Journal of Insurance Regulation
Cassandra Cole and Kathleen McCullough
Vol. 40, No. 7
Gender X and Auto Insurance: Is Gender
Rating Unfairly Discriminatory?
Lorilee A. Medders, Ph.D.
Jamie A. Parson, J.D.
Matthew Thomas-Reid, Ph.D.
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IMPORTANCE Concerns regarding how and whether gender should be used in underwriting and rating auto
insurance take on increased importance in light of the recognition of non-binary gender and transgender identities.
OBJECTIVES This study evaluates the use of gender as a rating variable in auto insurance given 1) the potential for
unfair discrimination to result; 2) the complexities of non-binary gender identity; 3) the modern capability to more
directly measure driving behavior using variables other than gender.
EVIDENCE An insurance carrier charges differential prices for its products based on differentials in risk. In an
evolving environment for gender identity, some states have begun to recognize non-binary and transgender (trans*)
identities by implementing a Gender X option on driver's licenses. Insurance carriers in most states are left with
minimal direction on how to appropriately underwrite and price this emerging class of drivers using gender as a
discriminating variable. The question of auto insurance rates being unfairly discriminatory arises. The traditional
gender rating factor is binary, and while to date, gender has been useful as a proxy for unobservable differences in
driver riskiness, technology has advanced the opportunity to more directly measure actual driving behavior and
exposure through other predictors.
FINDINGS When risk transfer to an insurer is priced based on uncontrollable and/or immutable classifications such as
race and gender, there can be profoundly different views of what constitutes fairness. Additionally, as diversity and
inclusion continue to be components of strategic initiatives within the insurance market, the insurance industry must
navigate carefully between the business and regulatory imperatives for fair price discrimination and inclusion efforts. This
study considers trans* insureds and the introduction of Gender X as an additional categorical level of the gender identity
rating factor, and delves into the economic and social implications of gender-based rating and gender inclusivity. We
assert that the future use of gender in setting auto insurance rates may represent a form of unfair discrimination. We
provide recommendations to ameliorate the gender rating problem, chief of which is to eliminated the gender rating
variable and replace it with rating variables that more directly measure an insured's riskiness (e.g., driving behaviors and
ONCLUSION & RELEVANCE This paper addresses the potential for unfair discrimination in auto insurance should
gender-based rating be continued into the future. It also explores the opportunity to enhance the auto insurance
industry's social compact with its insureds. We recommend gender be removed as an underwriting and/or rating factor.
We submit that in addition to resolving the question of unfair discrimination, such a change would enhance trust
between insurers and trans* community members, and thereby increase the likelihood that trans* insured drivers will 1)
be open with insurers in the underwriting process, and 2) purchase non-compulsory coverages, all else the same.
Notwithstanding short-term market problems and frictions that may occur, the socioeconomics of introducing Gender X
(and ultimately, eliminating gender from pricing altogether) make good business and regulatory sense.
ender X and Auto Insurance: Is
Gender Rating Unfairly
Lorilee Medders, Ph.D. | Jamie Parson, J.D. | Matthew Thomas-Reid, Ph.D.
* Joseph F. Freeman Distinguished Professor of Insurance, Department of Finance, Banking and
Insurance, Walker College of Business Honors Program Director, Walker College of Business,
Appalachian State University;
** Interim Chief Diversity Officer, Office of the Chancellor, Appalachian State University;
*** Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations, Department of Leadership and Educational
Studies, Appalachian State University;
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Gender X and Auto
Insurance: Is Gender
Rating Unfairly
Lorilee A. Medders, Ph.D.*
Jamie A. Parson, J.D.**
Matthew Thomas-Reid, Ph.D.***
Determining what constitutes fairness in insurance price discrimination can be
complex and subject to debate. We assert that risk transfer to auto insurers with
pricing based on gender, as is the case in most states and for most insurers, is
problematic. Gender identity is outside the control of the insured, immutable, and
not risk causal. Further, since discriminating based on gender identity may
perpetuate negative stereotypes and potentially inhibit socially valuable behavior,
such as the purchase of insurance, gender-based rating is undesirable despite its
statistical value. We argue for price modernization in auto insurance. Introducing
Gender X into gender-based rating is a start. Longer term, the use of risk-specific
informationi.e., behavioral and exposure datafor which gender has served as
proxy makes economic sense. Moreover, as increasingly autonomous vehicles
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
depersonalize underlying risks associated with transportation, driver-specific
attributes necessarily take a backseat to other variables in fair price discrimination.
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
I. Introduction
There are three goals of insurance rate regulation. Rates must be: 1) adequate;
2) not excessive; and 3) not unfairly discriminatory. Rates that are adequate yet
not excessive are overall high enough to pay claims and expenses, yet not so high
overall that they result in unreasonable profiteering by insurers. The third
regulatory goalthat rates are not unfairly discriminatoryis the topic of interest
in our research. The concept of unfair discrimination in an insurance context
determining what constitutes fairness in pricingcan differ substantially from the
thinking on fairness in a societal context. As a result, the term “discrimination”
may be used quite differently in these two contexts. Discrimination, with negative
societal connotations, is endemic in our world broadly and largely unjustifiable,
yet in the narrower world of insurance, it is the basis for the entire industry’s
viability and sustainability. In the insurance context, we can receive the term
discrimination” in a neutral manner, simply taking it to mean different treatment
for different groups having different characteristics, without it necessarily
connoting any negative intent or outcome. Indeed, the purpose in insurance for
engaging in “fair discrimination” that is, discrimination that price differentiates
between discernibly different levels of riskis itself rooted in economic fairness.
An insurance carrier charges differential prices for its products based on
differentials in risk. Nevertheless, when risk transfer to an insurer is priced based
on uncontrollable and/or immutable classifications such as race and gender, there
can be profoundly different views of what constitutes fairness. In many areas of
U.S. law, discrimination on either the basis of gender or sexual identity is
prohibited in a number of jurisdictions for a number of consumer situations. Yet
the broad concept of societal fairness and the much narrower concept of actuarial
fairness differ, and so within insurance markets, U.S. law has historically set
insurance apart from other products in speaking to issues of fairness and
discrimination (West, 2013). Within the last year, several states have enhanced
their recognition of nonbinary or genderqueer identities by implementing a Gender
X option on driver’s licenses. Insurance carriers are left with minimal direction on
how to appropriately price this emerging class within the three goals of rate
Additionally, as diversity and inclusion continue to be a strategic initiative
within the insurance market, the insurance industry and its regulatory environment
have to navigate carefully between the business imperatives for adequate pricing
and inclusion efforts. This paper addresses the potential for unfair discrimination
in some lines of businesswith special focus on auto insuranceshould gender-
based rating be continued into the future. It also explores an immediate
opportunity to enhance the insurance industry’s social compact with its insureds
via recognition of the Gender X identity. Part I gives a primer on nonbinary and
trans-identity followed by a brief history of the role of gender in insurance pricing,
Part II discusses nonbinary, transgender, and the introduction of Gender X as an
additional categorical level of the gender identify rating factor as used in insurance
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
pricing. Part III and Part IV dive into the economic and social implications of
movement in U.S. law toward more gender inclusivity.
II. Sex and Gender: A Primer
It has long been accepted that there is a distinction between sex and gender,
where sex “refers to physical attributes and is anatomically and physiologically
determined,” and gender is seen as “a psychological transformation of the self
the internal conviction that one is either male or female (gender identity) and the
behavioral expressions of that conviction” (Fausto-Sterling, 2000, p. 3). This
understanding has led to the erroneous conclusion that sex is something that is
fixed and clearly determinable, and gender is the socially constructed variable. To
clearly understand the complexities facing any institution that uses either sex or
gender identity as a determining factor for decision making, it is critical that this
distinction be troubled. Before prescribing a series of identity-based definitions, it
ought to be made clear that assuming fixed categories of sex is problematic,
understanding that “our bodies are too complex to provide clear-cut answers about
sexual difference” (Fausto-Sterling, 2000, p. 4).
In a purely material sense, our bodies are made up of characteristics that we
have given meaning, and combinations of these characteristics have been labeled
“sex characteristics,” both primary and secondary. In giving this material inherent
meaning, we develop rigid understandings of what it is to be male and female,
even as we might recognize the social constructions of masculine and feminine.
But the meaning that we give bodily material “comes to us already tainted,
containing within it pre-existing ideas about sexual difference” (Fausto-Sterling,
2000, p. 23).
Often forgotten in our understanding of bodily material is that not only have
we created sexed meaning over time, but there is a history of skewed
understandings related to sex, tainted by economic incentives for doctors to
pathologize and misdiagnose those whose bodily materiality does not fit clear
sexed categories (Irving, 2012, p. 18), as well as “fixing” intersex babies who are
born with similarly ambiguity (Fausto-Sterling, 2000, p. 45). It is only with this
history in mind that we can come to understand a current moment when the lived
experiences of those whose bodies do not conform to our binary understandings of
sex and gender.
Beginning this section with an emphasis on sex is intentional, as it is critical
to understand that when approaching the topic of gender identity, sex is not a fixed
given. That is to say that none of the identities discussed in this paper, be they
transgender, nonbinary, or the infrequently used term “transsexual,” should be
seen as an individual altering their fixed and essential sex, as this is not a stable or
reliable categorization. An understanding of the term “intersex” becomes pivotal
here, as many individuals are born with primary and secondary sex characteristics
prescribed to both male and female identities, even as many of these children are
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
given “corrective genital surgery at birth even if this does not produce reliable
outcomes” (Creighton, 2009, p. 251). For this reason, it is important to realize that
many individuals with non-normative gender identities actually have non-
normative sex identities, even though “it has been in the interests of the medical
establishment to make sure that intersex is perceived by the general public as a
highly rare condition, which requires information not available or accessible to the
average person” (Creighton, 2009, p. 254).
Intersex identities matter particularly in the context of automobile insurance
because one might tend to ask the problematic question of what the applicant’s sex
assigned at birth is, even if that differs from their gender identity. This comes out
of “societal insistence that bodies always and without fail conform to the either/or,
male/female paradigm” (Creighton, 2009, p. 252). For this reason, even the sex
assigned at birth might not give the insurer useful data in determining rates,
because the fuller picture of the applicant’s actual material body (physiological
make, hormones, etc.) has been placed into a potentially inaccurate binary box. To
assume that every applicant that has an M on their birth certificate has the same
amount of testosterone and all male sex characteristics and that every applicant
with an F has the same amount of estrogen and all female sex characteristics is
simply flawed from the start, as it falls with assumptions of compulsorily
that mark our default assumptions about people: Assume cis and
straight until proven otherwise (Berila, 2016, p. 6, 9).
If identity related to sex is not fixed, then certainly identity related to gender is
not fixed. While it might be easy to assume that gender identity is chosen, or
random, gender theorist Judith Butler (1988) posits the notion that gender identity
is made up of stylized repetitions of acts over time (p. 520). By this it is meant that
the style (feminine, masculine, androgyne) of a person’s repeated performance
over time does more to define gender than a fixed point or performance. Gender
identity here can be seen as distinct from gender nonconforming performance such
as drag in that it becomes stylized and repeated over time, but even this does not
fully explain the experiences of various gender identities, as political, economic,
and social factors can contribute to individuals performing their gender identities
differently in different contexts. Butler (1993) clarifies this notion of gender
performativity by cautioning against thinking of gender as a choice or a role or a
construction that one puts on in an arbitrary manor: This is a voluntarist account of
gender, which presumes a subject intact prior to its gendering. The sense of gender
performativity that I meant to convey is something quite different (Butler, 1993, p.
Understanding that gender does not exist prior to the performance of gender
helps in contextualizing the problem: Individuals with non-normative gender
identities do not “decide” to be “a different gender” any more than cisgender folks
“decide” to be the gender that coincides with their sex assigned at birth. It is this
1. Cisgender is a term that simply means an individual’s sex assigned at birth is the same
(cis) as their gender identity. This is in contrast to transgender, which means sex assigned at birth
has changed (trans) from the individual’s gender identity.
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
troubling of sex assigned at birth that leads to the need for new possibilities in
understanding gender and sex in relation to auto insurance evaluation. Moving
away from this monoglossic account of gender is critical in contextualizing the
argument that a new way of thinking about gender and sex is needed (Francis,
2010, p. 479480; Jourian, 2015, p. 15). Further, “Viewing the four categories of
sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation as four interactive,
fluid, and nonbinary continuation allows us to discuss gender and sexuality in
complex and nuanced ways that provide room for agency and self-determination”
(Jourian, 2015, p. 17).
There are myriad terms that are used in relation to gender identity, and while
there is no necessity to define all of them here, it is important to understand some
basic vocabulary in relation to gender identity. Sex assigned at birth simply relates
to what a person is assigned on their birth certificate; gender identity is the identity
that a person uses to describe their gender. In the simplest terms, a person whose
gender identity aligns with their sex assigned at birth is called cisgender, and a
person whose gender identity does not align with their sex assigned at birth is
called transgender. The term “transsexual” has a very specific meaning and
connotes that the individual has undergone gender confirmation surgery.
term should be avoided unless the individual specifically uses this term to define
themselves. Moving forward, the use of the word trans* will serve as a marker that
these terms are fluid and that the individuals referred to might use terms as varied
as transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, genderfluid, nonbinary, transmasculine
(nonbinary with a masculine gender expression), or transfeminine (nonbinary with
a masculine gender expression) (Blackburn, 2014, p. 34). Each of these terms has
specific meaning for individuals, and it is important to remember that the use of
umbrella terms is often not sufficient for individuals to fully express their own
identities, and their expressions of identity should always be validated and
honored (Blackburn, 2014, p. 34). Given that “over the last decade, transgender
and nonbinary people have gained visibility,” trans* and nonbinary individuals
and their friends, families, and allies will make up a significant portion of the
consumer market, and a more nuanced and informed understanding of these
myriad identities is necessary to provide appropriate services (Stroumsa et al.,
2020, p. 528). While there is significant disparity between projected numbers of
trans* individuals and the ability to gather sufficient data, even the largest number
that is typically stated, around 2% of the population, suffers from substantial
limitations (Nicolazzo, 2017, p. 22).
A final note in this section needs to address the use of the term “gender” as
opposed to “sex.” “Sex” implies “sex assigned at birth,” and since the arguments
in this paper speak specifically to an individual’s identity, the term “gender” is
used henceforth as a reminder that we are not referring necessarily to the
individual’s sex assigned at birth. The term “gender” is also congruent with the
industry’s standard use of this term over “sex.
2. Gender confirmation surgery refers to a range of procedures that aid in making the
individual’s physical body more accurately reflect the individual’s gender identity.
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
III. Background of Insurance Pricing and
Gender Factors
The primary goal of ratemaking in insurance is to develop a rate structure that
enables the insurer to compete effectively while earning a reasonable profit (Rejda
et al.,, 2020). To accomplish these objectives, the premiums must adequately
cover expected levels of losses and expenses, as well as include a reasonable
amount for profits and contingencies (the unexpected). Improper insurance prices
can result from two distinct ratemaking failures: 1) failure to recover all costs
associated with risk transfer in the final premium, or rate inadequacy; and 2)
failure to differentiate rates for identifiable classes of risks with demonstrable
differences in expected cost of risk, or failure to risk discriminate (Casualty
Actuarial Society, 2003).
Rate adequacy means the insurer charges a rate sufficient to at least pay
expected claims. Because not all insurance markets are competitive enough to
ensure insurance prices remain reasonable, regulators also protect consumers
against excessive insurance pricing. Since insurance is priced prior to most of an
insurer’s costs being realized (or even known), the insurer estimates costs
(especially its losses via policy claims) using the best information available.
Generally, an individual's demand for insurance is positively correlated with the
individual’s risk of loss.
Because policyholders, even if purchasing the same
coverage, do not present the same risk of loss (based on the available information),
insurers do not charge all policyholders the same amount. Insurance pricing is
predicated on risk classificationgrouping insured exposures into homogeneous
pools. Thus, the process of pricing (and that of underwriting as well) necessarily
differentiates, or discriminates, among insureds.
To meet both the regulatory and business requirements, it is important for
rates to appropriately reflect differences in risk exposure for at least three
interconnected reasons. First is an issue of fairness. Insurance provides a medium
for an uncertainty transfer from the insured to the insurance pool; the insured must
have confidence in the pool for the agreement to work. If the insurer charged the
same rate to all insureds, then those who present lower risk would pay too much.
Not only might this be unfairly discriminatory, but they would, unless mandated to
carry this coverage, likely drop out of the pool because they are not receiving
appropriate value for their premium. Even if coverage is mandated, as with
automobile insurance, insureds would over time migrate to a different insurer who
differentiated rates to more closely approximate an insured’s risk. This would
3. Rate regulation focuses on three insurance rating characteristics, including rate adequacy
and fair discrimination as mentioned here, but also rates not excessive (to ensure prices overall
remain reasonable and not prohibitively expensive (Rejda, et al., 2020)).
4. The relationship between risk and insurance demand is well established in the literature.
Schlesinger (2000) provides the theoretical underpinnings of insurance demand within various
scenarios, as well as a bibliography of the previous literature.
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
leave the insurer with a group of insureds who present a greater risk than the base
(average) rate and the problem of adverse selection. If these high-risk insureds
paid only $1 for their policies, but on average cost $1.20 in losses, the insurer
would eventually be out of business.
Second is an issue of risk reduction and moral hazard. Even if insureds were
not mobile consumers of insurance, and thus could not drop out of the pool or
switch insurers, a failure to differentiate between risks would create problems for
the insurer. From a moral perspective, risk pooling may shift an individual’s sense
of responsibility for losses to the collective pool; in this sense, pooling socializes
responsibility (Baker, 2002). Failure to discriminate between insureds on the basis
of risk exacerbates this moral hazard problem. Those insureds who enter the pool
as “low” risks, realizing over time that safety has no bearing on insurance costs,
have a reduced incentive to engage in loss mitigation. Meanwhile, those insureds
who enter the pool as “high” risks have little or no incentive to improve their risk
factors. Thus, losses can be expected to rise overall, and prices must rise for all
participants (Akerlof, 1970; Rejda et al., 2020).
Third is an issue of balancing rate responsiveness with rate stability (Werner
& Modlin, 2016). As with risk differentials among and between insureds, there are
risk differentials over time. It is important for insurers to set rates to appropriately
reflect changes in risk and exposure over time. Loss trends and shifts in risk
factors can necessitate rate changes. Yet changing rates can come at significant
costs for insurers, principal of which may be the regulatory costs of filing for
approval of the new rates, the internal operational costs of updating algorithms and
systems to accommodate accordingly, and the market costs of communicating
changes to insurance consumers effectively. Risk and underwriting factors that are
statistically significant in explaining risk differentials that are stable over time are
thus preferable to insurers. If an observable risk factor historically shows a
statistical correlation to losses (such as gender), but serves only as a proxy for
underlying factors that are not observable or discernable (e.g., risk aversion,
driving habits, reason for driving exposure), then over time as technology
improves the observability of the underlying risk factors, the proxy becomes
redundant and no longer useful in rating. The more these underlying risk factors
can be used in rating, the less need there is to change the rating structure.
To avoid these market problems, the insurer creates rate classes and a rate
plan. Failure to have a rate plan that reasonably discriminates among risks can
result in a slow death spiral for the insurer. The class plan applies rating factors to
adjust the base rate depending on the risk presented by the insured. For most lines
of insurance, the rate varies significantly with the risk’s characteristics (e.g., where
it is, how protected it is, what it is used for, its loss history). In the first stage of
individual, or class, ratemaking, the insurer determines which risk criteria (i.e.,
rating variables) effectively segment risks into groups (classes) with similar
expected loss experience. In the second stage, the insured population is subdivided
into appropriate levels for each rating variable, and rate makers calculate the
indicated rate differential relative to the base level for each level being priced.
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Despite the need for insurers to discriminate fairly in the pricing of insurance,
some specific rating factors shown to be linked to risk are not allowed. In no state
are insurers allowed to use income, race, ethnicity, or religion in personal lines of
insurance. The public policy reasons for disallowing certain rating factors are: 1)
social adequacy concerns (meaning premiums or benefits provide a minimum
standard, or floor, of living to all participants); and 2) protection of certain groups
from discrimination (regardless of whether such discrimination is calculated to be
statistically fair). Social adequacy and special group protection are at odds with
individual equity (and statistically fair discrimination), and thus are positively
related to adverse selection (Pauly et al., 2003). From a public policy viewpoint,
however, some adverse selection can be advantageous. Adverse selection may lead
to a higher proportion of total losses for the whole population being covered by
insurance than if there were no adverse selection (Schlesinger, 2000; Pauly et al.,
Empirical evidence of adverse selection is mixed. Generally, life,
auto, and
health insurance studies generally do not find statistically significant evidence of
adverse selection (Cawley & Phillipson, 1999; Chiappori & Salanie, 2000; Carden
& Hendel, 2001; Dionne et al., 2001). Yet other studies of health insurance, as
well as long-term care insurance (LTCI) and annuities, have shown statistical
evidence of adverse selection (Cutler & Zeckhauser, 1998; Finklelstein & Poterba,
2004; Finkelstein & McGarry, 2006). Weak evidence of adverse selection in
certain markets suggests that the rating and underwriting processes effectively
differentiate among individual risks.
Setting aside for a moment the economics of fair discrimination in insurance,
there also exists social considerations in the determination of fairness. Consistent
evidence is available, across lines of business and jurisdictions, that insurance
consumers believe that some insurance discrimination is fair (Schmeiser et al.,
2014). Nevertheless, consumers are also concerned that some discrimination is
unfair. This seemingly double view of insurance makes sense when we consider
the compulsory nature (or nearly so) of some insurance products. The more of a
mandate (whether necessitated by law or by lender) an insurance purchase is, the
more we can imagine that consumers view the purchase as less of an economic
good and more of a social good, resulting in different attitudes about its fairness.
In the U.S., gender may be included as one factor in underwriting and pricing
various lines of insurance.
For instance, in the states where allowed, insurer rating
5. Another possible reason is the negative correlation between risk aversion (such as the
willingness to purchase insurance) and risk level (estimated beforehand based on hindsight
observation of the occurrence rate for other observed claims) in the population. If risk aversion is
higher among lower-risk customers, adverse selection can be reduced or even reversed, leading to
“advantageous” selection. This occurs when a person is less likely to engage in risk-increasing
behavior and more likely to engage in risk-decreasing behavior (Schlesinger, 2000).
6. In 2011, the European Court of Justice concluded that gender may not be used for
discrimination of any kind in insurancepricing, underwriting, or marketing (European Union,
2012). Prior to this ruling, gender was routinely used for pricing insurance. Although the precise
reasons for this change in European law remain open for debate, clearly the most obvious
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
plans may include gender to varying degrees in life, health, disability, auto,
employment practices liability, and other product lines. Consider auto and
individual life insurance as representative examples of how gender often plays a
role in differentiating between insureds.
A. Auto Insurance
Personal auto insurance rates are driven by the statistical correlations insurers
have found between claims (the frequency and severity of at-fault accidents) and
multiple variables. Although these may vary, they typically include: 1) driving
record (traffic violations and/or lack of a driving record); 2) accident history
(where the driver being priced was at fault); 3) exposure to driving risk (number of
miles driven and the degree to which these are for commute versus “pleasure”
driving); 4) location (the state in which the vehicle is stored and whether the ZIP
code is considered urban, suburban, or rural); 5) age of driver (the youngest and
oldest drivers generally correlate to higher risk); 6) the type of vehicle driven (due
to differences in likelihood of theft, cost to repair and safety features/ratings); 7)
credit score (linked to probability of filing a claim, as well as cost of claims); 8)
insurance policy features (coverage limits, deductibles, and other coverage
options); and gender (Werner & Modlin, 2016).
Gender is one variable that has long been used by insurers in most states to
derive auto insurance rates. Historically, female drivers have been correlated with
lower frequency and severity of auto accidents, especially at younger driving ages
(Mannering, 1993; Li et al., 1998; Swedler et al., 2012; Insurance Institute for
Highway Safety, 2020). On the surface, while this may appear a straightforward
differential, it is not. Gender almost certainly is a proxy for other (more direct)
underwriting factors, such as amount and distance of driving, reasons for driving,
and driving distractions.
Statistics generally reveal that, all else the same, males are a higher risk for at
least five reasons: 1) accidents; 2) speeding; 3) driving under the influence (DUI)
convictions; 4) lack of seatbelt use; and 5) driving more expensive vehicles
(Mannering, 1993; Lord & Mannering, 2010). Men are statistically more likely to
be involved in the first three factors until their 30s or 40s. In fact, the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data show that male drivers
involved in fatal accidents are more likely to have been speeding than women.
Gender clearly is being used, to some extent, to proxy for other (less known or
even observable) variables. But gender is used as a pricing factor because it shows
as statistically relevant even after accounting for these other variables, at least
insomuch as the other variables are observable and known. Thus, if a male and
female each apply for auto insurance, with all other factors (such as accident and
motivation for prohibiting gender as a rating factor is to limit negative stereotypes, so that
regardless of gender, an individual would receive equal access to insurance products.
7. Data taken directly from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website
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© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
driving record and vehicle details) equal, in states where allowed, most insurers
charge the male a higher price due to an insurer’s statistical expectation that males
will be responsible for more losses.
Although most insurers’ rating plans have the factors related to gender set to
charge lower rates for women than men, all else the same, this does not mean that
all females pay less than all males. Female drivers who have more other negative
attributes in the rating plan may pay more than men who have fewer other
negative attributes.
The use of gender in auto insurance underwriting and pricing has become
controversial. Some of the controversy relates to a narrowing of the loss/claims
gap between males and females and thus instability in gender as a rating factor
over time. This potential instability in the distinct male-female risk differential
may owe both to societal changes over time, as well as within-insured changes
over time. Culturally, females and males may have more similar reasons for being
on the road than in the past and may have adopted more similar driving behaviors
as well (American Automobile Association, 2017). Moreover, the phase of life
may also have an impact on the other variables for which gender is used as a
A debate about gender and auto insurance rates is not new. In 1985, Montana
implemented unisex insurance legislation that required insurers to offer the same
prices and benefits for auto insurance, regardless of gender.
Since that time,
gender rights and equality have moved among the forefront of diversity and
inclusion issues that auto insurers face. As more states make changes as to how
gender is listed, and by making available a gender-neutral option, companies that
still use gender as a rating factor likely must respond with revised rating plans.
As of this writing, seven states have either banned the use of gender or require
unisex pricing in auto insurance: 1) California; 2) Hawaii; 3) Massachusetts; 4)
Michigan; 5) Montana; 6) North Carolina; and 7) Pennsylvania (National
Association of Insurance Commissioners, 2020). Other state legislatures are
looking to include a third gender option of self-identification.
This comes at a
time when insurers, lawmakers, and regulators are increasingly considering ways
in which to employ tools to focus more on driving behaviors than on proxy criteria
in underwriting and pricing. Telematics can allow insurers to tailor the pricing and
contract terms of auto insurance policies to customers, based on how many miles
and how fast they actually drive, whether they brake hard or accelerate too
quickly, and policyholder preferences.
B. Life Insurance and Life Annuities
Life-based insurance products (namely, life insurance and life annuities) are
also traditionally rated based on variables that show an actuarial relationship to
8. Mont. Code Ann. § 49-2-309 (1985).
9. In addition to banning gender, other states have moved to ban the use of educational
status, marital status, or credit scores (as cited in Prince & Schwarcz, 2020).
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© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
losses/claims. The principal rating factors generally are: 1) age (with age, the
likelihood of death increases; 2) smoking behavior and history; 3) health history
(personal and family); 4) lifestyle (vocation, avocations, financial history, and
criminal records); 5) policy features (term versus whole life, coverage length,
death benefit, and cash value options); and gender (Black et al., 2015).
Life insurance and life annuity risk (and pricing) mathematics work opposite
one another. The lives of individuals with favorable longevity factors cost less to
insure than those with less favorable longevity factors since life insurance payouts
are later on average for those who live longer. On the other hand, providing a
lifetime annuity payment to individuals with favorable longevity factors cost
insurers more than those with less favorable longevity factors since annuity
payouts last longer on average for those who live longer.
Females tend to live longer than males. In the U.S., the average life
expectancy for females is approximately five years longer than for males (Black et
al., 2015). This disparity means that when gender is used as a rating variable,
females generally pay less for life insurance than males do and more for life
annuities than males do, all else the same. Gender is a strong direct predictor of
longevity (Lemaire, 2002). This means gender may be more biologically linked to
the risk than is the case with auto insurance, and thus the proxy argument for
eliminating it as a rating factor is weak at best.
Nevertheless, in some states, the use of unisex mortality tables has become the
law, especially in cases of employer-sponsored life insurance and annuities.
Montana’s 1985 legislation to ban the use of gender in rating, for instance,
included employer-based life and annuity pricing.
C. Introduction of Gender X to Insurance
“Gender X” is the term used by some Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
to describe the third gender classification on state identification in several
jurisdictions. The X is put in place of the traditional M or F to describe the
licensee’s gender. The number of states with Gender X-related statutes continues
to rise. As states start to incorporate Gender X into their statutes, insurance
companies, DMVs and departments of insurance (DOIs) are being called upon to
apply this new standard to existing frameworks. There are several ways a state
may recognize Gender X, such as more formal documentation such as proof of
surgery, court order, or amended birth certificate. In some states, an applicant may
satisfy the requirement to select Gender X by providing a certification from a
medical or mental health provider (although there is a lot of variance as to who in
the medical community can provide this documentation). According to the
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) (2016), the
modern trend is to allow an applicant to complete a more simplified self-
attestation form vs. more formal medical documentation as it reduces liability
associated with private medical information.
10. Mont. Code Ann. § 49-2-309 (1985).
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© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
IV. Regulatory Movement to Recognize
Gender X in Personal Automobile
Massachusetts and Missouri were the first states to require drivers to have a
license (Nix,2016). Gender (often listed as “sex”) has been a required field since
the beginning. In 2017, Washington, DC, became the first jurisdiction in the
United States to enact legislation that allows for neutral gender selection on
identification (Grinberg, 2017). By creating a third gender category, nonbinary
persons are able to select the Gender X option vs. the traditional male and female
only options. Oregon, California and Maine quickly followed suit with legislation
and DMV action. Several states have proposed legislation, and others are
discussing these changes through agency directives.
In Oregon, insurers are required to “allow the applicant to accurately indicate
their official sex or gender designation on file with the DMV,” thus requiring
insurers to include a Gender X category.
Some states have been silent as to the
requirements imposed on insurers to include Gender X on the application form.
However, states have consistently demanded that any rate changes for nonbinary
drivers follow the state’s regulatory process and prohibition of unfair
Oregon requires all insurers who use gender as a rating factor to file rates for
the nonbinary class. There is some concern that new class rates will be arbitrary
due to the potentially low number of individuals in the class (Taube, 2017). One
potential recommendation is to use the female gender for rating purposes when the
third gender is used, thus providing the nonbinary insured with a more favorable
rate and avoiding unfair discrimination. This solution is not without implication.
Companies, which use this method, could be exposing themselves to fraudulent
gender identification by members of the male class seeking the nonbinary status as
a way to circumvent higher premium charges. In 2018, a young male driver in
Alberta, Canada, changed his gender identity from male to female in order to
receive a reduced auto insurance rate (Meckbach, 2018). However, if it rises to the
level of criminal misstatement on the application, some states that recognize
nonbinary identities allow for criminal penalties for such infractions.
As of 2020, 19 states across the country recognize Gender X on driver’s
licenses. Several other states have made efforts to recognize Gender X, but they
have encountered issues along the way. For example, the Indiana Bureau of Motor
Vehicles (BMV) announced that it was adding a third gender option for those who
could provide an updated birth certificate or a document from their physician. A
House Committee worked to amend a different bill to add language to define
gender as “male” or “female” to stop the BMV’s third gender option. Ultimately,
the Indiana attorney general cited that the Bureau did not have the authority to
11. OR Bulletin 2018-3 (2018).
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© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
create such an extension and adding that option would require new legislation by
the General Assembly (WTHR, 2020). In his official opinion, the Attorney
General stated that the BMV does not have the authority to change definitions of
gender and sex as they are synonymous with the Indiana code. The BMV can issue
licenses, but it cannot authorize birth certificate changes.
Illinois, New York and New Jersey have also passed laws within the last year
or so to allow for Gender X identification without a doctor’s affidavit. However,
Illinois’ law is delayed due to Real ID contract issues. The federal REAL ID Act
of 2005 was passed as an attempt to create a national standard identification. Until
the passage of this act, this responsibility was primarily guided by state law
informed by the Uniform Vehicle Code. State DMVs across the country are
essentially the agency responsible for identification verification in the U.S. If
someone wishes for their state ID to be accepted by the federal government, their
state ID must meet the Real ID Act requirements. The REAL ID Act requires
gender to be listed on licenses. However, the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) left determination of gender up to the states since states have
different requirements to be recognized as another gender than the one assigned at
birth (Minimum Standards for Driver's Licenses and Identification Cards
Acceptable by Federal Agencies for Official Purposes, 2008).
A. Economic and Social Consequences of Gender X in Insurance
Although actuaries and rate-makers develop insurance rates from available
data, the selection of the rating variables is not determined by actuaries alone.
Society has influence in these decisions, particularly regarding the fairness of
using a given variable for rating. What variable attributes influence society’s
assessment of whether it is fair for insurance purposes? Avraham (2018) and
Prince and Schwarcz (2020) offer several key attributes that might be considered
individually, and in combination, as to whether the variable: 1) statistically
discriminates with respect to the risk at hand; 2) is causal with respect to the risk;
3) is controllable by the insured; 4) is mutable; 5) perpetuates the adverse effects
of past discrimination; and 6) inhibits “socially desirable” behavior. If a
prospective variable discriminates on the basis of the risk of loss, it is more likely
fair than not fair, all else the same. This societal sense of fairness is strengthened
by causality between the variable and the risk and/or controllability. For instance,
since reckless driving is a choice and is a known cause of auto accidents and
losses, a history of reckless driving is statistically discriminating and causal with
respect to auto insurance claims, in addition to being controllable by the insured.
The last three attributes of a variable mentioned by Prince and Schwarcz
(2020)mutability, discrimination limiting/reversing, and behavior inhibiting
are further removed from a connection with the pure economics of fairness than
the first three attributes, and closer to a connection with social considerations of
fairness. A variable’s mutability pertains to its changeability, especially over time.
12. IN. Att'y Gen. Op. No. 2020-3 (March 9, 2020).
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If mutable, such as age, a variable may be viewed generally as socially fair in the
sense that everyone gets his/her chance to be on the “winning” and the “losing”
side of the variable during a lifetime. If a prospective rating variable perpetuates
negative stereotypes about a group or may result in disparate outcomes by group,
it is understandably considered by many in society to be socially disadvantageous
for use even if the economic connections are statistically valid. Last, variables that
if used may reduce “good” behaviors may be considered socially unfair to use. For
example, Prince and Schwarcz (2020) cite U.S. laws that prohibit insurers from
discriminating on the basis of intimate partner violence because such reporting
could dissuade victims of violence from seeking needed medical care or police
Generally, there is movement in state insurance laws and regulatory
implementation away from the use of gender as an underwriting and rating factor.
In the long-term, economic implications of these changes may be zero sum in
business lines where gender has been used as a proxy for risk characteristics that
have been difficult or impossible for insurers to discern. If males and females
historically used their driving time differently and/or engaged in different driving
behaviors due to social or practical differences in their traditional gender roles,
cultural and socioeconomic shifts toward less clear gender roles in society over
time will result in a natural evolution away from use of gender as an insurance
factor. In these cases, an evolution toward more granular and direct measurement
of the underlying risk characteristics may in fact result in underwriting and rating
Consideration of the economics of unisex and Gender X legislation may be
more important as a shorter-term consideration or present a long-term challenge
only in lines where biological characteristics as a direct correlate to losses remain
at issue, such as life, disability, and health insurance. We can return to our
discussions of auto insurance and life insurance, previously used for illustration of
the market problems, to consider the prospective economic and social implications
of Gender X in insurance. In the discussions below, the first three rating variable
attributes discussed abovestatistical discrimination, causality, and controlare
referred to as the economic attributes, while the latter three variable attributes
mutability, negative stereotype reinforcing, and good-behavior inhibitingare
referred to as social attributes.
B. Auto Insurance
In auto insurance, gender as a rating variable is mixed in the fairness of its
economic attributes in that it statistically discriminates, yet it is neither causal with
respect to the risk nor under the control of the insured. Even its ability to
statistically discriminate between risk levels is likely due to its use as proxy for
other, more salient variables. Auto insurance is a business line representing the use
of gender (historically, an easily discernible variable that is actuarially
appropriate) as a rating variable where the correlation between gender and losses is
likely an inferior substitute for multiple other factors (historically, not easily
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
discernible and not actuarially linked to losses) (Werner and Modlin, 2016).
Indeed, gender is not isolated in its use as a proxy for more granular, superior data.
Driving record, for example, serves primarily as historic data to proxy for current
and prospective driving behavior. The driving record is no perfect predictor of
driving behavior (and at-fault accidents). Suppose an individual engages in safer
driving habits in some part directly due to marks on the driving record. Or suppose
an individual continues to engage in risky driving behavior (and risks at-fault
accidents) due in part to having never been caught in traffic violations. It can then
be asserted that the technological capability to observe actual driving behavior in
real time, or in close proximity to real-time, at reasonable cost affords auto
insurers the opportunity to improve their auto insurance rating plans, if allowed or
required by law to do so.
With respect to its social attributes of fairness, gender as a rating variable may
be mutable as it interacts with age, since younger males and older females
generally pay more. Taken alone, however, gender is not changeable over time and
is thus not socially fair from this standpoint. Historically, gender as a variable for
pricing auto insurance has overall benefited females with lower rates than males,
so it has served in the auto line to limit or offset the discrimination females are
known to experience in the purchase of some other goods and services. As Gender
X is introduced as a gender identity for auto insurance purposes, however, a more
complex discrimination picture emerges. Trans* individuals share in common with
females a history of unfavorable societal discrimination, and if not afforded the
same rating as females, they could suffer the reinforcement of negative stereotypes
about nontraditional gender identities. To the extent that such stereotypes result in
a fear of self-identifying with gender, trans* individuals could be hesitant to
purchase auto insurance in cases where there is no mandate to do so, and thus
inhibit the purchase of a desirable social good.
We would not expect that the pricing and other economic implications that
result from replacing gender with a superior rating variable would be shouldered
disproportionately by a particular gendermale, female, or Gender X. If,
however, gender is removed as a rating variable without replacement (via
widespread introduction of unisex legislation) or is still used with the introduction
of a self-reported, third gender identity (Gender X) option, market problems in
auto insurance may be created, at least in the short term. Unisex legislation would
result in cross-subsidization between and among genders in order to arrive at the
“average” gender-neutral rate, presumably at a disproportionate cost to females,
who when differentiated from males have historically paid less for auto insurance,
all else the same. If instead gender remains a rating factor, and Gender X is
allowed as a third gender option that is initially charged the female base rate, there
would be an economic incentive for males to report as Gender X. If higher losses
are experienced by Gender X risk pools than by female risk pools, eventually the
Gender X base rate would necessarily rise commensurate with the implied risk
differential. As such, any “gaming” advantage and potential for adverse selection
effects in the self-report of gender would be temporary and enjoyed only for the
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time required for the market pricing to “catch up” actuarially to the market loss
C. Life Insurance and Life Annuities
In life and longevity-sensitive retirement lines of business, gender is a fair
rating variable based on the economic attributes of statistical discrimination and
causality, while unfair based on the economic attribute of control. Life insurance
and life annuity products are fair representatives of insurance lines that employ
gender as a rating variable where the correlation between gender and losses is
potentially both a direct measure of biological differences that correlate with
losses, as well as a proxy for multiple other factors (such as behavioral risk
differences that are not adequately captured by including occupation, hobbies, and
other lifestyle choices as separate variables) (Black et al., 2015). The economic
implications of including Gender X in these lines may follow the narrative
asserted for auto insurance above. A noteworthy difference between these lines
and auto insurance, however, is the offsetting rate effect between life insurance
and annuities. While females may pay less for life insurance, they pay more for
life annuities, all else equal. Thus, the question of unfair discrimination in these
lines that could arise from the introduction of Gender X may be less pronounced
than in auto insurance, at least if the question is addressed across products (rate
equity taking both life insurance and life annuities into account) rather than within
products (rate equity as measured within the life insurance and life annuity
products separately).
With respect to its social fairness attributes, gender as a rating variable in
longevity-based insurance has no merits. Lacking mutability, gender then is
considered socially on the basis of its value to limit-reverse past discrimination
and/or promote desirable behavior. There is no evidence that genderespecially
with the introduction of Gender Xmeets either of these fairness considerations.
Similar to the market challenges that could be created within auto insurance,
the introduction of Gender X on a self-reporting basis could incentivize short-term
gaming of life insurance and life annuity purchases. While an individual who
purchases only life insurance or only a life annuity does have an economic
incentive to consider pricing differences in reporting the insured’s gender, an
individual who purchases both products may have less or no incentive to do so.
Despite individual gaming in the short term, the longer-term and arguably larger
public policy challenge may be related to life insurance and annuity values and
payouts based on gender-related income disparities (Black et al., 2015).
A special cautionary note on unisex rating: Movements by additional states
toward unisex rating are not surprising, even in life insurance and annuities, if we
consider the social attributes of fairness along with the economic attributes. One
potential implication of such a policy strategy will be “cherry-picking” or “cream
skimming” by insurers. If allowed by law, insurers for which use rating is viewed
as restrictive may charge an “average” rate across genders as required, but still
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© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
utilize the gender characteristic to identify, attract, and select insureds that are
considered lower risk from within the insurable population.
D. Opportunities to Create Trust With the LGBTQIA+
1. The Importance of Trust Within the Insurance Relationship
There are at least two factors that can endanger the trust between insurers and
their insureds. One challenge is related to a lack of consumer awareness regarding
the insurer’s unique pricing situation (Werner & Modlin, 2016) and the other has
to do with the loss of the “certainty effect” related to claims payments by insurers
(Stewart & Stewart, 2001).
First, the insurance industry is arguably the only industry in which its players
(insurers) must price their products prior to knowing the cost of goods sold.
Almost all products and services entail known costs (e.g., raw supplies, labor), and
prices are set competitively to cover these costs, with a margin added for
profitability. In the insurance market, on the other hand, while portions of the
insurer’s costs are known at the time of sale (e.g., underwriting expenses and
reinsurance premiums), the largest portionlosses (or claims) is unknown.
Thus, insurers set rates (and ultimately prices) based on the expected value of
losses, adding loadings for expenses, profits, and contingencies (Werner &
Modlin, 2016). Since consumers are unaccustomed to purchases where costs are
unknown, it is easy to mistake insurance pricing as an arbitrary, or even
malevolent, process.
Second, the speed and certainty with which insurers pay for losses (and
claims) as promised in an insurance contract have both decreased over time,
particularly in commercial property and liability insurance (Stewart & Stewart,
2001). Although this decline in policyholder certainty is not necessarily found in
personal lines of insurance overall, the authors acknowledge that “... some
companies have the reputation for paying fairly and some do not, their reputations
based on people’s collective experience with an extremely large number of
claims.” The certainty effect, a psychological effect believed by psychologists and
economists to contribute favorably to the demand for insurance, may be eroded by
this variability in outcomes and perceptions. The certainty effect is a psychological
result from the reduction of probability from certain to probable, such that people
overweight outcomes that are considered certain over outcomes that are possible
yet uncertain (Tversky & Kahneman, 1986). The prospect of certainty provided by
insurance traditionally has arguably been diminished, leaving insurance consumers
less optimistic about the prospect of claims payments, even if in actuality the
certainty and timing of claims payments have decreased for justifiable reasons.
Loss of the certainty effect, when analyzed theoretically, has adverse economic
implications for insurance markets. Generally, the theoretical consensus is that if
insurance is seen by consumers as uncertain and/or unreliable, the result is a
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discounting of the perceived value of insurance to the consumer (Stewart &
Stewart, 2001).
2. The Problem of Trust Within Trans* Consumer Experience
Any concerns about consumer confidence in the insurance industry may be
amplified when considering the experiences of trans* and nonbinary persons as
financial consumers. While it is impossible to speculate specific trans* and
nonbinary distrust in insurance per se, it is clear that trans* and nonbinary
consumers face significant challenges from a variety of day-to-day interactions.
From applying for driver’s licenses to filling out federal financial forms for
college assistance, trans* and nonbinary individuals find significant challenges
and face the potential for harassment and even physical violence in completing the
most basic of tasks (Nicolazzo, 2017, p. 34). To more fully illustrate this point, let
us take a look at one of the most pressing barriers for trans* and nonbinary
individuals, interactions with the health insurance industry around gender
affirming care (Stroumsa et al., 2020, p. 528). Specific examples of these barriers
are evidenced by high rates of homelessness, structural barriers to accessing
gender affirming care, lack of access to gender confirmation and knowledgeable
physicians, and blatant transphobia in many health care settings (Stroumsa et al.,
2020, p. 528).
This is particularly relevant when many trans* and nonbinary individuals face
barriers because they do not “pass” as the gender that they identify with
(Antommaria, 2018, p. 22). The term “passing” refers to an individual’s ability to
fit the schema of a particular gender identity. An example would be a
transmasculine identified individual who still looks and sounds feminine because
of a lack of access to gender affirming hormones (Stroumsa et al., 2020, p. 529).
Imagine the stress of using he/him/his pronouns, the prefix mister, and still not
passing as masculine because other people schematize them as female. The open
transphobia, distrust, and even pathologizing of the individuals makes interacting
with professional services uncomfortable and even potentially dangerous. This
becomes a vicious cycle where folks need gender affirming hormones to feel
comfortable interacting with others, but as many as one-fourth of trans* and
nonbinary individuals avoid seeking health care precisely because they fear
mistreatment because of their gender presentation (Stroumsa et al., 2020, p. 529).
This problem is exacerbated by region: With nondiscrimination policies for
private insurance and Medicaid lacking in the Midwest and southern states, many
trans* and nonbinary individuals in these regions face a greater likelihood of
having their claims denied (Bakko & Kattari, 2019, p. 1699; (Antommaria, 2018,
p. 23). Taking into account other intersectional identities such as sexuality, race,
and socioeconomic status, access to care for these twice marginalized
positionalities confounds the problem even further (dickey et al., 2016, p. 226).
With these structural barriers to even the most basic health care in mind, it is easy
to see how trans* and nonbinary individuals may have a lack of confidence in the
insurance industry more broadly than just in health insurance. And the issue may
be greater than a lack of confidence; it may well constitute a significant distrust in
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
their own safety and sense of dignity when approaching insurance and other
financial services providers. If a health care provider does not honor an
individual’s gender identity, why would one assume that an auto insurer would,
unless explicit and advertised options existed with these identities in mind?
3. Self-Selection Option
Before considering three distinct trans* scenarios, it is critical to consider the
size of the impacted population. First, it should be noted that there is fierce debate
about trans* population (Nicolazzo, 2017, p. 21). There are a variety of relevant
factors to consider in the count, including self-selection, transition, and definition.
Some numbers have been posited, suggesting that somewhere between 0.3% to 2%
of the population may identify as trans*, but these numbers have limitations
(Nicolazzo, 2017, p. 22). It should also be noted that with any marginalized
identity, “counting” is problematic due to the history of identity policing that has
occurred in these communities (Nicolazzo, 2017, p. 22). Finally, while the term
trans* is used as an inclusive term here, trans* should not be conflated with the
term “transsexual,” which implies gender confirmation surgery; therefore, the term
trans* should be considered much larger and inclusive in scope (Nicolazzo, 2017,
p. 23). Despite any ambiguity with regard to its size, the trans* population, by any
count, is considerable and adequate to support the importance of the arguments in
this paper on a pragmatic basis.
Three self-selection scenarios are provided below that invite the reader into an
individual insured’s trans* experience. Transmasculine, transfeminine and
nonbinary individuals are each considered in turn. In each of the scenarios, it is
worthwhile to consider the factors that lead insurers to charge male identified
individuals more than female identified individuals. If it is accepted as given that
men are more prone to accidents, one might want to ask why this is the case. There
is a social lens that suggests that men and boys are constructed to be more prone to
risk-taking behaviors as they are often less policed in their actions as children than
girls and young women are. There is also a biological lens that suggests that there
are chemical responses that might play into the decision-making process. Both of
these lenses become salient based on identification, transition, and presentation.
Scenario 1: Transmasculine Insured (assigned at birth as female but identifies as
trans-male on auto insurance application).
Transmasculine identified individuals have a distinct set of challenges in
relation to identification, transition, and presentation. In terms of the social lens, a
transmasculine individual may well have had the lived experience and socially
constructed performance of “woman” for a significant portion of their life. That is
to say, their lived understanding of the world has been formed by their
performance of gender to date. When the individual first identified as trans*, when
they began to present as masculine, and the extent to which they have access to
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and gender confirmation surgery (GCS), all
affect this lived experience as trans* masculine.
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Access to and utilization of both HRT and GCS both become salient when
thinking from a biological lens. Recognizing first that the transmasculine
individual may well already have primary and secondary sex characteristics that
are traditionally classified as male is critical in ensuring that biology is not
essentialized based on sex assigned at birth. From this point, understanding that
access to gender affirming care is a barrier for many transmasculine individuals
helps to contextualize that they might not have had access to testosterone, and it
should not be assumed that there are chemical or hormonal influences at play that
might influence the individual’s driving habits.
Scenario 2: Transfeminine Insured (assigned at birth as male, but identifies as
female on auto insurance application).
Transfeminine identified individuals also face a distinct yet different set of
challenges in relation to identification, transition, and presentation. In terms of the
social lens, a transfeminine individual may well have had the lived experience and
socially constructed performance of “man” for a significant portion of their life.
That is to say, their lived understanding of the world has been formed by their
performance of gender to date, and their presentation may be influenced by a
variety of factors, including access to gender affirming health care, safety, and
their ability to pass. When the individual first identified as trans*, when they
began to present as feminine, and the extent to which they have access to HRT and
GCS all affect this lived experience as transfeminine.
Access to and utilization of both HRT and GCS both become salient when
thinking from a biological lens. Recognizing first that the transfeminine individual
may well already have primary and secondary sex characteristics that are
traditionally classified as female is critical in ensuring that biology is not
essentialized based on sex assigned at birth. From this point, understanding that
access to gender affirming care is a barrier for many transfeminine individuals
helps to understand that they might not have had access to estrogen, and it should
not be assumed that there are chemical or hormonal influences at play that might
influence the individual’s driving habits. Additionally, issues related to passing,
stealth, and presentation are often more complex with transfeminine individuals.
Transfeminine individuals often face the greatest risks of physical danger of
any members of the LGBTQIA+ community, often perpetuated by cisgender
straight men. Recognizing that transfeminine individuals might vary in their
presentation is critical: They might present as men for their own safety, or might
present convincingly as women, and care should be made not to make assumptions
or ask inappropriate questions related to identity or whether or not the individual
has undergone gender confirmation surgeries.
Scenario 3: Nonbinary Insured (regardless of sex assigned at birth, identifies as
nonbinary or genderqueer on auto insurance application).
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
This third scenario is somewhat more complex as sex assigned at birth,
identification, and expression might vary significantly with individuals who
identify as nonbinary. In terms of sex assigned at birth, a nonbinary individual
might have been assigned male or female, but it is essential to recognize that this
does not mean that this individual has exclusively male or exclusively female
primary and secondary sex characteristics, as it is possible that these individuals
are intersex. From the biological lens, this matters because it should not be
assumed that these individuals have biological factors related to sex identification
that would influence their driving habits one way or the other.
In terms of identification, or gender identity, this individual might have the
lived experience of presenting either as masculine or feminine, or a mixture of
both, and it should not be assumed that there are social factors that influence
driving habits on the basis of sex or gender identity. An individual might have
been assigned male at birth, and presented masculine for a period of time,
presented feminine for a period of time, or presented in an androgynous fashion.
Alternatively, an individual might have been assigned female at birth, and
presented feminine for a period of time, presented masculine for a period of time
and, or presented in an androgynous fashion.
It is for these reasons that gender expression should be seen as distinct from
gender identity. A nonbinary individual may present as masculine, feminine, or a
mixture, but this presentation is distinct from identity. Even if a nonbinary
individual is assigned female at birth and undergoes HRT or GCS to present
masculine, this does not make them a trans man; rather they are a masculine
presenting nonbinary individual. Because of the complexities of these aspects of
sex and gender identity and expression, it is critical that the insurer not make
assumptions about either social or biological factors in relation to driving habits.
E. Regulatory Hurdles/Issues
The recognition of nonbinary persons brings a host of regulatory issues. At
the most basic level is whose role it is to define gender and implement changes at
the state level and at what point that responsibility transfers to the agencies such as
the DMV or DOI. Many of the earlier laws providing for Gender X on state
licenses failed to guide insurance companies on pricing, which left insurance
regulators and companies scrambling to figure out the best model to move
forward. The sudden demand for interpretation is reminiscent of the notorious
“House Bill 2” in North Carolina, which roused equal rights activists and posed
severe challenges resulting in significant economic loss based on how different
entities responded.
13. The Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, also known as House Bill 2, was a 2016
North Carolina Statute that compelled schools and public facilities offering single gendered
bathrooms to only allow people to use those bathrooms associated with the “sex” listed on their
birth certificate. The statute was later repealed. The statute was partially repealed in 2017, and
the remaining sections were repealed in 2020.
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
It is relatively easy for a state to add Gender X for state licenses as it is mostly
dependent on software updates and staff training. The California DMV estimated a
one-time cost of $880,000 and ongoing costs of $45,000 a year to offer nonbinary
licenses (Norwood, 2019). Some states believe they will be able to absorb costs
into other update projects, while others like Indiana struggle with how to navigate
these changes timely when they are in the middle of service contracts.
One opponent of California’s legislation suggested that the Gender X option
did not provide biological accuracy, which could pose a challenge in the event of a
medical emergency when the person is unconscious (Norwood, 2019). Arguably,
Gender X provides more accurate information in the event of a medical emergency
as it gives medical and hospital personnel information regarding how the person
wishes to be identified and treated in the hospital particularly around more
traditionally gendered decisions such as room sharing.
The AAMVA discusses best practices for implementing Gender X options
(AAMVA, 2016). It recommends an easy-to-understand form for applicants to
submit for a change, including an attestation of gender identity to be signed by a
variety of licensed providers. It also recommends removing the requirement for
documented surgery/procedure, court order, and amended birth certificate. Finally,
the AAMVA recommends sensitivity training and guidance for agency personnel
on protecting private information.
F. Recommendations to Ameliorate Unfair Discrimination and
Enhance Trust
This paper focuses on an issue of “fairness” and unfair discrimination within
insurance, and most particularly within auto insurance. We assert that the use of
gender in setting rates represents a form of unfair discrimination, and here we
suggest recommendations to ameliorate the problem.
1. Long-Term Option: Elimination of the Gender Rating Variable, or
Unisex Rating
The ideal solution is to eliminate gender as a rating factor, and use actual loss
exposure and driving behavior for rating and underwriting. Telematics are capable
of gathering and transmitting driving information in real time to information
centers, and can benefit insurers and insured drivers. Gender has been included in
auto insurance rating as a proxy variable for driving behavior to explain
historically observed differences in accident rates and severities between males
and females (Werner & Modlin, 2016). Although the DMV driving record has
historically been used as a more direct representative variable for driving behavior,
it is an imperfect measure at best; it serves only as a measure of poor or
unacceptable driving behaviors, and even then, it only captures this data in cases
where a driver is formally cited by law enforcement for traffic violations.
Usage-based insurance (UBI) is gaining popularity, and many auto insurers
are beginning to offer it as an option to customers. UBI telematics can help
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
insurers more accurately estimate accident damages and reduce fraud by enabling
them to directly measure driving habits continually, as well as analyze accident
data. Abruptness and frequency of braking, speed of acceleration, number of miles
driven, and the time(s) of day driven are important examples of UBI data for
which the technology exists to capture variables that are relevant to establish
accident exposure, driving behavior, and vehicle performance at the point of
insurance underwriting and/or claim. Aside from its behavioral pricing and loss
control benefits, the advent of telematics technologies simultaneously serves
another benefit to the insurance marketplace. UBI programs also make possible
the underwriting of auto insurance on the basis of actual (rather than average, or
expected) exposure, charging insured drivers premium only for the miles driven in
a specified period. Changes in consumer demand for auto insurance that are
aligned with changes in the demand for autos are important to the future of the
auto insurance industry.
Privacy concerns Voluntary UBI programs already exist and have met with
resistance in some states due to privacy concerns. The exposure and behavior
tracking systems do reveal powerful information that, once known (and especially
if publicly available), could be used or even misused for other than just fair
discrimination in insurance. In response, some states have authorized legislation
that requires disclosure of tracking practices and devices. Additionally, some
insurers choose to collect only limited data. Social acceptance of this sort of open
information and sharing is increasing as more technology devices (e.g.,
smartphones, tablets, and GPS devices) and social media networks (e.g.,
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) become the norm and as today’s teenage and
young adult population, who are less privacy-oriented than their elders (Regan et
al., 2013; Jiang et al., 2016), make up an increasing portion of the driving
Legislative and regulatory challenges This recommendation would require state
legislation in many states to allow insurers to: 1) require insured drivers to
participate in UBI programs; and 2) collect, transmit, and use driving data to
develop upward as well as downward rating adjustments rather than just to
produce premium discounts.
Telematics has not yet been introduced as a
requirement in the personal lines. Indeed, as of the time of this writing, there is no
model law as yet that speaks to the use of telematics in underwriting and pricing
for purposes of fair discrimination in personal auto insurance. Neither has any
state created legislation to this end so far.
States that require insurers to obtain approval for the use of new rating plans,
such as those with prior-approval, file-and-use, or even use-and-file laws may
impede UBI plans, intentionally or inadvertently. Rate filings usually must include
14. Telematics or usage-based insurance is not without its own challenges in regulating
privacy issues, interaction between telematics, existing anti-rebating laws, and profitability given
the costliness of implementation (NAIC, 2021).
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
statistical data that supports the proposed new rating structure. An insurer who
does not have past UBI experience may find it difficult to get rating filings
approved, lacking historic data to establish UBI rating variables as fair for rating
purposes. Other requirements could create roadblocks for UBI programs as well
(e.g., the necessity of continuous insurance coverage, upfront statement of
premium charge, set expiration date, and guaranteed renewability). Additionally,
while no state law specifically governs telematics, some privacy laws may apply,
as described previously in this section.
Cost and competitive concerns UBI programs depend on what is today
expensive technology to track and refine driving data. Developing and
implementing a UBI program can be costly and resource-intensive to insurers,
especially given that UBI remains an emerging area with uncertainty surrounding
how and to what extent tracked data should be integrated into existing or new
rating plans. Plus, already-tight profit margins may be tightened further by insured
drivers opting voluntarily into UBI ratings for reduced premium charges.
Despite the cost disincentives, the competitive landscape for auto insurance
has begun to demand that insurers drift (at a minimum) to UBI capabilities.
Estimated at $19.6 billion in 2021, the UBI market size is projected to reach $66.8
billion by 2026, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 27.7% during the
five-year forecasted period.
Lower insurance premiums compared to traditional
insurance, increasing adoption of connected car services, and growing on-road
autonomous capabilities of vehicles can be expected to drive the demand for the
UBI market. The longer game for insurers who desire to fight to stay in the auto
(and particularly auto liability) insurance business is to solve the problem of
original equipment manufacturers and InsurTech firms that are positioning to own
the data and want to compete to insure/warranty self-driving vehicles and their
2. Short-Term Option: Inclusion of a Third Gender Category in Rating
As discussed in earlier sections, several states now allow for a driver to select
a third gender identity, Gender X. Commensurate with this inclusive move, states
can also require insurers to recognize Gender X as a separate and distinct category
for the gender rating variable. While this solution could serve as a stop-gap
measure until such time as telematics and UPI are fully implemented for auto
insurance pricing and underwriting purposes, it does pose its own problems. The
primary issue is the lack of existing accident data attributable to Gender X.
Arguably, by such time as states and insurers develop adequate data to accurately
15. See the market forecast at
based-insurance-market-154621760.html and a recent 2020 J.D. Power consumer survey having
results that are consistent with this forecast at
16. See e.g. KPMG, The Chaotic Middle: The Autonomous Vehicle and Disruption in
Automobile Insurance, last updated June 2017,
2017/06/chaotic-middle-autonomous-vehicle-paper.pdf (a white paper).
Journal of Insurance Regulation
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
use Gender X as a third category of the gender rating variable, the legislation to
authorize the use of telematics for rating and underwriting may well be achieved.
Short of charging Gender X its own separate and distinct rate, auto insurers
may be under pressure to find ways to favorably rate insured drivers within the
trans* community. This might be accomplished either by charging the lower of the
existing binary gender-based rating values to those in the trans* community, or by
using a blended approach where trans* insureds are charged the average of the
rates charged to males and females. This stop-gap solution is limited only by the
willingness of those in the trans* communities to self-identify. This approach
nevertheless may create similar problems for other insureds to those that it
temporarily solves for the trans* community since favorably rating for one group
may result in arguments of unfair discrimination by other groups. Favorable
treatment of those in the trans* community could spark controversy among
insureds regarding whether such treatment discriminates on the basis of the risk of
G. Conclusions and Implications
This article contributes to the body of literature on gender and insurance
pricing/underwriting. In recent years, the insurance industry has started to engage
in active discussion regarding historically marginalized groups, such as the
LGBTQ+ community, both as an employer and as a supplier. Gender X options on
driver’s licenses create an opportunity for these diversity and inclusion efforts to
have meaningful impact, create a pathway for systemic change, and
simultaneously build trust between insurers and the LGBTQ+ community.
Gender identity: 1) is outside the control of the insured; 2) is immutable; 3) is
not shown to be risk causal; 4) perpetuates negative stereotypes; and 5) potentially
inhibits socially valuable behavior (and may even inhibit the purchase of
insurance), all of which are attributes that imply the rating variable may be unfair
for use in pricing insurance (Avraham, 2018; Prince & Schwarcz, 2020). Thus,
despite the statistical discrimination that the use of the male-female dichotomy of
gender-based rating may achieve, this form of actuarial discrimination is
undesirable overall, based on evaluation of the other economic and social
Insurance suppliers and regulators can choose to proactively build trust with
their communities, thereby improving consumer relations by working to remedy
the effects of past discrimination experienced by trans* individuals. This can be
accomplished in straightforward ways, via advantageous pricing and underwriting.
With the evolution of the insurance industry toward predictive analytics, gender-
based pricing may be moot in the near future. Rather than continue to use an
antiquated rating variable, it is timely for the insurance industry and insurance
regulators to capitalize on the opportunity now for positive societal impact in
pricing modernization. Indeed, in auto insurance, the argument for modernization
is strongest as: 1) the gender rating variable likely only proxies for driving
behavior that would be better explained by more granular information (e.g.,
Gender X and Auto Insurance
© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
specific driving behaviors); and 2) increasingly self-driving vehicles de-
personalize the underlying risks associated with insuring vehicles and
The willingness of trans* community members to be honest with auto insurers
is yet unknown, but efforts made by insurers to ensure the fairness of pricing
discrimination will serve only to enhance trust with the trans* community, and
thereby increase the likelihood that trans* insured drivers will: 1) be open with
insurers in the underwriting process; and 2) purchase non-compulsory coverages,
all else the same. A secondary question is whether changes to the auto insurance
rating plans be compulsory or market-driven. Auto insurers have a competitive
incentive to move to telematics usage and to rating plans that are based on actual
driving exposure and behavior for pricing accuracy (i.e., fair discrimination).
Given that the regulatory and operational impediments to full telematics usage can
take time to overcome, it may be advantageous to take stop-gap measures
compulsory and allow the market to migrate to telematics.
The insurance market’s unwritten social compact with the publicone
premised on protectionis strengthened by more inclusive insurance pricing (and
underwriting) policies. There exists a largely untapped market for insurance in the
trans* and trans*-allied communities, with a population of millions in the U.S.
alone. Optimization of trust and the certainty effect within these groups can
contribute to increased insurance demand by insurable individuals across multiple
lines of business, producing both socially and economically desirable outcomes.
Notwithstanding short-term market problems and frictions that may occur, the
economics of introducing Gender X (and ultimately, eliminating gender from
pricing altogether) make good business and regulatory sense.
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© 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Journal of Insurance Regulation
Guidelines for Authors
Submissions should relate to the regulation of insurance. They may include
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alphabetical list of authors as shown below.
Cummins, J. David and Richard A. Derrig, eds., 1989. Financial Models of
Insurance Solvency, Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Manders, John M., Therese M. Vaughan and Robert H. Myers, Jr., 1994.
“Insurance Regulation in the Public Interest: Where Do We Go from Here?”
Journal of Insurance Regulation, 12: 285.
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 1992. An Update of the NAIC
Solvency Agenda, Jan. 7, Kansas City, Mo.: NAIC.
“Spreading Disaster Risk,” 1994. Business Insurance, Feb. 28, p. 1.
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