Report A Poacher – Dial toll free – 1-800-642-3800page 16
Licensing requirements for rst-time hunters
NOTE: All new rst-time hunters who have qualied for obtaining
recreational hunting licences by successfully completing the Alberta
Conservation and Hunter education course, will be required to provide
on their WiN prole, their hunter certicate number that is issued to each
course graduate, in order to be eligible to purchase a hunting licence.
A rst-time hunter is a hunter who 1) has not previously held a hunting
licence in Alberta or elsewhere, or 2) has not prior to April 1, 2010, met
Alberta rst-time hunter criteria, or 3) has not successfully completed a
hunter education course in Alberta or elsewhere.
Non-resident and non-resident alien hunters (12 years of age, 10 years
of age for game bird, or older) are exempt from the rst-time hunter
eligibility requirement if they are accompanied by a Hunter Host or a
Designated Guide while hunting in Alberta.
Youth rst-time hunters must be at least 12 years old (10 years of
age for game bird) to hunt under the authority of any hunting licence
in Alberta. All hunters under the age of 16 years must have written
permission from a parent or guardian to purchase hunting licences.
Hunters who are 11 years old may apply in the draws for licences if they
meet the above criteria, but they must be 12 years old anytime before
or during the open season for that draw. They may not hunt until they
are 12 years old. To hunt with a rearm, hunters under 18 years of age
must be accompanied by a parent, a legal guardian or by a person 18
years of age or older who has the written permission of the parent or
legal guardian. If a youth turns 18 during the hunting season, they can
continue to hunt using their valid licence.
If you are interested in taking the Alberta Conservation and Hunter
Education course, call the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors’
Association toll-free in Alberta at 1-866-852-4342, Edmonton
780-466-6682, or Calgary 403-252-8474.
Aspira manages the sale of all recreational hunting and shing
licences in Alberta. Licences are sold through private licence issuers
or online at is a website for hunters and anglers. By registering
on the site individuals can purchase their licences.
Costs of licences are the same online or at an issuer, no service fees are
added. Cost will vary according to the type of licence.
For Online Purchases:
To purchase an online licence you will need a valid credit card, an
email address, access to a computer with an internet connection and a
printer to print your licences.
Download the AlbertaRelm APP and easily store your licences and
WiN card electronically. Please remember that the onus remains on the
hunter to be able to produce their licence, whether electronic or paper,
and associated paper tags when requested by an ocer during eld
compliance checks.
To purchase a licence, which requires tags online, you must have a
pre-numbered tag(s) before you begin your purchase process. Tags are
available by calling 1-888-944-5494 and at Licence Issuers
Licence Issuers
A list of Licence Issuers and locations can be located on or
contact the call centre/help desk toll-free in North America at 1-888-944-
5494. Email inquiries can be sent to [email protected]
Wildlife Identication Number (WiN)
Hunters and anglers in Alberta must have a 10-digit Wildlife
Identication Number (WiN) to apply for draws, purchase wildlife
certicates, licences and replacements. Please keep your information up to
date; address changes can be made online or at an issuer.
Wildlife Certicate
Hunters must possess a valid Wildlife Certicate and the applicable
hunting licence to hunt big game or game birds. Licences whether
electronic or paper and applicable tags must be carried on their person
while hunting.
2024 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations page 17
Resident Youth Hunting Licences
Subject to the age limitations and conditions above, a resident 10 to
17 years of age may purchase a Resident Youth Wildlife Certicate,
including a Game Bird Licence, for $12.00. The holder of a valid
Resident Youth Wildlife Certicate between 12 and 17 who has not yet
attained the age of 18 years may also purchase a Youth White-tailed
Deer Licence and a Youth Mule Deer Licence, each for $12.00. These
licences are valid during the seasons that do not require one of the
Special Licences obtained through a draw. This person may also
purchase an Antlerless Mule Deer Special Licence (available through
a draw, see Draws for Special Licences, below) for $12.00. Partner
Licences are also available to resident youths if designated by the holder
of any special licence. See this page.
Resident Senior Hunting Licences
A resident who is 65 years of age or older, at the time of acquiring the
following licences may purchase a Resident Youth/Senior Wildlife
Certicate, including a Game Bird Licence, for $12.00. The holder of
a valid Resident Youth/Senior Wildlife Certicate may also purchase
a Youth/Senior White-tailed Deer Licence for $12.00. These licences
are only vaild during the seasons that do not require one of the special
licences obtained through a draw. Partner Licences are also available to
resident seniors if designated by the holder of any special licence.
Hunters with Disabilities
Eligible individuals may obtain a special permit or licence relating to
o-highway vehicle (OHV) use, discharging a weapon from an OHV and
cross-bow use during archery-only seasons. Service improvements have
been made for those medically certied with permanent injuries allowing
renewal of all permits online at Contact a Fish and Wildlife
oce (page 13) for more information or online at
Mandatory Suspended Hunter Requirements
A person whose right to hold a recreational hunting licence has been
suspended in Alberta as a result of a conviction is required to complete the
Alberta Conservation and Hunter Education course available at Alberta
Hunter Education Instructors Association (AHEIA), either online or in
person. This course must be taken after the beginning of the suspension
period. The course is intended to increase outdoor safety, awareness, skills
and eciency and to develop responsible attitudes in the eld. Individuals
can contact AHEIA for information on completing the course. Participants
will be responsible for course and material costs.
Licence Suspensions for Unpaid Fines
If a person is convicted of a provincial shing or hunting oence and fails
to pay their ne on or before the ne due date, they will be suspended
from purchasing or using a sportshing licence, a hunting licence or
applying on draws until that outstanding ne has been paid.
Draws for Special Licences
When demand exceeds the number of hunting opportunities, season length
and bag limits are often insucient to conserve a game resource or to ensure
a quality hunting experience. In such cases, Fish and Wildlife conducts
lotteries or draws among eligible applicants for a limited number of special
licences. Special licences allow successful applicants to hunt a specic type
of game (e.g., antlerless elk) in dened areas during a specied season.
Only residents and, to a lesser extent, non-residents (Canadian) are
eligible to apply in these draws. A non-refundable $3.65 (plus GST) levy
is charged for each application or group of applicants (maximum of four)
for the same draw. This levy goes to the Alberta Conservation Association
for programs. Although draws are used for specic wildlife management
purposes (e.g., the goal in draw areas is to develop a more balanced age
structure), other benets include improved hunter success, increased
opportunity to harvest a trophy animal, a more pleasant hunting experience
with lower hunter densities, reduced disturbance of landowners, and a
better distribution of the harvest.
Holders of a Special Licence are required to report their harvest and
eort by February 15, 2025 for all Special Licences they purchased.
Failure to report will result in a $15.00 survey fee being charged before
they can purchase a Wildlife Certicate and participate in the Special
Licence draw process.
Draw Application Deadline DatesHunters interested in special
licence hunts for fall 2024 must have applied by June 24. Refer to the
2024 Alberta Hunting Draws booklet for more information on draws.
Undersubscribed Licences are special licences leftover following the
draw. These opportunities go on sale July 14 visit for
more information.
Draw Results Beginning July 13, draw results are available online at
Landowner Special Licence
A person who qualies may be eligible to obtain a special licence after
having been unsuccessful in some draws. Availability of Landowner
Special Licences may be limited or not available at all for some species
in certain WMUs. Those available will be issued to eligible persons on a
rst-come, rst-served basis. For details on eligibility and the application
process, please consult the 2024 Alberta Hunting Draws booklet.
Partner Licence
The following Partner Licences are available:
1. A resident holder of an Antlerless Moose Special Licence has the
option of designating one eligible resident hunter (adult, youth or senior)
to be a partner on the Special Licence, thereby allowing the designated
hunter to obtain a Special Antlerless Moose Partner Licence.
2. A resident holder of an Antlered Moose Special Licence has the option
of designating one eligible hunter, either a resident (adult, youth or senior)
or a non-resident (Canadian) (adult, youth or senior), to be a partner on
the Special Licence, thereby allowing the designated hunter to obtain a
Special Antlered Moose Partner Licence. To qualify for a Partner Licence
in a particular WMU, the non-resident (Canadian) must have been eligible
to apply for the Special Licence in that WMU.
A non-resident (Canadian) holder of an Antlered Moose Special Licence
obtained through the draw process has the option of designating one
eligible resident (adult, youth or senior) hunter to be a partner on the
Special Licence, thereby allowing the designated hunter to obtain a
Special Antlered Moose Partner Licence.
3. Resident hunters successful in drawing a Special Licence in any of
the other Draws may designate one eligible resident youth (12 to 17
years of age) or senior (65 years of age and over) to be a partner on
their Special Licence.
Rules for all Partners A designated partner does not need any priority
to qualify for a partner licence, does not need to have applied on the
draw, and the purchase of the partner licence will not aect any existing
priority of the partner. The intended partner must be eligible to hold a
hunting licence. Refer to pages 19-23 regarding licence combinations
and restrictions. The primary licensee may designate a partner at any
time until the end of the season for which the Special Licence is valid.
The designated partner hunts under the authority of the special licence
and must be in direct communication (not including the use of any
electronic devices) with the primary special licence holder while hunting
to ensure that both stop hunting once the tag(s) are lled. The two
hunters hunt as one.
The primary licensee must carry the tag(s) issued with the special licence
and must tag the animal as soon as there is a kill. The primary licensee
may hunt without the partner, but not vice versa.
Report A Poacher – Dial toll free – 1-800-642-3800page 18
obtained through a draw, indicated by a n in the season tables on
pages 45 to 56 or listed under Additional Special Licence Draw
Hunts on page 58.
l A Non-resident Alien and their intended Hunter Host must apply
for their licences and make a statutory declaration that they understand
the terms and conditions of the licences (see Hunter Host Licence on
this page). The application process can take up to 10 days to complete.
l A Non-resident Alien must not hunt bighorn sheep, cougar or
trophy antelope while accompanied by a Hunter Host.
l Further Restrictions for Non-resident Aliens Who are Not
Relatives of the Hunter Host or the Hunter Host’s Spouse
8 Relatives are dened as father, brother, son, uncle, nephew,
grandfather, grandson, son-in-law, brother-in-law (and female
equivalents) of the Hunter Host or spouse of the Hunter Host.
8 The Non-resident Alien and intended Hunter Host must initiate an
application at a Fish and Wildlife oce for their licences.
8 The Non-resident Alien may apply to hunt only two (2) species
of big game and wolf/coyote.
A Hunter Host
l Must be an adult resident, and be eligible to hold recreational hunting
l Must be the holder of a valid WiN and Hunter Host Licence (below).
l May not provide services for gain or reward, or accept
remuneration, directly or indirectly, for such services.
l May host a maximum of two (2) hunters/year, either Non-residents
(Canadian), Non-resident Aliens or a combination thereof. If hosting 2
Non-resident Aliens, at least 1 must be a relative.
l May host Non-resident Aliens only if the host has not hosted a Non-
resident Alien in the previous two (2) scal years (April 1 to March 31).
l Must report to the Fish and Wildlife oce by December 31 in the
year of harvest all hunting activities by the Non-resident Aliens
they hosted. A report must be submitted even if the hunter doesn’t
harvest an animal.
l Must accompany the hunter(s) named on their Hunter Host Licence
while they are hunting big game under the authority of the Hunter Host
Hunter Host Licence
A resident who wishes to be a Hunter Host may purchase a Hunter Host
Licence online at or at any licence issuer. You must
have the WiN(s) of the non-resident(s) at the time of purchase. You must
ensure that the hunters you host are named on your Hunter Host Licence.
If you purchase your Hunter Host Licence naming one hunter and you
decide to add a second hunter to your licence at a later date, you can do so
at no additional charge. Return to or to a licence issuer to
have your licence amended. Once you have purchased your Hunter Host
Licence, the hunters may purchase their licences.
A Hunter Host who plans to take a non-resident alien hunting must do
the following:
1. Contact a Fish and Wildlife oce (see page 13) and initiate an
application (including statutory declaration). Sign and have signature
2. Have the Non-resident Alien sign the application (including statutory
declaration) and have their signature sworn. If the Non-resident Alien
does not have a WiN, have them complete a WiN prole online at this
3. Take the completed application to a Fish and Wildlife oce. The
application will be reviewed for nal approval and keyed into the
automated licensing system.
4. Once the application is approved, go online at or to
any licence issuer and purchase your Hunter Host Licence and the
appropriate Wildlife Certicate and licences.
Outtting and Guiding Requirements
for Non-residents (Canadian) and
Non-resident Aliens
There is no requirement for non-resident (Canadian) and non-resident
alien game bird hunters to contract their game bird hunts through a Bird
Game Outtter. They may hunt game birds without an outtter, a guide or
Hunter Host.
In this section, the term “accompany” or “accompanied” means that the
persons involved are close enough to each other to easily facilitate verbal
communications without the need for electronic devices. It is acceptable,
however, for the hunter to be placed in a stand location by the guide
or hunter host, if they remain at that same location to be picked up
later the same day.
Non-resident (Canadian) and Non-resident Alien hunters of big game,
wolf and coyote must be accompanied by a licensed guide or a Hunter
Host. Each of these hunters has two options:
1) May contract the holder of a valid Big Game Outtter Permit, be
guided by a Big Game Designated Guide, and hunt under the authority
of a licence allocated to an outtter (for information on outtters,
contact the Alberta Professional Outtters Society at, OR
2) May be hosted by a Hunter Host (see this page) usually a relative or
friend – and hunt according to the following restrictions and conditions:
l Non-resident Aliens may hunt with any Hunter Host only if the
non-resident alien has not done so in the previous two (2) scal years
(April 1 - March 31).
l Non-residents (Canadian) and Non-resident Aliens are limited to
certain licences, as indicated in the Licence Availability sections on
pages 23 and 24.
l Non-resident Aliens hosted by Hunter Hosts may hunt big game
only during seasons that do not require one of the special licences,
To Designate a PartnerThe Partner Licence is available online at or at any licence issuer. The intended partner must
provide the number of the Special Licence held by the primary hunter
along with his or her own WiN. The Special Licence number authorizes
the licensing system to issue a partner licence that is linked to the
Special Licence. The intended partner may then purchase a Wildlife
Certicate and the appropriate Partner Licence. If the intended partner is
a non-resident, he/she must be accompanied by a licensed Hunter Host
while hunting. The Partner Licence is valid for the same WMU and season
as the Special Licence. No tag is issued with the Partner Licence.
2024 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations page 19
Resident Licence Costs and Combinations
NOTE: The 5% federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not included in the costs listed below.
Prior to purchasing any licence, each hunter must possess a valid WiN (see page 15) and a Wildlife Certicate which costs $30.00
(or $12.00 for a Resident Youth/Senior Wildlife Certicate, page 17). Hunters wishing to hunt with a bow and arrow must also purchase a Bowhunting
Permit (not required for hunting with a cross-bow).
Licence Price
Licence Combination
Maximum Licences
Allowed Per Hunter
White-tailed Deer 45.00 A Resident Adult may obtain only
one of the rst two licences.
A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of the last three
A Resident Adult or Youth
may obtain one licence
from each species for a
total of four from this list
of 24.
* Holders of a Resident
Elk (General) Licence
may purchase an
undersubscribed Antlerless
Elk Licence.
Antlered White-tailed Deer Special Licence 45.00
Youth/Senior White-tailed Deer 12.00
Special Antlered White-tailed Deer Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Mule Deer 45.00 A Resident Adult may obtain only
one of the rst two licences.
A Resident Senior may obtain only
one of the four licences, excluding
the Youth licence.
A Resident Youth may obtain only
one of the last three licences.
Antlered Mule Deer Special Licence 45.00
Youth Mule Deer 12.00
Special Antlered Mule Deer Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Elk* 45.00 A Resident Adult may obtain only
one of the rst ve licences.
A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these nine
* Holders of a Elk (General)
Licence may purchase a
undersubscribed Antlerless Elk
Either Sex Elk Special Licence 45.00
Antlerless Elk Special Licence 45.00
Antlered Elk Special Licence 60.00
WMU 300 Elk Special Licence 60.00
Special WMU 300 Elk Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special Either Sex Elk Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special Antlerless Elk Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special Antlered Elk Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Moose (Archery) 45.00 A Resident Adult may obtain only
one of the rst six licences.
A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these seven
Antlerless Moose Special Licence 45.00
Calf Moose Special Licence 45.00
Antlered Moose Special Licence 60.00
Special Antlered Moose Partner Licence 12.00
Special Antlerless Moose Partner Licence 12.00
Special Calf Moose Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Trophy Sheep 90.00 A Resident who killed a sheep,
except a legal non-trophy sheep, in
2023 may not purchase a Trophy
Sheep Licence in 2024.
A Resident Adult may
obtain only one of the rst
six licences.
A Resident Youth/Senior
may obtain only one of
these 11 licences.
WMU 408 Trophy Sheep Special Licence 90.00
WMU 410 Trophy Sheep Special Licence 90.00
WMU 437 Trophy Sheep Special Licence 90.00
WMU 438 Trophy Sheep Special Licence 90.00
WMU 444/446 Trophy Sheep Special Licence 90.00
continued on next page
Report A Poacher – Dial toll free – 1-800-642-3800page 20
Licence Price
Licence Combination
Maximum Licences
Allowed Per Hunter
Special WMU 410 Trophy Sheep Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special WMU 408 Trophy Sheep Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special WMU 437 Trophy Sheep Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special WMU 438 Trophy Sheep Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special WMU 444/446 Trophy Sheep Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Non-trophy Sheep Special Licence 90.00 A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these two
A Resident Adult may
obtain one of each of these
22 licences (excluding the
Youth/Senior licences).
A Resident Youth may
obtain 14 dierent licences
from this list of 22.
Special Non-trophy Sheep Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Antlerless White-tailed Deer Special Licence 25.00 A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these two
Special Antlerless White-tailed Deer Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Supplemental Antlerless White-tailed Deer
Antlerless Deer (WMUs 212, 247 & 248) 25.00
WMU 248 White-tailed Deer 25.00
Foothills Deer 25.00
Antlerless Mule Deer Special Licence 25.00 A Resident Youth may obtain only
one of the last two licences.
Antlerless Mule Deer Special Licence (Youth) 12.00
Special Antlerless Mule Deer Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
CFB Wainwright Deer Special Licence 45.00 A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these two
Special CFB Wainwright Deer Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
WMU 212 Antlerless Elk Archery 25.00
WMU 212 Antlerless Elk Special Licence 45.00 A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these two
Special WMU 212 Antlerless Elk Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Black Bear 25.00
Supplemental Black Bear
Youth Black Bear Licence 12.00
Cougar 25.00
Goat Special Licence
180.00 A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these two
Special Goat Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Antelope Archery Special Licence 90.00 A Resident Adult may obtain only
one of the rst three licences.
A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these six
Non-trophy Antelope Special Licence 90.00
Trophy Antelope Special Licence 90.00
Special Antelope Archery Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special Non-trophy Antelope Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Special Trophy Antelope Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
Game Bird 15.00
Pheasant 25.00
Wild Turkey Special Licence 60.00 A Resident Youth/Senior may
obtain only one of these two
Special Wild Turkey Partner Licence (Youth/Senior) 12.00
see page 19 for restrictions
see page 19 for licences
2024 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations page 21
The Supplemental Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licence is issued with one tag. This tag is valid in the following WMUs: 200-208, 214-246, 248,
258-260, 300, 304-305, 310-314, 320-322, 332-337, 344, 348, 350-353, 355, 357-360, 440-446, and 500-544.
This licence is only valid in the following WMUs where 2 black bear licences may be used: 224, 250, 258, 260, 320-360, 429, 445, 500-544 and 841.
Drawn applicants cannot reapply in future years (once-in-a-lifetime opportunity).
All purchased licences can be reprinted either at a licence issuer for a $2.00 fee or online at no charge.
You are required to bring your licence and identication to a licence issuer and obtain the authorization for the tag replacement. $11.00 fee is
applicable per licence.
NOTE: Special Licences (listed above) are available only through draws which occurred in June of this year. Please refer to the annual
Alberta Hunting Draws booklet for information on how to apply in these draws next year. Draw results and undersubscribed opportunities
will be available on July 13.
Licence Price
Licence Combination
Maximum Licences
Allowed Per Hunter
Bowhunting Permit (not required for cross-bows) 10.00
Hunter Host Licence 30.00
WiN Activation 8.00
Physical WiN Card 3.00
Licence Reprint
Tag Replacement
Report A Poacher – Dial toll free – 1-800-642-3800page 22
Non-resident (Canadian) Licence Availability
All Non-resident hunters of big game, wolf or coyote require a Big Game Designated Guide or a Hunter Host. See Outtting and Guiding Requirements on page 18.
Non-residents who hunt with a Hunter Host may obtain White-tailed Deer, Antlered Mule Deer, Antlered Moose, Antlered Elk, Black Bear, Supplemental
Black Bear, Cougar, and Wolf/Coyote Licences (see table below) from private licence issuers or online at Some special licences may be
obtained through the draw system that are described in the 2024 Alberta Hunting Draws booklet which was made available in May 2024.
Non-residents contracting a hunt with a Big Game Outtter may obtain Special Licences by using an allocation, available from their outtter. Wolf/Coyote licences
can be purchased without an allocation. Non-residents using the services of an outtter must be guided by a Big Game Designated Guide. These licences are only
available at licence issuers.
Non-resident (Canadian) Licence Costs and Combinations
NOTE: The 5% federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not included in the costs listed below.Prior to purchasing any licence, each hunter must possess a valid
WiN (see page 15) and a Wildlife Certicate, which costs $30.00. Hunters wishing to hunt with a bow and arrow must also purchase a Bowhunting Permit (not
required for hunting with a cross-bow).
All special licences shown in the following table are available through a Big Game Outtter. Some are also available through the draw system.
Licence Price
Licence Combination
Maximum Licences
Allowed Per Hunter
White-tailed Deer 175.00 A Non-resident may not obtain
more than one of these two licences.
A Non-resident may obtain four
dierent licences from this list of
nine, but not more than one licence
for any one species.
Antlered White-tailed Deer Special Licence
Antlered Mule Deer 175.00 A Non-resident may not obtain
more than one of these two licences.
Antlered Mule Deer Special Licence
Antlered Elk 250.00 A Non-resident may not obtain
more than one of these two licences.
Antlered Elk Special Licence
Antlered Moose (Archery) 250.00 A Non-resident may not obtain
more than one of these three
Antlered Moose Special Licence
Special Antlered Moose Partner Licence 60.00
Trophy Sheep Special Licence
400.00 A Non-resident who killed a sheep
in 2023 may not purchase a Trophy
Sheep Special Licence in 2024.
A Non-resident may obtain one of
each from this list of two.
Trophy Sheep (Outtter) Special Licence 500.00
Wolf/Coyote 15.00
See 2024 Alberta Guide to
Hunting Regulations for dates and
Trophy Antelope Special Licence
Black Bear Licence 100.00 A Non-resident accompanied by a
Hunter Host may obtain both of
these licences.
A Non-resident may obtain one
of each licence from this list of
two. However, Non-residents
purchasing one of these two
licences may not purchase a Black
Bear Special Licence.
Supplemental Black Bear Licence
Black Bear Special Licence
100.00 Non-residents must purchase these
licences through an outtter.
Non-residents purchasing this
licence may not purchase a Black
Bear Licence or a Supplemental
Black Bear Licence.
Cougar 150.00 One licence only from this list of
Cougar Special Licence 150.00
Game Bird 70.00
Pheasant 45.00
Bowhunting Permit (not required for cross-bows) 20.00
WiN Activation 8.00
Physical WiN Card 3.00
Licence Reprint
Tag Replacement
These licences are available through the draw system or through an outtter. If purchased through an outtter, an additional service fee may be charged.
Please refer to the sections that deal with Non-resident (Canadian) Licence Availability (page 22) and Outtting and Guiding Requirements (page 18).
Non-resident Trophy Sheep Special Licences are available through Class S Outtters or through a draw. Only 2 licences are available through a draw,
and each hunter successful in the draw must be accompanied by a Hunter Host.
Non-resident Trophy Antelope Special Licences are available through an outtter or through a draw. Please refer to the sections that deal with
Non-resident (Canadian) Licence Availability (page 22) and Outtting and Guiding Requirements (page 18).
2024 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations page 23
This licence is valid only in the following WMUs where two black bear licences may be used: 224, 250, 258, 260, 320-360, 429, 445, 500-544 and 841. Please
see page 56 for more information.
These licences are valid for two black bears if the outtter’s allocation is valid for a WMU where the Supplemental Black Bear Licence is valid (i.e.,
two-bear areas).
All purchased licences can be reprinted either at a licence issuer for a $2.00 fee or online at no charge.
You are required to bring your licence and identication to a licence issuer and obtain the authorization for the tag replacement. An $11.00 fee is
applicable per licence.
Non-resident Alien Licence Availability
All Non-resident Alien hunters of big game, wolf or coyote require either a Big Game Designated Guide or a Hunter Host. See Outtting and Guiding
Requirements on page 18.
Non-resident Aliens who hunt with a Hunter Host may obtain Antlered White-tailed Deer, Antlered Mule Deer, Antlered Moose, Antlered Elk, Black Bear
Special Licences and Wolf/Coyote Licences (see table below) online at or at any licence issuers. See Outtting and Guiding Requirements on
page 18 for a summary of the circumstances under which these licences may be used and the limitations that apply.
Non-resident Aliens contracting a hunt with a Big Game Outtter must obtain Special Licences by using an allocation, available from their outtter. Wolf/
Coyote licences can be purchased without an allocation. Non-resident Aliens using the services of an outtter must be guided by a Big Game Designated Guide.
These licences are only available at licence issuers.
If purchased through an outtter, additional service fees may be charged.
This licence is valid for 2 black bears where the Resident and Non-resident (Canadian) Supplemental Black Bear Licences are valid (2-bear areas).
Trophy Sheep, Cougar and Trophy Antelope Special Licences are available to Non-resident Aliens only through an outtter.
All purchased licences can be reprinted either at a licence issuer for a $2.00 fee or online at no charge.
You are required to bring your licence and identication to a licence issuer and obtain the authorization for the tag replacement. $11.00 fee is
applicable per licence.
Non-resident Alien Licence Costs and Combinations
NOTE: The 5% federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not included in the costs listed below.
Prior to purchasing any licence, each hunter must possess a valid WiN (see page 15) and a Non-Resident Alien Wildlife Certicate, which costs $75.00. Hunters
wishing to hunt with a bow and arrow must also purchase a Bowhunting Permit (not required for hunting with a cross-bow).
Licence Price
Licence Combination
Maximum Licences
Allowed Per Hunter
Antlered White-tailed Deer 250.00
A Non-resident Alien may not obtain more
than one of these two licences.
A Non-resident Alien may obtain nine
dierent licences from this list of 14, but
not more than one licence for any one
Antlered White-tailed Deer Special Licence 250.00
Antlered Mule Deer 250.00
A Non-resident Alien may not obtain more
than one of these two licences.
Antlered Mule Deer Special Licence 250.00
Antlered Elk 350.00
A Non-resident Alien may not obtain more
than one of these two licences.
Antlered Elk Special Licence 350.00
Antlered Moose Archery 350.00
A Non-resident Alien may not obtain more
than one of these two licences.
Antlered Moose Special Licence 350.00
Black Bear Licence 150.00
A Non-resident Alien may not obtain more
than one of these two licences.
Black Bear Special Licence
Trophy Sheep Special Licence
A Non-resident Alien who killed a sheep
in 2023 may not purchase a Trophy Sheep
Special Licence in 2024.
Cougar Special Licence
Wolf/Coyote Licence 15.00
See page 58 for wolf and coyote season
dates and restrictions.
Trophy Antelope Special Licence
3 350.00
Game Bird Guided 125.00
Game Bird Unguided 175.00
Pheasant 45.00
Bowhunting Permit (not required for cross-bows) 25.00
WiN Activation 8.00
Physical WiN Card 3.00
Licence Reprint
Tag Replacement
Report A Poacher – Dial toll free – 1-800-642-3800page 24
Resident game bird hunters require a WiN card and a Wildlife Certicate and:
l a Game Bird Licence to hunt grouse, partridge and ptarmigan;
l a Game Bird Licence and a Pheasant Licence to hunt pheasant;
l a Game Bird Licence and a Federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit to hunt waterfowl;
l a Wild Turkey Special Licence and a Game Bird Licence to hunt wild turkey.
(NOTE: Wild Turkey Special Licences are available only through a draw. See page 61 for more information.)
Non-resident (Canadian) game bird hunters require a WiN card and a Wildlife Certicate and:
l a Game Bird Licence to hunt grouse, partridge and ptarmigan;
l a Game Bird Licence and a Pheasant Licence to hunt pheasant;
l a Game Bird Licence and a Federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit to hunt waterfowl.
Non-resident Alien game bird hunters require a WiN card and a Non-Resident Alien Wildlife Certicate and:
l a Game Bird Licence to hunt grouse, partridge and ptarmigan;
l a Game Bird Licence and Pheasant Licence to hunt pheasant;
l a Game Bird Licence and a Federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit to hunt waterfowl.
NOTE: The 5% federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not included in the costs listed below.
Prior to purchasing any licence, each hunter must possess a valid WiN (see page 15) and a Wildlife Certicate. The Wildlife Certicate costs $30.00 or
$75.00 for a Non-Resident Alien Wildlife Certicate, or $12.00 for a Resident Youth/Senior Wildlife Certicate (see page 17). Hunters wishing to hunt
with a bow and arrow (but not a cross-bow) must also purchase a Bowhunting Permit.
A Resident youth or senior may obtain only 1 of these 2 licences.
Available only through a draw, page 61.
Available at Post Oces, certain private licence issuers or ordered online at
All purchased licences can be reprinted either at a licence issuer for a $2.00 fee or online at no charge.
Federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit is free of charge for youth (age 10-17) if purchased online.
If you contract an outtter to guide you for game birds you must purchase the Guided NRA Game Bird Licence.
If you hunt game birds without the service of an outtter you must purchase the Unguided NRA Game Bird Licence. The Unguided NRA Game Bird
Licence is valid in 3 WMUs and for 7 continuous days. A person may purchase 2 of the Unguided Game Bird Licences during a year.
Licence Costs
Game Bird Licence Price ($)
Resident Non-resident (Canadian) Non-resident Alien
Game Bird 15.00 70.00
Pheasant 25.00 45.00 45.00
Wild Turkey Special Licence
60.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable
Special Wild Turkey Partner Licence
12.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable
Bowhunting Permit 10.00 20.00 25.00
WiN Renewal 8.00 8.00 8.00
Licence Reprint
2.00 2.00 2.00
Federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit
17.00 17.00 17.00