Section 3 - Lesson Three
Biblical Examples of Personal Testimonies
Read these chapters and discuss each testimony. Record certain characteristics
concerning the audience, content, approach, doctrine etc..
1.) Acts 7 – Stephen‘s address before his execution
2.) Acts 22 – Apostle Paul’s defense before the Jerusalem Mob.
3.) Acts 26 – Paul’s defense before King Agrippa
Section 3 - Lesson Four
Putting Together Your Story
Telling Your Story:
Everyone who is a believer has a story. Each of our stories is unique. One is not better
than the other , God uses each of them for His glory.
A personal testimony can be a non-threatening way to tell an unbeliever why Jesus
Christ is important to you. If you are convinced that being a Christian is the best way
to live, you should not hold back the good news.
With these thoughts in mind let’s look at how you can be very effective in telling your
1.) Be Prepared – this will help us to not panic and can be a great tool to help us focus.
2.) Be Clear – don’t talk in circles, but be precise with details.
3.) Be Honest – Be yourself, don’t try to be someone you aren’t.
Now let’s look at a few examples in the Bible and then you will begin working on
1.) Go and Tell Version – John 4:7-29, 39-42. The woman at the well. Her testimony
brought curiosity to their mind. They were open to hear more.
2.) Defense of your faith – John 9:13-34. There will come times when you will be the
only one who believes. Stay true to what He has done for you. That you can prove
without doubt.
3.) Paul’s story – Philippians 3:4-17
On six separate occasions between Paul’s third journey and his trip to Rome, he stood
before different crowds and presented Christ to them. Six times he stood alone. Six
times he addressed unbelievers, many of them hostile and rude. Do you know the
method Paul used each time? His personal testimony.
Each time he spoke he simply shared his story about how God had changed his life.
Not once did he argue or debate with them. He didn’t preach them a sermon. Why?
Because one of the most convincing, unanswerable arguments on earth regarding
Christianity is one’s personal experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Section 3 - Lesson Four
Writing out your story:
As you write out your story, remember:
Be a storyteller. Tell specific memories, not generalities.
Include meaningful Bible verses to compliment and solidify your story.
Avoid Christian lingo. Define words like “grace”, “saved”, or “sin” etc…
Ask God to use your story – it is one of His gifts to you.
What not to do.
Do not make statements reflecting negatively on the church, organizations or
Do not use vague terms such as “joyful”, “peaceful”, “happy”, “saved” or
Step One: Getting your thoughts together
I.) Think of your life before you came to Christ:
If you became a Christian at an early age you may need to move to II or III.
a.) Around what did your life revolve? Attitudes, needs, problems? Illustrate with a
b.) How did these things affect your life? Be specific.
II.) Think about your experience when you trusted Christ as your Savior.
a.) Who told you about Jesus? What were your initial reactions?
b.) What barriers kept you from completely surrendering to the Lord?
Section 3 - Lesson Four
c.) Talk about the moment you asked God to forgive you and gave Him your life (avoid
confusing statements or “Christianese” language).
III.) What has happened since Jesus Christ became your Savior?
a.) What changes did you see in your attitudes and actions?
b.) How are you motivated differently now?
c.) If you were real young when you trusted Christ, give one benefit of following Christ
(i.e. peace, no fear of death, being adopted into the family of God etc..).
STEP TWO: Writing Style
Write as though you were talking with a friend rather than giving a formal speech.
1.) Begin with an attention getting sentence or incident.
2.) Be positive from start to finish.
3.) Be specific and accurate.
4.) Write a closing that provides a finished and logical conclusion.
Step Three: Establish a Theme
Select Bible verses that support your theme.
Opening statement
Closing statement