Writing World Class Standards
Standards-making is a collaborave acvity which benets from
the sharing of knowledge and experse. If you have any comments,
examples or addional content which might improve the usefulness
of this guide, please contact: info@etsi.org.
Contents 1
Introducon 2
What is a world class standard? 3
What is a standard? 3
What makes a standard ‘world class’? 3
A response to real needs in a mely manner 3
Complete and accurate 3
Easy to understand 4
Clear and unambiguous requirements 4
Validated 4
Maintained 4
Before you get started 5
Who is your standard intended for? 5
The content of a standard 5
Choosing the type of standard 6
Harmonised Standards 7
System Reference Documents 7
Basic steps of standards development 8
Create the Work Item 8
Develop the dra standard 9
Validate the dra 9
Submit the dra for editorial checking 10
Approve and publish the standard 10
Maintain and evolve the standard 10
Dealing with sets of standards 11
Develop a framework 11
Adopt a systemac approach 11
How to dra a good standard 12
Use the ETSI pre-dened deliverable structure 12
Dra the content of the pre-dened elements 12
Follow the style guide 16
The technical content of the standard –
How to write good requirements 17
Some basic principles 17
Use of English 18
Shall, should and may 19
Structuring the requirements 20
Stac and dynamic requirements 21
Pung requirements into context 21
Condions under which a requirement applies 22
Specifying alternaves to condional requirements 22
Combining requirements 23
Ensuring that your requirements are testable 23
Expressing oponal requirements 24
Oponal features 24
Proles 24
Specifying requirements with specialized notaons 25
Specifying interacons and use cases 25
Specifying messages 25
Specifying the behaviour of communicang systems 25
Validaon of standards 26
Peer review 26
Interoperability events 26
Implicit methods of validaon 26
Maintenance and evoluon of standards 27
Maintenance of standards 27
Evoluon of standards 27
Maintaining compability 27
Maintaining numbering in new versions of standards 28
Test specicaons 29
Closing remarks 30
You are not alone! 30
References and useful resources 31
ETSI resources 31
3GPP™ resources 31
oneM2M resources 31
ETSI Guides on standards-wring,
tesng and validaon 31
ITU-T three-stage process 31
Specicaon languages 31
Other resources 31
ETSI standards are used the world over and have enabled
technologies which have changed the way people live, work
and do business. Today we produce about 2 500 deliverables
every year and our work impacts almost every area of
modern living. A major element in our producon includes
the standards developed in our global partnership projects
3GPP and oneM2M. Our Industry Specicaon Groups also
contribute with their specicaons and reports.
This success owes much to the high quality of the standards
we produce. We have earned a reputaon for producing
world class standards a reputaon we work hard to
maintain. Wring good standards is not easy. Wring the
sort of world class standards for which ETSI is well known
is a complex and challenging task. Over the years, we have
developed working methods and detailed draing rules to
ensure the quality and the reliability of our standards.
This document explains how to write ETSI standards. It starts
with the basics for readers who are new to standardizaon
or new to ETSI – what is a standard?
It then goes on with guidance on how to choose the right
type of standard, how to structure a standard and dra
it, how to express the technical requirements so that you
achieve your goals and, nally, how to validate, test and
maintain a standard.
This guide is intended for anyone involved in creang ETSI,
3GPP and oneM2M standards. The target audience includes
Rapporteurs, Editors, members draing standards or
contribuons, commiee ocials and Specialist Task Forces.
The guide is also intended for ETSI Secretariat sta supporng
the standardisaon work. There is something for everyone
even the most experienced among us can benet from being
reminded of the essenals of good standards wring.
By following this guide, you will produce standards that are
accurate and complete, easy to read, clear, unambiguous
and consistent – in short, you too will write world class
What is a standard?
A standard is a collecon of the minimum requirements
necessary for something to:
• Co-exist and interoperate correctly with another
• Meet naonal and internaonal regulaons
Operate safely without causing harm to people or
What makes a standard
‘world class’?
It is not easy to say exactly what makes one standard beer
than another, but the following points are probably the most
A world class standard should have well-dened
objecves that respond to real needs in a mely
• Its technical content should be complete and accurate.
It should be easy to understand (or as easy as the
subject maer allows!) and easy to implement.
Its requirements should be expressed clearly and
• It should be validated.
• It should be well-maintained.
A response to real needs in
a timely manner
A standard will be widely used if it has well-dened objecves
that meet real needs in a mely manner. A standard produced
too early may quickly become out of date because of a rapid
evoluon of the technology. On the other hand, a standard
that is published too late risks being ignored in favour of
earlier, compeng standards or proprietary soluons.
Like so much else in standards-making, geng the ming
right needs experience and good judgement in this case,
awareness of the state of maturity of the technology being
specied. Remember that the type of standard that you
choose to produce may aect its ming, because of the
dierent approval processes involved.
Some formal denitions of
a standard
A document established by consensus and approved
by a recognized body that provides for common and
repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteriscs for
acvies or their results, aimed at the achievement
of the opmum degree of order in a given context.
- ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996
A technical specicaon, adopted by a recognized
standardizaon body, for repeated or connuous
applicaon, with which compliance is not
compulsory, and which is one of the following:
‘internaonal standard’ means a standard
adopted by an internaonal standardizaon
‘European standard’ means a standard adopted
by a European standardizaon organizaon
‘harmonised standard’ means a European
standard adopted on the basis of a request
made by the Commission for the applicaon of
Union harmonizaon legislaon
‘naonal standard’ means a standard adopted
by a naonal standardizaon body.
- Council Regulaon 1025/2012/EC
What is a world class
Complete and accurate
To be judged world class, a standard should accurately specify
all the requirements necessary to achieve its objecves and
only include essenal supporng informaon.
Easy to understand
A standard should be easy to understand and implement.
This applies both to the way you structure the document
and how you express individual requirements. For example,
a clear structure can help readers follow the document,
while good construcon and expression of the requirements
will make them easier to understand and implement. It also
helps if there is a clear disncon between the normave
parts (those parts which tell the readers exactly what they
must do to comply with the standard) and the informave
parts (the descripve material that is there to improve
general understanding of the concept). Unnecessary detail
or informave text can make it dicult for readers to idenfy
and understand what is really essenal to ensure compliance.
Be careful in your use of English. The contributors and users
of your standard may not all be nave English speakers and
may have varying language skills. To produce a world class
standard, you should aim to create a document that can be
understood by all readers.
Clear and unambiguous
Requirements specify the individual characteriscs that a
system or product must implement if it is to fully comply
with the standard. Each requirement should be:
Necessary: it should specify only what is required
to meet its objecves, and not impose a parcular
approach to implementaon.
Unambiguous: it should be impossible to interpret the
normave parts of the standard in more than one way.
Complete: the requirement should contain all the
informaon necessary to understand that requirement,
either directly or by reference to other documents.
The reader of a standard should not need to make
assumpons about the implementaon of any
Precise: the requirement should be worded clearly and
exactly, without unnecessary detail that might confuse
the reader.
Well-structured: the individual elements of the
requirement should all be included in an appropriate
and easy-to-read manner.
Consistent: there should be no contradicon between
dierent requirements within the standard, nor with
other related standards.
Testable: there should be clear and obvious means of
demonstrang that an implementaon complies with
the requirement.
The purpose of validaon is to conrm that the requirements
expressed in a standard do, in fact, achieve their objecves
and are t for purpose. Validaon assures the quality
expected of a world class standard.
ETSI standards are ‘living documents that develop over
me in order to remain relevant to technological progress
and changing needs and circumstances. To accommodate
this and to maintain the high quality of our standards,
the responsible commiee should plan a programme of
maintenance and evoluon for each of its standards.
Normave = prescripve = how to comply with the
Informave = descripve = help with conceptual
Requirement = the criteria to be fullled to comply
with the standard
Who is your standard intended for?
In most instances, a standard is produced mainly for engineers
who will implement it, and procurement specialists who will
expect suppliers’ products to conform to it. Oen a standard
is used to formalize the technical aspects of a procurement
agreement or contract. Other groups may also use the
standard. For example, regulators may use the standard to
dene market access rules.
The rst thing to do when wring a standard is to idenfy
how it is likely to be used, and by whom. Then you will
be able to idenfy how to meet their needs. In parcular,
bear in mind that the standard must be understandable by
readers who have not been involved in its preparaon, so
you will need to state things clearly and fully.
The content of a standard
Standards consist of a series of requirements to be met when
implemenng a product or service. Typically, requirements
Equipment behaviour which can be observed at a
dened, accessible interface, such as a protocol or
Architectures: communicaon and network
architectures usually specify the funconal (or logical)
environment where the standard is expected to be
implemented. Although abstract architectures do not
generally specify testable or measurable requirements,
they do dene requirements (such as those related to
a reference point) that should be complied with by the
writers of protocol standards.
Physical characteriscs that can be measured, such as
dimensions, voltage, frequency or colour.
Policy requirements on operaon and management
pracces: for example, related to the process of issuing
qualied cercates by Cercaon Authories.
Test specicaons: detailed specicaons of the tests
that would demonstrate whether an implementaon
conforms to a standard, or of the tests that could
be used to check that two implementaons are
Methodologies applicable to ETSI standardizaon
(which may also be used more widely).
Do not try to standardize implementaon details or
constraints. Implementers need to know only what to
implement and you must give them the freedom to achieve
this in the way that suits them best.
Requirements and provisions
Standards specify requirements, recommendaons
and permissible acons of some kind. Collecvely,
these are referred to as provisions.
For clarity, in this document we use the term
requirement in a general sense to mean provision.
Before you get started
Choosing the type of standard
ETSI produces several types of standards: each has its own
parcular purpose and each requires a dierent process
of approval. The table below summarizes these dierent
types of standard; the ETSI Direcves and the Rapporteurs’
Guide provide more complete explanaons and will help you
determine which type is appropriate for specic situaons.
You should consider carefully which type of standard to create
since your choice determines maers such as the extent
of approval and the speed of publicaon. The approval of
Technical Specicaons can be quite rapid, typically carried
out in a Technical Commiee meeng or by correspondence.
By contrast, ETSI Standards (ES) and (in parcular) European
Standards (EN) usually take longer to approve.
Other factors that inuence the speed of approval include
the technical complexity of the document and the size of the
approving community. Issues such as the strength of diverging
views will have an impact as well. Misunderstandings and
lack of clarity in the text can also hold things up at the
approval stage and in the nal pre-publicaon eding; by
adopng pracces that build high quality into the dra, you
will help to minimize these delays.
Choosing the right type
of standard
When deciding the appropriate type of a standard
with normave provisions, you should focus on the
stakeholders who will be involved in approving the
document. The approval process is likely to be more
complex and me-consuming if the stakeholder
group is large. You should therefore opt for
deliverables that involve a large stakeholder group
only when really necessary.
Within ETSI and in ETSI partnership projects, the
most commonly used standard type containing
normave provisions is the Technical Specicaon
(TS), which requires approval by just the Technical
Commiee that created it. You should consider
whether this is sucient in your case.
Standard type Approved by Content
ETSI Technical Specicaon (TS) Responsible ETSI Technical Commiee Normave
ETSI Standard (ES) ETSI membership Normave
European Standard (EN)
(which may be designated as a
Harmonised Standard (HS))
Dra adopted by a responsible ETSI
Technical Commiee and approved
by European Naonal Standards
Normave, intended to be transposed
into naonal standards of European
Union (EU) Member States, as well as
states in EFTA and CEPT.
ETSI Technical Report (TR) Responsible ETSI Technical Commiee Informave – the preferred type of
informave deliverable unless other
consideraons demand an EG (or SR)
ETSI Guide (EG) ETSI membership Informave – guidance for the ETSI
Technical Organizaon in general
ETSI Special Report (SR) Responsible ETSI Technical Commiee Informave – informaon made publicly
available for reference purposes
ETSI Group Specicaon (GS) Responsible ETSI Industry Specicaon
ETSI Group Report (GR) Responsible ETSI Industry Specicaon
Harmonised Standards
Harmonised Standards are European Standards (EN) with
a special status. Produced by one or more of the European
Standards Organizaons in response to a Standardisaon
Request (aka mandate) issued by the European Commission
(EC), their purpose is to provide the technical detail necessary
to achieve the essenal requirements’ of an EU Direcve.
These ‘essenal requirements’ are usually wrien in very
non-specic terms (e.g. “the equipment shall not cause
injury to the user”) so the Harmonised Standards dene, in
detail, how those requirements are to be met.
ETSI supports various EU Direcves through the producon
of Harmonised Standards. A rather large poron are those
concerning radio equipment, Electromagnec Compability
(EMC) and access to emergency services, however there are
others responding to the Accessibility Direcve, EU Single
European Sky direcves as well as the Marine Equipment
Direcve and the Medical Equipment Direcve. Harmonised
Standards enable manufacturers, suppliers, network
operators and others to claim a products compliance with
the relevant Direcves. These products may then be placed
on the market and used in all Member States of the European
ETSI Guide EG 203 336 provides guidance on wring
Harmonised Standards under Direcve 2014/53/EU (Radio
Equipment Direcve (RED)).
System Reference Documents
ETSI produces a specic type of Technical Report called
a ‘System Reference document (SRdoc). These provide
technical, legal and economic background to new radio
systems, services or applicaons. They advise on the need
for an allocaon of spectrum, in parcular either when a
change in the current frequency designaon or its usage,
or a change in the regulatory framework for the proposed
band(s) is needed to accommodate a new radio system or
Basic steps of standards
The development process can be quite complex within a
standardizaon body such as ETSI. Not only do the diverse
interests of our members have to be respected but at
mes other constraints, such as those imposed by EC
Standardisaon Requests (aka Mandates). ETSI’s Standards
Development Process has been created to guide and manage
the draing of standards in a way that keeps the intended
purpose of the standard in focus, whilst addressing the
dierent views and changes of direcon that are inevitable
in any collaborave development task.
The key stages of the standards development process are to:
1. Create the Work Item
2. Develop the dra standard
3. Validate the dra
4. Submit the dra for editorial checking
5. Approve and publish the standard
6. Maintain and evolve the standard
At each stage there is the possibility of feedback into the
draing process. This can provide enormous benets for the
quality of the nal document and helps to maintain its ‘world
class’ status.
Create the Work Item
“If you don’t know where you are going, you may have
diculty geng there!”
One of the most important steps towards producing a ‘good’
standard is the preparaon of the Work Item proposal. If
this is well-wrien it provides a strong and clear plaorm
from which the standard can be developed. On the other
hand, a badly constructed or incomplete Work Item will
make it dicult for the authors and reviewers to know
what the content should be. Technical Ocers can provide
their commiees with considerable assistance, as well as
background knowledge, to simplify the task of developing a
good’ Work Item proposal.
Approval and
Validation and
Maintenance and evolution resulting in a new Work Item for a
revision of standard
Work Item
and use
As you start to develop the Work Item proposal, you should
consider the following:
Is the document to be normave or informave? What
type of deliverable should it be (EN, ES, TS, etc…)?
What will the tle of the standard be? It should give
a concise indicaon of the content. If appropriate, it
should make clear to which grouping of standards the
document belongs. It should be simple; any necessary
detail, such as constraints and areas of applicaon, can
be provided in the Scope.
What is the Scope of the work? The Work Item Scope
should specify the intended contents of the deliverable.
- The Work Item Scope helps to keep the standard
writers focused on what they are creang, whilst the
documents Scope clause provides the reader with a
short but clear statement of what is actually included
in a standard and the area of applicaon.
- The Work Item Scope and the Scope clause of the
standard may not be the same as they serve dierent
purposes. However, the two Scopes should not
contradict one another!
- For a new standard (i.e. not a revision), it should be
possible to use the Work Item Scope as the basis for
the documents Scope clause.
- For the revision of an exisng standard, the Work Item
Scope need only specify the addional draing to be
undertaken. So it is unlikely that it will be possible
to transpose the Work Item Scope directly into the
standard. However, if the revision modies the original
Scope of the standard then, of course, the document
Scope clause should be changed as necessary.
Is the Work Item part of a Hierarchical Work Item? If so,
the Work Item descripon should make it clear where
the proposed document ts in the hierarchy.
When is the deliverable likely to be completed? The
schedule of milestones should be realisc. It should
take account of the Scope of the document being
draed and the resources that will be available during
Hierarchical Work Items
Commiees may decide to organize or present all
or part of their work programme in a hierarchical
manner. The hierarchy may be organized by any
criteria they decide (e.g. ‘release’, ‘technical area’,
‘project’, ‘stage’, etc.).
ETSI Drafting Rules
In order to encourage consistency, ETSI has
established a basic structure for all its standards,
described in the ETSI Draing Rules (EDR). Other
internaonal standards organizaons have similar
rules. You can download the Draing Rules in a
useful format at hps://portal.etsi.org/Services/
Validaon: The quality of a standard is likely to
be improved considerably if you include acvies
to validate its content as it evolves. Will you need
addional acvies such as the creaon of test
specicaons or conformance tests, which may need
to be available by the me the standard has been
implemented as commercial products? Remember to
include these acvies in your schedule. EG 202 107
provides guidance on how to plan for validaon and
tesng in the standards-making process.
Who is responsible for producing the document?
Have the Technical Commiee, Working Group and
Rapporteur been idened and agreed? Is there a
commitment from members? Is a Specialist Task Force
(STF) needed?
Develop the draft standard
You can help to enhance the quality of your standard by
adopng a structured approach in its draing. Your aim is to
achieve a document that is clear, unambiguous, complete and
accurate. It is vital to write requirements in well-constructed
English and to avoid unnecessary narrave and tutorial text.
Specialized notaons such as ASN.1 and graphical forms of
specicaon such as State Charts and Sequence Diagrams
are also valuable in improving understanding and precision.
As you develop the standard, you should also keep in mind
that every requirement that you include needs to be testable.
Tesng is used to demonstrate that each requirement has
been correctly implemented.
Validate the draft
The development process of any standard should already
include document reviews, even if only as part of the approval
cycle. Any secondary acvity that involves close scruny of the
standard (such as test development, implementaon of the
standard in products and the producon of implementaon
and design guides related to the standard) will provide useful
feedback on deciencies, inconsistencies and ambiguies.
The only opon that you should not consider is not validang
the standard at all!
Submit the draft for editorial
The Technical Ocer of your commiee has a good awareness
of the technology to which your standard relates. He or she
also has in-depth knowledge of the various ETSI rules and
procedures that help to ensure high-quality standards. The
Technical Ocer is therefore a valuable partner to you in
your standards-making task and you should not hesitate to
consult him or her regularly as you develop your dra. The
Technical Ocer is there to support and advise you.
In addion, the ETSI Secretariat has centres of experse that
can provide specialist help when needed. Among these is
the editHelp! Service which provides advice and tools for the
writers of ETSI standards, as well as overseeing the approval
and publicaon of the standards.
The editHelp! Service has an essenal role in working with you
to nalize your dra. Once you and your commiee consider
your dra standard to be reasonably complete, you should
send it to the editHelp! Service (normally via your Technical
Ocer, unless other arrangements have been made in your
commiee your Technical Ocer can tell you). editHelp!
will check many dierent aspects of the eding, including the
use of English, the validity and consistency of the references,
the abbreviaons and the denions of terms.
This acvity oen follows approval by the technical
commiee, but you are also welcome to submit your dra
to editHelp! earlier during its development, for example to
make sure that it is following the correct shape and style.
However, do not treat the editHelp! Service as a substute for
the proper preparaon of a standard! The service will suggest
correcons to structure, presentaon and consistency but
does not evaluate the technical content.
Remember that your Technical Ocer is your key interface to
editHelp! and other Secretariat services.
Approve and publish the standard
The approval process prior to publicaon is dierent for
each type of standard. The Technical Ocer will manage the
passage of the dra through each stage of approval. ETSI’s
web-based vong tools make it easy for our members and
others to record comments and objecons: this feedback
is very valuable for improving the technical quality of the
standard and should be considered as part of the validaon
Maintain and evolve the standard
Standards require on-going maintenance that needs to be
planned for and managed. The Scope of the revision may
include such maers as the correcon of defects found aer
publicaon and alignment with changes in related standards.
Develop a framework
If you are involved in the producon of a set of standards,
you may nd it helpful to agree with your fellow writers to
produce a framework document. This will provide guidelines
for the writers of all the standards in the set to achieve a
broad degree of commonality and consistency in their
presentaon. There are no specic requirements for what
should be included in a framework document but you might
want to include the following:
• Document structure
• Requirement numbering format
• Naming convenons
• Recommendaons on the use of specialized languages
• Recommendaons on the use of tools
• Idencaon of supporng material
Dealing with sets
of standards
Adopt a systematic approach
Complex subjects require parcularly careful organizaon.
The general principles of the well-proven three-stage
approach described in ITU Recommendaon I.130 are
parcularly useful in encouraging and facilitang a systemac
method, especially for the development of protocol and
service standards. This approach can also be adapted for
other specicaons. However, some techniques in I.130 may
have been superseded; these will need to be aligned with
current pracces.
The Recommendaon proposes a design process divided into
three stages of acvity, typically resulng in a corresponding
series of specicaons:
Stage 1 Specify objecves from the users perspecve
Stage 2 Develop a funconal model to meet those objecves
Stage 3 Develop a specicaon of the detailed
implementaon requirements.
Clarity and consistency are essenal characteriscs of a
world class standard. You can achieve them by taking a logical
approach to the documents structure and content, and by
respecng well-established standards-wring pracces.
Developing standards is similar to the task of engineering a
product. Both are only eecve and ecient if the overall
process is systemac, and both require a top-down approach;
any other approach is unlikely to deliver what was intended.
Use the ETSI pre-dened
deliverable structure
Using a consistent structure for a standard will not only
help you, the writer, to collect essenal informaon and
requirements together in a logical manner, it will also help
the reader to navigate through the document. Consistency
improves the quality of the standard as well as the percepon
of quality. For a set of associated standards, consistency
between the standards makes them easier to read and
ETSI has also produced skeleton documents for each
deliverable type and these can help you considerably in
your task. You can download them from the editHelp! pages
on the ETSI Portal (hp://portal.etsi.org/edithelp/home.
asp). These skeletons contain all the obligatory deliverable
elements as well as some oponal ones, in the required
• Front cover
• Table of contents
• Intellectual Property Rights
• Foreword
• Introducon (oponal)
• Scope
• References
• Abbreviaons, Symbols and Denions
These pre-dened elements set the context for the standard
and dene the terms the reader will need to understand the
rest of the document. They are followed by the technical
content – the heart of the standard.
You must not write any requirements in these pre-dened
How to draft a good
Draft the content of
the pre-dened elements
A summary of what goes into each element is described
below; you can nd full details in the ETSI Draing Rules and
the relevant skeleton document.
The Foreword starts by menoning the document type and
the commiee that prepared the document. If appropriate
you may also include other informaon that would be helpful
to the reader, such as:
The relaonship between this standard and other
• Standards that this standard supersedes or replaces.
Signicant technical changes from a previous version of
the standard.
• The existence of an electronic aachment.
For European Standards (ENs), the Secretariat will insert a
table containing the transposion dates. The Secretariat will
also add the special text required if the document is to be a
Harmonised Standard.
There are addional rules if the document is part of a mul-
part standard.
The example Foreword below contains most of the above elements.
This Harmonised European Standard (EN) has been produced by ETSI Technical Commiee Electromagnec compability and
Radio spectrum Maers (ERM).
The present document has been prepared under the Commission’s standardisaon request C(2015) 5376 nal [i.1] to provide
one voluntary means of conforming to the essenal requirements of Direcve 2014/53/EU on the harmonisaon of the laws of
the Member States relang to the making available on the market of radio equipment and repealing Direcve 1999/5/EC [i.2].
Once the present document is cited in the Ocial Journal of the European Union under that Direcve, compliance with the
normave clauses of the present document given in Table A.1 confers, within the limits of the scope of the present document,
a presumpon of conformity with the corresponding essenal requirements of that Direcve, and associated EFTA regulaons.
Naonal transposion dates
Date of adopon of this EN: 28 May 2019
Date of latest announcement of this EN (doa): 31 August 2019
Date of latest publicaon of new Naonal Standard or endorsement of this EN (dop/e): 29 February 2020
Date of withdrawal of any conicng Naonal Standard (dow): 28 February 2021
The Introducon is oponal but can help readers to understand the document. The Introducon may give specic informaon
or commentary about the technical content of the deliverable, and the reasons prompng its preparaon.
For example:
Electronic commerce has emerged as a frequent way of doing business between companies across local, wide area and global
networks. Trust in this way of doing business is essenal for the success and connued development of electronic commerce.
It is therefore important that companies using this electronic means of doing business have suitable security controls and
mechanisms in place to protect their transacons and to ensure trust and condence with their business partners. In this
respect digital signatures are an important security component that can be used to protect informaon and provide trust in
electronic business.
The present document is intended to cover digital signatures supported by PKI and public key cercates, and aims to meet
the general requirements of the internaonal community to provide trust and condence in electronic transacons, including,
amongst other, applicable requirements from Regulaon (EU) No 910/2014 [i.1].
The present document can be used for any transacon between an individual and a company, between two companies, between
an individual and a governmental body, etc. The present document is independent of any environment. It can be applied to any
environment e.g. smart cards, SIM cards, special programs for electronic signatures, etc.
The present document is part of a raonalized framework of standards (see ETSI TR 119 000 [i.10]). ETSI TR 119 100 [i.11]
provides guidance on how to use the present document within the aforemenoned framework.
Scope of a standard
The aim of the Scope clause is to provide readers with a
succinct, factual statement of the purpose of the document.
This may include the subject of the standard, the area
of applicability, the type of product or service and other
relevant informaon such as the relaonship of the standard
to other standards – as long as such details clarify the Scope
of your document.
You should review the Scope text regularly as draing
proceeds to ensure that it remains correct, complete and in
alignment with the Work Item scope. Once the standard is
completed, you may want to align the Work Item Scope with
the scope of the standard.
The Scope
The ETSI Draing Rules provide guidance on how to
structure the Scope:
The present document
- species the funconal requirements for …
a method of …
the characteriscs of …
- establishes a system for …
general principles for …
- gives guidelines for …
- gives terms and denions …
The present document is applicable to …
1 Scope
The present document species the formats for messages that are produced and handled by a Registered Electronic Mail (REM)
service according to the concepts and semanc dened in ETSI EN 319 522 parts 1 [7] and 2 [8] and ETSI EN 319 532 parts 1
[10] and 2 [11]. More specically:
a) Species how the general ERDS concepts like user content and metadata are idened and mapped in the standard
email structure.
b) Species how the aforemenoned concepts are mapped in the REM service messaging structures.
c) Species how the ERDS evidence set is plugged inside the REM service messaging structures.
d) Species addional mechanisms like digital signature and other security controls.
References and Bibliography
References form a vital part of a standard and should be
handled carefully and consistently. If your standard has both
normave and informave references, you should include
them in two disnct sub-clauses within the References
Normave references idenfy other documents that
are directly referenced within normave provisions in
the standard. They are eecvely part of the standard,
even though they are actually another document, so
it is imperave that you ensure that all referenced
documents are publicly available!
Informave references idenfy other documents that
are directly referenced from within the main body of
the standard purely to provide addional informaon
for the purposes of juscaon or claricaon. To full
their purpose, they should also be publicly available.
References can relate to either a specic edion of a
document or, if the date and version are omied, they relate
generically to the latest edion. Be careful! If the user of the
standard uses a dierent version of the referenced document
to what you intended, their implementaon may be wrong!
As a rule, references should always be made to specic
clauses, paragraphs, gures or tables in another document.
This is of parcular importance for normave references.
You may be aware of documents that are not referred to
within the standard but which might assist the readers.
You can help your readers by lisng these documents in a
Bibliography annex.
Denitions, symbols and abbreviations
If your standard is to be implemented correctly, you need
your readers to understand it in exactly the same way that
you do. In order to avoid misunderstanding, you should
dene terms that are included in requirements – this is
parcularly important if those terms are specialized or not
widely known.
You should also dene terms that are used regularly in the
document and, where appropriate, idenfy a dened term by
an abbreviaon. This helps the reader, as well as simplifying
your task because it allows you to refer repeatedly to objects
or concepts without having to describe them in detail each
me you menon them.
Where you have dened a term or abbreviaon, you should
use it always and consistently. For example, it could be
confusing (and certainly irritang!) to read a standard that
somemes refers to ADSL, somemes to Asymmetric
Digital Subscriber Line”, somemes to Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Loop” and somemes to a digital line with
dierent bit rates in the uplink and downlink”. Having
dened the term, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line”, and
its abbreviaon, ADSL, you should use either the full term
or the abbreviaon whenever the concept is menoned.
If you use any specialist terms in the standard that
require specic interpretaon you should list and
dene them in the Denions clause. Each entry in
the clause should comprise the term followed by a
denion of that term, for example:
interface: common boundary between two
associated systems
The denion of a term should never include a
All technical symbols (including mathemacal and
scienc symbols and units) used in the standard
should be listed in the Symbols clause. Each entry
should comprise the symbol and a very brief
explanaon of what it represents, for example:
Ro reference distance
µ microns
ƛ wavelength
All abbreviaons (including acronyms) used in the
standard should be listed in the Abbreviaons
clause. Each entry should comprise the abbreviaon
itself and the corresponding full term, for example:
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
ITS Intelligent Transport System
ITS-S ITS Staon
RX Receiver
TX Transmier
In your standard you should provide lists of the terms,
symbols and abbreviaons that you have used in the
document, together with the meanings that you have given
them. As far as possible of course, those meanings should
also be the same as those used in related standards and,
where appropriate, throughout the industry. This need
for consistency applies not just to individual documents
but across related standards, which is why it can be
useful to create a separate document that contains all the
abbreviaons, symbols and denions of terms used within
a set of related standards. It also avoids wasng your eort,
and that of other standards-writers, in dening terms that
have already been dened.
The Terms and Denions Database, Interacve (TEDDI) on
the ETSI Portal (hp://webapp.etsi.org/Teddi/) is a helpful
tool for achieving consistency in your documents, since it
records denions and abbreviaons that have already been
dened in other documents. However, you should make sure
that TEDDI denions are applicable and consistent with
your needs.
The technical content of the document
The structure of the technical content will depend on the
subject of the standard but the following principles will help
you achieve a good result:
Group related topics in clauses or sub-clauses with
appropriate tles.
Order the topics in a logical way so that preceding text
helps the reader to understand what follows.
Clearly disnguish between normave and informave
- Put informave descripons in separate clauses and
consider marking them as informave.
- If it is not possible to insert informave material as a
separate clause and it has to sit within a normave
part of the standard, present the material as ‘Notes’ to
disnguish it. (Do not use footnotes!)
Improve the readability of the main body of the
standard by moving self-contained parts to annexes.
Such parts might be:
- the normave specicaon of a complete funconality
or service,
- informave descripons for understanding and
- specicaons in specialized notaons such as ASN.1,
XML or TTCN-3.
If you are producing a set of associated standards,
adopng a common structure for all technical content
will make the documents easier to read.
Numbering of clauses, gures and tables
The numbering of clauses, gures and tables is clearly
specied in the ETSI Draing Rules and all standards should
follow these guidelines. The reason for numbering is simple:
the reader should be able to idenfy every requirement in a
standard by a reference.
Bear in mind that the numbering within a document can
change if the document is updated, bringing a risk of
confusion and possible mis-applicaon of requirements.
Note that 3GPP draing rules (TR21.801) require that you
avoid renumbering of all elements (clauses, gures, tables,
references) when documents are updated.
Follow the style guide
In addion to dening a structure, ETSI has dened a
comprehensive range of Microso® Worstyles for use in
ETSI deliverables. This helps ensure a consistent appearance
to all published documents. These styles address most
editorial requirements and you should not need to add new
styles to a document – neither should you modify the styles
Requirements range from the high-level, such as stang
that equipment shall support a specic funconality or
capability, to the low-level, such as seng specic values or
characteriscs or behaviour.
Some basic principles
Any suitably qualied reader should be able to understand
your standard without misinterpretaon! Remember that
many readers of your standard will not have parcipated
in the commiee that produced it. Misinterpretaon due
to deciencies in a standard is a major cause of incorrect
implementaon and can lead to non-interoperable products.
It is therefore essenal that all requirements in a standard
are unambiguous.
The technical content of a standard should specify
the minimum requirements necessary to achieve the
objecves of the standard, while leaving room for product
dierenaon. In other words, standards should specify
what is to be achieved by an implementaon rather than
how to achieve it. They are not product specicaons. The
technical commiee has the responsibility for deciding what
funconality should be specied in a standard and what
should not.
ETSI standards are limited to dening normave provisions
such as essenal physical or electrical characteriscs, or open
interfaces and common data formats for communicaon
The technical content of
the standard – How to
write good requirements
Use of English
ETSI deliverables are wrien in the English language but
idiom, spelling and grammar dier from country to country.
Given ETSI’s European context, Brish English is preferable to
any other variant.
As standards are contribuon-driven, they may contain a
mixture of variees of English and styles of wring. During
the later phases of draing you will need to raonalize the
language in order to:
align the wring styles of dierent contributors to make
the standard read like a consistent document rather
than a collecon of contribuons
make it consistently Brish English throughout
eliminate grammacal errors and misspellings (poor
spelling and poor grammar not only lead to ambiguity
but also give the impression of a low-quality deliverable
that cannot be trusted)
eliminate non-standard idiom that might not be
understood by many readers.
Unambiguous requirements have a single, clear
interpretaon. The clear and concise use of English
is important. For example, wring
the bitstreams shall be aggregated
does not make it obvious what or who will perform
the task of aggregang the bitstreams. The
ambiguity is removed when the requirement is
wrien as
the mulplexer shall aggregate the bitstreams.
Lack of precision also leads to ambiguity:
If the mer T1 expires before receipt of a T-DISCONNECT_
indicaon the SPM requests a transport_disconnecon
with a T-DISCONNECT_request. The mer is cancelled on
receipt of a T-DISCONNECT_indicaon.
In this example there are two sources of ambiguity. Firstly,
the use of the present tense (“requests” and “is cancelled”)
makes it unclear whether this is actually a requirement or
not. Secondly, it is ambiguous whether or not the second
sentence is part of the condion in the rst sentence.
Most probably these are two completely separate
requirements as the cancellaon of an expired mer makes
lile sense. A beer approach would be:
The mer T1 shall be cancelled on receipt of a
If the mer T1 expires before receipt of a T-DISCONNECT
indicaon the SPM shall request a transport disconnecon
by sending a T-DISCONNECT_ request.
If the cancellaon of the mer was indeed intended (even
aer expiry), then the second requirement should be as
follows (the rst requirement remains unchanged):
If the mer T1 expires before receipt of a T-DISCONNECT_
indicaon the SPM shall request a transport disconnecon
by sending a T-DISCONNECT_request and the SPM shall
cancel Timer T1.
Keep it impersonal
Do not use the 1st person (I, we), 2nd person (You), or
the 3rd person personal (He, she, they).
Thus, these examples are acceptable:
the equipment shall respond with a
…the potenal shall be set to +5 volts.
The following are not acceptable:
…you should set the audio level to 0dB
…we recommend that it should not exceed 100µA.
Shall, should and may
In an ETSI deliverable, requirements are each expressed
using specic verbs: SHALL, SHOULD and M AY.
SHALL is used to express mandatory requirements
(provisions that have to be followed):
- the negave form is SHALL NOT.
- Do not use the verb MUST as an alternave to SHALL.
It is forbidden by the ETSI Draing Rules!
During call set-up, TVP shall not be incremented during
call setup synchronizaon bursts but shall be repeated
across each slot of the frames containing the DM-
SETUP or DM-SETUP PRES messages.
Alternative forms
The Draing Rules menon alternaves for some
situaons (such as is required to, ought to, will and
is) but they can make the text very dicult to read
and may cause confusion. For this reason…
…avoid any of these alternave forms!
Do not use SHALL in informave text, as the word
implies a requirement. Similar terms that imply a
requirement, such as ‘have to’ and ‘required to’, are
also not permied in informave text.
If you nd that your informave text seems to need
the use of such words, you should check that it
really is purely informave!
Remember that this restricon applies not just to
informave material in a standard but equally to
informave types of documents (EG, TR, SR and GR).
SHOULD is used to express recommendaons
(provisions that an implementaon is expected to
follow unless there is a strong reason for not doing so):
- the negave form is SHOULD NOT.
For best subjecve speech quality the CNF parameters
should be esmated using periods of no input speech
An MS that does not support authencaon should not
select a cell that broadcasts “authencaon required”.
MAY is used to express permissions (provisions that
an implementaon is allowed to follow or not follow):
- the negave form is NEED NOT (in English MAY NOT is
ambiguous, so NEED NOT is used instead).
- Do not use the verb CAN as an alternave to MAY.
Members of an SCK set may be shared amongst
dierent DMO nets. They may be allocated in either the
home V+D network of the MS or by an external body.
Speech frames marked “NO_IMPORTANCE” need not
be transmied over the air interface.
Functional decomposition
Start with high-level requirements and work down
to the detailed or lower-level requirements. For
example, a high-level requirement such as
The equipment shall support funconality F1
is a simple statement even though funconality
F1 may need a large number of subsequent
requirements to specify it completely. For example:
The Base Band Interface shall support the
Radio Applicaon Interface for baseband signal
Structuring the requirements
Wring well-structured requirements that are consistent,
complete and precise will go a long way to removing
ambiguies and potenal misunderstandings.
To ensure that your standard is understandable and usable,
structure the requirements in a logical and consistent
Keep each requirement as simple as possible
- Avoid unnecessary complexity (e.g. long sentences
covering several requirements or long requirements
covering several sentences).
- Use numbered or bulleted lists rather than complex
Make the logical structure of each requirement, or
combinaon of requirements, clear
- Ensure that the requirements specied in a clause are
directly related to the tle of that clause.
- Clearly idenfy the context in which a requirement
appears, any pre-condions that may apply to the
requirement and any subsequent or alternave
requirements that may need to be specied.
Specify the requirement in one place
- Avoid spling a requirement (for example, parally
dening the requirement on one page and nishing
it o several pages later). If spling is unavoidable,
make sure the link to the two parts is clearly explained
and referenced.
- Avoid mulple denions of the same requirement.
If similar requirements are found, decide whether
they are truly dierent or just poor expressions of the
same thing. If there are strong similaries between
two dierent requirements make it clear that they are
separate to prevent the reader thinking one is just an
inconsistent version of the other!
Identifying requirements
Remember that it must be possible to reference
every requirement. This can be done through clause
numbering, but it can also be done by giving each
requirement a unique idener. There is no xed
format but it could be:
• An alphanumeric string
Unique within the standard (or set of
Easily idenable as a requirement idener
(for example, it has the format REQ nnnnn).
- Group related requirements (architectures, protocols,
service primives, etc.) in separate clauses.
- Avoid implicit requirements (for example, having the
denion of one requirement implied by another).
Specify the requirements in a logical order
- Avoid lisng requirements that assume requirements
which only appear later in the document.
- Use funconal decomposion.
Use well-established design pracces for protocol
layering, reference points, naming etc.
Consider the use of specialized notaons to increase
- Some requirements can be very dicult, if not
impossible, to express precisely in text, such as the
structure of communicaon messages. Specialized
notaons exist to overcome these dicules.
- Specialized notaons can also be used to add clarity
to requirements which can be expressed in text.
A good picture is worth a thousand words.
- Charts and diagrams can also help explain concepts
that are dicult to express in text.
Static and dynamic requirements
Stac requirements specify characteriscs that do not
change over me and are not dependent on previous events.
They can be expressed as single statements and may be
wrien in any order.
No-load condions shall not exceed 0.3 Wa.
Dynamic requirements express the behavioural aspects of
equipment and usually state what is required to happen
when something else happens in other words, cause and
eect. In the example below the cause is in bold text:
When a new SIM is inserted in the preferred reader,
the user shall be oered the ability to select the new SIM
aer the call is terminated.
Usually, dynamic requirements are more complex than stac
requirements and there may be dependencies between them
that mean they cannot be wrien in an arbitrary order. In
these situaons, careful aenon to the overall composion
of the standard will ensure clarity.
Putting requirements into context
Oen, a requirement or set of requirements only applies
within a given context. In such a situaon, you should take
care to ensure that the scope of that context is well-dened
and can be easily related to the relevant requirements. There
are essenally two kinds of context: environmental and
The environmental context describes maers that directly
relate to the standard. These may be interacons with
peer enes or other systems, typically specied in other
For example:
A standard specifying the behaviour of a terminal needs
to describe responses to messages received from a
network that is the subject of a separate standard.
The network standard species that it shall send a
CALL_TERMINATED message in response to a received
DISCONNECT message and that it may send a CALL_
PROCEEDING message in response to a received SETUP
The terminal standard then species that the network
will respond with a CALL_TERMINATED message to the
terminal’s DISCONNECT and that it can respond with a
CALL_PROCEEDING message in response to its SETUP.
The descripve context provides addional informaon to
readers to help them understand the requirement. In the
following example, the bold text is the context and the non-
bold text is the actual requirement:
The address eld range is extended by reserving the rst
transmied bit of the address eld octets to indicate the
nal octet of the address eld. The presence of a 1 in
the rst bit of an address eld octet signals that it is the
nal octet of the address eld. The double octet address
eld for LAPD operaon shall have bit 1 of the rst octet
set to a 0 and bit 1 of the second octet set to 1.
Note that the requirement would not be changed in any way
if the descripve context were removed.
In pracce, the context may not be adjacent to the
requirement text. It may be a clause introducing a whole set
of subsequent requirements.
Conditions under which a
requirement applies
A requirement may depend on one or more condions
(somemes referred to as pre-condions) that must be met
for the requirement to apply.
In this example, the bold text is the condion and the non-
bold text is the actual requirement:
With the ME switched o and with the power source
connected to the ME the voltages on contacts C1, C2,
C3, C6 and C7 of the ME shall be between 0 and ±0.4 V
referenced to ground (C5).
It usually helps the reader if you put the condion rst in the
sentence, followed by the requirement, as in the example
above. However, in some instances it might be clearer if the
condion comes aer the requirement or is even embedded
in it as illustrated below. It is up to you as the author to
decide which is preferable.
When a new SIM is inserted in the preferred reader
during a call, the user shall be oered the ability to select
the new SIM aer the call is terminated.
In some cases, a requirement may be the condion for
another requirement, typically of the form:
If REQ1 is implemented then REQ2 applies.
For example:
If the ME is able to detect a 5V only SIM according to the
procedure in clause 5.1.3, or if the procedure cannot be
completed, then the ME shall deacvate and reject the
SIM immediately (maximum of 5s) without issuing any
further command.
Several requirements may be valid within a single condion,
for example:
If addional carriers are supported by the equipment, the
applicant shall declare the band edge limits FL and FU
and shall declare the carriers supported
In such cases, it is important to be very clear about the scope
of the condion and to which requirement or requirements
it applies. You need to be careful to avoid ambiguity. A
sentence such as the following may confuse the reader:
If COND1 is fullled then REQ1 and REQ2 apply.
Does the condion apply only to REQ1 or to REQ2 as well?
You can avoid any confusion by careful use of language: for
If COND1 is fullled then both REQ1 and REQ2 apply.
Remember that it can happen that the condion is dened
in a dierent part of the document, so you should take care
to ensure that it can be easily idened and understood by
the reader.
Error and exceptional behaviour
Requirements related to error or exceponal
behaviour need to be specied just as precisely
as the normal behaviour. Lack of precision
in expressing error behaviour oen leads to
interoperability problems.
Specifying alternatives to
conditional requirements
Your reader needs to be clear what should happen if a
condion is not met. Oen, this will be obvious but you need
to take care to ensure that the reader is not le in doubt. This
may mean that you will need to dene the consequences if the
condion is not met.
If COND1 is fullled then REQ1 applies otherwise REQ2
A simple condional requirement with an alternave might be:
If installed in an emergency vehicle the equipment shall be
painted red otherwise it shall be painted blue.
Expressing this as two separate requirements (with mutually
exclusive condions) may make it clearer:
If installed in an emergency vehicle the equipment shall be
painted red.
If installed in any vehicle except an emergency vehicle the
equipment shall be painted blue.
Combining requirements
The specicaon of an item may consist of several
requirements. You could simply list them but this may read
awkwardly. For example:
The equipment shall have a length of 15 cm.
The equipment shall have a width of 20 cm.
The equipment shall have a height of 10 cm.
It might be beer to write this as a single requirement:
The equipment shall have the dimensions of 15cm x 20cm
x 10cm (length x width x height respecvely).
Or as a combinaon of three requirements in a single
The equipment shall have a length of 15 cm and shall
have a width of 20 cm and shall have a height of 10 cm.
The requirements in the above examples are all stac
requirements and you could list them in any of these forms
because their order is not important.
However, the order of a combinaon of dynamic
requirements may somemes be signicant. In the following
example, the standard does not require that the two acons
(sending the SETUP message and starng the mer T30) are
done in any parcular order.
When requested by the user the terminal equipment shall
send a SETUP message and shall start mer T30.
Conversely, if the sequence is important you should make it
clear by wring the requirement in the following manner:
When requested by the user the terminal equipment shall
send a SETUP message and then shall start mer T30.
As you can see, it is important to describe dynamic
requirements correctly so that the reader is not confused
or made to misunderstand what is intended. Words such
as and, or, either, neither and not are useful for combining
requirements, but care is sll needed.
For example, the text dening a set of
requirements could take the form:
REQ1 and REQ2 or REQ3 but not REQ4.
But this is ambiguous! Does REQ3 apply as
an alternave to REQ2?
REQ1 and (REQ2 or REQ3) but not REQ4
Or is REQ3 an alternave to both REQ1 and REQ2?
(REQ1 and REQ2) or REQ3 but not REQ4
In these abstract examples, parentheses help to clarify the
intenons but, in a real standard, words or phrases such as
either, neither, both, at least can be used to achieve the
same eect. For example:
REQ1 and (REQ2 or REQ3) could be expressed in prose as
REQ1 and either REQ2 or REQ3.
Ensuring that your requirements
are testable
All requirements should be testable. At least in principle,
it should be possible to devise a test to verify whether a
requirement has been correctly implemented in a product.
In pracce (usually for economic reasons), it may not be
feasible to implement a parcular test but, even in such
cases, the requirement must be theorecally testable.
Testability and observability go hand-in-hand. If it is truly
impossible to test a requirement, this implies that there is
no possible way of observing the specied characterisc or
behaviour, and therefore you should queson whether that
requirement is valid.
A requirement that appears to be testable because it has an
observable outcome may, in fact, not be testable because it
lacks precision or completeness. Consider:
When the equipment receives a SERVICE_REQUEST
message, it shall respond immediately with a
SERVICE_ACK message.
This is not a testable requirement because it does not specify
how soon “immediately” is. Rewring it as:
When the equipment receives a SERVICE_REQUEST
message, it shall respond with a SERVICE_ACK message
within 30ms
makes the requirement both implementable and testable.
Expressing optional requirements
You may nd it necessary to make some of the requirements
oponal within a standard.
However, this can result in imprecise standards, as each
opon may need to be considered in combinaon with every
other opon. The resulng lack of precision may well lead to
interoperability or interacon problems in implementaons
of the standard. You should therefore aim to minimize
the number of oponal requirements although you may
be unable to eliminate them altogether. In addion, you
must ensure that your standard claries the consequences
of whether or not a parcular oponal requirement is
Optional requirements
A standard that includes oponal requirements
should clearly specify:
under what condions oponal requirements
apply and which other oponal requirements
may become ‘mandatory’ as a result of an
oponal requirement being implemented
the consequences, if any, of oming oponal
Opons can range from the oponal implementaon of
enre features or capabilies (high-level requirements)
to choices about the support of specic characteriscs or
behaviour (low-level requirements).
The choice of opons must be made in such a way that
interoperability remains assured.
For example, when the sending of a message is oponal, the
receiving enty must support the recepon of that message.
Likewise, when a eld in a message is oponal for the sending
side, the receiving side must be able to receive the message
with or without the oponal eld.
Optional features
If you need to include oponal features in a standard, you
should make this clear by using appropriate introductory text
such as:
The following feature (or features) may be supported.
You should follow this statement by specifying the
requirements that dene the feature. Remember that the
correct use of the verbs SHALL, SHOULD, MAY and their
negave forms is crucial even when specifying a feature that
is itself oponal.
It is important to avoid an excess of opons, but some
standards may contain many opons for good reasons.
The development of proles of the standard can help
ensure interoperability between implementaons. Proles
state which opons must be implemented for a parcular
situaon (eecvely making those opons mandatory) and
which should not be implemented. A prole should itself
be a standard. There may be a dierent prole of the base
standard for each context in which it applies.
As an example, the DECT™ General Access Prole (GAP)
species an interoperability prole for simple telephone
capabilies that most manufacturers implement. There are
several other interoperability proles that specify the use of
DECT in applicaons such as data services and radio local-
loop services.
Specifying requirements with
specialized notations
Natural languages (English, etc.) all have their limitaons
that can result in misunderstanding and confusion. Some
requirements are dicult to express precisely in text and can
somemes be described more precisely and more eecvely
by using specialized languages such as ASN.1 (Abstract
Syntax Notaon 1) and UML (Unied Modelling Language®).
They can be used either as the primary means of specifying
requirements, or to complement the text of a standard in
order to illustrate and clarify requirements.
In any case, you should only use languages that are
internaonally standardized and known in the industry,
and you should respect their syntax and semanc rules.
Dedicated tools exist for most of these languages, which can
be helpful in detecng errors in specicaons. ETSI’s Centre
for Tesng and Interoperability can advise you about their
Readers need to be clear about which parts of a standard
are normave and which are informave. Since specialized
languages can be used for either purpose, it is important
that the reader is not le in doubt. A statement such as the
following will make the situaon clear:
In the present document, ASN.1 is used for the specicaon
of the content of all protocol primives (normave) and
service primives (informave).
If both the English language text and alternave descripons
(in ASN.1 etc.) are considered to be normave, the text needs
to make clear how any apparent misalignments between
two descripons will be resolved. Typically, this is done by
stang which takes precedence.
Specifying interactions
and use cases
Interacon is a fundamental part of communicaon
standards. The text of a standard can provide a complete
or paral descripon of an interacon, but the inclusion of
a graphical descripon may help the reader considerably.
Languages that are parcularly suitable for this purpose
are Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) and UML Sequence
Diagrams. They are very similar and either may be chosen.
Their simplicity and intuive nature made them popular.
Despite their simplicity, they provide a powerful notaon
with built-in mechanisms to describe interacons that
include such things as mers, loops, oponal, alternave and
exceponal behaviour. Some guidelines for the use of MSCs
in standardizaon are given in EG 201 383; these guidelines
can be extended to UML sequence diagrams.
UML Use Case Diagrams are parcularly well-suited to the
inial requirements capture phase of standardizaon, for
documenng interacons between systems and with users.
Specifying messages
Communicaon standards enable devices to interoperate
by specifying precisely the messages that can be exchanged,
including their detailed sub-structuring and encoding.
For this parcular task, plain textual descripon is never
adequate but, fortunately, two suitable languages exist, XML
(Extensible Markup Language) and ASN.1.
Specifying the behaviour of
communicating systems
If a standard describes complex interacons and ming
paerns, it may be benecial to use some form of state-
oriented descripon to complement the text. There are
two standardized notaons parcularly well-suited for this
purpose, SDL process diagrams and UML state charts. EG 202
106 provides guidance for their use.
Advantages of XML and ASN.1
They have well-dened syntax and semancs.
Specialized tools are available to check the
correctness and completeness of specicaons
wrien in XML and ASN.1.
Specicaons in XML or ASN.1 can be used
directly in products implemenng the standard,
independent of the programming language
used, thus eliminang the risk of conicng
Accompanying standards exist that dene how
data values are encoded and transmied. The
tools can generate encoders and decoders.
If you have followed this guide, you will have included
validaon acvies in your schedule. Even the simplest of
validaon acvies can improve the quality of a dra standard
but a well-planned and systemac validaon process may
idenfy technical and editorial inaccuracies, inconsistencies
and ambiguies that might otherwise have remained in the
published document. The process is therefore important for
maximizing the quality of the standard as well as providing
valuable feedback into on-going standards-making acvies.
EG 201 015 details various validaon techniques. These
techniques are not all suited to the full range of subjects
standardized by ETSI but almost every standard can be
validated in one way or another. Two common validaon
methods described in EG 201 015 are peer reviews and
interoperability events.
Peer review
A peer review is a method of evaluang specicaons that
can idenfy many of the inaccuracies and inconsistencies
present in the specicaons. In fact, reviews are eecve
in validang most types of standard, regardless of their
content or presentaon. The results of the review can
provide feedback automacally into the standard itself as
the rapporteur and other contributors should be present
during the review.
The implicit imparality of the ETSI Technical Ocers makes
them ideal candidates for leading reviews.
Validation of standards
Interoperability events
During these events, companies are able to interconnect
prototype or producon implementaons of standards
in order to test for interoperability and, where needed,
conformance to requirements. Interoperability events
provide a highly cost eecve and praccal way of idenfying
inconsistencies in either an implementaon or the standard
Holding regular events, in me with the development of the
standard and as new or enhanced implementaons become
available, is an excellent way to obtain prompt, relevant
feedback into the standardizaon process.
Implicit methods of validation
In addion to these explicitvalidaon methods there are
also a number of ‘implicitmethods such as the preparaon
of a requirements catalogue, the development of test
specicaons and the implementaon of the standard in a
product; in other words, any acvity which requires close
scruny of the requirements specied in the standard.
Although the explicit methods described above are the most
eecve means of validaon, implicit methods may oen
produce results faster.
ETSI’s Centre for Tesng and Interoperability
(CTI) organizes interoperability events, known as
Plugtests. For more details visit:
Maintenance of standards
When a standard requires revision to correct defects ETSI
publishes a new version. In the early stages of standardizaon,
it may be possible to plan revisions at regular intervals
because the number of change requests is likely to be high.
These should diminish as the standard matures and a more
ad hoc (or ‘as required’) approach to maintenance can be
used. In any case, the ecient maintenance of standards
requires an eecve change management system to collect,
evaluate and implement change requests.
Evolution of standards
Somemes the capabilies or characteriscs of a parcular
technology are so extensive that it would be unreasonable to
delay publicaon of the standard unl every aspect has been
specied. It may then be advisable to publish the standard
progressively as a carefully planned and evolving set of
Before the rst release is prepared, a clear release strategy
should be devised and documented. The content of each
release should be idened and a schedule drawn up
to indicate broadly when each release is expected to be
published. It may not be possible or desirable to include all
of the capabilies planned in each release, so the release
strategy should have some exibility and evolve with
the standards. It should not be treated as a rigid set of
Maintaining compatibility
There is always a danger, even with planned revisions and
releases, that an updated standard will become incompable
with earlier versions of itself, and also with other standards.
Standards-writers should make compability one of their
highest objecves.
Incompability should be less of a problem in a planned
set of releases. However, although it is not desirable,
incompability between releases can somemes be an
intenonal part of a release strategy; in such cases the
nature of the expected incompability should be made very
clear from an early stage.
In addion to maintaining compability between versions
of a single standard, it is also necessary to consider its
compability with other standards. This can be more dicult
to achieve because it is not always possible to know which
other standards make normave references to the standard
being revised. It is equally dicult to avoid incompabilies
caused by references to other documents, parcularly if they
are not ETSI standards.
Maintenance and
evolution of standards
Before you decide to implement any change request
you should review it in the context of the whole
standard and those that are directly related to it.
You should plan any change to the technical content
of a standard together with any consequent changes
to related standards in order to minimize periods of
inconsistency or incompability.
The use of hierarchical Work Items will help to idenfy
the range of standards that might be aected by any
given change request.
Normave references to specic versions of other
standards should be used when necessary.
Technical commiees should systemacally review the
status and validity of the normave references in each
of their published standards on a regular basis.
Maintaining numbering in new
versions of standards
Be alert to the danger that re-numbering clauses, gures
and tables in an updated version of a standard may cause
problems when it is referenced by other standards. This
is especially a risk where the document uses a conguous
unique numbering scheme. In each new version of the
standard, the same clauses, gures or tables could possibly
have dierent numbers compared with the previous version
– a potenal source of great confusion!
An alternave approach is to maintain the same number
for each item (clause, table or gure) across all versions
of the standard, to mark deleted items as void and to use
alphanumeric suxes for addional items (for example, if
a new clause was added between clause 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, it
would be given the number 5.1.3a).
Both methods have their merits and their drawbacks;
the commiee should decide which to use.
Change management
ETSI uses several approaches to change management.
The simplest of these are oriented towards the
collecon, allocaon and resoluon of requests for
improvement and defect reports. Other approaches
are more concerned with the processing of fully
marked-up changes to exisng standards. It is the
responsibility of each technical commiee to select
its preferred method and the tools to support it.
Irrespecve of the method chosen, you should
ensure that certain principles are respected:
Change Management should be implemented
for all deliverables once they have been
approved by the relevant technical commiee.
Every request for a change should idenfy:
- the name of the individual raising the request
- the number, tle and version of the
deliverable for which the change is requested
(this should be the latest published version of
the standard and not an earlier version or an
unpublished version)
- the proposed change, either in summary or in
- the reason for the change.
Each change request should be evaluated to
determine whether the proposed change is:
- Necessary – does it correct a defect
that prevents accurate or consistent
implementaon of the standard?
- Desirable – does it extend the specicaon
with a capability that is aracve to the
market? Does it modify the approach
to an exisng capability, for example to
improve its eciency or eecveness in an
- Feasible – can the defect be addressed within
the constraints of the technology, cost and
No guarantees should be made to the proposers
that every submied request will result in the
proposed change to the deliverable. Only those
ulmately approved by the technical commiee
will be implemented in a subsequent revision of
the standard.
It is normal pracce within ETSI to publish test specicaons
for each of our base standards. This is parcularly helpful for
those specifying protocols or services. You should decide as
early as possible in the development of the base standard
whether you will also create test specicaons.
If you follow the guidelines in this guide, your standards will
contain testable requirements that will be easy to idenfy.
Test specicaons are derived from the requirements in the
base standard so, the beer those requirements are wrien,
the beer the test specicaons will be. If you have used
the verbs SHALL, SHOULD and MAY correctly, the task of
categorizing the corresponding tests as being mandatory or
oponal will be reasonably straighorward.
ETSI test specicaons dene either conformance or
interoperability test suites and typically consist of three
An Implementaon Conformance Statement (ICS) –
a standardized proforma in which the requirements
specied in a base standard are collected together into
a table of quesons (to be answered by an implementer
or equipment supplier) with a limited set of possible
answers. The most common example of a specic ICS
within ETSI is the Protocol (specicaon) ICS, or PICS.
Test Purposes a prose descripon of what is to be
A Test Suite, usually in TTCN-3 code.
Standardized tesng has a narrower scope than proprietary
tesng because it can only use the normave interfaces. By
contrast, proprietary tesng will typically access internal
funcons and internal interfaces of the product that may
not have been dened in the standard. Performance tesng
is a good example of this. Most standards have lile to say
about product performance: in the case of protocols, this
is usually expressed in the standard as response mes to
certain messages whereas proprietary tests will also handle
characteriscs such as load, throughput and capacity.
Test specications
Conformance and
interoperability testing
Conformance tesng determines whether a single
product or service conforms to the requirements
specied in the standard(s) that it implements. The
development of all ETSI conformance test standards
should follow the well-established methodology
dened in ISO/IEC 9646 Conformance Tesng
Methodology and Framework.
Interoperability tesng considers operaons at the
funconal or user level. Its purpose is to determine
the extent to which mulple implementaons of a
standard (or a set of standards) will interoperate.
It is concerned less with strict adherence to the
requirements specied in the base standard and
more with the overall funconality implied by that
standard. EG 202 237 contains the methodology that
should be followed when creang interoperability
test standards.
You are not alone!
Do not hesitate to call upon the support and assistance of
the Secretariat. There is a wealth of experience and experse
for you to draw on. Over the years ETSI has produced more
than 48 000 standards and enabled key technologies that
have revoluonized telecommunicaons and IT. It is only by
sharing our skills and experience that we can write the world
class standards that our industries need.
Within the ETSI Secretariat we provide a range of resources
that are there to help you. These include:
The Technical Ocers and support staassigned to each
commiee, who have extensive technical and praccal
knowledge in the areas in which those commiees
work. They can guide you to other sources of experse
as necessary.
The editHelp! Service, for maers relang to the
draing, approval and publicaon of your standard.
The Centre for Tesng and Interoperability (CTI) which
can help you ensure that the requirements in your
standard are testable in pracce, as well as providing
experse in the use of specicaon languages and the
producon of test specicaons.
Closing remarks
Secretariat sta dedicated to maers such as relaons
with the European Commission, relaons with other
partner organizaons, use of standards in regulaon,
and the use and interpretaon of the ETSI Direcves.
The Specialist Task Force (STF) service, which can
arrange dedicated teams of technical experts to work
on specic standards-related tasks.
The ETSI website and Portal, which contain a wide range
of informaon about the work of ETSI, its standards,
meengs, key people and much more.
Numerous guides and other resources, some of which
are listed in the References and Resources secon of
this guide.
We could wish you good luck” but luck has very lile to do
with producing world class standards! It takes dedicaon,
care and commitment – and a respect for the rules and good
pracces. We wish you every success!
ETSI resources
ETSI Draing Rules (EDR) hp://portal.etsi.org/edithelp/home.asp
ETSI Direcves hp://portal.etsi.org/Direcves/home.asp
Use of English (interacve) hp://portal.etsi.org/edithelp/Files/other/UOE.chm
Use of English (PDF) hp://portal.etsi.org/edithelp/Files/pdf/Use%20of%20English.pdf
Standards-making process hp://portal.etsi.org/chaircor/process.asp
Terms and denions database hp://webapp.etsi.org/Teddi/
Eding checklist hp://portal.etsi.org/edithelp/Files/zip/ETSI_eding_checklist.zip
Tesng and interoperability hp://www.etsi.org/services/tesng-interoperability-support
The editHelp! web pages (hp://portal.etsi.org/edithelp/home.asp) contain a wide range of guides, tools and skeleton
documents to help you in the standards-making task.
Various documents relang to methodologies and best pracces are available at:
References and useful resources
3GPP™ resources
TR 21.801 Specicaon draing rules
TR 21.905 Vocabulary for 3GPP Specicaons
oneM2M resources
ETSI Guides on standards-writing,
testing and validation
EG 201 058
Methods for Tesng and Specicaon (MTS);
Implementaon Conformance Statement (ICS) proforma
style guide.
EG 201 015
Methods for Tesng and Specicaon (MTS); Specicaon
of protocols and services; Validaon methodology for
standards using SDL; Handbook.
EG 201 383
Methods for Tesng and Specicaon (MTS); Use of SDL
in ETSI deliverables; Guidelines for facilitang validaon
and the development of conformance tests.
EG 202 106
Methods for Tesng and Specicaon (MTS); Guidelines
for the use of formal SDL as a descripve tool.
EG 202 107
Methods for Tesng and Specicaon (MTS); Planning for
validaon and tesng in the standards making process.
EG 203 336
Electromagnec compability and Radio spectrum
Maers (ERM); Guide for the selecon of technical
parameters for the producon of Harmonised Standards
covering arcle 3.1(b) and arcle 3.2 of Direcve
ITU-T three-stage process
ITU-T Recommendaon I.130:
Method for the characterizaon of telecommunicaon
services supported by an ISDN and network capabilies
of an ISDN
Specication languages
ITU-T Recommendaon Z.100-Z.106 (2011)
Specicaon and Descripon Language
ITU-T Recommendaon X.680-X.683 (2008) | ISO/IEC 8824-1
to 4:2008
Informaon technology Abstract Syntax Notaon One
ITU-T Recommendaon X.690 (2008) | ISO/IEC 8825-1:2008
Informaon technology Abstract Syntax Notaon One
Informaon technology ASN.1 encoding rules:
Specicaon of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical
Encoding Rules (CER) and Disnguished Encoding Rules
ITU-T Recommendaon Z.120 (2011)
Message Sequence Chart (MSC)
OMG (2011): Unied Modeling Language UML, v 2.4.1
W3C (2008): Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0
W3C (2006): Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1
Other resources
ISO/IEC 9646
Conformance Tesng Methodology and Framework
Oxford Guide to English Usage (ISBN: 9780192800244)
© European Telecommunicaons Standards Instute 2020
DECT™, PLUGTESTS™, oneM2M™ and the ETSI logo are Trade Marks of ETSI
registered for the benet of its Members.
3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benet
of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizaonal Partners.
UML® and Unied Modeling Language®
are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Object Management Group,
Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
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