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The Mindful App: Usability Report The Mindful App: Usability Report
Jocelyn Sands
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The Better App to Sustainable Living | Usability Report
Sustainable Living
Application Design
The mindful app
the mindful app:
Direct Link To Final Prototype Design:
The Mindful App is an all-in-one application that promotes reducing and reusing
materials within your home and community. We prioritize the user experience by
showcasing local shops, restaurants, and sustainable options in categories. The
Mindful App application promotes ways to live sustainable and mindfully.
Welcome to
The Mindful App
The Better App to Sustainable Living
Summary, Methodology, Literature
Review, Scope, Goals, Surveyed
User Background, Questionnaires,
Tasks Tested, Results, Issues, Dis-
claimers, and References
On-boarding, App presentation,
and clickable functions.
Usability Report
High Fidelity
Research Process
User Surveys
Quantitative: Qualitative:
User Interviews
The primary focus of this research is looking at the effects of qualitative & quantitative
methodologies during the creation of a user-centered designed application. Through
this process, I conducted product research on applications currently on the market. I also
conducted user interviews and surveys to understand user needs.
Throughout this process, I have used qualitative and quantitative information to gain knowl-
edge of what users may need while using this app. I used qualitative and quantitative method-
ology to screen participants by conducting testing in a variety of ways. This ensures users are
able to effectively discuss their thoughts on the products, but also, give them the freedom to
explore and understand the necessary tools to be successful.
The article Mobile Health for Smoking… states that “…the usability evaluation by end users and experts
revealed unique usability problems for this population.
“Our app refinement used the HCD (Human Centered Design) process of research, ideation, design,
evaluation, and implementation, including 6 cycles of design and evaluation” (Sonney, 2022).
“UX is a dynamic concept since users can perceive a product
before, during and after its use.” (Berni, 2021).
Literature Review
During the UX design process, researchers and designers create a usability report to understand
the desires of users. By conducting a usability report, researchers gain insight into how a typical
user would navigate an application.
The information provided in this usability report is also about the initial research analysis conducted
and reflects a branding guide app breakdown that has allowed me to conduct successful user testing.
The Mindful App usability report and prototyped application will showcase correspondence with
the research analysis of creating a user-centered application. The main objective of this research
and prototyped application is to see if the use of creating an app that promotes sustainability in
an educational and functional way can benefit app users. The benefit of conducting UX research,
as stated in the scholarly article Making Order in User Experience Research to Support Its Appli-
cation in Design and Beyond, is ...
Conducting this study allows me as a designer to understand the
user's needs and intentions with using the application itself.
Gaining adequate feedback from user testing participants, fellow
designers, and committee members throughout the design process
to learn and reflect on UX app design process.
Building an app design that promotes sustainable actions within a home
and community, by using testing results and feedback given to craft a
well-funtioning final app design.
Questionaires & Testing
Post Testing
For user testing, five users participated in user testing. During this process, users were in-
tially given a screening questionaire (stage 1), a prototyped applications with a guided form
(stage 2: unmoderated testing) and a set scenario questions to answer while conducting
the test. Participating users were also given a facilitated testing scenario (stage 3: moderat-
ed testing). Finally, users wer given a post testing questiaire to answer (stage 4). Before,
during, and after this process, I was able to gain a bit insight into which features of the ap-
plication worked well and which features of the application needed improvement.
Throughout this process, additional features have been made for better ease of the site.
This four step process of understanding the users background and intentions with the foll-
woing application steps aligns with other UX designers and researchers model.
User One User Two User Three
User Four User Five User Six
Screening Questionaire
During the process of creating or updating an app or
website, UX (User Experience) researchers and design-
ers use testing as a way to understand the users needs.
The screening process helps me understand both the
demographics and experience candidates have while a
variety of digital products. Although not all participants
who screened for the testing participated in the un-
moderated and moderated testing, the information
provided an understading of who the key demograph-
ics could be for an application like this.
your free time:
I am busy the majority of the time
I am busy at times
I have some free time
Highest Level
of Education
Associates or Certification
High School or GED
Which device do
you use most?
66.7% 83.3%
User TwoUser One
User Three
Unmoderated Testing
Conducting Unmoderated user testing is used to discover im-
portant insights about user behavior when they interact with
the application product unguided. In this phase, users of dif-
ferent backgrounds were asked to participate. Three user
were asked to interact with The Mindful App, observe their
own interactions (without the guidance of a moderator), and
answer a few questions. The information gained from this
form of testing offered insight to which parts of the app
people saw themseves using and which part they could see
themselfs wating to learn more from.
Within the discover sections,
what feature would you use
the most?
Which guide would you like to
learn more on the home screen?
Locate Local Eats
Locate Local Shops
Pets & Plants
On the Go
Would you use such a product
to locate sustainable options
near you in real life?
Ye s
Moderated Testing
Conducting Moderated user testing is a way for researchers and UX designers to discover important insights
about user behavior when they are being guided through an application product. In this phase, users were
guided through a multi-step script and scenario while using The Mindful App product. The interviewer (myself)
observed their interactions, asked them to talk through each step, and provide feedback on what worked well
for them. This process focused on understanding ways the app design could be improved. This session focused
on the ways Jakob Nielsen discusses how to have a sucessful moderated testing session and by doing, I was
able to gain insight and feedback from users that participated.
Example Scenario: Recently, you decided that it is time to do some major spring cleaning. You have totally up-
hauled everything in your closet, pantry, and garage and realized you have plenty of things that need to be re-
cycled, donated, or gifted. Once you sort everything you realizes you have over 50 batteries that you need to get
rid but know you shouldn’t simply throw them away. Where would you go to figure out how to remove of them.
User FiveUser Three User FourUser TwoUser One
The best results come from testing no more than 5 users and running as many
small tests as you can afford.”(World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience)
Post Test Questions
After the moderated testing occured, users were asked follow up questions. During the follow
up portion of the questionaire. I was able to gain a more “personal” understanding of how
each person felt during the testing process. The most important insights I was able to gain
was about how each participant felt about the design of the app itself. By asking these ques-
tions, it helped me understand which design atributions to keep. This was a great way to
engage in conversation with participants in a casual way.
The following questions were asked:
Question 1: Would you personally download an app like this. If so, which part of the ap-
plication would you use most frequently?
Question 2: What are your thoughts about the design of this app?
Question 3: Are there any attributions of this design you would change?
If so, what would that be?
Question 4: Did anything surprise or frustrate you during this process?
Questing 5: How frequently would you use this product?
Tasks Tested
While conducting testing, users are asked to test and give feedback on how certain functions
operate. During each process of testing, the feedback given was used to elevate the function-
ality of the app and mitigate any issues that could arise in the future.
During unmoderated testing, users were asked to go through the application as if it was an
actual application. They were told that the application itself may have limited features and
would not be able to access many parts. Each participant was guided by a Google Form to
each section of the application and asked whether each section was functional, how they
would access it, and which features they believe worked best.
Unmoderated Testing
During moderated testing, users were prompted to join a Zoom call and conduct testing.
They were emailed a consent form to record, prior to testing, and they were given scenarios to
conduct testing. During this testing phase, users were guided through the application and
were able to learn more about how the application functioned during this process.
Moderated Testing
During the Moderated Testing portion of this study that was conducted, I found it to be most
beneficial for creating a well-design application. The main reason is because I was able to have
users further explain why certain portions of the application worked well (or did not work well). I
also learned that one of the questions I asked allowed users to self-determine how a question
could be interpreted. In some cases, this meant the user not taking the specific direction I had
desired. Throughout this learning experience, I realized that the more specific a question is,
the narrower path. Overall, the usability testing process was an essential way for me to gain ad-
equate feedback to create a user centered design.
As with most user conducted testing, I did find minor issues with moderated testing along the
way. The main issue was from a personal perspective of giving biased responses or wanting to
tell the participants the “correct” way to navigating the app. I also found that there were times
where I realized that I was not telling the participant how to accurately navigate the app. In
those cases it was apprent the user stuggled based on my explanation. Due to the nature of
conducting testing with an application I have designed, I believe that it can, in some cases, bias
the type of results given from users. The feedback given is still lucrative and was very substantive.
“Human-product interaction involves concepts that have affective, hedonic and aesthetic
variables, which are often difficult to measure in an objective way”(Berni, 2021).
Issues & Disclaimers
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General Web References
Babich, N. (2020, June 15). What makes a good user experience?: Adobe XD ideas. Adobe XD Ideas. Retrieved March 17, 2022, from https://xd.ado- (2019, August 2). How to create a UX research report – free template included! YouTube. Retrieved March 17, 2022, from https://ww-
UXBoost. (2021, May 4). How to write a usability testing report. YouTube. Retrieved March 17, 2022, from
World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. (n.d.). Why you only need to test with 5 users. Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved April 19, 2022,
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MA Project Report