improvement of
patient safety.
Team Members:
Safety Finance Team:
o John Doe, Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
o Lucy Smith, Chief Financial Officer
o Betty Logan, Chief Nursing Officer
o Joan Peters, Chief Patient Safety Officer
Project Dates:
Projected start date October 1, 2017
Go Live: January 10, 2018
Estimated 2 year tracking period and ongoing Resuscitation Committee reports.
[LOGO] Sample
Use this business case sample in conjunction with Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated Approach to
Finance and Safety. © Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2017. All rights reserved.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement / National Patient Safety Foundation •
Executive Summary
Failure to recognize patient deterioration on a timely basis is a significant safety issue. At Sample Memorial
Hospital, during the last 12 months:
XX patients have died as a result of failure to identify deterioration on a timely basis
XX patients have been admitted (or readmitted) to the ICU
Timely detection and response has been identified as a common root cause of this problem
Vital signs provide essential data to guide patient care and treatment decisions. Timely documentation of this
information supports early recognition of changes in a patient’s condition and intervention. Vital signs data are
critical to most decision support algorithms. However, the manual process of transcribing vital signs into the
EHR is an inefficient process that not only absorbs nursing time but presents opportunities for delays and
errors that create patient safety risks. The Vital Signs Project (VSP) automates the flow of vital signs data into
the EHR, reducing the delay in vital sign data availability by an average of 40 minutes, eliminating transcription
errors, and enabling timely modified early warning system calculations and alerts. Use of this upgraded
technology, VSP increases patient safety and supports clinical workflow specific to data management and
Improving detection and response times will reduce the undesirable outcomes noted above and is explicitly
aligned with our strategic commitment to improve safety and reduce harm to patients.
The primary objective of this project is to reduce preventable mortality and morbidity and improve care
coordination by implementing an innovative, cost-effective solution to provide near real-time information flow
of vital signs from the bedside into the current electronic health record (HER) for clinical notification. It is the
recommendation of the Safety Finance team that Sample Memorial Hospital install innovative vital signs
middleware technology throughout all non-critical care units of the hospital. Further, it is our recommendation
that the organization enable Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Utilizing Modified Early Warning Scores (MEWS)
and transmit MEWS alerts to Rapid Response Teams.
Implementation of the VSP process would consist of replacing fully depreciated monitoring equipment and
providing resources to ensure safety and support implementation of technology, decision support, and
improved workflow.
When patients have been admitted into the hospital, time is of the essence. The National Patient Safety Agency
(NPSA) has studied clinical deterioration and confirmed that the close monitoring of changes within a patient’s
physiological status is critical to reduce mortality, avoidable morbidity, length of stay, and other associated
health care costs (National Patient Safety Agency, Great Britain, 2007).
Use this business case sample in conjunction with Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated Approach to
Finance and Safety. © Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2017. All rights reserved.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement / National Patient Safety Foundation •
The VSP solution has been piloted on one patient care unit to test the assumptions put forth in this business
case, to collect baseline data, and to test a new clinical process for patient monitoring and team
communication that includes the new technology. During the 30-day pilot, staff noted several patient “saves,
including the one below:
An RN and patient care technician (PCT) were preparing a post-partum patient for discharge. Before wheeling
her downstairs to her car, the PCT took a final set of vital signs using VSP. The RN received a MEWS alert
through the EHR. The RN returned to the room, reassessed the patient and determined that a post-partum
hemorrhage was beginning. The patient was returned to bed and a rapid response team was called.
The VSP was developed to ensure prompt identification of early deterioration in a patient’s condition.
Increased timeliness of Rapid Response Team activations, decreased code team activations, improved failure to
rescue metrics, patient data error avoidance and ultimately reduced morbidity and mortality are key benefits
identified through the VSP pilot project. In addition, through a reduction of charting steps and a decrease in
average time for vitals from less than 1min as compared to previous average of 41 min), PSV will increase
workflow efficiency and provides more direct care time supporting improved patient care and satisfaction.
Additionally, we predict that clinician satisfaction will increase, costs associated with length of stay (LOS) will
decrease, rapid responses will increase, codes will decrease, returns to intensive care will decrease, and sepsis
rates will decline.
Measurement Methods
The pilot study demonstrated significant reduction in response time. We plan on closely tracking the outcomes
of this project post implementation through a combination of quantitative and qualitative data.
Outcome measure data The 60-day timeframe for an initial 60 day post implementation analysis of
data will provide enough time to ascertain current workflow clinical process and clinician/staff
Time studies performed randomly on each patient care unit before and after implementation by the
analysts assigned to the project team.
Metrics and key performance indicators
o The 60-day timeframe is not long enough to obtain any significant metrics and/or key
performance indicators. Accordingly, the following metrics will be incorporated into the
Resuscitation Committee reports for the next two years:
Comparison in rate of code team and rapid response team activations on the VSP
units before and after implementation
Comparison of unplanned returns to critical care on the VSP units before and
after implementation
Use this business case sample in conjunction with Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated Approach to
Finance and Safety. © Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2017. All rights reserved.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement / National Patient Safety Foundation •
Surveys Clinician satisfaction: A 10-item electronic satisfaction survey will be administered to
nursing staff 30 days after implementation. Results will be analyzed by the analysts assigned to the
project team.
Interviews/stories Nurse leaders will solicit feedback and stories from staff during the first 30 days
after implementation through structured questions in the employee rounding tool. The analysts
assigned to the project will summarize the notes from the employee rounding tool.
Journal A Patient Saves journal will be available on every patient care unit for the first 60 days, and
staff will be asked to share any Patient Saves stories in this journal. The analysts assigned to the
project will collect the journals at the end of 60 days and summarize the stories.
Cost Estimations
Estimated Cost of VSP Project
Overall implementation costs:
Pilot technology and equipment: $4,700 per single unit @ 4 needed for pilot unit = $18,800
Facility technology and equipment: $4,700 per single unit @ 34 needed for hospital = $159,800
Total units needed for hospital = 38
Staff salaries for pilot process training (1 hour training per unit): $27/hour @ 23 employees = $621(1
Staff salaries for facility process training (hospital staff): $621(342 employees) = $212,382
Total number of employees = 365
Overall pilot cost (technology/equipment + salaries/process) = $19,421
Overall facility cost (technology/equipment + salaries/process) = $372,182
Overall implementation cost (pilot + facility) = $391,603
Provision for contingencies: 8% ($391,603) = $31,328.24
Costs to Sustain and Maintain:
Maintenance contract: $12,000 annually (updates, annual equipment calibration checks, technical
and equipment support, etc.)
Operational costs: Minimal increases in electricity use as more monitoring units available post
implementation per hospital unit than before
Use this business case sample in conjunction with Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated Approach to
Finance and Safety. © Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2017. All rights reserved.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement / National Patient Safety Foundation •
The Impact to the organization associated with VSP is expected to be the following:
1. Reduce mortality & morbidity from failure to rescue by improving timeliness of team response to
patient deterioration
2. Faster access to critical patient data with timely alerting to intercept and minimize risk of patient
3. Timely, safer, and more effective care
4. Better utilization of nursing time, rapid response teams
5. Decreased care costs with earlier intervention
6. Potential impact on pay for performance if failure to rescue is added to payer contracts; reduced
liability and reputational risk
7. Staff satisfaction, more time to spend on other patient care activities
Timeline and Results Projection
Anticipated start date: October 1, 2017
Go Live: January 10, 2018
60 day check point: March 10, 2018
Checkpoint Data Analysis: April 10, 2018
Estimated 2 year tracking period and ongoing Resuscitation Committee reports.
Regularly scheduled progress reports will be generated and distributed to the steering committee.
Time savings for direct care staff, increased clinician satisfaction, decreased opportunity for data errors (e.g.,
transposing numbers, entering information on wrong patient) and increase in staff productivity.
Long-term payback potential (past-60 analysis period): Decrease in patient length of stay (LOS), decrease in
patient mortality, increase in safety of care provided, decrease in readmissions, increase in patient experience,
increase in effectiveness of care, increase in timeliness of care, increased time for effective decision support
regarding patient condition, decrease in failure to rescue, decrease in sepsis, decrease in unplanned returns to
intensive care unit (ICU), decrease in code blue activations, increase in rapid responses, decrease in sentinel
events, decrease in medication errors related to weight measurements, and many more statistically significant
Anticipated Changes: The immediate improvement will be perceptible through clinician, staff, and patient
satisfaction and improved patient care.
Use this business case sample in conjunction with Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated Approach to
Finance and Safety. © Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2017. All rights reserved.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement / National Patient Safety Foundation •
Cost/Business Analysis
VSP replaces fully depreciated monitoring equipment, adds clinical decision support to vital signs monitoring
processes, and optimizes clinical team communication processes with the goal of improving the detection and
response to clinical patient deterioration.
VSP Project Assumptions:
Wireless infrastructure is sufficient to support new technology on all units
Rapid Response Team beepers will be able to receive alert messages
Current Rapid Response Team staffing will be sufficient to meet increased demand
Current biomed processes and resources will be sufficient to maintain new devices
Performance dashboard available to monitor impact
Improved failure to rescue scores, decreased resuscitation team activations, and decreased
unplanned returns to critical care.
Case Study/Success Story (Staff): A patient care technician (PCT) had a patient load of 10. Out of 10, two were
brand new surgical patients. Surgical vital signs had been ordered (Q15min. x 4, Q30min. x 2, Q1 hr. x 2, then
Q4 hrs. after that for the first 24 hours. Q=every) by the performing surgeon. The PCT was concerned because
both patients underwent complicated surgeries. The surgeon requested immediate notification of both
patients’ vital signs to ensure no decline in status. The PCT was responsible, not only for the two surgical
patients, but for eight others as well. VSP allowed the PCT to properly care for both patients without having to
focus solely on obtaining and entering vital signs. While one patient had an uneventful recovery, the other
patient experienced a consistent decline in blood pressure and the VSP alerted staff immediately. The rapid
response team was called and the patient was provided with the necessary care with no increased length of
stay or readmission to the ICU.
National Patient Safety Agency (Great Britain). 2007. Recognising and responding appropriately to early signs of
deterioration in hospitalised patients. National Patient Safety Agency.
Sutton J, Austin Z. 2015. Qualitative research: data collection, analysis, and management. Canadian Journal of
Hospital Pharmacy, 68(3), 226.
No appendices included.