From the Mayor’s Desk
Around town
Even though our Cuyahoga Heights Redskins fell short to the
Glouster Trimble Tomcats on November 24; we are still proud
of these young men and their accomplishments. Thank you
again to the players, their coaches and staff for another
incredible season.
Village resident and former Redskin player Tyler Hughes,
Class of 2018, continued his football career this past season
with John Carroll University. The team finished with 9 wins
and 2 losses. His parents Dan and Jennifer Ulery are very
proud of Tyler, as we all are. Pictured to the right is Tyler,
#49 in his JCU uniform.
Congratulations to the following contest winners in this
year’s Christmas lighting contest: 1
Place - Rich & Linda
Grabowski; 2
Place - Brian & Candy Derbin; and 3
Place -
Cleri & Barb Knapik. Thank you to everyone who decorated
their homes this Christmas holidayyou all are “honorable
mentions.” Great job!
Our senior citizens had their annual Christmas party earlier
this month in the auditorium at the Village Hall. A good time
was had by all the food and the music were perfect, and
everyone enjoyed socializing with their neighbors. I’ve
included an insert with several pictures from the party with
this newsletter.
our Annual Holiday
Lighting Contest
Birthday wishes
Milestone birthday wishes to Kathy Malek who celebrated her 70
birthday on December 13, and to Lou Franko who celebrated his 65
birthday on December 16. Happy Birthday and best wishes!
December birthday wishes to employees: (4) Brenda Poole; (6)
Jason Deal; (8) Jesse James; (12) Vince Trusso; (14) Wendy
Heinzman; (15) Diane Simmons; Damon Schreiber; (19) Michael
Petti; (21) Howard Selig; (28) Hank Lemiec; and (30) Frank Trusso.
Thoughts and prayers
I would like to convey our deepest sympathies to the Pellini family.
Village resident Donna Pellini passed away on December 1; she was
91. For many of us, we remember Mrs. Pellini working in the high
school cafeteria making those amazing rolls and cookies. Back then,
much of the food we ate in school was homemade. Mrs. Pellini lived
with her husband and children next to the swimming pool. During
the summer months while she sat on her back porch, she would
always say hello and talk to the kids. She was a very sweet and kind
lady, and will truly be missed. Two of her daughters still reside in
the Village so if you see either Sue or Bonnie, please give them your
Please continue to keep several residents in your thoughts and
prayers: Theresa Bentlejewski, Mrs. Barbara Combs, Mrs. Ernestine
Deliberato, Mrs. Helen Krusinski, Mrs. Helen Leciejewski, Mr. Ed
Ranch, Mrs. Dorothy Sonoda, and Mrs. Bernice Suhy.
As the year comes to an end we should try and slow down and think
about all the things we are grateful for. We should appreciate the
things in life that we take for granted our health, our family, our
community. Faith makes all things possible, hope makes all things
work and love makes all things beautiful. Wishing you and your
family a very Merry & Blessed Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New
Hope you enjoy our Centennial Christmas ornament for your tree
which is included with this year’s Christmas Card.
God Bless,
From the Mayor’s Desk (continued)