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Running Backs in the NFL Dra and NFL
Combine: Can Performance be Predicted?
Chris Blees
Claremont McKenna College
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Blees, Chris, "Running Backs in the NFL Dra and NFL Combine: Can Performance be Predicted?" (2011). CMC Senior eses. Paper
APRIL 25, 2011
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the completion of this
thesis in any way, shape, or form. First, I would like to thank my entire family, especially
my father Jonathan, for helping me with my writing for so many years. I would like to
thank my mother Carri, for providing constant support and reassurance through this entire
process. I would also like to thank Tejas Gala for his tremendous help and friendship not
just with this paper, but with all aspects of CMC. Finally, I would like to thank my reader
Professor Heather Antecol. Without her support and her willingness to help me with the
project, this thesis would not have been possible.
Berri and Simmons (2009) investigate the relationship between the NFL Combine
and the NFL Draft. They find that a quarterback’s performance in the Combine can have
a significant impact on that player’s draft position. However, they find that no known
aspect of a quarterback before they are drafted is an indicator of success in the NFL. I
examine if these relationships exist for the Running Back position. I find similar results
to Berri and Simmons: that performance in the Combine does have an effect on that
player’s draft position, but that no aspect of a running back’s pre-draft characteristics can
be seen as a sign of future NFL success.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
2. Literature Review ........................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Value of NFL Draft Picks ......................................................................................... 4
2.2 Evaluation of NFL Performance ............................................................................... 5
2.3 Evaluation of NBA Prospects ................................................................................... 8
3. Data................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 NFL Draft Data ....................................................................................................... 10
3.2 NFL Combine Data ................................................................................................. 11
3.3 NFL and NCAA Performance................................................................................. 13
4. Estimation and Results................................................................................................. 17
4.1 Determinants of NFL Draft position ....................................................................... 17
4.2 Determinants of NFL Performance......................................................................... 19
5. Conclusions................................................................................................................... 22
Tables and Figures ............................................................................................................ 24
References......................................................................................................................... 29
1. Introduction
The National Football League (NFL) is the largest professional athletic league in
the United States, with league-wide revenue of over 7.5 billion dollars
. The league
consists of 32 franchises, comprised of no more than 53 players per team. Each season,
teams play 16 regular season games, followed by a 12-team, single elimination playoff
After the conclusion of each season, the NFL holds a draft in which teams take
turns selecting players from NCAA universities, or athletes that are three seasons
removed from their high school graduation.
The order of this draft is determined by the
success—or lack thereof—of teams during the previous regular season: teams with losing
records are given earlier selections, while those teams that were more successful are
slotted into later positions.
This reverse-order system is seen as a way to enhance a
league’s competitive balance, with the worst teams receiving the best new players, and
theoretically improving over time.
Such a system only works, however, if the franchises possessing the first picks in
the draft are able to correctly identify prospects that will achieve success in the NFL.
Massey and Thaler (2010) investigate this market for NFL draft picks, finding that the
market value of high draft picks is much higher than the surplus value such picks add to
the performance of the team, specifically because “teams overestimate their ability to
discriminate between stars and flops” (p. 3). Berri and Simmons (2009) provide further
Quinn, K. G. (2008). Player drafts in the major North American sports leagues. In B. Humphreys & D.
Howard (Eds.), The business of sport (Vol. 3, pp. 191-218). Westport, CT: Praeger.
evidence that NFL teams are incapable of identifying prospects that will have successful
careers by looking at what is widely viewed as the most significant indicator of future
NFL success: the NFL Combine.
The NFL Combine is a multi-day event measuring the size, speed, strength, and
other tangible skills of collegiate prospects. Commentators such as ESPN’s Mel Kiper Jr.
pontificate extensively on the outcomes of the NFL combine, with the belief that this
event can in some way predict future success in the NFL. However, Berri and Simmons
(2009) show that performance in this event has not been a significant predictor of future
success in the NFL.
I look to expand the work of Berri and Simmons (2009) to a position that has not
been examined in such a manner before: the Running Back. While Berri and Simmons
investigate only the draft and combine characteristics of the quarterback position, I look
at the relation of a running back’s pre-draft and combine measurements to their draft
position and future success. I begin by looking at the decision making process of
franchises in the NFL draft, expanding the model established by Berri and Simmons to
analyze the correlation between a prospect’s performance in the NFL Combine as well as
their college performance and their draft position. I then examine whether the factors
teams base their draft decisions off of are indicators of future success in the NFL by a
similar regression. Essentially, whether teams can accurately predict the success of a
running back prospect based on factors known to them at the time of the draft, or if the
selection process is more luck than skill, with no reliable way to predict NFL success in
I find similar results to Berri and Simmons’ examination of quarterbacks, as
several characteristics of running backs are related to their draft position. This suggests
that teams base their draft decisions around certain tests in the NFL Combine for running
backs as well as quarterbacks. However, these same measurements of Combine and
college performance hold only a slight correlation to future performance in the NFL,
suggesting that there is little way to accurately predict the success of a running back in
the league, and that the NFL draft is mainly a random chance game.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes relevant
literature. Section 3 explains the data and variables used. Section 4 discusses the
econometric theory behind the evaluation of prospects. Section 4 illustrates my findings
and further analysis. Section 5 concludes the paper with a summary of findings and future
2. Literature Review
The value and analysis of NFL draft picks has grown tremendously over past
years. There are numerous studies on the NFL draft and the decision making process
professional sports teams perform. My paper combines previously done work while
implementing new measures to evaluate running backs in the NFL draft. I will look at
literature examining the value of an NFL draft pick, as well as work discussing the
evaluation of talent in the National Basketball Association. Furthermore, I will also look
at how performance has been evaluated in the NFL and NCAA, amending certain
procedures to include more relevant measures. These three strands of literature are linked
by their relevance to my study, as I examine the NFL draft, as well as how prospects are
2.1 Value of NFL Draft Picks
The organization of the NFL draft implies that earlier picks have a higher value to
teams than do later ones. Massey and Thaler (2010) investigate the surplus value of a
draft pick—the difference between the projected economic value of a pick and that pick’s
compensation cost, in this case salary—relative to other draft picks. Using draft data from
1991-2002, their research indicates that the surplus value of a draft pick peaks in the
second round of the draft, and that NFL teams severely overvalue the early picks in the
draft. Despite this fact, Massey and Thaler note that NFL teams do not act rationally by
trading for lower draft picks, those with higher surplus value, but instead place a
premium on those high picks.
To examine this, Massey and Thaler determine the ‘market value of draft picks
by examining the trades that have taken place in previous drafts. In their research,
Massey and Thaler estimated parameter values to determine the exponential decay in
value of draft picks, relative to the first overall pick. Their research shows that the
market value of draft picks determined by previous trades is extremely ordered—that is,
the observed value matches the expected curve exceedingly well.
Massey and Thaler (2010) also discuss the steep drop in value seen throughout the
picks in the first round. They note the drop in market value of picks in the first round is as
great as 50% from the first pick to the 10
, and market value drops another 50% from the
pick to the end of the first round. Furthermore, they argue that this decrease in value
is far too drastic. Massey and Thaler explain that the market value of picks has moved
further away from rational pricing with time, as teams have placed even higher values on
top picks in recent years. Massey and Thaler conclude that the market value of a draft
pick far outweighs the actual value added (surplus value) of the respective draft pick. It
is worth noting that Massey and Thaler do not argue against the general principle that
earlier picks perform better in the NFL, rather that the economic value of their
performance is not as high as the bargain that later draft picks present.
Further research has been done on the value that the NFL draft holds for the
success of teams in the league. Bienkowski (2009) noted the importance of drafting
successfully in the first round of the NFL draft. Bienkowski explores the correlation
between successful drafting and winning percentage for NFL teams between 1995 and
2004. By developing a rating system for draft picks from 1-5, with a player rating of 5
signifying a consistently great player at their position, the research determined that there
is a positive correlation between a high draft score and a high winner percentage during
the same period. Bienkowski concludes that one of the surest ways for a NFL team to win
consistently is to get good value out of their first round draft picks. The fact that the draft
holds such an importance, yet NFL franchises do not value their draft picks properly is
cause for concern amongst teams in the league, and opens arbitrage opportunities for
teams able to correctly value picks in the draft.
2.2 Evaluation of NFL Performance
The NFL draft has evolved into a multi-month process, wherein seemingly every
characteristic of each possible prospect is measured and reviewed excessively. Although
it is primarily the responsibility of each franchise’s General Manager
to review and
ultimately decide whom to draft, each team allocates an incredible amount of resources
The general manager of a NFL football team is responsible for all player transactions, as well as coaching
towards player evaluation. A prospect’s statistics in the NFL Combine are considered
some of the most important characteristics in draft position. Indeed, multiple prospects
have become known as “Workout Warriors,” wherein their draft position increases
significantly due to their performance at the Combine.
During the Combine, prospects
perform in a set of standardized tests and evaluations, most notable measures of speed
(such as, the 40 yard dash and 20 yard shuffle) and measures of strength (such as, the
bench press).
Berri and Schmidt (2010) expand on the work of Massey and Thaler (2010),
researching individual players chosen in the draft, as opposed to strictly the position of
the draft pick. In their research, Berri and Schmidt designed a model to see what
characteristics of quarterbacks most significantly determine their draft position, noting
that although college performance does impact draft position, the characteristics
measured in the NFL Combine explain much more of the variation in draft position.
Their research indicated that each additional inch in a quarterback’s height increased their
draft position by more than one round. A similar gain in draft position can be made by a
quarterback who can decrease their time in the 40 yard dash by 0.2 seconds. Furthermore,
Berri and Schmidt note that increases in quarterback’s BMI (Body Mass Index: a
common indicator of weight) can actually increase their draft position, up to a certain
measure. I look to expand the work of Berri and Schmidt to another offensive position:
the Running Back. I will use a similar model as Berri and Schmidt, as well as combine
There is also literature that examines the performance of a draft pick in the NFL
compared to their draft position. The hypothesis central to this literature is that players
taken earlier in the draft should perform better in the NFL than those taken in later
rounds. Berri and Simmons (2009) examine the performance of quarterbacks relative to
their draft position. Berri and Simmons base their research on several determinants of
quarterback success in the NFL including segments such as a ‘QB Score,’ as well as
‘Wins Produced,’ both measures of a quarterback’s value to their team. Their research
indicates that where a prospect is chosen in the draft impacts that prospect’s success in
the NFL in terms of aggregate career and per game numbers: quarterback’s selected in
later rounds of the draft fair worse in the league than those drafted in the early rounds on
a per game basis. However, when they examine per-play numbers, quarterbacks chosen
later in the draft (picks 11-90) actually outperform those chosen in the top 10 in QB score
and QB Rating.
Berri and Simmons (2009) also comment on what characteristics of the
performance of quarterback prospects in college are indicative of future success in the
NFL. In contrast to their evaluation of which draft picks have more success in the NFL,
Berri and Simmons look into which statistical measures of performance in college
translate to success in the NFL. The duo looks at metrics such as completion percentage
and yards per attempt of prospects in college, finding that college completion percentage
has a significant impact on completion in the NFL.
Using a different theoretical approach than Berri and Simmons, Hendricks et al.
(2003) look at the relative uncertainty in prospect’s productivity in the NFL. Hendricks et
al. look at the levels of risk teams are willing to take when drafting players of different
NCAA divisions. Their research finds that teams will more likely choose players from the
most prestigious NCAA football universities in the early rounds, but reverse this
discrimination in the later rounds, opting to take “riskier” picks from non-established,
smaller universities. Hendricks et al. look at all positions drafted, proving that in the early
round NFL teams are risk averse, while in the later rounds NFL franchises tend to opt for
players from less visible universities. This reflects the theory that teams are more willing
to gamble on prospects considered to be long shots at adding value in later rounds.
Much of the literature on the evaluation of NFL prospects is focused on the
relationship between measurable statistics from the NFL Combine. This research is based
almost primarily around one position: the quarterback. This research shows that a
prospect’s performance at the NFL Combine, as well as other personal characteristics, are
strongly significant in determining a prospect’s draft position. However, a prospect’s
college performance is more useful in predicting NFL productivity. I add to the literature
by examining the relationship between combine and college performance of running
backs and their subsequent position in the NFL draft and performance. I will use methods
seen in the literature examining each of these fields.
2.3 Evaluation of NBA Prospects
In addition to their analysis of statistical predictors of success in the NFL, Berri
and Schmidt (2010) examine the role certain performance characteristics of National
Basketball Association (NBA) prospects have in their draft selection. Similar to their
research in the NFL, Berri and Schmidt find that NBA executives also overvalue certain
characteristics in players, most notably the scoring average, while undervaluing
characteristics such as rebounding. Their research shows that teams in the NBA overpay
for players with high scoring averages in the Free Agency market, and that prospects for
the NBA draft with excellent performance rebounding in NCAA basketball are routinely
drafted far behind their actual value would indicate.
The research from this paper will seek to determine whether similar biases are
present in the NFL draft with respect to other positions besides quarterback. Specifically,
whether earlier draft picks perform better than those Running Back’s taken in later
rounds? And do measurements taken in the NFL Combine have any bearing on
subsequent success on the NFL?
3. Data
The data for my study is from four primary sources:,, and This data
is ideal for my purposes because it includes precise and accurate measures of NFL
performance, NFL Combine statistics, college statistics, and player characteristics.
I collected two types of data for my study: factors known by NFL teams before
the NFL draft, and measures of player performance in the NFL. Factors known by teams
before the draft include measurable physical characteristics, or data from the NFL
Combine, as well as a prospect’s collegiate football statistics. I restrict my analysis to
Running Backs (RBs) drafted from 1998 to 2008. Because my analysis focuses on
performance in the NFL in relation to the draft, those RBs that went undrafted during this
time yet eventually played in the NFL were not included in the sample.
Furthermore, I
eliminated those players listed as a fullback at some point during their career by
While virtually all running backs in the NFL were drafted, notable exceptions include Super Bowl
participants Ryan Grant and Willie Parker. However, due to the small number of undrafted running backs, I
do not feel this will have an effect on my study.
10, because of the limited statistical impact their performance has on a football
team. I also included only prospects that registered a performance in the NFL. That is, in
order for a player to be included in the data set, they must have had at least one rushing
attempt, or one pass caught in their professional career, during the years 1998 to 2008.
The most limiting aspect of my data was the lack of reported data within the
Combine variables. Due to injuries, or in the case of some elite athletes, personal choice,
not all prospects performed each test administered at the NFL Combine. To account for
this, I looked at prospect’s scores in these tests measured at events other than the official
NFL Combine, such as their college Pro Day statistics.
If a prospect still had a missing
data point, I substituted the median value of that score for the 10 players closest in weight
to the prospect. The intuition behind this approach is that the prospect with the missing
data point would have performed similarly to other prospects with corresponding
physical characteristics. The elimination of fullbacks, as well as those players that were
drafted but never actually performed in the NFL, left a final sample size of 154 RBs.
3.1 NFL Draft Data
The NFL draft currently consists of seven “rounds,” within which each team is
given one draft pick. The order of this draft is determined by the success—or lack
thereof—of teams during the previous regular season: teams with worse records are given
earlier selections, while those teams that were more successful are slotted into later
positions. This reverse-order system is seen as a way to enhance the league’s competitive
balance by giving the worst teams the best incoming talent at a discounted cost. However,
Colleges will routinely hold additional workouts to showcase their top prospects. While these workouts
are not affiliated with the official NFL Combine, the prospects perform similar, often identical, tests to
those used at the official NFL Combine.
such a system is only successful, if teams are able to accurately distinguish those
prospects that will be the most successful in the NFL.
I define where a prospect was chosen in a given draft as PICK. As Berri and
Simmons (2009) note, the lower a player’s PICK (the earlier they were chosen in the
draft), the higher the expectation is that the player performs well. In order to better
classify the data, I separate my sample of 154 RBs into six groups. Players drafted in the
first 25 picks were placed together, as well as those drafted from the 26
to 54
, 87
, 118
, and 180
. By not grouping the players simply by
the round they were drafted in, I was able to have approximately the same number of
samples within each group, as each group contains 25 to 27 players, or roughly 1/6
my total sample. Table 1 summarizes the PICK position of every prospect in my sample,
giving the number of observations in each group, as well as the mean and standard
deviation amongst the grouping. The mean of each group is the average position a player
is drafted in, relative to that grouping.
3.2 NFL Combine Data
The NFL Combine statistics used to evaluate RBS in this analysis follow those
most commonly used by NFL franchises to predict running back success: the 40 yard
dash, vertical jump, broad jump, and bench press. All of these tests are used to measure a
player’s athletic ability. The 40 yard dash is a measure of a player’s speed, as it is
designed as an all-out sprint for 40 yards. The vertical jump and broad jump are measures
of a player’s leaping ability, which franchises use to determine the athleticism and
quickness of a prospect. The bench press is used as a measure of a player’s strength. The
intuition behind these four tests is that players who perform better than their counterparts
in these tests will perform better in the NFL. Players who run a lower 40-yard dash, have
a higher vertical jump, a longer broad jump, and more repetitions in the bench press are
seen as ideal athletic candidates.
A significant issue with the 40 yard dash time is that all 40 yard dash times are
not easily comparable. As Day (2009) notes, all RBs are not equal in size, meaning that a
heavier player running a slightly slower time may be more impressive than a small, light
player running a faster 40 yard dash time. To account for this variation, Day creates a
metric called “Speed Score” to better account for this discrepancy.
The speed score
metric combines a player’s speed and their weight, giving a clearer indication of the
strength and power behind their running. Prospects with a higher speed score are seen as
ideal candidates, meaning that they have a faster 40 yard dash time combined with an
ideal weight. Because the Speed Score more accurately measures a player’s inherent
speed, I use this measure in my regression analysis instead of the more basic 40 yard dash
In addition to measures of a player’s athleticism, I gathered data on each
prospect’s height, weight, and BMI.
I also include an indicator variable equal to 1 if the
prospect’s university was within a Bowl Championship Series (BCS) conference, and
To find this measure, Day multiplies a player’s weight by 200, and then divides that figure by their 40
time taken to the 4
power. The weight is multiplied by 200 to average the scores to approximately 100,
and the 40-yard dash time is taken to the 4
power to account for the huge difference hundredth’s of
seconds have in a player’s speed.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a
reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead
to health problems. Additionally, I will include a value of BMI squared, seeing as incremental changes in
the BMI show marked differences.
zero otherwise.
This indicator variable is included because athletes from a BCS
conference may be better prepared to succeed at the NFL level, due to the level of
competition they have played against in their college career. Table 2 presents summary
statistics for each Combine statistic discussed above, including a prospect’s physical
characteristics and university characteristics, by draft position (PICK). As Table 2 shows,
a prospect’s 40 yard dash time, vertical jump, broad jump, and speed score all improve as
their draft position lowers. Additionally, players from BCS universities were taken more
frequently in earlier rounds than later rounds. This indicates that there is a relationship
between how well a player performs in the NFL Combine and their draft position, as well
as the college they attended. This relationship is the basis of the first part of my
regression analysis which formally examines the factors that determine where a prospect
is drafted.
3.3 NFL and NCAA Performance
The performance of a RB is measured using many different variables. In order to
simplify this measurement, I modified a variable developed by Berri (2010) to better
explain the ability of a RB. In his evaluation of RBs, Berri (2010) proposed the following
formula to measure RB performance
)(30)(3 rsAllTurnoveAllPlaysTotalYardsRBScore
The Bowl Championship Series is a process by which the top college football teams are seeded to play in
five different bowl games against each other, included the National Championship. Bowl Championship
Series conferences are afforded automatic bids into these games, These conferences include the Atlantic
Coast, Big East, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-10, and Southeastern conferences, generally regarded as the most
dominant athletic conferences in collegiate athletics.
In this equation, Total Yards is equal to the sum of rushing and receiving yards gained by
the RB. All Plays encompasses all rushing attempts, as well as all passes caught.
Turnovers are fumbles by the RB. One of the advantages of this model is the simplicity
with which it incorporates multiple aspects of a RB’s performance, and the fact that it can
be applied to both professional and collegiate RBs.
However, Equation (1) has several important shortcomings that must be
addressed. The first of these is that the formula does not accurately measure the
performance of a player because of the value assigned to turnovers. While a value of -30
yards is generally accepted as correct for a turnover that is lost, with RBs turnovers do
not result in a loss of possession. The value of a “lost fumble” or an interception by a
quarterback is approximately -30 yards, but not all fumbles are “lost fumbles.” Because
the recovery of a fumble is seen as random
I divide each player’s career fumbles by 2
for this calculation. Furthermore, I make one more addition to the model, accounting for
the value of a player scoring a touchdown.
Using the average value of a touchdown as 18 yards,
my modified RB Score
equation becomes:
)(18)(30)(3 TouchdownsrsAllTurnoveAllPlaysTotalYardsRBScore
Schatz notes there is no correlation between a team’s fumble recovery rate from one year to the next.
A recent article discussed the value of a touchdown, determining that the average value of a touchdown
is roughly 18 yards. This is not to say that all touchdowns are worth 18 yards, but that on average, a
touchdown scored is equivalent to the value of 18 yards. Although Berri et al. (2007) do not account for the
value of a touchdown in their RB Score equation, the amount of times a player is able to produce a score is
surely indicative of that player’s value to their team.
For Equation (2), Touchdowns is the sum of both rushing and receiving touchdowns a RB
produced during their career. There is no need to distinguish between the two; a rushing
touchdown is equal in value to receiving touchdown.
One of the better aspects of the RB Score equation is that it can be measured as an
aggregate measure of a player’s career performance, on a per game basis, and can even
be explained as RB Score per play. I use this feature to examine the relationship between
draft position (PICK) and a player’s performance.
Table 3 provides basic summary statistics for NFL RB Scores by PICK. Table 3
lists RB Scores as an aggregate measure of a prospect’s NFL career, as well as per game
and per play measures. Because college RBs generally do not receive meaningful playing
time until late in their college career, I gathered performance data for their last year in
college, which is listed in Table 3 as well.
Table 3 reveals that there is an inverse relationship between PICK and both the
number of NFL plays a prospect performs in, as well as their aggregate career RB Score.
The earlier a RB is drafted, the higher their aggregate career RB Score and per game RB
Score is. Players drafted in the first 25 selections have an average RB Score of 2948.19,
while those players drafted with the picks 87-117 (PICK 4) have an average RB score of
1105.96, a decrease of over 150% in career performance. However, when one looks at
the per play numbers, the evidence is different. Although RBs drafted in the later rounds
have far fewer plays than those players drafted earlier, the later picks outperform those
drafted earlier on a per-play basis, and the final 100 picks outperform all earlier draft
picks when per-play measures are examined. When per play NFL performance is
examined, players drafted in the first 25 picks (PICK 1) have an average RB Score per
play of 2.08.
Although players in the second grouping (PICK 2) do have a lower RB score per
play than those in PICK 1, players in every other category of late draft picks have a
higher RB score per play than those players drafted with the first 25 picks. This per play
data goes against my hypothesis that players drafted in the earlier rounds perform better
than those drafted in later rounds, but is consistent with the results of Berri and Schmidt
(2010) when examining quarterbacks, as they find quarterbacks drafted in the later
portions of the draft outperform those drafted earlier on a per-play basis.
Strictly on an intuitive basis, the fact that earlier draft picks play more than later
ones makes sense due to the compensation structure of the NFL. As noted in Massey and
Thaler (2010), earlier draft picks are paid disproportionately high salaries compared to
players taken in later rounds, serving as a much larger investment for a team. Because of
this, I argue that teams will want to see a return from such an investment, and dedicate
more playing time to the player drafted earlier in the draft, or the player with the higher
salary, regardless of their per-play performance. Additionally, players drafted earlier will
likely have a significant reputation from college, one that franchises will want to
capitalize on.
These results indicate that when a RB is drafted is an indicator of how much
playing time they will receive, but not necessarily how well they will perform in that
given playing time. As Berri and Schmidt (2010) mentioned, this weak correlation
between draft position and future NFL efficiency implies that there is disconnect between
the practices used to draft players, and the data available to these teams. The cause of this
divide warrants further examination. In order to do so, I look at the relationship between
characteristics known to franchises on the day of the NFL draft, and the future
performance of prospects in the league. My regression analysis focuses strictly on per
play performance of running backs, the theory of which is detailed in Section 4.
4. Estimation and Results
This section discusses what factors determine where a RB is drafted, and once
drafted, how well that RB performs in the NFL. First, I examine what characteristics
known to NFL franchises on the day of the draft relate to draft position (PICK). I then
compare a player’s NFL performance to their college and NFL Combine performance—
as well as their pick in the draft—to determine what characteristics of a prospect translate
to success in the NFL.
4.1 Determinants of NFL Draft position
In this section, I determine the relationship between a prospect’s draft position,
and the pre-draft performance data of that prospect. Essentially, what statistics and
measurements effect where a prospect is drafted. In order to determine the effect NFL
Combine and college performance has on a prospect’s draft position, I estimate a model
of the following form
where PICK is measured as the position a player was drafted in, and X is a vector of
physical player characteristics and NFL Combine statistics including Height, BMI, as
well as vertical jump, broad jump, bench press repetitions, and Speed Score. Y is a vector
of a prospect’s performance during their final college season (RB Score) and an indicator
variable for whether the prospect is from a BCS Conference. The term ε is an error term
with the usual properties. The model captures the effect of the most common measures an
NFL team has available to them before making their selection in the draft, and what many
experts and fans look to as indicators of future success in the NFL. I estimate two models
using Equation (3). In my first model, I regress only the combine statistics on PICK, to
determine the effect of combine performance on draft position. In my second model, I
regress both the combine statistics and a prospect’s college performance and BCS
variable on PICK.
Table 4 presents the results of both estimations of Equation (3). According to
Table 4, Speed Score is negatively related to draft position; if a prospect’s speed score
increases one unit a RB can expect their draft position to improve by approximately three
positions. The same relationship is found in a prospect’s college performance, although
the correlation is not as significant. Additionally, where a player attends college plays a
huge role in determining their draft position. As Table 4 shows, prospects that attended a
college that participates in one of the six BCS conferences experienced an improvement
of their draft position by 55 picks, or around one and a half rounds of the draft, relative to
prospects that did not attend a college that participates in BCS conferences.
These results are consistent with the work of Berri and Simmons (2009), who find
that a quarterback’s draft position is related to their height, 40 yard dash time, and the
university the prospect attended. One of the more surprising aspects of my results is the
fact that so few of the statistics measured in the NFL Combine had a significant effect on
the draft position of a player. Indeed, from those measurements taken at the NFL
Combine, only a prospect’s Speed Score had any bearing on their draft position. I argue
this may not be that surprising as NFL franchises most likely perceive a RB’s speed and
size will translate to their ability to run away from, or through, the defense in the NFL.
Because a prospect’s performance in the Combine influences their draft position, I
proceed to look at whether these same variables are indicative of future success in the
NFL. That is, whether the measurements that NFL franchises are basing their draft
decisions correlate to prospects that will perform well in the NFL
4.2 Determinants of NFL Performance
In this section, I determine whether factors known to teams at the time of the draft
can act as indicators of future success in the NFL. Specifically, I estimate the effect the
same characteristics examined in Section 4.1 have on the per-play success of RBs I
determine what measures taken in the NFL Combine, combined with a prospect’s college
performance, can predict success in the NFL, or whether success is simply a product of
when a prospect is drafted.
To examine the relationship between the performance of a prospect and their
known characteristics, I estimate a model of the following form
++Υ++= (4)
where NFL Performance is a RB’s RB Score per play, X is a vector for the same physical
characteristics and NFL Combine statistics presented in Equation 3, and Y is a vector of
college performance data, similar to those found in Equation 3.
PICK is the prospect’s
draft position, and
is an error indicator with normal properties. I estimate three
Physical characteristics and NFL Combine Statistics: Height, BMI, Vertical Jump, Broad Jump, Bench
Press Repetitions, Speed Score. College Performance measures: Collegiate RB Score, BCS Conference
indicator variable.
different models of Equation (4). The first model explains the effect physical
characteristics and combine statistics have on draft position. The second model regresses
a prospect’s college performance and choice, while the third model includes physical
characteristics, combine statistics, college performance and choice, and a player’s draft
position on the prospect’s RB Score per play.
As each set of variables is added to the models, there is a slight increase in the R-
squared value of the model. Additionally, each of the different models shows that
although combine factors have an effect on per play performance of running backs, where
a player is drafted has no effect on their performance. This is a key point in Berri and
Simmons (2009) study on quarterback performance—that players drafted earliest in the
draft are not necessarily the best performers on a per play basis—and Table 5 shows that
this relationship is also seen in running backs, as PICK is not related to per play
performance at all. According to Table 5, aspects of prospect’s pre-NFL makeup that are
significant in determining their future success are BMI, vertical jump, and speed score.
BMI has a beta coefficient of -0.144 in Model 3, meaning that a unit increase in a
prospect’s BMI will lead to a decrease of their per play NFL performance by
approximately 1/10
of a point. This is not a large change, but is still worth nothing that
as a prospect becomes heavier with a higher BMI, their ability to perform in the NFL
decreases. While this result is logical, the relationship between performance and vertical
jump is the opposite. Model 3 of Equation (4) shows that as vertical jump increases,
performance in the NFL per play decreases. Vertical jump, with a beta of -0.067, has the
same negative relationship with performance as seen in BMI. However, I expected this
relationship to be positive based on the fact that athletes with higher vertical jumps will
tend to be more athletic, and presumably more fit to play in the NFL. The only other
factor that was significant in determining a player’s performance in the NFL was their
speed score, a combination of their weight and 40 yard dash time. Speed score is
positively correlated to a player’s RB score. As players increase in size and speed, their
performance increases, which is intuitive given the nature of the running back position.
This result is quite different than seen in Berri and Simmons (2009) who found
that Combine statistics of quarterbacks do not significantly explain any portion of their
future NFL performance. I argue this inconsistency can be explained by the skills
required by the positions. Quarterback’s are entrusted to make many more decisions and
are required to react to more situational differences in their performance than is a RB.
Generally, RBs are required to be more physically skilled than other positions. Being a
fast quarterback who is in the absolute peak physical condition will not help that player
as much as a RB with the same characteristics, due to the nature of the position.
Therefore, it is reasonable to expect RB’s who are faster, more athletic, and in better
shape to excel in the NFL, which the results do show.
While the model does find aspects of a prospect that are significant in terms of the
future success of players, it is important to note that very little of the variation in NFL
performance is explained by this model. With an R-squared value of less than 0.1, there
are numerous other factors that contribute to a RB’s success. The lack of significance of
the model can be explained by the difficulty in accurately rating a player’s performance
in the NFL, especially that of a running back. Berri and Schmidt (2010) note that a
quarterback’s performance, most notably Sacks and Interceptions, have a large part to do
with the ability of that quarterback’s teammates. A RB’s performance is also dependant
on the ability of their teammates, specifically the offensive line. The offensive line’s
importance cannot be understated, as it is the line that blocks for the RB at the beginning
of each play, looking to clear away the defense so that the RB may gain yards from
scrimmage. This may partially explain the performance of RBs drafted later in the draft,
as those RBs are taken by the better teams, as opposed to the first RBs drafted, which go
to some of the worse teams in the NFL.
5. Conclusions
It is important to understand the characteristics of prospects that lead to their
success in the NFL because of the importance the NFL draft has to each franchise. As the
primary way to improve performance of a team both financially and athletically
, the
examination of the valuation of characteristics of draft picks is worthy of study.
Furthermore, as the cost for top draft picks increases
, teams must become increasingly
accurate in their evaluation of prospect, or else face the prospect of further financial
failure. Indeed, with a lockout looming as a definite possibility for the NFL, owners have
been outspoken for the need to change the way rookies are paid across the league.
In this paper, I look to improve on the methodology found in Berri and Simmons
(2009). I find that the performance of running backs in the NFL Combine as well as their
college performance impacts their draft position. I then find that these same measures, the
NFL Combine and college performance, have only a limited correlation to NFL
performance. I add to the existing literature by examining the running back position using
2010 First overall draft pick Sam Bradford signed a record contract worth over $50 Million in guaranteed
money, up from the $41.7 million received by 2009 number one pick Matthew Stafford.
improved measurements of a player’s speed, as well as their performance in the form of
Speed Score and RB Score.
There is the possibility for further examination with the results of my paper. The
quality of a running back’s teammates could be factored into the examination of their
performance. The lack of such a control was by far the most limiting factor of my
analysis. Furthermore, different combine measurements could be taken into account,
specifically the 10 yard and 20 yard dash, although the lack of reported data in these
events makes such an analysis difficult.
My paper explains part of the decision making process by NFL franchises during
the NFL draft, showing that the process by which running backs are evaluated and
subsequently drafted does not necessary relate to their future success in the league. The
implications of the lack of predictability in the draft are substantial. Teams not capable of
drafting well may face increasing hard times both financially as well as their record on
the field.
Tables and Figures
Table 1: Distribution of Draft Picks in Sample
Number Mean Standard Dev
Total Sample 157 98.03 71.43
PICK1 (<25) 27 12.26 8.00
PICK2 (25-54) 25 40.56 9.91
PICK3 (55-86) 25 70.80 9.39
PICK4 (87-117) 26 100.96 8.71
PICK5 (118-179) 25 143.36 17.84
PICK6 (180-252) 26 222.04 23.44
Period: 1998-2008
Table 1 shows the separation of all draft picks in my sample, as well as the mean and standard deviation of
those groups.
Table 2: NFL Combine Statistics by Draft Position
PICK (<25)
PICK (25-54) PICK (55-86) PICK (87-117) PICK (118-179) PICK (180-252)
40 Yard Dash 4.53 4.46 4.48 4.53 4.52 4.57 4.61
(0.11) (0.10) (0.10) (0.10) (0.08) (0.11) (0.10)
Vertical Jump 34.99 35.69 36.12 34.42 35.77 34.32 33.62
(2.97) (3.17) (2.33) (2.62) (2.69) (3.31) (2.98)
Broad Jump 118.37 121.04 119.30 118.06 118.89 116.88 116.27
(5.20) (5.03) (3.89) (5.43) (5.68) (4.93) (4.45)
Bench Press
19.72 20.67 20.00 18.64 19.63 18.79 20.56
(3.88) (4.41) (3.89) (3.90) (2.99) (3.46) (4.32)
Speed Score
103.64 112.36 107.58 102.58 103.82 97.95 96.70
(9.98) (7.91) (9.62) (8.23) (7.83) (8.51) (9.09)
Height 70.97 71.67 71.28 70.92 70.69 70.44 70.81
(1.77) (1.27) (1.90) (1.68) (2.35) (1.71) (1.39)
BMI 30.30 30.47 30.03 30.03 30.42 30.33 30.49
(1.82) (2.29) (1.63) (1.69) (1.86) (1.74) (1.67)
University 0.21 0.07 0.12 0.16 0.27 0.28 0.38
(0.41) (0.27) (0.33) (0.37) (0.45) (0.46) (0.50)
Number of Observations: 157 27 25 25 26 25 26 _
Table 2 shows combine statistics, as well as the indicator variable for whether a player attended a school in a BCS Conference, relative to a prospect’s draft
position (PICK).
Table 3: NFL and NCAA RB Scores by Draft Position
NFL RB Scores
Career Observations
Games Attempts RB Score
Average RB Score Standard Dev.
Total Sample 157 8874 102558 212816 1381.92 1613.54
PICK1 (<25) 27 2258 40244 79601 2948.19 2150.38
PICK2 (25-54) 25 1672 19093 38249 1529.96 1392.67
PICK3 (55-86) 25 1542 16754 35685 1427.40 1447.89
PICK4 (87-117) 26 1232 12948 28755 1105.96 1438.85
PICK5 (118-179) 25 1167 7591 17535 701.40 780.21
PICK6 (180-252) 25 1003 5917 12991 499.65 755.01
Per Play Observations Average RB Score Standard Dev.
Total Sample 157 2.08 1.05
PICK1 (<25) 27 1.98 0.58
PICK2 (25-54) 25 2.00 0.72
PICK3 (55-86) 25 2.13 0.76
PICK4 (87-117) 26 2.22 0.92
PICK5 (118-179) 25 2.31 1.23
PICK6 (180-252) 25 2.20 1.72
NCAA RB Scores
Last College Season Observations Attempts RB Score Average RB Score Standard Dev.
Total Sample 157 37765 145331 943.71 400.41
PICK1 (<25) 27 7522 31391 1162.63 332.85
PICK2 (25-54) 25 6249 25072 1002.88 395.64
PICK3 (55-86) 25 6330 24114 964.56 401.65
PICK4 (87-117) 26 6371 24272 933.54 384.13
PICK5 (118-179) 25 5620 20809 832.36 390.65
PICK6 (180-252) 25 5673 19673 756.65 402.72
Table 3 shows the performance of running backs, using both aggregate RB Score, and RB Score per play, as defined in Section 3.3.
Table 4: Determinants of Draft Position (Coefficient and Standard Errors)
Model 1 Model 2
b/se b/se
Height 1.014 -0.51
(3.20) (2.92)
BMI 3.12 -0.199
(3.15) (2.93)
Vertical Jump -1.415 -1.371
(2.06) (1.86)
Broad Jump -1.297 -1.41
(1.22) (1.10)
Bench Press Repetitions -0.415 -0.575
(1.34) (1.21)
Speed Score -3.121*** -2.550***
(0.64) (0.59)
College Performance -0.057***
BCS Indicator Variable 55.021***
Constant 466.234 672.349*
(288.64) (265.20)
R-Squared 0.249 0.398
Number of Observations 154 154
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Table 4 shows the relationship between NFL Combine statistics and NCAA performance and a prospects
draft position through the following model:
Table 5: Determinants of Per-Play NFL Performance (Coefficient and Standard Error)
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
b/se b/se b/se
-0.087 -0.100 -0.100
(0.05) (0.05) (0.05)
-0.122* -
(0.05) (0.05) (0.05)
Vertical Jump
-0.066 -0.068* -0.067*
(0.03) (0.03) (0.03)
Broad Jump
0.018 0.019 0.020
(0.02) (0.02) (0.02)
Bench Press
-0.006 -0.004 -0.004
(0.02) (0.02) (0.02)
Speed Score
0.020 0.024* 0.027*
(0.01) (0.01) (0.01)
College Performance
0.000 0.000
(0.00) (0.00)
BCS Indicator Variable
0.105 0.051
(0.21) (0.22)
9.949* 11.503* 10.840*
(4.71) (4.79) (4.90)
0.073 0.092 0.094
Number of Observations
154 154 154
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
Table 5 shows the relationship of combine statistics and college performance to future NFL success
through the following model:
++Υ++= (4)
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